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18034135 No.18034135 [Reply] [Original]

It's shit.

>Be a doomer foid
>Get the big sad because I got set up with a manlet
>Take pills for attention
>Get birth control and fuck a chad doctor
>wow, i'm cured
Do w*men really?

>> No.18034270
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>Do w*men really?
“There has never been a first-rank woman artist. Only men are capable of aesthetic greatness.” - Brian Sewell

>> No.18034271
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nice little thread, but do you got any choguses?

>> No.18034596

It's super cringe and a large cope but yeah, someone somewhere wants this kind of material to relate to

I'm more of a Tenchi x Ryoko crossover fanfic guy, myself

>> No.18034794
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>> No.18035314

why did she hate manlets so much ?

>> No.18035327

Don't forget how she deliberately showed her lesbian friend (who she knew was in love with her) the aftermath of her getting fucked by the Chad doctor and didn't give a shit when the lesbian chick hanged herself. Women are fucking psychopaths, man.

>> No.18035349

>actively cucking a lesbian orbiter
damn, I don't think I'd wish that on any lesbian, no matter how bitter and manhating they are

>> No.18035364

This girl wasn't even bitter or manhating iirc. She was just shy and kinda ugly. It's actually a common theme in Sylvia Plath's writing: the crippling psychosis that can only be induced by someone less than an 8/10 even looking in her direction.

>> No.18035476
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She would be lucky to have a 7/10 lesbian looking at her.

>> No.18036224

Because she could.

>> No.18036293


>"I am, I am, I am."
>I think that in in this moment Esther comes to terms with the finality of death. She sees the coffin containing her friend's body and the graveyard where it will be buried. Her reaction when she faces the fact of her friend's suicide is to listen to her own heartbeat, the sound of her life. I think that the line "I am, I am, I am" perfectly captures what Esther is listening for and hearing, the reassurance that she is still alive.

Not only is it a perfect summation of female consciousness (I AM I AM I AM ME ME ME ME ME ME MY FRIEND IS DEAD ME ME ME ME ME WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR ME ME ME), all the commentary I can find on it echoes this perfectly by not giving a shit about Joan. Women really are incapable of empathy. Crazy.

>> No.18036319
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Male pathos
>When once it is no longer possible to understand how a man gives his life for his country—and the time will come—then all is over with that faith also, and the idea of the Fatherland is dead; and then, perhaps, we shall be envied, as we envy the saints their inward and irresistible strength.

Female pathos
>I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

>> No.18036345

I would, happily.

>> No.18036362

>oh no, I can't possibly indulge in ALL the strange chad dick that I could technically take! Woe is me! *puts head in oven*

>> No.18036382
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why is every single good female author in the west Catholic
>toni morrison
>simone weil
>flannery o'connor
the list goes on

>> No.18036390

ironically Sylvia seems to fetishize Catholicism in the book

>> No.18036395


>> No.18036397

>On the latest Norwegian translation of�Ariel:

>"Here in Norway, the time for Sylvia Plath has passed. She is essentially an American writer, with American concerns, and this accounts for the puerile nature of her fascination with suicide and death. It is this callowness, we fear, that makes her poetry addictive for adolescents and tedious for adults. Her verse is noisy and self-aggrandizing, like the speeches declaimed by Hollywood actors straining for an Oscar. Spectacle is all, insight is nothing, or is so miniscule and egomaniacal that it repels us upon fuller acquaintance. One could no more survive upon a long-term diet of Plath's bloody marzipan than one could survive upon a long-term diet of McDonald's Happy Meals. In fact, we see the results of such a diet in the United States itself, a nation of individuals fattened into grotesquerie by Big Macs and Freedom Fries. During recent years, Norwegians have drawn back from the junk food that Plath and her ilk have attempted to continue serving us. In this light, it is interesting to contemplate Norwegian suicide rates, and to ask the highly relevant question of whether the cumulative influences of Plath and the rest of America's high-calorie culture are not largely responsible for those rates. For too long, the American Dream, which is actually the American Nightmare, has haunted our sleep. We can now say goodbye to those Plathian razor blades and nooses and open oven doors, and welcome the chance to walk in the free fresh air, with the words of more humane poets echoing in our ears."

>> No.18036418

She was big and un feminine with broad shoulders, manlets made her feel even worse

>> No.18036473

If the same book was written by a guy (even if it was a sodomite like Mishima) you guys would be all over it.

>> No.18036482

>t is interesting to contemplate Norwegian suicide rates, and to ask the highly relevant question of whether the cumulative influences of Plath and the rest of America's high-calorie culture are not largely responsible for those rates
wew, the norwegians sound like a bunch of cucks

>> No.18036563

women are pathetic

>> No.18037042

Autistic recluses are the exception.

>> No.18037068

Nobody would have ever heard of it if that were the case. It would just be another piece of obscure trash rotting in a landfill.

>> No.18037109

You forgot the part where she bashes manlets in the first chapter. Why should I be expected to feel sorry for someone who sees me as subhuman.

>> No.18037116

That's cute and all but they still pay obeisance to American social values by importing hundreds of thousands of worthless niggers.

>> No.18037129

She got what she deserved. She was probably expecting someone to rescue her again.

>> No.18037158

Unfathomably based

My highschool made me read that book. Hated it. Absolutely uninspiring and uninteresting.

>> No.18037161

Umm, honey, its actually been DEBUNKED, this is a politically motivated book made by Neo Nazi CHARLES MURRAY, blacks have the same IQ as whites and if they had a lower IQ it would be because of SLAVERY you fucking bigot.

>> No.18038080

>Why should I be expected to feel sorry for someone
damn what a middle schooler take this is, you're not expected to feel anything. Make up your own mind instead of trying to look for what the "author wants to make you feel"

>> No.18038191

>Be a doomer
>Get the big sad because I got set up with a butterface
>Get drunk for attention
>Get condoms and fuck a stacy doctor
>Tell my gay friend about it
>Cock tease him until he kills himself
Yeah, I think everyone would still hate it.

>> No.18038217

Because men, even faggots, are incapable of thinking the way Sylvia Plath does. If they do they need to just pop HRT already.

>> No.18038225

Hating manlets is based.

>> No.18038279
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Literally picrel. I swear the book feels like a satire sometimes.

>> No.18038307

The Third Sex.
"A small man is a paradox, but still a man, - but a small woman seems to me to be of another sex in comparison with well-grown ones" said an old dancing-master. A small woman is never beautiful - said old Aristotle. - Nietzsche, The Gay Science book II aphorism 75

>> No.18038334
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Call me edgy but I had an almost erotic fascination with this book in middle school. Something about her suffering so much, and her suffering being so petty, so vapid, so self-inflicted, so utterly devoid of art or consequence for the rest of humanity, did something for me. I remember re-reading all her negative romantic and sexual experiences and feeling very funny in my pants.

>> No.18038382
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Disgusting. Surely, there must be some self-aware critique in the novel over that, right?

>> No.18038384

Why are you incels so pathetic and sad? Why should women breed with midgets and doomer neets instead of men who can provide for them and produce viable offspring? Women are attracted to certain traits the same way men are attracted to others, it's just how evolution works. It had instilled these instincts in us so that the whole race can survive. Why would you feel so much angst over something outside of anyone's control?

>> No.18038398

When are you going to suck and penetrate a man like your favourite manly man, anon?

>> No.18038408

There's nothing wrong with that, actually. What's irritating is the asinine claim to tragedy that seems to infect women, especially pampered one's like Plath. They're like female Patrick Bateman's devoid of aggression and so they must compensate for it by a sheen of misery

>> No.18038432
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>Being born a woman is an awful tragedy… Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars - to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording - all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night…

>> No.18038437

go stick your head in an oven

>> No.18038451
File: 445 KB, 1500x2130, Sylvia-Plath-a-lavoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Editor puts an off putting anti american preface that seems to be taken from 4chan and embellished with a good prose in the book they are trying to sell
Wow do Nordoids really?

>> No.18038459

holy based

>> No.18038461
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>an off putting anti american preface

>> No.18038481

why does everything lead back to misogyny with you guys? one book by one crazed lady doesn't represent all women.

>> No.18038484

>believing a mentally ill person takes meds for attention
The book is a masterpiece and you are a very vapid incel edgelord, you actually think you're the one who suffers when all you do is typing hateful shit on the internet and cry because you don't get women crawling at your feets

>> No.18038493

>The book is a masterpiece
it's not

>> No.18038501

Mishima was gay tho.

>> No.18038513

1 Around a hot tall guy, you get to wear heels with reckless abandon without worrying that you will tower over him!

2 They are born knowing how to pick you up and throw you on a bed :p

3 When you are near a hot tall guy, you feel safe, like nothing can happening to you because other people are intimidated by tall people.

4 You feel safe when they hug you, and your height matches theirs in such a way that your ear hits their heart and you can hear it beat.

5 When they hug you from behind they can rest their chin on your head and grab you, causing you to melt a little bit inside.

6 You can turn their sweaters and shirts into dresses. Just throw on some pumps and hit the club, gurl!

7 Hot guys who are tall and big can reach stuff off the top shelf for you, and when they do you can stare at them and watch as their muscles flex.

8 All tall hot guys are sexy when sitting down because they are so tall that they have to slouch, meaning their legs are spread open kind of and just yessss.

9 Tall guys look great in clothes because clothes are made with tall people in mind. Plus it's really cute when they roll their pants up to show some of their socks, a look that only tall people can pull off effectively!

10 They have healthy genes.

11 You will never have to wear kitten heels/ be conscious about your shoe choice/worry about looking taller than your man.

12 People who love tall guys know that the act of looking at a tall dude is an act of seduction because you have to look up at him and just omg.

14 Sometimes a hot guy is so tall that holding his hand is awkward so you hold his bicep instead, which is just as good!

15 Because when your hot tall man friend takes you to concerts, he can see everything but will use his domineering height to comb through the crowd to make sure you get to see, too.

20 When you share a bed with a hot tall guy at night it's easier to get into his little nook.

>> No.18038519

didn't read

>> No.18038555
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>it's not
it is, fucking idiot.
Very few people seems to grasp the real nature of this book, and it's not because it hermetically conceal some secret symbolic meaning or subtext, but because the people reading it are not equipped with the filters (or the lack of) necessary to process the flow of the words.
It's primarly, first and foremost, a book on first hand experiencing mental illness. Most people never went thru the sheer horror of experiencing the complete collapse of your nervous system, the excruciating (but yet invisible to others) pain, helplessness and the perspectives of death, misery, isolation, the sad reality of repressive medicine, the casting out from society with all the ambitions and hopes and desires and the mere means of survival attached to it.
Incapable of receiving the core message, that is written and delivered very clearly, you are left with a distorted summary of the leftovers from the main theme.
All your criticism simply don't have the grounds because you don't have the grounds to even read the book.

>> No.18038567

>with American concerns, and this accounts for the puerile nature of her fascination with suicide and death
Americans are the least being fascinated with suicide they would literally glass a bunch of major cities with thermonuclear weaponry if that would interfere with the taste of their favourite ketchup sauce

>> No.18038577
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>anons dunking on retarded quotes showing she's a fucking bitch
>umm..but sweetie you just don't get it, she's just le misunderstood XDDDDDDD
dumb cunt. i bet you will crie after reading this lmao

>> No.18038586

shut up hole. women cannot experience real suffering. get over it
>It's primarly, first and foremost
you said the same thing twice

>> No.18038593
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>> No.18038604


>> No.18038701


Not all mentally ill women are cunts like Plath.

>> No.18038748

>a respected lawyer and psychiatrist that suffered from schizophrenia
>in narrating her own capacity for SUCCESS in the face of the illness
I don't read this trashy american SUCCESS™ fairytale, I am european thanks now go back to your prosperity gospel denomination

>> No.18039118

Patrick Bateman couldn't exist as a woman because his is a uniquely male pathology. Makes me wonder actually, what is the vital component that pampered top 1% foids like Plath are missing which takes them down an analogous path of self-inflicted misery and ruin? It's definitely not masculine aggression imo. But what is it then?

>> No.18039160

Faggot I've been mentally ill too and had the exact same symptoms she had, doesn't excuse being a complete fucking psychopath towards others with so little self-awareness that you drive one of the few people who actually gave a shit about you to suicide and then treat that suicide as something life-affirming. I'm going to write an essay on how American Psycho is a tragic and poignant first hand account of a successful businessman having a mental breakdown and just screech at anyone who has a problem with this coddling reductionist view because they've demonstrated they don't truly understand the impact of mental illness.

>> No.18039170

Unironically, you have to be a woman to understand it

>> No.18040625

Is this ironic or it's really the manifestation of the collective incel brain?
I can't tell anymore, anons

>> No.18040668

same reason as to why men hate ugly fat women

>> No.18040713

>He thinks that American Psycho is an accurate depiction of a psychopath
geez how detached from reality you got anon

>> No.18040946

I can't believe i share a board with this many frothing incels

>> No.18040981

Somebody make a p*nguin classic cover

>> No.18040982

Holy shit
>I want to be able to sleep in an open field
Women do realize your average man doesn’t feel safe sleeping in the open right?

>> No.18041002
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Can you believe how fast women age though?

>> No.18041028

good god

>> No.18041049

i think that last pic is in rather unfortunate lighting. doesn't look so bad in motion

>> No.18041059

Please go get some pussy

>> No.18041068


>> No.18041076
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1603932787948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay.

>> No.18041102


>> No.18041107


>> No.18041127

This explains why tall guys are hot and desirable, and I agree, but does it justify hate for manlets?

>> No.18041135

Why do so many women dislike short men so much? Is it the equivalent of a woman with broad shoulders or a very big jaw?

>> No.18041152

you're an ugly man though

>> No.18041163

A short man to a woman is like a fat girl to a man.

>not content with calling everyone who disagrees with her or displeases her an incel, roastie tourist is now free-associatively calling random men she can't even see ugly and short

Get a boyfriend. This kind of bitterness will repel men if you make it a habit.

>> No.18041165

a fat girl can do something about her weight. a short man can do nothing about his height.

>> No.18041174

I hate fatties of both gender because they are lazy and are comfortable with leaving an unhealthy lifestyle with no intention to improve themselves and expect people to treat them with respect nonetheless. A manlet has no control over his height tho

>> No.18041192

That doesn't change the analogy. It just makes the situation of short men that much more tragic. Women also can't do anything about their age. A 28 year old woman is a 200 pound woman in terms of undesirability.

You shouldn't pay attention to what women like anyway. They are spoiled children. Just get some form of social capital, like status or accomplishments. Disregard any immature women who are disrespectful to people. They are stuck in an adolescent mentality and they will suffer much worse than any short guy when they hit 30 and they're still mentally 15 and playing social status games on the basis of looks. Ask any woman like that what she feels about her sister's two children and you'll see real misery.

>> No.18041269

alright. not fat women but ugly women then. most women find manlets unattractive

>> No.18041277

dios mio

>> No.18041285
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Has the wall ever hit someone earlier than that?

>> No.18041750

Austen, Brontes, Eliot, Rossetti, Woolf, etc. What's more striking is the fact that there are more good Anglo female writers than any other cultural region.

>> No.18041767

>the fact that there are more good Anglo writers than any other cultural region.

>> No.18041802


what alcoholism and one night stands do to a white girl

>> No.18041815

C'mon there's no way this is true wtf if that's her she at least 40 in the right

>> No.18041924

>Therefore it is fitting for the women to be married at about the age of eighteen and the men at thirty-seven or a little before—for that will give long enough for the union to take place with their bodily vigor at its prime, and for it to arrive with a convenient coincidence of dates at the time when procreation ceases. Moreover the succession of the children to the estates, if their birth duly occurs soon after the parents marry, will take place when they are beginning their prime, and when the parents' period of vigor has now come to a close, towards the age of seventy.
- Aristotle, Politics; book 7, 1335a

>> No.18041964
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>"I'm so much smarter than everyone"
How did she get away with this?

>> No.18041998

Evolution also provided men with more strength than a female so that we could rape them any time we wanted, and yet we decided to quell those instincts due to pathetic and sad womens angst over something outside of their control. Why shouldn't a male rape a woman instead of allowing her to abuse him and drain him of his resources? It's how evolution works after all.

>> No.18042173

It's just one of many genetic health signals. On it's own it shouldn't be a problem, but combined with other things like a weak jawline or narrow shoulders it indicates mutation.
Women who hookup have also been trained on false signals. A 10/10 chad will bang a 6/10 normie, but he's not going to marry and start a family with her. The normie goes on to think she is entitled to chad, when realistically she will never get more than one night of his time.
The best bet for manlets is extreme /fit/ness. Muscle actually shows better on short bones, so bodybuilding is an option. Most women don't care for it, but some are so turned on by physique they will ignore height and other factors. Vid related.

>> No.18042264

Women are so fucking cringe
t. tall guy

>> No.18042600

And Bell Jar isn't an accurate depiction of the average depressed person either. Your point?

>> No.18042610

God I wish I was gay...

>> No.18042665

This but ironically

>> No.18042699

The Bell Jar is a perfect depiction of depression. If the genders of all the characters were swapped you guys would love it. If you think she's "cured" at the end you're a fucking retard.

>> No.18042704


>> No.18042764

Not possible because depressed men don't have sex.

>> No.18042773

nice meme

>> No.18042823


>> No.18042849

>muh country muh glory
Wow very moving

>> No.18042889

Med woman are too busy getting their backs blown out by big med bvll cock. Every good anglo female writer is a sexually frustrated schizoid.

>> No.18042984

That's a retarded argument. Rape a woman and her male kin would tear you apart. All human males feel an instinctive aversion to rape, only a tiny minority of men rape women in peacetime conditions.

>> No.18042993

A middle class depressed roastie is only relatable to other middle class depressed roasties.

>> No.18043173

The quote you're responding to said "first rank" though. I don't think anyone would dispute that your examples are good, but there has never been a female Shakespeare or Goethe.
The only exception that comes to mind would be Mary Shelley, given that she wrote some of her best work while married to chad Percy.

>> No.18043191

>Woman raped
>Male relatives risk death/imprisonment to avenge her
>Man destroyed by divorce court
>Female relatives do nothing
This is basically all you need to know about women. Never assume they have your back and you'll be fine.

>> No.18043204

Okay you have to be baiting at this point. If you are serious, then I don't really know what to tell you.

>> No.18043297

>Most people never went thru the sheer horror of experiencing the complete collapse of your nervous system, the excruciating (but yet invisible to others) pain, helplessness and the perspectives of death, misery, isolation, the sad reality of repressive medicine, the casting out from society with all the ambitions and hopes and desires and the mere means of survival attached to it.
looks like the disease called atheism

>> No.18043300


It no longer counts as rape if she enjoys it.
Don't Google how often women cum during rape.

>> No.18043433

You don't have an answer. Understood.

>> No.18043457

Yeah, but has there really been a Shakespeare or a Goethe since Goethe? We live in very different times since then, especially with the rise of the novel. I am far from any feminist, but a lot of the reason why there are no good female writers before the 19th century has much to do with their lack of education and their gender roles. Most of the early female literary talents were some sort of outsider.

Behn - actress, prostitute, and spy
Shelley - radical parents / open marriage
Austen - spinster
Eliot - bohemian / open marriage
Stowe - abolitionist
Browning - spinster until it was nearly too late
Rossetti - spinster


You don't see too many married women dabbling in the arts because it wasn't considered respectable for women. It was the same in earlier generations. And when married women finally did start writing it was usually children literature.

>> No.18043464

playing "spot the foid" isn't very challenging any more

>> No.18043483

Just wanted to say that even women have more value than incels. If you can’t get laid, you’re a failure. It’s natures way of cleansing the undesirables.

>> No.18043555

>We live in a different time
There is no excuse then. Women have more freedom to do what they want, but no great woman emerges. If anything, the quality of writing has decreased.

>> No.18043563

Women who breed have more value than incels. Most of the women who laugh at incels now will die childless.

>> No.18043655

Whether it is or not doesn’t matter. The problem is that so many women identify strongly with it despite the fact that it’s main character is such a nasty, hateful person.

>> No.18043690

You're ignoring my point. We don't live in a time where great literature is going to be made. See Cardinal Newman's chapter on literature in the Idea of a University. We're beyond the age of Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, Dante, etc. HOWEVER, with rise of the novel in the 19th century, we see that women are just as capable of mastering the form as men.

I have no issues or resentment whatsoever with the received tradition we have (the best art in historic ages being made by men), but my point is that the quote here >>18034270 is stupid considering that art was not considered to be a respectable profession for a woman, nor were they educated enough to produce great art, therefore we will never know whether or not there may have been talented female artists in the time of genius. Now, however, we live in a democratic age which tends to produce mediocrity. Still, we can see with the list I produced here >>18043457 that clearly women could have had potential to make works of genius. In fact, I would argue that the only novelist of the 19th century who surpasses Austen and Eliot is Henry James, though that is obviously up for debate.

>> No.18043741

They're miles away from Shakespeare or Milton. There's no female equivalent to Michelangelo or Mozart

>> No.18043759

You're comparing apples and oranges. Comparing a novelist to an epic poet is absurd. Would you seriously compare Charles Dickens or James Joyce to Shakespeare?

>> No.18043789

Sure, but why would you care about your value to society in a world like ours. Women tend to gravitate towards the most vile, unthinking, and hedonistic behavior that our society encourages. How could anyone look at that and honestly care about their “value?”

>> No.18043836

We can't compare women artists with men artists. Women are animals

>> No.18043874

>Would you seriously compare Charles Dickens or James Joyce to Shakespeare
Joyce kind of invites it to be fair.

>> No.18043897

>Patriarchal society doesn't educate women
>Democratic society produces mediocrity
What state of the world would be a fair test then?

>> No.18043920

This is as pure a cope as you’ll ever see.

>I’m not the problem, everything else is

The brain is a powerful organ that can rationalize and justify to protect itself

>> No.18043942

I have my issues, and I know because I hate myself more than anyone else ever could, but that doesn’t make society or the way women behave any better.
You’re going to be miserable trying to have value in a despicable world.

>> No.18043956

What, because of the scene in Ulysses? What's next, are we going to compare Morrowind to Homer? You can't even compare Waiting for Godot with Ulysses. Though novels bear some similarity to theater, at the end of the day you can't compare them.

I don't care at all about this question. I am not a feminist nor am I particularly concerned about social engineering; I certainly do not believe there's some moral imperative to "correct" this situation. It's just a fact that the old society did not encourage women in arts and that while democratic society has enabled women to create art, it has also been an age of mediocrity. That's all I wanted to point out, the stupidity of that quote after the OP.

>> No.18043957

Austen and the Brontes are degenerated art. Female art tends to be mediocre by nature

>> No.18043969

That’s better than most people then. One of the most bitter pills to swallow is that the world has never been a great place devoid of problems. The problems just differ from period to period. Live the best life you can live for yourself and don’t worry about how you fit into the grand scheme. Just try to have a positive impact on the people around you and there will be a ripple effect

>> No.18043977

Women are in charge of literature since the 60s, yet there hasn't been a single great author since and literature itself seems degenerating

>> No.18043978

Austen is degenerate compared to whom? Considering the state of the novel before her, that's a rather bold assertion. Sentimental novels, outrageous travel narratives with prefaces that claimed everything that happened was true, and gothic fantasies. Austen practically invented the modern novel with its concern about money, power, marriage, etc. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.18043984

Seething much?

>> No.18044007

Thank you for simping

>> No.18044014

I strongly relate. Dysfunctional, neurotic, decadent women are hot

>> No.18044030


>> No.18044038

If fags are more masculine than you then that's your problem LOL

>> No.18044435

If you don't care about the question, then why raise the issue of external conditions? Unless there are some set of conditions under which a female genius could emerge, then the external environment is irrelevant to the fact that there hasn't been one.

>> No.18044476

Another autistic recluse.

>> No.18044480

Intercrural. Have you learned nothing from this board?

>> No.18044641

>go back to your prosperity gospel denomination
This is a great line, and I'll be borrowing it.

>> No.18045339
File: 98 KB, 1125x1112, EWF2tnJU8AAxK45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18045368

women are doing this for short term social points and dont not give a shit about solving problems in the long term

this explains why democracies suck since they are focusing on short terms, and women thrive in those societies