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/lit/ - Literature

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18024014 No.18024014 [Reply] [Original]

Not all of these books are from known publishers btw. The manifesto and james allen books, for example, are printed by some Indian company called Marble.

Restrict your recommendations to my stack because I want to finish it before I get more books.

I've only read Sapiens in its entirety and I liked it but the authors' background and the vocabulary and pronouns he used to illustriate examples reek of LGBTQ and third wave feminism bias. Idk, my gut just fixated on the notion that Yuval is not objective in his presentation of the world.

So, numerate the books I should read by the order you think is appropriate and give me any piece of advice you have.

I used to spend 10h playing vidya. Now I cut it to 2 and 6 will be directed to daily reading. The other 2 for studying.

>> No.18024028

Replaces the Quran with the Bible.

>> No.18024036
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I want to thank /lit/ for getting me into reading. I have arthritis so I can't take up MMA or any heavy form of exercising, so I am doing reading for now.

>> No.18024067

>Atomic Habits
Why is that memed so hard here? It looks like every other self-help book.

>> No.18024075
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I live in the Middle East. The major reason I am taking up reading is to widen my English proficiency.

Arabic, because of the Quran, has stayed the same in written form since 7th century, so I, like all Arabs, have a bad Arabic reading comprehension because all major Arabic lit is written in Middle Arabic and schools here barely function beyond teaching you adding, subtracting and functional illiteracy.

>> No.18024093


It costed me 2 dollars. It's not the original publisher, it's an imported illegal republishing.

Same content, low price. Except when the books have pictures and illustrations you'll run into heavy distortion and colorlessness

>> No.18024153

The ESL thing lowers suspicion, but a book with the title "The Words You Should Know to Sound Smart" is one of the most midwit things I've ever seen.

That said, pick up a copy of "History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell. (Single volume/highly accessible for any reading level).

>> No.18024161

I want to thank /lit/ for getting me into reading. I want to give back.

Apart from reading Dale Carnegie's stop worrying and start living as well as how to make friends in Arabic I never read a book.

I've read a lot of Arabic-Arabic books though.

I recently speed read Sapiens in English.

Anyway, back to my giving back:

There's an amazing Iraqi sociologist that went by the name Ali Al Wardi. He is known to be the first Arab secularism demagouge and he was sent to get a sociology degree from the University of Texas in the 50s.

He's authored great books that delve into the nature of humans in an academic sense. I never found English translations for his books.

I am willing to buy his books again, re-read them and translate them into English for free here.

Provided you guys teach me how to publish an epub book and which software to use.

They're really worth reading imo and I am willing to transcribe them into English as a thank you.

But the question is, will you guys read his books, or will it be in vain?

Thank you

>> No.18024213


About the Bible, I literally don't know anything about Christianity.

I think Christians say Jesus is 3 Gods in one, Trinity or whatever.

I was even told that the Bible is fake and has various copies and is not worthy of reading.

Should I really read the bible as a person who never saw any christians in their lives?

>> No.18024295


The bookshop worker told me that smart vocab book deals with teaching the sophisticated words people use in advanced conversations that keep you preplexed.

Words like omnipotent and xenophobe etc.

The word power book though made me regret getting the 1200 words book.

Because instead of memorizing words I should memorize the etymology of English. From observation I found that the root Xeno means "Foreign". While the suffix Phile means "Likes" and the suffix Phobe means "Hates". It really ticked in my head to think of words this way...

>> No.18024305


My point is that through etymology you can learn the meaning of 100 combinations of a word at once by knowing the suffixes, prefixes and greek roots

>> No.18024331
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> Apocalypse
> No Posadas
What are you doing mate?

>> No.18024374


I did not use the word in its literal meaning. I meant it in a humorous way.

>> No.18024380

You'll learn those words as you engage in conversations at that level. Learning etymology is great, you can dunk on pseuds by making up new words on the spot or reusing them.
>Move to New York? Oh no, darling! I'm afraid I'm quite regioselective
Laugh and hear em laugh awkwardly

>> No.18024384

So guys, before the day ends, which book should I start reading?

I'll be using the Word Power course alongside any potential reading tho.

>> No.18024395

I'm just reading atomic habits and the guy is a massive wanker. Read it me and experience the suffering that is extracting information from self help

>> No.18024403

With me*

>> No.18024405
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Memorizing morphemes is an excellent way to improve comprehension (good on you for figuring out that's a great path to journey down).

You accidentally sent me a message about Christianity (I'm the guy who recommended Russell). If you want to pick up a good single-volume book that's a relatively light read (like "History of Western Philosophy), "Christianity: The First 3000 Years" by Diarmand Macculloch is probably your best option.