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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 451 KB, 2016x778, tmdlde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18064665 No.18064665 [Reply] [Original]

The thread.

>> No.18064672
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>> No.18064780
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>> No.18064847
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>> No.18064942
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>> No.18064953
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>> No.18064981
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>> No.18064984

incredibly based

>> No.18065046

Makes sense. I would say it’s more like Eva than the other pics though.

>> No.18065177

Read some Aristotle to ground yourself

>> No.18065575

please please please stop talking

>> No.18065632
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>> No.18065640
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>> No.18065652
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>> No.18065664

this is more a summary of these first three books

>> No.18065670
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>> No.18065683

a-anon pls elaborate

>> No.18065687


>> No.18065704
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read my diary and you'll be closer to the goblin's gold ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.18065709


>> No.18065747


>> No.18065750
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>> No.18065805

Is that the guy from billions? What book did he write? I hope it was like how to steal real estate.

>> No.18065818
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too lazy go get image editing software

What I read:

>> No.18065823

no fuck off

>> No.18065825
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what i expected

>> No.18065834
File: 98 KB, 763x768, stalin_pepe_n_trotskee_pepe_by_comradepepe_daecxa5-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i got

>> No.18065857

FNV but all factions are various Catholic offshoots

>> No.18065862

Incredibly incorrect and cringe

>> No.18065883

I can see how he would've made that conclusion though. If you read A Canticle for Leibowitz and you're not Catholic (or not thoroughly educated on Catholicism) you miss out on A LOT of nuance.

>> No.18065902

too late, it is posted

>> No.18065905
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More like

>> No.18065923

Okay, I haven't even played that videogame but I can't really remember a single battle or action scene in Canticle.

>> No.18065955
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>> No.18065965

Fallout New Vegas can be reasonably peaceful if you play peacefully. There are pacifist factions like one called Followers of the Apocalypse, which are a bunch of travelling doctors and charity workers.

>> No.18066006

Yeah, edit or fuck off.

>> No.18066038

Based and lazypilled!

>> No.18066052

This but unironically

>> No.18066070
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>> No.18066079
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this is the one i meant to post

>> No.18066087 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18066153
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>> No.18066177
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>> No.18066266

Blue board fool.

>> No.18066272
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>> No.18066289
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>> No.18066378

What was posted?

>> No.18066409

This is by far the most accurate in this entire thread

That book is like 1/10th holocaust novel 9/10th Stephen Daedalus in New York with blue balls.

>> No.18066415

Is this the book where he called Hideo Kojima god?

>> No.18066421

Kek, I'm still searching for a book like Alpha Centauri too

>> No.18066426

naked pictures of your mother

>> No.18066679
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>> No.18066876

Kek. It is quite the third act twist isn’t it.

>> No.18066888

when are you publishing your diary?

>> No.18066894


>> No.18066902

everyone kept using that as proof that Pynchon played metal gear solid but honestly I imagine that the guy probably just looked up what video games were hip and popular and just used those. probably asked his son about what to use

>> No.18066950

ive read the book and played the game, id say the reason why the comparison is drawn is the whole post-apocalypse geopolitical aspect specifically in part 2 with Texarkana, Mississippi republic, and the nomad barbarians and other factions scheming and vying for power. i would say its somewhat of a valid comparison as i got the same vibes from the book but it of course leaves out quite a bit of depth

>> No.18066987
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>> No.18067215

>probably asked his son about what to use
I've always thought it was that his son probably liked metal gear and explained the plot to him or something and he thought "huh that's kinda neat for a game" did a little bit of research on it for his book, and decided to throw in the "hideo kojima is god" meme in for extra cool, in the know points.

>> No.18067370

With those digits, I'll get right on the phone to Penguin desu

>> No.18067405
File: 446 KB, 2016x788, red sorghum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“WITH THIS BOOK I respectfully invoke the heroic, aggrieved souls wandering in the boundless bright-red sorghum fields of my hometown. As your unfilial son, I am prepared to carve out my heart, marinate it in onions sauce, have it minced and placed in three bowls, and lay it out as an offering in a field of sorghum. Partake of it in good health!”

Dunno what I expected after that dedication.

>> No.18067426

Is this sneed in as much a way as "The Good Earth". GOD I love sneedcore

>> No.18067432

Not that anon but what in the actuall hell do "sneed" and "sage" even mean?

>> No.18067451

Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.18067460


>> No.18067468

Sneed) A dense memetic format channeling the concentrated qualities of seeding and feeding, formerly known only as Chuck's

Sage) a commonly-used herb

>> No.18067475

Opps...I didn't paste the correct dedication: it should be "onions sauce" and not "onion"

“WITH THIS BOOK I respectfully invoke the heroic, aggrieved souls wandering in the boundless bright-red sorghum fields of my hometown. As your unfilial son, I am prepared to carve out my heart, marinate it in onions sauce, have it minced and placed in three bowls, and lay it out as an offering in a field of sorghum. Partake of it in good health!”

>> No.18067479


>> No.18067480

Wtf...4chan automatically changes "s o y" to "onion"?

>> No.18067488

geeze first day on the job huh? welcome I guess, but please consider lurking more before posting further.

>> No.18067491


>> No.18067501

Onions desu

>> No.18067504


>> No.18067506


>> No.18067513
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>> No.18067517

Gee yeah...because it comes up so often and it's something you'd obviously notice without actively posting the word.

>> No.18067527


>> No.18067540


>> No.18067543

Formerly male

>> No.18067550


>> No.18067552


>> No.18067555


>> No.18067567


>> No.18067581 [DELETED] 


>> No.18067582


>> No.18067589


>> No.18067600
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I FUCKING LOVE onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions

>> No.18067606

Tbh desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

>> No.18067608


>> No.18067617

onions boy

>> No.18067636

this goes over 2000 characters above the limit
take that jannies

>> No.18067664
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This book was a lot of fun.

>> No.18067694
File: 620 KB, 2016x778, PERELANDRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a lot of fun making this....a shame people don't talk much about the Space Trilogy here even though "That Hideous Strength" is the most relevant novel of our times, "Out of the Silent Planet" is a comfy children's novel, and "Perelandra" is....well...THIS!

>> No.18067703

Based, yeah Space Trilogy and Til We Have Faces I both think about a lot.

>> No.18067704

That looks more like naan than tortillas dont pull a fast one on me!

>> No.18067712

I mean't "farmcore". is it a good book for those who like rural stuff and farming?

>> No.18067772
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>> No.18067781

Kek. I get it.

>> No.18067828


>> No.18067837
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>> No.18067889

>Til We Have Faces
When I get deeper into the Greeks I'll consider reading this. Don't want to get into a situation like when I read Dante's Inferno and couldn't make sense of all the Greek myth in my present uncultured state

>> No.18067938

explain it to me

>> No.18067977

The ending is similar to End of Evangelion. That part's pretty straight forward as it even kinda has the whole "Congratulations!" thing with everyone clapping.

The Videodrome because of a chapter where people are described as being living arcade machine. They're alive and their brains are inside of arcade cabinets and their blood vessels are inside the machines as the wirres and cables and stuff. It's pretty gross but's obviously the reason.

The Hellraiser pic is simply because the general plot is a lot like the plot of that movie.

>> No.18067987


>> No.18067989

my god

>> No.18068000
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>> No.18068026

well this sounds interesting. some sort of christian sci fi I presume?

>> No.18068054

My exact reaction listening to the audiobook. Was hard to not zoom out.

>> No.18068082

Oh boy it kind of is...well I suppose the series is nested in something of a scifi atmosphere, but this particular book is vastly more theological and mythic than the other two members of the trilogy. It can be read standalone, as Lewis states in the intro, but you need to look at some summaries of the first book to get context I think. Canticle of Leibowitz and Perelandra (both my favorite books) are both in the "Christian Scifi" category, but those two works are extremely different so I don't know if the category "Christian scifi" is a meaningful classification.

Irregardless, Perelandra is something of a retold Genesis myth. But don't think I spoiled the plot by telling you that, it's way deeper

>> No.18068085

yeah desu but it got me interested in latin

>> No.18068405
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>> No.18068474

I haven't read The Good Earth series so I don't know. Did Buck do the whole Asian thing where over-the-top emotion is seen as sincere/passionate, not melodramatic/comical? (I'm assuming they're even when it comes to overuse of sentimentality).

I think Japanese lit is able to make that shit passible because they have a certain level of bushido stoicism mixed into their culture.

P.S. Sorghum is literally feed and seed.

>> No.18068489

Please post an except

>> No.18068506


>> No.18068532

I've read it too long ago to be able to remember any particulars on the portrayal of emotion....the MC as I remember gets intense feelings of freshness, calm, concentration, and joy when he works in the fields. His vices only really start to emerge strongly when his fields flood preventing him from working daily. Intensely comfy if you are into farming. I ought to enjoy the sorghum book since the first time I grew sorghum in my backyard was one of the most profound moments of my life.

I don't believe I will describe it in detail, but promptly, at that time I figured out how reasonable growing grain is, as I had a good yield from my small patch, and the ability to utilize the easy-to-process sorghum grains into a real kickin' porridge was amazing. Also the plants created a sort of symbiosis by leeching sugar from the leaves and vomiting out tons of pollen. The result was:
-aphids everywhere, consequently it became a ladybug factory. Never seen so many ladybugs in my life. Then lacewings began to reproduce there. Then a flock of flies came along with lizards. All under a massive swarm of bees. A thick layer of molts and aphid skeletons was found beneath the patch. Buzzing with activity it was crazy

>> No.18068579
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>> No.18068624

Lmao as a lifelong fedora who read the bible out of cultural curiosity this perfectly sums up my experience.

>> No.18068666

literally me

>> No.18068767

That sounds pretty cool. The word 'sorghum' is written more times in that book than people have written onions on this thread...should have nice memories reading it.

>> No.18068793

But were they able to save the sorghum?

>> No.18068939

uhhh, bros?

>> No.18069584


>> No.18069612
File: 2.03 MB, 2498x778, the brothers karamazov what i read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18069649

That is what we are,
sail away with me,
To another place,
and rely on eachother,

>> No.18069804
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>> No.18069829
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>> No.18069870
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>> No.18070174


>> No.18070242


>> No.18071629

Funniest part about this one is it's accurate both for the reader and for the main character as well

>> No.18071751

onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions 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onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions

>> No.18071756

>2,239 characters beyond limit

>> No.18071761

Based and redpilled

>> No.18072196


>> No.18072451

Pretty sure Alpha Centauri had several novels published about it? Or The novel trilogy that inspired Alpha Centauri? Or, a short story detailing the mutiny aboard the Unity and the assassination of the captain.

>> No.18072541


>> No.18072578
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>> No.18072641

they took our scene girls we must preserve the tomboys at all costs lest they come for the big titty goths next

>> No.18072661
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 2aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions onions

>> No.18072779


>> No.18072933

S o y

>> No.18073204

coming from the Bhagavad-Gita and the Upanishads, this was a bit underwhelming in that sense.
btw, does Holy Bible mean it's Protestant (simply the Bible being the full version) with the English editions?

>> No.18073354
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>> No.18073492
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>> No.18073505


>> No.18073519

Dosto's women are freaks. On his defense, I was surprised to witness that it isn't all that unrealistic.

>> No.18073615
File: 3.94 MB, 3347x1291, REG Don Quixote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18073651

>tfw know Spanish and still haven't read it

>> No.18074024
File: 659 KB, 2016x778, Out of the Silent Planet chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thought I'd finish the space trilogy in this thread by doing the first book

>> No.18074035

holy based
great post

>> No.18074471 [DELETED] 


>> No.18074528

Your WIE is what I got from part 1, but part 2 gave me what you got.

>> No.18074544
File: 100 KB, 1051x417, A48DCE14-B219-45E3-88BF-35B72924A341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18074687


>> No.18075305
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"Feeling as though his bladder was about to burst, Father got permission to climb down and pee. Once he had retreated into the sorghum field he released a mighty stream the color of red sorghum, which stung the head of his pecker as it gushed forth."

"Father had gone swimming so often in the Black Water River that he seemed born to it. Grandma said that the sight of the river excited him more than the sight of his own mother. At the age of five, he could dive like a duckling, his little pink asshole bobbing above the surface, his feet sticking straight up."

Nobel Prize.

>> No.18075319


>> No.18075391
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>> No.18075437

kek war novels always rant on about lice

>> No.18075481


>> No.18075506

Yeah the last part of the book when they're coming back from Moscow is brutal. The one part that sticks out to me is when the officer he's tagging along with is starting to die in the winter and he lifts up his coat and asks Jakob how he looks and his entire torso is raw and covered in lice and Jakob just tells him he looks fine then snags his coat and horse after he dies. Also I distinctly remember there being like several instances where the army came across a storeroom full of food in a village and so many people poured into the warehouse trying to get food that hundreds of men were trampled or suffocated. This happened at least 2 or 3 times.

>> No.18075522
File: 2.77 MB, 2272x936, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18075528

No, Holy is an adjective that some Bibles include in their title. Has nothing to do with which denomination or group sponsors a new Bible translation.

>> No.18075817

i don't get it at all

>> No.18075827

i also don't get this

>> No.18075842

Low IQ detected.

>> No.18075948 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it doesn't make sense (I don't think they read the book). I'm going to make a better one.

>> No.18075972

Dangerously based anon.

>> No.18076006


Yeah, that one doesn't make sense (whoever made it hasn't read the book). I thinking of making one but the cover of that edition is pretty much perfect.

>> No.18076037

This book was fucking ass. What a copout.

>> No.18076051

I found the opposite. Was a devout catholic in high school, religious education class was slow so I did what I did in most classes (most were slow) and read ahead by reading the bible myself start to finish. Became an atheist after reading it.

>> No.18076150

Where's the shitting?

>> No.18076406
File: 1.60 MB, 2016x788, snow country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried. Probably a little busy in the last cell though (i.e. book was pretty minimal).

>> No.18076415

both panes look the same?

>> No.18076480

One is a melodramatic romance; the other is meant to be more static (with more shit about scenery than romance). They're both kind of lonely (but if you read a book called "Snow Country" about an older man having a fling with a young geisha you'd probably expect that at least).

The book ended up being an aloof middle-aged man of leisure going to a resort and meeting an immature/youthful geisha (who gets drunk a lot), hooking up with her, and not changing (just reflecting on emptiness and waste...no passion).

I could have just put the picture of the guy just standing there (but I still liked the book and went for that instead).

>> No.18076525
File: 70 KB, 800x600, C57100DB-486F-4A22-830B-A5DC13E950B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18076684

Looks like you got filtered by the Part about the Critics

>> No.18076824

not at all. the third panel should be a metal orgy with tea

>> No.18076892


>> No.18076894

Sage is a common garden herb..

>> No.18078704
File: 656 KB, 1000x903, 1596674658358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what evil is in anons diary?

>> No.18078744
File: 28 KB, 740x553, 1610979039974 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even want to know brother

>> No.18078880

Yes senpai

>> No.18079117
File: 966 KB, 2016x778, It does what it says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18079533

got filtered by 1/4 of the book building up to a threesome yes

>> No.18079551
File: 1.08 MB, 2016x778, 20210421_075921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like

>> No.18079679
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>> No.18079870
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>> No.18080160
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>> No.18080379
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>> No.18080443
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>> No.18080589

I liked your first attempt a lot more. >>18069804 I thought it worked.

>> No.18080709
File: 376 KB, 2016x778, Surfacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18081335
File: 488 KB, 2016x779, soumission WIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18081378

>toxic masculinity
Not a real thing

>> No.18081541 [DELETED] 


The male characters in the book were cartoon chauvinists who needed their hooks baited by the female lead in order to fish. They're then mocked by the interior monologue of the female lead for their (masculine) pride in catching a fish.

Atwood is an overrated writer whose shallow opinions are mistaken for having depth. "Toxic masculinity" is presented in the novel; the main character is a naturalist Mary Sue.

Get the point?

>> No.18081567

You didn't read the book.

>> No.18081689

What's the comic of the right frame?

>> No.18081704

This is not really accurate. The "what I got" has to have analingus in it, at the very least.

>> No.18081713
File: 395 KB, 576x768, ExihdUBVgAU2LQ9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me?

>> No.18081736
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>> No.18081851

>are doo bee?

>> No.18081873
File: 267 KB, 558x949, 1606517848499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toxic masculinity

>> No.18082126
File: 51 KB, 630x315, 5cd6597f2500003300a5bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of a fat woman in a shitty homemade leaf costume would have you take the idea of "Toxic Masculinity" as deeply treated subject matter?

Oh, you're triggered by words themselves? The knee-jerk reaction of midwits such as yourself are the reason shit like Atwood is taken as serious lit; her overly simplistic cartoon chauvinism actually rings true with reference to triggered incels like yourself.

I guess you're upset because not even a girl like (pic) would consider fucking you; not even if you read all of Atwood's books and offered to take her sari shopping for her brown friend from college's wedding.

Go back to /pol faggot.

>> No.18082177


>> No.18082180

Clearly not that devout.

>> No.18082210
File: 24 KB, 240x251, 1599714152360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you're triggered by words themselves?
Says the anon who gives me paragraphs.

>> No.18082222
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>> No.18082229
File: 57 KB, 680x591, 1617569493095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Midwit who did what he was told during bible study becomes an atheist as an adult in a culture in which atheism is prevalent.

He probably owns Religulous on DVD and is subscribed to Penn Teller's twitterfeed.

>> No.18082237
File: 208 KB, 657x624, 1613330270064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think 5 sentences are "paragraphs?" Why do I get the suspicion you don't read?

>> No.18082283
File: 189 KB, 434x245, 1610763981062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what a hyperbole is.

>> No.18082392
File: 116 KB, 1280x1290, 20170424-4O1GHDF3vyAAcQfG8B1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"muh hyperbole" --/pol incel triggered by Margaret Atwood

>> No.18082407

Please share your experiences on /x/ or here. Everything in this picture feels like home to me, reminds me of my life too. We could help each other.

>> No.18082685
File: 538 KB, 2016x756, tec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18082739

But the midwit who did what they were told didn't become atheist. The one who actually read the full bible did.
Seethe harder, LARPer.

>> No.18082745
File: 2.80 MB, 3840x2160, wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can type onions just fine.

>> No.18082782

it's a paratha which is closer to tortilla than naan

>> No.18082785
File: 378 KB, 2022x764, olwaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried reading this book

>> No.18082832 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 750x530, 1619050271077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah my father's bodily phenomena
His penis and ass

>> No.18082848

buy onions stock

>> No.18082853
File: 56 KB, 971x546, Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parents force religion on kid
Reads bible for extra credit in Sunday School
>Comes of age and enters secular society
Becomes an atheist.


>> No.18082854

Word filters on 4chan are what popularized the term weeaboo. A decade later I've heard normies use 'weeb' as slang for anime watcher. It's not offensive or hurtful anymore. What strange times we live in.

>> No.18082901
File: 1.29 MB, 1165x766, sotweedfactor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits, and truth, what a quality combination.

Sot weed factor is top tier.

>> No.18082906
File: 315 KB, 2016x888, 161885630614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18082913

Ok I can't ignore this....fill me in on this book wtf

>> No.18082946

>Parents force religion
My mum's a non-practicing Christian and my dad "believes in a higher power but not any religion". I got into Catholicism on my own as I was reaching puberty and started getting into the mythos around it.
>enters secular society
I went to a Catholic high school and all my friends were Christians/Catholics, before that I didn't know anyone who went to church regularly. I'm still quite involved with the Church, I just don't believe their mythos.

Complete opposite of your midwit take. Good job armchair psych, I hope they can refund your internet degree.

>> No.18082949

Le small dickens lmao. And yeah, fill us in
What's that? All natives use alcohol?

>> No.18082956

You could see that happening even sooner than the weeb transition from insult to slang, just look at what people did with 'nerd'.

>> No.18082959


Man, I can't even. They took it off audible, but find the audio somewhere if you can.

>based on historical events
>late 17th century
>main character values his "virginity"
>considers him self a poet
>goes to america from england to run his fathers tobacco farm
>lost at sea
>a whore named Joan Toast
>great writing

I've really never read anything like it.

Mostly the book is just cozy, when the characters get together, they sit down by the fire, and tell stories, and smoke tobacco, but a lot happens, despite my lack of ability to describe the plot.

>> No.18082980

Hmmmm....the majority of greentext points you made there line up perfectly with the novel Robinson Crusoe lol. I am looking for one of those campfire yarns and did happen to recently visit Maryland so why tf not...although probably getting myself into some real muck unawares

>> No.18083056 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 300x213, 1612499553125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes joke personally when it was referring to:

Proceeds to tell life story on 4chan
>My mom is a cultural Christian (NPC) and my dad is a hippie (NPC)
Who bred an NPC
>"as I was reaching puberty and started getting into the mythos"

>> No.18083071 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 300x213, 1612499553125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Takes joke personally when it was referring to:

Proceeds to tell life story on 4chan
>My mom is a cultural Christian (NPC) and my dad is a hippie (NPC)
>"as I was reaching puberty and started getting into the mythos"

>> No.18083092 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 300x213, 1612499553125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>18082853 (You)

Proceeds to tell life story on 4chan
>My mom is a cultural Christian (NPC) and my dad is a hippie (NPC)
>"as I was reaching puberty and started getting into the mythos"

>> No.18083100

>One of the main characters has a micro penis.
>and there's a subplot involving John Smiths lost diary
>the diary is a lot of rape and fart jokes

Look, I promise it's way better and more high brow than it sounds.

>> No.18083105
File: 22 KB, 300x213, 1612499553125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proceeds to tell life story on 4chan
>My mom is a cultural Christian (NPC) and my dad is a hippie (NPC)
>"as I was reaching puberty and started getting into the mythos"

>> No.18083125

>Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
>Disney version of history (joke about Indians drinking Listerine)
>Real outcome of Indian History (depressed Indian reduced to alcoholism)

>> No.18083155

Liked Robinson Crusoe? If you're a fan of dark spec fiction, check out Concrete Island by J.G. Ballard.

>> No.18083162
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1585418376537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We could help each other

>> No.18083194

Holy seethe batman

>> No.18083240

I realized you wanted to tell everyone about "reaching puberty"...but I also realized you were a moron and wanted the comment to format properly (for your sake).

>> No.18083288
File: 176 KB, 460x700, 1611464230317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla NPC Parents bred vanilla NPC child who talks about "reaching puberty" and getting into Catholicism "mythos" via his friends at school.

>Open minded secularism!!!

>> No.18083389
File: 260 KB, 2016x778, what i read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boring ass darkness

>> No.18083434

Elaborate further. I was thinking of reading it

>> No.18083499
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>> No.18083505
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>> No.18083518
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>> No.18083525
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>> No.18083543

that was a real sentence

>> No.18083552
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>> No.18083605
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>> No.18083614

fucking newfag

>> No.18083628

s o y

>> No.18083629
File: 169 KB, 390x290, 1361774427775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really enjoy these threads thanks for posting everyone!

>> No.18083649

shut up idiot

>> No.18083691
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1617738656176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy?

>> No.18083711
File: 6 KB, 141x64, Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 11.06.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no i'm not a christcuck

>> No.18083733

Very weird "What I Got" but yeah. To be honest the murders became somewhat secondary to me rather quickly, the monks bickering about shit was pretty entertaining to me
Sounds like hell

>> No.18083764

you're actually retarded

>> No.18083819
File: 3.71 MB, 1346x2200, readexpectedgot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18083867

I meant the newfag is the same guy who wrote about "reaching puberty" under the guidance of his secular humanist dad/Cultural Christian mom and discovering Catholicism via his friends at school (only to remain active with the church while not buying into "the mythos"). Doesn't even realize the irony that the joke was he's a midwit product of a basic midwit environment.

If it's the same person...I give him a week before he goes back to Imgur.

>> No.18084422


>> No.18084540


>> No.18084563
File: 1.30 MB, 2418x846, wolfe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18084655


>> No.18084662

is it the wolfe's best work?

>> No.18084667


>> No.18084674

still have to read Short sun, but most people consider BOTNS to be his magnum opus.

>> No.18084956

don't worry anon, i thought there would be werewolves too.

>> No.18084993

post excerpt

>> No.18085024

How the FUCK do I make these? Photoshop?

>> No.18085060

go back to r*ddit you absolute stain on humanity

>> No.18085083

Some anon on /fit/ was posting how big corps were paying
gookmoot to censor S O Y because they were losing sales because of memes
Which I probably believe

>> No.18085097

You mean how to add the pics to what you read? Just use any photo editing app

>> No.18085158

Subnormality, don't bother, it's awful.

>> No.18085187

Short Sun is better tebehe.

>> No.18085897

acc urate

>> No.18085919

Even without the catholic subtleties I still think it can stand on its own, though you'll obviously miss a lot. I get how its an influence on fallout and the general post-apocalypse genre, but still, Fallout is very different to the themes of the book.

>> No.18085972
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>> No.18086072
File: 1.32 MB, 2016x778, botss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like Long Sun the most

>> No.18086312

is this like At Swim-Two-Birds?

>> No.18086907

The main story is told from the perspective of a man in the 17th century having dreams of the future where he's reunited with his lost love. therefore, the entire story (completely without dialog) is told to you in 17th century English, which is rough but you get used to it. then there's the whole Journey.

I crawled in complete darkness for 30 hours, ate 2 rations, slept 6 hours, continued crawling for another 18 hours, ate only one ration because I ate two last time. I did this for 3 months.

It can be very slow and repetitive, and the old English doesn't help. but the world building and action is good.

>> No.18086953

Is roodypoo still a thing?

>> No.18086979

s o y

>> No.18087043
File: 794 KB, 1366x739, Screenshot (3160).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out golden kamuy if you haven't already

>> No.18087149 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 2016x833, 9781543969979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18087168

>first part out of five
Looks like you got filtered by first grade math as well

>> No.18087264
File: 182 KB, 1008x389, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18087369
File: 1.04 MB, 1291x559, 1603987102589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18087391

why would you expect that, did you even read the synopsis before buying it?

>> No.18087437
File: 1.41 MB, 2016x833, divine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18087784

Saved and based

>> No.18087815

I expected to quickly abandon it because I've never really understood poetry. Instead it was really good.

>> No.18088751
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>> No.18089123
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>> No.18089254
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>> No.18089261
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>> No.18089301

Are you Kidding? He literally fuck every girl in the book. At least put a Chad picture..

>> No.18089426
File: 248 KB, 449x500, 1550391085594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still quite involved with the Church, I just don't believe their mythos.

>> No.18089499

Of course I have bro. Non-Yamato Japan is really interesting and Golden Kamuy is especially based. I recommend that (You) read Shigeru Kayano's works
>“I destroyed every human being, men, women and children perished.
>None were spared.
>Not merely the great cities were destroyed.
>Villages were destroyed.
>Hamlets were destroyed.
>Towns and farms were destroyed.
>I found some people hiding in caves.
>The caves were destroyed.
>I destroyed forests where they might flee.
>I destroyed stones that they might creep under.”
It's a pretty neat story. I've been thinking of reading Elric, but I'm too lazy and want to know what other people think of it

>> No.18089546

>Elric, but I'm too lazy and want to know what other people think of it
is okay

>> No.18089750

>I've been thinking of reading Elric, but I'm too lazy and want to know what other people think of it
Elric are novels are short but very good.

>> No.18090156
File: 369 KB, 2052x804, wild wild west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18090177

>Where's the shitting?
Nikocado Avocado is right there.

>> No.18090456
File: 346 KB, 2016x778, don quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18090536

what's the bitch's name

>> No.18090694


>> No.18090718

What's the picture on the bottom right corner of What I Got? Could you post it if you have it?

>> No.18090722

I thought that book was set in Bolivia

>> No.18090756

that woman literally does not look natural

>> No.18090807
File: 70 KB, 424x560, 7757e5bc-7018-4677-8bdc-3857923e7e73__640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist is M.C. Escher

>> No.18090834

Thanks, appreciate it.

>> No.18091094

Lol, she just has perfect young tits and nice wide hips. Date more women.

>> No.18091333

Kek. Looks interesting

>> No.18091364

Empress Theresa is the book that saved /lit/

>> No.18091416

Yes, but there is something about his style of writing that still conveys beauty. The Road was like that too. A man has his head kicked in and McCarthy will make it a e s t h e t i c.

>> No.18091624

first line of the book:
>Childhood in Tennessee - Runs away - New Orleans

>> No.18091862

Oh man. I swear there is a Bolivian book with a similar title

>> No.18092073

Does the book actually cover math?

>> No.18092589
File: 2.12 MB, 2016x778, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18092608
File: 1.73 MB, 2016x778, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18092722

Then stop posting and lurk moar

>> No.18092909

Imagine use anime picture because you can't find favorable images about your religion.

>> No.18093535

kek what