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18028792 No.18028792 [Reply] [Original]

I liked Blindsight and the movie Contact

>> No.18028844
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I recently read a first contact short story called Second Going, by Tiptree. Was cute

>> No.18028855

Hey, is it true that you're a tranny larping as a real woman?
(i'm new btw)

>> No.18028933

>the southern reach trilogy
I’ve only read the first book (annihilation, that they made into that Natalie Portman movie) and thought it was pretty good. Better than the movie in a lot of ways. Worth checking out to see if it’s for you
>the 3 body problem
Pretty popular and highly regarded, I would say it’s “decent”. If you really enjoy the genre you’d probably like it, but I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who didn’t like sci-if
>the Themis files
Trilogy, I read all 3 (did the last 2 as an audiobook). Not bad, basically a YA series in terms of difficulty and depth, but I didn’t mind it at all. I tend to read “softballs” in between more challenging stuff. Also part of the reason i finished them all is because i could listen to the audiobook while working and not miss anything or have to rewind at all. Again, it’s a softball, really only worth it if you like the genre.

>> No.18028949

thx but i don't like any of those. I don't understand why 3 body problem gets shilled so much everywhere it's too Chinese and doesn't translate well

>> No.18028959
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No, it isn’t true. Just trashy anons hate me for an array of reasons, all of which are stupid.

>> No.18028962


Shut up bitch.

>> No.18028976

I tried to watch that before just seems a bit limited and doesn't do the book justice cause there's too much stuff going on. It's not like you can just do one cool battle sequence like that Warhammer fan series, it's more about the ideas. Would make a cool full length movie though

>> No.18028992

They wanted to do a full movie but didn't have the budget to keep going so it just ended up being an extended trailer.

She's an insufferable commie dyke.

Shut up bitch.

>> No.18029009

Can you name anymore scifi books that you like? I read a good bit of scifi and can name more but it’s probably gonna be a waste of our time if you’re looking for something more specific and don’t have more to go on.

>> No.18029023
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>> No.18029038

Not him but you might like Charles Stross. Acellerando is a great first contact story. As is Missile Gap.

You will never touch a woman.

>> No.18029066

Also Vernor Vinge's 'Zones of Thought' trilogy.

You will die alone; your bloated, rosaceous, wine-aunt face consumed by cats.

>> No.18029073

I liked Accelerando. Culture series were good except for a few. Seveneves, Aurora by KSM, Quiet War series (not first contract just like it ) , pushing ice , Pandora's star by Peter Hamilton (i know he has another series Salvation with some aliens but I'm getting tired of his Universe with the portal gimmick and they're really long). Expanse i got bored, revelation space got bored , maybe missed a few

>> No.18029075

Not that guy, and i wouldn’t even care if you were a trans commie lesbian deerkin special girl, but you’re a stupid piece of shit for the tripcode, totally unnecessary, and clearly just looking for attention.

>> No.18029081

>Missile Gap
A bit too weird and fantasy like
>Vernor Vinge's 'Zones of Thought
Got bored didn't like the zone gimmick and also a bit dated

>> No.18029104

There are three books, each radically different.

I agree with you about zones in FUtD though. Once you get past that it's not bad. The puppers are top-tier ayys.

>> No.18029110

Yeah i liked the doggos. But people say it goes down hill after the 1st book

>> No.18029118

OP read 'The Mote in God's Eye' you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.18029128


>> No.18029206

I didn't think so. Deepness in the Sky was probably better that FUtD. At least as good.

>> No.18029223

Was the accelerandi and missle gap rec for me? I’m not op I was the one who listed southern reach and 3 body problem. Honestly I wouldn’t even say I super enjoyed those books, but I listen to ALOT of audiobooks at work and during my commute, so as long as I can follow along without 100% focus and find some enjoyment I generally don’t consider a book bad. Basically I’m just not very picky, and I plow through a lot of stuff that isn’t super challenging. Then I try to get through a more difficult book on paper every 2 weeks-ish so I can comprehend a little better. I’ll add those to my list though, local library has a great scifi audiobook collection I’m sure I’ll get to them eventually.

>> No.18029224


>when your ponytail is pulled so tight it exaggerates your extra-terrestrial features even more

>> No.18029231
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>commie dyke.
kek, she's an Ontarian lesbo, you could not get more liberal than that if you tried.

>> No.18029234

If you like don delilo def check out Ratners Star. Like the other guy I just noticed you said recent-ish tho, so if that’s a deal breaker nvm.

>> No.18029258

It was for anyone who wants good first contact stories.

You could probably audiobook them. They're high concept but the ideas are explored exhaustively so you'll get the jist.

Ultimately yes. Just a Catherdral neoliberal who thinks she's some kind of radical. Like half the baizuo West.

Tripfags should get a one-year ban every time they crop up.

>> No.18029280
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based ESL schizo.
Why you gotta bring Amber into this?

>> No.18029299

What is one boxing vs two boxing ?

>> No.18029307
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> A very intelligent artificial intelligence (AI) presents you with two boxes: box A is transparent and box B is painted with a thick coat of black paint. Box A always contain 1k USD. Box B can either contain 1M USD or nothing. Do you choose to take both boxes, or just box B? Before you select your option, there is an added complication: before you get to pick, the AI has made a very, very accurate prediction about your choice. If you decide to pick just box B, you’ll get 1M USD if the prediction was correct, and 0 if it was wrong. If you decide to pick both and the prediction was accurate, you 1k. If you pick both and the AI was wrong, you get 1M+1k.

>> No.18029354
File: 63 KB, 960x641, 2F3CC325-74D7-464D-BE33-6B034B2EB87B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw. The name is for me. The trip is only necessary because of troll assholes. Anonymous is are the stupid pieces of shit.

Anya played her

>> No.18029811

Why the fuck aren't you on red*it?
There's literally no reason for you to be here.

>> No.18029818


You have to stop giving it oxygen. It's been less offensive over the past six months or so. Just stop engaging with it at all.

>> No.18029980
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, 6FFDF314-62C0-4E88-9E6C-5E3053D0741C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop engaging by getting the fuck off muh board. Go back to the website you came from.

>> No.18030638

>I liked Blindsight and the movie Contact
A novella called "Story of your life", I'm pretty sure you'll love it. There is also a movie to go with it. Both are utter shit, but so is your taste.

>> No.18030668

>Yes, it's true. Just based anons rightfully hate me for an array of reasons, all of which are valid. Plus I get fucked by dogs on the reg

>> No.18030678

I don't know which of these alien looking uncanney valley bitches I wanna fuck harder

>> No.18030684

>Go back to the website you came from
no u

>> No.18031102

fake butterfly

>> No.18031125
File: 174 KB, 695x1000, Autumnals LBM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this, and it's free too

>> No.18031131

I pick neither, I ain't trusting no nigger AI.

>> No.18031553


>> No.18031627

Fuck sake I never knew butterfly was in Ontario. I didn't think this shithole could get any worse.

>> No.18031641

Butterfly, you’ll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18031750

wtf is going on here

>> No.18032222

>all of which
Except for the tripcode. Just leave that damn thing behind and we won't hate you for the other things.

>> No.18032526

tripfags have twitter and reddit and facebook and fuckin linkedin

>oh they just hate for dumb reason
bitch what, gtfo 4chan or at least stop trying to indoctrinate people, you already know that only newfags who dont usually talk to girls will accept your trip ways - which are dumb and go against the whole point of this site. idiot