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18026896 No.18026896 [Reply] [Original]

Eurocentric and no anime edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

Previous thread: >>18016683

>> No.18026905

I am choosing to post in this one because fuck anime

also the other one didn't link to the previous thread

>> No.18026912


>> No.18026916


>> No.18026920


>> No.18026924

I want to ask again, what is the SFF equivalent of the Annecy? Award seasons are fun, but only if your options are legitimately good

>> No.18026930
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>> No.18026933

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.18026958

There's nothing inherently wrong with the concept, it's people whose lives revolve around something recommending the best of the year. It should be a good way to find new things to read

>> No.18026962
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Just ignore the animefag bait. This is a eurocentric thread.

>> No.18026965
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>> No.18026977

LotR is so fucking long and boring. When you read Tolkien, you are in fact being trained to read Chang Xi Cheng.

>> No.18026986

Based af OP

>> No.18026988
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>also the other one didn't link to the previous thread

>> No.18026999

where is the next book?

>> No.18027007
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checked trips and third series never unless bakker can get some therapy or something

>> No.18027009

>Chang Xi Cheng.
Literally who?

>> No.18027017

googled and nothing came up

>> No.18027025
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What are some books with a darksouls feel/aesthetic?

>> No.18027087

Book of the new sun

>> No.18027092

Hololive. No Japshit allowed.

>> No.18027100

hololive is japshit and worse of it's kind

>> No.18027102

Navigating a spreadsheet with a dodge button.

>> No.18027157
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Any French anon's opinion on this?
I have heard that it's pretty good

>> No.18027160
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great post

>> No.18027193

Based and correctthreadpilled

First for Bakker

>> No.18027227

Is there even an english translation? I tried to find one a while back but can't remember.

>> No.18027294

I don't think so, that's why I am asking french anons

>> No.18027301
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>no anime OP
Finally I can die

>> No.18027354

based amazon connoisseur I see

>> No.18027369
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, LOTR map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good worldbuilding tools for a fantasy novel? I know about Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, Medieval Fantasy City Generator and World Anvil.

>> No.18027375

An imagination

>> No.18027376

Do you want to do some serious work or you just want to fill in the vague details?

>> No.18027380


>> No.18027381

if you don't have a first draft done do not worry about worldbuilding

>> No.18027415

any books for this feel?

>> No.18027454

I want to do a lot of work, but when I draw maps they usually end up looking like Europe or some other continent. I like Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator because the maps often end up looking natural, but at the same time unique. Same with the Medieval Fantasy City Generator. I have not used World Anvil yet but it seems like a good way of organising your world building. (I just use docs to keep track of things now.)

Here's a good video about Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator btw.

I like knowing where everything is etc. when I'm writing. It makes the writing process a lot less messy.

>> No.18027474

bruh just use pizza grease stains for your continents

>> No.18027508

>I like knowing where everything is etc. when I'm writing. It makes the writing process a lot less messy.
it does not and will in fact actually distract you from what's important in a first draft which is theme and stakes and whimsy or violence depending on your genre
if you have a first draft my recommendation is either a physical notebook or a tablet depending on how familiar you are with art software on tablets
all any specialized software can provide beyond that is indexing and your brain does that better than they will automatically anyhow
if you don't have a first draft i recommend scrivener and a keyboard and shutting up

>> No.18027539

Does anyone know any good italian fantasy novels?

>> No.18027851
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This one is a kid's book. I seem to remember liking it when I was eleven or so. I think it's a whole series but the later ones were never translated, and were for a slightly older audience.

>> No.18027855
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I think you need to have some level of worldbuilding before you write your first draft and then you can gradually fill in the details as you do rewrites. How can you even write a basic fantasy/sci-fi story without any worldbuilding?

>> No.18027866

Improvisation, then smooth out inconsistencies with rewriting. Like a DM I guess

>> No.18027899

>Like a DM I guess
But a DM/GM has done some worldbuilding before the game starts or is using a world that has already been built to some degree. I agree that you don't have to (and probably shouldn't) fill in all the details, which allows for some improvisation (probably makes the story more genuine), but you still need some basic worldbuilding or it will just be a complete mess and very inconsistent. I think you have to strike the right balance.

>> No.18027985

i think about things very broadly. you have a story in mind that you want to write. if you don't, you're not going to write a novel either way. so you have that story, but you have to figure out *why* you want to write it. you have to know why you want to write it so that you know why people would want to read it because those two things are, hopefully, very closely linked. that is the spark of your story, and everything else is forever secondary to it until the story is told.

so you have your story, or at least the way it will start and the way it will end, and you have your spark. if you don't know any of these things there's not really a reason to start writing or planning otherwise yet. you should be able to state the beginning, the ending, and the essence of the spark in a sentence or two each.

the thing is that the journey your protagonist takes, the whole purpose of all of that, is to grow the spark into a flame within the mind of your reader. the other thing is that it has to grow in your own mind as well. it's just a spark. it's the telling of the story that makes it grow, for you and for them.

now, worldbuilding: what purpose does the setting of a novel serve? to me, it is purely to give the flame of inspiration a proper home. but you don't know, before the story's told, what kind of flame the spark will become. it might need a fireplace or whole acres to burn through. you can't know which it is until you've tried to tell the story. on that you'll just have to trust me.

more plainly, your story will likely need some whimsy and some violence and some spirituality. it's your world's job to deliver those in proper amounts, and your only way to find a proper balance is by drafting. drafting will identify the deficiencies in your instincts about what the spark would grow into, and it certainly will do so. to worldbuild at any level of detail before having your misconceptions dealt with is not just to waste time but to become invested in ideas other than - contrary to - the important thing, which is the flame of your story.

if you're thinking of saying "but what about LOTR" remember that the whole world of LOTR grew from the hobbit, which started with tolkien writing "in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit," not scribbling out so much as a map before the story told him that a map of a place was needed.

>> No.18028045

>so you have your story, or at least the way it will start and the way it will end, and you have your spark. if you don't know any of these things there's not really a reason to start writing or planning otherwise yet. you should be able to state the beginning, the ending, and the essence of the spark in a sentence or two each.
I have my story, the beginning and the end. I just need to put it in a setting. A medieval fantasy city to be more specific, so it makes sense to build at least part of that city and part of the world. But I agree with what you say. The worldbuilding should of course be secondary to the storytelling.

>> No.18028106

the meat of my advice was really the bit about whimsy/violence/spirituality that needs to be foundational to your setting but maybe you'll figure that stuff out on your own someday. anyways you shouldn't need any more organization than scrivener folders. good luck with your book amigo.

>> No.18028428

seconding this anon...


>> No.18028465
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Reading this so far it's pretty kino.

>> No.18028468
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Depends, but you could start small and just fill it in as you go along. Thats kinda what the likes of Conan and Moorcock did. Gif kinda related.

I'm writing a couple short stories in my world first though, so maybe this wouldn't apply to you since I don't need everything established from the get go - as one might for a fantasy epic with one narrative.