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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.15 MB, 750x875, bears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18063253 No.18063253 [Reply] [Original]

here's a critical redpill for aspiring /lit/ writers: most great writers aren't that smart. just english language wise, guys like shakespeare, hemingway, faulkner, fitzgerald, sterne, and so on weren't that smart. they were above average, but they weren't geniuses by any means. being a genius is an obstacle to writing something great. obviously, some great authors were general geniuses (goethe comes to mind) but it's better if you're just smart enough to understand the world.
i am currently huffing paint in hopes that i will become less intelligent and hit the sweet spot for writers (in iq terms (which are inadequate for expressing intelligence, though perhaps i'll change my stance after retarding myself) somewhere around 110-130). remember: you don't want to understand the world, you want to understand humanity.

>> No.18063265

The problem with average /lit/ poster isn't intelligence, but the fact that they're sheltered cowardly incels with nothing remotely interesting to write about.

>> No.18063368

Also fetishising writing styles that are hugely out of date and autistic

>> No.18063378


>> No.18063384

Go fuck yourself

>> No.18063400


Does this point even need to be stated?

Writing is communication. The IQ difference between a genius and an above-average person is approximately the same as the difference between an above-average person and someone with Downs.

Nietzsche had the best strategy of writing for a future generation of people who had advanced enough to understand what he was on about.

>> No.18063417

nice meme bait thread but an equally important part of doing anything is dedication.

ADHD addled 4chan brains biggest hurdle will inevitably be the lack of discipline

>> No.18063593


>> No.18063611

How do I train discipline?

>> No.18063621
File: 1.91 MB, 640x640, 1618363537777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this shit out

>> No.18063748


>> No.18063768

discipline is habit the same as anything. i knew a guy in high school who told me the way he quit nicotine was just to force a habit of saying 'no.' just force a habit of reading/writing every day, train yourself to feel wrong when you don't. first few months it'll be forced but soon enough you'll be there.

>> No.18063856

What would you recommend to fix that?

>> No.18063875

And they didn't understand him then? By advanced, do you mean living in an time which fulfilled his predictions, or actually growing more intelligent? I doubt the latter is the case

>> No.18063895

German-Russian relations.

>> No.18063936

its nature you don't need context you sperg

>> No.18063987


>> No.18064004


>> No.18064214

nah I'm just wondering what happened before the webm starts. If the bears just attacked the wolf for fun, or if it started the fight.. that's if it even is a wolf they are killing there (and the other wolves trying to save fren)

>> No.18064451

The bear sits down to rest. Keeps an eye out for threats on the horizon.

>> No.18064543

Lol the more people seethe at this, the more its validated.

>> No.18064564

Schedule your days and stick to it, exercise, go to sleep early and wake up early, eat healthy, pray/contemplate/meditate, live life with intention rather than just "going with the flow" or doing whatever pleases your sense-perceptions the most at the time.

>> No.18064591
File: 2.39 MB, 720x404, Diplomatic Victory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre bears

>> No.18064748

Insurmountably based

>> No.18064790

mate, the video starts with the bears already tearing the one wolf apart. I'm curious about what preceded.

>> No.18064864
File: 13 KB, 220x341, 220px-Adolphe_Willette_cartoon_of_Pierrot,_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live your life like some self-help yuppie accountant! Let your Fitbit dictate your days! Surely the best way to artistic achievement!

Real practical advice as to the professional, corporate HR pussy track to publishing is to get an MA in creative writing from a good university.

Otherwise, there isn't any hard and fast schedule or lifestyle to correlate with good writing.

>> No.18064866

The wolf got close to the bear

>> No.18065045

>I'm a retard that's incapable of even the most basic discipline so I'll just strawman.
Right, sorry, I forgot that I'm on a website filled with manchildren who don't want to take any responsibility or make active decisions in their lives. Better to just go with the flow and let my impulses get the best of me, right?
There's no way that healthier living could help me be productive, or that setting aside time to intentionally work on my writing would, I don't know, keep me on track to actually spend time writing.
I should just sit around on /lit/ all day being an insufferable cunt who is so offended by the idea of someone controlling their own life that I feel the need to aggressively strawman to feel better about my own ineptitude.

>> No.18065070

This is true. How do you expect to write about life when you haven't even lived it?

>> No.18065096

>nooo, don't actually spend time writing, go waste money at university instead haha

>> No.18065551

It is in some zoo where they decided it was good idea to keep wolves and bears in the same enclosure so they would "enrich" each others daily lives.

>> No.18065658

You don't know much about bears either.

>> No.18065731


>> No.18065746

>IQ = intelligence
Fucking kek

>> No.18065751


>> No.18065778

also known as SICK CUNT

>> No.18065852

If you want a real redpill, here it is: artists were never that smart because they had to be compliant to be artists. The arts were never against the grain, and the only case where the arts managed to be so was when the system needed artists to be that way, in a controlled fashion, against the grain. Because of this intrinsic compliance artists could never be that much of a thinking stock. Think about it: the arts always trailed behind the movements, whether they be religious, political, social, etc. No artist was truly responsible for anything, art was never a driving force behind anything but only an accessory and a trailing parade. This is why you will always find that the artists of their time were closely matching their time's zeitgeist, you will never see a degenerate artist from a time of pious religiousness or vice versa, you will never see a major artist calling for tradition in a time where progress is celebrated and vice versa. The greatest artists are nothing but the squires holding the trailing robes of the Popes and Kings. And today, there's no such thing because the Popes and Kings are so powerful they don't need artists and they don't need a parade. So artists are reduced to the role of shoeshines for degenerate consumer-plebeians. That's what it is like to be an artist in 2021.

>> No.18065861

>Nietzsche had the best strategy of writing for a future generation of people who had advanced enough to understand what he was on about.
Redditors are advanced?

>> No.18065932

many insect societies are quite complex

>> No.18066103
File: 83 KB, 960x686, 1618408982909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Incels will be studied with fascination by scholars for years to come. Like the hikkomori of Japan, or the "beautiful ones" of Calhoun's mouse utopia, incels are a sociological phenomenon peculiar to the circumstances of western society in this era. The flagellants of the middle ages are regarded with reverence, as men who, in self-denial, rejected the hedonism of their times, who saw the faults of their people and took their sins upon themselves; so too will the the American Incel of the 21st century be regarded as selfless rebels in a broken age. Any literature written by incels will be treasured as insights to a strange and trouble time in history, written by those with the perception to see the bigger picture.

>> No.18066132

If I were a cook I'd prefer to cook for a noble rather than run my own restaurant, or would I?

>> No.18066164

>system needed artists to be that way
That's art as propaganda, which unfortunately is most art.

A real artist sees complex patterns in the world, and distills them to their most basic parts, and then represents them through images or sound. Real artists are rare. Most artists are, like you say, instruments of the system.

>> No.18066165


>> No.18066278

Name a few real artists

>> No.18066470

You're not going to cook for a noble, you're literally AND figuratively going to flip burgers at McD's for some fat whore and her fat snot-eating kids. Or you'll be the 5 dollar whore down the street servicing bored salarymen. There's nothing more cucked than giving your life to the arts considering the value you're given by the people you're serving.

>> No.18066487
File: 1.73 MB, 480x854, golden munky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zdzisław Beksiński comes to mind. His art expresses the surreal logic of dreams.

For music, maybe Luciano Cilio. He was an outsider, and between genres. His one and only album is at times serene, at times haunting. It sounds detached, like the mind of a person who skims the surface of life without ever finding his way fully in.

>> No.18066522

>Real artists are rare. Most artists are, like you say, instruments of the system.
Those "real artists" who are "not instruments of the system" will only get picked up in another time when their works will happen to fit the current agenda of those in power. If the great "real artists" you know didn't happen to be convenient at any point in time you would have never known them. And today the discovery of lost artists has been completely replaced by the much more simple and convenient act of revision of what already exists. And nobody, none of the consumer cattle will ever think twice about the original meaning and the "real art", because they were always following directions coming from higher above all along.

>> No.18066632

Jesus. I'm glad I don't live in some place like Alaska where I have to worry about my dog getting ripped apart by those grizzly niggers every time he goes outside.

>> No.18066654

Those are your real artists?
Your 20s will end one day bud.

>> No.18066705

Name one great incel work of literature.

>> No.18066748

better question would be to name one "incel" practicing self-denial

>> No.18066853

the more i know the dumber i get

>> No.18067052

The era is still young, isn't it?

>> No.18067131

the synthesis of the subjective and the objective by horia belcea
my twisted world by elliot rodgers
thus spoke zarathustra by neetzsche

>> No.18067198

spacex wouldn't exist without asimov

now we can get into a debate about whether asimov's writing is art or not but that's missing the point

>> No.18068762

I knew you would say something like that. Go fuck yourself. It doesn't refute anything I wrote.

>> No.18068773 [DELETED] 

you sound like a bot

>> No.18068794
File: 215 KB, 1200x1005, 1200px-The_Night_Watch_-_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize that artistic genius is its own species of genius? I bet you would say that Michelangelo and Rembrandt and Van Gogh weren't "smart" either, since they didn't have technical knowledge and were not proficient in the hard sciences.

>> No.18068819

>i am currently huffing paint in hopes that i will become less intelligent and hit the sweet spot for writers
Chances are you needed to get more intelligent, not less. Either way, don’t huff paint the high blows. If you really want bang for your buck and an excellent high that gets stronger every time (yeah, really) go sniff gasoline.

>> No.18068927

Atomised by Houcellebecq.

>> No.18068940

here's a red pill for you: focusing on the traits of author's/artist's in order to segregate and demarcate them into tiers based on their intelligence, appearance, sexuality, etc is a homosexual behaviour indicative of a insecure mindset and an inferiority complex. it is abundantly clear all you idpol retards are closet if not full blown homos to the rest of us. please go to lgbt and come to terms with who you are so we can talk about works of literature in peace. cheers.

>> No.18068948

If they were smart they would be able to write an interesting story about that. And don't you think being cowardly is a result of a low intellect?

>> No.18068959

So essentially the smartest man is the one who can throw the hardest punches.

>> No.18069035

>i am currently huffing paint in hopes that i will become less intelligent and hit the sweet spot for writers
Keep on keepin' on brother.

>> No.18069365

You speak the truth.

>> No.18069464

Nietzsche is not incel literature. Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Pessoa are all proto-incels but incels are unique to our time.

>> No.18069516

Cretans lie

>the bear is present
Based retard

Provincial/city rivalry in arts and commerce generates great art — there’s a lack of patrons with discerning taste, or a desire to leave a legacy beyond their dragon’s gold: where are the Sforza and Medici among Silicon Valley? Did Elon Musk breed as performance art?


>none of the consumer cattle will ever think twice about the original meaning and the "real art"
If they could, they’d recoil from the symbolism T-bagging their faces in mass media and entertainment

Intellect:Reason fetishism makes grotesque cripples of us all

And yet (you) will never be a woman, nor a Rebis

>> No.18070824

Truth hurts, fag