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18038065 No.18038065 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read Ben Shapiro's novel? It's hilariously bad.

>> No.18038071

Fuck that kike

>> No.18038072

>a few new vocabulary words to add to his dictionary
jesus christ

>> No.18038079

That sounds vaguely racist

>> No.18038084

>the first draft he referred to Yard as "it" but had to change that after the editor insisted

>> No.18038121


>> No.18038146


>> No.18038154

>kikes still trying to fuel a race war such that no one pays attention to their kikery

>> No.18038168
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>> No.18038184
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>> No.18038193

No way this is real

>> No.18038201

Oh it sure is. What a character!

>> No.18038266


It's the whites starting a race war and you know it.

>> No.18038273

Jews aren't "white"

>> No.18038274

You can clearly tell he grew up afraid of niggers

>> No.18038305

Can you blame him?

>> No.18038311

That is fucking hillarious

>> No.18038316

I guess not because jews don't understand honor, dignity, and courage.

>> No.18038328

Neither do niggers
You didn't think that one through did you

>> No.18038353

I can’t seem to imagine this with any other voice than Ben’s.
>Lets say, hypothetically, that I called you a nigger.

>> No.18038372

>non sequitur
I did but you didn't

>> No.18038385

Jews aren't a race, they are a collection of identities from around Europe and the middle east based in a common religion and percieved share history.

>> No.18038392

They are an ethnicity and they aren't 'white'
To be part of Judaism you literally have to be ethnically Jewish. It's an ethnoreligion.

>> No.18038396

this is really interesting to look at shapiros world view, how he sees people and maybe analogues to his own perspective

>> No.18038405

You should probably look up what non sequitur means, nigger.

>> No.18038410

To be part of Judaism your mother has to be Jewish, it has literally nothing to do with genetics.

It is a matrileineal passing religion which comes attached to an identity.
If you have a jewish father but no jewish mother you aren't a jew depsite having the same "levels" of jewish dna as someone with a jewish mother and no jewish father.

You keep getting spooked by imaginary spooks you fuck.

Also then how do you explain the obviously different ethnic features between eastern european, spanish, middle eastern and ethiopian jews? Are they all the same race? Or maybe 20th century racial logic is fucking stupid and we should stop using it.

>> No.18038418
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>To be part of Judaism your mother has to be Jewish, it has literally nothing to do with genetics.

>> No.18038504

Why does everything I've seen of him carry bbc cuck porn undertones?

>> No.18038543


>> No.18038558

it's right there in the op anon

>> No.18038560

No you're just a cuck faggot

>> No.18038572

That´s pretty decent prose, though.

>> No.18038580

>Jews aren't a race
Yes they are

>> No.18038582

Well considering it is only the mother, not the father, then yes it isn't about genetics.

The focus isn't on the genes you have, but the matrilineal line. Which can be thinned to point of irrelevance.

>> No.18038584

You should take a basic logic course retard

>> No.18038592

No one cares about Judaism retard. The worst jews are Ashkenazi who are typically atheists. Go back to Twitter

>> No.18038598 [DELETED] 

Regardless, Jews are an ethnicity and they act similarly.

>> No.18038606

Regardless, Jews are an ethnicity and they act similarly.

>Which can be thinned to point of irrelevance.
Virtually never happens for religious Jews

>> No.18038637

Is that his sexual fantasy? I didn't know Ben Shapiro wrote cuckold erotica.

>> No.18038642

see >>18038543

>> No.18038664

Do rightoids actually take him seriously? Genuinely asking
>that's pretty decent prose, though
how? this is high school tier writing at best

>> No.18038731

>It's the whites starting a race war and you know it.


>> No.18038750

It's literally only white people talking about it - and the kkk, militias and skinheads advocating for it.

>> No.18038778

Projection doesn't exist. I'm not sure why you're defending a Jew either.

>> No.18038788

Didn't catch that when I read it. Jesus christ indeed

>> No.18038808

does anyone else have those days where you wake up and feel completely out of your element, to the point that youre trying to figure out if something you did yesterday led you to be now living in a warped reality? because im feelin it

>> No.18038820

>If you have a jewish father but no jewish mother you aren't a jew depsite having the same "levels" of jewish dna as someone with a jewish mother and no jewish father
Not always the case. Stephen Fry always goes about how his grandfather was Jewish and that somehow gave him enough jewishness to talk to PM of Israel Nethayahoo

>> No.18038826

this really sucks lmao

>> No.18038832

What the fuck lol
Ben Shapiro is a gatekeeper, a self aware maintainer of the controlled jewish dialectic. He gives racist dogwhistles and signals about traditionalism while corralling you back into fake and gay neoconsevativism and zionism.

>> No.18038834

>Muh le rapid fire talk
It's hard when your words are written down so people have time to process your bullshit

>> No.18038864


No because he's a zionist

>> No.18038869

This really is some low IQ shit. I don't have trouble understanding him.

>> No.18038872

This thread is an anti-semitic attack on judaeo-christian values. Everyone knows the left hates Israel because we have the best culture and the best literature it's in the constitution it's a fact if you want to argue with that you've given up on reality. That's a fantasy like the existence of Palestinians and that's why conservative values are the best.

>> No.18038874

>Israel because we have the best culture and the best literature
Name one thing

>> No.18038887

This is exactly like a cumtown bit lmao

>What's up my fellow bust up negroes. Who let the dogs out?


>> No.18038898
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Judaeo christian values and the Bible the ten commandments are in the constitution it's a fact and 94 % of conservative Americans agree that Israel is America's best ally and the left don't want you to know that. My wife is a doctor.

>> No.18038900

Mr. Feeny, I'm a big fan of your feet.

>> No.18039038

jewish identity is flexible just like all identity much wow

>> No.18039084
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Stuff like that happens all the time.

In elementary school, I witnessed a black student push a white student onto the ground and slam his head repeatedly into the playground asphalt. After-the-fact, he claimed that the aforementioned white student had called him a nigger immediately before; but I had seen the event in full and knew he was lying.

In high school, something similar happened during PE. In this case, there were two black students and one white student. No physical violence occured, but there was a big performance, with one of the black students "holding back" the other (not unlike what you may have seen depicted in movies) after the white student supposedly called one or both of them niggers. Again, I was there from the beginning and knew it was bullshit. The end result in this case was the white student reputedly being suspended, and whether it was permanent, whether he transferred schools or dropped out I don't know, but I never saw him again.

>> No.18039116

one of the black characters unironically uses the word "honkey"

>> No.18039171

Yes and x-related hereditary recessive diseases don't exist because they come only from the mother right?

>> No.18039611

Does ben have a BBC fetish? Most kikes do

>> No.18039622

>To be part of Judaism your mother has to be Jewish, it has literally nothing to do with genetics.

Sounds like fake, wishy-washy criteria invented a long time ago and not really an intelligent way to asses reality.

>> No.18039653

I know for a fact his sister does.

>> No.18039661


>> No.18039663


You mean invented


That's my point

>Jews are race!

It is a wishy washy identity shared by people who often have nothing in common. All identity is an act of imaginative investment. It isn't based in reality.

If any of these racist idiots had ever lived on a border region in the old world they would know race/ethnicity is a continuum.

>> No.18039664

>and looked like he was headed straight for a lifetime of prison workouts
>pulled him out of his seat like a rag doll

>> No.18039688

>Ben Shapiro is a gatekeeper, a self aware maintainer of the controlled jewish dialectic. He gives racist dogwhistles and signals about traditionalism while corralling you back into fake and gay neoconsevativism and zionism.

This is exactly what he is.

>> No.18039695

The other way around. Race science is a product of the 19th century and no one thought of race in terms of haplogroups and genetic purity until then.

>> No.18039706
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Id love to hear how this is white people'sfault.
And not nigger culture

>> No.18039711
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As anyone who dont lie to themselves is

>> No.18039714

Weird how they act this way all over the world

>> No.18039726

That was from france
This is america

>> No.18039748

White people created nigger poverty
People in poverty grew up like chimps

>> No.18039754
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France is done.

>> No.18039765

>That was from france
Yes and they act like that wherever they are. It is not due to "culture".

>> No.18039784

You can see ghetto whites acting like that too. I know you're ideologically biased and you're trying to find justifications to support your conclusions. That's how I know you're low IQ.

>> No.18039797

>Nigger genes created nigger poverty
>All Niggers grow up like chimps

>> No.18039800

This is what state education does to a motha fucka.

>> No.18039807

No they don't you fucken lier. They may have other problems but they don't act like your precious retard niggers

>> No.18039809

Yeah, specifically ghetto. And there's not too many of them.

>> No.18039812

good ol ben
ben has seriously loosened up over the years, when I see him with other celebrities he has so much fun, good for the guy

>> No.18039815

Do you really believe this?

>> No.18039826

No. You can actually list out all policies and decisions that explicitly tried to put them in poverty till 1970s and after that it was all subtle oppression.
It all depends on material conditions relevant for human development. It's not like whites were the leading race before 17th century. They only came into relevance in recent times.

>> No.18039843

Ok and in contemporary Haiti, Australia, UK, Canada etc?

>> No.18039857

You can tell he has no discernible talent from the very first line where he writes "was sitting" instead of "sat."

>> No.18039870

Haiti? Seriously? They were getting fucked left and right by developed nations since its inception.

>> No.18039877

I did say contemporary but go ahead and ignore that as well as the other examples

>> No.18039883

>ben has seriously loosened up over the years
If you're referring to his anus sure, the guys still a wound-up prick, probably makes the hollywood celebs go crazy for him

>> No.18039897

Here in australia our government literally had to invent a new kind of petrol so abo's wouldnt drink/sniff it. Wanna know how we can be sure it was only specifically made for abos? They only bothered using in the areas close to their communities

>> No.18039906

blacks cannot control themselves - they don't know any better
nothing is their fault
to imply so is racist, you white cis male

>> No.18039921

Yeah, looking at a country without looking at what happened in 19th/20th century will surely support your racist conclusions. You do love to reduce everything to genetics without looking at mediating structures like a fucking nazi.

>> No.18039933

Well it feels good so

>> No.18039941
File: 58 KB, 720x397, Wait-its-all-just-endless-sufferning-Always-has-been-meme-5083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kills all the French
> Kills all the metis for good measure
> Run their country into the fucking ground
> Go ask for refuge in Montreal. Bring your 10 kids. 4 of them turn to crime. Require the Red Cross to bail your ass when your uninsured apartment burns down because you've hooked 6 heaters as soon as it's below 10 degrees.
Quite a wild ride.

>> No.18039945

r/iamverysmart blank slate neo liberal post nigger twerking-tier IQ

Off the board gay nigger from outer reddit

>> No.18039947

>blah blah blah I'm a nigger worshiping cuck

>> No.18039969

Democrats are the real racists

>> No.18039985

niggers became useless after the cotton gin
then the jew yoked the white man

>> No.18039989

they know negroaches are below them
and can't help to display it openly
"oh wow, jamal tied his own shoes today?"

>> No.18040004

But Jews are white

>> No.18040047

Do you know who also burned books? Htler. Antifa are the real fascists

>> No.18040104
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this might be an okay haiku, let me try
>Nigger, cotton-past,
>White man under jew's yoke;
>Shalom, useless blacks!

Ah well, make a better one anons, this is a thread of faggotry already anyways.

>> No.18040105
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>> No.18040682

Brett insisted upon himself.