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18038608 No.18038608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If communists and socialists are so smart why are they often so poor?

>> No.18038628

Because they intend to kill the rich

>> No.18038636

They run on resentment.

>> No.18038639

Communism is resentment based cope for the incompetent

>> No.18038654

They pursue liberation of the masses instead. They understand life is more than money. Lenin or Trotsky could have easily become greedy landlords but they dedicated their life to higher ideals.

>> No.18038655

Are you rich?

>> No.18038669

No, nor should I be. People like Bezos and Musk are much more hard working and intelligent than I am. They deserve their fortune.

>> No.18038671

Based objectivist

>> No.18038675


>> No.18038680

extremely based stack

>> No.18038694
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>hurr durr I'm a retard, why socialists so poor hahahaha----

>> No.18038708

>these are the people controlling the world

>> No.18038718

His speech really deteriorated. sad.

>> No.18038721


>> No.18038722

I guarantee I'm 10x more successful than you or anyone ITT, possibly even this whole board, and I'm a communist.

>> No.18038729
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What I do not understand is that if marxists, socialists e.c.t have such a firm understanding of economics that they suppose that they can create a government that can create more prosperity then free markets can. Why are they not able to use their supreme economic knowledge to benefit themselves? Could it be they are in fact quite ignorant about economics and how markets work so they are only able to work menial jobs and beg the government for help?

>> No.18038732

>benefiting from capitalism

>> No.18038740

what an astute observation you have going there

>> No.18038744

not astute, oft-repeated and true


>> No.18038745

Fascism is an acceptance based cope for the incompetent

>> No.18038752

I fail to see your point if you even have one

>> No.18038753

The biggest error of Marxists and Socialists at all is being spooked into believing they can overcome the economy by controlling it when it works the other way around.

>> No.18038755

That you are evil

>> No.18038762

lmao cope

>> No.18038767

That a lot of self proclaimed Marxists splurge in capitalism above basic necessities, unnecessarily fueling the system they claim to hate.

>> No.18038771

During socialism my parents could afford to spend a month at the sea with two kids, buy anything they might need, and come back home without any need to tighten the belt. In capitalistic democracy I would either have to take out a loan or tighten my belt till I can't breathe to be able to pay for both my vacation and bills at home, even if I go for the cheapest option.
And yet it's not even so much the fault of some political ideology, the world has simply changed in way that price of work is cheaper.

>> No.18038772

what a strawman

>> No.18038773

Op never heard of champagne socialist LARPers it seems

>> No.18038775

where did your parents live?

>> No.18038780

Croatia, which was Yugoslavia back then.

>> No.18038784

How so? That you were not claiming this, or that a lot of self professed western Marxists and socialists do not behave that way? Try to muster more than one sentence.

>> No.18038797

schrodingers marxist: every marxist is both wealthy AND a poor, lazy, resentful loser

because I never said anything about myself other than I am successful which you then built a strawman around

>> No.18038816
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I don't see how wanting to keep what you have earned is greedy whilst wanting to steal the wealth of others through violence is not greedy. Socialists are just disguised dictators.
I genuinely believe that most people would get by just fine if the government just left them alone.

Socialists want all the benefits of Capitalism without any of the negatives. They believe that if a benevolent dictator just takes care of everything they can live in a utopia. It appeals to the weak minded people who have no desire to live independently.
If socialists cared about the workers why don't any of them start businesses that take better care of workers whilst also out competing businesses that 'exploit' workers. What socialists don't understand is that workers are also business men, except the only thing they have to sell if their labor. Businesses buy this labor and pair it with capital in order to sell products, provide services and make a profit so they can continue to buy labor, maintain and accumulate capital and make profits. It's really the fairest way to operate a economy, fairer then just being a slave to the government.

What socialists today want is for us to go back to serfdom, where we are all peasants who are all equally impoverished and we slave for our political party leaders.

>> No.18038830

Not applying that description to you personally, just an observation of the movement at large.

>> No.18038851

>I genuinely believe that most people would get by just fine if the government just left them alone.

libertarian nut.

>> No.18038863

ah yeah no worries

>> No.18038865

Communists are of inferior genetic stock.

>> No.18038873

Most communist leaders were hyper masculine men who scored on the regular.

>> No.18038875

Read anti capitalistic mentality by Mises.

>> No.18038876


>> No.18038878

Natural selection is true and capitalism as a form of natural selection is true. Even if there were to be a breakaway automation like civilization that becomes "communistic", that would simply be evolution into a Eusocial dynamic. It's still inherently Survival of the Fittest, and still inherently Capitalistic.
Capitalism and Natural Selection are Laws of Nature. They can not be refuted or fought against.

>> No.18038883


>> No.18038884

So if you're poor you can't criticize capitalism because you're just jealous and resentful. But if you're rich you also can't criticize capitalism because you're benefiting from it?

>> No.18038889

A fully automated society would exert low evolutionary pressure on its people.

>> No.18038895

If you make money and donate most of it and only spend money on what you absolutely need, then you will not be a communist hypocrite.

>> No.18038896

how dysgenic

>> No.18038906

If a species is able to propagate, it is successful. If it is not, it is a failure. It doesn't matter how it is done.
The people of a fully automated society would have higher fitness and be more successful than hunter gatherers.

>> No.18038912

Genes will give way to machine.

Probably. Especially with things like gene-editing, etc.

>> No.18038920

This is such a silly non-argument. Communism isn’t veganism, it’s not a consumer ideology, it’s about changing the way things are produced. Now by all means criticise those that call themselves communists but don’t engage in any organising (of parties, strikes, papers, what have you) but this is a non-starter.

>> No.18038924

>no bitcoin
>no copper
>no tungsten
>no platinum
Are you even trying?

>> No.18038930

>This is such a silly non-argument.

I don't how you can square being a communist and voluntarily giving your money to fund corporations and the ruling class.

>> No.18038955
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>the stop buying things if you hate capitalism meme

>> No.18038960


>> No.18038967

Above basic necessities, yes.

>> No.18038978

another shill bait

>> No.18038993
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>this thread

>> No.18039062

Amish can do it.

>> No.18039111

>muh amish
don't care faggot because whether or not it's possible isn't the reason it's a meme

>> No.18039174

because people in power are people who want power, and people who want power are greedy.

>> No.18039186

but then you wouldn't be successful anymore
hence there's an answer for OP

>> No.18039189
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The question is why are they often so wealthy.

>> No.18039205

The impulse to destroy capitalism comes from understanding that we're wasting our valuable lives chasing useless baubles.

>> No.18039223

Why you dumb commie faggot

>> No.18039231


>> No.18039243

>63 replies
>27 posters
>entire thread calling commies faggots with no real discussion of the issue
I love literature.

>> No.18039327

And you would be a potato farmer.

>> No.18039332

We really have the brightest minds posting here, don't we?
"Here's my no evidence stance, let's just repeat the same shit over and over with no discussion."
140 IQ board.

>> No.18039395

Znao sam, samo bi Hrvat naglašavao mogućnost odlaska na more kao važan dokaz uspjeha socijalizma, niti jedan drugi narod nema takav način razmišljanja.
(Da se razumijemo, ne kažem da je argument nevaljan.)

Now commies are poor? I thought they were all upper middle class hypocrites, at least that was the standard argument on /lit/, until this thread appeared and now all of a sudden it's the exact opposite.

>> No.18039450

capitalism is a cope capital injustice for industrial society. communism is its negation and the no-you of pseudo-artistocratic, entitled and halfwitted revolutionaries.

True chads strive for techno-feudal homestead and villages, small cities with elected kings and a just, peaceful and prosperous, but unequal society, that is egalitarian through the acceptance of unequal justice, capital justice, but equal worth and responsibility of all people to the form of their society. Justice in a marxist sense, laws value societal worth which is non-material and equal, are thusly equal for all.

>> No.18039452

All ideologies are based when the leaders and followers are attractive, and cringe when its leaders and followers are ugly.

>> No.18039543

Is it not so, Socrates, that Alcibiades was, though strong and harsch, through you educated and possessed a beautiful soul? Did he not mirror this before with his good looks? Is it not so, O Socrates, that the soul possesses the body, and that the soul so takes action, as the soul is the real I, which we are, through which bodies might be changed with one's hands and arms and legs; is it not also so that also our voice and our eyes might act in such a way as to influence the world around us, and is it not so that we can train our limbs and senses to shape the world better; mirroring our bodies to our soul, which we have trained.
To ask then is to ponder whether the body does in a sense always resemble the soul, in which it is set, or if the soul only shapes its body if it is taught to be beautiful. I mean to ask, Socrates, whether some souls are more beautiful than others, in their inherent being, which is in the world, as far as a soul might be so, and if souls might differ so and develop differently through their own accord; that men of a higher birth have better souls, as I remember you saying to Alcibiades, though all men are related to Zeus and all possess a soul similar to his through their nobles decent, so being equal and all nobles, as all men are, or whether all souls do have potential set in stages, I do not wish to discuss what lies in the future but what is with the man before he has developed and had the ability to be spoiled; that he is different by some givenness, whether the soul is at birth through the property of the line and not the direct parentage, or pedagogy, before even the education of body and senses and mind, formally, more akin to that of Zeus, in their being as more noble than others, and so for others to recognize this nobility, which shows itself in the body, or if it is not so?
I want to ask then Socrates, that if such is the case, does man who is beautiful on the outward and has not been spoiled always possess a better soul than the man who is the same but does not have such a proper outward appearance similar to his soul.

>> No.18039544

Why are you so poor?

>> No.18039563

Pa dobro, mogao sam i spomenuti da u to doba razni menadžeri nisu mogli imati parazitski odnos prema tvrtkama koje vode, a dugove pokrivati režući plaće onima na dnu i otpuštajući ljude, dok oni koji ostaju moraju rintati na više radnih mjesta da pokriju nedostatak radne snage (omjer plaće je navodno bio da direktor smije imati maksimalno 10 puta veću plaću od čistačice), ali nekako se uvijek sjetim tog mora i lijepo iskorištenog godišnjeg odmora, baš onog pravog za zdravlje.

>> No.18040977
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>money makes you wealthy

>> No.18040993

Pretty sure that woman is just a typical grifter. Made her living talking about 'white supremacy' and moves into a 98% white neighborhood.

>> No.18041011

>liberation of the masses
No, they are tricked into letting themselves become enslaved to their elite under the guise of "the workers".

>> No.18041402

No. Socialism

>> No.18041510

>Reading libertarians
How’s the 8th grade

>> No.18042080

>People like Bezos and Musk are much m
nikola tesla was more hardworking and intelligent than those 2 combined and aported more to technology than those 2 together^1000, yet he died extremely poor

>> No.18042295

You define poor using a capitalist description I do not subscribe to. We are wealthy in the mind and heart.

>> No.18042316

when pushed, the communist just can't help flaunting his bourgeois credentials (wealthy, elite schooling, etc)