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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 451 KB, 856x775, 4chan Users are confusing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18048295 No.18048295 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it 4chan. Why are you so confused by my posts, but you can read confusing books?

>> No.18048345

what did he mean by this?? unironically what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18048356
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>> No.18048358

what board is that

>> No.18048360

You serious? You can read Nietzche, you can read all these confusing philosophical books, but you can't understand a simple god damn phrase or meme.

>> No.18048361

what the fuck are you talking about you absolute psycho

>> No.18048370

Stop calling me an absolute psycho. I'm not a psycho. I'm stating a point.

>> No.18048374

what fucking phrase or meme, I don't get what you;re trying to say in this retarded pic, fucking stupid schizo

perhaps you should try reading a book ya dumb faggot

>> No.18048380

it do bee like dat

>> No.18048381

My boy, it's just an awkward sentence. No need to create a meme about it. Go outside, take a walk, call your grandparents

>> No.18048383

It's a complaint about a community. Don't you understand that? Why on Earth are you so stigmatized by people like me?

>> No.18048384

That post isn't even on lit, what makes you think they read Nietzsche? on whatever board you posted on

>> No.18048394

Fumbled my phone and messed up the question mark placement sorry

>> No.18048395

It should be “that’s one fewer worry I have”. What’s there right now is nonsensical and I can see why the average +130 IQ individual would fail to attain meaning from it.

>> No.18048398

You are lucky you are hiding behind that computer talking to me like that and I'm not someone bigger than you you know that.

>> No.18048400

>people like me
people like WHO???? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU????

>> No.18048418


>> No.18048421

Show us your face, oh wise stigmatus

>> No.18048432
File: 37 KB, 728x594, 1592338709321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A meme is an ideom without context that is understood regardless, don't throw a fit about trying and failing to make a meme without doing the leg work to make the context inate.

>> No.18048434

Fuck no!

>> No.18048439
File: 596 KB, 1116x1137, D912DA21-A03A-463E-92E6-ED67CA444435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg that’s literally me

>> No.18048442

you probably lack a physical bodily form and exist as some retarded shitposting spectral enitity in my copper cables you bitch-ass ghost-ass nigga fuck you

>> No.18048445
File: 545 B, 15x22, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18048447

what the hell are you even talking about? think for a minute before posting please

>> No.18048465

I was being defensive because apparently this website likes to act tough and play doctor. I doubt they even read about schizophrenia or even took a course in psychology to fully comprehend what schizophrenia is. Shit, if the world works like they do. Might as well make 4chan Facebook and make it's users show its name and faces for everyone.

>> No.18048466

fucking kek

>> No.18048473

People can read a book that is very confusing to read, but somehow can not read what I write.

>> No.18048481

Found the thread, apparently the post got deleted

>> No.18048487

Joke's on you faggot I'm dense as fuck and don't understand anything at all

>> No.18048494

OP being a faggot as usual.

>> No.18048498

I took two fucking courses in College English and passed them with B's. Why is it so hard for you all to understand what I write, but my English professor understood it easily.

>> No.18048499

This. So much this.

>> No.18048517

hold on, why can't they not get what it is you write but they read writings beforehand? I'm really sorry man, I don't think English is your first language or something, I'm honestly struggling here

>> No.18048539

I would not expect scolastic excellence from a basket weaving fourm. Also the point is anonimity, the opposite of fb. Lastly, defence is often a poor defence.

>> No.18048544

Exactly that's it. They read writings that are 500-700 pages long and the books have confusing theories and algorithms that even Wikipedia can't give a throughout explanation, and yet they can't understand something that is one sentence. Hell even three sentences long. Plus the writers in those books are not as literal as I have to be to explain myself.

>> No.18048553

I say this with no sense of irony, it is easier to read 700 pages than to really read and comprehend one sentence. think about it.

>> No.18048557

I agree

>> No.18048561

I kind of want to watch Teorema tonight but I have such a short attention span.

>> No.18048614

it's like an hour and a half man, do it.
or just do 45 mins today, 45 tomorrow :3

>> No.18048654

>This. So much this.

Take a wrong turn on your way to your Etsy discord, little girl?

>> No.18048676

God forbid I agree with a fucking post on here. This shit just goes to show how right OP really is. Fuck you and fuck this board.

>> No.18048696

you're full of shit, you're just talking fucking nonsense

>> No.18048713

No, it's not, you fucking moron. I can see how this seems a clever 'intellectual' inversion of common sense but it's not. Probably for the reason that 500 pages are... *Drumroll* 3500 hundred sentences! Even by your gay little logic, it'd be 3500x more difficult to read 3500 sentences than 1. And it can't be avoided, since sentences must be read properly in order to understand other sentences which build upon, elaborate and complete any single sentence.

>> No.18048730

If you're going to use fucking instagram e-girl slang expect to get called a bitch--or, at the very least, don't be surprised when you are called a bitch.

>> No.18048734
File: 43 KB, 411x418, 1571424855805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't think about it

>> No.18048745
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>> No.18048751

This is the archived thread; nobody had even replied to his post.

>> No.18049500

Holy shit this thread just keeps getting better

>> No.18049511
File: 136 KB, 1372x850, ACBCACD6-F01D-4C33-9842-D138DE9B8DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18049518

Best threat on /lit/ at the moment

>> No.18049552

>itt OP is extremely autistic, and possibly schizo
I love this board sometimes

>> No.18049608
File: 247 KB, 500x483, 1532934802021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you calm down please

>> No.18049625

What are you trying to say?
Very confused by your posts, where did you learn English?

>> No.18049656

Is OP a retard?

>> No.18049721


>> No.18049728
File: 35 KB, 640x590, 9161A669-3C93-4991-8F8A-457397F3E76E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18049767

Fucking KEK

>> No.18049784

OP needs to take his meds

>> No.18050061

This thread and the "confused lit recs" thread are tied in some five-dimensional way that none of us will ever comprehend

>> No.18050140


>> No.18050146

You are uninteresting and uninspired. read more. Suffer.

>> No.18050270
File: 30 KB, 600x450, 1607085249978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite threads, i will never, EVER stop bullying mentally ill people online

>> No.18050300
File: 324 KB, 1080x1350, 1586995401192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todos nessa board são literais cornos!

>> No.18050322

i recommend /3/. very slow board, very high schizo percentage. you can goad them into writing walls of text for weeks.

>> No.18050357
File: 133 KB, 800x800, D79EAF73-FAD4-403A-AB44-F3910FA01C95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 pages
>3500 hundred sentences
Man what are you even on about?
Are you saying a page has 7 sentences or 700? Either way I don't think that's right lmao.

>> No.18050369

yejibros this yeji is scaring us

>> No.18050415

lmao imagine making a thread because you got your very fisrt post ignored. what a newfag

>> No.18050530

Based, thank you lad

>> No.18050612

This op is probably mentally ill but I think the other one was just fucking around and a lot of anons picked it up and played along

>> No.18050696
File: 16 KB, 249x249, 9e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WAS the first reply, I was the other guy KEK

>> No.18050718

>The autistic rage began to set in quickly enough for him to throw that together and post it in under eight minutes
I'm genuinely fascinated how people like this manage to go about their day-to-day lives. What the hell

>> No.18050808

All non psychos know they can't know whether or not they're psycho

>> No.18050863
File: 83 KB, 534x548, 1604687356101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw actual schizophrenics make threads on this board

>> No.18050966

What a fucking retard. Can't even speak or write basic English.

>> No.18050997
File: 2.07 MB, 244x180, 1614118480567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck did he mean by this

>> No.18051015

I don't know. Probably off his medication and is maybe like 12 years old and needs to stay off 4chan.

>> No.18051087

kys faggot

>> No.18051094
File: 89 KB, 1024x682, IMG_20210121_224258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality thread

>> No.18052251
File: 89 KB, 679x522, IMG_20200306_092231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18052334

i actually understand exactly what you're saying and it's actually something i've run into too. what i understand you saying is basically that when you use pithy rebuttals or contradictions to things, people tend to dismiss them rather than actually refuting their central point, whereas these same people have no trouble reading large difficult texts. the contradiction i think is that those terse assertions you speak of often arise in the context of debate or argument, where people become defensive and look for the easiest way to dismiss things that contradict them, while of course there is no such conflict of egos while reading books by dead people
being able to suppress your ego and fully consider things that conflict with what you already believe, even when there are much easier ways to dismiss it is actually a very rare trait that only people who have an innate desire for truth (as opposed to the mere self-satisfaction of being right) can possess

>> No.18052347

we need more schizo /lit/ this is my shit

>> No.18052357

r*ddit makes me fucking sick

>> No.18053507
File: 255 KB, 756x426, 9441F89A-B285-47D1-A41C-472F76CF31E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want a hamburger?

>> No.18053659
File: 9 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmmmm yenmy yabambega

>> No.18054002
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>> No.18054114


>> No.18054196


>> No.18054206

My legs are okay

>> No.18054276

That's why no one likes you in real life. You're even a burden to your family. You know what you should do.

>> No.18054283
File: 14 KB, 210x221, 1575895353522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18054314

Knee juice

>> No.18054515

Most schizo post in the whole thread.

>> No.18054557

Lmao so this is just some guy assblasted that nobody replied to his post (which didn’t even invite any replies in the first place) in an /adv/ thread and decided to drag his internal turmoil over to /lit/ for some bizarre reason? Kino thread.

>> No.18054577

Dude I just ate 2 day old Mcdonal’ds fries that I kept in my garbage can and it’s 9:15 am wtf

>> No.18054583

Here’s your reply so you don’t go on a shooting spree.

>> No.18054769

getting some schizo vibes from this OP ngl

>> No.18054776

You need to take your meds please it's for your own good we love you anon

>> No.18054794

What the actual fuck? Jesus christ holy shit.

>> No.18054828

Bros, why couldn't he just take the sentence?

>> No.18054839

There. So much that?

>> No.18054849

best thread on /lit/ so far

>> No.18054890
File: 38 KB, 781x586, bateman-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, posts on /lit/ are the funniest

>> No.18054918

Legendary thread.

>> No.18055081

Hyper-sincere schizoposting needs to be more common for goldmines like these.