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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 267x400, girlstudying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1802669 No.1802669 [Reply] [Original]

"Why aren't you studying something important in school?"

>> No.1802676

You'll get that question unless your major is engineering, business, pre-med or pre-law. Otherwise, it seems asshats don't see the use in anything else.

>> No.1802682

And if you're a math/cs major, the only response you'll EVER get is "Oh, I just hate math!"

>> No.1802687

Blank stares are what you get if you mention anything that sounds mildly scientific and eclectic like "biogerontology" or "hematology".

>> No.1802691

As a math major, about the only response I ever get is, "Are you going to be a teacher?"

>> No.1802694

People have no imagination when it comes to career choices, regardless of the fact that there are probably a billion and one different professions out there.

Also, you have to take into account the quality of the person asking these questions. Do they have a degree? What is it in? etc

>> No.1802704
File: 188 KB, 650x857, Economics Prof.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I'm studying Economics

>> No.1802710

cuz i went that rout and its boring as hell so i started failing.

>> No.1802716

I'm studying geology, chemistry and biology. I was studying history and geography, then I went in an English, history and art direction. I think I am going to stick with the sciences though.

>> No.1802717
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>PhD in Mathematics
>any job I want
>$300k starting salary

>> No.1802726
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>something important

>> No.1802736


someone never visits /sci/

>> No.1802738
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>> No.1802739

this is /lit/, we hate /sci/.

>> No.1802740

math is superior.

>> No.1802745
File: 9 KB, 240x278, hankhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a 30 something with zero real life skills or job experience, of course you'll hire me!

>> No.1802749


Phd in math basically opens every door on earth.

>> No.1802750

Any job you'll do will be soul-destroying and boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

-source, math phd here

>> No.1802752
File: 25 KB, 400x352, Busho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Necessary for all science, engineering, economics, all business, medicine..

/lit/, the dumbest board.

>> No.1802758
File: 110 KB, 600x450, groan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math major
>doesn't see the difference

>dumbest poster on 4chan

>> No.1802759

Creativity and love.

>> No.1802763

Nah, that's called a law degree.

>> No.1802774

Because they're not fun.
I have no interest in mathematics besides my limited knowledge in astrophysics and possible space travel. Which I harness to write shitty sci-fi because it's fun. I'd rather enjoy my life and job than make a ton of money being miserable.
Plus math is just fucking boring.

>> No.1802778


>implying those things are 'important'
>not starting from an assessment of what constitutes the concept of 'importance' itself

>> No.1802781

>implying we share a definition of the term assessment
>not starting from an exposition on the meaning of english words

>> No.1802816


Does IT and networking count as engineering? We're in the engineering department?

>> No.1802819

No, you're the tech monkeys. You're important, but you will always be considered second class.

Chin up, we need you! Even if we don't want to acknowledge that to your face.

>> No.1802823

Think of yourself as a 21st century typewriter serviceman. Or an elevator repairman.

>> No.1802830

People never say that to me. It's not often I meet somebody that understands what I study, even though it's really easy to understand, so they rarely comment it.

>> No.1802838


Aww... that sucks. Elevator repairmen don't build their own elevators though...

>> No.1802842
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the awesome ones do

>> No.1802843
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>Not Studying Philosophy or Antropology.

>> No.1802852


I guess that makes me feel a bit better.

>> No.1802867

"importance" is an outdated concept, welcome to postmodernity losers

>> No.1802885

I'd say "importance" is still very relevant.

>> No.1802888


to whom

>> No.1802905

A starving person choosing between buying food and buying a book.

>> No.1802907
File: 24 KB, 320x320, 828aa7c78b8ab41590fbf13006c3b011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> social psychology post-secondary
> 100k with tenure

>> No.1802910

Presumably you mean a starving person wants food. Why the starving person would have to sit down and consider the importance of anything I have no idea.

>> No.1802911

I study Geology bitch, that IS important.
Ya know that gold ring you're husbands going to present you with? I'll be the guy who fucking finds that gold.

>> No.1802917


if by "finds gold" you mean "looks at a piece of schist under a hand lens"

>> No.1802919

>Ya know that gold ring you're husbands going to present you with? I'll be the guy who fucking finds that gold.
Wow. I don't even know where to start here. Well done.

>> No.1802920
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>implying anyone cares who sources their precious minerals and metals for them

>> No.1802921

>CS major
>Oh I hate Math!
The funny thing is that I hardly use math at all.

>> No.1802936

So your like a... physical laborer.

>> No.1802947

Replace laborer with "guy who finds out where the stuff is, and tells others to get it out for him" then yes, I am a laborer.

Perhaps not, but my job is going to involve going all around the world looking for this stuff. Which is a damn side better then the pencil-pushing fucks I have to put up with now.

>> No.1802956
File: 49 KB, 575x418, Columbia-Clothes..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must enjoy wearing North Face and Mountain Equipment Co-op clothes.

I'm a pencil pusher. I wear Brooks Brothers, fuck nubile young co-eds, and eat lobster 4 times a week.

>> No.1802960

>Perhaps not, but my job is going to involve going all around the world looking for this stuff. Which is a damn side better then the pencil-pushing fucks I have to put up with now.
>He thinks he won't be a cubicle monkey

>> No.1802963
File: 47 KB, 367x800, 3-button-suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.1802976

If the starving person were given a choice between a book and food, the starving person, in choosing the food, would be appraising it as more important than the book.

>> No.1802981
File: 49 KB, 600x454, vegan-camping-trip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that other anon won't be hunched over, miserably in tents, eating MREs fitfully warmed over flimsy camping stoves, the rain inevitably finding its way inside the tent.

>> No.1802983

I'm wearing a North Face right now actually. And I have nothing wrong with pencil-pushers, but I could never be one. My father's a pencil-pusher in upper management, my mother's a pencil-pusher... and I hate it.

Well, I'll try to not be one. I will be going to Graduate School after I'm done with my Undergrad work. So hopefully the time/energy expended there will allow me to skip being a cubicle monkey. And if worse comes to worse, I'll simply be the guy that bosses around interns all day.

Not even a bit jealous. My one regret is that I won't remember this conversation even happening in seven years, so I will never have the chance to prove /lit/ wrong.

>> No.1802986

>a damn side better

>> No.1802988

Either non-sequitur or a tautology using a contrived definition of importance.

>> No.1802991

That's cool, man. I could never be what you want to be, working as a free agent, no fixed private office to retreat to, at the mercy of the elements.

I like the outdoors, but on my leisure time.

>> No.1802999

I study Adventure Therapy.

I get that question all the time.

>> No.1803004

The only part of my job that has me worried? The lack of good internet. That and I highly suspect the miners will not be good conversationalists.

>> No.1803006
File: 207 KB, 500x389, adventure-time1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, what?

You used to be a s/adv/irgin, right?

>> No.1803007

Subjective, yes. Relevant? Yes. I'm done.

>> No.1803008

working on masters in librarian science. yup. its a science.

>> No.1803014


Nope, I never browsed /adv/.

I'll work for NOLS, Outward Bound, or a Wilderness Therapy program out west.

But I have no interest in /adv/.

>> No.1803017
File: 76 KB, 500x380, 1255288721932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miners will not be good conversationalists.

Hahahaha, nope. And neither will you be after you spend weeks in the field, alone. You'll be desperate for human company, though.

I have a few friends who have done your exact path and gone on to become professionals in the field. All, without exception, turn into awkward, gangly, silent men. Still love drinking beers and hearing stories from them, though.

>> No.1803019


You know, Captain, we're the coolest mother fuckers here.

-AT guy

>> No.1803022
File: 48 KB, 500x332, atmos-north-face-01..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coolest mother fuckers
>AT Guy probably also wears North Face

Yeah, OK, bro.

>> No.1803024


Marmot, Arc'Teryx, Mountain Hardware, EMS, or Moosejaw.

But no, never TNF.

>> No.1803032
File: 35 KB, 184x184, 1281911089961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Arc'Teryx is better

>> No.1803042


Well, when you're 12,000 feet up during a storm... it pretty much is.

>> No.1803055

Who exactly is the AT guy? I've seen a lot of tripfags/namefags in my time around here. Never you seen before, though.

Ah, excellent, nothing changes then.
And if all else fails I'll just get a degree in paleontology. There's no job security, no pay, but it would be damn good fun while it lasted.