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18062694 No.18062694 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, I quit this board for 2 months now but had to come back just to ask for books that explain the mind-boggling increase in benzodiazepines prescriptions across the modern world (as well as the increase in depressions). I want social critique books, not metaphysical shit like we strayed from allah or that we should go back to serfdom.

Some shit is not fucking right with society, I´m done pretending this shit is normal. My dad literally fucking told me that everyone he knows is on benzos and that its the "new normal" so I need to become accustomed to it in the future

>> No.18062728
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I bit old but at least tangentially relevant

>> No.18062766

>they feed us poison
>so we buy their "cures"
>while they suppress our medicine

>> No.18062776

thank you anon

kek, but I unironically would just love to be a grillbro and relax

>> No.18062780

>quit this board
You never get to leave here bucko.

>> No.18062788

The grilling never stops at Fat Ezra's. Drop by any time!

>> No.18062841

About 20 years ago it was said that one in six Australians or Americans were on some kind of anti-depressant.

>> No.18062858

>I want social critique books, not metaphysical shit like we strayed from allah
How are you so sure that's not the problem? I became a Muslim a few months ago (before /lit/ Islamposting) and it cured the depression I had since adolescence. Each time I do one of my daily prayers I am filled with life and happiness.

>> No.18062906

I'm not saying religion is not an alternative, but I think at this point its impossible for society to revert back to god, I need secular explanations

>> No.18062910
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>> No.18062962

Maybe that's true, but also consider that secularity itself might be the problem.

>> No.18062968
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psychology/psychiatry are in power now. take your soma with humility. the moment people believe in science as truth, and then believe psychology is science they are doomed. they are, basically, giving up their personality and inner world, they give up inner responsabilty with themselves. they are a patient now.
as for depression, we live in a world so avoidal of sadness and deception that they create an illness from nothing. people think they have to feel good about themselves and about the world. and that is the superficial and encouraged look at existence that is at the heart of depression treated as an illness.

>> No.18062973

Have you tried a benzo? They feel good. They make bad thoughts temporarily go away, or at least significantly diminish your negative emotions to them. Your brain slows down, your muscles relax, you might feel like sleeping. People take benzos because doping yourself is nice. There is nothing wrong with "society" other than the fact that its mere existence is completely ridiculous, and that's probably why humans have always felt the need to drug themselves

>> No.18062995

>psychology/psychiatry are in power now. take your soma with humility. the moment people believe in science as truth, and then believe psychology is science they are doomed. they are, basically, giving up their personality and inner world, they give up inner responsabilty with themselves. they are a patient now

I have OCD and my psychologist and psychiatrist literally saved my life as I couldn't stop doing daily rituals without getting crippling anxiety, Im currently not on any medication so I don't understand your criticism of giving up their personality and inner world lmao.
And you are a fucking patient if you can't stop doing random shit repeatedly like checking the alarm clock 6 times to make sure

>> No.18063010

Rituals are an integral part of religions and worship, you know. Maybe your anxiety wasn't misplaced.

>> No.18063031

>giving up their personality and inner world lmao.
that is. there is no personality or inner world, but disorders.
there is no melancholy or sadness but depression, and on and on.
years ago you would say the priest save your life for whatever advice they told you.

>> No.18063045

Don’t know but I was addicted to them for a while. They gave me them for sleep when I was 17 and it just spiraled from there.

>> No.18063050

so you're just mad about terminology and cultural zeitgeist? I don't get it

>> No.18063057

I take Ambien for sleep sometimes. It's like a benzo, except it only acts on one of the GABA receptors or something like that. I should really stop doing that though. It makes me terribly depressed and forgetful the following day.
My mom has been on Xanax for about 15 years now. I worry for her sometimes, but I think it'd probably be a bad idea for her to drop it at this point

>> No.18063062

my nigga I literally could not fucking fuction like a normal human being, everytime I arrived at my apartment I went 3 times to the garage to make sure the car is locked and if my shoes were slightly misplaced I'd lose my fucking mind

>> No.18063095

melancholy and sadness dont need to be "repaired".

>> No.18063131

try being in extreme pain and then come back to see if you're really sure of that. Everyone is confident until they experience real dread

>> No.18063164

>extreme pain
>have anxiety and look back to see if their shoes are in right place
nah, you are just a believer.

>> No.18063181

I'm not the same anon

>> No.18063186

I'm grateful that in my family we wouldn't go see a doctor because of trouble sleeping. There are several remedies and ways to get yourself to better sleep.

>> No.18063224

then its the same. i talk about sadness and melancholy as part of human nature. its just that people dont want to see it and psychology/psychiatry really believe its a disorder with all its consequences.
the people who swallow benzos dont swallowed it because they are in extreme pain. dont be so naive.

>> No.18063232

I mean, I probably had anxiety too and that’s why they gave them to me. Cant say my sleep has been particularly good since I got off. I might start taking them again soon actually.

>> No.18063284
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Imagine not being on 150mg of Zoloft to treat depression, OCD and generalized anxiety disorder. It works really well for me, bros...

>> No.18063319

t. has never had severe depression

>> No.18063363

50mg Zoloft helped me a lot. I just took it for 3 months and had no problem getting off of it

>> No.18063386

Anyone taken SSRIs, stopped and started again? I didn’t really like Lexapro when I took it last time because it didn’t make me feel good, it just made me feel nothing. However, I kind of want to feel nothing again.

>> No.18063408
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Everything is so bad that half the population is medicated or self-medicating to deal with it.

>> No.18063412

I took it for my OCD when I was 14 and back again at 21, it worked well both times

>> No.18063461

is it true everyone is on benzos? are my parents possibly on benzos?

>> No.18063478

everyone has always been on drugs anon. since the dawn of man.

>> No.18063514

sounds like a personal problem

>> No.18063517

>not metaphysical shit like we strayed from allah
You can't ask for the truth then exclude the only truthful answer

>> No.18063561

No shit sherlock. But one that was remedied with medication. God you people are fucking retarded.

>> No.18063566

>all people who swallow benzos have several depression
look. depression is just a label. the problem with psychology is that treat it like an illness and can be a cure too. even several depression it have its roots and inner sense. you shouldnt say is some unvoluntary illness because then you lost your own introspection only to be replaced with psychology/psychiatry pov.

>> No.18063570

Benzos make me feel very depressed the following day(s), not worth it imo

>> No.18063580

This week I was astonished by the amount of people that I knew took benzos daily. You should try to investigate for yourself if the people around you are on them

>> No.18063619

Anon I don’t believe you need a book to figure this out. It’s obvious that our way of life is not natural and people are getting more and more stressed out hence the ‘mental health crisis’. All mental illnesses or on the rise and it isn’t because we are better at detecting them now. People are getting more anxious so they are taking benzos. People are getting more depressed so anti-depressant use is up. Our culture is what disrupts us. Our culture is what gives us ideas about what reality is, what we should be doing with our life, what we should find important, etc. Our only concern is supposed to be survival and reproduction but culture has given us a thousand more things to worry about.

You actually should study religion because all of our problems came from religion. Even the hardest atheist in the world is still operating under religious ideas, just with a different flavor.

>> No.18063634

>You actually should study religion because all of our problems came from religion.
First admits there's a mental health crisis and it's because our way of life isn't natural. Then proceeds to fuck it up by saying it's due to religion when it's the opposite

>> No.18063663

‘Mental health’ has been deteriorating for thousands of years, this is just the worst point it’s ever been. Looking to the past wont solve our problems. I am actually prescribing something better. In religious terms we need to find God on our own and not in the teachings that are handed to us. In secular terms we need to stop conforming and figure out how to deal with our problems on our own

>> No.18063665

I mentioned above that I was addicted to Benzos. I just want to talk about it more. I started originally for sleep and probably anxiety too to be honest. I was extremely depressed around that time. Well, I still am. But anyway, they did make me feel really good when I took them but the come downs were horrible and over time, my dose increased and increased and I started taking them recreationally. My lows were so bad. I was such an emotional wreck. I would cry for no reason. My girlfriend left me. I lost my job. Once I started taking high doses just to feel normal-ish I knew it was time to quit so I crushed them into powder and spread it in the dumpster so I wouldn’t be able to dig them out. The next month at least was hell. A couple years later I’m mostly normal and I don’t really cope with anything even though I’m as depressed and anxious as ever. I still crave them and think about starting again. I’ll probably start drinking again soon and use that to cope. At least that’s somehow a little more romantic and aesthetic than being a pill head.

>> No.18063672

>‘Mental health’ has been deteriorating for thousands of years
How could you possibly know this?

>> No.18063679

Should I try xans

>> No.18063685

>In religious terms we need to find God on our own and not in the teachings that are handed to us. In secular terms we need to stop conforming and figure out how to deal with our problems on our own
This is literally the crux of the problem and what is causing the today's issues

>> No.18063686

Not gonna lie I find them pretty boring

>> No.18063690

Anon I know it isn't easy to come off benzos, but understand that you have 10x more balls than most people. Benzo withdrawal breaks anyones courage, if anything that pain should feed your pride, I'm absolutely terrified of even the tought of being on withdrawal

>> No.18063708
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Don't know about books, but Adam Curtis's latest documentary touches that subject.

Check around 6:30:

>> No.18063717

Also, it's not just around that time mark. Watch the whole doc and the other parts, it's really worth it.

>> No.18063762

I was kind of proud of it at one point. In truth, I wasn’t really in that deep so it was easier for me than I think it is for most people but regardless, I don’t really feel any pride over it anymore. If anything, it’s shame that either ever did it in the first place or ever stopped as terrible as that sounds. I hope other people either never start or get off though.

>> No.18063806

Stole my reply - touches on this exact question. As with hypernormalisation it's a bit meandering in parts, but gives a good enough basic explanation into the issue to base more research off of. If you do watch it torrent it, some of the interviews are removed on yt

>> No.18063914

It's because everyone is isolated. Everyone is by themselves and so far as I can tell it was completely self-imposed. To my knowledge there is no book correctly explicating the phenomenon. My personal theory, which I'm not sure I could defend if pressed, is we became so fucking good at conventional warfare and at utilizing the competitive technological process that we have actually eliminated all necessity for real conflict not realizing, as a group, that conflict is completely necessary for personal and social development. Everyone has shut up their doors, is arming themselves against their neighbor, and is petrified by the possible reality of threat but completely unaware that embracing risk is what gave everyone opportunities to reach outside themselves. It would be better to have directed our waste toward the community to be burned at leisure but no one is willing to part with the idea of complete mastery of their wealth, which ends up just making the system taller and the shadow greater. All the pieces seem to fit: the struggle for identities, the sexual atomization, fear of reaching out, toxic scopophilia developing over advanced communication systems like social media, the narcissism, violent posturing, the desire for destruction and power over one's neighbors, the increase in scholastic and labor demands, the weakening of the psyche. We really believed that death and injury were the enemy, and we turned the system inside out and had nothing left.

>> No.18064017

Based post

>> No.18064168

Lobster man says theyre good

>> No.18064185

Healy's books on antidepressants are the best place to start, he has a couple

>> No.18064238

>completely self-imposed
the death of the public square, the pernicious effects of media, among a myriad of other causes are in no way self-imposed

>> No.18064600

Will check them out thank you

>> No.18064758

Are people really this incompetent? Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, exhaling super slowly. Boom, bodily anxiety gone no benzos required

>> No.18064838

Unironically this

>> No.18064854

What about mental anxiety

>> No.18064933

This started before the internet was a mainstream platform. You were born into a culture that believed it had the right to hoard what was there's and not have to give anything up to any authority or central system to have it spent on the undeserving. People wanted to be islands, and the abusive media powers and corporate control were the cost and extension of that luxury. They wanted to have complete control over their domain. You do too, I would guess, and you make the same bad assumptions. Namely: that control is possible; that stasis is natural; that you can avoid interaction or accounting to an undesirable element; that the apparatus of organization was foisted upon you, and not made necessary by this same selfish impulse. One side of the infantilized culture has coopted the notion of guilt in order to attempt to commodify the necessary adversity to give life its meaning. But the other, just as infantile, is sitting and fantasizing about a great, blood-soaked putsch where they finally implement control and refuse to compromise with the idea of existing in a system instead of being "self-sufficient;" which is just ease without responsibility. All without realizing that what they're really fighting is something you can't shoot a gun at, because it was created by a desire to be the king of one's own cultural autarky. This right cannot be given to anyone, no matter how many bodies you mill.

>> No.18064986
File: 161 KB, 600x685, Pascal (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know the answer, but you reject to acknowledge it. People thought they could live without the notion of the divine, that there was no real consequence for their iniquity in this world whatsoever. But here we are, no matter how much sex we have, how many amusements, how many material goods, how many stimuli, how much "empowerment", how "liberated" we are... the more we move ahead towards the progressive secular utopia, that attempts to solve any material demand, the unhappier we are. This only demonstrates that the necessity for the spiritual and living a virtuous life is real. It isn't only that there is something that is not right about society: the real issue here is that there is something that is not right about mankind and this society refuses to acknowledge it. Pascal brilliantly addresses this subject in his pensées.

>> No.18065114

>Pascal brilliantly addresses this subject in his pensées.
Where to start with Pascal Bros?

>> No.18065202
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>> No.18066271


>> No.18066343

"Happiness" has only been measured in very recent decades. That is, after secularization was well under way. There is no "happiness" data from 200 or even 100 years ago, and any talk of how people used to be happier in the more godly past is nothing but speculation or worse yet propaganda.

>> No.18066503

I figure it's a lack of culture, instead of culture.
Creative therapy works really well for me. I think that's because I need to create, and not spend all my time facilitating others. Creating something makes me feel like the ultimate chad, even when it is me just creating something while alone in my room.

>> No.18066543

happiness as concept is propaganda itself most of the time.

>Creating something makes me feel like the ultimate chad
this is sad and should spoil your fantasy just because of that.

>> No.18066683

>suicide skyrocketing
>use of antidepressants more common than ever
>less religious people than ever
>"nooo stop your propaganda!!! :(((("

>> No.18066849

Ezra. Is that a ho?

>> No.18066942

Anyone else have, you know, books?

>> No.18067336

extreme pain and sadness are an essential part of reality, happy pills won't change that, religion won't change that, no amount of cope will change that. What you seek is to be neutered.

>> No.18067556

Brave New World

>> No.18067569

we don't actually read here

>> No.18067574

>I want social critique books, not metaphysical shit like we strayed from allah or that we should go back to serfdom.
Social critique is the retarded version of metaphysical comprehension.

>> No.18067593

The fact that there was no need for antidepressants, there were no massive problems with alcoholism to compensate, there were only very few insane asylums, and people were able to live without problem as such, is all the evidence you need to understand that something has gone seriously wrong in the past few centuries. Look, if you want a serious recommendation, read Nietzsche. Here are some relevant books:
-Twilight of the Idols
-Beyond Good and Evil
-Genealogy of Morals
-Thus Spoke Zarathustra (more allegorical than the rest)

>> No.18067601

you are this retarded aren't you

>> No.18067615

Oh, and I'll tack on Ernst Jünger's On Pain. Even if you don't like Jünger, this book in itself is unique and relevant to this topic.

>> No.18067650
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>> No.18067738

This but unironically.

>> No.18068143
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>here we go, here comes the Prozac

>> No.18068177

>no massive problems with alcoholism
this is fucking retarded, temperance is a virtue for a reason

>> No.18068188
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you guys see the news recently about the Sackler demons, they knew exactly what they were doing with opiates, one of them even said that people who get hooked on them and od are just worthless trash

>> No.18068199

capitalist realism briefly discusses this

>> No.18068501

Un-freedom. Learned helplessness. Caged with no escape. The safe road to safety is our undoing. We don’t need safety, we don’t need rules, we don’t need comfort, we need to conquer fears, enemies, territories. Fear is hostile to life, paradoxically... Read Nietzsche
This anon has got the right idea >>18063914

>> No.18069077

Jordan Peterson

>> No.18069224

Serotonin by you know who

>> No.18069270

This is on the opioid epidemic but the best article I've read on the drug crisis and an amazing read:


>prescribing benzos to a 17 year old who barely understands them
Sorry anon. We need a nuremberg trial for psychiatrists

In the YT version, here's the excerpt at 1:15:00 you're referring to:


All his docs are available in full on thoughtmaybe.com

>> No.18069275

That sucks dude. Sounds trippy af.

>> No.18069408

This but unironically

>> No.18069544

I read the book but its kind of shit honestly

>> No.18069560
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Who needs benzos when you can read the Tao Te Ching?

>> No.18069645

it cured your depression because you had no meaning and know you do

>> No.18069657

Wow that article is amazing
Off topic but where can I find good articles about different topics? Any good recommendations?

>> No.18069898

Their business model profited from overprescription and death. Genuinely amazing how bad some medical profiteers can be. Sacklers, Andrew Wakefield, those creeps that charge 10k to do some bullshit to cure "chronic Lyme" - they all amaze me at how some people who are supposed to help the sick instead make money by being knowingly dishonest and murderous. Unsurprisingly the public now don't trust us.

>> No.18070143

this plus magnesium and glycine

>> No.18070165


>> No.18070325


>> No.18070983


>> No.18070999
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reminds me of times of really bad mania when i built shrines by arranging random objects in a significant way (at the time) as for books uh IJ

>> No.18071031

those beans look very comfy, I'm gonna make them for dinner, thank you anon

>> No.18071110

I don't take drugs and I'm fine.

>> No.18071119

I’m about halfway through and it seems like he’s attributing opioid abuse mostly to failure to process or cope with trauma? I think to some extent that’s true and I especially like his point about the places left behind but is that really it? Personally, I grew up in a small rust belt/coal town and the amount of people I knew who used opiates, and eventually, heroin would pretty much blow your socks off. Did some or a lot of them have some sort of trauma? Yeah, probably. For about 2 decades, the city saw rapid demographic change, and with it, a drastic increase in violent crime and a corresponding decrease in quality of life and inverse of hopelessness. Growing up there is hard and it feels like you’ll never escape or do anything really. But still, most people start around junior high or freshman year high school on pills, not because of some trauma but because they’re bored, want to be cool, want to party, and it slowly but surely gets out of control. Is that trauma? I don’t really think it is. These kids want to be cool, be “faded”, be “wavy”, if not selling the drugs, partying on them. It’s the kind of place where it’s “good” to skip school, smoke, drink, do drugs, much like an urban inner city. I don’t really think that’s “trauma”.

>> No.18071156

the ground beef makes all the diff. would give a recipe but it was from winging it. got to go too. Keyed thread anons

>> No.18071289
File: 34 KB, 720x890, EvU_56vXcAARX9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mark Fisher (2009) writes, ‘capitalism is what is left when beliefs have collapsed at the level of ritual or symbolic elaboration, and all that is left is the consumer-spectator, trudging through the ruins and relics’ (4). This is the Xanax Generation. While youth are persistently sent the message that they need to develop their capacities to become enterprising and innovative twenty-first century global problem solvers, they are in fact being systematically adapted to accept their own nullity. According to Fisher, the idea of reflexive impotence internalizes these ideas, stitching them together within an integrative onto-affective vector. It is a negative void, a psycho-social condition of atomized claustrophobia, a malaise on consciousness, particularly afflicting the young and the precarious in late capitalism. A feeling there is no escape. It is an ‘unstated worldview’ correlated with ‘widespread pathologies’ (21)."

read "Adapting the Xanax Generation: Meditations on Catastrophic Precarity and Postdigital Melancholia" or just read fisher, baudrillard or debord

>> No.18071381

good the more people on benzos the better for me, hehe

>> No.18071394

Reminder that this man killed himself because he was a failure. Debord was similarly pathetic.

>> No.18071408

both Fisher and Debord are literal pseudofaggots
baudrillard is based tough

>> No.18071431

> help me understand this spiritual malaise
> but nothing that mentions spirituality, pls
Anon, you're a moronic NPC.

>> No.18071438
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>read name of theorist i have been told to dislike
>print emotional response devoid of substance

>> No.18071670


>> No.18071692

Bowling Alone.

>> No.18071742

>Hey friendo
>Pass me the benzos

>> No.18071792

American problem desu. I don't get why your nation is so insane when it comes to drugs. I know people who take some ADHD medication but even that's not really favoured.

>> No.18071868

> across the modern world
I'm pretty sure it's US-centric fashion. When in one developed country they tell everyone to get magic pills, and in another developed country they rarely do that, you really want to ask a question about their magical properties. Can't all those idiots see that great solution?

If diamond market is 99% artificial, why can't antidepressant market be? After all, their effects are not significantly different from placebo, and when they are noticeable, they are not really understood or predictable. People probably construct what they want of them.

As for the reasons of that condition, read any Modern classic novel. A random non-fiction from me is Charles Taylor's The Ethics of Authenticity.

>> No.18071874


>> No.18072390

You call us retarded while you need fucking psychatric pills to not look at your alarm clock. Psychiatry does not support any self reflection it seems. Adds up you know. Just be a good wagie and don't think about it.

>> No.18072468

You don't just do psychiatry you absolute low-IQ nigger, I'm off meds and cured of OCD because of self-reflection and accompaniement by a psychologist, the meds are only used during a small period while you work on the issue

Also wtf does wagecucking have anything to do with this?

>> No.18072727

>cured of OCD

But actually how? Asking for a friend (myself).

>> No.18073168

Not that guy but some people manage to find an exit. Also saw a patient presented recently at a conference who had complete resolution of insanely bad OCD (took 2 hours to cross bedroom) using cybernetics. Psychology and talk therapy is the mainstay, drug treatments are only symptomatic.

>> No.18073220

I started getting insanely hellish panic attacks for weeks due to a burnout cause by long term stress (which was caused by my OCD)

That stuff was the most terrifying experience I ever had. At that point your nature inverts and I fully commited to treatment without question (CBT + zoloft for a few months + xanax during 15 days while I was getting the panic attacks)

Just imagine yourself getting pumped by adrenaline the entire fucking day for days on end and then you decide if you want to take your OCD treatment seriously. I had to be scared shitless to wake uo but I hope people with OCD dont need to go trough that

>> No.18073242

mark fisher

>> No.18073382

The Rockefeller's took over all med schools in the 1940s. Also, feminism grew largely thanks to their backing.
But yes, Big Pharma is very corrupt. Anyone with half a brain who studies some neurobiology will figure that out. I got my degree in Neuroscience, and one of the main things I learned is how limited the reductionist paradigm of neuropharmacology is. It grows mainly for money and social engineering. SSRIs aren't good either. Kind of weird how benzos is increasing though... probably because of hyperinflation soon.

>> No.18073400

Disgusting bastard lizard eater.

>> No.18073563


>> No.18073572

No, you kys, Spiritual Arab shithead.

>> No.18073619

I know the feeling. I went the prescription route years ago and it didn’t work for me too well though, so I stopped taking them. Haven’t ever tried CBT, I guess because the entire experience with the drugs and the prescribing doctor left such a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.18073649

Some psychiatrists are ultradogmatist shitheads but some are good people who know pharma only takes you so far. I believe having awareness and resolution is better than meds but meds can really help in dire situations, but they are meant only to be temporary (unless you have a really serious illness like psychosis and stuff like that)

>> No.18073663

Allah loves you anon

>> No.18073732
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>Everything is so bad that half the population is medicated or self-medicating to deal with it.

People learned to make beer before bread, nigga. Cocaine has been in use for 4000 years in what's now known as Colombia. People have always found ways to medicate and self-medicate; It's not a condition of globohomo neo-liberal modernity.

>> No.18073814

The idea of sitting down for a beer when you’re both very thirsty and very hungry after a long day of toiling the fields or practicing swordsmanship under the overcast autumn sky is the comfiest thing I can think of even if bread isn’t available. Maybe that’s why modern life sucks. We don’t walk around with a perpetually replenishing light buzz.

>> No.18073828

It’s partly the culture which just pushes it on everyone and insists it’s okay as well as the culture which demands band aids so you can keep working, playing, whatever. But it’s also just the fact that we’re very miserable and anxious. We are alienated, work long hours at impersonal jobs in dirty, crime filled cities, and the kicker is that you’re supposed to like it. A lot of people don’t and so they turn to pills.

>> No.18073915

True but you're retarded if you don't think it was exacerbated because of widespread availability

>> No.18073926

I recently watched a clip of some Muslims chimping out and chopping up a little kid as they all sat around him in a circle. It also has Quranic basis because the kid is called a heretic.
Don't talk to me about love, Mudslime.

>> No.18073964

Every religion turned fundamentalism leads to terrorism, stop being a retarded NPC and realize those faggots are not muslims but psychotic people turned religious

>> No.18073983

pursue your suicidal ideation, subhuman

>> No.18074004

can you find a Muslim country wherein fundamentalism doesn’t prevail?
disingenuous rat, you really are a Muslim

>> No.18074014

I hate all of the Abrahamic faiths. If you had converted to Christianity, I would be calling you a Christcuck instead. I also berate Jews.
That's because your religions are tools of Semitic imperialism.

>> No.18074514


>> No.18074563

So no? You can’t find a single Muslim majority country wherein fundamentalism does not prevail?

>> No.18075217

Turkey, Tunisia, Indonesia

>> No.18075251

seriously never understood the hype. i'd rather spend a bit extra on some opiates and actually feel something other than more drunk than usual.

>> No.18075404


>> No.18076381

I mean you're probably right about your demographic (young teens wanting to get high) but that's true to some extent for every drug. the article talks about older Americans who lost their jobs, their livelihood, their communities, their families, and all hope. even the people you're talking about will often burn out and end up without jobs/stability and use drugs not for euphoria but for escape. that's why it touches on how modern life has crushed communities like yours.

The unwinding by george packer and hillbilly elegy by JD Vance are great books on this topic. The latter was made into a netflix movie recently but I heard it was shit.

>> No.18076548

Benzos are gay.
Stims are the only lit drug.

>> No.18076746

There is a difference between having a beer at a party and being a sad lonesome alcoholic.

>> No.18076767

The only way out is to come to terms with the fact that you don't like it. You need to fully accept and internalize that you don't want to take the drug because the drug does nothing for you. If you can't do this, you'll be a miserable addict forever, even if you have enough willpower or other copes to go the rest of your life without cracking again.

>> No.18077008


>> No.18077144
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>> No.18077186

How would religion help?

>> No.18077296

There seems to be people that unknowingly, desperately crave religion. On the other hand there are people who are fundamentally individualist and never change. I happen to be of the latter type but I am always fascinated by atheists turned religious. I wonder what events caused this process in them.

>> No.18077307

You could care less about those things and only came back for the (Yous).

>> No.18077317

keep excusing yourself, pop that bottle open, you need not try yes?

>> No.18077336

nigger no one is saying you don´t try to solve the problem you disgusting low-IQ untermensch, pills are only temporary and are meant to be temporary while you work on solving the problem. Philosophy and self-reflection is always more important than pills

>> No.18077683


>> No.18077799
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Read Ray Peat (pbuh). He talks about the biology of learned helplessness, industry conspiracies and what we can do to overcome such state of helplessness. Seriously saved my life.

>> No.18078019

Any books in particular?

>> No.18078038

Eh, forget it. It's the retard which thinks you should consume fructose in glucose as your main energy source completely ignoring the archeological and biochemical facts of how our body works best.

>> No.18078078
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You can start with his articles over at

His books: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Ray+Peat%22

>> No.18078191
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>recommends a high sugar diet for diabetics because no ketones means no deadly ketoazidosis without insulin in Typ 1
Basically letting them die slowly due to bloodsugar over 400mg/dl.
>sugar heals the body
This guy throws in a couple professional terms like manlets on /fit/ to make himself look knowledgeable and retards gooble this shitshow up. Jesus Christ, the absolute state of mutt gurus.

>> No.18078854


>> No.18079561
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>Basically letting them die slowly due to bloodsugar over 400mg/dl.
You're refering to type 2 ''diabetics'' (who btw are just fucking fat fat fats raised on mcdonalds), not T1
>In an earlier newsletter, I wrote about P. A. Piorry in Paris, in 1864, and Dr. William Budd in England, in 1867, who treated diabetes by adding a large amount of ordinary sugar, sucrose, to the patient's diet. Glucose was known to be the sugar appearing in the diabetics' urine, but sucrose consists of half glucose, and half fructose. In 1874, E. Kulz in Germany reported that diabetics could assimilate fructose better than glucose. In the next decades there were several more reports on the benefits of feeding fructose, including the reduction of glucose in the urine. With the discovery of insulin in 1922, fructose therapy was practically forgotten, until the 1950s when new manufacturing techniques began to make it economical to use.
He also talks about in his articles that certain items that we ingest regularly in modern times attack the pancreas and gives rise to diabetes, one of which are seed oils.

>This guy throws in a couple professional terms like manlets
Yeah, you on the other hand sure know more than a guy who has a Ph.D in biology, specializing in physiology

>> No.18079588

In the simplest possible terms and with the fewest conspiracies
With the developments in neuroscience, a belief developed that we could all become virtuous supermen by taking the right pills
This spread like wildfire and was picked up by producers of the medications, so prescriptions got WAY out of hand
It's as simple as that

>> No.18079647

It wouldn't be fair to blame it fully on neuroscientists or medical companies that listened to them
The people who believed this never made up even large minority in the scientific community
And this is a big but
This small minority published mediocre study after mediocre study with grandiose titles
Illiterate journalists saw these titles and elevated them to another Star system
Which then caused the massive spread

>> No.18079694

He believes in homeopathy. All his american MacDegrees instantly lose any amount of authority if you don't understand basic biology.

It doesn't matter which kind of diebetic you feed sugar to, it's always fucking bad. And fructose is no better, on which he bases his whole diet, like a mongoloid. Meanwhile europeans evolved to consume animal products and greeny leafs, not bananas and oranges. Introducing such amounts of sugar into your diet will make you hyped and full on endorphines, at leat till your body burns out and shuts down.

As is the case in feeding diabetics mainly sugar and no insulin. As sugar doesn't result in ketones being created, if not in a hunger state, your blood will not turn acid, which usually is the death sentance for diabetics without insulin. But constantly raising your bloodsugar non stop, as that's the only way to feed yourself without ketones, is basically stomping down on the gas pedal when you're in a car moving towards a wall.

He's a retard and so are his followers. Just because he say stuff you like i other regards, doesn't make him less retarded.

>> No.18079725

>that we should go back to serfdom
we should though

>> No.18080868


>> No.18080897

>he wants to pay taxes for the privilege of growing wheat for the lord, and then pay a fee to use the lord's mill to make it into flour
Basically the same as it is today, I don't see why you guys romanticize feudalism so much

>> No.18080908

we actually worked fewer hours under feudalism than we do under capitalism, also you could beat your wife

>> No.18080932

Taxes where like 10% of what you created. Compare that to 75% of taxes in germany when you include all those hidden ones like GEZ, Umweltsteuer und Mehrwertsteuer. And don't forgett that 30% of the year where religious feast days.

People will unironically rather die from a lack of modern medicine when they cut themselves than to literally slave away with nothing to their name.

>> No.18081058

dude, it's even worse. what they call disorder is simply body trying to wake up. they define people healthy and sane as those who don't complain. they castrate nervous system with meds. it is literally an inverted world, healthy called sick, sick called healthy.

>> No.18081073

You still have a lord today and you are still a peasant. The lord today is just much more incentivized to tyrannize you because the fact that he is even your lord is totally obscured and he has no real stake in you or where you live in the long term. This is not a romanticization of the feudal system, which was far from great, it is a condemnation of our current system, which politically speaking is immensely worse, the tyranny is just masked by unrelated technological advances that produce luxury and sophisticated systems of brainwashing and control.

>> No.18081111

>Compare that to 75% of taxes in germany
This is simply not true, even with those "hidden" taxes you included. Serfs likewise had "nothing to their name." The land they worked belonged to the lord.

>> No.18081145

I don't know why you're acting like you disagree with me

>> No.18081146

>it's not true
It is, you mongoloid. Maybe try getting a paycheck and living on your own before shiposting. The land belonged to the monasteries and lords, but everything they produced on it was theirs. They were jus renting. Meanwhile you get pressed to rent your whole life.

Anybody well versed on medieval societies will tell you that life back than was more humane than todays societies. So stop replying to me, pleb.

>> No.18081163

good take and its also why conspiracy theories and paranoia is so rampat these days, human nature feeds on conflict and if there is none then it creates "the other" to focus on

>> No.18081167
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>Anybody well versed on medieval societies will tell you that life back than was more humane than todays societies

>> No.18081169

I've been living on my own for over a decade. I'm not German so I suppose I don't know how it really is, but a look at the tax rates and those other fees indicates that it's nowhere near 75%. I swear, you people must be some kind of op to get everyone primed to accept neo-feudalism.

>> No.18081170

First Falling Apart, latest Adam Curtis documentary and then The Bell Curve so you can fully understand Falling Apart

>> No.18081180

That also has a lot to do with the press being extremely obviously dishonest

>> No.18081198

here you created "the other"

>> No.18081302

>I looked at tax rates
What in "hidden taxes" do you not understand? The official tax rates only count in what you get taxes before you even see your money. Additionally to this we have a shitton of other taxes applied to everything, sometimes double. For exmaple Grundsteuer, Umsatzsteuer, Mehrwertsteuer, Umweltsteuer, Tabaksteuer, Öko-Umlage, etc
Everything you buy, rent, live in whatever gets additionally heavily taxed. Th cost of gas and tobacco prices are easily 80% taxes. And don't get me started on energy. We have the highest costs of energy on this fucking planet - again, due to taxes for the fuking envoirement.

Here is what a married dude without kids has after all actual taxes are paid:

Tatsächlicher Bruttolohn 4.503,52 €

Arbeitgeberanteil Rentenversicherung - 352,59 € Arbeitgeberanteil Arbeitslosenversicherung - 56,57 € Arbeitgeberanteil Krankenversicherung - 275,28 € Arbeitgeberanteil Pflegeversicherung - 48,08 € Offizieller Bruttolohn = 3.771,00 €

Arbeitnehmeranteil Rentenversicherung - 352,59 € Arbeitnehmeranteil Arbeitslosenversicherung - 56,57 € Arbeitnehmeranteil Krankenversicherung - 309,22 € Arbeitnehmeranteil Pflegeversicherung - 57,51 € Solidaritätszuschlag - 56,38 € Lohnsteuer - 1.025,16 € Nettoeinkommen = 1.913,58 €

Rundfunkbeitrag - 17,50 € Steuern für Miete & Wohnen - 247,12 € MwSt. für Lebensmittel - 21,00 € MwSt. für Kleidung und Konsumgüter - 57,00 € KFZ-Steuer & Haftpflichtversicherung - 30,00€ Steuer für Benzin - 147,00€ Steuer für Tabakwaren -112.50€ Sonstige Steuern - 100,00€ Netto nach allen Steuern und Abgaben = 1.181,46 €

And the worst thing? The average brutto income in germany is 2.800€, so you get even less out before you even started paying for rent.

Now shut your fucking muh-ocial paradise whore mouth, cunt.

>> No.18081333

Am I supposed to not notice dishonesty because doing so means I'm guilty of 'othering'? In this case nobody can ever criticize anyone else or any group can they

>> No.18081349
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drop a link anon?

>> No.18081427

>muh-ocial paradise

>> No.18081433

you do you anon

>> No.18081439

It's usually mutt socialits which get butthurt when angry german tax cattle tell them how fucked up our overlords are, because they love to shill mu european socialism.

>> No.18081558

What does this mean you faggot, do you never criticize any person or group whatsoever? You are implicitly criticizing and 'othering' the group you are describing as prone to conspiratorial thinking anyway.

>> No.18081587

>its the fault of evil journalist not of beloved sciencerinos and le psychologers
why its always like this?. psychiatry is the one who stay in front and say they cure mental pain. they are intrinsically scammers.

>> No.18081837

Germans really are disgusting creatured

>> No.18082248
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end of technological progress, end of innovation. end of interesting in life, end of challenges, discovery, end of unknown, end of purpose. behavioral sink. this is truly end of the world. end of options, decisions. crisis is everywhere: software development, movie industry, music industry. do you want new smartphone, new windows OS on new laptop? I don't. fuck it. greatest depression coming.

>> No.18082522

This is exactly the reason why we should create nation states built around ethnicities and have nations essentially be big football teams and the team color is your skin color but NOOO WE HAVE TO HAVE DIVERSITY IT'S OUR GREATEST STRENGTH

>> No.18083464
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Decades ago, a guy named Weston Price already had an intuition of how food quality and proper nutrition plays a big part in the mental state and ideal mental development of people.
Look at the shitty food and processed junk food that many britbongs or muricans see as normal to eat on the daily. It's appalling. I'm guilty of it too to an extent even though I mostly eat clean. Ice cream is very delicious but modern conventional dairy products tend to inflame a lot of people. It's probably not the entire picture, but inflammation from bad food is a major part of it when you see how food and food consumption has changed a lot in the past century.

>> No.18083936

Thoughts on SSRIS for severe social anxiety ?

>> No.18084930

You should try out alternatives before the serious meds imo. NAC, 5-HTP, St Johns Wort