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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 248 KB, 960x960, 1618830957416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18063275 No.18063275 [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story about this image in your finest prose.

>> No.18063283

Left, a roastie in plainview
Right, a roastie in disguise

>> No.18063297

We are so close to the stage where women will post pictures of their vaginas as their profile pictures. Please don't stop the progress.

>> No.18063307

fuckin pussy pussy fucking that's what i call fucking pussies

>> No.18063316

islam is right about women

>> No.18063317


>> No.18063318
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Nothing comes to mind; head empty. I might be an NPC

>> No.18063320

So true!!!!!

>> No.18063326

is that dr. disrespect in the corner?

>> No.18063645
File: 95 KB, 575x620, 1618834083988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shilly already created thread with these girls on /his for stupid population to waste time.

>> No.18063689

True but that's not a good prose. You need to spice it up a little bit, put more effort into it.

>> No.18064013

>Doesn't rhyme
Left, a roastie in plain eyes
Right, a roastie in disguise

>> No.18064104

dish served by the demiurge to us
on wooden platter in the human mass
red on the head, red near the feet,
black all around, purses at their hip.
mirrored crossleg and parallel gaze. going to heaven and going through phase.
away from the crowd and into the net -
a crowd that havent been surpassed yet.
behind their veils there lingers the same
disdain for the other and bottled-up shame.
applaud the maker! my kiss to the chef!
this silent idyllie speaks to the deaf!

>> No.18064124

okay im retarded and misread the syllabes. fix

meal served by the demiurge to us
on wooden platter in the human mass
red on the head, red near the feet,
black all around, purse at her hip.

mirrored crossleg and parallel gaze. going to heaven and going through phase.
away from the crowd and into the net -
a crowd that havent been surpassed yet.
behind their veils there lingers the same
disdain for the other and bottled-up shame.
applaud the maker! my kiss to the chef!
this silent idyllie can speak to the deaf!

>> No.18064159

they look different but are the same

>> No.18064243

Left BBC
Right BWC

>> No.18064251

She was a punk
She did Ahmed
What more can I say?

>> No.18064254

Both need to be flogged

>> No.18064267

What a slave to the male gender she is, thought Aisha. Making herself all pretty and clothing herself to show off her promiscous nature, in hope of attracting any man she can get. I am different, I hide my beauty because I am not a slave to male desiree.

What a slave to the male gender, Anne thaught. Wearing what the men in her life tell her to, in hope that they can respect her and so that she doesn't get ostracized. I am different, I wear whatever I want because I am not a slave to male desiree.

>> No.18064281

Do Swedes really?

>> No.18064284

I bet you think that sounded smart.

>> No.18064289


>> No.18064301

>"penis penis penis penis penis" thought the women in the background, one of them out loud

>> No.18064306
File: 80 KB, 640x490, 14051811_10154042470092730_7597492216178998365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How very insightful anon

>> No.18064311

One on the left is a whore
One on the right is a disciplined whore

>> No.18064312


>> No.18064313

I bet you think that sounded smart too.

>> No.18064317


>> No.18064320

op is a fucking FAGGOT

>> No.18064323

Brevity is better

>> No.18064331


>> No.18064352

the bald dude in the back looks like he knows

>> No.18064448

Somehow or another I'd ended up staring down two bombastic babes seated side by side on a park bench inside what I assumed was a bus station owing to my inability then to turn my head either right or left and take full assessment of the situation. Uncertain of myself, my origins, or how I'd gotten where I'd gotten, a compulsion to describe the two babes in painstaking detail erupted across the epicenter of my loins and the spiritual entirety of my breasts. "Hey," I said, but neither looked up from their phones. "HEY." poopoo kaka peepee doodo.

>> No.18064523

Both worthless Americanized whores

>> No.18064533
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>> No.18064534


>> No.18064554


>> No.18064599
File: 81 KB, 842x792, 1560773224177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Verbal IQ of 75
>Communicates exclusively in gifs of black women rolling their eyes and such
>Listens to anime soundtracks unironically
>Attends every BLM protest but would never fuck a black
>Never done anything past pathetically sucking a cock that one time
>Has purple lighting in her room
>Has undiagnosed autism
>Depressed and heavily medicated
>Is actually a man

>Studies some gay shit like Economics and Culture
>Has no visible opinions on anything ever
>Makes almost no effort in conversation out of..respect I guess? Insecurity?
>Fills time with listening to her parent's conversation and watching dumb YT vlog channels
>Has no social media presence
>Has slept with aproximately 400 white men and 6 abortions
>Ready and willing to cut you up with a scimtar at literally any instant

>> No.18064628

Kek best post itt

>> No.18064656

We have a winner

>> No.18064684

>>Has slept with aproximately 400 white men and 6 abortions
Accurate. Musliminas are major whores, I lost my virginity to one.

>> No.18064686
File: 40 KB, 691x507, 1618788368922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Red ol shoes, red shoes red hair, hair.. is red," I said under my breath on the platform. I read the sign. FAHG STREET it said. I turned back to my subjects, my muses. My eyes welled with sweet and sugary tears as I became lost in my Mohammedean bride's silky fabric, the patterns drawing me in and teasing my crippling autism that would one day prompt me to use the word nigger six times in a Chick-Fil-A and be rendered disabled thereafter.
both whores looked at me with disgust. I glanced down. My two inches of chode peek-a-booed from amidst my fly. My rosy cheeks now matched Nadira's durag in complexion. My meds remained in the bathroom cupboard. I winked with my Japseye at the two lovely damsels and whipped and nae-nae'd onto the train tracks where I was swiftly crushed to death and admitted to Jannah.

>> No.18064705
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>I winked with my Japseye at the two lovely damsels and whipped and nae-nae'd onto the train tracks where I was swiftly crushed to death and admitted to Jannah.

>> No.18064714

"Okay, now stare at your phones", the director said. The women complied. What statement was to be made here? None.

>> No.18064728


>> No.18064752

fucking kek

>> No.18064760

Is that Slussen?

>> No.18064773


>> No.18064895

Left, a roastie in plain eyes
Right, a roastie in disguise
Left a whore with burgundy shoes
Right, a bomber with nothing to lose
Left, a dumb autistic cunt
Right, an inbred paki runt
Left, she flaunts her emo clothing
Right has never been self-loathing
Left will marry when she's barren,
Right will birth them by the dozen
Left sleepwalks into her grave,
Right approaches heaven brave.

>> No.18064977

checked and kekd

>> No.18065221
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>> No.18065253


>> No.18065299

good post

>> No.18065414


>> No.18065580


>> No.18065696


>> No.18065735



>> No.18065807

Literature is alive.

>> No.18065829

To the left we have the roastie we see
to the right, a roastie likely to be

>> No.18065832

I want to worship her stockings

>> No.18065951

>>Has no social media presence
not accurate

>> No.18066048


>> No.18066142

kek'd and took me a moment to get it

>> No.18066357

> I dropped my phone in front of a red-haired roastie as I passed her. She picked it up and lifted her head to look at me.
> "You dropped this," she said with a scornful tone as she put her hair out of her face. Her voice also had some sort of grain you'd expect to hear from a lifelong smoker, but I didn't care, too absorbed in retrieving my phone.
> I took the phone back and mumbled a thanks. I heard a hum and considered it was probably the train that was coming to the other platform.
> "Where are you from?" she asked, looking at her phone.
> A minute passed in silence. I could feel her stare on my side.
> "Where are you from?" she asked again, slightly irritated by the ambient noises, believing I couldn't hear her.
> "Ambroise," I replied simply.
> "Ambroise? Where is that?"
> "Nowhere in particular. Why do you care?"
> "I like your face," she answered with an honest smile on her face. Pretty.
> My train, our train, was coming now. I took out a business card from my coat and nudged her on the sides before she braced herself to get up. She looked back with a scowl before registering the white object in my hand.
> "My card," I said, "I think you are cute, too. I must go."
> She hesitated before she took it. I stood up and smiled. She smiled back.
> "Sure. Cute, huh? Like a little girl?" she threw at me, almost defiant.
> "Like a plushie tiger."
> She smirked. "What's your name?" The red-haired girl asked.
> "Ambroise." I answered, then left.

>> No.18066419

phones can sometimes become a drug

>> No.18066427

good up until handing her his business card
should've just stood there in autistic silence

>> No.18066437

/lit/ has just turned into a dump with endless non-lit related bait threads and the mods don't care.

>> No.18066469

Aisha may have chosen to dress like that entirely on her own. There's a small possibility, albeit a small one, that she's a decent human being. The same can't be said for Anne.

>> No.18066485

her name is aisha bin al hufini mahmoodi you imbecile

>> No.18066525

I'd just love to take a splitting maul and crush the whore's head with the back while the goat fucker screams and pisses her pants then I'd plant the maul in her left leg and choke her until my fingers break through the skin and I tear her open with my bare hand. Kill all women

>> No.18066534

2/10 needs punctuation

>> No.18066550 [DELETED] 

>the poo on my shoe
>extruded in two
>thee thing on my write
aaand post

>> No.18066576

wow you're an edgy boy :)

>> No.18066628
File: 129 KB, 900x770, 1615732527389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, let's unpack that

>> No.18067377

Good post

>> No.18067763

pure kino

>> No.18067932

The firebrands from street
Gorging on tech feed
Under earth with crossed legs
Devour dopamine hits

Leftmost is the pig, slammed hard and often
Rightmost is the anti-yid, with clit split wide open
Together they form coins
That hooked noses yield
On a thai messageboard
Many a goyim stirr'd his loins

>> No.18067934

The phone vibrated in my hand and I saw that she had sent me a text. "I think that creep staring at us just took a photograph..."
"Yeah, what a fucking weirdo, we should get off at the next stop and take an uber home." I reply "what a fucking weirdo loser"

>> No.18067952

The Qu'ran teaches that all western women are whores, and this is ab-so-lu-te-ly correct.
But that's no reason for these sandwomen to think: 'Oh let me wrap a rag around my head and I won't be a whore anymore.'
No. You're a whore, with a rag around your head.

>> No.18067975
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>Vegetarian. Swiped. Jock. Swiped. My ex. Swiped. Why is everyone on tindr so basic.

>Salaam Salim. Yes, I said the noontime prayer for the glory of Allah., I have my Aysha's Secret ready for you tonight. The hadith of Akbar the Peaceful says we may commence with anterior pleasure but finish through natural means. Inshallah, Salim, we shall taste anterior paradise tonight.

>> No.18068071

My dick is diamonds

>> No.18068534


>> No.18068580

bodies and fabrics

>> No.18069253
File: 61 KB, 664x627, 1586542345233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true!!

>> No.18069376

>would one day prompt me to use the word nigger six times in a Chick-Fil-A and be rendered disabled thereafter
>I was swiftly crushed to death and admitted to Jannah
Both of these can't be true, C- apply yourself.

>> No.18069541


>> No.18070689

I looked dully at the stereotypical western and Muslim woman sitting side by side as my rusty brain moved into some semblance of motion. I’d forgotten to bring anything to entertain myself, so I didn’t really have anything better to do than inspecting humans. Which was as good a past-time as anything else. The only other distraction would have been looking at inanimate objects, which just made me feel awkward, or maybe even directing one’s gaze inwards, into my own thoughts, which would just make me depressed.
There was a memory that tickled me as I continued looking at the two. Some photography basics I’d absorbed via reading a badly translated Chinese erotic comedy. This would make a good picture, I decided, as I mulled over the principles of conflicting contrastive elements and similarity which my photographer friends often jacked off too. The two women were at first glance utterly distinct. Spatially apart on the bench with enough space for another woman in-between. The left symbolises the anti-traditionalist tendencies of the west while the one on the right appears to, on the surface, symbolise the very tradition that her ‘companion’ rebels against.
The expectations and clear-cut answers that would seduce a person into liking and looking at the scene for more than just a moment were therefore present. However, beyond the primary and simplistic observation of a cutely framed dichotomy, there were immediately after, several elements apparent, which subverted the original viewpoint.

>> No.18070695

Interesting enough to make one look, and when one did, interesting enough to make one analyse. I’d already set up the differences, now for the similarities and subversions. First of all, both are women, of course, brought together in a sense that they are sitting in the same manner, the only dissimilarity being which leg they’ve crossed over the other. A dissimilarity that brings them closer together in a symbolic sense, since it makes their postures symmetrical. The thing that is immediately noticeable after is that they are both on their phones. A funny parable about how no matter how different we are, we are all slaves to progress, a non-existent attention span and perhaps an addiction to short-term pleasure. The only difference is that the Muslim is holding her phone with one hand, the other holding a forgotten collection of papers. Almost as if she was not comfortable with so blatantly using technology for passing the time, without the alternative of symbolic productivity at her side which she tells to herself she can return to whenever she can, or for which perhaps she simply does not have enough time. The western woman in contrast clutches her phone with both hands, fully recognizing and perhaps revelling in her dependency, proud, perhaps subconsciously, of her open disdain for other people’s moral opinions which she believes she flaunts with her dress and behaviour. A commodified rebel that does not realize that she only ‘rebels’ because it is seen as attractive and attributive to do so, and therefore, is not a rebel at all, but rather, the worst kind of conformist. The one that does not know that they are one.

>> No.18070698

Although… I’m getting a bit too into it. Maybe she’s clutching her phone because she’s received some bad news, and is dressed like that because she is going somewhere where such clothing is appropriate. There need not be purpose behind everything. But it’s not the reality of media that is its most seductive trait. But rather its ability to synthesize through only presenting snapshots of any given object of analysis the reality of the moment and the irreality that we then enforce on it by looking at it through our eyes.
It would make a good photo. One could even bring in some critique of industrial society. Everyone in the scene is, by design of the fact that it is a scene finding place in a subway station, waiting for a subway. Including me. We are hereby mere subjects to a larger system, in this case one of transportation, which was created originally to aid us, but which now controls our actions and bears our frustrations. Therefore it does not matter, as one originally thought, when seeing the skin-deep contrastive elements of the two women, how different we can be. Because we don’t even need to go down that rabbit-hole of what being different means, when we are essentially the same. Made of the same organic components and ruled by the same cultural and technological systems.
The only difference one could perhaps still identify in the scene, would be the fact that only one of the women enjoying, and suffering under the berth of technology, even inadvertently, genetically, supports a culture or society where such technology was capable of being discovered. The other is, after all, a raghead.

>> No.18070881

How to take totally not staged photos: a complete guide.

>> No.18071100

A man was walking in the subway while train was passing by
Two dimes there sit unnoticed by the glance of the divine
One pure but yet forbidden from luxury and fame
One free but so naive wearing her masquerade
Yet both of them unhidden from the almighty eye
Within their hands it carefully suggesting the next rhyme

>> No.18071153

Absolutely nailed it

>> No.18071168


>> No.18071179

no matter where you are, where you come from, or where you go, the 4chan will be with you.

>> No.18071420

The thot wields power over men, the towelthot is powerless. The towelthot is happier.

>> No.18071445

Thot has sex
Towelthot has God
Towelthot is happy

>> No.18071459

Best one so far

>> No.18071511

how is this non-lit, faggot