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18029578 No.18029578 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books and thinkers on the subject that are unspoiled by Kraut autism? Germaniggers have done more to discredit the movement than anyone else. I'm just looking for the actual spirit so to speak, without the shit thrown in by the barbarian monkeys.

>> No.18029649


>> No.18029837

Fascism is cringe, no matter what flavor. The Romans were civil nationalists, not fascists

>> No.18029850
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>> No.18029856
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>> No.18029861

t. retard
t. latin american mutt
Germans are genetically closer to the romans than you'll ever be.

>> No.18029862
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>> No.18029976
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Fuck off Kraut. You're almost as bad as niggers. All your identity is based on
I'm a MED BVLL, I don't need to LARP as anything but what I am.
Thanks anon.

>> No.18030068
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>> No.18030102


>> No.18030123

lmao fuck off stonehut nigger

>> No.18030130

Seriously what is the appeal of fascism. What is wrong with you dummies. Everyone on this board would be given the Zyklon B.

>> No.18030143

“He’s slow, yes, but he’s getting there.”

>> No.18030155
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Just read Gentile

>> No.18030160

>by Kraut autism?
was everything fascists wanted to be
the only differences is in tactical rethoric

>> No.18030170

> muhh don't be fascist or they will kill us all!!
what a fucking retard

>> No.18030177

Yes fascists are famous for killing queers, jews, autists, basically anyone they didn't like. So 96% of 4chan.

>> No.18030207

I would kill most of the fags on this godforsaken website

>> No.18030238
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>> No.18030250

The noodle-armed twigboys are getting so scared of women and trannys, that they need a big boy, to hide behind. Also they are gay. Gay in denial.

>> No.18030262

National Socialism and Fascism is different. Only retards think it's the same.

>> No.18030324

Fascism is always shit, there's no way you can get it without autism because it is the autism about genetics. You really think you'd survive, or even thrive in a militaristic society? It makes no sense. Of course faggots and trannies shouldn't be worshipped like they are nowadays but some of the things /pol/tards believe, even if they hate Hitler, are shit. Seethe, cope, dilate, and bitch more about some Semitic wizard people that did banking in the Middle Ages because it was considered sinful for Christians to do so.

>> No.18030333

Fascism as a philosophy does not prescribe physical elimination, whereas Nazism does. The proof of this is the fact that for almost 20 years no one (except a few political opponents) got hurt by Fascism. Jews, Niggers and Gays had been living in Italy for all that time without being eliminated or deported—and as regards the Jews they were not even discriminated or despised.


>> No.18030344

>it is the autism about genetics
Wrong. For the billionth time, racism was not a part of Fascism.

I agree with the condemnation of militaristic society though.

>> No.18030355

Jesus fucking Christ. I escaped /his/ because of "muh med, muh nord" posters. Please jump off a cliff.

>> No.18030366
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Fascism is Germanism applied to politics.
Look at Mussolini for example. He invented Fascism, but in the end he only revealed it to the germans who did it better.

>> No.18030368

where was he wrong? the other poster was a fag

>> No.18030377

I've never heard a more retarded take

>> No.18030378

Yes, but the fact that he is a "medVSnord"-shitter also makes him a massive faggot.

>> No.18030395
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Holy fucking shit

>> No.18030397

>You really think you'd survive, or even thrive in a militaristic society?
Dunno, do you? I don't think it can be worse than in some modern or future democracy

>> No.18030398

>in ancient rome

>> No.18030407

Pick one

>> No.18030418


>> No.18030429
File: 273 KB, 900x674, ivanov-art-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Civilization:

René Guénon
Frithjof Schuon
Titus Burckhardt

Misc. from the 17th to the 19th Century:
Robert Fimer
Thomas Hobbes
Joseph de Maistre
Klemmens von Metternich
Michel de Montaigne
J. G. Hamann
Edmund Burke
Juan Donoso Cortés

G. K. Chesterton
Hilaire Belloc

Gaetano Mosca
Vilfredo Pareto
Robert Michels
Werner Sombart

Third Positionists:
Julius Evola
Nicolás Dávila
Alasdair MacIntyre (more left-wing, but I still consider him to be a third)
Giovanni Gentile
Alain de Benoist (more right-wing, but I still consider him to be a third)
Francis Parker Yockey
Anthony Ludovici
Alexander Dugin
Carl Schmitt
Mario Palmieri (I can only find one book of his and it's on Amazon)
Alfredo Rocco
José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Corneliu Cordenau
Edmondo Rossoni
Sergio Panunzio
Michel Aflaq
Juan Perón
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Giuseppi Bottai
Muammar Gaddafi (The Green Book)
Ugo Spirito
Antoun Saadeh
Raven Thompson
Onesimo Redondo
Georges Valois
Gottfried Feder
Gamal Abdel Nasser (a politician, but read his "Egypt's Liberation: The Philosophy of the Revolution")
Gregor Strasser
Otto Strasser
Plinio Salgado (Brazillian, don't know how hard it is to get in English)
Jean-François Thiriart
Adriano Romualdi
Corrado Gini
Giorgio Locchi
Enzo Erra
Giorgio Pisanó
Franco Freda
Georges Sorel
Thomas Carlyle
Giovani Papini

Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
Jacques Ellul (left-winger, Christian anarchist,technoskeptic)
Jacob Burckhardt
Musashi Miamoto (book of five rings)
Sun Tzu
Confucius (he has interesting thing to say; to say the least)
François de La Rochefoucauld (moralist)
Jean de La Bruyère (same as above)
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Joris-Karl Huysmans
Jean Baudrillard
Oswald Spengler
Roger Scruton
Ernst Jünger
Ernst Niekisch
Charles Maurras
Leo Strauss
Martin Heiddeger
Mircea Eliade

Stolen from the ghostbin anon

Most from the third pos category aren't national-socialists,a few critique national-socialism and fascism,you should still read people like Carl Schmitt OP,your thread reeks of newfaggotry

Weak bait

>> No.18030439
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I remember becoming far right after watching a Jonathan Bowden speech back in 2012, and then hearing he died the day afterwards. I always thought that was spooky.

>> No.18030453
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All beneath heaven is rooted in nation.
Nation is rooted in family.
Family is rooted in self.

>> No.18030469

It's a shame Fashy Goys are insisting upon larping as theorycels to impress leftoids. what is needed is wit and wisdom in brevity, and powerful aesthetics, not tldr screenshots from boring old books.

To quote Hitler (pbuh):
>The men of the nationalist opposition exhausted themselves in being right. When one has preached in the desert for decades, it proves, when the time comes for action, that one has lost all contact with reality.

>> No.18030647
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Hey! It's me, have the link for the list anons:

>> No.18031181


>> No.18031193

Fascist Italy was kino. Shame fascism is discredited now because of Germanic autism.

>> No.18031220
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>> No.18031242
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>> No.18031806

>shame [insert thing] is discredited now because of Kraut autism
Many such cases.

>> No.18031816

Very spooky, I've read your post before.

>> No.18031831

>Fascist Italy was kino
If life was so great in Fascist Italy why did Italians drag Mussolini and his wife through the streets and left them hanging upside down for days?

>> No.18031879

>if good y commies hang people?

>> No.18032242

Was mostly after the failed invasion of Greece that people turned against him, though it wasnt that bad yet.

>> No.18032412

>You really think you'd survive, or even thrive in a militaristic society?
Yes? What, are you afraid of fucking boot camp or something? Just how pudgy are you that tou see military service as some kind of existential threat?

>> No.18033847
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>> No.18033863

Nobody on 4chan would thrive or likely survive in a militaristic society, if you think otherwise you are a moron.
In a real fourth reich, we're the first to go.

>> No.18034123
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>> No.18034166
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He was so handsome

>> No.18034180

>reportedly had 9 lovers
>even fucked a Jewess
>had 5 legitimate children and even some bastards
>women all around Italy loved him
How will man/lit/s and /leftypol/trannies ever cope?

>> No.18034188
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Absolute chad

>> No.18034192

Il Duce and Hitler is literally
>he Chad Med BVLL
>the Virgin Kraut

>> No.18034224
File: 32 KB, 500x646, Gabriele-DAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we would be in a better place because we would have been motivated to strive towards greatness and virtue since a young age.
We wouldn't need to be on 4chan.

>> No.18034244


>> No.18034279

Bloodthirsty partisans will kill not just the men, but the women and the children

>> No.18034782

I feel like a lot of these people who post about communism and fascism need to read a lot more about the interwar period, Weimar, and the origins of fascism and communism in different nations. Lots of this reads like Americans educated solely with post war school/university education

>> No.18034818

"Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It's bad enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone ax he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these revelations."

>> No.18034886

The Doctrine of Fascism

>> No.18035244
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>anglos unironically think National Socialism = Fascism

>> No.18035753

>Fascism as a philosophy does not prescribe physical elimination, whereas Nazism does

1º) "Nazism" doesn't exist. The term "nazi" was invented by a seething jew. The term is "national socialist".

2º) The "elimination of individuals" is "prescribed" in national socialism as much as in fascism, communism or liberalism

Contrarian retards (mostly trannies and jews) are the ones always taking as "canon" the worst of what they don't like and as "non-canon" the worst of what they like.

I'm not particulary a violent or cruel person.
But look how "LGBTQ acceptance" ended up. Now you have literally transexuals in kids bathrooms, drag queen story hours and a push for fucking kids.
The fascists, the natsocs and basically any traditionalist was into something.
Maladaptative behaviors are a threat to the communities.
Homo homini lupus.
LGBTQ members, the same as usurers, act as parasites and predators in our own communities. They need to be deal with.
How much violence or how much blood only time will tell.
The whole "BUUUTT YOU HATEEE BOOOHOOO" is just a meme. I have zero problem if all sodomites and all jewish usurers were to found a new "Sodomah and Gomorrah" 2.0 and fuck off there.
The problem is that these animals always want to be were the prey is.
Fascism and national socialism is basically acknowledging this and the decision to defend yourself and your way of living instead of accepting being abused, depredated and parasyted by hostile agents.
Of course, a parasyte will always fight to keep sucking blood from its hosts. Most of the time removing it is not easy.

>> No.18036274

>In a real fourth reich, we're the first to go.
Christ, talk about projecting one's own weakness

>> No.18037659

NatSoc is Fascism, but KrautCentric and damn everyone else. So yes, it's worse.

>> No.18037837


>> No.18038476

Italians aren't genetically the same as the Romans though. So thats a poor comparison also

>> No.18038483
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>> No.18038491
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>it's another "Germanigger spreads disinfo" post
Read and weep, faggot. Now go back to your forrests, Fritz.

>> No.18038502
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>I'm not particulary a violent or cruel person.

>> No.18038551

>It's a shame Fashy Goys are insisting upon larping as theorycels to impress leftoids. what is needed is wit and wisdom in brevity, and powerful aesthetics, not tldr screenshots from boring old books.
What it actually was, was standing in a crowd for five hours screaming at the top of your lungs, people passing out from exhaustion, as bombers go screaming right over your head and a SS men on motorcycles come roaring past at high speed as the Leader does robotic moves on a stage. They knew how to hypnotize people back then, and there was violence and terror for people who didn't go to the rally.

The aesthetics of fascism is the smell of gasoline. It's just like chaos or a maelstrom wetting people for destruction, and their self-destruction, blotting out everything except for fires and swastikas in the final Götterdämmerung which is oblivion and the death of everything. That's it. I've saved everyone a lot of effort.


>> No.18038588
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>> No.18038633

Modern Italians are genetically not the same as the Roman people. The fact that you think I'm German has nothing to do with it. Keep coping lol

>> No.18038640

>Semi-schizo paragraph
>Link to Indiana Jones film

>> No.18038643
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>literally gets a bunch of sources
>"mmmhhhh ackhtually it's not true because trust me bro"
Ebin. Kraut, Anglo, whatever the fuck, keep seething.

>> No.18039003

Post physique

>> No.18039066

>if jews are so great why did germans smash their shops and beat them to death

>> No.18039087

You sound like a massive faggot ahahahahahahaha

>> No.18039089

If you can't handle national-socialism then you can't handle fascism.

>> No.18039272

>med bvll memes
Can we not? I’m a Medchad(PR)too but this is just unfunny bullshit made to divide Europeans.

>> No.18039468

What you're missing is that we can't really move openly like they did back in the day when it was new. What we can do, however, is build an intellectual base and slowly work up from there. I agree that we shouldn't get bogged down in intellectual navel-gazing, but for the moment there's not much else that can be done.

>> No.18039519

This is like asking for unity between the Indians and the Chinese because they share a continent. Don't get cucked into this pan-european bullshit

>> No.18039598

Ok you convinced me.
Now I need to go full cruelty.

>> No.18039740
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>OP ruin his own thread with muh krauts
I really thought if I even post in this thread because of you autistic anti-german view. But maybe reading a book will help you.
>The Philosophy Of Fascism from Mario Palmieri

>> No.18039750

Big difference between India & China and Europe.

>> No.18040965


>> No.18041113
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I think it captured the mood of peak Nazism pretty well.

>> No.18041156
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Well I'm not a fascist so I'm not going to dispense advice, but the intellectualizing seems to miss the point of it to me. What it really "is," if I can be so bold, is to bring nationalist politics up to such an intensity that "politics" as such -- as in a debate about how to proceed -- freezes it up completely and what's left is a hypnotic, rhythmic maelstrom of death and destruction with crowds screaming blood. It's based on violence, war and pogroms. The intellectualizing is just an alibi.

>> No.18041380

I don't know why you have such a warped view of fascism, but I can assure you that that's not what it is, nor what I want.

>> No.18042696

italian futurism

>> No.18042815

Krauts were far more competent than the Italian fascists, shitting on them is just unintelligent.
>civil nationalists
That is in part, fascism. Fascists did not discriminate against Jews or sicilians and even some subject nation people got Italian citizenship.
National Socialism is a seperate thing.
Better in what regard? Philosophically Nationak Socialism is more barren than fascism.
Fascism began during World War 1.
They go for Fascism because it has more mass appeal than the nazi sozi, which in part was actually part of the downfall of both movements. Fascism essentially was applied Nietzsche but Nietzsche was a hater of mass movements.
>What you're missing is that we can't really move openly
Only if you are an American.
As a European I don't trust other Europeans.

>> No.18042958

>Fascism essentially was applied Nietzsche
It was rather applied Gentile so applied Hegel.

>> No.18042968

The concept of Nationalism wouldn't be invented until over 1300 years after the fall of rome. Don't be so anachronistic.

Roman citizens felt fealty to the empire, somethin similar to what we call civic nationalism. The vasy majority of people living in the Roman empire couldn't give two shits about "Roman identity".

>> No.18043081

No it was applied Nietzsche. Gentile did not show up until after the fascist party was formed and the reason why they got along was because the fascist party was compatible with Gentile's philosophy which was essentially is "everything is one bro".

Gentile also took a lot from Nietzsche as well.

>> No.18043153

Literally both the Romans and the Germans and the Greeks all came from the same Indo European peoples.
One struggle.

>> No.18043313

And all humans came from africa! blacks and whites are the same!
one struggle!

>> No.18043315


Fascism is nietzschean in so that it is :
-full of life
-anti egalitarian

it is yet not nietzschean since it is :
-rationalist or pro metaphysics
-anti individualist
-pro ethics

>> No.18043409

spot the nigger... Romans obviously weren't fascists since fascism wasn't invented back then, and fascism is literally thousands times better than what we have right now, it was one of the most natural things economically speaking, if you don't focus on the leaders as the kikes want you to, it's a very very good economic system.

>> No.18043414

all humans exert labor on the world. one struggle.

>> No.18043453
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-every-anarchist-is-a-baffled-dictator-benito-mussolini-21-2-0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not necessarily, everyones religious beliefs were different and musso was a confirmed atheist and only stopped attacking the church to not upset his followers
yeah and that was one of its weaknesses
>pro ethics
doesn't contradict Nietzsche
>anti individualist
it was more so that it was the collective and individual that both give meaning to one another through their existence thus being impossible to separate
if anything the position of the "duce" is the position of the ultimate individual.
fascisms laws didn't even come from the collective, but from a group of individuals in power.

>> No.18043487

>pro ethics
for them it was to the extent that the powerful controlled what the morality was.
fascism doesn't and shouldn't pretend there is dome magical place where their values came from. they just wanted to be strong.

>> No.18043506

mussolini's only modivation was power. it doesn't get more nietzschean than that.

the other values you gave was because the fascists held no consensus on anything. they lots of different people with different views uniting into one party.

>> No.18043617

That's a valid point though.

>> No.18043628

so germans literally did the exact same thing american niggers do today? the way blacks are filled with resentment over white supremacy the germniggers were filled with resentment over jew supremacy?

i hear hitler hated IQ tests and thought they were "jewish". interesting...

>> No.18043641

Foolish anti-Germanic anon. Yes, they did what any underclass of people will do when they smell weakness from their masters, even dogs knows that much.

>> No.18043671
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but jews weren't masters they were just a tightly nit community that knew how to make money.
>Yes, they did what any underclass of people will do when they smell weakness from their masters
it's still a slave revolt with a creation of inferior slave values because they based their morality off of what their masters took from them

>> No.18043716

I don't get bogged down in childish distinctions between slave/master morality. There are only differences in power. People with power are masters, people without power are slaves. Calling a powerful people slaves because you disapprove of their values is nothing more than an intellectual game. Reality is that who has power is the master.

>> No.18043742

>if the weak overthrow the strong then it means the weak were the strong ones the whole time!
t. socrates

>> No.18043766

>or sicilians
Giovanni Gentile and Evola were both Sicilian.

>> No.18043781

>Fascists did not discriminate against Jews or sicilians and even some subject nation people got Italian citizenship.
>Fascists did not discriminate against Jews or sicilians and even some subject nation people got Italian citizenship.

>> No.18043796

Who said they discriminated against Sicilians

>> No.18043820

Man that's a surprisingly on-point quote

>> No.18043822

read it again

>> No.18043828

Hitler also really liked him on a personal level. Source: Hitler's Table Talk

>> No.18043847

where? they didn't get along since they first met from what I know

i am unsure of the accuracy of the table talks

>> No.18043864

It's early in the book, Hitler compares him to Roman Emperors and shit and says he's the only non-retard italian or something to that extent.

>> No.18043895

yeah sounds like BS to me. from what I know hitler was pissed at mussolini's incompetency. even if hitler really did "like" him mussolini did not return the favor.
anyway mussolini's admiral quality is not his intelligence, in fact he was an anti-intellectual. his admiral quality is his leadership skills.

should have stayed out the war but when he saw poland and france fall he was like "oh shit, gotta pick the right side so I get the victory spoils"

even churchill like him.

>> No.18043901

admirable* god i am retarded

>> No.18044451

there are boards for your branch of autism

>> No.18045130

Giovanni Gentile

>> No.18046030

Not him, but you're a fucking retard if you think Sicilians are considered a separate ethnic group in Italy, remotely comparable to Jews.

>> No.18046067
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same thing with Mussolini and Mosley.
i guess Benito was a just a friendly guy

>> No.18046882
File: 79 KB, 1024x734, 5D426917-3E91-4A40-9262-BB7FE42DF5B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunker pseud

>> No.18046927

>why do people like an ideology that values strength, beauty and nation when the status quo values weakness and calls you evil for putting your own people ahead of others.

Its a mystery anon.

>> No.18046943

Lmfao they try so hard

>> No.18046949

the italians didn't do that, a bunch of red larpers backed by the liberal italian government, italian manufactors and the US did it

>> No.18046960

Eliade on the murder of Mussolini:
>It was possible to capture him because he was betrayed. He was betrayed because he was surrounded by Italians.

>> No.18046979

I think it would be more correct to say that your conception of "the mood of peak nazism" comes from Indiana Jones.

>> No.18047001

he already got captured before when the king threw him in jail, at that point he was just a puppet
italians didn't want him to die, what is true is that at that point they didn't want him to live either, they were completely indifferent to fascism despite Mussolini's last attempt to accelerate the social revolution so fascism would leave something behind before its death

>> No.18047080

You never read Mussolini, Nietzsche, Gentile and Hegel so please refrain to talk about them in the future.