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1804368 No.1804368 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

Picked this up the other day and was looking for similar stuff, I don't mean Japanese lit I mean shit that's about :3 girls and tragedy and sex and shit. No troll, I seriously have a strong desire to read more books about cute girls but ones that are of similar quality to this.

pic related

>> No.1804384


>> No.1804387

Have you read through everything else Murakami has ever done? Start there.

>> No.1804389

He said he didnt want Japanese lit, I think.

>> No.1804390

He's a fucking idiot, then. Murakami doesn't diverge wildly in themes from book to book. If he liked Norwegian Wood, he should read Dance Dance Dance. Keep going.

>> No.1804396

I read Norwegian Wood earlier this year, thought it was great. I haven't read much other Murakami, but from what I'm told, many of his other works have an element of the supernatural involved, and are less realistic than NW; that said, I think I'll try Dance Dance Dance on the previous poster's recommendation. As for OP's request, I can't think of anything that fits your description exactly offhand... Maybe some of Raymond Carver's stuff? His book of short stories "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" had a bittersweet, sort of painful sense of longing and loneliness. His other works are good too. "Where I'm Calling From" has to do with being in a rehab facility or mental hospital or something iirc, (haven't read Carver for a long time).
If you are looking for more Japanese lit, Yukio Mishima is really good. I'm about halfway through reading all of his stuff that's available in English.

>> No.1804416

> many of his other works have an element of the supernatural involved,

Dance Dance Dance has supernatural aspects, but they're such a TINY part of the story (physically that is -- theyre only a few pages. How important they are is up to you)

>> No.1804420


I didn't mean to imply that was a negative; have you read any of the "Trilogy of the Rat?" (Hear the Wins Sing, Pinball 1973, and A Wild Sheep Chase) wiki tells me they are previous novels which Dance Dance Dance is somewhat of a sequel to, or at least related.

>> No.1804424

Snow Country by Kawabata maybe? Pretty tragic love story.

Too bad you're getting Jap /lit/ recommendations OP, sorry.

>> No.1804427


Why is that too bad, he/she didn't say NO Japanese lit, he just said he wanted books with similar focus/plot; women, sex and tragedy.

To me that description is way too vague, since A LOT of books deal with women and sex and tragedy.

>> No.1804443

Yeah, I took OP to mean he was not simply looking for recommendations of other good Japanese lit, but for books with similar themes. Other Murakami works focus on some similar themes, as do some works by other authors who happen to be Japanese. They do love sex and death and tragedy, as a culture. I suggested and American writer as well, though.

>> No.1804445

Oddly, prior knowledge of the trilogy of the Rat is hardly necessary to enjoy Dance Dance Dance. I don't think I'd advise OP read any of those novels based on his criteria though. (Well, maybe Pinball, 1973.) I think South of the Boarder, West of the Sun and Sputnik Sweetheart may be better choices.

>> No.1804448

Norwegian Wood was fucking awful not even going to explain myself. Its not worth it

>> No.1804451


Great contribution.

>> No.1804460

Explaining yourself seems like it would have been more "worth it" than wasting your time making that non-comment and my time reading it. What did you find so awful about Norwegian Wood? I'm interested.

>> No.1804466

Thanks! I'm liking the reviews on those two better than the description of Dance Dance Dance. I think I'll check them out.

>> No.1804477

Grotesque and Real World by natsuo kirino. Grotesque is incredible, can't recommend it enough, especially for the scenes in the Q hiigh school

>> No.1804509

The Gum Thief. might not be exactly what you're looking for, but deals with tragedy and has some female characters in it.

>> No.1804763

OP here am back, I'll check out some of the stuff you guys recommended however I'd like to explain what I want a bit better. I want good books that have quite a few shy characters and possibly deal with romances of sorts, basically stuff that has a similar plot/characters to this, not necessarily stuff written the same way.

>> No.1805124


>> No.1805418

Ayo, check out Swann's Way, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower. The protag himself is shy, but I think you'd like it. Unbearable Lightness of Being, All the Pretty Horses is more tragic than romantic but check it.

Also, y'all niggas needs ta get laid.

>> No.1805608

Listen to the others. Pretty much ANYTHING Murakami if you enjoyed Norwegian Wood. Wind Up Bird, Sputnik Sweetheart, Dance Dance Dance, etc.