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File: 11 KB, 400x400, OtTAJXEZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18038581 No.18038581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You losers call certain books "reddit" because you are unable to express your opinion in a coherent way.

>> No.18038589

>you call things reddit because you are a fascist incel who is triggered by normal people

>> No.18038590

Or I don't want to deal with the same brainlet arguments for the 1000th time.

>> No.18038601
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To call something Reddit, is to express in one word, something you could not find in one thousand.

>> No.18038609

We all just know the type. Don't take offense to it if you actually browse the site. We come here to be with like-minded weirdos and the mentally ill(the actually ill, not pretend).

>> No.18038611

Nah, it's just an honest but mistaken assumption that we're all on the same page when it comes to what "Reddit" means.

>> No.18038615

No it's because you're an insufferable soiboy

>> No.18038666

Reddit is filled with mentally ill people.

>> No.18038686

reddit tranny hands made this thread

>> No.18038710

This idea that 'reddit' is meaningless, which I used to see on /tv/ constantly, it complete bullshit. Reddit describes a very specific type of media that is fundamentally trivial and mainstream and yet has a veneer of sophistication and edginess, often tied to scientism. Things like Game of Thrones, Ready Player One, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Terry Pratchet novels, etc.

>> No.18038715

Exactly this and very eloquently put

>> No.18038746

go back

>> No.18038759

>Game of Thrones

Nothing wrong with GoT.

>> No.18038941


Is "reddit" media for people that think they are above average? Like normie shit that for some reason isn't considered normie shit (GoT, Douglas Adams, IPA beer, etc.)

>> No.18038959

reddit books:
game of thrones

>> No.18038973

>something is popular, so naturally I must pretend to hate it to keep up my appearance as a contrarian goblin

>> No.18038987

4chan is pretend mentall ill, reddit is actually mentally ill.

>> No.18038995

Reddit just means dorky. unfunny, lame, etc,

>> No.18039017

I understand the rest but Game of Thrones? That's just mainstream popular not Reddit popular.

>> No.18039018

You don't need to "pretend" to hate popular shit. Most people are low IQ NPCs with no taste.

>> No.18039025


>> No.18039029


fart sniffing faggots

>> No.18039037

I genuinely love the smell of my own farts, and several times a day I cut one and deeply inhale it.

>> No.18039041

I mean I am describing how the term is used here. Reddit is just another word for lame basically.

>> No.18039044

Well said.
Similarly, media tailored for people who recognize the pitfalls of consumerism and tribalism yet spectacularly fail to recognize its grasp on their own daily lives.

>> No.18039046
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literally, unironically this, why do they smell so good brehs??? the hotter and spicier, the better, I cover my head with the duvet when I rip in bed to get the full flavour, or in the shower the wet, humid air really gives the fart a vile pungency
what the fuck is wrong with me??

>> No.18039074 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 676x1000, 1616550232289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its something about liking the familiar smells. You inhale your own farts so often you develop a taste for them. I heard this in a JewTube video once. Happens to everyone apparently.

>> No.18039114

I think it's a good way to describe a particularly nasty or unhappy person. They are very fond of YA and if you talk to them you'll find that they read books primarily to become immersed in different worlds and lives. This testifies to their miserable nature because nobody who is comfortable with themselves needs to be immersed in imaginary depictions of other people.

>> No.18039344

Combination of corny, corporate, adolescent, and conformist yet urging to feel unique through consumption of slightly less mainstream products.

>> No.18039352

Wtf is that image

>> No.18039361

Lmao go back

>> No.18039365

seriously stop going on r*ddit

>> No.18039368

Reddit is full of idiots pretending to be smart, 4chan is filled with smart people pretending to be retarded and/or autistic.

>> No.18039388

>Terry Pratchet novels
All good up to this point, but the fuck is your problem with Pratchett?

>> No.18039404


it's smart(er) people who ARE retarded/autistic

>> No.18039435

Escapism is a pure negative to you, isn't it?

>> No.18039441


>> No.18039446
File: 96 KB, 512x371, Ken and Rebby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Reddit summed up in one image.

>> No.18039451

Not him, but I'd argue escapism is entertainment, not art.

Now I'm not against entertainment, but Art is about using the medium of entertainment to spread ideas, to change the way people think and ultimately to help them engage in the world differently, not to withdraw from it.

>inb4 art is nothing
All definitions are constructed, that's why we have constructed a difference for mindless entertainment and mindful entertainment.

>> No.18039646

It's not purely negative and this is why I qualified the statement with "primarily". If you consume media primarily to escape, then it testifies that something is wrong with you. A well adjusted or satisfied individual doesn't need to do that.

>> No.18039673

not my problem if you don't understand the reddit gestalt

>> No.18039938

and the other losers do the same with the term "/pol/", you are all a bunch of retards

>> No.18039997

Galapagos by Vonnegut is good example of a Reddit book

>> No.18040189

I don't think 4chan is more intelligent or autistic, I think there is just slightly more self-awareness here because everyone constantly insults everyone else rather mercilessly and you don't get the asskissing you do in most online communities with profiles and points. It's hard to create the sort of hugboxes that produce the more ridiculous internet subcultures with that constant self-mockery. Despite the entire internet drowning in a kind of irony these days, 4chan remains actually ironic in a paradoxically more honest fashion, the irony is itself sincere in the sense that it is genuinely irreverent, whereas most other parts of the internet have some moralfag codes they have to adhere to underneath the irony, and a quite serious stake in the identity of the poster which remains even if the poster is irreverent. /pol/ has brought a lot of sincerefag moralizers to the site though, which has undermined this ironic tendency, which is itself also ironic since /pol/ type content was originally posted mostly just because it was edgy. When you have been here for years these internal dynamics of tensions of irony and sincerity are all instinctively taken into account, which creates a kind of automatic process of self-negation people engage in while crafting their posts to fit the environment, or while criticizing posts that are too blatantly maladjusted to the environment and retain some kind of pretension towards moral or personal significance.

The very same autists that browse this site and behave here in this manner that is selected for of low-effort, low-risk, irreverent shitposting, will behave entirely differently under the psychological constraints that reddit or twitter posting induces. I don't post on those sites so I can't say that much about them but Twitter's structure obviously promotes narcissism, cliques, and soundbites, while Reddit promotes unreal levels of groupthink through the subreddit moderation system and upvotes, and the admin censorship of rogue subreddits.

If I had to assign mental illness profiles to the sites, 4chan would be schizoid/avoidant, Twitter would be a bunch of narcissist/bpd pairings(the narcissists are the big accounts, and the bpds their followers), while I have trouble viewing Reddit posters as actually fully human so I'm not sure what to call them, whenever I browse that place I feel like I am visiting a digital gulag, it's just a surreal mockery of actual human consciousness, you usually have to go down to the bottom of the thread to find a poster who appears to be sapient and his post will typically have few or no upvotes and few or no replies.

>> No.18040231

>"4chan isn't autistic"
>makes extremely autistic reply

>> No.18040249

I said we aren't more autistic, the sites just allows our autism to manifest in different manners.

>> No.18040254 [DELETED] 
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Careful sir, that's my religion you're talking about.

>> No.18040267

Not sure about this list. I’d argue it’s more of an age thing. If you read these books in your teens and you’re blown away it wouldn’t be weird or indicative of reddit in my opinion.
If you read them 25-40 and You’re blown away it’s a different story.

>> No.18040586

No, 4chan is filles with outcast weirdos and actual autistics and deformed. Reddit is comprised of millennials with parents that put them on meds as a substitution for parenting.

>> No.18040641

>being obsessed with a site that you hate
>being older than 18
choose one

>> No.18040645
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This is everything I've read since I made a Goodreads account

>> No.18040671

this comment is as reddit as anything can get

>> No.18040748

good post

>> No.18040793

People who use both sites extensively are mentally ill
this, it's a "know it when you see it" thing

>> No.18040802

Reddit take. Say that with a straight face after lurking on /pol/,/a/ or even /lit/ for a good period of time

>> No.18040906

It's made by a fat ass too lazy to finish it.

>> No.18041081

Those are some seriously trash batman books. Fell for the court of owls meme I see.

>> No.18041985

reddit is a one sided echochamber circlejerk that can only think in us and them tribalisms. ppl on 4chan that call things reddit are the redditors of 4chan

but even as this thread shows 4chan is more fit for actual discussion. there is always opposition and opposition results in growth. but this results in endless and senseless contranianism.

its a ying and yang thing

>> No.18042701

coherency is overrated. words have got a je ne sais quois to them that defies rational or dictionary definition. it's most apparent in poetry but still recognizable in plain language.

>> No.18042744

no, you're the redditor of 4chan. Please leave

>> No.18042794
File: 357 KB, 750x1012, F64AC922-4866-4C00-B2CE-699C29D2D9C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High quality post

>> No.18042964

If Pratchett is reddit tier then buy me a Switch, fuck my wife and call me cuck, I guess. Other than that, I agree with this anon.

>> No.18043008

Yikes a retarded midwit typed this

>> No.18043117


4chan is one of the only social media platforms wherein you are rated almost exclusively on the quality of what you say; Fortune plays a role insofar as the digits she ascribes to your post.

On Reddit, faggots anonymously praise or denounce your opinion via up/downboats without giving their own counters. This is very easy to do, and heavily influences how people are going to interpret your response (e.g. there's a whole set of psychological studies on this phenomenon; people are more inclined to like you if they hear good news about you first, or dislike you if they hear bad things about you). On 4chan you have to go to the effort of a (You) to even praise/berate something, and even then, a (You) is neutral until it's clicked on, and thus the number of (You)s do not immediately reflect that it's a Good or Bad post, just that it probably lies on the extremeties. The first impressions of a reddit post are "what does the hivemind think? Is it a big POSitive number or a negative number?" then they look at the post and make up their mind.

>> No.18043721

Effortpost for the win

>> No.18043761

Both wrong it's filled with with people from 4chan, ok actually only one of you is wrong.

>> No.18043767

Reddit is for retards pretending to be smart. 4chan is for retards ironically pretending to be smart.

>> No.18043782


>> No.18045020

Pretty good take

>> No.18045072

most stuff 4chan like is pretty reddit desu; just look at this board.

>> No.18045104
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>> No.18045363

I am actually a contrarian goblin, no need to pretend.

>> No.18045490

>muh clever ironic satire!!!
pure onions.

>> No.18045505

Would be based if true

>> No.18045560

Reddit is full of midwits pretending to be smart. 4chan is comprised of a mentally deficient (i.e. autism with a dash of schizoaffective) underclass majority and the intelligent upper crust minority, with a good amount of brigading redditors and bunkerchan midwits.

>> No.18045689
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>because you are unable to express your opinion in a coherent way
Yes and?

>> No.18045743

I unironically got filtered by this post

>> No.18045763

Kek this

>> No.18045835

I don't get the appeal for IPA's. They all taste like shit.

>> No.18045840

"pure onions" the fuck is that supposed to mean

>> No.18045860

Lol, you are such a beatroot

>> No.18045862

Lurk more

>> No.18045869


They are bitter and refreshing. A lot of them smell like a flower field.

>> No.18045883

80 replies and at best there are some vague explanations. Rest is fucking horoscope bullshit how "we" are more intelligent, autistic, self aware. At least redditors could eloquently explain why they hate 4chan posters.

>> No.18045902

Yeah, screaming about muh sexist racist nazis is very coherent.

>> No.18045986


>> No.18046007
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God I wish that were me

>> No.18046487
File: 8 KB, 202x249, 51850AA8-1BA3-4F75-AEBC-5DE6A7CFFD1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like the normie cattle with their overlords, I don’t like their soul, that is, their artificial veneer of edginess like someone else had said, and the facade of being the “front face of the internet” when they are thieves of whatever that is good that comes here. I don’t like the way they talk, don’t like their values, neither their reliance on “empiricism” which is a veneer that cloaks obedience to the “trusted sources”. They think in terms of appeasing the herd, not overcoming it, because that comes with chaos and disconnecting from ethics. And yet they’ll like to think of themselves of le rational free thinkers, who are SO SMART because they know Tiktok is comprised of dumb teens which will say dumb things, and know that the Earth isn’t flat. Such pride in the virtue of knowing a truism is an essential part of reddit.
I am willing to take the risk of relying on myself, even if it comes with risks, because that is what freedom is. I take the liberty of being vulgar, violent, unthinkable, having minimal intervention from the eternal jannies, which in the case of the redditors they’d have to do 10 hail Marie’s to appease. They want safety, “fairness”, “kindness”, acceptance, and comfort. They are the last men.
The moving force of what reddit is is highly regulated by the herd, which is controlled by the NGOs corporations, admins, and essentially their opinions and thoughts are a product of a top down system, from which the herd regulates its deviant components with the trumpets of “reason” playing in the distance.
Reddit isn’t free.

>> No.18046497

The main corpus of their mind, like a hive that reverts to one mode of thinking, is that which is artificially created - the consensus.
>What do we think of X?

>> No.18046537

Each post you make on reddit is accompanied with the little voice that tells you:
>I hope I won’t get banned for this
>I hope this gets tons of UPBOATS

>> No.18046643

Every post I make on 4chan is the same. They delete my threads and ban me every single time so now I only make threads with a dynamic IP.
Whenever I make a mistake and make a thread without my dynamic IP, I am forced to post all the time with my dynamic ip

>> No.18046658

>Every post I make on 4chan is the same.
So you’re spamming?
Why are you getting banned. I once got banned for a post I didn’t make. Two times.

>> No.18046674

It's a fascist website and the mods are nazis. They ban you for nothing.

>> No.18046699

Well it was some time ago. It was probably some mistake in my case.
What was it that got you banned?

>> No.18046709

If you don't like it here so much, maybe you should go back.

>> No.18046710

No it was your mistake at all. The mods are nazis.
I make race discussion threads on /his/. They're about discussing it with haplogroups and admixture but they still ban me despite how 80% of the threads on that board are race based

>> No.18046717

I love it here

>> No.18046754

It’s shorthand for catastrophic midwit oversocialized pathology

Too polished, but otherwise masterful bait

>since /pol/ type content was originally posted mostly just because it was edgy
The requirements to be antinomian today forced the moralfag issue

White Mandarans, scrabbling for social capital, and worshipping every fractal of Janny

>> No.18046923

>they thought that I was pretending to be retarded

>> No.18046944

You forgot: the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and the obsession with Dawkins (especially the selfish gene). They like Sam Harris too.

>> No.18046955

Reddit is for aspergers syndrome. 4chan is for schizos, autistic savants, schizoids, schizotypal persons and those with borderline

>> No.18046967

I like to cup my hand and fart into it, bringing it to my nose like a fine beaujolais.

>> No.18046975

"1984 was not meant to be an instruction manual"
"Have you tried Brave New Wold or Fahrenheit 451?"
+2.8 k upvotes

at least once a week on /r/books

>> No.18046982

Game of thrones is not ASOIAF.

>> No.18046983

I can't tell what you mean Anon. Don't know if you got lost in big words or described hurt too close to home.

>> No.18046989
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There are limits to articulation and the leftist aka redditor (r selected berry picker) cope with their crippled heads in misunderstanding by over articulating and demanding endless articulation. Articulation does not cause motion.

>> No.18047011

You sound like someone using a greek statue avatar

>> No.18047110
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4chan's pride cannot be taken away because to post here is humbling. Anonymity is humbling no matter how much egotistic force you put in to dick measuring contests of shitposts of your true accomplishments and YOUR identity, it's null here because it is truncated. All self worth claims are taken for their inherent taste not their democratic fiat. You are left with the validity and pathos of what you have to say with the plausibility in essence. The agreed on reality of our personal contribution is as irrelevant to 4chan's over all mood as engineering constraints are to the imagination of mathematicians. Software geeks build personas to represent the world and Anons present themselves as portals of deep inspection without warranties. Redditors have to package shallow just in time credit boosting claims to fame in order to please the voting system. We just need to be relevant enough to chain a few replies and enjoy a few passages for their coherent mosaic association of funny images. We're a great hivemind beast. They're a dissected corpse.

>> No.18047113

The single word "reddit" is all that is need to get our point across. The word carried innumerable images and connotation to anyone that has been on this site long enough. You needing us to spell it out is admission to newfaggotry.

>> No.18047115

This. It's incredible how a single word can carry so much implicit meaning.

>> No.18047128
File: 118 KB, 770x612, 4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is non-linear compared to the hierarchial structure of reddit... 4chan is more liquid, and so there are more random collissions in components, more serendipity, more organic and more adaptive and dynamic... networked and more random... ultimate information overflow results in heightened creativity... it is more tolerant of error "Being right keeps you in place. Being wrong forces you to explore."... More weak-ties.
When information flows free everyone benefits.

>> No.18047131
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one link carry so much stink?

>> No.18047137

finger in the bum

>> No.18047144

Ahem I bet it's JC Denton

>> No.18047164


>> No.18047172

Very based thread, every 4chan user needs to read this

>> No.18047187
File: 86 KB, 1476x1500, A1ntnF3PJOL._CLa_2140,2000_81iCih99rRL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our irony has pressured itself so much that it's like a crucible for sincerity. Mock me. Next post I make is more sincere aware of your mockery. Eventually sincerity is practiced and expressed in proof leagues above any heckling. We conquered Twitter and Instagram's hierarchy with our memespeak because of this crucible.

>> No.18047202

I only post here because leftism can't survive the anonymity.

>> No.18047206

In da fresh

>> No.18047208

Irony allows for less confident ideas to spark up brainstorming and re-examined worth. The mocking then...yep. And that is why my Mongolian Throat Singing Forum will heal the world.

>> No.18047217

Words get filtered you roody poo

So go google it.
Or else you will never learn.
You will never read the first letter of each sentence.

>> No.18047266

hmm should I respond with based - upvote, or cringe - downvote...

>> No.18047272

Are you suggesting we are the same thing?

>> No.18047499

Nah, but 4chan's uniqueness has been subsumed by the mob.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
This happened a long time ago. Memes are overused and stale. If you haven't been here before 2014, or even earlier, you have no way of knowing what happened.

>> No.18047664

it means affeminate and mass media fanatic. basically oversocialized betas
>it is meaningles!!!!!!!11!
>procedes to define meaning

>> No.18047927

reread what he said retard. he said the idea that it is meaningless is false and proceeds to give the meaning.

>> No.18048099

>4chan is more fit for actual discussion
lmao you have no idea

>> No.18048137

Reddit is another name for dorky or lame. That is what it means. Even if every Redditor is not like that you know the connotation of the phrase.

>> No.18048191

I like a lot of "Reddit" things but I still agree with the term

I love Rick and Morty but it's very "Reddit"

>> No.18048221

Most insightful post ITT. Reddit tastes change all the time, the same way they adopt 2 year old memes from 4chan. Reddit is not a set of tastes but a mindset, seeking validation from strangers online by repeating discussions over and over and sharing the same unoriginal thoughts.
Not that /lit/ isn't the same, it's filled with dilettantes talking about books they haven't read, copying shitposts they saw last week, and responding to obvious, retarded bait.

>> No.18048323

>digital gulag
Holy shit that's spot on. Reddit is an online Chinese Uyghur reeducation camp.

>> No.18048419
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a subconscious introspection

>> No.18048464

This, plus an underlying thread of authoritarian self-righteousness. While riding a high horse they impose their morality upon the viewer and you can sense the dishonesty in it, that they are only doing it because they gain pleasure in overpowering others, they are only using morality as a weapon where they get to feel righteous in their attacks. If they could be dictators with no impunity they would have no regards for morals, since now they can attack freely without hiding behind the veil of being righteous. Their true intention is power, not being a good person.

>> No.18049126
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The political conditioning of the redditor-type is more nuanced than that, he is not a Leftist, he just picks up cultural artifacts emerging from Prog propaganda. He will seethe for hours on end about Derek Chauvin without watching any of the Chauvin trial because he read a CNN headline(whether Chauvin is guilty is not relevant here). The Leftist will try to like integrate woke dogma into Marxism, or reframe idpol as distraction from class consciousness, a redditor-leftist just shrieks about 'capitalism' one moment and then shrieks about 'racism' the next, there is no integration of anything conceptually. The contemporary redditor obviously cannot be funneled into various forms of altright dumbassery since it's banned on Reddit, but TheDonald was a clear example of how this was once possible, though it was a somewhat different dynamic because it was opposed to the majority of the rest of the site. The altright redditor, while clearly remaining within the reddit genus, showed some signs of evolution towards sapience by the mere fact they would question anything at all from the approved media sources. Unfortunately, after identifying such glaring contradictions and outright contempt for them in legacy media that they become suspicious of it, they just latch onto some other source and mindlessly follow it because this is really all they can do. A qboomer or magatard or whatever is like a dairy cow who, being subjected to unusually cruel mistreatment, dimly perceives it has been enslaved but is too stupid to do anything but run around bashing its head into the fence of its enclosure, they are a tragic phenomenon really.

btw if you want to see what happens when you mix the Platonic Redditor with the Platonic Tweeter check out this guy named Moviebob. I have never seen such redditry combined with such incredible narcissism and lack of self-awareness, it is genuinely fascinating how little this guy knows, how inaccurately he views his own moral and intellectual value, how precisely his kneejerk pronouncements cleave to bloodthirsty DNC soundbites, bugman consumerism, and techno-optimist utopianism, he is like an avatar for the writhing id of the curated prog internet.

Have to remember that we are not talking about real humans here, but rather the conditioned forms of behavior that these sites promote, the average Redditor or twitterfag is nowhere near this bad as an actual irl person, they only become so while posting on those sites, same as we become amoral shitposters while posting on this site, the digital self is a deformed meme organism in a schizophrenic meme reality that has produced a variety of Stygian meme ecosystems.

>> No.18049148


>> No.18049171

I do not call books "reddit" because I have no idea what "reddit" as an adjective would even describe.

>> No.18049393

Well put.

>> No.18049555

No one here sees the irony in the rhetoric of most replies, effortposts included. It's little more than a thinly-veiled version of the timeless animalistic cry that goes "Me big good, enemy big bad". Reddit is "a bunch of oversocialized conformist bugmen whose behavior revolves around MSM narratives", while 4chan is "a space that lends itself to intellectual discourse by fostering idea meritocracy".

A much simpler outlook on the matter would be that Reddit was not created for intellectual discussion, and its usecase is closer to providing bite-sized edutainment for people well-integrated into society and generally indifferent to the internet, during their toilet breaks. 4chan, on the other hand, consists mainly of people rejected by society, and while contrarian to mainstream narratives, it manages to be even more pathetically conformist internally. Much like the emo kids that dress different than everyone else, but dress and act exactly the same as their in-group peers. I've always found the regurgitated notion that this place fosters idea meritocracy hilarious, since it's obviously much more suited for ironic hit-and-run shitposting and the propagation of a very specific set of contrarian narratives that have settled in the collective unconscious of its userbase through repetition. Go on /pol/ and try to discuss economic policies among "rekt" threads and retards screaming about adrenochromium reptiles, go to /biz/ and try to discuss anything other than crypto, go to /mu/ and say that you find Radiohead unnecessarily edgy. There will be no discussion, there (almost) never is, it will be the same regurgitated memes, the same regurgitated soundbite replies by people that are overly emotionally invested in this website and the narratives that come with it, while it's just a fucking website.

There is, occasionally, something of worth here, someone going out of his way to post an actually original thought as hard as that is, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. If you have hobbies that you want to discuss, it's much easier to network with real people invested in them, connect with them and their peers, build trust and have honest discussions around them. People do that, even if you haven't experienced it. Reddit and 4chan are just websites, products, and discussing "reddit versus 4chan 'culture' " while patting yourselves on the back for coming out on top makes me embarrassed on your behalf. Go outside.

>> No.18049624
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goblins rise up

>> No.18049673

How do you explain the existence of your own post here then, and this type of post is very common, the 4channer who shits on 4chan while implying his perspective is above it, it is practically a plurality of people here who think that way lol, all it does is betray an inability to reflect on what you yourself are doing as you do it.

You also did the same reduction of the sites into a positive and negative assessment(well-integrated, generally indifferent vs. people rejected by society) you accused people here of doing in your own post, you just reversed the polarity, and you have elided the many criticisms of 4chan in the thread, claiming it is all self-congratulation. It is also simply objectively inaccurate that there is more conformity here, there are constant flamewars about every subject.

>> No.18049691

The effort poster already nailed the thread but I like to add one more thing. The very root of 4chan is said to be autistic and while that might be correct there is a fundamental difference between chan autism and reddit autism. The reddit autism unironically acknowledges that people have difficulty understanding concepts, messages and basic communication which directly results in the assumption that everything is a potential insult. Irony is therefore extremely restricted and has to be made explicit to the point it loses all of its natural charme, its interactive allure. Reddit allows the individual to stay in its bubble. It supports retardism, it supports weakness, it supports illness and it does not allow any impulse to criticize the individual because a deeply ingrained fatalistic attitude (victim mentality) lurks behind the self-imposed pretenses of self-destructive self-improvement. Thus the individual does not need to reflect and eventually change themselves and in turn keeps being a faggot as all external negation of its faggotry is either blocked by moderation or negated by his fellow downvoting comrade faggots. The self-affirming retard is born and only shortly before sleep some dim thought goes through his mind: "m-maybe there's more to reality than this, better fall asleep fast now, need that next dose of pills and reddit confirmation in the morning!" (sic)

Chan autism on the other hand allows complete moral and social annihilation of individual anons, of groups, of life and the universe itself. And it's not like mental illness is not acknowledged. The difference is that it's seen as common sense to stretch the individual poster to their absolute limit and the individual has to deal with this. This way the poster is made aware of their faults and that's the only way to learn as learning has to hurt othwise no learning takes place. Here we can insult a poster who is anonymously reduced to a number without insulting an identity like on reddit. Insulting this way means nothing else than showing someone their faults. This is therefore much closer to society but without all its material consequences. 4chan this way is like a learning platform for real life for people who can't just fit in normally. Its on top a much more brighter, more joyful, more insightful, wider representation of reality. To participate here means that whatever you write here - including your suffering and weaknesses and productive output and so on - could be completely dismissed and be drawn into the cesspool of shit posting. But that's the point. We are constantly reminded of our faggotry and after a while we learn what that even means and maybe after a while we become a little bit less of a faggot and that's all one could hope for.

>> No.18049743
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>Stygian meme ecosystem astral projection schizophrenia
I've been mulling that over myself. No way to say it nicely but nice!
Thanks, Nick Land

Movieblobert was a fond memory to me before the Tumblr 4chan wars. He had the latest hype scoop on Capeshit 5.

I still don't know what the final late stage Reddit cancer is. But I know leftism is an ingredient. They need leftism to promote the r selected Estrogen goblin force. They don't need Leftism to understand a book worth reading and thinking about. They no longer need multivolume Qurans or Communist Manifestos nor Rules for Radicals to sway them but mask signs and nondescript movie trailers. Their degraded minds are now granular in their knee jerk pangs on command. I heard some MagaTard lecture me on how the Air force bombs its own bases. His point was telling me that James Mason is like the guy bombing his own Air force base out of stupidity and failure to obey command. I gave up on trying to explain that obedience to command is what CAUSED the USAF to bomb its own and that rampant breakdown of the group against itself and everyone else is the goal of a subversive. Went over his head of course. That the USAF is so goblin stupid it bombs its own bases continually without any outrage or uproar or any public concern for survival, waste, war effort shows the fantasy fiction reality der normus redditus is huffing. There is no basis for appeal because there is no basis for foundation. Based? Based on what? I'm based you're not! Based on what? Like you or could/would know, Redditcuck!

>> No.18049763

>positive and negative assessment(well-integrated, generally indifferent vs. people rejected by society)
I never implied that being accepted or rejected by society is de facto positive or negative. Societies are frequently corrupt in more ways than one, and stifling individualism to fit in is not always a good think. Other times it's just immaturity and mental illness that prevents a person from assimilating. In any case, I simply made a statement of fact. If you took 1000 Reddit users and 1000 4chan users and you gave them a questionnaire to assess how well-integrated they are in society, ran it three times and got p-values, I am beyond certain that you'd see a statistically significant difference, with 4chan users being less integrated.

>How do you explain the existence of your own post here then
I'm the exception. I disagree that my type of post is very common. In fact, I often go out of my way to play devil's advocate just for the fun of it, since the striking majority of content on any board is the regurgitation of a set of ideas, frequently referred to as "board culture", and I wish I could put "culture" in a thousand air quotes. In fact, after 138 replies, I was the only one to argue against the points posted and universally accepted by everyone else. The lack of self-awareness of almost everyone here is sometimes funny.

>> No.18049788

>they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.18049850

Not a day on 4chan goes by where I poop and don't read a new brilliant post like this pop up. You just tore 4chan to shreds in your scorn but doing so proves how rewarding it is to lurk and post here. The lurker can always nudge the catalog feed to taste by poking the right way and this post is just that. You went outside. You know the pattern of posting here and can reliably find your level of growth here on a regular basis. Granted most of the time I would want to save energy and just popularize memes rather than deep dive heavy data laden big book ideas.

>> No.18049902

>I am beyond certain that you'd see a statistically significant difference, with 4chan users being less integrated.
I'd agree that's probable but it would be only a tendency, and I think the bigger factor here is the way the sites condition people to post, it selects for types of people but it also reinforces types of behavior such that drawing conclusions based on posting content comparisons between sites can be misleading.

I do think you're wrong about conformity though, look at how /lit/ threads about Marxism or Fascism go, they are flamewars. You see the same thing with authors like Dostoevsky or Nabokov, this is not because of any open-mindedness on the part of the userbase, it is purely a result of the incentive structures of posting and moderation style of the site.

What 4chan does promote is low-effort shitposting, extremely crude and hostile behavior, and this is what its stereotype is, the dumb internet troll. This is an accurate criticism, but conformity is not, at least not relative to other online communities, a certain degree of conformity about some issues does emerge here anyway in some instances.

>> No.18049929

At some point before 4chan there was Chads vs Virgins, Homer vs Flanders, Commies vs Capitalists but now that this is the last bastion of free expression of course it's default hostile. It's the site itself vs the world.

>> No.18049953

4chan is actually white boys who like the Joker and think they're edgy and demented. The actual schizophrenics are on deviantart and deep Facebook

>> No.18049965
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This. Mentioning 4chan around instagram thots no longer gives you the WTF NERD response because said THOTS are wearing Yes Chad shirts and dressing like Joker on the stairs.

>> No.18049969

4chan is full of idiots pretending to be smart, Google+ is full of smart people pretending to be dumb

>> No.18050055

>look at how /lit/ threads about Marxism or Fascism go
>same thing with authors like Dostoevsky or Nabokov
I don't think the discussions here are any more diverse, serious or heated than in any other serious philosophy forum. If your bar for comparison is Reddit, an edutainment platform that focuses on getting clicks and 3'-5' reads, then I'd say you need to set it higher. /Lit/ is not comparatively better than any other serious philosophy forum, and is definitely not better than discussing issues live with other people interested in the field.
The exception to the above may be fascism, which generally remains a taboo subject outside of 4chan. Why it is taboo outside of here, and why national socialism is a very popular ideology in 4chan is a big discussion that is likely not worth getting into. It's more of an exception than a rule.

Just read source material, form your own opinions and discuss them with your peers. I didn't say anything groundbreaking, I only slightly poked against the echo chamber.

>> No.18050110

I think Fascism is a rather instructive example, not an exception, because Fascism is not the only such taboo.

Of course a dedicated philosophy forum is going to have higher quality content than /lit/, again the incentive structures ensure that. I don't know if you're right that it will have broader diversity of opinions though, it will likely have a restricted set of opinions that posters can back up in a much more sophisticated fashion, not only because of taboos like the fascism issue, but also because of general trends of intellectual fashion.

>> No.18050172

This is where I share my deep dives into source material. This is how we surf the autistic friend simulator to simulate peers. I'm leaving it written down for lurkers to know.

>> No.18050231

Look, going back to the central issue.
Anonymity *can* be used as an incentive structure for more thorough discussion, but not on an almost lawless imageboard. The signal-to-noise ratio becomes too low when anyone, regardless of expertise level, can post anything, instantly, with no repercussions. Especially in a website that, I would argue, attracts a group of marginalized, in-group-hyperconformist type of people. If you want to see anonymity used right, look up the Delphi method, where it really shines.

On some of your points:
>I think Fascism is a rather instructive example, not an exception, because Fascism is not the only such taboo.
I don't think that's true. I think fascism and pedophilia are likely the only taboos acceptable inside of 4chan and unacceptable outside. That's mainly because when the site was at its infancy, /b/ became a congregation center for fascists and pedophiles, which had a network effect. I struggle to think of other subjects that are taboo exclusively outside of 4chan. But that's more of a suspicion that I have than a rigorous argument, just wanted to bring it up.

>but also because of general trends of intellectual fashion
True, but you just need to find people interested in your niche, even if they're fewer. I'd argue that /lit/ has its own "intellectual fashion", with people like Spengler seeing much more recognition in here than in other forums. In any case, that has nothing to do with the incentive systems underlying the website.

This will be my last post ITT, need to relax for a bit. Fun chatting.

>> No.18050356

>more thorough discussion
This wasn't claimed though, the post I assume your initial post was mainly replying to claimed 'slightly more self-aware' because of prevalence of criticism, more genuinely ironic and irreverent, and prone to low-effort shitposting. And again I just disagree with 'ingroup-hyperconformist' as a descriptor for this site. People like that don't come here, they go to sites where they won't encounter anyone disagreeing with and mocking them because they quite literally cannot handle it, I don't know if you're just not in contact with people like this but they actually have like small panic attacks or fits of rage when people disagree with them about touchy stuff. The mechanisms for blocking, downvoting, censorship, etc. on other social media sites are an order of magnitude more conducive to ingroup thinking than those here, though there is an opposing dialectical effect where flamewars strengthen opposition.

As for examples of taboo, those you mention are probably the two biggest ones, but generally anything non-woke is somewhat taboo, and the difference is that most other sites, or subcultures on sites, that allow non-woke material censor/block in the opposite direction and don't allow woke material so they are just as much a hugbox. even /pol/, which is the closest to echo chamber status on the site, doesn't actually ban people mocking /pol/, there are always a bunch of threads doing just that.

I am not entirely disagreeing with you though that there are conformist trends here, there are opinions you are likely to be praised for and opinions you are probably going to be insulted for. There is a meta-effect going on where topics that the rest of the internet mostly disdains are more popular here because it is one of the only places they can be discussed, and this itself fosters the praise of people like Spengler for conformist reasons(not that I have anything particularly against Spengler but his altright adjacent status is very obviously a factor in his popularity). the /pol/ification of 4chan is real, and it is unfortunate, though I have never thought it was sensible to blame the actual /pol/ board for this, instead of the broader trends of internet culture. That being said there will still always be people in a Spengler or whatever thread calling his philosophy idiotic, and this was my main point about conformity, just that there is less of it here because it's anon and barely moderated.

>> No.18052297

I disagree.Reddit is normaltards trying their best to appear unique or weird,4chan is filled with asocial freak-shows trying to find a group they can belong to

>> No.18052338

that is coherent

>> No.18052360

based self-aware asocial freak-show

>> No.18052507

A common trait the average r/books poster user shares with the average /lit/ poster is they both believe themselves to be a lot more intelligent than they actually are.

The difference between the two is that, while /lit/ posters may seek to salve this defect -- and perhaps in rare cases, cure it -- by reading from the canon or whatever, the average reddit user now has in-built excuses to not read any literature that doesn't come in the modern flavor.

For example:

>boring, doesn't apply to modern day

And so on.

Put another way, /lit/ posters seem to gravitate towards older literature because they feel excluded from modernity, for the most part; reddit users seem to feel, or are unable to, digest anything that wasn't written in the past twenty years.

This creates a vast insecurity in the average reddit user. A lot of the excuses listed above, while in certain historical contexts may be accurate, seem to instead be Trojan Horses for the simple fact that the individual reddit reader, on average, finds older literature uncomfortable and perhaps more difficult. Rather than admit to this, and either leave older literature alone, or learn how better to read it -- two approaches that require individual responsibility and personal management of expectations -- the reddit user must instead latch to a collective network of the similarly discouraged and find a way to obliterate the source of discomfort, often through mass discrediting via conventional political and ideological channels, which favor collective, salient thought over individual choice.

One last interesting point that lends to the apparent discomfort of the reddit masses:

Whereas /lit/ posters have the freedom to eviscerate and haze any pseuds, reddit users are not allowed the same venom and filtering techniques. Instead, they bat at each other with passive-aggressive diatribes, which rarely deter anyone, or cause any real lessons to be learned, because instead of shocking someone for a moment with either blunt honesty or snapping toxicity into thinking they may have apprehended a subject incorrectly, these reddit dialogues seem to simply leave both sides tepid and grumbling, and wholly unsatisfied.

In closing, while neither reddit or /lit/ are really appropriate channels for the discussion or dissection of literature, reddit is far more bound to the whims of popular culture and the masses by the sheer virtue and average character of its individual users, whereas /lit/, while rarely academic or intelligent or even reasonably coherent, at least harbors a potential for genuine, honest discussion.

I take you guys any day over the alternative.

>> No.18052617
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Ok anon, stay quiet for a little, this going to be quickly.

>> No.18052635

nice le enlightened centrist take faggot

>> No.18052641

Are you twelve?

>> No.18052646

I’m a schizophrenic and I’m right here, buddy.

>> No.18052653

Do those feign a veneer of sophistication, though? I didn't get that implication. Insertion of woke politics is just that, ideology, not sophistication. Snappy, wisecracking dialogues are also just that, not smart, just tailor-made to be facebook memes and to be printed on T-shirts.

Even the edginess is arguable. It's always the same acceptable targets : non-woke politics, white people and WASPy types, aspects of the past that are not compatible with woke politics, christianity and especially the church, etc.

It's not even a thin veneer, it's mere affectation. It makes no attempt in any sense to be even mildly edgy.

>> No.18052658

I can’t believe this is real; ya must be shieeeetttposting

>> No.18052988

This post is reddit

>> No.18053236

I could have phrased it better. I just mean media that fools midwits into thinking it is somehow 'above the fray' of the typical landscape of consumption while not actually being above it at all. Deadpool is a really easy example, it's the sort of thing that redditbrains will look at and think
>Wow, this isn't your average comic book movie for KIDS, this one's for adults because it's rated R and breaks the fourth wall and deconstructs the tropes! It's like Ryan Reynolds is sharing a laugh with me!
When of course it is just as much corporate boardroom schlock as any other superhero movie, just calculated to appeal to the 20-something 'geek' demographic instead of a family demographic.

>> No.18053625

>Their true intention is power, not being a good person.
All good. I'd add that they embrace certain things to be a form of revolt, but the only kid that is easy and accessible and socially accepted. Like buying gamestop. Somehow part taking in the status quo of finance and going long is in fact a revolutionary act to them. Most anons would know it isn't though, a true revolution would shut off the wifi and the redditor wouldn't be able to watch pornhub and Netflix. So he part takes in meaningless pseudo revolts to pretend he has independence.

>> No.18053657

Me too. What meds do you take, I'm on clozapine

>> No.18053672

I find it really interesting how 4chan self-organizes. Reddit is hierarchial and top-down. 4chan bottum up

>> No.18053732

No stupid voting system so everyone's on the same page

That's what I like about 4chan, no names either unless you're a dickhead

>> No.18053744

Well done.

>> No.18053831

>discusses thing

>> No.18053999

God, why is redd*t so fucking insufferable

>> No.18054005

There's more gatekeeping

>> No.18054032
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Based and right about everything

>> No.18054037

Feeling entitled to elaboration is reddit tier.

>> No.18054099
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wtf reddit is based?????????

>> No.18054167

And what do they revolt against? That's the thought I always return to when I mull about the issues of wokescolds, redditors, and their attempts to counter culture. They certainly makes claims, and I have no doubt that they want to align themselves with a cause they feel is moral. But to what morals do they measure themselves? If you put the question to them, their answers usually comes down to things that resemble humanist values.

Eventually, they will bring up science and technology and the good its done. But history shows that science and high technology (refrigerators, Iphones, automobiles) has only thus far existed in a world that uses a surplus of human exploitation to bring it about. I cannot say whether or not high technology and human exploitation require one another to exist, only that thus far it has not been so. The existence of these devices runs contrary to human well-being in their creation.

Thus, redditors, a group of people who at once champion things like human rights, and at the same time practically deify the systems that have given caused to some of the words human rights violations in history.

>> No.18054194
File: 63 KB, 359x363, MTK3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that is why my Mongolian Throat Singing Forum will heal the world.

>> No.18054203

Big brain moment

>> No.18054398

You are a tranny. My post is based. You have lost the argument.

*Posts basedjack.*

>> No.18054422


>> No.18054445

what do you like to read?

>> No.18054470

came here to post this, have my upvote you glorious bastard

>> No.18054649

Retard I never said that 4chan is equal to Reddit, of course it's better. I'm just calling you out on your dumbass youtube comment meme take that "4chan users are people who pretend to be mentally ill."a good chunk of anons on /pol/ think that a spy b-movie is playing out in the echelons of power. Anons on /a/ will spend 6-8 hours of their day arguing about whose waifu is better and who the mc canonically ends up with. And (you)s incentivise hot-takes and pandering in the same way as upvotes. You're just a fag who wants to pretend he's special for making a ceremony out of using a site that other people use normally every day

>> No.18054705

>reading it at all

>> No.18054709 [DELETED] 

You're just the negative killjoy on joyous 4chan. Our heralds have a name for you, outlander: FUCKING NORMALFAG

>> No.18054711

reddit thread

>> No.18054713

Better episode yet

>> No.18054731

He didn't read but good link

>> No.18054739

What kind of osmosis goes on between Tumblr and Reddit?

>> No.18054809

I know I like 4chan but sometimes I dont know why
Some of the posts in this thread helped to clarify
Thanks anons

>> No.18054853
File: 182 KB, 1000x1000, soiboi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it's because you're an insufferable soiboy

keyed. Never stop dabbing on soi boi libtards

>> No.18054862
File: 228 KB, 400x400, libtardsoijack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get the appeal for IPA's. They all taste like shit.

Criticism of IPA's triggers the libtard just as much as if you made fun of the diabetes race or dicks up the ass. They are a clown cult that lashes out when you mock their false idols.

>> No.18054868
File: 841 KB, 1096x981, libtardinsanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy me a Switch, fuck my wife and call me cuck

>> No.18054894
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>an underlying thread of authoritarian self-righteousness. While riding a high horse they impose their morality upon the viewer and you can sense the dishonesty in it, that they are only doing it because they gain pleasure in overpowering others, they are only using morality as a weapon where they get to feel righteous in their attacks. If they could be dictators with no impunity they would have no regards for morals, since now they can attack freely without hiding behind the veil of being righteous. Their true intention is power, not being a good person.

>> No.18054927
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>I'd add that they embrace certain things to be a form of revolt, but the only kid that is easy and accessible and socially accepted.

>> No.18054931
File: 1.07 MB, 938x630, jokerreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is actually Caucasians who like the Joker

>> No.18054935
File: 88 KB, 343x640, orc81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the orc is reeing everyone