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18042192 No.18042192 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people think Jonah living in a whale for 3 days is ridiculous compared to some of the other stuff in the Bible?

>> No.18042205

what part of it is ridiculous?

>> No.18042215

That's the question ok?

>> No.18042220

Because it is typical of Christ being in the earth for 3 days. (((They))) know they can't directly confront Christians about the latter because it's in all the creeds, but they can indirectly attack it by attacking Jonah.

'Jesus replied, “A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."' (Matthew 12:39-40)

>> No.18043209
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I, for one, was taken aback when Samson went full school-shooter mode with his bare hands.

>> No.18043588

it was pretty funny when he told the whore how to kill him. also dore fucked up, his hair should just be stuble at that point.

>> No.18043688
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>He is the central figure of the Book of Jonah, in which he is called upon by God to travel to Nineveh and warn its residents of impending divine wrath. Instead, Jonah boards a ship to Tarshish. Caught in a storm, he orders the ship's crew to cast him overboard, whereupon he is swallowed by a giant fish. Three days later, after Jonah agrees to go to Nineveh, the fish vomits him out onto the shore. Jonah successfully convinces the entire city of Nineveh to repent, but waits outside the city in expectation of its destruction. God shields Jonah from the sun with a plant, but later sends a worm to cause it to wither. When Jonah complains of the bitter heat, God rebukes him.

>> No.18043786

It started growing back immediately.
Judges 16:20-22
>20Then she called, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you!”
He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.
>21Then the Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes and took him down to Gaza. Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding grain in the prison.
>22But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved.

>> No.18043803

>Hey I know we got this debate going on, but I just went to my room to pray and an angel totally showed up and told us the way God want's things to be do... so I guess that's it then. Really sorry you guys but it's the will of God so what can you do? So, anyways lets do the thing the way I wanted it.

>> No.18043987

i don't know, what do you mean by "ridiculous?" it's just a story. An allegory, fable, moral, etc., surely no one thinks it actually happened. there shouldn't be some ridiculous-meter for fiction, it's supposed to be creative.

>> No.18044104

this anon gets it. not sure why everyone takes it so literally. maybe it did happen, who fucking knows. but the important thing about these biblical stories is the message behind them, not if they were actually true or not, because, if they weren't real, the message and meaning still stands.

>> No.18044830
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Jonah and the Whale is an alien abduction story. Jonah spent days in a holding cell of an advanced craft before being released.

>> No.18044874

It's not allegorical although it has a meaningful symbolic value. There have been people who spent days in the inside of whales and the were found alive.

>> No.18044985

They don't really understand the idea of miracles


The story is really quite beautiful. Jonah doesn't want to warn Ninevah, because Assyria had tormented Israel. Jonah grows a plant and he is angry/upset when it dies.

Then God says to Jonah: There are over 50,000 infants in that city. Look at how much you care about that stupid plant, which you didn't even grow yourself. Imagine how I feel.

>> No.18045016

Actually, it did literally happen. You think God doesn't have the ability to keep a man alive for three days?

>> No.18045018
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>the infants

>> No.18045030

>surely no one thinks it actually happened
Saying it didn't is considered apostasy in Islam

>> No.18045041

This. My grandpa was one of those unfortunate people