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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 315x450, mushishi_zoku_shou_2nd_season_3712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18046090 No.18046090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I haven't watched it yet
But i heard its the most /lit/ anime ever

>> No.18046116


>> No.18046117

I'll watch it and report bback.

>> No.18046132

Watched it when I used to watch chinese cartoons was bretty good probably my top 3, not overstimulating and quite chill

>> No.18046137

what's your number 1 and 2?

>> No.18046163

Number 1 is a trashy old harem for nostalgias sake, number 2 is made in abyss

>> No.18046170

I watch it back in 2008, it was pretty good. I'd love to read the manga.
Another, spoon-feed me a torrent.

>> No.18046174


>> No.18046178

It is pretty /lit/ indeed. Do yourself a favor and watch it with a comfy cup of tea at night and allow yourself to be immersed into the world and the wonderful subtle presentation of its themes.

>> No.18046206 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 802x123, 1618652476780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna take a minute OP..

>> No.18046216
File: 184 KB, 636x1000, magi bbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently watched : Magi the Labyrinth of Magic
And even tho its started off as Childish , as episodes went on, it was truly amazing, I literally marathoned all 50 episodes and the subtle philosophy between each characters philosophy is so amazing
Literally a few hours later, jumped on the manga,
I literally read for 4 days, 6 hours each day,
Now, i barely have like barely 50 chapters,
I read about 150 chapters now
The art is amazing and the story progresses smoothly , its became way more mature than any shonen I've ever read
Its also inspired from Persian tales and has weird arabic names.
Extremely interesting

made in abyss is shit lmfao, I literally couldn't last more than 9 episodes, its a children's cartoon lmfao, it has nothing deep about it,

You are just jealous of how amazing some anime stories are written. I'm not like every shitty seasonal /a/ watcher, i only watch with things that challenge me mentally, Magi
>pic related
Really helped me see the world from a whole new another perspective, watch it and read it, its amazing

>> No.18046222
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Damn thats pretty fast internet lol
You are extremely nice lol
I never thought you would really take my opinion seriously

>> No.18046239
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It's a mellow episodic show, but I suspect it's also going to be boring for most people. Especially if they come from modern anime.

>> No.18046264
File: 2.52 MB, 2452x1442, 979399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah true
Modern anime is just full of action and unecessary fighting and blown up power levels.
Lmfao, it makes me laugh to see things like modern anime like Jujutsu kaisen, its literally nothing but huge power boosts out of nowhere.
There is no meaning or mystery or deep psychological thinking within the storie's characters

Lol, it seems kinda ironic but I loved just as much shonen manga like magi, I was kinda gloomy for a few months and it weirdly made me happy and more fullfilled then with the generic naruto or fairy tail's out of nowhere optimism

>> No.18046265

Heard about it never watched it though, as I said i don't watch chinese cartoons anymore I have to catch up on all of the reading I didn't do in my adolescence

>> No.18046274

Forgot to add I just liked the art it is actually pretty childish but I enjoyed it a lot none the less don't go looking for le deep meaning in chinese cartoons

>> No.18046292
File: 170 KB, 838x710, 149642112515074409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monogatari series (and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei) is the most /lit/ anime

>> No.18046297
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Bakemonogatari is the best for obvious reasons.

>> No.18046337
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>don't go looking for le deep meaning in chinese cartoons
I know its a meme but yea its japanese cartoon.
Secondly, i was a bit like you, When i was 16 or something I would binge watch these same cartoons just for the adrenaline and the feels
But as I grew up to be 19, I see way more than just stupid cartoons, things like Honor, hardwork, devotion, friendship, these things are really important and are symbolised in a very few great manga or anime masterpieces but when you find and try to understand them its amazing, you feel a bit more enlightened than you were before
Same happened to me with Magi, I was gloomy for long months, reading a few books here and there, watching a few movies nothing helped
but then I watched the japanese cartoon, and it felt weird, I connected with the character on a deep level, i laughed at their funny moments, i felt happy for their happiness and felt sad with their misery, its this kind of feelings which you detach from yourself as you grow up that anime reminds you off

>> No.18046472

Sure that's a fair take but finding something new like you did with magi? Doubtful, I would have to dig through heaps of trash and in the end even if I found a diamond in the rough I might not even get the memo (shit flies over my head because I'm brainlet in the symbolism department)
Now that I am thinking about it, the only time I actually got the memo was with silent voice and 5 centimetres per second; with anything else I mostly get filtered unless I discuss it with a fren after
As of now I'm content with reading, might revisit chinese cartoons at a later point in life

>> No.18046476

its not really /lit/ nor is it special, its "mellow" for people who only know anime to be action

>> No.18046486
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Silent Voice was Amazing, didnt like the ending tho, so I read the manga which is way better and a bit different with the story, its quite sad how they didnt adapt the entire thing
As for Books, what are you reading right now ?
For Magi, Lol go watch it now, its a bit childish in the beginning, so give it sometimes, but you will like it after that

>> No.18046511

go back to the faggot anime board

>> No.18046514

I'm in the country side right now by the time I download magi I will have returned home, as for lit I just finished reading demons and I'm reading some notes this edition has, waiting for the books I ordered to arrive, in the meantime I'm reading some secondary lit on jung by some woman, when I get back home I'll probably read uhh Dorian grey probably

>> No.18046535
File: 143 KB, 640x853, 026C9F1B-BB6D-4056-A3E5-2569F8DBE625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as for lit I just finished reading demons
I actually wanted to read "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoïevski. Its really big tho. Somebody recommended it to me
I also watched a few clips of peterson talking about him
Is Demons worth reading ?

>> No.18046559

anyway, before the thread archived, if you wanna talk more, I'm on telegram @Pipiboum
lol funny username

>> No.18046563

anime is fucking shit

>> No.18046573

If you like russian literature he is worth reading, although I still don't get why people out crime and punishment on a pedestal, alot of people I have talked with (myself included) say it's pretty boring compared to the rest of his well known works but that probably works in your favour since I read it first as with everyone and the read the rest
Demons probably the best out of his famous works excluding brothers karamazov because I haven't read
If you have the patience read crime and punishment at some point you will get bored in the middle like every dosto book but it's all a setup for the ending chapters

>> No.18046577

I'll add you in a few days I don't have telegram installed

>> No.18046583
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1484796692111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits
its ok im always active

>> No.18046593

W-what does Hitagi want me to do with the rope

>> No.18046728

do the needful

>> No.18046770


>> No.18046786

top 3 best anime of all time, i saw the thread on the homepage and now i am here

>> No.18047086
File: 63 KB, 578x547, 1595996888272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like mono no aware shows. I know they're meant to be calming, but they make me feel like I'm dying while watching them. Girls last tour was especially uncomfortable but mushishi evoked a similar feeling.

>> No.18048051

Tales where barbaric man ignorantly abuses mother nature, or where nature is a cruel thoughtless monster that comes from the hills to terrorise us are numerous in number. For me, they often fail to say anything impactful because they juxtapose man and nature. Man is either the particular in the universal or nature is simply the universal of which man is an instantiation. Rarely do they care to posit a union in this completely arbitrary dichotomy, where the particular is an instantiation of the universal, just as much as the universal is the essence of the particular. This is where Mushishi really shines. The mushi are not wicked entities who seek to kill in droves. The humans are not greedy savages bent on scorching the earth. Both are just beings, thrown into a world where they are spatio-temporally extended and impelled to co-exist in this limited space. That they will cross paths, have conflicting interests, use each other, and hurt each other, love each other, play together, sustain in each other is inevitable is merely the way Nature chooses to show itself. Each episode describes a ceremonial meeting between a kind mushi and a kind human. Mushishi villifies neither man nor Nature. Mushishi whispers: 'this is'.

I have been looking for a work of fictional literature of similar scope and tone since, but I suspect I won't find it in the West. In philosophy, the Dao-De-Jing and Hegel's Science of Logic and Philosophy of Nature are its closest counterparts.

On pain of sounding pretentious, this anime puts you in just the right contemplative mode. I stared at my sofa and didn't see an object present-at-and or ready-to-hand, but a product of a ritualistic exchange with nature where one of its parts was transformed into a breast on which I can rest.

>> No.18048098
File: 481 KB, 1500x844, xavi-bou-yellow-legged-gulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea this is a good description of what i like so much about the show,
the unique way refuses to make a moral judgement about man's place in nature, or natures struggle with humanity, and yet remain deeply ethical and compassionate to both. a morality that becomes all the more deep the more it gets rid of sentimentality and replaces it with genuine understanding. I think Hegel is indeed a good pick when it comes to capturing this aspect.

>> No.18048877

Natsume's Book of Friends seems similar to Mushishi. I've only watched a few eps so I can't say if it delves into the exact philosophical bent you're looking for but it's also about a boy rectifying different spirits with a supernatural slice of life in the country vibe - not like action shonen exorcist cleansing. It's one of the highest rated manga and anime series on MAL so it must have something going for it.

>> No.18048915

monogatari is not very good and the only way you could convince me otherwise is if you read it in nip and could explain to me all the supposed cultural allusions that somehow prevent the story from being mid.
the first two seasons aren't terrible, but the final season is such an obvious cash cow dead product.

>> No.18049269

>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

>> No.18049596

Do either of you know any work of literary fiction that's like this? I thought I would find this in Kawabata, but it's still not quite what I am looking for.

>> No.18049946

Why do people have against anime? It's /lit/approve.

>> No.18049979
File: 96 KB, 1000x711, 42ACE147-0917-4CCB-9447-ED51C3810FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Ashita no Joe
I am disappoint lads. It’s Mishima-approved.

>> No.18050393
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, revolutionary girl utena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not talking about the deeply /lit/ show about sacrificing yourself to save Sophia from the temporal world of Lucifer to live together in eternity. not to mention the dantean subplot where poets fight at the top of mount purgatory to be literally wed to Beatrice and ascend to the kingdom of heaven aswell as the faustian subplot where the luciferian alchemist is persuaded by the devil to transfigure his own beatrice using human sacrifice to achieve eternity in the temporal world.

could not be me

>> No.18050699


whats literary about it? its just a relaxed show with a nice aesthetic

>> No.18050738
File: 45 KB, 300x437, UYBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is /lit/

>> No.18051888

Texhnolyze is by far the closest anime will ever get to literature

>> No.18052428
File: 110 KB, 640x960, 436eeb741555d983a2b5b766a8d2db93789b35c1_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me,it's pic related

>> No.18052501
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Always thought Angel's Egg was closer to literature than it was with anime because of how much it depends on imagery and allusions, with minimal dialogue. That exposition dump of Noah's Ark in the middle of the film was too on-the-nose though, probably because Oshii was afraid some brainlets wouldn't be able to understand what he was trying to say.

>> No.18052611

no. they're the most reddit anime. literal "I'm 14 and this is deep" shit. painful to watch. you don't even get capital letters that's how low I think of it.

what do you read? light novels and nothing else, I bet.

>> No.18052644

utena is a must watch for anime-headz and goodthinkers alike

>> No.18052649

this show is fantastic except for that season with the gacha game. everything up until he escapes the labor prison is 10/10 for me. then that ball game is fucking retarded but eh still worth finishing.

akagi is superior and is great to rewatch as it rewards you with slowly picking up the mahjong lingo and plays. but can be enjoyed regardless.

>> No.18052657
File: 454 KB, 640x454, 36426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ashita no joe
Based. One of the best pieces of literature i have ever read and i am hurt /lit/ don't know about it.

>> No.18052674

For me, the anime is not very good but the manga is indeed amazing. You could also like something called "panorama of hell"

>> No.18052675

>>ball game is fucking retarded
Holy filtered. The pachinko arc is the peak of the series.

>> No.18052679

Yes, I prefer the manga over the anime. I didnt know but it's amazing that Mishima liked this manga.

>> No.18052705
File: 170 KB, 660x934, Miss-Bernard-Said-Visual-001-20160926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nigger. mushishi has nothing at all to do with literature. posting actual /lit/ anime.

>> No.18052747

Lick my shit faggot i'll see you in 3 days

>> No.18052766

Pure kino with god-tier OST

>> No.18052793
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, aoi_bungaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Bungaku is the only officially /lit Anime. Contains:
No Longer Human
The Hell Screen
The Spider's Thread
Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita
Run Melos

>> No.18052803

>written by a woman

>> No.18052823
File: 146 KB, 500x662, Mononoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Mononoke, certainly one of the more artsy ones

>> No.18052826
File: 703 KB, 1000x1426, HouseOfFiveLeaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House of Five Leaves has a similar pace

>> No.18052876
File: 407 KB, 2560x1920, shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu
actual /lit/ anime

>> No.18052937

you've sold me on it. good stuff.

>> No.18052965

So /lit/ do I read or watch the monogatari series?

>> No.18052979

do a backflip

>> No.18052989
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That was great, but being a non-native Japanese speaker I imagine a lot of it was lost on me.

>> No.18052991
