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/lit/ - Literature

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18040785 No.18040785 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18040814

Stop bringing up statistics when we argue about things retard.

>> No.18040816

just the n-word, like most times

>> No.18040822

Will I ever experience love?

>> No.18040830

How old are you?

>> No.18040842

I've become convinced that the internet will become more or less uninhabitable over the next two decades, much like television and social media before it. I'm contemplating how I can slowly ease away from my dependence on the internet so that I can live day-to-day without it.

>> No.18040848


>> No.18040883

It bothers me that morals are so soft today. With God being dead and all. It's like in that Louis C.K. about gay people having sex. When you're breaking your mother's heart in a run down gay underground techno club getting fucked in your ass by some hot fella's sizzling cock, the whole situation is spicy. But nowadays you can fuck your husband out in the open and no one cares. Where's the fun in that? There's no transgression. I would honestly become a devout christian just to do some hardcore sinning. Life feels fucking dead if your morally bankrupt.

>> No.18041054
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>The mass-man would never have accepted authority external to himself had not his surroundings violently forced him to do so. As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass. ... "Nobility" does not appear as a formal expression until the Roman Empire, and then precisely in opposition to the hereditary nobles, then in decadence.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.

>> No.18041061

who profits from lockdown?

>> No.18041075


>> No.18041148

Existing capital-owning class does because they can buy up "unrationalized" spaces (home businesses, community favorite businesses and properties, businesses/properties that are maintained intergenerationally for any reasons other than sterile maximization of capital, plus anything burned down by rioters and homes left empty because people killed themselves in despair) and convert them into abstract property which can then be converted into abstract property to be leased/sold

Watch this:

The existing capital-owning class always benefits from dissolution of ownership at the lower levels, because the lower levels are where a lot of "irrational" (not capital-accumulating) human activities build up (into culture, community solidarity, etc) and oppose liquidity. In addition to straight-up buying out small businesses and economically terrorizing them into failure, or colluding with the state to prevent them from doing business while all that business funnels to you instead, the more despair, chaos, anger, fear that you build up in the lower levels, the more dissolution will occur as fragile human bonds rattle themselves apart.

The ultimate goal a low level of society at the bottom, only capable of brownian motion, which can then be endlessly tapped by constructing and reconstructing arbitrary groups as consumers of arbitrary goods. The fewer impediments there are (churches, neighborhoods, loyalty to Steve's bait and tackle shop) the better. The elite level, overflowing with wealth, can then construct its gated communities (including entire cities and eventually regions) as little islands of paradise.

A minimal way to fix this would be to get capital flowing again by breaking up monopolies and the many schemes the wealthy use to hide/protect their wealth, e.g. from taxation. But they will resist this by trying to destroy anyone who even seems like he's trying to implement it. So you are effectively in an undeclared war with these people whether you like it or not, unless you unconditionally accept being their wasteland serf.

>> No.18041172

Jeff Bezos and the world's governments

>> No.18041212

It's crazy how much the superrich's wealth has increased in the past year while everyone else is in the dumps. I understand the logic behind it. Money goes where it goes. I just find it inconceivable that one can make gain $30 billion in assets and more or less do it while on vacation or napping. The relentless financialization of the economy has made it so easy for the rich to get richer, they just move their money around to the respective locations of the ebbs and flows of the stock market. Labor power has been absolutely ground down to a fine powder.

When there is a crash, and with time the probability of a crash approaches one, all this funny money is going to go poof and who knows what kind of shockwaves that bubble will release.

>> No.18041221

That's why the megarich are currently trying to convert it all into real productivity, they are aware that it's all fake shit that only means anything so long as people collectively accept it as meaning anything. Why do you think Bill Gates bought up like 20% of the farmland in the USA? Because he knows when the money crashes, he'll still have the land, and he'll have private armies to protect it and serfs to work on it.

What we need to do is cause the crash to come as soon as possible before these fucking cocksuckers finish building all their little hidey holes and nest eggs.

>> No.18041226

Professor said I need to act muh tour and be rash in null.

>> No.18041242

The slide toward authoritarianism alongside the era in the Soviet Union where everyone knew the government was lying but just accepted it.

Adam Curtis/Hypernormalization.

>> No.18041250

Everytime I bend my neck forwards my hands and thighs go numb. I failed an exam for the first time today in medical school. I can't stop derealizing, and I think my one of my cervical nerves is inflamed. I wish my hamster was alive

>> No.18041474

I am I the only one who feels like I heard of no mass shootings for years and now all of the sudden they’re back or was I just not paying attention?

>> No.18041501

Hang in there. Take this minor defeat, and crush it the next time.

>> No.18041925

Sincerely, 100% unironically, is there any good literature working with what having a small package does to a man't thinking?

>> No.18041931

your diary desu

>> No.18041945

Unironically major corporations. Theyve got the means to do house-deliveries, have large reserves, and can beg governments for handouts. Smaller shops and stores are fucked, which means that major corporations get an even larger share of the market.

>> No.18041951

There always are mass shootings. You knowing of them just depends on other people ramming that info into your head.

>> No.18041962

wow thanks mate c:
you consider it good

>> No.18041980
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>> No.18042048

i'm going to rape

it will be epic

>> No.18042355

Psychology and physics are often considered to be on completely opposite ends of the scientific tree of knowlege, but there are in fact profound connections between them that have been hiding in plain sight.

>> No.18042383

There was a serious dip during the pandemic for the obvious reason that people weren't congregating. Mass shootings are so fucking lame. What are these guys so fucking pissed about? Like what's the big deal? Why are you so bent out of shape? Can't you learn to cope? Are you that much of a loser who is so emotionally stunted that you simply must act out in this atrocious way? You're not proving anything. You're the scum of humanity damning yourself forever in the history of the human race to a place of ignominy.

My thoughts on it is that it's not just about guns. Something about contemporary American culture creates men who are bloodthirsty mental babies that can't control their anger or process their emotions. Slaves to their own vehemence.

>> No.18042390

Good point. If the bottom gives out, they're down going with it.

>> No.18042470 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 696x465, 1615801803581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold me, /lit/.
>sent my first horror story to online competition
>up on the website for a few days now
>got opinions from three reviewers
>the main one, a major author in my country, said it's atmospheric, intellectual, stylistically mature and superb overall barring couple of flaws
>other one said it's depressing as fuck but great
>the asshole reviewer said it's self-indulgently complex and metaphoric with some of the clues leading nowhere, but impressive nonetheless
Honestly thinking the story could make it to the finals (top 7 out of 50 submissions).

Is this it, frens? Am I gonna be a writer?

>> No.18042518

Congratulations to anyone who gets their stories published and gets good feedback this year, I don't know why but I suspect some of us anons are doing alright, and I just wanted to say this to nobody in particular.

To everyone else, keep trying. You don't find your voice until you've sucked ass for years on end. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.18042528

Based. You too.

>> No.18042685

I’m starting to think I have no real talent, am too behind the curve, and my goals are out reach but thanks for saying this anyway.

>> No.18042697

I wish the world had one neck so I could strangle it.

>> No.18042718

How's high school, champ?

>> No.18042728
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poop nigger

>> No.18042771

idk, maybe no one. maybe the elites are just a bunch of women indulging their own whims to no real end.

>> No.18042814

The FBI couldn't commit as many shootings as they wanted to under Trump, but now the democrats are back in power so they can go wild again

>> No.18042835

There were tons of mass shootings under Trump

>> No.18042838
File: 26 KB, 300x300, The_Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I've just been thinking about it too much. I've always been attracted to normal things. I never understood the weird non-sexual parts of the body fetishes. But lately, the more I look at women's armpits... they're just, appealing. Something about them. Would I even feel this way if no one had ever told me it was a fetish? Have I had this seed planted in my mind? Am I that easy to manipulate, or did I just not appreciate the beauty of the female armpit until now?

>> No.18042842

Name 250, only whites or Asians allowed

>> No.18042865

Knock yourself out you stupid jackass

>> No.18042882 [DELETED] 

have you seen the pic going around that has the mugshots of all of those shooters? it's a bit problematic shall we say

>> No.18042884

This isn't even organized by race, it's useless

>> No.18042896

fuckin typical

>> No.18042907

It's panzram. An ubermensch

>> No.18042912 [DELETED] 

i'm just saying before you commit to ranting about mass shooters being "scum of humanity" you may want to do a quick check on the identity of the majority of them

>> No.18042940

Feels weird to see a post like that when I didn't write it. The world needs more lights in the shadows.
I'm strong but I'm still working on literary success. I think I want to be a beacon to others. Someone that you can look at and go if he did it I can too.
Unfortunately I can't look into the future and see if that'll happen or not. I'll keep up the good fight in the meantime.

>> No.18042941

I'm reading a Doom Slayer/VEGA fic from VEGA's perspective, and I'm loving it.

>> No.18042952

>source: my ass

>> No.18042963

Saying something edgy, when you're a weakling, is cringy. Saying something edgy, when you're a powerful male, is based.

>> No.18042970

nah, sometimes things just click like that. Besides, now that I think about it, those "non-sexual" parts that people get obsessed over are always really sensitive. You ever get your armpit licked, or between your toes? That shit goes straight to the crotch. Even if you're not attracted to it, sometimes you just get horny thinking about it, y'know?

>> No.18042976
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It feels kind of wrong as someone in his early twenties to get lost in aesthetics and dream worlds of, among other things, video games or indie art. It makes me feel naive, just by the amount of ways I could spend my time instead. How many problems there are in the world. As if a doctor or nurse, as a person who faces real problems every day spends their free time creeping over horror indie games. So pathetic somehow. But at the same time, of course, these games have good soundtracks and some meaningful aesthetic value. I can expand the aesthetic of the game to daydream about the small town I live in and then daydream about reality, but even that feels naive. Because the world is constantly moving, everything is happening at the same time, and there are more important things.

>> No.18042980

fuck society. it's gay, don't contribute, hasten it's decline.

>> No.18042981

my feet hurt

>> No.18043014

You don't know what I know pal.

>> No.18043015
File: 237 KB, 640x604, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it dissapointing that, for me, at such a young age, many doors have not only closed, but been smashed into my face. I feel the overwhelming sensation of liminality as my inner circle becomes lonely and dryer with less thoughts and love from those who decided to cast me out of their life. As this happens my generation faces a cathastrophic realization that things will not be comfortable and that a long and dry march is ahead of us. All of this comes crushing me down as my own realization that, If things allow themselves to be pulled by the inertia of history as they have been lately, I will never be able to flee from Mexico, let alone the American continent.

The more a shadow is cast upon me the more I neglet myself the right to dream of a better future.

>> No.18043019

read alice in wonderland

>> No.18043030

I'm in my 30s and I do it too but I've kind of moved to watching streamers or YouTubers play games while I work on other tasks.
I like trying to remember my dreams though and my books wouldn't exist without my mind's eye. Creative people are just built different.

>> No.18043033

thanks anon

>> No.18043042


>> No.18043055

The media really has to stop putting these shootings in the headlines. It seems to be a manufactured intentional decision, who knows what they're pushing. They want people afraid. For one thing it's not news. It happens every week. More importantly it's what these abortion-dodgers want--infamy. Just don't report on them and I guarantee you they would go away in a matter of months. And they wouldn't just appear to go away, because the media ignored them. You'd cut off the attention-fuel that keeps the cycle going. Drawing attention to these acts is the only thing that prevents the shooter from recognizing the ultimate futility of their intention, because what they want is for their anger to be remembered, and if that isn't then they will learn to fear the absolute nothingness into which they plan to throw themselves.

>> No.18043063

hey who shot what up now?

>> No.18043070

You watch the news too much, anon. See: Mean World Syndrome. This imagined catastrophe isn't coming. If anything to worst is already here, because there are organizations making billions of dollars off of keeping you in this perpetual state of fear for the future. Someone who thinks the world could fall apart tomorrow is more likely to buy the things they want now, especially on credit. Simple as.

>> No.18043079

Elaborate my dick. I'm not telling you anything. There are things in my head that are not in your head therefore you cannot know the things that are in my head.

No just kidding go read this post and follow the comment chain , it's me same fagging.

More to the point read this article, it explains it 100x better. There's more to it but those are my ideas and I'm not throwing them away on 4chan.


>> No.18043083

Who fucking cares. Believe it or not that's the solution.

>> No.18043087

>Drawing attention to these acts is the only thing that prevents the shooter from recognizing the ultimate futility of their intention, because what they want is for their anger to be remembered, and if that isn't then they will learn to fear the absolute nothingness into which they plan to throw themselves.
This. At least not giving them attention will force them to be more creative in their crimes to regain it. Like, go for a politician instead, man. You'll get a much nicer wikipedia article and history might look more favorably.

FedEx employee shot up shit.

>> No.18043088

I think a variety of factors go into someone deciding to kill others and "for attention" is only one of them. I'd argue even that it's a very small factor since attention matters very little to a corpse, which is what's left of most shooters.

>> No.18043108

oh, right. Moon made a reject modernity, embrace tradition joke about it. I guess I just didn't register it as a thing that actually happened, lol.

>> No.18043119

You're right. Sometimes a man just wants to kill some motherfuckers and some men are madmen enough to go through with it.

>> No.18043126

Yesterday a handsome woman on a smokebreak said hi to me when I passed by with my dog on a night walk, I just smiled back because I haven't the reaction speed to say hi as well as smiling, so saying it after smiling wouldn't be on time. 10 minutes later I said hi to a druggie stumbling along, he just smiled back. I like people this week
Sorry, but consciousness is actually the result of the brain acting as an occult summoning circuit - the fleshy squiggles beneath our skull act as a key to the mental substance of reality

>> No.18043127

I'm gonna get up and do something any minute now. Any minute.

>> No.18043131

>Sorry, but consciousness is actually the result of the brain acting as an occult summoning circuit - the fleshy squiggles beneath our skull act as a key to the mental substance of reality

Nah my timecube consciousness is energy waves theory is right.

You're right about the squiggles though, but that's because something about that

>> No.18043133

>the only thing that prevents the shooter from recognizing the ultimate futility of their intention
They know it's futile and they don't care. You are a naive idiot trying to rationalize primal aggression.

>> No.18043139

Yup. I mean, if you want attention you can just run around downtown naked or something. I think you need to be dealing with a pretty heavy unwellness and disconnect with the world and others to consider becoming a mass murderer. 15 minutes of fame may be appealing then, but I don't think it's the leading cause.

>> No.18043145

>but that's because something about that
Accidentally auto-posted
Something about that shape contorts the electromagnetic field in a knot which results in consciousness.

>> No.18043150
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at what point should somebody be alarmed about the time it takes them to read a simple, small book ? i'm beginning to suspect that i have some form of a.d.d due to troubles with concentrating and retaining information, but i don't know if it's really that bad or not

>> No.18043156

A recipe for long term failure my friend. Instead of trying to run a marathon and then procrastinating you need to negotiate with yourself. I don't know how fucked up your life is but usually work/pause sessions of 50m/15m, 20m/10m or 5m/5m are good templates for productivity

>> No.18043174

>disconnect with the world
That's exactly it. It's a feeling of being alone in a hostile world, rather than attention seeking. Even for shooters who "made it" like the Las Vegas boomer shooter, they don't feel like the people they are killing have any relation to them other than hostile animals.

>> No.18043176

It's true that it's more complex than just attention seeking, but there's a absolutely an attention seeking aspect to it. If they didn't care about what they'd leave behind they'd just shoot themselves? Why kill others randomly? It's because it makes a splash. And it's also noticeable that the men doing it are usually highly dysgenic. Nobody notices them, nobody wants them. The typical aspersion is that they are "incels." In a roundabout way I attribute that to social media, they clearly can't play the game of society but they still are following its programming

If it's not about attention at least in part, explain why most of these killings target random people. Why are they mad at random people? It's because they want people to know how miserable they were, to externalize their own pain.

>> No.18043185

I was just joking. I do waste a lot of time especially after work and on Friday nights where I feel a weird compulsion to "do something" or "make the most of the Fridayyyy night brah" . I'm not much of a fuckup.

>> No.18043210
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>> No.18043217

>Something about contemporary American culture creates men who are bloodthirsty mental babies that can't control their anger or process their emotions
It’s the circumcision

>> No.18043229

>If it's not about attention at least in part, explain why most of these killings target random people. Why are they mad at random people? It's because they want people to know how miserable they were, to externalize their own pain.
Also this is patently the case with those who leave manifestos, which seem to have gone out of style lately. Elliot Rodger was clearly driven by revenge and wanted to spite the entirety of the female race for his pathetic self.

Seung-Hui Cho, the 2007 Virginia Tech shooter, made elaborate recordings attempt to communicate the shattered motives behind his paranoid schizophrenia. You wouldn't bother to do that if you didn't think your message would not be heard.


>> No.18043236
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You are correct and I know about this, but you fail to see, such system is not sustentable at all, plus, my country is accelerating fast, like you have no idea, I would bet for a civil war within this decade.

Plus, I work in government, I know the shit that is going between Mexico City's elites, not pretty.

>> No.18043245

So you see, it's not the news that are making me anxtious, is my line of work and the conscecuences it will have

>> No.18043266

American men are powerless, humiliated wageslaves. They're numbers in a computer, dehumanized widgets being manipulated by forces hiding from them in plain sight. Daily life as a wageslave in this hellhole is fucking unbearable, it's no wonder most resort to drug abuse, video games, and masturbation. The only surprising thing is that there aren't more of these shootings.

>> No.18043279

I jumped ship to the EU the second I had the chance and I thank god every day that I did.

>> No.18043287

Jokes aside, I do think that EM fuckery is the non-panpsychist theory with the most merit. But pending the discovery of more subatomic particles I can't fully believe any such "scientific" theories, as surely a system as complex as consciousness would reach down to the building blocks of buildings blocks - at which point we're unsure what exactly those are. Could consciousness be related to theoretical gravitons - therefore explaining the understanding of transcendance as being going upwards throughout history? Wherein the higher functions of our brain are literally localised at the top because there is a lower density of consciousness-inhibiting gravitons? No clue! I find thinking of novel ideas about consciousness to be more fun than actually trying to pick one

>> No.18043298

I spend all my time trying to figure out what would make me feel happy, I guess content rather.

But it seems I'm always happy when the sun is shining and the weather is good.

>> No.18043299

Ah, well, that is rough, bud. I hope whatever happens it turns out better than you expect or anticipate. It probably won't, but hey, I've got a sliver of optimism left in me to give.

>> No.18043310
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Supposedly wrote this. Possibly fake.

>> No.18043359

What's it like being a sociopath (besides wanting to kill people apparently)? What do you get from reading?

>> No.18043403

guy that did the mass shooting wrote that. though I probably am also a sociopath of some kind, but killing normies is cringe slave morality shit. I like to read in order to understand people better and because art in general is the closest I feel to "life"

>> No.18043423

If I was really gonna snap and kill some ppl and commit sewercide, I'd at least have some class about it and do some wild shit like try to assassinate Bezos or Zuckerberg or something. Why would you wanna just kill some wagies? I don't get it

>> No.18043589
File: 94 KB, 600x955, 1616771086986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. I don't think I'm a schizo.
I'm looking at myself in several layers. The outside world is experienced through the senses, but they're separated from me by something like a pane of glass and feel kind of distant. My body is the same way and when I walk or perform various physical tasks I sometimes go into 'autopilot' and snap to some time later to find that I've continued performing the task while my awareness was away. Between my emotions and thoughts is also a separation or barrier, and often I find myself looking at my emotions from someplace else as they affect my 'outer self,' for lack of a better term. My 'inner self' observes the outer layers and makes decisions based on what it sees, as well as performing self-evaluation and self-criticism nearly constantly. Inside this inner self is another layer, which can't really be expressed in words very well. It seems to be the instantaneous awareness that permeates the rest of the layers and stitches each individual moment together into a fluid experience as well as generate the sense of self that makes up the inner self.
Now if these layers are arranged like concentric circles, there seems to be something that runs in a straight line from the outer to the inner layers. This is also myself, but I often find myself struggling with it and it seems to have different desires than I do. It also seems to observe outside events and inward emotions and thoughts, but it rarely acts for itself. I interact with it by talking to myself in the second person, both out loud and in my head. When it acts, I'm fully conscious and take action without losing control of myself since in the end it is myself just as much as I am myself, but immediately following its actions I pull back a little bit and react to what it did as if it was done by another. Obviously in the end all actions are my own and there is only one self in me, so maybe this self-separation is a coping or defense mechanism for its thoughts and behaviors, which I usually hate or feel great distress over.
In addition to the layers and the straight line, I've had the occasional experience of a state of mind or being past the innermost, generating awareness, which I am unable to articulate fully. It was not a sense of belonging to a universal Self in the vein of Hindu or Buddhist thought. More frequently, it was a sense of being an individual being, endowed with free will and awareness and the ability to make decisions, yet generated by or emanating from a being more real than I am, similar to a character in a dream being less real than the one who dreamed him. Less frequently, it was a sense of a force, presence, or divine will brushing against me, similar to a finger brushing a soap bubble without breaking it. These experiences could last from a brief instant to a few minutes, and made me feel as if something beyond my comprehension had touched on me for an unknown purpose.

>> No.18043604

All the drive and ideas disappear as soon as I'm in front of a blank page.

>> No.18043640

Authors who wrote about hating oneself, fiction or non-fiction?

>> No.18043666

I don’t think older generations matter. The only thing that the pre-globalized populations serve is just to maintain a power gab between the younger generations. Once the elderly all die, the world is completely changed. Every generation raised on social media will inherit the globe. So in a way I genuinely, unironically think that TikTok zoomers are the most important people in the world right now. Their beliefs, mannerisms, social skills (or lack thereof), performances, and herd mindset will be the shape of the world in the coming years. And it’s going to be fucking awful.

>> No.18043667

You probably have internet addiction like everyone else.

>> No.18043669
File: 95 KB, 750x500, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading through Jeff Bezos' final shareholder letter. I want to know how this man thinks. So far these are my impressions.

I can see past the dry platitudes and flavorless banalities you'd expect of this sort of airless corporate prose. I don't expect him to be an interesting writer and this isn't supposed to be a literary work but a professional memorandum. Still I was irked by Bezos' attempts to humanize himself and come off as hunky-dory and still grounded. This one section early on he showed off a letter from "Mary and Larry" which was obviously fabricated up by one of his minions about two small time investors who bought Amazon stock way back when and wanted to thank their benevolent overlord for blessing them with his munificence. It was either patently fake or so corny that I was in disbelief that people this dry and formal actual exist.

It's immediately obvious that Bezos is not a profound thinker. Clearly he didn't have to be to get where he is in life. Outside of his understandably obsessive vision for what Amazon is, it doesn't seem that he has many too many brilliant ideas.

Two of his conceptual principles that stood out to me were

>Create More Than You Consume™
>Differentiation is Survival and the Universe Wants you to Be Typical.

The first statement struck me as banal. To spare you the chore of reading it yourself: the idea is to just be useful to people and they'll give you money.

The second maxim however did shake my whiskers. It's the one exception, and clearly the passage that Mr Bezos is proud of and with which he dramatically closes the letter. Essentially Bezos says that the tendency of entropy in the universe is to make everything the same . We tend to think of averageness as a fate assigned to the mediocre, but really, there are forces tugging and pulling at you to be average or to fail. The world wants to "make you normal." To make you lose your distinctiveness. One must continuously put energy into sustaining your specialness and fight against being dragged into equilibrium with the mediocre environment. Extraordinariness is not a gift, it is fought for.

What is apparent is his super-computerlike knack for details and figures. He spouts off reams of data points and business numbers, prices and percentages, and seems to see them all in one unified connected pattern. His obvious business genius as a man of practical bent is clear to see.

It's a shame I kept nodding off as he droned on about all these factoids which I'm sure even his supremely wealthy shareholders are too rich to care for. Certainly it was no accident that Bezos achieved such galactic-sized success but I wouldn't consider him a genius.

>> No.18043683

Should have edited this, oh well.

>> No.18043684

I don't know what the future holds. It's scary.
I'm a lazy piece of shit but I don't want to spend my life rearranging products in a wallmart or work for someone else at all. The uncertainty is killing me.

>> No.18044202

Wasted several hours on the internet and only read a single chapter again

>> No.18044303


>> No.18044526

>i wouldn't consider him a genius
imagine putting the effort to write this big ass sour grapes post with a totally subjective cope as the punchline lmao

>> No.18044540
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I had a dream where I fucked a loli. I'm not even a lolicon or like kids. What the fuck?

>> No.18044699

>stoned gandalf

>> No.18044719

Life is filled with what are essentially self-employed secret police, operating under post-irony. The only motive is a personally conceived notion of dialectics. Apart from your internet provider and personal 'handler' who may be assigned to you in the future if not already, to us, each poster, even each passing walker in real life is a double agent to themselves. It's like everyone is a thousand times removed from the source by a million layers of irony. Any discussion is filled with either autistic maestros who pick out your emotions like a bird with worms, or golems, simply unbeatable, unquenchable, because all they desire is attention endlessly like a BPD girlfriend, just as my desire to for simple communication. Why would we ever think those things? Later I will resume a laid back posting style, as I am aware that the heuristic of attempting sincerity is completely futile. And this conclusion is just a whine of grief. It's just a big pinball machine. Anons here daily come to a sound realization, about the 'nature of life'... but then the next day comes, and another day, another anon. Each day a different anon participates in masturbating into the mirror here. Another one out into the orgy, to be stored on a hard drive in a data center, on someone else's computer.

>> No.18044848
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I am confident I can one up anyone in 'loserdom' across the entirety of this benighted website. It's a strange think to consider 'what now, what next' for the man who has totally wasted his life. I guess the answer is simply, lunch.

>> No.18044870
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>> No.18044872

>tfw you see all the deleted threads

WE ACTUALLY HAVE A JANNY WHO IS DELETING "Thoughts?" "Books on this?" "Books for this feel?" "Based or cringe?" THREADS


>> No.18044910

Hey guys, sorry if this is asked very frequently and/or is a dumb question: are there any good sites out there where I can post my stuff? I'm not really looking to make money off it, just to put it out there to see what people think and shit.

>> No.18044925

>grey folds, slithering

>> No.18044984

That sounds like what shrinks call "depersonalization" and associated with a ton of other "disorders". I feel that every so often to an extent, but what is there to do? There's probably something in there that could make you a better writer, if that's your thing.


>> No.18044993

Drifting through the palindrome
Ghosts in limelight

Scattered feathers

The heights of the crucifix
Broken ground, Solid bone

In the night all alone

>> No.18045202
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Has /lit/ always been this depressed and pessimistic about current times and the future or has it been the result of events in the last few years?

>> No.18045235

I like to daydream for hours that I am a man in the Neolithic era. The wheat her in my imagination plays a big part of my mind-LARP happiness as well. Dreaming is better than reality, pessoa’s the book of disquiet was right.

>> No.18045248

Life is genuinely terrible. I don’t mean to sound edgy but I think most people can come to an easy consensus that the world has just become way more miserable the past few years. I attribute it to the pandemic messing things up but also for how quickly social media eroded society since about 2014-ish. Things really got bad after Trump and now after 2020 decadence is apparent to everyone.

>> No.18045286
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>> No.18045321

Once the boomers die off, majority of power will fall unto whomever is 40 by that time. I don't think it'll be zoomies

>> No.18045442


>> No.18045539

I can't believe how dystopian porn has become in the past half decade. I feel like I'm in Blade Runner 2049 whenever I jack off now.

>> No.18045580

I mean we are heading VR territory. Soon maybe even AR.

>> No.18045675
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The videos where these beautiful waifish women talk to you as though they were your girlfriend are just insane. They are so much more surreal than just regular porn. Watching it on your phone as well just adds to the dystopian vibes. And then I pause and I take a hit from my vape, which glows up green when I take a drag. I'm done and I read news on bitcoin, which is being mined in giant server farms in the chinese mountainside. Its just all so insane. It wasn't even quite like this even 5 years ago. It's all go so much more cyberpunk in such a short space of time.

>> No.18045872

Every time I fall in love it's a massive disaster for me. I feel like my heart is going to explode. I wish I could get her to respond at least.

>> No.18045876

hope i die soon

>> No.18045953

To add to these anons, mass shooters in America have a tendency to time their shooting to make the news. The venue and timing of the shooting is significantly more likely to have media accessibility in the west, compared with mass assault events in non-western countries.

>> No.18046218

Life has dealt me a poor hand. Where others have a childhood, I have only a smouldering ruin of memory which has forcibly imbibed me with a cocktail of cluster b personality disorders with an autism chaser. My first love, who I wounded so, has left me prone on the shorelines of madness, and the tide is coming in.
But yay, by all the glimmers of light that I have snatched from the jaws of suffering I shall not drown. I will rise with all the scarred will I can muster and fight against what I should be to win what I can be. My feet will find purchase in the sand, and I will find dry land amid rising water.
I will overcome.

>> No.18046229

She's sucking BBCs and describing the taste to her friends. Dont let her live in ur head anon.

>> No.18046243

I'm beginning to hate that anti-anime anon.

>> No.18046271

This is the best comment of the night.
Lol I literally can not stop laughing.
Fucking hell

>> No.18046273

I live in a Muslim country and even if she wanted (the possibility of which is zero) her family wouldn't allow her the opportunity. But she was genuinely the best woman I've seen, and I say this without being blinded by naive feelings. It's a great shame that I had to ruin it.

>> No.18046310

Panzram was based. He is the only serial killer I know of who was not evil or psychotic. He was just a fighter. The world dealt him a world of hurt. And in kind he dealt the world a world of hurt. What a fucken chad.

Rape chad when he is small and weak and expect him to rape you, your family and everyone you ever knew when chad grows up.

>> No.18046359

Little brother you are like 22. Your life has barely started. No doors have closed in your face, you’re just stupid and retarded due to immaturity and lack of experience. Get some experience first. Go work some shit job in another city for a year. Hustle. You got to work hard and smart. Try talking to weirdos and walking around the city at night until you’re not afraid of niggers. Go to the gym and put on 25 lb of muscle. And stop shitpoasting in my butthole.

>> No.18046371

>flee from Mexico,
Come to the US. When you get here you can blame all your problems on white people, it’s great and they’ll pay you for it.

>> No.18046383

I agree with you

>> No.18046474

There's a gray cat slinking around my neighborhood. It likes to keep its distance and play it cool. A few days ago I found it sleeping under one of my bushes.
You never see this sort of thing with dogs, I guess they don't like wandering off as much.

>> No.18046490

>I'm a history major
is just another way of saying you're a puerile autist with no real passions in life nor do you have an actual plan when you get out.

>> No.18046496

>You never see this sort of thing with dogs, I guess they don't like wandering off as much.
dogs tend to wander unless they keep company, which at that point they stick close together and know not to stray too far from their path.

>> No.18046504

don't know who he is but he sounds like a good man. if you animefags didn't consistently shit out the lowest quality posts on the board then maybe you'd have a case.

>> No.18046520

>I do it too but I've kind of moved to watching streamers or YouTubers play games while I work on other tasks.
And millennial men think they have any right to criticize my generation pffthahahaha.

>> No.18046771

There are quite a few of us.

>> No.18046931

i'm watching mass right now. don't people ever get bored of these new testament jesus stories? i started watching these last year during the pandemic and i think it's already reruns.

>> No.18047098 [DELETED] 

ww3 is going to pop off on biden's watch isn't it? i mean it's nice that we've decided to stop prioritizing blowing up impoverished muslims, but all out war in east asia is going to suck in a way few people alive today understand.

>> No.18047184

I don't understand why you can't just not think about things that upset you. Some concerns are important and simply can't get out of your way, but most of what I dwell on is optional in principle. My life, well-being, livelihood, or future does not depend on it. Like if something hurt your feelings, why is it necessary to dwell on it? Why does it intrude?

>> No.18047197

Royal Road but that’s for fantasy mostly I think.

>> No.18047447

I got pretty good at ignoring and submerging my negative thoughts after I went through a couple of bad relationship related events in a relatively short space of time. I was quite proud of myself for having not allowed my emotions to get the better of me. Then I started losing sleep out of nowhere, getting grey hairs and even ulcers. These things have a certain way of preventing you from ignoring them.

>> No.18047611
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One of the main theories about Marilyn Monroe's untimely end concerns her addiction to enemas. Apparently she had long suffered from IBS, aggravated by constipation. After a while she sorta took a sexual liking to enemas. In any case, the theory, based on the undisputed evidence of the housekeeper's behavior immediately following Marilyn's death, is that the housekeeper was complicit, as she was the one who administered Marilyn's enemas. According to this hypothesis the housekeeper was paid off and/or threatened to mix a lethal amount of barbiturates into Marilyn's enema water. Usually Marilyn would receive the enema lying down in bed, hold as much as possible, then expel it in the bathroom. Evidently in the case of the scenario in question she never made it the bathroom, instead she got knocked out while lying in bed. At which point the maid would have shaken her to make she sure she was completely unconscious, then administered a plug to seal in the enema as much possible, followed by a diaper to catch any leaks. Eventually the plug would have been gingerly removed while keeping the diaper on Marilyn, who would have soiled it and not the bed. In any case, the maid appears to have changed the sheets once Marilyn was beyond recovery (she would also naturally have removed the diaper and cleaned Marilyn up).

>> No.18047650

Should Westerners stay out of Asia? It’s pretty easy to see the allure of a Shanghai or a Taipei or even a Seoul for Westerners right now.

>> No.18047724


>> No.18048233

How old is too old to be making money off of YouTube channels dedicated to topics like video games, anime, manga, light novels, etc.?

>> No.18048263

it's pretty cringe, i'd say this scales based on how much.

if you're making enough to support a wife and kid it's reasonable into old age. if you're making pocket change i'd tell you to move on by your mid twenties.

>> No.18048285

How is it really any different from working at a company which produces such things, and which no doubt would be considered respectable?

>> No.18048348

I want to switch over to being literature focused as that’s my primary interest but book tube is kind of trash and I don’t want to show my face, which I don’t do currently.

>> No.18048351

Is class war still waging?

>> No.18048387

Wondering how cities of the future will take form. It seems pretty obvious to me how cities developed over time from the walking and road, land-locked city, to the port city with easy access to the ocean which gave rise to international megacities like Shanghai. So what next? Today, air and aerospace travel seems to be the next frontier. So does that mean the world’s next major cities will take hold in areas with easy access to the air? Or is life just going to slip into the other space, cyberspace? We still need food and products right? Won’t we grow out of the ocean and into the sky?

>> No.18048404

Nothing saddens me more than the class war being co-opted and turned into a quasi-race/culture war. We will truly never ascend. The poor people getting gunned down by police and the massive corporations with "BLM" pictures on their twitter are considered to be on the same team. We're so fucked.

>> No.18048486

Class war is equally retarded

>> No.18048516

boy these are some heavy days.

>> No.18048527

Yeah but it's real.

>> No.18048603

Was the world as narcissistic as it is now years ago? I feel bad about this.

>> No.18048715

About as real as race war

>> No.18048716

I don't know how to have relationships. Or I just don't give a shit about anyone else, or both. I didn't kill myself a few years ago, God told me not to, that He had a plan. I can't imagine the plan was for me to flounder for a while, then kill myself. So with these assurances I'll have to hang on, fully and truly inadequate to the demands of life and God as well. How could I possibly live up to what God wants if I don't give a shit about anyone else, if I lack whatever bone in my head that is supposed to make me understand things like personal loyalty and friendship. I just want to sleep desu.

>> No.18048717

you open the window. what do you hear? with a little luck: birdsong. fresh wind blows around your ears. the smell of grass enters your nose. it's warm and cool. this is the world. carefree, apart from a few illnesses and accidents. apart from a few misspeaks and misunderstandings. your life path is flat. you will work and love. anticipate the weekends, vote. and here comes somebody else and says: the world is a rotten barrel. an oven full of bones. a stinking smog, stinging the eyes. and so on. everything withers, everything shits, everything bites. everything is feces and becomes feces again. shit slides down the tubes. horny servants lick vile discharge. it's maddening. one man holds his hand in front of his face. he can't stand the sight. it makes me laugh coldly. then a woman speaks to me and my head turns mechanically like a rusty screw. my eyes tremble and slip away. my heart races. if i had the strength, i would destroy her. on the spot. damn whore.

>> No.18048742

I shouldnt be reading any book involving love or romance as i've never experienced any of it.

>> No.18048744

all of you are gay

>> No.18048840

it is strange that normal human life should have to be lived in cycles of hope and hopelessness

>> No.18048949

>"Mario also exemplifies how Avril merely feigns love and interest when he comes to Avril asking how he can tell if someone is sad. In this experience, Avril is more concerned with correcting Mario’s grammar than really listening to his concerns. Mario asks “How can you tell if somebody’s sad?” (763), and Avril responds with “A quick smile. ‘You mean whether someone’s sad.”’ Also, although Mario has some learning disabilities that prevent him from communicating at the collegiate level that Avril is accustomed to, Avril “refuses to adjust syntax, to speak in any way down to him . . .” (761). Initially, this may appear to be a noble intention; however, it seems that Avril’s refusal “to adjust syntax” is more of a thinly veiled attempt by Avril to deny that her son is damaged, physically and mentally." - narcissism in David Foster Wallace's Infinite jest

>> No.18049006
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Tig Notaro has proven to me that love at first sight is real.

>> No.18049033

It wasn't. The potential for narcissism was there, but generations and generations of ever-falling society and modern tools have ignited it and fanned the flames

>> No.18049054

Desu I can feel you on this completely. I've even dropped books when there's recurring romance involved or a vivid sex scene is described. Last one was Kafka's Castle

>> No.18049058

I started reading The Sound and the Fury and I think Faulkner I going to be one of my favorite writers. It's addictive. Glad I'm not going to regret buying 3 of his books before reading one of them

>> No.18049150

I have maladaptive day dreaming and keep day dreaming about me being famous about writing a cool epic fantasy novel the size of sanderson’s cosmere but on a level of Gene Wolfe’s but the concept is just a copy of other media and has no substance just style how do I stop daydreaming

>> No.18049175

In the past on 4chan, people said nigger. They did not say n-word. N-word is a term for cowards who are afraid to say nigger.

>> No.18049191

...the white male says as he types in his dimly lit bedroom

>> No.18049200

How difficult to read is his prose? Can I read his books in a casual manner or will I have to re-read each sentence twice and more

>> No.18049201

I will never stop saying nigger and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.18049210

Look, until you walk into a ghetto and yell "Nigger!", then you are just LARPing.

>> No.18049220

Then why does it concern you? Also nigger.

>> No.18049245

I feel like I’m the only person who easily identifies literature of other countries that I can love but fails to identify much from my own.

>> No.18049255

It is somewhat challenging, more than I expected despite people telling me it was. But it's not too bad. I do occasionally have to pause and just re-read short sections to get as much of a grasp as I can on it. But it's a stream of consciousness thing, so don't stress if you feel slightly lost or overwhelmed by what you're reading. That's kind of the point really. Unless you're a total brainlet you will understand as much as you're supposed to and be able to follow along enough

>> No.18049275

As I Lay Dying:

In a strange room you must empty yourself for sleep. And before you are emptied for sleep, what are you. And when you are emptied for sleep, you are not. And when you are filled with sleep, you never were. I don't know what I am. I don't know if I am or not. Jewel knows he is, because he does not know that he does not know whether he is or not. He cannot empty himself for sleep because he is not what he is and he is what he is not. Beyond the unlamped wall I can hear the rain shaping the wagon that is ours, the load that is no longer theirs that felled and sawed it nor yet theirs that bought it and which is not ours either, lie on our wagon though it does, since only the wind and the rain shape it only to Jewel and me, that are not asleep. And since sleep is is-not and rain and wind are was, it is not. Yet the wagon is, because when the wagon is was, Addie Bundren will not be. And Jewel is, so Addie Bundren must be. And then I must be, or I could not empty myself for sleep in a strange room. And so if I am not emptied yet, I am is.

>> No.18049354 [DELETED] 

I make women cringe and I can't help but sympathize with them.

>> No.18049734

I should stop comparing myself to other people. I am a weirdo, the probability that I iwll ever pass for norie is very low. it's no use getting upset about it. I can not keep getting sad that things turn out wrong all the time, either I gotta change or "wrong" does. is this how I become ubermensch?

>> No.18049737

I’m really getting pushed by my dad to get a car, when I could easily save some cash and get a nice bike. Work and the grocery store are both a 10 minute ride away, and the rare occasion I do see a friend I could easily Uber and my $/month would be far under car payments + insurance + gas every month. I just don’t want to blindly accept that when I’ve worked to pay off my student debt that I have to go back into debt to pay for a car. I know he’s just trying to help, and he’s said at the end of the day the decision is mine on what car to get and I could buy cheap and not go into debt.

This really all stems from the idea that currently I’m a bit bitter about the path of my life. I went to school, did well, got into college. I’m currently working a job that I really don’t care for to pay for school, when I could have just not gone to school, and not need to work this job. So the idea that I have to continue working this job to pay for a car that I don’t really want scares me. Because that will just continue the trend of me being forced to work this job to pay for something I don’t really want. Cause I know I’ll be pushed to own a house, and that’s just another thing I go into debt for, and it all leads to be chained to a fucking desk for the rest of my life.

Maybe I’m being dramatic, but I feel like if I don’t get a car right now that I’ll be taking some ownership back from if my life. But it’s too bad winter is a fucking bitch where I live. I’ll need the car eventually, no way Ill be biking in December when it’s 10 degrees out and snowing. I don’t know, maybe I have to move. I feel like this would be a much better plan if I lived somewhere warm.

>> No.18049757

I broke up with my girlfriend 2 days ago. I had been feeling that way for a while, but didn't want to hurt her. When I did it, she cried, and then I cried, then she said "despite this I value having you in my life and want to remain your friend". That fucking bitch. I wish she'd tried to stab me. At least then I wouldn't be feeling so abominably guilty.
Your brain plays tricks on you after a breakup, it emphasises the good parts of the relationship and ignores the bad parts. I barely even remember why I broke up with her, but I remember her crying as I did it, how maturely she handled it, the smell of her hair, the love in her eyes.. I am struggling to get through the days without her. Without seeing her, or even a text to know how she is feeling. I keep checking my phone, half-expecting her to have sent me a message, but to no avail. I don't know what to do with myself, I am not used to all this free time. I can distract myself with netflix or anime, but the moment I am alone with my thoughts again, I start crying. I hope she is coping better than I am.
Time will tell if this is just a part of the post-breakup process, or genuine regret.

>> No.18049790
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I hate how long it stays sunny in the warmer months. I could live in darkness in perpetuum .

>> No.18049844

Took a shit
A heavy load

>> No.18049944
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Oh wow we got a conscious one. I don't know what you should do, but keep that mindset.
Back in September I dropped out of my post-graduate program because I had already got a job and didn't want or care to keep paying the dumb-high tuition fees.
I got a driver's license since 9 years ago, drove my old dad's car for a while and then I decided I no longer need one. So I sold it and never purchased another. I don't care about paying for worthless shit like license plates, car insurance and the 100 other fees that come with the "right" to drive.
I live in 55 square meters apartment for only 340 euros/m because I'm 27 and don't care about getting a loan to buy a house.
The portfolio I started on April after the corona crash is now x9, and along with my NVDA and AAPL positions which I've held since 2014 will be enough to start my own business in ~10 years without ever stepping into a bank.
I won't play their retarded stupid-ass game where you start coveting and desiring worthless load of crap and get into debt for them. I don't care to consoom as a consequence of media suggestion or peer pressure.
If my family and children start becoming a financial difficulty, then I'll grind my teeth and play the stupid game for a while. But I'll try to raise my children in a way that they'll never become dependent on this system of ''infinite spending for infinite growth''. It never ends and it never leaves you satisfied.
This isn't a reactionary critique on capitalism because I never really felt it was a bad economic system, but it can lead to a terrible and unfulfilling way of life.
I advise anyone who's reading this to pick up a foreign language and really put their mind to it. If you get the right connections, a translator's salary can reach the stars. It's also legal (at least in my country) to translate papers for individuals on the side while keeping your day-job, and no contract can forbid you that.
I also got a degree on german philology which helped me a bit, but most employers won't even care about a degree if you get the chance to show them your skills.
Learn a couple of things about investing, start with a large sum and hold the bags for eternity. Don't sell on red days. If you're brave study how options work and do LEAPS. Don't gamble and in a couple of years you'll accumulate a comfy amount of money for the rainy days. Don't step into a bank unless you want to withdraw your money.

>> No.18050032
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>> No.18050080

>woman I crushed on in college and was thinking about trying to reconnect with is getting married
Damn. I started writing again recently and thought about her, since I always liked the stories she turned in for workshop.

>> No.18050084

nothing's on my mind

>> No.18050102

Getting my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine next week after my sister signed me up. Still have time to cancel. Is there any non-schizo reliable information I can find for why the vaccine is dangerous and whether it's worth it or not? Looking for opinions outside of /pol/ and Redditors on /sci/ and I really don't know what to believe. I'm 23 years old with no co-morbidities by the way

>> No.18050101

why was i born a slave?

>> No.18050111

I miss my old cat.

>> No.18050124

Same situation here. I’ve been driving the same 21 year old beater for years. It’s about to bite the dust and parents want the same for me. I don’t want to buy a car on credit, in part because I regret immensely the college education I bought with debt and still have a good chunk of debt for. They pushed me into that too. I don’t trust them to be honest and I’m also resentful of the path I’m on in life. Well, it’s not even really a path anymore. I’m there. I’m 28. I’ve been working a shitty job I hate for 3 years after I graduated late, I live in a town I hate, in an apartment I hate, I’m single, and I have no real friends, certainly none where I live. This is miserable. And as I look back on life, I realize what a profoundly negative influence my parents have been on me. Yes, they provided for me and I love them. I’m eternally grateful. Still, I can’t help but acknowledge that every bit of advice they ever gave me was bad and everything they pushed me to do was them dumping their desires into me and ended badly for me. I never did what I wanted with my life and I regret that immensely because I’m at an age now where I basically I feel like it’s over. This is it.

>> No.18050134

I just can’t bring myself to have any interest whatsoever in the stock market or investing, which is ironic because I have a degree in economics.

>> No.18050143

I think it’s pretty much safe. I know a lot of people who have gotten it now and a few had some complications but a few weeks later all of them are perfectly fine.

>> No.18050186

Science anon here (3rd year in college doing biochemistry and molecular biology)
the vaccine shouldn't be dangerous, it's a valid technology. I don't know what kind of protein the vaccine produces but it's probably a very small part of what the virus' enveloppe is made of, nothing harmful. Worst case scenaro your body will be going crazy for a few days because you're making something foreign inside you and it doesn't like foreign shit and you'll have a fever for a few days.

>> No.18050189

The vaccine has only existed for ~6 months; there are few short term studies and none on the long term effects. It was also produced very quickly.
If you want to take it, go for it. If you die, oh well. If you live.... I hope I can see you shitpost somewhere on the internet.

>> No.18050243

We've been tinkering with biological constructs for a while already. The technology the vaccine is based on hasn't only existed for 6 months, it's been decades and we've been using it to study tons of stuff. Please explain what could cause harm in a vaccine since you know so much about biotechnologies.

>> No.18050256

these studies are always kind of sketchy the way the extrapolate the data for side effects to the whole population, but you should be fine. What struck me was that the process itself - mrna drugs - seems to have been tested on humans since 2013 or so. So I think if there were really major fuckups with the technology, we'd know by now.

>> No.18050257
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Let's talk about Glen Greenwald, what's wrong with him, lately?

>> No.18050271

I have no idea if I’m minimizing my success or that I’m just a piece of shit. Got out of a mental hospital recently but now I feel shitty since I’m not as put together as I was before with working out every day and stay on top of my problems. Now I’m just getting by day after day

>> No.18050383

I will never escape the nationality or ethnicity of the country of my birth. I will never be able to move to a foreign country, immerse myself in its literature, contribute to its literature myself, and be accepted as an organic and authentic contributor of that culture to its culture. That makes me terribly depressed.

>> No.18050384

I really enjoy reading posts like this about people’s life stories and “unconventional” decisions. It’s really nice to know I don’t have to fit a mold.

> I don't care about paying for worthless shit like license plates, car insurance and the 100 other fees that come with the "right" to drive.
This is my major gripe with driving. I understand the convenience, and frankly a car has been very very helpful throughout my life, but if I don’t need one on a day to day basis, they are very expensive for the occasional drive.
>licensing fee, tabs yearly
>insurance fee monthly
>monthly payment to bank
>gas 3-4 times a month
>maintenance 2-3 times a year if lucky, sometimes something breaks that’s not even your fault that’s costs 30% of the cars entire worth to fix
At some point I’ll own the vehicle sure, but after 5 years of payments on a 3 old car suddenly it’s not as up to date, breaks down more, if I’m lucky I can drive it for another 3 years after that, and the cycle repeats.

And don’t even get me started on a house. Luckily I havnt been pushed on that by my parents yet, but one of my close friends from college, him and his girlfriend just bought a house and he’s always telling me renting is “just throwing money away”. Meanwhile he tells me how fucking stressed he is that he can barely eat and shit, trying to get the 4 types of monthly payments set up he’ll be paying for the next 10 years that don’t go to the principle of the house and he’ll never see again. Also not counting the work he’s told me about wanting to do to the house to fix it up, and while that will increase the homes value it’s certainly not a 1 to 1. It’s seemingly not as bad for him since he seems fairly content at work, and doesn’t mind the idea of doing it forever. But that literally sounds like a nightmare to me. I really like your idea about the foreign language and translating. I know a bit of Spanish and my brother lived in Spain for a bit and said it was nice. It’s warm there too, maybe I could end up there.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do, I only have a few weeks to decide. The part that makes me mad is how shitty my state is for this desire I’ve got. Maybe I just go for it, deal with how shitty it is, and then if I buy a car I know it’s out of necessity for my own life, not because I’m letting the hand guide me.
This is essentially my fear, I currently don’t resent my parents at all, but I have noticed that my life track has been heavily hand held by them and I’m looking to put a stop to it. What I really really don’t want to happen is to coming to resent them in a few years if I let things continue as they are.

>> No.18050397
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still wanna know

>> No.18050407

What do you mean what's wrong?
I'm not that familiar with him but it seems like an unironic liberal is against the faux liberal twitter types

>> No.18050437
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I can't ground myself into any (aesthetic) narrative anymore. whenever i indulge in melancholy and daydreams i then start to realize how many other emotions and aesthetics would be possible in the same situation. i live in this hyper-relativity that has its benefits but at the same time confuses me constantly.
my brain has been constructed for stories and narratives in small communities, trying to construct connections and a cohesive tunnel-vision story while realizing that they don't exist.
the ultimate irony of a somewhat traumatized person in the 21st century. constantly connected, everything is constantly relative and yet he has to deconstruct a memory as if it had ever been this isolated thing. constructing and analyzing a narrative with your psychotherapist because your brain maps bs on to reality

>> No.18050444

Why can't you, anon? I know that in some countries it's very hard to move out, but if contributing to literature is your wish, you can probably reach out to editors or even write on the internet.

>> No.18050447

Ah shit well, the post didn't seem as smug when I was writing it. I see it now while reading it
Anyway, I am being honest with my experiences. I don't see the point with spending money left and right and always running behind the next big purchase that's going to leave you with a pile of debt on your back
Fuck that life man

>> No.18050627

how about bloodclots retard

>> No.18050651

Lol was having it shaped like a giant cartoon turd intentional

>> No.18050661

Vaccine fears are another example of people's deeply flawed intuitive understanding of probability. Even aspirin can give 1 in 100,000,000 or whatever potentially fatal anaphylactic shock. The vaccine is being distributed to hundreds of millions of people. If you did the same with any other medicine there would be some bad reactions to some.

>> No.18050663

what about you read some articles and go to school before opening your foul-smelling mouth on a subject you know nothing about, dunning-kruger tard?

>> No.18050667

no idea, but it's a perfect cosplay

>> No.18050673
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I genuinely don't believe I'm ugly, I think I'm a somewhat good looking guy when I look into the mirror and I do take good care of my appearance, yet at social settings I feel like the elephant man from that david lynch movie. Something about the presence of other young people makes me really insecure.
I don't really get any attention from girls and I have no idea how to change that. I'm definitely not someone to approach first. Just thinking about initiating a conversation with a girl makes me cringe, almost as if it's not really me who's talking. But just waiting to be asked out by a girl seems pointless too given how most of them want to feel desired and chased.

>> No.18050679

>23 y/o
If you're male and haven't caught it, you're near to the lowest risk category for any complications of either vaccine. Your sister would be more at risk, and even then the risk is low. Like if it was a raffle sale you wouldn't buy the ticket because the chances are so low of winning.

>> No.18050711

Oh yeah a handful of bloodclots out of millions of doses given, very worrisome. You undoubtedly do riskier stuff every day.

>> No.18050746

Same, except I talk to girls. I just don't feel at ease around other human beings and generally want out after a few minutes of interaction if it's not immediately after starting a conversation, even with my own family. I pretend and can do small talk with receptive people, but the people that know me know that I'm really anxious talking to strangers.

I somehow got a girlfriend (not without a lot of trial and errors, I did a lot of shit wrong) and she's literally the only person I'm at ease with. I hope you'll overcome your insecurities one day, anon.

>> No.18050760

thanks man. hope I can meet some people at uni when corona shit is over. tired of feeling like this

>> No.18050780

You need to break free of the childish dichotomy of girls and boys. If a woman seems interesting, talk to them because you see a chance for a good conversation there - don't go thinking you should be talking to women with the sole intention of entering a relationship. It's really that easy: stop thinking of women as different creatures, just be normal

>> No.18050795
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>> No.18050803

Why take any risk for a flu?

>> No.18050812
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I get that, my brain automatically goes into "how can I impress them mode" even if I'm not particularly attracted to them.

Maybe the problem isn't lack of confidence but rather lack of recognition from the world around me....

>> No.18050823


>> No.18050830

It is much more lethal than the flu, don't be a retard

>> No.18050832

Not much more, especially not for a 23 year old.

>> No.18050839

Men are a creature of habit. Michael Jordan's habit is to play basketball, mine is to do whatever else but what I should be doing. I'm the Michael Jordan of to do whatever else but what I should be doing.

>> No.18050846

I don't want to die right now (I have Covid).

>> No.18050860

What about when the people that are supposed to check their balances are just serving them instead? I can't seem to find a politician that will actually serve the populace and instead they serve their finantial elite cronies while spewing demagoguery

>> No.18050895

I'll never forget the time /lit/ had one of its semi-regular "favorite book and penis size" threads and I actually bothered to measure my dick. Thank God this board is fully anonymous.

>> No.18050958

They come to our countries, now that the tables have turned let me shit up their's - it's only fair.

>> No.18051295

anon, please look into this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depersonalization-derealization_disorder

>> No.18051319

Not all of them

>> No.18051331

I was supposed to work on a painting today but some retard threw my stained canvas in the garbage

>> No.18051336

Why'd they do that

>> No.18051360

I had a dream I fucked my brother but he had no genitalia. If it feels better, the prevailing theory is that we generate random imagery in our dreams and attempt to make sense of then through our semi-dormant processing centers. Meaning that dreams have no deeper relevance. Whether you actually want to fuck children or not depends on how much credence you give the neuroscientists' interpretation. I'm not sure. While the imagery itself may be random, we are still the ones hazily interpreting them, and these interpretations would be highly subject to unconscious thought.

>> No.18051369

>I had a dream I fucked my brother

>> No.18051387

you can't stop. Apparently it might lessen with age though. Maybe we're just immature

>> No.18051401 [DELETED] 

I've come to the realize that I only come here because I have a crush on all of you

>> No.18051417

I've come to realize that I only come here because I have a crush on all of >>(you)

>> No.18051574

Most of my dreams just seem to be semi-random pastiches of phenomenological odds and ends, but every once and a while two types of dreams happen that make me reconsider the idea that it is just brain noise.

One of these types of dreams are so coherently realistic and narratively consistent that it feels as though my consciousness was transported into a parallel universe and I was experiencing an equally valid reality. There was no oddness to it, the people that might be in the dream had completely believable presences, spoke coherent sentences, betrayed no sign of being my construct.

The second type of dream is the prognosticative. These seem to be rarer, but I recall on several occasions dreams that were uncannily timely. For instance, someone in my extended family had cancer. He was on his way out. The night prior to his death, I dreamed of him on his deathbed with his wife next to him crying as she watched him go. The next morning I wake up to find out he passed. There was no reason for me to be subconsciously primed that he was going to die that soon, something *knew* without any basis for knowing. If I wracked my brains I could find other examples.

>> No.18051850

I have developed a very potent erotic fixation on fat women shitting themselves. I'm a pretty hardcore fatfag in general and will always prefer a fat girl to a thin one. Within this major fetish, I have a number of subfetishes that I sometimes pair with my fat fetish, to varying degrees of interest. And for some bizarre reason, I've become particularly fond of fat women crapping their panties, either willingly or unwillingly. It drives me wild. I'm not quite sure how I got to this point.

>> No.18051865

If I kms, will I reincarnate into a better life that I won't fuck up? Please tell me "yes". I've watched alot of isekai and I really need this.

>> No.18051891

It's very interesting how many westerners seem to be unaware that China was as colonially chopped up by Europe as Africa at a point. The difference was instead of making sovereign states and conquering territory, they made merchant alliances and tariffs and monopolies.

>> No.18051989

We do know that. How does it change anything?

>> No.18051995

Do even people who read voraciously have periods where they don’t read at all? I usually read every single day for hours at a time but lately I just haven’t really felt like it and I feel kind of guilty about it even though I know I shouldn’t. I think it’s because deep down, I know I don’t want to do the same things I’m doing instead. I’m just too addicted or distracted to not do them.

>> No.18052185 [DELETED] 

the fedex shooter was a fucking brony? i can't wait to read the nytimes write up on that, lmao.

>> No.18052191

I’ve come to the realization that my job, and the path I’m on, is a complete joke. If I don’t quit, I will continue to slide into miserable loserdom and existential despair. Knowing this, what do I do? Do I just quit now? I don’t have any alternative but there is no alternative I actually want to do. Still, I can’t keep doing this job and not get to point where I just kill myself in all seriousness. What I want is to just break loose, no backup plan, but I’m apprehensive and indecisive.

>> No.18052206

do a coding bootcamp at night, put a bunch of random little code samples on github, and then spam your resume

>> No.18052208
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I was in fourth grade, and what was special in fourth grade at my school was that you got the other playground. The east side of the school grounds was for the recesses of grades 1-3 and the other side, the grown-ups side, was for 4-6th grades. So I was a big boy now.

It was at the very beginning of the year, probably the first day of school actually, very likely so. My mom used to make us clothes from time to time. I usually enjoyed that because I could chose the fabric. On that specific day, I was wearing a new outfit she had just made, just pants and a long-sleeved sweater. They were both of the same fabric so they kind of looked like a one piece maybe, maybe not. The designs were of the Flintstone, Fred Flintstone faces all over the place. And I'll be frank with you lads, I'm not completely sure there were Fred Flintstone faces on the pants, maybe I was just wearing jeans, but I very clearly remember the sweater.

I really wasn't sure about this outfit because I didn't particularly like the Flintstones in the first place. Anyway, it was recess time and I remember running up to the top of the large wood and metal play module. I was alone as I usually had just one or two friends and most of the time I didn't feel like hanging out with them at all. At the top of the module were two older girls, logically 5th or 6th grade, I'd say 6th, there were really old. The one on the right kind of looked me up and down, smiled and said "Hey nice shirt, Fred Flintstone".

I was so happy that she randomly complimented my on my shirt like that. I just glided down the module and was on a small high for the rest of the day, maybe even the following one. Totally one of the highlights of my elementary school memories that I still fondly remember to this day.

I am 35 years old now. I have just been diagnosed with autism (Asperger's syndrome), ADHD and very high IQ. I am going back over my life's memories with the newfound lenses of Asperger's and, let me tell you, it's not a pleasant experience, not at all.

It's painfully clear to me now, 25 years later, that this girl's comment on my Fred Flintstone sweater (it was light gray) was pure, undiluted sarcasm.

I wish I could stop revisiting all my memories because it ruins a lot of them, but I can't stop, I won't stop.

I still very much like tiddies though.

>> No.18052224

I'm aware but I'm not going to seek treatment for this. Calling it a disorder would imply that it's something negative rather than neutral. I've been like this for years already and I've learned to live with it.

>> No.18052281
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>> No.18052316

Becoming monomaniacally focused on one thing seems increasingly harder after formal education. Balancing the worries of debt, work, mental anguish, match-making, and a number of trivial half-hearted pursuits strip from me the drive to work on what I know will reward me in years to come. How do I maintain the urge to continue with my focus and not to become complacent with the comfortable yet lazy position of my life? While fear of death drives me into the uncomfortable position of having to choose an option, analysis paralysis and opportunity cost grip my mind from committing to actions. Please pray I develop a resolute mind and focus as I gain wisdom in years.

>> No.18052321

Nah. See the thing is, I literally don’t care about my career at all. I’m going to spend my time reading and writing. I’m not going to spend my time learning to code and constantly skilling up to try to become a programmer or whatever. I’m just at a point where I know I have to quit.

>> No.18052438

I really fucking wish I knew what to say to her. it's not like I can't talk to her at all but it's been very hard for me lately, the realization that I love her has made it almost impossible for me to know how to converse the "right way". and I know that's stupid and there's really no right way but there's always a constant insecurity and fear in my head now, and it is always tripping me up, and it just makes me not want to say anything now. or when I do talk, I want to say less out of fear of saying the wrong thing. I feel like such a pathetic, spineless coward. most of the time now I can only fumble my way through talking with her and it's not negative but I can only make boring small-talk, "how's your day", "what have you been up to", "how is work coming along", it's driving me fucking nuts and I bet she's bored of it too.

I feel like I should just come out with it and talk to her about it and gush but how the fuck do I do that? it's impossible, I would look like such a fool. just out of the blue, "oh by the way, I've been simpering like a little crybaby for the past few weeks because I have no idea how to talk to you anymore, any idea how I can fix that? thanks, also I think I'm in love with you" yeah that would go over so well... fucking hell I'm a mess. what is the matter with me. I thought I was above this stupid, teenaged faggot shit until it happened to me, I've never felt it before. I feel so fucking stupid.

>> No.18052448

They're no longer under threat of death from their constituents.

>> No.18052465

Both of these categories seem to constitute the majority of my dreams. To the point where I've seen images and people whom I had no prior familiarity with(at least not consciously) that I later came to meet in my physical life. I've tried to look into precognitive dreams but never have I found something that is not nonsense.

>> No.18052467
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I'm probably never going to have an intimate relationship with anyone

>> No.18052550

Not with that attitude

>> No.18052582

Anon how does one get money into the cyberspace without going to a bank or having your funds in some way connect to a bank? On trading websites you need your personal details etc.

>> No.18052683

I lost and I didn't even know I was playing. But that's ok, as long as I never forget that I am content with being a loser. There are kind and hardworking losers, maybe I can be like them.

>> No.18052799

No, but I don't really know how to change my attitude.
I've never been comfortable with intimacy or closeness, even though I desire to have close relationships with others. The deeper the connection with someone, the stronger my urge to close them out becomes.
I don't know how to behave in intimate situations. I take things at a glacial pace until the other party gets frustrated and gives up their attempts to get closer to me, or I fail to respond adequately to attempts to reach out to me and offend or annoy the other person.
I have issues with guilt and feel like I don't really deserve to have intimacy. I tend to push people away prematurely or sabotage my opportunities with others.
Identifying these problems hasn't led me to any solutions. It's easy to say "just let people know you more" or "just stop feeling guilty" but very difficult for me to implement those things in reality. It's simpler and less stressful to just make peace with being a loner rather than try to contort myself into being able to connect deeply with other people.

>> No.18053025

just get the fucking vaccine dude. Risk is low as fuck. Benefit is much much lower chance of Covid plus we are one step closer to getting back to normal. I got it and i know a bunch of friends who got it. Im 23. friends are around the same age. felt no side effects except for a slightly sore arm where the needle went in. dont personally know anyone who has gotten the shot who had any significant side effects

>> No.18053034

Looks like Gondola got a pink little stiffy

>> No.18053053

I was joking m88

>> No.18053071

>he doesn't think you need another shot next year for a new variant

>> No.18053165

I lost my USB cable and I spent the last 2 days looking for it. :(

>> No.18053302

Your investing portfolio will be connecting to a bank account and/or a credit/debit card.

>> No.18053518

>Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said people will “likely” need a booster dose of a Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. His comments were made public Thursday but were taped April 1.

>Bourla said it’s possible people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually.

>“A likely scenario is that there will be likely a need for a third dose, somewhere between six and 12 months and then from there, there will be an annual revaccination, but all of that needs to be confirmed. And again, the variants will play a key role,” he told CNBC’s Bertha Coombs during an event with CVS Health.

Fuck bros the ride never ends

>> No.18053543 [DELETED] 

I'm new to crypto and thought I'd give it a try when I didn't know shit. Bought chainlink when it was $10 back in July, thought it was a meme and decided to pull out while keeping my regular investments when money got tight as my boomer dad recommended. Now it's $40. I'm not shilling for crypto, I just feel like a retard who could've made thousands by now. Should've listened to the /biz/ fags.

>> No.18053554

I went on a date last night with a Harvard woman and told her I was thinking of learning a new language... either Russian or German - with no added context. She immediately said I seemed like the person who would learn Russian and it fits me better. No idea why since I didn't press the topic but I'm still wondering why the broad thought this.

>> No.18053569

I dunno, this whole cryptocurrency looks just too good to be true and awfully lot like elaborated ponzi scheme. Very sceptical about it.

>> No.18053577

I am a virgin in his mid-20s and I had a naked woman in my bed 1-2 months back. I could not get hard at all. It felt strange being with someone else and naked, and I wasn't in the moment at all. Didn't help that the previous few weeks and months had mainly been spent living in more or less complete isolation, doing uni-work and being on Teams all day. I felt like an empty shell and I'm not all that surprised of the outcome. Her and I left on somewhat good terms, although of course I suspect she was disappointed. I attempted to reassure her it was because of my shitty lifestyle and not because of her. We haven't spoken since.

What bothers me the most, is that my erections haven't been as strong since, no matter the situation. I feel like I've lost something. I am confident that I'll get another naked woman in my bed without too much trouble, but I am not confident in my ability to perform. How do I fix this? Also, before I would feel a lot hornier and jerk off or blue ball myself in the middle of the day, but now I only jerk off before bed.
I feel like a mess and very much incomplete.

I've made some minor changes to my life style, I exercise and I am otherwise very healthy, so the problem is entirely psychological.

>> No.18053589

Sorry, deleted my original post because I realized when I bought it was $5 (not $10) so my return would've been 200% at this point and I'd have more than I made after nearly 5 years of investments.

>looks just too good to be true and awfully lot like elaborated ponzi scheme
Why do you say so? I was thinking the same but it seems like every crypto fag has been right so far.

>> No.18053662

Imagine getting a yearly (rushed) vaccine for something that is comparable to a flu.
And on top of that you do not get your freedoms back, they are held hostage from you.

>> No.18053790

Didnt the same happen post 9/11 regarding giving away your freedom for alleged peace monitoring?

>> No.18053808

Yes, they'll never stop scanning your dick and fondling your butt because of that. No privacy or innocent until proven guilty either.
But people seem fine with it and will be fine with the government taking away or holding hostage the most basics of freedom.

>> No.18053813

They will until they won't. Shit can go sideways real fast, and great violence can spring up suddenly. The Spanish Civil War kicked off rather abruptly, as did World War I. Most people thought World War I wouldn't happen, until it did.

>> No.18053821

>I am not confident in my ability to perform. How do I fix this?

You just gotta keep fucking, man. Unfortunately there is no other way around it. I've been there and the only thing that can fix performance anxiety is a few good performances.

Were you drunk when you couldn't get aroused? Were you wearing a condom? Booze can go either one or two ways, either it'll make you horny as fuck or it'll kill your boners. As for condoms, if you're not super hard they can kill what boner you do have especially if too tight. My advice: try to fuck sober if you can. Then once you've got a couple of good ones under your belt your anxiety will go away. But at the end of the day, the anxiety CAN'T go away by not fucking.

>> No.18053824

Maybe but I was optimistic that people would not swallow a lockdown for long. However as more information came out showing that Covid is not as deadly as first presumed (~4%) the people seem to actually prefer the lockdown and turn against their own citizens. Actually blaming the lockdown because people 'don't follow the rules'. Add to it the vaccine passport or the mandatory negative test for going to the pub and I have little hope.

>> No.18053837

I find it funny that WHO is complaining about people not taking lock down measures seriously and now cases are rising globally. Like fuck it's been a year. Its a virus. At some point you have to allow people to live. What's the alternative?

>> No.18053839
File: 2.26 MB, 540x390, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're British, well, fuck. I'm American, and the vast majority of our country has been at least semi-open since June of last year. Sure we've had all the race riots, but we can also go shopping and go out to eat and go to the gym. I'm sorry you fuckers don't have that, at least with all the bullshit here in America I can go lift weights or grab a beer to blow off steam, even if I have to wear a mask to go anywhere.

Here in America I actually do indeed think things will pop off eventually, we've got a ton of guns and nobody's going to surrender them, and more than half the states are under the direct control of people who think the Democrats stole the election. I am pretty convinced that they cannot do that again without serious consequences. Any other election that looks like 2020 will result in something dramatic, and not in a good way.

>> No.18053893

Yeah U.S seems much better depending on where in the U.S you are of course.
I'm also not a brit, I'm Dutch and there's no end in sight. Right now we've completed a test to see how 'safe' a vacation to Greece can be. You get tested multiple times, you cannot leave your hotel, a butler has to get you your food from the buffet and you have to keep a distance to other humans. 8 people didn't get a negative test on return and have to go into quarantine. If they don't they get a fine. Tests like these will cost a billion dollars and people just accept this clown show.

I envy you americans and am happy with Florida as an example of how you could do it better

>> No.18053918

If you cant get hard, acknowledge it (like a comedian acknowledges a heckler's disparaging comments). Proceed to lick her pussy and whatever else that makes you horny (you lick not to get hard, but for licking's sake alone)

>> No.18053975

It really makes me think that science is just like a religion in these pandemic times.

>> No.18053981

1 minute of browsing r/popular could've told you as much

>> No.18053988

>You just gotta keep fucking, man.
>the anxiety CAN'T go away by not fucking.
I needed to hear this. I'll just use this as an opportunity to get good at oral sex and the dick will return in time.

And yeah, I was a little drunk. Had probably little to no tolerance for alchol at the time since so little had been consumed in so long. I'll try sober next time.

Thanks man, i'll do my best.

In the grand scheme of things, it was just a uneventful~20 minutes. I shouldn't let it get to me like this. it does not matter at all long term

>> No.18054081

I'm looking forward to sunday lunch

>> No.18054085

What are you having anon?

>> No.18054094

Roasted chicken and mlinci.

>> No.18054223

sounds good anon, enjoy

I'm having nothing for lunch because I'm a poor and lazy uni student

>> No.18054263

Can there be a healthy individual in unhealthy society?

>> No.18054310

Therapy is a meme. You talk for an hour and that's it. What is it even supposed to do? I'm very confused.

>> No.18054554

You're supposed to let your thoughts go free without receiving any judgement. Also free association could give a better insight into your problem.

>> No.18054567

also the idea is that the therapist is good at cutting through your bullshit in a productive way. first they get a feel for you, then they hit you with a question that shines a light on things in a way you would have seldom or never arrived at on your own.

>> No.18054576

Nothing. You’ve got it exactly. We just live in a society that buys into these myths like how when you’re struggling you just need to talk to someone. It’s obviously bull shit but good luck convincing anyone.

>> No.18054629

I’ve decided if I’m still a virgin by 28 I’ll hire an escort and get it over with.

In general I don’t think this is a necessary measure, I’m confident I’m a fucking catch and a good person to be with. I just need to keep being me and putting myself out there and I’m sure I’ll meet someone worthy of the love I have to give. But, I still have this as a backup plan.

>> No.18054640

They've likely studied psychology and therefore know a whole lot more about the human psyche than 99% of this board. Seeing causality in human lives is not something that everyone can do.
It's not about solving your problems magically simply through dialogue like how naive folks like >>18054576 would have you believe. Think of it more as a perspective that helps you tackle those problems with a different approach.

>> No.18054645

Lots can happen in 13 years.

>> No.18054657

>but I am not confident in my ability to perform.
Try not to worry about how she is feeling. You are almost certainly not going to rock her world, or even come close if it is really your first time. Stimulate her clit with your hands and mouth then hope for the best. Take your time. Most girls will appreciate the foreplay, even if you cum too soon. Trust me, I’ve been there plenty of times.

>> No.18054702

Dude, just quit. I would quit my shit job if I didn’t have dependents. You will never discover what you really want to do if you keep wasting your daily energy on a job that isn’t satisfying.

>> No.18054747
File: 233 KB, 962x773, Seppuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle class white women with meme degrees tell you to talk about your feelings and then you get put on meds by shrink that do most of the work. It is a stand in for actual introspection

>> No.18054772

it's not a question of "either/or", it's more of a question of "y tho?"

>> No.18054781

I want us to be together again but half of me is not convinced that you truly loved me the first time.
I don't like having lived this illusion that we both shared the same kind of love when it was just me.

>> No.18054787

How do I stop being horny?

>> No.18054792

Cut your balls off with a knife

>> No.18054858

I’m 23, and I’ll turn 24 this year

>> No.18054864

inb4 navalny doesn't die at all and the media forget the whole thing

>> No.18054897

The past couple of times I've ran into writers block I find myself returning to what started out as pure smut for my own enjoyment, but has now evolved into a romantic fantasy novella. It's weird to me that most of the other stuff I write is sci-fi with underlying themes of isolation and transhumanism, but the thing I been able to consistently come back around to is a relatively simple sword and sorcery story where the male and female lead fall in love and get married early on, but continue to adventure while fucking each others brains out every night. I'd be kinda on the fence about releasing it if I actually finished it, but I guess of GRR Martian can make millions with his fantasy fetish fuel, I might have a shot.
Tags: lactation, leg lock, happy sex, monstergirl, hand holding, tomboy

>> No.18054906

>leg lock
What the fuck does this mean

>> No.18054910

why would they forget the whole thing? A "journalist" who's held in prison by Russia is candy to western mass media

>> No.18054936
File: 221 KB, 691x415, locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's when you're having sex in the missionary position with a woman and she folds her legs behind your back so you're unable to pull out. Somewhat NSFW crop attached for reference

>> No.18054942

I hate PewDiePie for what he did to Yukio Mishima. These threads on him on such a joke.

>> No.18054941

Ah ok

>> No.18054950

I already know what I want to do. It’s just not something you can just do for money like *that*. Anyway, I don’t know what to fall back on. I guess I could move in with my parents for a while or something but I really don’t want to do that. I have no plan b is the problem.

>> No.18054990

that's basically rape isn't it

>> No.18055065


>> No.18055951
