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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 367 KB, 800x533, 197-kristina-romanova-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1801066 No.1801066 [Reply] [Original]

> I like literature
> browse /lit/ for a bit
> hate the world a lot more

Why so shitty, /lit/?

>> No.1801069

because of this thread. delete it

>> No.1801074

Because pretentious faggots ruin everything.

>> No.1801075

Try harder.

>> No.1801081

Because everyone on /lit/ is too young and immature to actually be able to discuss literature. Also

> imageboard for literature discussion
> brownbear
> e-readers, e-readers everywhere

>> No.1801091

because it assumes you're worthless if youre something of a laidback reader. If you're not a fag trying to read philosophy and, you know, the stereotypical "I'm pretending to love literature" literature, then you're worthless here.

Somewhat akin to self-conscious dudes driving gigantic trucks

>> No.1801101
File: 28 KB, 391x390, harold-bloom..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't assume anything, bro. Talk to me.

I'm Dr. Frasier Crane, and I'm listening.

>> No.1801137

OP, I was talking to this guy I know from work today who reads a lot and I recounted a story from high school. In my honors English class we had to read 1984, and EVERYONE in my class hated it with a passion. But I loved it.

The guy looks at me and asks, "What's 1984?"

"The...book? By George Orwell?"

"Who's that?"

My faith in humanity is gone.

>> No.1801143

/lit/ = pseudo-intellectual faggots.

>> No.1801146

Oh god that is really awful. Was he some sort of inbred? Also, how could they hate 1984? What? erkghlweirgjhjwer derp

>> No.1801157
File: 26 KB, 400x272, Michael Pollan or Michel Foucault- 4A..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very fact that you toss around terms like pseudo-intellectual without understanding that you are being redundant indicates to me that you are a pseudo-intellectual, bro.

>> No.1801161

i think there's maybe 4 posters on /lit/ that deserve life

>> No.1801163

tell people you have AIDS before you have sex with them.

That's just not cool.

>> No.1801167

Well there are only 3 posters on /lit/, so draw your own conclusions.

>> No.1801168


Not all of us are that bad. Some of us try to be positive.

>> No.1801174

you encourage the shit-bird brownbear

>> No.1801175

This is 4chan. I don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.1801177

/lit/ is worse than most boards and more tripfag infested and the trolls aren't funny or original

>> No.1801180
File: 183 KB, 374x578, 6a00d8341c858253ef00e554e8f3cc8833-640wi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying life is deserved, bro.
>implying life is not a gift from God, and you should thank him, each and everyday.

>> No.1801816

I don't know, I like /lit/. It's not perfect, but much better than most literary boards, which are either A. so dead they only get a post every 30 minutes, B. they only talk about fantasy, or C. they know NOTHING about books. This board is decent.

>> No.1801857

You can't avoid all shit.

>> No.1801865

you're comparing /lit/ to other /lit/s. sure is high standards in here.

also you're a newfag tripbitch who thinks kafka is hard to read

>> No.1801876

moot needs to kill this board

fucking awful tripfag infested autistic cesspool

>> No.1801883

No. Go away if you don't like it here

>> No.1801885

no u i was here first

>> No.1801887


As a jew, I will contest your claim of filial relations with God.

I think you cheated on the DNA test.

My God isn't a deadbeat dad...yet.

>> No.1802023

sticky this thread

>> No.1802037
File: 369 KB, 176x220, SOIAF ooooh no baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people hating on me because i'm naturally their superior


saged and reported for non-literature, if you do not sage and report this thread you are the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.1802064

> trying really hard to act like deep&edgy and failing

>> No.1802066


>> No.1802067

If a Holocaust was happening to my children, I'd stop it.

>> No.1802069

the brownhole diarrhea

>> No.1802077

Spot on.

The only thing worse than being DerpN'derp is wanting to be him.

Brownbear is a loser.

>> No.1802081
File: 39 KB, 1195x590, how to get threads deleted, a helpful guide for anonymous who are apparently fucking retarded and can't figure this shit out by themselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't sage and report off-topic threads
i bet you're one of the guys who complains about the state of /lit/ too!

here's a handy image kiddo

>> No.1802087
File: 14 KB, 211x307, what the report queue looks like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's an image of the report queue just so you really 'get it'

>> No.1802106

I forgot brownhole existed cause I have him blocked.


he's like a 6 year old kid who tries so hard to hangout with the older kids and is so annoying

>> No.1802108

>implying that he has access to /v/'s moderation system
Why do you keep that picture? It's 6 millions posts old.

>> No.1802144

>still talks about me in his posts

>thinks /v/ has it's own moderation system
Alrighty then kiddo

>> No.1802155

>still talks about me in his posts
So, you admit you only post to receive validation in yourself?

>> No.1802181

>Impersonating the 4chan administrator, moderators, or janitors is strictly forbidden.

>> No.1802217


>> No.1802329

Brownbear is a janitor though.
He's basically said as much.

>> No.1802347


Someone explain to me why /lit/ seems to hate e-readers. Besides the obvious going against the stream, superiority complex bullshit.

>> No.1802355

I love e-readers. But I think the main argument against them is "BUT THEN PEOPLE CANT SEE MY BOOKS AND THINK IM SMART"

>> No.1802357

Well, I think they're a pretty useless gadget but I really hate them because every day there's a new thread of WHATS THE BEST EREADER SHOULD I GET A KINDLE LOL

You guys aren't doing yourselves any favours.

>> No.1802358

If this is true I'll slit my throat in shit in the wound for deciding not to apply.

>> No.1802370

ahhh, yeah I can see that.

I like both really, e-readers are nice for conserving space (I use a hacked PSP, so if I need a break I can switch to playing some games if I want). But books DO have that wonderful smell, and you never run out of battery life.

I just don't get the hate.

>> No.1802368

hahaha no.gif
that's why he's forever ban

>> No.1802382


One of the rules of being a janitor is that you can't admit to being a janitor.

If they know you are a janitor, then you don't get to be a janitor anymore. In a recent discussion about it, he was evasive and only used non-denial denials. So he either is, or wants people to think he is.

>> No.1802385


So you hate e-readers because....you can't ignore retarded threads?

I can understand just not being into them, and preferring books. But hating? I dunno...sounds like buttfrustration to me.

>> No.1802380

I wish fags would just read the sticky and stop making threads about e-kindles. I really wouldn't even know they exist if not for /lit/ and I wouldn't rage.

>> No.1802387

Probably the latter, but 4chan administration can be so balls to the wall crazy I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.1802397

Why do you need to carry around 100 books at a time?
Answer: you don't. You read books one at a time.

Can you make notes on a kindle?
Not if you have a pdf version of a book, it's got to be the ebook. Can always annotate books.

Does it look less cool than a book? Matter of opinion/taste. But I would feel kind of retarded sitting in a coffee shop reading a kindle personally.

There are more reasons too but I think I made my point.

>> No.1802398

If brownbutt is janitor that's only further reason to close this shithole down.

>> No.1802410
File: 150 KB, 301x210, Brownbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
Just look at him.
Most of the tripfags get on cam.

>> No.1802414

Because /lit/ is full of pseudo intellectuals who only post about obscure shit nobody has ever heard of in order to appear smart to anonymous internet users.

Just to try it, make a thread about Harry Potter. Watch it get torpedoed in 2 seconds by "HERP DERP SURE IS 12 YEAR OLDS IN HERE." "IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY IN A THREAD WITH RETARDS."

>> No.1802415
File: 13 KB, 339x302, 1300309663816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have more of the others?

>> No.1802416

I got another one. Sitting at home, on my couch, I'd rather be reading a book than a kindle.

The only place I'd use a kindle is while travelling, where it would take up less space than a book in my bag. So, imo kindle is only good for travelling and nothing else.

>> No.1802418

Harry Potter really is terrible, though. Admittedly, we are dicks. I was shocked horribly when I found out no one I know has ever heard of James Joyce. His letters inspired a dream of mine last night and I was telling a friend about it when she stopped me to ask who he was. I was surprised. I asked others throughout the day, mentioning his most notable works, and I got nothing.

I felt so alienated and 4chanish. Why the fuck does my spellcheck approve of the word 4chanish?

>> No.1802419

Well you certainly do have some good points.

Like I said, I don't use a kindle. I take the alton brown approach there, something that has just 1 use is pretty...well, useless.

The annotations is a good point, never even thought of that.

As far as the 100 books thing, well...yes and no. Some people (like myself) have very limited physical space to store things, and having even 2-3 books can add a lot of extra unnecessary clutter. I'm also a person that goes back to the books he really liked and re-reads them a few years later, so it's nice to have a digital version of them that's not taking up any extra space. Especially when it's on a piece of hardware that I already have/use.

(Oh and sometimes I read a few books at a time)

>> No.1802424

Why do you guys need to own books? Will you read the book better if you know you have it? Use a library.

>> No.1802426
File: 58 KB, 173x145, Tybrax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is Tybrax or not.
He made it rather blurry and sure and he only got on cam once while I've been there.

Reminds me of Andy Samberg, so could just be looping gif.

So take that as you will.

>> No.1802428

I personally own books because it is a social thing for me to give them away when I'm done. Strengthens some of my friendships when I give the right book to someone, or they give to me. I also do reread them sometimes.

>> No.1802429

/lit/ suffers most from redundant threads

house of leaves
catcher in the rye
atlas shrugged
fight club (or choke)
atlas shrugged
brave new world
ender's game


>> No.1802430

Well for one, the closest library is about a 30 minute ride from me, and they don't have a very good selection in any case. So then I have to wait for them to do an inter-library loan.

Also, lending from a library makes me feel rushed. Sometimes I will read a quarter through a book, and then find myself short on free time and put it down for a few weeks.

Or I could just you know, go online and download the book and not have to worry about any of that shit.

>> No.1802437

That's cool, I like you.
The problem is you're not actually reading.

>> No.1802441

What? How does my giving a friend a book I've finished mean I'm not actually reading?

>> No.1802446

Woops. I meant to say that to the other guy. Fucked up my replies.

I like you giving away books. Faggot who can only read 20 pages of a book isn't actually reading.

>> No.1802454

20 pages a quarter of the way through the book? Wtf books are you reading?

God forbid someone have you know, a life. Or are you the kind of supreme faggot that goes to socialize with other human beings and brings a book, sits in a corner and reads by himself?

>> No.1802456

Token argument.


Nice try. Just admit you don't actually read.

>> No.1802462
File: 192 KB, 1280x1024, Lit, first thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you remember all the love and hope for the future this board started with.

>> No.1802463

Worst excuse for not reading a book in its entirety.

>> No.1802475

I never said that I can't read a full book. I said that SOMETIMES I get caught up in real life, as a statement to why using a library wasn't convenient to me. You took this and ran with it, somehow turning it into THIS GUY NEVER FINISHES READING A BOOK LOL FAGGOT.

When in reality, you yourself probably only read to get through to the ending of the book so that you can say that you finished it. Well, good on you Conan The Conqueror. You climbed that fucking mountain, and you probably learned nothing from it.

>> No.1802478

Also note, (for you stupid blind motherfuckers out there) that I never said I didn't finish the book afterwards. I said I put it down for a couple weeks and came back to it.

>> No.1802482

U mad bra

>> No.1802485

Yes, I mad.

>> No.1802493

Dun be mad, brah. I toats understood what you be dishin' out n dese mofukas gots it ol rang.

>> No.1802496

Judging by how angry you are I can tell I hit someplace real.

E-reader fags aren't actually reading if they "put the book down for a few weeks."

It's like. Yeah, I'm going to watch this movie spread out over a month.

But I guess it's fitting. Stupid product for a stupid demographic.

>> No.1802498

> Judging by how angry you are I can tell I hit someplace real.

This is also a token argument. Gratz bro.

Also comparing movie watching to reading a book. lol.

>> No.1802499

Not the guy you're angry at but
> you yourself probably only read to get through to the ending of the book so that you can say that you finished it.

Am I the only one who doesn't feel like finishing a book is an accomplishment but normal? I don't know, maybe it's just me but I really hate starting a book, or a film for that matter, and not finishing it.

If there's a real accomplishment it's reading the book multiple times.

>> No.1802508

Reading is not an accomplishment. It's not a trophy. This was the point I was making.

The reward is either the entertainment value, or the knowledge/perspective you gained in the reading. No one gives a fuck if you've read x amount of books, or what books you read if you're still a flaming moron.

>> No.1802509

> When in reality, you yourself probably only read to get through to the ending of the book so that you can say that you finished it. Well, good on you Conan The Conqueror. You climbed that fucking mountain, and you probably learned nothing from it.

Essentially you're admitting that finishing a book is like a chore and something that is forced.

>> No.1802512



>> No.1802514

Oh, alright, I guess I see what you're saying. It still kind of sounds like you don't finish your books but maybe you're just not that articulate.

You know what helps with articulation? Reading books. Just kidding!

>> No.1802517


I always finish. Just ask your mother.

>> No.1802520


yeah, I asked her and she agreed but it sounded like it wasn't a good thing. as in

you finish before you start


>> No.1802521

Fortunately I pay her for my pleasure, and not the other way around. Then I might be out of a job.

>> No.1802548

The wit of an e-reader.

>> No.1802571

new to this thread, for all those tl;dr here it is:

Only faggots who cant finish books and see reading as an accomplishment use Kindles.

And op is a faggot.