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/lit/ - Literature

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18037682 No.18037682 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>18021589

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.18037707 [DELETED] 
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What do you guys think of this, by the way?


>> No.18037708
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>Any progress on your novels?
Yes, I'm done now. I was never going to become the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce, but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted. I had thought my country's education system was topmost in the world, but this turned out to be utter bollocks.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level.
My tenses are mixed up, I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia. I mix tired and trite idioms together to obfuscate their unoriginality with a veneer of irony; I have continued to recite ornate Jewish chimpanzee parables with diminishing returns. The parable seemed very clearly to me to be asking me whether or not the now-grown-adult can choose. I say yes, of course, but that's not my issue.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 74 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless duelling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit. Look how many words I wrote, because apparently literature is bodybuilding and just aimlessly typing will somehow improve my writing. I don't even know what genre it is that I'm writing. Is it autofiction? A comedy? A picaresque?
Regardless, I have failed. I have put down my pen. Never again will my fingers click-clack across the keyboard. No more outlines, no more characters. Goodbye.

>> No.18037736
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>give me money

>> No.18037792
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>> No.18037822

fucking degenerate

>> No.18037861
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All the great writers are, hon

>> No.18037883


>> No.18037968

How you doing today /wg/

>> No.18038128

Is this marianne and hilda in the OP

>> No.18038185

I've read that Story Grnius book from the link now and have to say it definitely made my writing feel like it had a direction and force behind it. Every other first few pages felt like an incoherent mess where I wasn't even sure what the scene was about.

Good book. I wish she didn't say things like "brain science though"

>> No.18038304

kill yourself

>> No.18038446

Yeah it’s a little cringe, but the third rail stuff is useful to keep in mind.

>> No.18038456

I'm worried my plot points are stupid - and won't necessarily reflect the story I am trying to tell.

Basically my main character is going to join a post-modernist "secret society" called the Iconoclast international - the idea behind them is that they believe by destroying symbols and symbolic modes of communication humanity will finally be able to reach "objectivity and truth".

But upon subsequent meetings the group begins installing more and more ridiculous rules to stop members wearing or speaking in symbols.

I want this to continue to the point of absurdity - i.e. banning clothes as they are symbolic of wealth and status, before realising genetalia works as sexual symbols and order everyone to cover up etc.

This is supposed to reflect the characters nihilism - he is trying to find "truth" by deconstructing human symbols - and by watching these ridiculous ideas develop he will realise the necessity of symbols and narrative for a happy life. Realising that there is nothing to be gained and no meaning to be found in the destruction of symbols and ideas.

The character basically goes through a journey of trying to find meaning by tearing away at the subjective, cultural elements of life and will realise that this can only serve to make life more meaningless.

I've yet to decide if it's going to end in tragedy or him making a decision to leave and find meaning in something.

How does it sound anons?

>> No.18038458
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something I have begun composing, will give more thought to it later
is it sensible?
is it frivolous?

I welcome all criticism

>> No.18038509

I think it sounds interesting

>> No.18038528

I like this, is it supposed to be a commentary on capitalism and how we just consume without considering those who provide?

>> No.18038659

your political stance is too evident (you are too politically engaged)

>> No.18039057

I'm totally autistic, explain humor to me /wg/. I'll probably never get it but I would at least like to know some of the mechanisms at work. Just why are certain situations or ways of phrasing things funny?

>> No.18039063

well most things are funny because it's true. but sometimes something is funny because it isn't true.

>> No.18039083

too pompous

>> No.18039424

I've been writing a poem a day before work - no editing.
I’d really love to make a tapestry, detailed in gold,

I’d love to carve a statue, chiseled clean and bold,

Making things is special, this little monkey knows,

Making this is the only way a little monkey grows.

The monkey wants to create some beauty,

To fulfil a primal duty, creating as he goes,

But it is not easy, upstream the monkey rows,

The boat shaking as he goes, imperfect,

Full of holes.

But the paddling gets easier, the boat

Travels faster, against the water monkey plows.

Until this monkey realises, he’s rowing in canals.

>> No.18039490

give it to me straight: what is the essence of good prose?

>> No.18039507


>> No.18040131

The essence of comedy is subverted expectation. You build an expectation only to subvert it.

>> No.18040135
File: 103 KB, 940x534, ex1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an exerpt of the 1st page of a novel i'm trying to write. Any feedback is appreciated

>> No.18040269

I welcome the rain
I smile at the clouds
In Vegas the Spring blooms
At the Violet Hour

>> No.18040446

Closed the image without reading, because you already outed yourself as a clinically retarded tryhard

>> No.18040496

>Word informs me that there are so many errors in my text they can no longer be displayed
I see. I should just write completely formal speech from now on.

>> No.18040543

post a sample

>> No.18040569


>> No.18040644

The world of things entered your infant mind
To populate that crystal cabinet.
Within its walls the strangest partners met,
And things turned thoughts did propagate their kind.
For, once within, corporeal fact could find
A spirit. Fact and you in mutual debt
Built there your little microcosm - which yet
Had hugest tasks to its small self assigned.

Dead men can live there, and converse with stars:
Equator speaks with pole, and night with day;
Spirit dissolves the world's material bars -
A million isolations burn away.
The Universe can live and work and plan,
At last made God within the mind of man.

>> No.18040699

lol okay, here it is, not on a notepad:

The sun is about to set, Awawa is sitting in the living room of his appartment in a new boat-building of the sunken--city. through his window he watches dolphins jump out of the water. Nasalsa is speaking, she’s laying on a couch looking at the ceiling :” Do you really think there could be a country with just land, no water stream outside your door, no fish coming out of your sink, no boat-bus,no ferrys, no boat-cars, no boatos, no boats at all. A world where you don’t have to swim anywhere, you can just walk…” She pauses dramatically. “You can just walk anywhere your feet can take you... a world where you’re not in constant fear of drowning.” Awawa is still looking out the window with a very focus look, his eyes are narrow as if he was trying to see something afar and says confidently : “Dolphins are majestic, we are lucky to be able to live to see such a beautiful sight.” He stops and stares at the window, dolphins are still doing their dance while the sun is laying down gently on his bed of water. Awawa turns around to Nasalsa and looks at Nasalsa who is now sitting up in a buddhist like pose, he stares deep into her eyes. He states passionnately “I know countries of land once existed. Lands of dust and sand and dirt and planes and mountains. Countries where you could see them as far your eyes would let you. I shall find it.” She’s looking at him with awe as if his words didn’t make sense to her but also did, in a way. She responds “That sounds like the most amazing place ever. Maybe it exists on another planet.” Awawa stands up, stares at the window, dolphins are still jumping around, the sun has sunken into his bed waters but he still a reddish light dimly through the passing clouds. Awawa takes a second to grasp this beautiful sight, he takes a deep breath and sits next to Nasalsa, holds his hands, look intensely into her eyes and says : “The realm of land is real.” He pauses. “I shall take you there my love”.

>> No.18040732
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 4B996292-CF06-4EFE-95CC-674D7C28DA7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m never not going to write cunnykino. All of my love interests will be underage, there is no better pairing than a man in his 20s or very early 30s and a girl 14-18.

>> No.18040745

wrong the best pairing is a woman in her mid-20s/early 30s and a 12 year old boy

>> No.18040753


>> No.18040765

The best pairing is 15 year old boy and 17-18 year old girl. (unrelated) big sister kino>pedoshit and ancient roasties

>> No.18040869

You can tell that the guy who painted this has never seen a cactus in real life

>> No.18040973

my purpose i suppose
is simply sucking toes
in the deepest throes
i sniff your indigo
pantsu that you've
kept on
for days and days
and with no delay
despite how i plead and pray
my degeneracy has led me astray
but at least i never pay
your no whore
ejaculate is good for your pores

>> No.18040995

>girl 14-18
that's not cunny...............

>> No.18041350

I fear naming the female "nasal salsa" and calling the male by an onomatopoeia does little to lessen the impression of tryhardness. Also, the plural of ferry is ferries.

>> No.18041471

it's more that class conflict/exploitation of labor is perennial
even citizens of the empire who lambast its actions reap the reward of its victories, whether cruel or just
man seeks only satisfaction

observation is not ideological
politics are a spectacle, or a machine for the highest class to enact its will
I am a peasant, but I reside in the heart of the current world hegemon

the word choice is deliberate
is pomposity the inverse of vulgarity?
to call something pompous seems, ironically, only a prettier way of calling it cringe
in other words, it is an indictment of sincerity

>> No.18041651

>to call something pompous seems, ironically, only a prettier way of calling it cringe
cringe can be anything at all but pompous is pompous. pompous could be cringe, but cringe is not just pompous.

>> No.18041746

Sounds like you've got a severe case of impostor syndrome. Who are you to look at your own work and declare that is it devoid of interest? That's just as bad as someone believing their work is the greatest of all time.

Why not post your first page in a Docs and put it here so we can shit on it and see how much of a trainwreck it really is? I doubt it's that bad, considering how your post was written.

>> No.18041758

The names are not onomatopoeia, These are the female is Nasalsa. These are names of Emperors and Empresses of the Nubian Empire.
And yeah I will correct that "ferries" mistake, Thanks for pointing it out, I did not catch that

>> No.18041768

he posts this in every thread

>> No.18041769

That but change church to corporate media, 400 years ago to now, and killed to cancelled.

>> No.18041777

I love it.

>> No.18041783

>observation is not ideological
wrong, observation can be ideological depending on what you selectively choose to observe and your way of presenting what you are observing. your observation is definitely ideological, "politics are a spectacle, i am a peasant" is an ideological observation and it is your ideological stance.

>is pomposity the inverse of vulgarity?
pomposity is vulgar you hack. it's vulgarity, your poem is vulgar.

>> No.18041784

Well, looks like I ate that pasta.

>> No.18041811

>t-the word choice is deliberate!
kek, every single time, this is the perfect defence. i swear my writing was shitty on purpose!

>> No.18041994

you have attributed malice to me and your responses are empty invective
you have not engaged with me, but instead some illusory embodiment of that which you consider to be your enemy

I did not make a claim as to the quality of my writing, I was responding to criticism in hope of elaboration

when I respond to others in these threads, I offer insight according to my ability, whether it is useful or not

>> No.18042119

>the word choice is deliberate
That's not relevant.

>is pomposity the inverse of vulgarity?
No, it means "affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important." The opposite (I don't know why you used the word "inverse") of pompous is humble, or modest. One could be both pompous and vulgar. I don't think what you wrote is vulgar, though.

>it is an indictment of sincerity
I'm not questioning your sincerity. One can be sincere in their belief that they're superior to others.

In fact, I don't see how someone who was pompous could fail to be sincere. What is most annoying about a prideful person is that you can sense that they *sincerely* believe that they're better than others.

>to call something pompous seems, ironically, only a prettier way of calling it cringe

I'm not calling it cringe. I meant what I said!

>> No.18042126

>The sun is about to set, Awawa is sitting in the living room of his appartment in a new boat-building of the sunken--city.

Stopped reading because this is a run-on sentence.

>> No.18042161

>you have attributed malice to me and your responses are empty invective
>does the same thing
not the same anon, but it's no wonder you think clearly retarded shit like "observation is not ideological"

>> No.18042171

i have not attributed malice to you, "malice" where? learn what words mean before using them.

>> No.18042252

Whenever I post on /r/writingprompts I never get up-voted, does this mean I suck?

>> No.18042293

>posting on /r/writingprompts in the first place

>> No.18042308

"The sky is blue."
Is this an ideological statement?
I accused him specifically of what I typed, not malice, nor do I think my accusation was empty

Malice, meaning wrongful intention
>what you selectively choose to observe and your way of presenting what you are observing

The question was rhetorical, not asking after a definition.
Essentially, does the sincere use of uncommon words or constructions make one pompous, such that anything that is not vulgar becomes pompous?
You provide another example of somebody using language as a rhetorical bludgeon (I am sure you did not have trouble understanding my use of the word "inverse").
Certainly two cavemen clubbing one another would arouse more excitement than the persiflage we engage in.

>> No.18042314


Part of a chapter from my bike novel / autofic retelling of my buddy and I riding our bicycles across Canada for mental health. Not incidentally, the novel explores themes related to mental health and isolation.

>> No.18042382

>he's so bad that he can't even be the smartest retard

>> No.18042491

The sun was about to set.

Awawa was in the living room of his apartment, watching dolphins jump out of the water.

Nasalsa was there with him. She was laying on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "Do you really think," She said. "that there could be a country which was all land? No water outside your door..."

"No dolphins." He interjected.

"No boat bus..." She continued. "No ferries, no boat-cars, no boatos—no boats at all! A world where you can go anywhere you want, just by walking." She wiggled her legs for effect. "You wouldn't even have to be afraid of drowning."

Awawa was still looking out the window. "But no dolphins." He turned back to her. "I know places like that once existed. Whole countries of dust and sand and dirt and mountains. Like a giant boato with no water underneath it. Places where the land was all you could see. The land would be solid. Even ”

“That sounds amazing."

"Well, I'm sure that they would think the way we live is amazing. And it is, isn't it?" The sun was setting.

"Do places like that still exist?"

"Of course they do."

>> No.18042545

thanks a lot for this, mate !

can i post the rest of this so you can help me with it ?

>> No.18042560

I'm not a writer so i did not know what a run-on sentence was but thanks for pointing it out, i've learned something

>> No.18042579 [DELETED] 


here's the paragraph that comes after this.

It’s 15 years earlier, Awawa, a little boy back then, was sitting on a chair on the deck of a ferry. His mother,Sogolon, is sitting next to him, silently, like most of the people in the ferry. Awawa and Sogolon are both watching dolphins play in the waves, the dolphins are jumping out of the water to have a peak at the sun, Awawa guesses. They are going to visit his father, Alara, in Pen-Island. Awawa only knows that his father’s been incarcerated for trafficking, the details of the case were still unknown to him as a child. Pen-Island is an island when all jails of Atlantis are as the name suggests. Pen-Island solely contains all prisons:from low to maximum security, from children to senile,woman, man, anyone convicted of a crime ends up in Pen-Island.
As the ferry is about arrive Pen-Island his mother embraces him and whispers in his ear : “Be a strong boy for your father, Awawa”. Awawa responds: “Yes mother”. As the ferry slows down they hear a loud horn and people start getting up to disembark. Awawa holds tightly his mother’s palms as they go through the crowd leaving the ship. They go through the administrative shenanigans.

>> No.18042642


continuation of this
continuation of this
the following of this >>18040699

It’s 15 years earlier.

Awawa, a little boy back then, was sitting on a chair on the deck of a ferry. His mother,Sogolon, was sitting next to him, silently, like most of the people in the ferry.

Awawa and Sogolon are both watching dolphins play in the waves. Dolphins are jumping out of the water to have a peak at the sun, Awawa guesses. Awawa and his mother are going to visit his father, Alara, in Pen-Island.

Pen-Island is an island where all jails of Atlantis are, as the name suggests. Pen-Island solely contains all prisons:from low to maximum security, from children to senile,woman, man, anyone convicted of a crime ends up in Pen-Island. Awawa solely knows that his father’s been incarcerated for trafficking, the details of the case were still unknown to him as a child.

As the ferry was about to arrive at Pen-Island, Sogolon embraced him and whispered in his ear.

“Be a strong boy for your father, Awawa”.

Awawa squeezed his mother and responded in low voice.

“Yes mother”

As the ferry slowed down they heard a loud horn. People began to get up their seats to disembark. Awawa held tightly his mother’s palms as they went through the crowd leaving the ship and went through the administrative shenanigans.

>> No.18042785

Pretty good!

>I don't, like death, know how to face it.

Should be: "Like death, I don't know how to face it."

and perhaps:

>But I know, like death, that the end of the road is coming. Like death, I don't know how to face it.

>Or one-fifth the circumference of the earth.

Omit "or"

>My mattress lays atop the cold earth.

Odd way to put this.

>But I feel something under my bed.

Not sure why you mention this. Do you mean a rock is under you or something more abstract? Just make those two sentences clearer.

>I laugh because words cannot express what I would like them to.

This is some eat/pray/love stuff but I appreciate it cause it's authentic lol.

>In the dead of the night I crawl out of the tent fully nude and unclip the rain fly while the damp grass squishes between my bare feet. I throw the tarp away then squirm back inside the uncovered dome and lay under a blanket of blinking stars. It takes a while before I fall back asleep, inexplicably anxious. To be so alone.

Don't get what's happening here. Maybe I'm just not a hiking guy.

>I wake up to a breeze that heals better than medicine. I wipe tears from corneas flooded with sunlight.

Should be "eyes." Also not clear why you're crying. So it's a little too abstract. I'm not hating on you if you're crying at the sunrise's beauty, but you need to make that clearer.

>We eat our breakfasts at A&W, hashbrowns and sausage sandwiches with mayo, but I only taste the grease.

I think this is technically a run-on. Maybe use an em-dash after "A&W?"

>Only the call of a cigarette outside can bring us to our feet.

More nitpicking... it is the idea/prospect of smoking a cigarette outside which calls you to your feet, not just "a cigarette outside."

>Leafless branches drape overhead like chandeliers, or outstretched hands.

I don't quite "buy" the first comparison, but the second is really good.

>The biggest hills are those into Marathon


>... the wind felt in our bones. Simple moments of relief cannot be found.


>A sign over the front door welcomes us to The Loose Moose. But it's the only thing that does.

This is a clever thought, but to land better it should be smushed into one sentence. Bit tricky to pull off, though.

>A radio plays from somewhere deep in the kitchen.

The only sound is a radio playing somewhere deep in the kitchen.

Good ass ending too. So yeah, just a bunch of caffeinated nit-picking, but it's good.

>> No.18042863

/wg/ im already writing anime trash, how much do i have to lose by naming a character Buster Knut?

>> No.18042935

Every thread there's at least one person who falls for it kek.

>> No.18042988

It's pompous to use big words when you don't need to, especially when they don't mean what you're trying to say.

The purpose of language is to communicate. Big words can help with precision, but when you misuse them, people can tell that you're more interesting in sounding smart than expressing yourself.

Like "persiflage," dude? Give me a break!

Persiflage means: Light and contemptuous mockery or banter.

I wasn't bantering with you, or mocking you, I was criticizing you.

>Certainly two cavemen clubbing one another would arouse more excitement than the persiflage we engage in.

Read this out loud. It just sounds bad.

>> No.18043028

Cool! What were the big things you learned? I'm too lazy to read it yourself. But if you think it can't be boiled down, I might give it a shot.

It sounds kinda funny. Reminds me of the Man who was Thursday.

Read what Chesterton says about symbols. It's very insightful.

I can't find the quote. But he says that a symbol isn't a means of deceiving, or hiding something (as psychoanalysts are popularly held to have believed). Rather, a symbol is an economic means of expressing a truth too deep to be confined to words.

>> No.18043037

malice means purposeful intent to inflict harm, you fucking retard. me saying that your observation is subjective, and therefore can be ideological, has nothing to do with attributing malice to you, shit for brains. learn to speak the language before using random words from thesaurus.

>> No.18043067

it's a good idea, keep working at it. analysis and synthesis: people always forget that second part. reminds me a little bit of foucault's pendulum, not really thematically, maybe a little, but mostly tangentially, but Umberto had a thing for symbols (being a "semotician") and the book itself was about secret societies

>> No.18043077

The basics are that a story boils down to two factors in your main character:

1. They must have a concrete desire
2. They must have an incorrect belief that prevents them from attaining this desire

That is the crux of the story and it has to be present in the story at every scene. If a scene doesn't impact the main characters belief or desire, then it isn't important.

Also other general tips about planning key moments in the characters life that cement this misbelief, whether you actually reference them in the writing or not isn't important.

It also goes into some psuedo science about why humans like stories, tl:dr we use them as models for potentiial encounters, because our brain is hardwired to do so.

>> No.18043107 [DELETED] 

Meaning is approximate, not definite.
You're splitting hairs for the purpose of argument.

>I'm not questioning your sincerity. One can be sincere in their belief they're superior to others.
This isn't derisive?

~~Cull~~ Shorten the dictionaries, removing words not within ~~contemporary~~ today's ~~parlance~~ ~~vernacular~~ ~~vocabulary~~ slang because their use seems ~~inauthentic~~ fake.

>> No.18043136
File: 580 KB, 1919x999, mtdoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the things that make a character goal seem compelling for the reader?

>> No.18043152

That's basically what I got from it. Very worthwhile read, a little cringy, but overall definitely made me a stronger writer.

What I thought the main takeaway was was "think about the appeal of your story enough that you can write it clearly and succinctly, and figure out your protagonist in such a way that the appeal is fundamental to the journey they'll take."

>> No.18043168

Huh, I definitely focused on the belief/desire thing a lot when I read it, most of the first half revolved around using that in the planning stages.

I treated the second half as helpful tips more than the core message. Although I did feel it was a little one dimensional, I haven't found a book I couldn't apply it to. But, I have seen a lot of other media that it doesn't really work with.

>> No.18043207
File: 85 KB, 839x657, 618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it feel like I'm the only one writing middle grade in any writing community I visit? Nobody seems interested in writing stories like the ones that inspired them to enjoy reading in the first place. I've been trying to find a critique partner for my novel's second draft, but nobody seems interested in children's stories.

>> No.18043208

any tips on writing a story for a videogame?

>> No.18043213

Meaning is approximate, not definite.
You're splitting hairs for the purpose of argument.

>I'm not questioning your sincerity. One can be sincere in their belief they're superior to others.
This isn't derisive?
Did I infer wrongly that you were saying I believed I was superior to others?

I am ready for the day legislation with emojis pass into law.

>selectively choose
This is an act of the will.
Intent informs will.
To say that someone chooses selectively to suit their ideology is calling them intellectually dishonest, which implies they must be acting with bad intent.

What is bad in this case?
Something which opposes your conception of reality.

I have not insulted anyone responding to me.

>> No.18043226

the actual content being described in the writing is far more important than the quality of the writing itself

remember this ;)

>> No.18043268

I wrote four books of middle grade fiction a couple years ago. They're trash right now, but I'll only rewrite them if I happen to get some other novel published.

>> No.18043295

Why is that? I plan on publishing my middle grade stuff under a pen name, sure, but I don't see any reason to sit on them until you've made something else work.

>> No.18043372

>To say that someone chooses selectively to suit their ideology is calling them intellectually dishonest
except that is completely wrong. as individuals we always selectively act in accordance with our beliefs and ideology, it's not malicious or dishonest, it's how we operate. we all have separate personalities and we are distinct. what do you think draws us toward different beliefs, interests, inclinations? we are subjective and selective creatures, which is not a bad or good thing. when someone chooses not to kill a person it is also a process of selection, a moral decision that stems from ideas of what's right and what's wrong. do yourself a favor and stop playing mental gymnastics. if i state that your observation is subjective, i don't fucking mean you have malicious intent. there is no rhetorical way around it for you.

>> No.18043434

They're not something that I can get published unless I'm already established. I'm going to write something safer and then get my more unconventional stuff through the gatekeepers.

>> No.18043438



>> No.18043452

>middle grade
In a good way, or in a "my protagonist's butthole is described" way?

>> No.18043580

relatable or beautiful

>> No.18043586

what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.18043635

>Meaning is approximate, not definite.

That's just not true. Especially in a poem. And I am deriding you. You should be more humble, at least if you want to be a better writer.

>> No.18043699

Come up with a goal, and think about if it's relatable or beautiful.

Relatable goal: a guy has always wanted to be in love with a beautiful woman.

This goal may not be very "beautiful" in itself, but it will definitely be relatable to a lot of people.

Beautiful goal: A guy who suffered in some uniquely bad way fights to ensure that nobody else ever has to suffer what he has been through.

Fewer people can relate to dramatic goals, but they make up for that by being beautiful.

>> No.18043725

That's weirdly subjective. Surely one can imagine a story in which the impediment to the character's goals is physical, not mental.

This reminds me of Socrates' belief that evil is just due to a lack of information. But there's more to it than that.

>> No.18043756

You're confusing plot and theme. The resistance of external forces is the plot. The protagonist's desires and beliefs should be the theme. Take Harry Potter - the plot is Voldemort fucking around or whatever, but the theme is about a boy, who doesn't believe he can fit in anywhere in the world, finding his true home and working to fit in there. Obviously one of the major critiques you can make of that book is how little the plot and the theme relate, and better works often tie the plot and the theme closer, but they're fundamentally separate things.

>> No.18043784

I can’t fucking believe it. Call of the Crocodile is officially endorsed by this site now?

>> No.18043793

Gardener's come a long way. I guess it was bound to happen if he advertised here long enough.

>> No.18043801

a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy

>> No.18043808

If you're inferring I'm promoting that pile of shit you're retarded.

>> No.18043879

no I assumed you were retarded and were talking about one of the popup ads.
>officially endorsed
you know what, I'll assume you're not retarded and its true. its weird if true. good for him I guess

>> No.18043931

Any tips on roading epic battle scenes? Like helm's deep tier

>> No.18043937


>> No.18044151
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Alright, I'll let it all flow as concisely as possible but I need help, ok?
I want to get into writing, obviously but I'm puzzled as to the starting point, I have a passing interest in poetry but my main concern is writing stories, mainly fiction for the time being.
My doubts are very basic at times, and maybe some overthinking but I'd rather make a stupid question and get a direct answer as to keep doubting and therefore postponing.
>How do you start? as in properly start?

>I've heard characters are more important than plot, is this true? If so, how do you build a character? How do you build a person? How do you even begin to think, I want them to have x and y traits, behave like this, react like that, speak like this and that, I want them to stand for z? Is that how you go about it?

>How do you develop things?

> What are the best ways to learn?

> What's humor? What's flirting?

Now I'll admit to doing some non-productive research on characters by trying to investigate psychological traits and build my characters like Lego, but that wasn't that sound of an idea so I'll unlearn that I guess.

>> No.18044168

As you can see, I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to writing, I've downloaded some books and check them from time to time but required reading as to solve my almost autistic need for knowledge so that I can learn and write the right way and hopefully write something good?
Please help me, I really need it.

>> No.18044438

Read novels

>> No.18044586

I am always amazed when people ask for help creating a story. I never have to manually construct a world. It all comes to me naturally. The premises, the characters, the plot points. I still have to plot them out so they're less jumbled, but I can create them without trying.

I don't think you can be a good author, much less a speculative fiction author, unless you involuntarily create paracosms. You can create a world by manually bringing together various tropes, but it will never feel as authentic as one made up in a daydream for your own entertainment.

>> No.18044649

I know this can be subjective but what are some general characteristics of annoying characters?

>> No.18044658

The plot bends over backward to support their viewpoints when their ideology should not logically work in that setting.

>> No.18044728
File: 66 KB, 640x640, ea0e263c-e0de-43a9-8e8d-bc3dc9b60310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, sorry if this is asked very frequently and/or is a dumb question: are there any good sites out there where I can post my stuff? I'm not really looking to make money off it, just to put it out there to see what people think and shit.

>> No.18044875

Huh, interesting. I guess theme *must* be didactic like that. That’s really cool.

>> No.18044888

Just uh, go for it. Why do you want to write?

For characters I just cobble together things I see in others. It’s not really conscious. People prefer interesting characters to an interesting plot because characters are more interesting than events happening.

>> No.18044893

Where would you go if you wanted to read something?

>> No.18044994
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Very insightful question. Thing is I don't really read online, I pirate pdf's and buy physical copies irl. That's why I'm so unexperienced int this particula topic :(

>> No.18045028

I do read novels.
If this is directed at me, don't be passive-aggressive sweetheart, grow a pair and say it like it this, I have stories and characters already mapped up, I want to refine things though. Work on implication and not an assumption.
>Why do you want to write?
Because I want to get some stories made, simple as that, I find it entertaining.
I do have characters based on whatever, people, concepts, it happens when daydreaming or consciously wanting to explore something because it could lead to something "fun" or engaging, or those late night realizations that hit like "oh, now that fits better", I just want to refine those vague ideas (not that vague but uncertain) and shape them into form, is this a logical and positive goal?

>> No.18045065

Hmm. I don't know. You could post stuff on Medium, maybe. That's what I would do. Reddit is aggressively mediocre and 4chan is just too aggressive.

>> No.18045138

But are you asking me to break them down into their parts or am I overthinking?

>> No.18045179

GTFO of this thread, WOMAN. This is the one refuge for male writers. Every other writing community is tailored toward women. We are the heirs to Hemingway.

>> No.18045228

We have a hundred books in the OP on how to craft stories and at least one or two of them are good
I'm not going to reprint what they say here for you
Go read Story Genius or something and remember to Just Write and etc.

>> No.18045247

Yeah, if you're not lying, I think your outlook on it is better than most.

Do you think you could be happy if no one ever read your stories?

I think you should just lean into the fun of it and post it in some semi-public square like medium or something.

I just googled "where to go online to read stories" and I found some cool places. I might post some stuff there myself now, lol.

The big one is apparently wattpad. But there are some more here: https://windowsradar.com/sites-like-wattpad/

Maybe you could join one of those sites and get involved.

>> No.18045255

I would just emulate what you enjoy.

That would involve analysis—i.e: how was this work able to touch me the way it did? Why was this so powerful?

But I wouldn't just tinker with things for the sake of tinkering.

>> No.18045370


Wow, thank you. Some very helpful recommendations here.

>But I feel something under my bed.

Damn. I thought I was onto something there. I wanted to portray the fact that I felt haunted by my anxiety/angst, the same way children perceive "something under their bed" i.e., a monster. I felt the same way. Only the only thing under me was the earth.

>n the dead of the night I crawl out of the tent fully nude and unclip the rain fly while the damp grass squishes between my bare feet. I throw the tarp away then squirm back inside the uncovered dome and lay under a blanket of blinking stars. It takes a while before I fall back asleep, inexplicably anxious. To be so alone.

I'm just taking the covering off the tent. Most high end tents are totally mesh structures, with a tarp that gets pulled over top, called a rain fly. I pull it off, so there's no covering and I can see the stars.

>I wake up to a breeze that heals better than medicine. I wipe tears from corneas flooded with sunlight.

I woke up with my eyes watering. Not crying. My bad.

>The biggest hills are those into Marathon
Marathon is a town we're riding into. The biggest hills yet, were those that led into Marathon.

Thanks again man. :)

>> No.18045399

>Damn. I thought I was onto something there. I wanted to portray the fact that I felt haunted by my anxiety/angst, the same way children perceive "something under their bed" i.e., a monster. I felt the same way. Only the only thing under me was the earth.

It works quite well as a thing, the metaphor between the discomfort of a rock under one's bed and some hidden unconscious anxiety is really good. You just have to make it clear that it's a metaphor.

>I'm just taking the covering off the tent. Most high end tents are totally mesh structures, with a tarp that gets pulled over top, called a rain fly. I pull it off, so there's no covering and I can see the stars.

Ok, I probably just don't get it cause I don't go camping. I mean, actually, I've been in a tent, and I know about the rain thing, but I didn't know that the roof was transparent. So just be like: I take off the top layer so I can see the stars.

But yeah, maybe it's just me.

>I woke up with my eyes watering. Not crying. My bad.

Why were they watering?

>Marathon is a town we're riding into. The biggest hills yet, were those that led into Marathon.

Yeah I guessed it was something like that. I would say change it to "those going into Marathon."

NP, keep it up

>> No.18045657

Welcome to Reddit everyone

Hope you enjoy your stay

I'll be upvoting everyone's posts above mine

Have a great day!

>> No.18046002

What the fuck are those shoes? You go out on a trail with shoes like that? You know how many fucking people need to be saved because they went on the trail with sneakers? How much of a fucking bother they are? Fuck them.

>> No.18046013

agreed this is why i don't wear shoes and neither does my main character who does a lot of hiking

>> No.18046026

You are one of these dudes with fancy boots, a camelback and a million caribiners right?

Who gets passed on the trail by kids wearing jelly crocs and holding their damaged barbies by the hair? Who reaches the summit only to find a group of bros drinking bears wearing beaten up old sneakers?

>> No.18046109

i want to read comfy stories about sherpas

>> No.18046115

how do I write my first story. I have no ideas.

>> No.18046120

Kys disgusting animetranny.

>> No.18046207
File: 549 KB, 932x431, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

productivity tip: I completely cut out /wg/ and its animufags and pseuds for a week, I'm up 7000 quality edited words

think about it

They just look like stylised low-top women's trail runners. On flattish ground like that with a well-established trail, that'll do. You don't need some giant 2kg monster boot with crampons for that shit. Lightweight saves you effort too; if you're a 50kg girl and can cut 1kg off your boots you save 2% overall. Think about that.

>> No.18046228

Ah, then malice is an inherent trait of man.
A trait that is simultaneously arbitrary and fated as a function of the mechanics of the universe.
Nothing may be regarded as true, you may not trust your eyes because they are subjective.
You may not trust intellect which supplements the senses, because it too will betray you.
Truth may only be received from Those Who Really Know, otherwise it is mere ideology.

You are emotional for a ball rolling down a hill arguing with a piece of driftwood floating in the ocean.

>I wasn't mocking you
>I am deriding you

The feeling a word elicits from the one who reads it is just as important as its concrete meaning.
You are rude and guilty of the conceit you claim is mine, though perhaps we share it.

>> No.18046260

your poem sucks and your politics is crassly transparent, even if I were a filthy commie asking for a handy I wouldn't hold it up as anything I'd want representing me

>> No.18046632

heyo /wg/

I'm working on a detective mystery, my first. As part of the conceit I'm looking for a revolutionary technology or new discovery that can help in investigation. Not limited to forensics, but I'll take that too. So for those of you who are fans of police procedurals, CSI, etc, or anyone else with a bright idea, I'd like to know: what new development in police work or investigation could have a really big impact on how these things are done today?

also, can you recommend any good books giving an overview on this kind of police investigation stuff? Obviously it would help to know the general process and a couple of funfacts about police work

>> No.18046952

If you haven't watched Minority Report (starring Tom Cruise), then go watch it. If you're into anime, watch Psycho-Pass.

In short, a lot of new technologies are aimed to reduce response or eliminate responding altogether. Essentially, removing the crime before it happens.

In our world right now, AI is leading in almost everything. For police work, AI exists to find patterns and highlight them. I have no doubt that tech giants like Google, Facebook, IBM, etc., already have AI to solve data crime.

Social credit systems is another controversy. I think China has some form of this officially. Turn this up to eleven and you'll have a police state where law-breaking citizens are known immediately. This removes a lot of guesswork.

Our connectedness to social media has played a massive role in forensics. People leave trails of information that can be analysed and dissected. E.g. Elliot Rodger's VLOG's on YouTube. AI has made huge headways in identifying this kind of stuff.

The law itself is a handicap for a lot of police work. They generally can't act without an abundance of proof. Perhaps the future will have laws relaxed to allow police to do their job better.

The setting in Minority Report is to catch the perpetrator in the midst of the crime, while Psycho-Pass is catching the perpetrator before the crime. There are a lot of moral problems with catching the perpetrator before the crime.

I think if you're going to write detective stuff with futuristic technology, then it's impossible to ignore AI. This would mean criminals would be working around precognition. Things like red herrings might become more common as criminals work to evade the system. Police might see their roles turn into fulfilling only arrest warrants because peacekeepers aren't needed as much.

>> No.18046992

Write about yourself then. No matter what ideas you have, your first story will always be about you on some level so just own up to it.

>> No.18047135

Thanks, but I'm not going to go into predictive data analytics or social media. Or rather, I have other plans for that.

Any insights into other areas of development though?

>> No.18047169

Why is comedy so hard to write?

>> No.18047215

top kek, you are making yourself look so funny, i am laughing my ass off at you. you are actually doing it on purpose. i have not said that selectivity/ideology is bad, nor did i say that things being ideological diminishes their value. i have also never said that there is an absolute objective non-ideological truth out there that surpasses human ideology. it is written in my post : "it's not malicious or dishonest" / "it is not a good or bad thing" / "i don't mean you have malicious intent". read posts before replying to them. fucking schizophrenic.

>> No.18047229

>The feeling a word elicits from the one who reads it is just as important as its concrete meaning.
oh, so then nothing means anything, i can just arbitrarily attribute meanings to concepts that have nothing to do with them. here, if i call you a faggot, i actually intend to say something entirely else.

>> No.18047239

i feel like you're trying to write about gooks without being a gook

>> No.18047241

blessed post

>> No.18047250

Write a story about a bronze age greek sailor falling in love with a ten year old middle eastern girl

>> No.18047251

literally my first relationship

I'm curious. anyone else had the same?

don't the yuros pretty much all do it at 14 or 15?

fucking degens

>> No.18047315

You’re going to have to delve into science-fiction. I don’t think there’s any single revolutionary piece of technology that’ll change detective work. Perhaps vigilantism through social media, which has already happened.

Crypto-crime? This is a pretty big area of concern. If the blockchain is changed somehow, then Bitcoin and whatever other decentralised money is dead. Probably a good plot for a cyber heist.

I think human police work has peaked. The rest is up to robotics and AI.

>> No.18047374

>I think human police work has peaked
That's kind of the problem I'm facing. I trying to think of something that can spark the plot of bringing back "old-fashioned footwork" to the police investigation.

So I will have perps who are off-grid. That's why socmed, blockchain and even data analytics will not feature that much in my novel.

>> No.18047428

How many points should a good outline or story map have? I'm worried I don't have enough and when the story reaches its natural end I'm only at like 40k words or something.

>> No.18047483

Technology is moving towards removing the human. Reintroducing humans is just poor design.

As many as you want. There’s nothing wrong with writing novellas. I write by discovery, so I’m currently dealing with a plot point where I don’t have a solution, but it’s one that I’m sure will make my character less of a cardboard.

>> No.18047503

I've had a couple good ideas for it for a while now, but I also want to write shut books and I'm nervous people will think I'm a pedo.

>> No.18047548

Technology has always moved that way, but it only shifts the human work elsewhere.

>> No.18047708

Is there a good rule of thumb for how many words a story point has or should have? I'm not against novellas but I want this to be at least close to full length, and I don't want to resort to 'and then something crazier happened!' At the end.

>> No.18047731

Steal a story from somewhere else and retool it for your purposes. Mythology is a good source.

>> No.18047804
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>have my book split into 3 parts
>they should be roughly even in size
>currently part 1 takes up almost half of what I've written
>I've only finished 8 of the 14 chapters that make up part 1
100k words is a pipedream. This is getting out of hand and I regret nothing.
Looks to me I'll be spending at least another 9k words wrapping up part 1. This would put me at a total of 84k words, and a mere 16k words to parts 2 and 3 just isn't going to cut it.
What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Nobody's going to publish a book over 100k words.

>> No.18047898

What's a good word for walking alongside something, like a wall or a mountain edge? I was going to use "strafe" but I found out the word "strafe" means something completely different than what I thought.

>> No.18047915

Tracing a wall is what I'd use.

>> No.18047918

Trim the fat.

>> No.18047931

I estimate I'll finish it somewhere around 137k words. I'll just go through it and try to cut 1/3rd out after I'm done.
Jesus wept.

>> No.18047970

This is probably a NGMI question, but;
In my story, I have a religious cult that exists. Everyone in the world knows about this cult to the point of it being pretty commonplace.
I don't think I need to explain the cult in an infodump, but my beta reader is saying the opposite.
Wouldn't it be better to just trickle information, and let the reader build up their own information, rather than just having a character acting like they don't know about this well established cult?
Am I writing for the world, or the reader?

>> No.18048070

Why is the reader saying that? Does an infodump improve setup, buildup or payoff?

>> No.18048237

i'm inclined to say your beta reader is wrong. who is your beta reader? do you trust their taste? what kind of literature do they usually consume?

>> No.18048312

I'm going to assume your story is retarded, but long books do get published

>> No.18048500

>2 am
>cant fall asleep
>get up to write
>fail to produce anything of value

>4 am
>lay back down
>start writing some of the best, most musical prose I've ever come up with in my mind

Any ambienpilled writers here?

>> No.18048545

wrote this in the speedwriting thread but it's dead and i ended up liking it so i'll post it here in case anyone would like to read.

At the Saint Anthony pancake breakfast, Milan stood over the packets of sweating margarine, nestled in a metal bowl, on top of a bowl in a bed of melting ice, condensation from all of the above making a ring of wetness on the table cloth, like ground zero of a the first water-propelled nuclear bomb. He grabs a few, absently, shoves them in his pockets for some reason, before he builds his medium stack of lukewarm pancakes, the reason he's here, the reason for his $10 donation at the door- to chow down on some bread and butter, syrup on top, no better. He doesn't even go to church. He can make the pancakes at home. But he's here.

Now, presently, at the round table with faces he doesn't recognize, older women, all of them, 60, 70+, white hair, golden crucifixes around their necks. Milan sits, gives them them a smile, the same you give a week old birthday card, while hovering over the trashcan, glitter speckling your hand, reading the comforting platitudes from mom one last time, a slight feeling of guilt, and then, letting go, letting it fall away. He takes the butter from his pockets - melted now, spreads easily. Time to eat. The ladies try talking to him but he doesn't hear a word. "Huh"? "I said what's your name?", "Anthony", Milan says, finishing his stack in the third bite, leaning back, content. "Well Anthony, you're certainly in good company."

>> No.18048555
File: 29 KB, 643x202, Snippttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restarted my novel again. I find that I am just in a cycle of throwing drafts out due to not getting exactly what I want from it.
Try and use screenshots next time, reduces clutter.

>> No.18048565

post both sets or it didn't happen.

>> No.18048638

Who are your favourite booktubers? Would you ever consider becoming one?

>> No.18048878

Let's put aside our differences and come to a mutual understanding, sharing information could be vital to this.
Well, that's distribution, yes.
>Do you think you could be happy if no one ever read your stories?
Not really, I want to make more of what I want to see out there but if no one knows it's there, is it really there?
Yes, that's what I try to do, it's like jamming, you go with the flow, ok thanks a lot and wish you luck on your writing.
My apologies, I just like the conversation, thanks for giving me a rec.

>> No.18048886

Is em dash just an aesthetic version of parentheses?

>> No.18048894

Your opening sentence has 55 words. 300 characters. It's one tough string of Spartans in Thermopylae and they repelled me like I was Xerxes I.

>> No.18049016

>Slowly Red
I only watch this dude.
His opinions are sometimes shit, but for the most part he recommends pretty good books, if you are into Grimdark Fantasy.

>> No.18049017

Em dash can function as every piece of punctuation at once.

>> No.18049142

I scrapped the first set and am still working on transcribing the second.

>> No.18049479

Always trickle. An initial infodump is allowed, but limit it to a single paragraph. Treat any infodump as if you were telling your mother about the subject. That means, short, sweet, to the point, politely and without prejudice.

Well that was pointless

Before we start, 1 of the best writers I know on 4ch is a woman, so don't take the following as sexism. The reason I write this is because of the reply you received upthread. Clear? Okay. Moving on.

Firstly, not everyone should be a writer, the same way not anyone should be a pianist, dancer, long jumper, etc. Our brains and bodies develop differently from gestation to adulthood and are naturally inclined to different fields. Writing and media is hugely over-saturated in our prosperous modern times, and carries an attractive glamour that keeps drawing in literal millions of lemmings hoping for fame, fortune, whatever. The vast majority however aren't really cut out to be good writers, and that's not a bad thing. The world needs less artistes anyway. So think about not doing this, seriously.

Secondly, if you do want to be a writer, get it out of your head that you'll profit by it. Like I said, the field is fucking over-saturated. Go into this expecting to entertain only yourself. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment otherwise.

Thirdly, expect to only be good after a decade of study, and half a million words of practice, minimum. That's how long it took me to be halfway decent. And I'm only at the stage of being able to entertain the odd sod on the Internet, nowhere near publishing. (Over-saturation!) And many best-selling authors of the past 30 years have pretty much the same experience. If you're not willing to do all that, don't. I'm serious.

Lastly, if you're still here, go take a high school or college-level literature class. Learn to recognise the skin and muscle and bones that underlies, forms, makes up good writing. That's step one on the journey to be a writer. With the tools you learn in such classes, analyse the classics, the all-time best-sellers, find out what makes them tick. Then practise, post your work, get feedback, and incorporate suggested improvements. Practise, practise, then PRACTISE some more. I recommend short stories of around 500 words to start with. Seek out writing communities and get them to critique your work. Keep reading and learning and practising. In about a million words of completed stories you should have achieved your goal of being an entertaining writer, although probably still penniless.

Good luck.

>> No.18049489

>if no one knows it's there, is it really there?

Yes. Being known is not what makes something exist. Otherwise, one could never learn something for the first time.

>> No.18049509

You’re being too hardcore about it man. They just like writing, that’s enough, they’re not embarking on their destiny quest. I mean the advice is good but the way you speak makes it like writing is some sacred troth, which it really isn’t. It’s just a fun thing to do.

>> No.18049513

This sucks. Pretentious first paragraph and the second is just obnoxious. Milan comes across as a dick

>> No.18049517

Just say walking alongside the wall. The best word is typically the first that comes to mind.

>> No.18049526

Omit unnecessary stuff. If you’re scared don’t delete them but put them in a junk document.

It can be as long as you want, as long as it’s still interesting.

>> No.18049538

>The feeling a word elicits from the one who reads it is just as important as its concrete meaning.
>You are rude and guilty of the conceit you claim is mine, though perhaps we share it.

You’re right, I was kind of being a dick. Sorry man. It is hypocritical to call someone out as prideful.

>> No.18049548

Why do you want to write at all?

>> No.18049558

Perhaps. I fully expect the equivalent sperg if I were to ask /mu/ how to be a professional violinist though. Going from zero to paid media content creator is a very long journey, and I don't want to see anyone waste a good chunk of their lives chasing rainbows.

>> No.18049583

Stop, using, commas, after, every, word,

>> No.18049982

Show don't tell. Incomplete information is acceptable. The reader doesn't need a clear picture, just a hint. Half your work is creating something where the reader can fill in the blanks.
Expositions sucks.

>> No.18050049
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>> No.18050185

Any anons willing to critique the following poem?

Of elegance and grace, you near,
Beaming light ‘fore my widening
Eyes, as the dawn, you are rising
‘oer the amber horizon clear

Beholden I, then your spirit turns,
Sol’s rays, so reverend and strong,
Engorges my heart with splendor burns,
Devout, lose not my sight for long

Held in place by your portrait gaze,
Coalesced drops of solar dew,
Gold flecked eyes light and set ablaze
My long-forgotten hearth anew.

“Drink to me only with thine eyes,
and I will pledge with mine.”

>> No.18050404

I don't really know poetry, but your first verse is ABBA, then the next two are ABAB, which doesn't appeal to me. It feels off. Maybe it's a common poetist format, but I prefer consistency throughout.

Individually though, I like it. Subject, and style are both pretty good and descriptive enough, while still leaving enough up to interpretation. Use of words is also great, and it all flows extremely well.

You should be proud of it, anon.
Great work!

>> No.18050465
File: 103 KB, 586x407, Fighter_Squadron_194_(US_Navy)_patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do i feel the most satisfied when i write some sort of self indulgent fantasy?

I got drunk last night and wrote a short story about a fighter ace flying a MIG-21 defeating a squadron of airplanes while drunk and i felt really good about it

>> No.18050518

Post it

>> No.18050535

its kinda fucking embarassing and i would need to get drunk to post it

>> No.18050641

It's ok, man. In fact, that's healthier than a lot of stuff people do. Keep it up.

>> No.18050858
File: 252 KB, 447x483, 154eb8a4547eec227fe8b5c7d6e5c779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mig-21, you say?

>> No.18050900
File: 91 KB, 293x301, 77th_Fighter_Squadron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn how did you know that im also writting a mecha story inspired by muv luv

>> No.18050933

Thank you for the critique! Honestly, I don't know how I messed up my rhyme scheme. I'm glad you caught that for me.

>> No.18051301

Sounds hilarious

>> No.18051377

Try submitting to smaller literary magazines or online contests.

>> No.18051412

I asked in /sffg/ but they're a bit hard to talk to today, so I'm reposting here.

Is there any way to write a book that uses a VR (or neural-link style VR) game as a secondary world without descending into either 1. litrpg trash or 2. Ready Player One trash? I want my next novel to have a secondary world setup, and a cyberpunk story sounds interesting, but I don't think I've really seen it executed in an inspiring way. Any ideas for making it a fresh concept? I have a vague picture in my mind of the kind of brutality plucked from American Psycho and Blood Meridian majorly informing a cyberpunk world, but I don't know if that's all that it needs to be taken seriously.

>> No.18051463

It needs to have energy swords

>> No.18051554

>I asked in /sffg/ but they're a bit hard to talk to today
Just checked, I can't believe that anti-animefag is shitting up another general. Sorry about that, anon.

>Is there any way to write a book that uses a VR (or neural-link style VR) game as a secondary world without descending into either 1. litrpg trash or 2. Ready Player One trash?
I'm going to have to say kinda, but it depends heavily on you, anon. There's plenty of simulation games that allow multiple users to act out what they want. Use them as a reference. But if you're trying to make your book serious, then no, you have to take the litrpg seriously.


>> No.18051720

Sounds shit and reflects how little of Derrida you have read. Fuck off Pseud

>> No.18051736
File: 55 KB, 343x401, 306FA669-E80F-47C5-9D74-591AB1C8E156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw accepted for publication again

>> No.18051896


I really enjoy it!

>> No.18051901


What does yhis mean?

>> No.18051975

What are some good action oriented obstacles for a wilderness survival story besides large predators and natural disasters?

No crazy native tribes.

>> No.18051981

It means I WENT on submittable and submitted literary works, then got accepted four times.

>> No.18052141
File: 441 KB, 1446x962, 1548899088541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting a new novel
>writing it in present-tense third person
I've nearly always written in past-tense beforehand, I've only just begun writing this piece but it feels off. It's going to be one of those things which becomes natural after the first chapter, but I can't shake this doubt just yet. Would any anons discourage me from writing in present-tense? It's occasionally action-orientated so I want to keep the tension up and reserve past tense for other aspects of the story.

>> No.18052153

>wilderness survival story
A lot of things. Think of your character/s hunting, building, exploring/climbing, almost everything they're going to do in that situation is action-based. Where is it set? That's a huge part of it.

>> No.18052155

Well, we'll be here. It's still the weekend ;)

>> No.18052160

It’s going to be in the Amazon, with los Piranhas and all sorts of diseases passed on by los mosquitos.

>> No.18052162

I wrote a short story that I want to send out on Submittable. But I have a potential problem. In it, a male protagonist saves a female character. Will this hurt my chances of getting it published?

>> No.18052172

Yes, make the saviour a black latinx they/them

>> No.18052197
File: 107 KB, 651x471, 3DB4F60C-489B-463A-8D9C-8BB52ABAA06E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any epic battles between good and evil you’re working on? What’s the best way to write a tortured haunted guy?

>> No.18052219

The Amazon is a toughie, writing about disease and struggles with dehydration/hunger can be hard to keep entertaining. Then again, there are so many physiological issues which arise with such a struggles which could be fun to play on.

Going back to your original post
>no crazy native tribes
You don't need to include them or other travelers in your story, however the fear or delusion of others might be an obstacle you could include. But you're looking for action orientated obstacles, not physiological, so maybe not.

>> No.18052225

Is Submittable really any good? What are the advantages?

>> No.18052237

>Any epic battles between good and evil you’re working on?
Not exactly, but I'm working on a five-part epic where the protagonist of the second part becomes a villain and the protagonists of part one face him and lose in part four. In part five the protagonists of part three step up and defeat him.

>> No.18052242

It’s the only way to make it anon. Try to keep a 1 in 10 acceptance rate, but always read the publication and it’s submission guidelines first, otherwise you’ll needlessly lower your chances of being accepted. You’ll find a lot of legit organisations and publications through submittable

>> No.18052249

Sounds like final fantasy or something.... is it inspired by low culture or are you actually writing epic poetry

>> No.18052252

I'm writing a grey vs grey space opera where millions die meaningless deaths for terrible politicians I guess.

>> No.18052264

Is it like iain banks?

>> No.18052292

I'd say it's more like Yoshiki Tanaka

>> No.18052327

Oh, it's you

Are you still not reading actual books

>> No.18052331

I haven't started that collection of works as of yet. Each volume between one and three are planned to be stand-alone, I might even decide against merging them if it doesn't seem right. I'll have to wait and see how volume one is looking after the first few drafts, the last thing I want to do is foreshadow events or characters and not follow through.
>is it inspired by low culture
Probably. It's not my first collection of work, but they're inspired by a set of ideas I had towards the end of and after high school. I'm sure those original ideas will be replaced by more nuanced themes when I get to writing, I think much differently today than I did back then. I understand that the wording in my previous post makes the story seem immature, however it's more about the formation of bonds and friendships, along with their collapse, as opposed to direct conflict (although that too will likely be included).

>> No.18052412

What the fuck does Actual Books even mean?

>> No.18052420
File: 30 KB, 452x678, AA23F313-6A38-4FC8-8C86-B96C75762092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I write mothers?

>> No.18052458

Why cant writer's block and anxiety just leave me the fuck alone?

I'm so, so tired of not being able to make my minuscule fucking word goal. I just want to be able to do this like I used to without struggling

>> No.18052462

a question with too many words:

how do i write a character who is deeply frustrated over the central theme?

we can all say something like "anything i make can be better than the latest starwars" but while that may be true, i still dont want a character to be annoying over a trouble he is supposed to be troubled over for long stretches of time, how would i write one?

this is more a me issue than an issue with anything actually in media today, it comes down to i cant even practice drawing a face or scene without feeling like its not worth it because there are already a million still framed pieces of the same angled object out there buy a million other people. it feels typical, i want it to be more.

but if i want it to be more am i just preaching to an empty choirs house? how can someone say "oh yes, im writing a book about a young man fighting against responsibilities he never asked for" and not be seen as "the fucker who thinks hes allowed to say anything he wants because he did." or "that sounds stupid and youre stupid"

its not the bad reception im worried about, but what if i really am just saying things blindly without understanding them? i put a lot of thought into things, like this anxiety ridden post, but could my thought on a topic i write about be too shallow to be a full book?

how do i write frustration? im frustrated, but could it be picked apart just by saying "this character is acting like a pussy and the writer needs to shut up"?

>> No.18052471

You’re acting like a pussy and you need to shut up.

>> No.18052478

All the payouts I've seen have been chump change in comparison to local contests or publishing deals. Have I been looking in the wrong place or do I have to pump out story after story to make any money on submittable?

>> No.18052490

Kind of. My MC is going to fight an evil god, but everyone else is working to convince him that the evil god doesn't exist. It's one of those things where you tell children the consequences of bad actions through stories, and the MC believes those stories. Everyone else thinks it's ridiculous.

Another character is going to go through an arc where she gets emotionally beaten. My characters are going to tell her to do X, but she can't do X because of her flaws. My goal is to emotionally alienate her from her friends by having her slowly crack each time she fails to progress. Her arc ends with something akin to what MC is fighting against.

>> No.18052493

never do word goals, do time goals. even if your hands arent on the keys every second of that allotted time you will still be thinking. you can always delete what you dont like, its easier to polish a turd than not having shit to work with at all.

they are people too, each person plays a role, not a character. if they mean something to the story they either are adding to the conflict or the initiative. theres no reason for every type of person to be there if you can sum each person up in one word. ask them what they want.

>> No.18052494

>he’s not already rich
Fuck off to Reddit if you haven’t got your shit sorted out.

>> No.18052502

time, 78 seconds, thats slow for 4chan. they usually call out the easiest blows much quicker, youre slipping up

>> No.18052536

I'm not in it for the money, but I'd like to spend more time writing and less time working if possible. I'm still young and don't have the luxury of time while still saving for my next home.

>> No.18052572

you really dont need time to write, if you have an idea youll make time when its needed. there will never be a better moment to write than the few moments you have when you get an idea. waiting for a better time expecting wiggle room as you actually have more time will always have you waiting for an even better time, its nothing but excuses. you wont be writing for the whole hour with 60 words a minute, chances are youll be dictating into voice memos and slowly sorting it out every time you sit down to see what works. its more a process than it is an hourly rate of words on a page, otherwise youre looking at it wrong and anything you put down wont be worth more than the sum of its parts.

>> No.18052581

Sounds like weebshit

>> No.18052583

Hey alright amigo take your meds and see you in the morning

>> No.18052594

I don't have problems with ideas, nor the writing process. I manage to sit down with pen in-hand, or a document up in front of me for about an hour each day. I feel like I want to be in front of my keyboard more than I am, even on my days off work I'm driving around getting things done. I'd like about three hours a day instead of one, but it rarely works out that way. Perhaps I should be sleeping less, either getting up earlier or heading to bed later. You're right for pinning the blame on me, but everything's so hard to juggle and it'd be easier with more time.

>> No.18052595

>ima faggot who needs to be paid to create art because everything is an exchange of time and value to me, like the NPC I am
>someone tells me that I should view it that way
>he MUST be crazy, he must take his meds ecksdee

>> No.18052599

you're way too self-conscious, man.

there's always, always room to do better. don't worry so much about what other people think. just try to make it good

>> No.18052603
File: 924 KB, 356x200, 9F4E2C35-A4B4-4F6B-95BC-C1214454F56C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you made me seethe so hard I typed too quickly

>> No.18052607

Wasn't even me, kek.

>> No.18052615
File: 17 KB, 480x320, 4D07458D-DC6B-4B4D-9D1A-761B6387991A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a fucking faggot regardless

>> No.18052639

i dont say it to criticize your ideas of course, but often times solos or teams of people working on ideas will get nothing done with the time they make. i personally make the most progress when i should have been asleep hours before or even stopping my shower just to record voice memos to look over later. i can put a lot of words on a page but its more molding clay, reshaping it and taking things out, than it is putting everything down as the minutes pass. i never really give myself specific times to do things, if there is something critical for me to write then i will.
but if you really need that extra time then of course, all i mean is that you could probably put all the words in a recording while exercising or on your daily commute and use your writing time more for refining and sorting through it. its terms of efficiency.

>> No.18052642

I called you a schizo because you wrote a schizo ass post that I tried to read, I honestly couldn't even tell what your opinion on the matter was
Take the meds

>> No.18052647

It is, for the most part. It's a heroic fantasy. MC's character arc is figuring out why everyone shits on his religion, his identity on whether to be the hero for the common people, and whether he should be religiously chasing an evil god that no one thinks exists.

>> No.18052648

You’re a faggot bitch I didn’t even type the reply you responded to; I guess you’re a redditor and don’t know how 4chan works, huh? Fuck off back to your subreddit where the rules are chiseled in reddit gold tablets.

>> No.18052654

yeah, i have anxiety, but i want to make something the best i can and i see that as worth being anxious over.
i bumped most of the questions to 11 more or less on purpose because of the idea of deep or dumb, is a criticism an actual argument or a shallow comment made when someone doesnt enjoy something?
annoying characters are annoying, how does one write them and how many people will refuse to sympathize with them because of it? how shallow are they in comparison what could be my possibly dumb rather than deep writings?

>> No.18052677

Sure thing man but just take the meds okay?

>> No.18052688
File: 18 KB, 331x331, 6A695294-7EC7-44BD-933A-CE11C5E3B664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ebin!!! Upvote!!!

>> No.18052707

i have a problem with putting memes into my rought drafts. Every time I get past the middle low point, I can't stop myself from having a character monologue about how "we tried so hard" and "got so far," but "in the end it didn't really matter."
And then when I go back for editing I get too attached to these stupid references and struggle to take them out.

>> No.18052730

Punctuation, nigger.

>> No.18052782

can someone post something to make me finish the last chapter of my erotica trash thing I'm writing

I'm out of adhd meds but I'm really close to being able to publish

>> No.18052791

Post something like what?

>> No.18052794

some kind of motivation or swearing at me or something please

>> No.18052800

Just write.

>> No.18052802

thank you

>> No.18052816


>> No.18052969

So Reddit

>> No.18053002

you miss all the shots you don't take
- Ernest Hemingway

>> No.18053023

I don’t want to be mean but idk what you’re saying. Pls simplify your concern to a paragraph or less. It’s just a story man, go for a walk if it’s stressing you too hard.

Remember the point of doing that or anything is to make yourself happy. If it isn’t working, you should do something else.

>> No.18053051

If you know reddit so well, go back there and leave me to quote my cheap arthouse movies in peace.

>> No.18053182

>The Lighthouse

>> No.18053187

Who fucking cares? Let that anon, write his story on how he wants to.

>> No.18053196

Write on how you want.

>> No.18053223

Something for pseudointellectuals.

>> No.18053263
File: 35 KB, 554x554, 767577CE-9728-413C-B9FD-A0C134C8AE65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any progress on your novels?
Yes, I dare say I have finished it; the magnum opus, born of my intellect, crumbles like biscuits in my mouth. There’s no more writing to be done, no subtle endgame from which I can “win” this round of 5 dimensional chess. It has turned to dust, to dusty death, good sir.

>> No.18053266

You speak broken English. I suggest you go back to where you come from; don’t sully my language ever again.

>> No.18053289

Is this a new pasta.

>> No.18053324

Fuck off.

>> No.18053350

Write in third person present tense. Stand out against others.

>> No.18053353

>VR (or neural-link style VR) game as a secondary world without descending into either 1. litrpg trash or 2. Ready Player One trash?
Yeah, you're never going to make it.

>> No.18053354

It's kind of short. I look forward to seeing how it evolves.

>> No.18053355

was ist?

Yes, it's doable and been done before. Look up Charles Stross's Rule 34.

>> No.18053361

Well, I wish you luck on that front.

>> No.18053367

You’re a Mexican. I can smell it from here, Pedro.

>> No.18053369

Write AR.

>> No.18053376

I'm not the one who made it though

>> No.18053379

Oh, my bad, I thought since you replied, you were the one who made it. Sorry.

>> No.18053389
File: 99 KB, 746x512, PepeHug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just showing my enthusiasm for a new pasta, as I am somewhat of a connoisseur of such things myself.

>> No.18053405

As am I, anon.

>> No.18053413
File: 25 KB, 647x474, A6C0A973-F421-499E-8ECC-BCFB99D0657B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any progress on your novels?
As for this question, I shall hazard to lean into the affirmative; there has been much thoroughfare and disturbances that kept me from writing, such as mother’s encroachments into the basement where I dwell and fashion epic journeys of my anti-hero, Testero, as he battles against the chaotic feminine; however, there’s been just as much progress, a linear advancement in my plot, for each altercation that has held me back, as, for instance, in my writing of the mantra, “Shantih,” over and again in the last section of my novel par excellence — reflecting not only a meta textual echo of Eliot’s “Wasteland” but also a cosmological topos of the spiritual multiverse from which my titular anti-hero quests and conquers metaphysically... albeit the progress is not ideal, I have mustered enough glyphs and constructed whole sentences, creating links to make sumptuous paragraphs, such that my novel amounts to two whole Infinite Jests, the marker of any great American novel qua door stopper... Testero seems to be my own stand-in, a writing into the world of letters and text, which can only be gestured towards with the words: “discernment of talent” .... uh, the critics are going to have a hard time understanding what high wires of textual acrobatics I am doing, since they are not maestros as I am, yet my progress will be recognised as a canonical work in a century or two, when the great literary critics war falls in the side of post-formalist distant reading, and I can once again enjoy the creative heights on Dante knew, and perhaps Toole, those heroes of virtue — one of unrequited love, the other of being the best lurker this world has ever seen — and I shall know what God decided of this world as he will explains his ways to me, a Bard of Bards, and I can take my seat next to Calliope up in the starry heavens above... that’s how my progress has been, such as it is.

>> No.18053435

Trying to hard.

>> No.18053475
File: 725 KB, 1414x2048, 845AC5DA-AEAC-40DA-9946-44C13F3D678D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capepunk story with psychological as a backdrop.
>Can focus on one character, or focus on three with the psychological aspect being diluted.
>all three characters arcs are interwoven for the first three arcs.
I know, I’m going to regret this, but should I do the stories separate or should I just write them together.

>> No.18053484

If all three characters' arcs are interwoven, wouldn't that mean making their stories separate defeat the purpose?

>> No.18053488

You have to choose one character as the "main" character - this doesn't mean they have to be the centre of it, they can be exactly 33.3% of the book. But you need to choose one character who acts as the point of connection to the reader - one character whose internal journey is always relevant and through whom we interpret the other two

>> No.18053492

I’m going to post my story on Royal Road, so that shouldn’t be much of a problem. The problem is, what I green text. I really want the psychological aspect of the story to be there. And I feel like focusing on one character at a time will help me on that. But at the same time, I feel writing the same story, with just a different perspective will burn me out.

>> No.18053498

>But you need to choose one character who acts as the point of connection to the reader
I think that’s the issue I’m having. If I pick one character to be the main character, and he or she fails to connect to the readers, how would I fix that. The worse if the reader chooses the other two instead and need to reorganize the story.

>> No.18053514

You're going to have to bite the bullet eventually. Your story is either going to be three separate stories interconnected and overlap with one another, or one story with three different P.O.V.

>> No.18053528

Way to pseud.

>> No.18053538

I know, i know. I just don’t want to do it. Thanks, and thank you >>18053488

>> No.18053552

>What’s the best way to write a tortured haunted guy?
Read Theon's chapters on A dance with Dragons,

>> No.18053576

Any real difference between AR and VR?

>> No.18053586

i know that feel. i wrote a shitty alt history thing once, felt great

>> No.18053598
File: 490 KB, 682x6843, Okayu and Korone Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that bad? I do it every time I need to get the creative juices pumping.

>> No.18053612

I really like the squiggly lines anon. Nice touch.

>> No.18053628
File: 546 KB, 680x6287, Noel Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I write short stories all the time, I think it helps me keep pace with writing more.

>> No.18053638

Yes? VR is fully in a computer, AR gives the author two layers that can see and interact with each other, although usually not physically.

>> No.18053640 [DELETED] 


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>> No.18053648

So these short stories are basically writing exercises? Do those actually help? I feel like they will just make you burn out faster.

>> No.18053655


>> No.18053663

I take small breaks every now and again so I won't get burnt out by writing. I also don't have a fix wordcount, I feel it puts too much pressure.

>> No.18053673

the founder of the site, he sold it like 5 years ago or something

big weeb

>> No.18053677

I thought it was ideal to have a set word count so you can reach a goal and help you continue writing.

>> No.18053679

He sold it so he could become a wageslave on some company.

>> No.18053681

So he matured and decided to be a productive member of society.

>> No.18053684

Do you KNOW where you ARE?

>> No.18053689

A website full of man children?

>> No.18053693

I’m a genius millionaire heir studying a P to the h to the D, AND I don’t watch anime, I make flipbook animations instead

>> No.18053694

Don't act like you're any better.

>> No.18053697

Why did you capitalize those words any normal person who have emphasized the (you)s in those sentences

>> No.18053701

Most likely for dramatic effect.

>> No.18053703

Speak English. I have no clue what you’re saying, ESL monkey.

>> No.18053707

And again with the racism.

>> No.18053708

Oh yeah I made a bunch of typos in that. Anyway, you are gay.

>> No.18053710

Just ignore him

>> No.18053711

These are nice reads.

>> No.18053717

No, I don’t like a song of ice and fire.

>> No.18053722

A new thread.


>> No.18053727

Yo momma a she-boon, ma nigguh? She be cry when the huuyte man be making them books be good. Smh forreal cuh!

>> No.18053736

When the fish swam past the moon's midnight glow, a single drop of blood then cried from the blade's edge. Shortly after the elder man fell forward into death. There now loose from his left hand came also the dagger to the earth. Holding back her tears the woman seventeen summers retrieved the tanto and cleaned away the sin of her grandfather. A uniform steel and master worked the means of suciced where one hundred and fifty millimeter long, the spine being messed at two and three quarters milliliters. A red and white ribboned hilt and guild scabbard ornamented the tanto. Once it had been her mothers but the means of her death now lay in a pool of freshly sprung pool of blood. “Now the time of Heaven over Earth is over, I welcome the time of Earth over Heaven.” She minds to herself.

>> No.18054129


>> No.18054278

Just write. You'll have fewer problems if you just start working on it. I believe in you.

>> No.18055082

Shut up bitch

It's better if you don't know what litrpg is. Thanks for the rec.


That's an interesting idea but I'm not immediately coming up with anything good to do with it. I'll keep thinking.