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/lit/ - Literature

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18033232 No.18033232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 16 year old boy who wants to further his knowledge of literature. Recommend to me essentials of any genre or just any book you think is good.
Popular books i've recently read:
L'Étranger by Albert Camus
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Victory by Joseph Conrad
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
1984 by George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez

>> No.18033234

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18033241

Start with the greeks

>> No.18033243


>> No.18033246

I recommend you start by reading https://4chan.org/rules and then move on to reading the b& screen.

>> No.18033281

See you in 30 days

>> No.18033294

more like 2 years kek.
fuck off 16 yo. (you don't deserve the title OP yet)

>> No.18033305
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BASED underage.
Go on the lit charts wiki for more

>> No.18033311

this is unironically a great list:
as a side note, a valuable tip for educating yourself is not just reading books but also thinking about them.
think about the books you liked and why you liked them, and try to read up on them a little bit.
classic literature usually has a few university lectures on them uploaded on youtube so give those a shot.
if you really like a book, download some secondary literature from libgen/scihub and delve into more sophisticated analysis.
keep note of books you hear mentioned that peak your interest while talking to people or browsing /lit/
good luck and also >>18033234

>> No.18033315

Lurk moar, newfag LUL.

And as for your recommendation: Atlas Shrugged. Thank me later, homo.

>> No.18033316

Just read what you like and get drunk with your friends in a field.

>> No.18033319
File: 620 KB, 1440x1168, pepe brap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally a wiki of recommended books and reading guides read the sticky faggot JANNIES BAN THIS MINOR

>> No.18033331

Just start with Call of the Wild and Old Man and the Sea. Can both be read in one sitting. 1984 and Animal Farm have reached meme status.

>> No.18033339

Start with Ellul(pbuh)

>> No.18033349

>t.16 year old

>> No.18033350

Underagechad...I kneel...

>> No.18033365

For japanese classics try
Snow country, thousand cranes, sound of the mountain by kawabata
Mishima's sea of fertility tetralogy
Soseki's kokoro, i am a cat
Junichiro tanazaki's the kamioka sisters, seven japanese tales.
Also kawabata's palm of the hand stories and mishima's short stories (but mostly the pearl and patriotism).

Japanese classics are great, they'll teach you how to get subtlety.

>> No.18033398


>> No.18033403

educate yourself newfag

>> No.18033417
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Nigga I've been on this board for a year suck my cock

>> No.18033418

>L'Étranger by Albert Camus
Stop talking like this, it’s fucking annoying. If you speak english then you call it the stranger. That said, check out Kafka for a good introduction to both the short story form and longer works (novels, novellas)

>> No.18033444

Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner is a must

>> No.18033458


>> No.18033461

We used to tell underage faggots to lurk moar and then report them if they popped their head up like this and brag about how young they were. WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED TO 4CHAN CULTURE. SPINELESS ZOOMER FAGGOTS HAVE INFESTED MY BOARDS.

>> No.18033491

Judging by the quality of the board, everyone here is underage.

>> No.18033495

I’m a 12 year old girl btw.

>> No.18033498

your mom is underage
I am 40 years old

>> No.18033506

The book of a generation

>> No.18033638

>a year
quite an accomplishment, anon.

>> No.18033702

Lurk until you're 18 and never stop reading. Pick a good general degree once you're in college and make a savings account and always keep adding to it, never take away from it. If you have an addictive personality never start using drugs or alcohol.

>> No.18033719

based underage-brah

>> No.18033766

leave and never come back, boy.

>> No.18033803

Drugs and sex you retard, don’t waste your youth on books. Plenty of time for that once you’re in your twenties. Every single incel here wishes they had enjoyed prime high school pussy instead of reading.

>> No.18033825

Are you really asking for a 16 years old to show his cock?

>> No.18033826

Don't listen to this degenerate. Maintain your virginity and listen to Based Nick Fuentes for advice.

>> No.18033832

>Notes from Underground
>The Confidence Man (assuming you enjoyed Conrad)
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>The Quiet American
Side note: reread The Stranger in about ten years. I think you'll appreciate it more.
I thought they removed the 18+ rule when they separated the boards. This is a 4channel board after all.

>> No.18033846

>ITT: niggers acting like they didn't discover imageboards at 13

>> No.18033848
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you don't anounce it you autist

>> No.18033853

Just because you’re a bitter incel with regrets, there’s no need to drag young naive OP into your misery hole.

>> No.18033866

yeah, and it's ruined us. I blame bb.com the Misc

>> No.18033899

Your first piece of advice to a 16 year old is "have sex". Reconsider things.

>> No.18033918

shut the fuck up, if anyone it's YOU who has the regrets, enough to tell a 16 year old to act like a troglodyte as a personality substitute

>> No.18033937

Only proving what a miserable social reject you are.

Don’t become this guy, OP.

>> No.18033954

sounds like you're the miserable one pining for your youth again dumb faggot, don't ever reply to my post again cunt

>> No.18033962


>> No.18033973

Thankfully, I got to enjoy degeneracy of all kind in my teens and subsequently could immerse myself in hundreds of books without absolutely SEETHING at the idea of high school sex. You know, like you’re doing right now.

Just passing my pleasant experience on to OP.

>> No.18033977

don't ever reply to me or my son's posts ever again

>> No.18033989

The 1980 to present list is disgusting

>> No.18033992

I remember when I first came to /b/ when I was 15. Never looked back.

>> No.18034005
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I unironically waited until I was 18 like a good boy

>> No.18034015

You're not supposed to tell people!

>> No.18034016

Stickies were a mistake

>> No.18034027

Nah when I was 13 I was having fun with friends and trying to steal booze.
It wasn't until college and depression that I became stuck to this place like a ghost.

>> No.18034029

Why not asides from the meme rule? Moot himself was an underageb& when he started 4chan.

>> No.18034069

Based High School lit core:
East of Eden, Farhenheit 451, Catcher in the Rye/Franny and Zooey

Then read The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.18034088 [DELETED] 
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Prove you're not a newfaggot

∆ ∆

>> No.18034112


>> No.18034149

get out of here and come back when you're twenty something, I mean it
Not because you're too young to be smart or anything, but you first have to experience more life without th 4chan perspective, at your age it's going to cause more damage than good

>> No.18034150

>I'm a 16 year old boy
You're too old for french philosophers but old enough to read them. Before trying them (I suggest Descartes but any would do), read some novels from Voltaire, it is an easy read but will give you a taste of the french smugness and irony; the Frogs call it wit, 'l'esprit', from 'l'esprit de cours'; it's worth noting because even modern philosophers never got over this bad habit of trying so hard to be fucking smartasses - from the Curnon of Lafayette to the 'pourquoi non?' of Voltaire straight to the 'oui, et donc?' of Deleuze, you cannot escape it.
Or read Nietzsche, I made that error when I was your age and it induced a larping rage which lasted for years. That may just be me being a fag, maybe you'll be the young man who ressurects Greece through your blue eyes.

>> No.18034159

I didn't start hanging around till 20/21

>> No.18034168
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>> No.18034170

come back in 10 years anon

>> No.18034172

this, get the fuck out

>> No.18034184

>for a year
I'm on my 9th and I still think I'm a newfag.

>> No.18034225


>> No.18034234

>Christian Anarchist
Yeah, pass

>> No.18034282

Damn i wished i started reading seriously at 16.

Read stuff that excites you to know about, "start with the greeks" is a good idea if you just want to read stuff.

I personally love Georges Bataille's work: both his theoretical (accursed share) and his erotic fiction (story of the eye)

Deleuze and Guattari's anti oedipus is good if you love stuff that is both very deep, confusing and edgy at the same time: you won't get this book and its ok: enjoy the ride.

Nietzsche is great read him

Kierkegaard's sickness unto death is an amazingly systematic work of christian existentialism: many people don't get that every word is significant in the text - the text provides a meaning to each word used if you dig a bit in the text.

Mark fisher and then marx is a good option as well to read.

>> No.18034372

>>18034282 continuing on
I loved Allen Ginsbergs howl in my teens (this is not the whole poem but most of it)
Rimbaud is really great here's and here's a great reading as well
Antonin Artaud's to have done with the judgement of god is also amazing.

>> No.18034379

the bbc rimbaud recording is also not the complete poem.

>> No.18034397

>I'm a 16 year old
>posted 3 hours ago
we dont even have jannies do we?

>> No.18034406

Leave and never return. This website will take your soul.

>> No.18034410

Leave this shithole, you retard.

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUvKQphQgtg [Embed]
This is a really kino read

>> No.18034412

i want to be 16
i am 18

>> No.18034471

there was a kino reading of artaud too but i couldn't find it

>> No.18034493
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If I could go back in time I'd have you read the following;
>a river runs through it by maclean
>a month in the country by carr
>lost horizon by hilton
>the great gatsby by fitzgerald
>the sun also rise by hemingway
these are perfect coming of age core (not to mention some of the more underappreciated novels of the english language) for a younger reader and I wish I had read all of them at your age
if you liked marquez here's the speed run for magical realism (one of my favorite genres);
>ficciones by borges
>five modern noh plays by mishima
>pedro paramo by rulfo
>the dictionary of the khazars by pavic
>encyclopedia of the dead by kis
>the short stories of bruno schulz
>the trial by kafka
>ernst junger's post war work, eumeswil isn't entirely magical realism (and it's a bit dense) but it's my favorite
also if you like science fiction a canticle for leibowitz is an classic

>> No.18034507

Im 20, I want to be 18. Life goes quick have fun!

>> No.18034513

I'm 24 i want to be 20 O_0

>> No.18034515

too quick

>> No.18034519

I'm 24 id kill to be 22

>> No.18034523

sensing a trend

>> No.18034527

The last four years has gone by damn fast

>> No.18034542

My best years until now has been around 20/21, now I'm at uni, depressed, angstly feeling awful...

>> No.18034792

farewell anon. make sure you leave and never return

>> No.18035417

Oh dear God (or nature)! Nearly forgot the most important philosopher of all time, the jesus of philosophy, Spinoza! - you need to read a tiny bit anselm then descartes meditations and then you can read him.

>> No.18035458
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OP college is just the Trivium of Liberal Arts: better offered by Academic Agent who has done the undertaking of offering a better alternative to community college/state university accredited programs.
OP most important is your consistency to grow your habit as a reader and your ability to manage knowledge. Don't lose momentum on a single book that is challenging you on time or attention. Just keep reading what gets read. Better to do than not.
Thomas Sowell is what I binged at your age before I got my business degree. It served me well and I'm still thankful to his Masterpiece: Knowledge and Decisions. Do audiobooks! Get those volumes in!
Greek to start with: Heraclitus.
Heraclitus as a topic gets you the whole Western Canon on Philosophy and subdiscipline schools broadly sketched.

>> No.18035470

The sticky sucks because it is non descriptive it's just a massive load of data dump to new users that doesn't offer promising descriptive bulleted points like something you would buy or checkout. It would be daunting to see the sticky for the first time

>> No.18035474
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He's joking, OP.

>> No.18035475

I wished I'd gotten into stoicism sooner when I was younger. Seneca's moral epistles to Lucilius were great; a lot of people praise Marcus Aurelius' meditations but it reads like a teenage girl's instagram.

>> No.18035491

Unironically what I did at 16.

>> No.18035496

Pique, not peak.

>> No.18035526

Muh opportunities
>I wish I studied for that test
>I wish I asked Jessica out
>I wish I didn't snort crack off Jerry's butt

>> No.18035551

Rip don’t post your age next time

>> No.18035653

>Marcus Aurelius' meditations but it reads like a teenage girl's instagram
Take this back

>> No.18035682

Bloom's Western Cannon then Pound's Guide to Kulchur.

That's it. Take 2 years off in SEA for $4-5k and you can hit. Literally the best investment I ever made. Fuck, I probably made that money back in one night when I fucked that rich old bitch in Marin quoting the Analects and she hooked me up with a bullshit job in her family's construction company. Fucking Zilinsky bitch had a stinky pussy.

>> No.18035733

>Take 2 years off in SEA for $4-5k and you can hit. Literally the best investment I ever made
What does this mean?

>> No.18035751

Let me spell it out for you.

Got to Vietnam. Rent a 1 bedroom in a decent area for $200 a month. Spend $100 on food. Stay for 1-2 years while you work through Bloom's the Pound's.

If you have a family farm you can do that too. Basically the idea is to find a distraction free lifestyle. No work. No bullshit, just me time.

>> No.18035763

Refute it and I may, but even the God's cannot disprove what is Truth.

>> No.18035870


Start here and work through each month. Roissy is a godsend. Understanding women at your age (and not making the same mistakes as most men) will benefit you much more than any book you can read. Trust me.

>> No.18035872

Nigga no one is about to go live in a shack in Saigon reading Sophocles for 2 years

>> No.18035880

nobody cares how old you are

>> No.18035881

Yes let’s get him hooked on le red pill and turn him into a jaded douche before he’s even touched a woman

>> No.18035925

Tell me on the doll where the bad man touched you.

Or he can learn the nature of women so he doesn't waste time on bullshit, improves himself, and then naturally attracts them.

>> No.18035929

Why the fuck is this still up

>> No.18036118

>I thought they removed the 18+ rule when they separated the boards. This is a 4channel board after all.
They just made 4channel worksafe, as opposed to the NSFW boards of 4chan. didn't change that rule.

>> No.18036145

Bro, assuming this is isn't a LARP, there is nothing to be gained by browsing this or any other board,my advice is: don't browse this place, or any pozzed (meaning excesively 'progressive', meaning, proselytizing towards the hottest political POV of the moment, ala Reddit) 'alternative'.

For a book recommendation, as someone who considers himself christian or at least, is trying to follow Him, I'd suggest the bible (is it supposed to be capitalized, I don't know), but this can actually be counter-productive if you are in a 'rebel' phase, meaning, you are rebelling against the modern 'christian' 'mask', Western society, or really, most of 'christian' society wears, blah blah blah.

I don't expect you to read a 10000 word post, so I'll keep it short: read the bible if you are willing to do so with an open mind and sincerely (I don't know exactly what I mean by this but, I'm hoping this word gets the point across), if not, I recommend Ten little niggers by Agatha Christie, which I'm going to be reading shortly.

I use that title because it's how it was translated into my language, not out of some retarded /pol/ obsession with
Or any hatred for 'negroes' really.

I'm not here to defend Christianity since I probably wouldn't be able to do so properly: I haven't finished the bible myself, and anyone looking to shit on it probably has read more of it than me, so fuck off really.

If you are confused by
>this format
It means you haven't been here long enough, which is a GOOD thing IMO, now, leave this place newfag,I think I'll join you on the way out, I'm tired of it myself :)

>> No.18036163
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Shut up, shut up, shut up, you can't prove anything!

>> No.18036540

Victory is such a good read, glad you found that

>> No.18036549

Actually good list lol

>> No.18036567

If you’re looking for more fiction and based on what you like, J.G. Ballard has some good novels, read Crash

>> No.18036593
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>a year

>> No.18036609

Read Plato. The Greeks will sharpen your mind. Also check out Theoria Apophasis' recommendations on youtube. Btw, enjoy your vacation.

>> No.18036930

16 too, been here since 2018 and got meme'd into blackpills books. My honest advise is to escape from here asap

>> No.18036941


>> No.18037015

Imageboards pretty much raised me

>> No.18037880

19, actually.

>> No.18038008
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At your age my fave was Romeo and Juliet.
Reading even one Shakespeare play for enjoyment rather than out of obligation for a class is a trip.