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18043090 No.18043090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was Archbishop right about women & civilization, /lit/?

>> No.18043104

>christcucks talking about women

>> No.18043110

The women on the left look like they're having fun and enjoying life, anon. Why do you hate them so? Because they won't be your tradwife?

>> No.18043112

No otherwise Muslim countries wouldn’t be shitholes today.

>> No.18043123

war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength

>> No.18043183
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Have you met Muslim women, as a non-mulism?
Complete whores.

>> No.18043195

In the West sure. Are they in the Mid East though? I doubt Iran has a bunch of whores. Maybe I’m wrong and they’re more pozzed than I thought though.

>> No.18043254

Then he is right, we are living in a place with very little problems, with high abundance, and the elimination of poverty, and this is happening at the same time that female are starting to have more political and social power.

So yeah, that's why we are so good; except for the few months of corona chan, but that will pass.

>> No.18043257


>> No.18043261

It's better to think about things as less "pozzed" societies and more that both honorable and dishonorable women existed in every society. Prostitutes were a pretty common occurrence in even successful, homogeneously Christian societies like Golden-Age Spain.

>> No.18043264

>I doubt Iran has a bunch of whores
The idea that muslim majority countries don't have female doing the same things as in the west is propaganda by the regimes; Iran i.e. has enourmous levels of atheism in real poll not conducted by the state.

>> No.18043275

>having fun and enjoying life
They are whores. Nothing but worthless, sinning whores.

>> No.18043277

>enjoying life
if thats what you call being a whore

>> No.18043282

Look up some pictures of Iranian women. Their hair is visible peeking out of their headscarves, mocking Allah.
Other muslim countries don't have this problem.

>> No.18043296

Whores, nothing but whores.

>> No.18043305

Women have poor judgement of men as a result of their superficial understanding of masculinity.
If anything it's a better thing that our society allows women to whore around now because you can find a decent girl who doesn't require harsh social conditions and conventions to be a decent person.

>> No.18043608

There just going though the motions.

>> No.18044844

With all due respect, no. These are just platitudes which pander to women, who (as is the nature of women) lack real agency.

>> No.18044904
File: 60 KB, 339x458, ZAID09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was correct, despite the inevitable contrarianism and the (often just) seething displays of hatred towards women that will be posted. Sheen, is, however, correct. But there is a definition of what a "good women" is and the role of women in a healthy society, that is the premise before this quote.

Women have a different kind of agency than men, they're different biologically and so it would of course make sense that their minds are different and ,perhaps, even their souls. Therefore their role in society is different from men. But this topic can only be spoken of so much with so many diverse voices- Maybe Alice von Hildebrand's work would be of interest to you, anon.

>> No.18044926

Yeah that's why corrupting women can destroy a society I see it makes sense

>> No.18045135

fuckin westerner, stop polluting other contries with your jewishness, nobody else wants that except for retarded niggers and saudis

>> No.18045175

This is the good reply.

A good woman looks like the good wife from Proverbs, or ideally the BVM.

>> No.18045192

Maybe you should tell your Muslim friends to stop coming here