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1804573 No.1804573 [Reply] [Original]

Just over a month ago I resubscribed to HBO to watch S2 of Treme. Shortly thereafter curiosity lead me to Game of Thrones. Now I find myself enjoying GoT just as much as Treme. I picked up a copy of the A Game of Thrones novel and am enjoying it greatly.

The question I face is this: Do I purposely slow my reading as to not get ahead of the TV series? Or do I move forward and read the novels before subsequent episodes/seasons air?

Should I experience the plot (with all its wonderful twists and turns) for the first time via the TV show or the novels? Discuss.

This question has been posted on both /tv/ and /lit/. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.1804577


Yo bro I feel bad that about that faggot spoiling all that shit in the /tv/ thread.

But you should still read the series anyway, ADwD comes on in a few months.

>> No.1804580

You should slow your reading, then after series is done proceed to read the rest of the books and NEVER EVER OPEN ANY GOT THREADS ON /TV/ EVER AGAIN GOD THE SPOILERFEST IS HORRIBLE

Seriously, if you want to try to discuss it on 4chan, /lit/ still respects spoilers more than /tv/.

>> No.1804582

Christ I'm staying away from 4chan and probably the whole internet when ADWD comes out.

People will take pleasure in spoiling that.

>> No.1804583

you will find yourself reading them as fast as possible. you cant put them down. also, fuck /tv/

>> No.1804599

listen friend, do not read the books; they are trash and have mere entertainment value

consider this: here is a book that demands I spend countless hours whittling away my free time and memory on pointless, peripheral details that will not contribute to an overall experience of enjoyment. Think of it similar to playing a video-game only having a long-ass loading screen.

Now, watching it as a series on television can only optimize and streamline its potential experience of enjoyment; the producers are obviously going to want to excise any details that are not crucial to your overall enjoyment for the sake of brevity and ratings, and focus on elements that will appeal to the vast mediocrity (of which you, having even entertained the thought of viewing or reading such books, are clearly a part of). Think of it like cutting out those loading screens in that video-game! Now, which would you honestly prefer? And I truly hope you are not one of those experientially crippled imbeciles who whine about how they are incapable of deriving the same sort of pleasure from different media ("bawww, I prefer reading more!"

So I think the moral is: If you're going to be a retarded faggot with zero taste, be a retarded faggot with zero taste who is capable of optimizing his enjoyment to time ratio so that you can do the culture industry a huge favour and make as much time for it as possible to shovel as much shit as it can into your consumertarded mouth

>> No.1804630

Christ, what an asshole.

>> No.1804638


OP here. I saw the first sentence of the spoiler and stopped reading. Thankfully the first spoiler was one which had already been spoiled for me.

>> No.1804639

I'm going to respectfully disagree. I like the show but I enjoyed reading the books more. If it's good enough for the third-best tripfag on /lit/, it's good enough for any disgusting faceless anon who inquires after its quality.

>> No.1804640

He raises a good point, though. Game of Thrones is really just pulp fantasy. It doesn't have much more to offer than that. As such, reading the books just increases your consumption of thematically bankrupt literature. He's only suggesting OP doesn't waste his time.

>> No.1804643
File: 365 KB, 244x137, GameofThrones - Slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP again. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

>> No.1804647

fair enough vdoobie

>Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Sure I guess if you're a lethargic slob with no goal or purpose in life. I don't know about anyone else but I've got theses and books to write, workouts to do any friends to go out with. I, for one, want to know how to economise my free time in such a way that I get maximal pleasure in a minimal yet reasonable space of time.

>> No.1804651

Oh god. With the amount of time you are on 4chan, can really believe what you're saying?

>> No.1804665

deep&edgy can you post a picture of your face please

i need to know if you're prettier than me

>> No.1804666

The question isn't whether I believe the truth of what I'm saying

The question is... whether you can afford NOT to

>> No.1804669

You may as well purposely slow your reading.

Cause the books won't be done until the entire tv series is.

>> No.1804671

let the record show i'll stop reading game of thrones because of this obnoxious faggot

i still don't really like you man but i kinda respect you if i met you in real life i'd make you my bitch tho brocicle

>> No.1804676

Well he's right.
I'd even argue that it's the cheaper of the two methods if you weren't subscribing to a premium channel solely for it.

>> No.1804691

The tv show does away with Martins interminable digressions on things that do nothing for either the plot or the enjoyment of the reader. It's also well cast for the most part, well acted and reasonably well directed. I would have liked to see some more dramatic/cinematic style camera work to fit the expansive nature of the narrative, but I suppose the budget is pretty huge as it is. Terrific soundtrack. Overall I find it more enjoyable than the books because, as far as the story goes, it actually seems to move along from episode to episode, where the books seemed to drag for me. It almost seems like Martin is getting paid by the page at times.

>> No.1804722

I'd just keep on reading.
You'll should be finished with the books before A Dance with Dragons is out and then you can enjoy that before the massive spoiler fest starts.
It is already a minefield because of the popularity with the show.

>> No.1804738

I'm interested, what do they do with all the sex scenes and huge dongs?

>> No.1804748

I think the only SWEET DICK you see is that of Viserys. It's not impressive but I assume he's of the grower rather than show-er variety.

But some of those things do add to the enjoyment of some readers. I like to hear about the various houses and their histories and where they're from and what their sigil is and which heir was killed in which manner by whichever other bro from whatever other house in whichever battle.

>> No.1804778

i totally saw littlefinger balling the british guy from undeclared

that's weird

>> No.1804798

the tv series will end in a couple of months, then what? wait a year to read the next book?

nah just read em

>> No.1804831

I, personally, think that the show works best as a sort of visual aid to the books. A lot of the characters' internal ramblings and narration are left out of the show, and this can change the tone of things sometimes, if you haven't read the books beforehand and don't know what's supposed to be happening. It's your call, but I say read the books then watch.

>> No.1804833

I got about halfway through the first book then gave it up out of boredom. The show has already passed what I'd read in the books, and I'm still enjoying it and don't really feel like I'm missing out on much.

>> No.1804883

viserys dies ..oops too late to spoil dat ;_;

>> No.1805740

What does /lit/ think of the TV show? I can't get off the fence. It's fun enough, but having just watched episode 7...

John Snow and his fat buddy up at the wall = just terrible
Wildling woman they captured = deeply uninteresting
Ned and queen in the garden- not sure whether it was the acting, the dialogue, or both, but seemed like she was just hissing Plot at him
Almost everybody seems to be acting like they're on stage, and not necessarily very well
Khal Drogo's Horde still seems to contain about 20 people. I get that they don't have 40,000 extras, but can't they shoot a bit more cleverly?

In conclusion... eh, it's OK. Needs moar Tyrion and Arya learning swordfighting.

>> No.1805741

Since when are there girls on /lit/

>> No.1805749

Go with the novels, OP. Despite how excellent the show is, it still does lose a lot of the little details that the novels provide, and there are quite a few things that are lost in translation between the mediums.

The books are far superior to the show, and you'll definitely get more out of the show if you read the books first.

>> No.1805754

Guy above who's not convinced about the show here...

I personally wouldn't read the books first because for me all the show really has is plot. So far there doesn't seem much else to watch it for...

>> No.1806480

if you want to slow down for the next week or two, and you're not itching to read it, that's fine.
but don't wait a whole year to start the second book. a) that's silly to make yourself wait and b) you'll likely forget a lot of things, and suffer from arrested-development-once-a-week syndrome, which is an actual thing i just made up

>> No.1806904

>peripheral details that will not contribute to an overall experience of enjoyment

I know you're a poor attempt at a troll, but I found the exact opposite to be true. The peripheral details make the world come alive in a way few other stories do. It's like I'm reading about a real place, not merely some imaginary land with 10 people who never interact with anyone outside themselves.

>> No.1806944
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I agree with this.

Those details paint a picture for you. They illustrate a portrait you create with your imagination and allow to expand your normal concept of a scene.

To me..it's like living those weeks/months/years from that book....in a few short hours thanks to the imaginative power of your mind.

Those experiences I've had with reading vastly outweigh their television counterparts in terms of both quality and quantity.