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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18048645 No.18048645 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say he isn't a good writer? He's more readable than the overacted froggy hacks that get recommended by critics.

>> No.18048666


>> No.18049152

I think the main criticism is his occasional purple prose and sentences too heavy in adjectives, and you end up rereading the sentence again because of the descriptive overload.

This doesn't happen nearly often enough to make him unreadable though.

On a different note, I think I prefer Clark Ashton Smith (which is underrated) to Lovecraft.

>> No.18049169

He himself acknowledges that his descriptions of things suck.

>> No.18049181

I wouldn't say he is not a good writer but desu every other of his contemporaries I read after him were better: Blackwood, Machen and MR James

>> No.18049199

he was comparing himself to clark ashton smith

>> No.18049212

what do you gain by posting a lovecraft thread every day

>> No.18049229

>what do you gain by posting one of the like 5 threads actually discussing literature and not /pol/ 2.0 topics

>> No.18049253

because he just sucks. his faux poetics are turgid and rambling, and the only fortune we have is he transferred his "talent" to pulp books instead. he's inferior to both his inspirations and his contemporaries (such as clark ashton smith and robert e. howard).

>> No.18049264

He wrote pulpy tales about space squids but with purple prose.

>> No.18049270

>it was indescribable

>> No.18049271

American "weird fiction" is a disease upon literature.

>> No.18049277
File: 158 KB, 939x1258, Clark_Ashton_Smith_1912[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dragon ball z teleports behind u sound*

>> No.18049290

because they are women virtually signalling to other women about how virtuous they are for hating a racist white man

>> No.18049292

who the fuck is out there reading Lovecraft for the prose anyway? I swear this board is overflowing with pretentious pseuds

>> No.18049320

stupid argument, lovecraft's purple prose is inseparable from his work as a whole. actually i'll go a step further and say this is a moronic argument by any other criteria too.

>> No.18049350

you do that, kiddo. if you're reading pulpy atmospheric horror like lovecraft and your first instinct is to gripe about the prose you might be genuinely autistic

>> No.18049363

begging for your idol to not be criticized is pretty pathetic.

>> No.18049375
File: 35 KB, 644x800, 520F0140-FD6B-471C-A121-CB62A5726534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Lovecraft bad”
>”Lovecraft prose bad”

>> No.18049396

hes not my "idol" and im not even trying to say he was a technically great writer you pseud retard, I just dont understand how you can come away from pulpy writing that exists to effectively create a spooky atmosphere autistically ranting about how the prose are sub standard

>> No.18049453
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Lovecraft good"
>"Lovecraft prose bad"

>> No.18049521

It’s not that bad. I really never understood this criticism levelled at him. It’s conventional if a bit dated but it truly befits a guy who taught himself everything he knew and read through the classics without a disciplined university education.

You guys just parrot what other people say to make yourselves feel intelligent haha. If you think his prose is bad then you have never seen truly bad prose.

>> No.18049535

He has absolutely no substance to any of his work, it's just bargain bin pathos accompanied by clumsy prose. It's like kafka or faulkner without any of the craftmenship, purpose, or talent. Asking why people don't like him is like asking why people don't like YA or genre fiction. There's just nothing there

>> No.18049551
File: 2.25 MB, 1461x1801, Herman_Melville_by_Joseph_O_Eaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s conventional if a bit dated but it truly befits a guy who taught himself everything he knew and read through the classics without a disciplined university education.
That's not an excuse. That's not an excuse at all. Plenty of authors have never even set foot in university and are miles ahead of him

>> No.18049575

I'm not parroting what anyone says, his prose just isn't fun to read, and he constantly uses "incomprehensible" or " "indescribable", which is a pretty cheap effect.

>> No.18049587

>There's just nothing there
Nothing for a brainlet sure

>> No.18049669

Because he had a cat named "Nigger-man" and wrote about Asians being fish people.

Say what you want about purple prose...but his short stories work really well in audio format.


>> No.18049803

Now you've abandoned the platform of 'pseuds' for that of 'brainlets': you have declared your position untenable to the entire thread and now retreat to feigned superiority to defend yourself. You have lost, and I have won. Thank you for your concession

>> No.18049813

why are you making the same threads over and over? Are you trying to get people to dislike him?

>> No.18049826

Melville is cheating

>> No.18049877

>Be Dickens.
>Make convoluted sentences of descriptive overload.
>"Wow, he's so talented at setting a scene and describing everything! He might be the greatest novelist ever!"

>Be Lovecraft.
>Make convoluted sentences of descriptive overload.

>> No.18049891

>There's just nothing there
do you have no imagination? are a you a literal god damn NPC?

>> No.18049897

I don’t understand how you can like horror but not like Lovecraft. He is so significant in the genre. Of course if you don’t like horror you’ll hate him for the prose or whatever. which is fine but why read him in the first place then?

>> No.18049899


>> No.18050050

Because critics need something to criticize.
Are you denying that critics behave this way? Or just being a faggot for the sake of it?