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18053224 No.18053224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>talk to a girl I've known since high school again after like 8 years
>she ends up calling Steven Pinker a "right wing extremist"

How did the world get this so fucked up and irrational?

>> No.18053238

lol just kiss her wtf are you listening for

>> No.18053247

She's probably just a dumb bitch and thought you meant Jordan Peterson op, isn't pinker a hyper liberal?

>> No.18053255

Here comes all the replies about how women are dumb and irrational.

>> No.18053259

OP here.
She and all leftists think Pinker is a right wing extremist because he doesn't believe human behavior is socially constructed. Pinker accepts evolutionary instincts instead which somehow makes him a "right wing extremist".

>> No.18053265

Yeah Pinker is a centrist cuck.

>> No.18053267

Shut up bitch.

>> No.18053274

Your weak and inferior so you blame women.

>> No.18053278

Your weak and inferior.

>> No.18053279

He's based and 100% correct.

>> No.18053282

I don't blame women for my problems in life.

>> No.18053284

Where did I blame anyone for anything

>> No.18053385

The left/right dichotomy is completely inadequate for describing people who have their own opinions that this kind of thing is inevitable.

>> No.18053395

She’s probably taking it deep from a guy with tattoos right now

>> No.18053397

The education system has been infiltrated by crazy feminist cat ladies

>> No.18053406

>Pinker accepts evolutionary instincts instead
So instead of a dumb liberal he's a retarded materialist who ascribes to scientism. Phew that's a relief

>> No.18053417


>> No.18053500

I have tattoos, do I have a shot

>> No.18053506

she hates her Dad because he is weak and indifferent to her

she tries to do sex to sooth the feeling but it doesn't work

guys can be like that too. the whole human race is in the gutter.

>> No.18053512

The world is fine
It's you who's a moron for blogposting about muh leftists on a literature board
>B-but Steve Pinker
Off with you illiterate swine

>> No.18053546

No you sound like a faggot

>> No.18053565


>> No.18053669

Women are dumb and irrational

>> No.18054485

>She and all leftists think Pinker is a right wing extremist because he doesn't believe human behavior is socially constructed. Pinker accepts evolutionary instincts instead which somehow makes him a "right wing extremist".

What type of self-respecting right wing extremist that's not a meme nazi would ascribe to evolutionary determinism?

>> No.18054492

Peven Stinker

>> No.18054497

weird set up for just wanting to rant abt lefties and steven pinker

>> No.18054544

And jews

>> No.18054550


>> No.18054961

lmao YES, this means he's correct over whatever pseudoscientific bullshit you believe
what a retard

>> No.18054965

Pinker isn't an evolutionary determinist.

>> No.18054991
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He’s rightwing for being a liberal apologist. Science isn’t very left/right.
So is she a tankie or what?

>> No.18054993

Welcome to the real world anon. Everyone is a leftie and good luck find a woman that is even a little bit right wing.
Hell no, they all want A liberal world, free 420, poly sex and so on.

>> No.18054994

>hes more correct than "kill nigs"

>> No.18054999

>A liberal world,
She’s not a liberal
>free 420, poly sex and so on
So you want open sex slave markets

>> No.18055004

Probably Twitter.

>> No.18055044

okay /pol/ cancer

Why are communists so braindead? It's a religion.

>> No.18055119

Marxist-Leninists, Trots and Juche (tanky for short) are necessarily cults. All statism is.

>> No.18055483

Yet "ancoms" are all friends with and apologize for tankies. They're all friends on twitter and youtube. There is much overlap between them.
Even if there wasn't, "an"com is just statism anyway.

>> No.18055534

yea i dont think hes consciously a 'right wing extremist', hes just very dumb

>> No.18055556

>Yeah well **I** use Twitter! And they’re not fighting!
Oh neat. They talking much about Bookchin and Öcalan?

>> No.18055837

>hes just very dumb
How? lmao
I see leftists seething about him all the time while defending pseudoscience.
He's right about almost everything.

None of this is an argument. All of the "an"coms on youtube defend tankie states and are friends with the tankies.

You people are authoritarian manchildren. I'm so happy your delusional and evil ideology is dead.

>> No.18055837,1 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, you didn’t answer the question, you just repeated the accusation. I don’t use Twitter, yo