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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 203x249, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18026649 No.18026649 [Reply] [Original]

Why ironic millennials/zoomers make fun of him when they keep adopting more and more irrational postures like tranny stuff, killing themselves, putting themselves on meds, shooting places because they can't get laid, going full nihilistic, all while living in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind?

>ohhhhhhhhh I have everything I must going insane. Is that a perfect society but boring life? Ohhhhhhhhh I must going insane and start tearing down

Do millennials and zoomers really?

>> No.18026666

Did Lovecraft really is needing of the reality in the main work of the ages, that is the last time? I don't know, says he is that but I'm not so sure.

>> No.18026677

What the fuck are talking about, America is literally collapsing before your eyes. The last two centuries were far better to live in for the average person.
>duhhh but I have big moving pictures on my tv!!!!
fucking retard, that's part of the problem anyway

>> No.18026681

yeah man

>> No.18026690

>The last two centuries were far better to live in for the average person.
No. 1950-1999 was the peak, sure. But the last two centuries? Retarded opinion.

>> No.18026696

I'd rather live in the 19th century than be surrounded by feral niggers and nicaraguans, easily.

>> No.18026706

>all while living in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind?

>> No.18026707

Have fun dying of black lung at 40 while your kids starve

>> No.18026716

Life expectancy was only low because of infant mortality, most people that made it to adulthood made it to old age as we know it today, and people weren't starving lol

>> No.18026718

>all while living in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind?

>> No.18026729

sure. Sure. That’s why there were routine revolutions, riots, and massive civil unrest.

>> No.18026732

There are today too but you say we’re living in a utopia
Kys retard

>> No.18026739

>the world is better because the mass surveillance state has made revolution impossible
you're seriously a huge faggot and midwit

>> No.18026747

posting this here cause janny niggers deleted my thread
i fucking hate london. the multiple ethnicities and cultures, instead of blending together harmoniously, each stick out like a sore thumb, each seemingly trying to vie for my attention like advertisements. but the most disappointing part about london is the whites themselves; caked in gaudy makeup, died hair, revealing clothes, all feeding into their narcissism, the youths, rowdy, not in an uplifting joyous way, but rather a hectic, chaotic, grating manner. the city's good clean architecture ironically further accentuates this dirty, abnormal, jewishness that radiates and poisons every one of it's inhabitants. i understand why lovecraft hated brooklyn.

>> No.18026754

Lovecraft's racism was way ahead of his time, not some mere product of it.

>> No.18026755

the tragic thing is that no one gives a shit about this anti volksgeist schizophrenic sensory overloading shithole mess, they've been completely brainwashed by the jewish mindset, and the once noble anglos are now reduces to OI MATE LETS GRAB A PINT AT A BAR

>> No.18026765

What'cha smoking, Satan?

>> No.18026863

>once noble anglos
You mean the lost tribe? Who always supported all efforts of their cousins?

>> No.18026872

Myth listener?

>> No.18026877


>> No.18026906

Yup directly stole Nick's take. Why? Because he was right.

>> No.18026939
File: 96 KB, 720x405, In-short-the-world-abounds-with-simple-delusions-which-we-may-call-happiness-if-we-be-but-able-to-entertain-them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only social life was writing to other /lit/erature lovers
>Wished he was born a century earlier
>Anti-Semitic, but married a "well assimilated" white Jewess
>Foresaw the horrors modernity
>Died from living on cold beans
The original anon. Lovecraft is, and always will be, king of 4chan.
>Why do zoomers and millennials make fun of him?
He faced the same problems they do (economic depression, alienation, anxiety, etc). The difference is he did it with class and dignity, while they can only cope. He is a giant mirror held up to their fragile psyches. If they didn't laugh, they would go mad from the revelation.

>> No.18027018

Lmao I knew it yes it’s a funny and very true take, some lovecraft stuff would have seemed weird and over the top to most people a hundred years ago but now not so much

>> No.18027050

nigga was transcendentally racist

>> No.18027120

>There are today too but you say we’re living in a utopia
Did I say that?
>the world is better because the mass surveillance state has made revolution impossible
The world is objectively better now than the 19th century, it is objectively worse than the post WW2-911 era. Unless you think slavery was and the brutality of early industry was chill. Read The Jungle.
fuck you faggot

>> No.18027654

He saw where large scale immigration would lead, a century in advance. No one listened.
This man had the curse of Cassandra.

>> No.18027728
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I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, people who like lovecraft make those memes the trannies don't read lovecraft because he's too based. although the memes are kind of getting stale

>> No.18027754

This. Peak 4chan is a mix between Lovecraft and Stirner

>> No.18027915
File: 588 KB, 800x1274, daguerreotype-cropped-corrected-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the best writers would be anons today. Lovecraft was chief among them though.

>> No.18028279

>the trannies don't read lovecraft because he's too based.
You are completely fucking wrong.

>> No.18028335

We don't live in one of the most prosperous ages of humankind. We are going into a surreal world where the spirit is mostly expressed digitally with no material product created. Almost every young man has mind-melded with their gaming console. Gaming and looking at a screen has replaced every single hobby and interest. It's more of a lovecraftian time than you'd think.

>> No.18028669

All cities have always been shit. They get shittier as you get older.

>> No.18028680

Yes Lovecraft was a dumbass pseud, we know.

>> No.18028685

Your post indicates that you're part of the problem. It's not that big a deal anyway. A little rioting here and three blows over and could lead to improvement. It happened before and it will happen again. The Spanish and Brits are at risk of Balkanization and they aren't bitching.

>> No.18028713

>I'm fine with living through a legalized barbarian invasion because I get to consume product!
You're mentally ill

>> No.18028714

Dugin references Lovecraft here in a similar context. 2:30-5:00

>> No.18028755

The fact he's an Untermenschen 4chan fag of his era is exactly why he's detestable to me. Why would any self-respecting adult waste his time with genre fiction conceived by an effeminate sheltered loser like Lovecraft?

>> No.18028774

Bc it's fun and good

>> No.18028781


>> No.18028787


>> No.18028816

Please, if you study history at all you'd know that civil strife happens. The attempted coup was a much bigger issue. Once this Covid shit calms down things will as well.

>> No.18028832

>The last two centuries were far better to live in for the average person.
Shockingly ignorant assessment of history.

>> No.18028846

>all while living in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind?
Material prosperity does not lead to happiness. Marx and every other materialist philosopher is wrong.

>> No.18028861

>Once this Covid shit calms down things will as well.
Fucking idiot, Covid in of itself is ENTIRELY a political psyops to sensationalize violence towards one another. Covid transcends pasts the substance of the virus itself.

>> No.18028864

Psyopped hard

>> No.18028868

>revolutions, riots, and massive civil unrest.
All caused by Marxist and socialist/liberal/Freemason propaganda. Never would've happened without subversion.
>The world is objectively better now than the 19th century, it is objectively worse than the post WW2-911 era
By all valid metrics it's worse. I'm not sure where your claim of "objectivity" arises from. GDP is higher, class divisions are smaller, we have more treatment for cancers (which our industrial lifestyles largely cause to begin with), but so what? Those metrics clearly don't equate with happiness if we examine the mounting rates of mental illness, young suicides, transgenderism, etc.

>> No.18028876

Do you have a single fact to back that up besides trifling material conditions like access to consoomer products?

>> No.18028888

based stroke-poster

>> No.18029096

Lovecraft, Stirner and Tesla. Have to include the stemfags.

>> No.18029159

Cities are full of tinder thots you can bang with minimal effort. This is literally the only advantage. They used to also be good for making money, but that's drying up for most people.
Notice that they also have low birth rates. I wonder if this partly explains the politics of the last few years. Turkey went through a similar shift where the largely secular urban population shrunk and got replaced.

>> No.18029161

What are you chaps referring to?

>> No.18029196

Feel free to write a better short story and post it.
>doesn't like it just because it's genre fiction
He filtered you.

>> No.18029278

>>doesn't like it just because it's genre fiction
Literature is an aesthetic reflection of the author himself. Someone as inept, talentless, and banal as Lovecraft deserves to be labeled as "genre fiction".
>He filtered you.
Grow up.

>> No.18029286

Different anon here. Not going to take a side. Just want to point out that the industrial revolution offered a lower standard of living for most people than both the preceding and succeeding eras. A fairer comparison for your argument might be something like the lives of an 18th century farmer and a present day office worker.

>> No.18029287

>Someone as inept, talentless, and banal as Lovecraft deserves to be labeled as "genre fiction"
Why is he all these things?
He is creative, intriguing and definetly not banal during his times.

>> No.18029315

>Why is he all these things?
He's a glorified pastiche of all his favorite writers without understanding the essence of what made them enjoyable to read in the first place, the biggest one blatantly ripping off Poe. His bloated prose and stunted use of language exemplifies that fact, and any praise towards Lovecraft to being "evocative" should be attributed directly towards Poe instead. The man wrote nothing but pulp otherwise.

>> No.18029337

Yes, he built a grand mythos that aspiring horror writers still learn from, because no one has surpassed him in capturing the fear of the unknown. I wonder what aesthetic reflection you will leave behind.

>> No.18029359

>the biggest one blatantly ripping off Poe
I've read Poe and Lovecraft close toghether. The inspiration is there, but if you think that the similarities are all that makes Lovecraft interesting you are retarded.
The feelings they evoke are totally different, the writing style is as well.

>> No.18029930


>> No.18029947

>in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind
I sincerely doubt that. You're all literal slaves according to any iron-age definition.

>> No.18030003

Philosophical materialism =\= corporate materialism.
Come back when you turn 18

>> No.18030025

Both Poe and Melville accomplished this more poetically than your kiddie-book hack.
The only reason nerds soi for him is because their attention is inevitably sidetracked by Lovecraft’s giant kaiju aliens. Their appreciation is entirely superficial and tiring.

>> No.18030343

>The last two centuries were far better to live in for the average person.
retard. post black death middle age europe, 1900-1916 europe, and the 1950-60s western countries is probably as good as it'll ever get materially-speaking. the modern period until recently was a total shithole of always-working wageslavery, poverty, failed theoretical and sentimental projects resulting in mass suffering and dysfunction, along with dense, polluted cities and awful living conditions.

>> No.18030426

I shall remember to never write in a "serious" format and always include some gratuitous monstrosity. That should filter the 22nd century equivalent of you. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.18030640

The podcast Myth of the 20th Century. It's good, check it out.

>> No.18030681

I can’t even tell if you’re serious. 100 million + people were killed by mass slaughter over the course of just a few decades in the last century.

>> No.18030729

Someone's a little testy. Like it or not, Lovecraft influenced an entire movement of fiction and was certainly not "banal" during his life. While he was definitely influenced by literary figures like Poe and Hawthorne, anyone reading them side by side will recognize that there's plenty of i ingenuity on Lovecraft's part. Keep playing the contrarian though, you seem to enjoy braindead arguments.

>> No.18030740

Why would a westener give a fuck on what happened on the far east or China?
> Oh no!! Lions are eating kids in Africa!

Whites societies were comfy.
And if some whites survive the collapse, future white societies will be comfy as well.
There are new german colonies thriving in Siberia.
The problem is other people, we are fine.

>> No.18030909
File: 677 KB, 1800x1890, hpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HPL was a true original with a mind-boggling imagination. His influence has been deep and pervasive and the only reason to deny it would be if you dont like his politics. To claim hes a hack is just ignorant, he refused to alter his stories to fit the format of pulp magazines and he never simped for publishers. He just laid down his screed and if you didnt understand it you could get fucked. A true chad of the mind and what most of lit wishes they could be.
nice & very accurate

>> No.18030923

I didn’t say anything about the Far East.

>> No.18030976

provincial scum got scared.

>> No.18030982

you have not reading comprehension. don't post about literature anymore.

>> No.18032288

Newer generations need to be rounded up to extermination camps. There is nothing good about them and their eradication would benefit the world.

>> No.18032299

>refused to alter his stories to fit the format of pulp magazines
Are you braindead

>> No.18032334

>you think mcdonalds tastes like shit? Well then grill me a better burger!

>> No.18032341

Pop a xanny

>> No.18032370

>Their appreciation is entirely superficial and tiring.
this. Lovecraftian has become a synonym for namedropping yogsothoth or lazy, undercooked pseudopsychological horror with tentacles. It's also the new "woah, what drugs were the creators on when they made this!?" for the vapid types who can't wrap their head around anything unusual without trying to jam it into a hole it doesn't fit into.

>> No.18032614
File: 873 KB, 380x214, Al-Pacino-LaughSmoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subhuman power fantasy

>> No.18032703

I agree completely, he did the last time but ages is not anymore. Has that been reality? Certainly no

>> No.18032761

No it was not lol, if by average person you mean upper class white Euros or Americans, then possibly, but only between 1870-1914 and 1950-1970 in the West. Literally being Eastern Euro would have been hell, being a black or East Asian would have been hell, being a Native would have been hell, and being poor would have been hell. The war and interwar period was awful for anyone not an urban white American. Especially in England, that would have sucked to live in the Victorian period as a normie.

>> No.18032800

I love how angry Lovecraft makes lit snobs. This is an achievement in itself.

>> No.18032857

>people were not starving
Well, except in Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Americas. Let us not forget he said last two centuries, and the number of wars, economic crises, and famines that happened during that time were more massive and affected more people than nearly any other time in history. The Holocaust, genocide of the Natives, Great Depression, Dustbowl, rape of Nanking, World War I, American Civil War, Ukrainian Famine, and almost Latin American Civil Wars occurred during that time. The Black Death also reappeared in Asia and made its way to San Francisco. If you think mid 1800s is perfect time to be alive, just remember that your father might be missing limbs from the American Civil war and if you lived in Victorian England you probably lived with 16 other people in a crumbling shack.

>> No.18032866

Because this generation hates reason more than usual

>> No.18032888

Do you know who made that portrait?

>> No.18032916

Unironically yes. I can make better burgers at home.

>> No.18032921

>once noble anglos
>Lost to a bunch of celts unable to drive them from the island and instead assimilating
>once noble anglos
>Based their most famous myth on the Bretons
>once noble anglos
>Abandoned everything but language in favor of broader medieval and Christian traditions
>once noble anglos
>Conquered by NORMANS
>once noble anglos
>Ruled by Scots
>once noble anglos
>Replaced their Scottish ruling house with FUCKING DUTCH PEOPLE
>once noble anglos
>Made their own religion finally, copy of Catholicism
>once noble anglos
>Empire made of exported Irish and Scots, Anglo culture weaker than Scottish and Irish culture in all colonies which is why the American and Aussie accent developed.
I’m trying really hard to find the part when anglos were noble

>> No.18032957

That is the fault of other horror writers, not Lovecraft himself. They're only ripping him off because they know their world building will never be as good as his.

>> No.18033012

Lovecraft is us. We dream of living in his time while he dreamed of living in 1820. We are both disgusted by society and withdraw from it into a fantasy world, and are absolutely abnormal in belief and behavior. RIP king.

>> No.18033026

>his work is bad because he was not chad
I cannot think of one good writer in human history who was not kinda a fucking weirdo. Normie literally do not have the personality to write something interesting or memorable

>> No.18033229


>> No.18033285 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 600x532, 1532858462168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is having his stormfront phase
Fuck all these degenerates, right anon?

>> No.18033301
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>> No.18033325

>muh world building
oh look, here's another lovecraft secondary

>> No.18033358
File: 1.34 MB, 2400x3138, George_Gordon_Byron,_6th_Baron_Byron_by_Richard_Westall_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even chad writers are weirdos. They're just extroverted beautiful weirdos instead of introverted ugly weirdos.
Come to think of it, maybe it's not a coincidence that English started using weird (wyrd) to mean a certain kind of abnormality. Weird people disproportionately leave a bigger mark on the world (have a bigger weird).

>> No.18033370

*bigger wyrd

>> No.18033904

Lovecraft's work is fine, its not his fault the cultural notion of his work degenerated in to
>muh outer gods
>muh tentacles

>> No.18034307

It's no different to all the people who think Shakespeare is boring, because they had a shitty English teacher and never bothered to read him themselves.

>> No.18034350

>a couple of buildings are on fire including the pharmacy where I get my adderal refills. ahhhhh I'm going insane!!!!
Do millzoomers really?

>> No.18034388

This is true. An African primitive with a full belly is richer than anyone is with cars and smartphones. It's only with the rise of consumerism that poverty is pathologized to the point where we become the cruel Masters of our own slavery.

>> No.18034445

Lovecraft is archetypaly brilliant despite having something amateurish about him

>> No.18035033
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He just wrote the way he wanted to.

>> No.18035089
File: 72 KB, 1100x853, wealthgeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most prosperous ages in human kind

Try again skaven boi

>> No.18035119

>going full nihilistic, all while living in one of the most prosperous ages in human kind?
how is that a contradiction?

>> No.18035160

>bro instincts good evolutionary pressure
Yeah man lets not fuck a man because his face got ruined by some accident he had in the past even though hes extremely talented, smart and creative
t. your average woman

>> No.18035188

Best post on /lit/ today

>> No.18035198

Checked, back to playing Genshin Impact you filthy chink

>> No.18035293

Literally none of those things. Money, power and /fit/ness override everything else. A strong but battered face beats a weak but pretty one.

>> No.18035311

>Money, power and /fit/ness override everything else
Yes exactly, thats what is happening in an unhingend free-market society. But turns out my will to favor the other traits is also part of biological determinism

>> No.18035345
File: 80 KB, 600x751, f41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible if I could get some one to vocaroo

I would myself but I had my wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago and I don't want to blow my stitches

>> No.18035351

based and /confused/pilled

>> No.18035407
File: 5 KB, 167x190, acm94SL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the grave, Joyce.

>> No.18035427

Thanks, Satan

>> No.18035734

>the once noble anglos
I believe the Anglos have degenerated so far because god cursed them for creating the largest empire the world has ever known, tacitly trying to outshine god.

>> No.18035809

Do you of out hot eat the food? I also of out hot eat the food.

>> No.18035813

holy shit

>> No.18035981

i saw it too anon

>> No.18035982

That may be true, but normie fiction, by and for normies, is what pays the best

>> No.18035990
File: 20 KB, 600x341, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. your average woman

>> No.18036411

Favour the other traits then, if that's your instinct. The fact that most people don't means you're probably wrong, but you may be on to something.

>> No.18036536

>disgusted by society and withdraw from it
This is it in a nutshell. As the society gets more shameless it becomes more hostile to those who still have a healthy disgust response. HPL's only crime was being disgusted.

>> No.18036545

More pls

>> No.18037023

During your lifetime, yes. Normies will pretend to like weirdos after they are dead though. You just have to make sure your family have a way to cash in on the post-mortem craze.

>> No.18037637
File: 240 KB, 1100x1380, 1617002991657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF /lit/ards write worse than the rest of the boards I visit.
Also, CHECK'D.