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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.73 MB, 4000x5088, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18016240 No.18016240 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stacks/shelves/recently read and say something about them.

Statues of Isis and Asclepius in Corinth were gilded except for their faces, which were painted red. Also allegedly Isis holding the child Horus would inform artists depicting the Madonna up to the present day. True fact.

>> No.18016402

What's your opinion on cambell? I see that you have a lot of his books. I was trying to read the book that's the interview with him and while half of what he says seems very insightful there are these fundamental ideological undertones that make me feel very uncomfortable. Like a religious zealotry of American exceptionalism and I'm concerned how much of that bleeds through to the other parts that feel useful/insightful/knowledgeable. I feel like I may be coming from a completely different position on things that you, as I can see from the rest of your books, but I still have to ask if you see the same outdated mode of 1950s type thinking in his more serous work.

>> No.18016425

>don't tread on me
Yikes anon......

>> No.18016469

shit collection desu

>> No.18016506

It sounds like you're describing The Power of Myth, which is a fine primer. It scratches the surface of understanding world myths through a modern and comparative hermeneutic, a good introduction to the timeless qualities of good mythmaking. Useful if you're writing, just don't stick too close to any formula or you'll produce hollywood hack trash like Star Wars.

No doubt Campbell's Masks of God is a bit dated. Yeah, it's a bit 1950s and Campbell strikes me as a guy from that era who was imo too enamored of eastern gods. His analysis of western myth (incl the bible) is thorough and archaeological record is considered throughout the books, though he relies a bit too heavily on Ananda Coomaraswamy. I don't believe Campbell's thesis about a single origin for eastern and western myths, but he does a neat categorization that is somewhat convincing.

He's worth a read, but don't stop there.

>> No.18016517

Good shelf bad cup

>> No.18016534

>>/r/eddit is that-a-way

>> No.18016535

My townhouse has been reduced to piles of books. I need to move somewhere bigger this summer and put up some nice(r) shelves. Its becoming an obsession.

>> No.18016551

These Loeb's must have cost you a small fortune. Too bad I'm a poorfag from a 2nd world country who cannot afford them ;-; Very based shelf bro

>> No.18016597
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posting again

>> No.18016607

Interesting. Thanks for the feedback, anon.

>> No.18016624
File: 162 KB, 2000x1333, cup_no2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being mad about a cup.

>> No.18016636

No problem anon.

chad desu.

good shelf. ever read Narnia? I just started it but it's fuckin great. dang ol clive staples lewis.

>> No.18017254


>> No.18017307

umm sweaty? y'all know that capitalism is antithetical to christianity right

>> No.18017375

can you explain how what you say is true

>> No.18018074

post shelves nerds

>> No.18018169
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Shelf kinda sucks cause you can't put books vertically on the lower shelves

>> No.18018195

my god that's a nice collection

>> No.18018205
File: 2.36 MB, 2840x3079, EA8CF981-507B-4751-BC44-90A6A41400DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read most of it yet

>> No.18018218
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>> No.18018235

BASED. are you guys theology students? id upload my shelf but its 99% in line with yours.

>> No.18018260

At last, a nice shelf of books

>> No.18018294

based asimov poster

is that greg bear Eon good? i've heard of him before.

>are you guys theology students?
yes. this is by no means all my books, but it is my main bookcase. the rest are politics/D&D/military. post your shelf anon.

thx frens

how is the seven storey mountain, anon? bishop barron praises it so much im tempted to read it.

>> No.18018320
File: 3.96 MB, 3404x3632, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9000 hours in MS paint to crop all these photos together, only for it to say I can't upload an image larger than 4mb, so then I kept shrinking it and it's probably lost all detail and you probably can't read the titles to anything. Awesome.

>> No.18018338

Unfortunately Eon is one of the ones I haven't read yet. I've been on a serious used book store binge lately, picking things up that seem interesting.

I've read the David Farland stuff, Dune 1, a ton of Terry Goodkind stuff (wouldn't recommend it), maybe the first half of Wheel of Time overall, Dark Tower 1, A Plague of Demons, Flight to Thlassa Mey, The Magic of Recluce, Kingkiller 1+2 and Frankenstein.

>> No.18018366

>Law School
>getting in, getting out, getting on
wow anon it sounds like law school gives people PTSD

based title redactor, btw. nice collection. can you tell us something you enjoyed from it?

>complete bowhunting

>> No.18018373

>Dune 1

keep reading, they're great. at least 2 and 3 are. if you really love it keep going until 5. or stop.

dark tower was also great. i don't like King but highly recommend his book The Talisman if you enjoyed gunslinger. Insomnia was cool too. and the regulators / desperation.

>> No.18018380

Nice. Have same editions of Iliad and Leviathan. Are Barnes and Noble editions alright?

>> No.18018410

Thanks for the recommendations. I do want to continue with Dune at some point in the near future but I keep trapping myself into other long series. For Instance, I just started Ringworld and depending how you look at it there's either five or nine books in the series overall.

I don't like King either and I read Dark Tower years ago. I don't remember thinking highly of it but I wanted to give it another try so I'm collecting it as I see it.

I'll put those other two on my list of King books to look for; thanks again.

>> No.18018418

Law school was pretty amazing and awful all at the same time. The redacted titles were highschool year books I forgot to take out of the stack. I have about 40 textbooks related to the law I didn’t bother posting that are the big statutory or case law bois. As well as a few other assorted shelves that just don’t have good enough books to bother posting. I just bought that bow hunting book for 2 bucks from half price. Pretty neat stuff after I had just bought a bow for fun a few months back. Not really a hunter but really cool that I found the autistic book on the exact subject.

My favorite books recently have been Graeber’s 5000 years of debt and infinite jest. White noise and the divine comedy have been kinda fun so far.

>> No.18018465


>> No.18018476

Why on earth do you have two omnibuses of Plato?

>> No.18018481

Holy based

>> No.18018491

different translations, and the Cooper was showing its age

>Graeber’s 5000 years of debt
this looks really cool, thanks anon

>> No.18018519

Hamilton's is a few decades older than Cooper's, anon.

>> No.18018521

We need an online self image maker for people like me who live in Hotel rooms. if you had scans of the front and back covers and the Spine‘s, then you could make an image that supports books in a variety of configurations, some books packed neatly, and some placed irregularly.

>> No.18018532

i mean its physical age, it was wearing down and had some damage.

>> No.18018562

>are barnes and noble editions alright
The count of monte cristo I got was abridged. It doesn't even warn you on the cover. I only found out till I finished it. TBK was fine though.

>> No.18018568

crime and punishment* not tbk

>> No.18018572
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most have been bought new in the past 2-3 years. trying to get a decent stash of soon-to-be or already banned books, not a giant collection but a shelf or two of some eye opening stuff.
currently reading the latest book i've bought, "the unknown warriors". all the stories are interesting to read, and the thoughts on life in Britain as it evolved from wartime to present are practically unanimous across the entire generation. 9/10 letters are stating what we already know. so it's a sad one, but nonetheless engaging. one old lad had to stop writing about it all because he started tearing up and shaking and had to abruptly finish what he was on about..

>> No.18018604

*tips visor*


>> No.18018610
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>> No.18018623

i dont see em there but maybe i missed them, check out Codreanu's For My Legionaries and Kemp's Mine Were of Trouble. excellent war diaries from fighting communists in Romania and Spain.

>> No.18018644

yeah im keeping those two in mind for when i get more shelving space. especially kemp's book. and then accompany that with a mosely book

>> No.18018649


>> No.18018890
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to see the full pic of that dog

>> No.18018932

he's long dead, creep. i would post my cat instead but you're obviously brain damaged.

>> No.18019118

Strangely defensive over something so innocent

>> No.18019210

reminder you're required to include your age and the last time you had sex in order to post shelfs in this thread

>> No.18019222

29, 3 years ago.

>> No.18019231
File: 2.02 MB, 4003x2592, P_20210412_185042_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I buy?

>> No.18019261

28, yesterday
>>18018205 is me

>> No.18019347 [DELETED] 

t. OP

>> No.18019462


>> No.18019504

I wish I had a hardback landmark Herodotus.

>> No.18019679
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>> No.18020498

says the lolbert

>> No.18020745
File: 547 KB, 3068x2268, 20210414_062547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18020759

in future if you have a large image just upload it to tinypng
it will compress without losing detail.
that 4mb file would be compressed down to around 400k

>> No.18020941

Based. Thanks. Will do. What do you think of my array of books spread across my home in strange nooks and shelves?

>> No.18020952
File: 73 KB, 604x604, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of your Loebs look touched. Did you just buy them to pretend you know Greek and Latin? If so, that's kind of based.

>> No.18020962

>Chronicles of Prydain
Based. Favorite books as a kid, mandatory reading for every kid imo. Also, what version of Romance of Three Kingdoms is that? Any good?

>> No.18020967

>Tintin au Congo
Unbelievably based and redpilled.

>> No.18020973

>say something about them.
Woah getting a little ambitious there for /lit/ aren't we?

>> No.18020994

Bro, your Sandman volumes 2-10??

>> No.18021010

Don’t have the money to buy them new and it wasn’t engaging enough to hunt for them. If I ever feel the need to finish reading that story I’d probably just find them online.

>> No.18021060

Nice shelf. I'd like to have a person like you as a friend, OP.

>> No.18021069

>I'd like to have a person like you as a friend, OP.
A person who buys books and doesn't read them and takes pictures of them to post online for bragging rights for strangers hoping they won't notice he doesn't read them?

>> No.18021236
File: 76 KB, 768x921, f35b3f12675ae768111989fd4c3921dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a shelf, so like a week ago I saw quite a nice one just for free on the street. I was about to take it but then remembered the virus :/

>> No.18021308

What's with the cringe coffee mug?

>> No.18021431

>rate my books
It's like a who's who of the average /lit/ poster which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd lose the following;
>Art of Manliness
>any and all Michael Moore books
>Monty Python Speaks
>the pseudo selfhelp eg. Dale Carnegie plus 7 habits of Highly Effective People
Those are all incredibly cringeworthy

>> No.18021492
File: 41 KB, 406x542, pobrane (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.18021892


>> No.18021899


>> No.18021974

>Isis holding the child Horus would inform artists depicting the Madonna up to the present day. True fact.
They're all based off of St. Luke's depiction pagan ass Boi

I begrudgingly admit that maybe the pagans somehow intuited the metaphysical necessity of the mother/child thing

>> No.18021979

dude he's not a scary right winger lol. If anything he's just... un-rigorous. and that's ok(tm)

>> No.18021985

it's never the cup but the retarded shit which it stands for

>> No.18021990

this is an effeminate response to his gayness

When I saw that Liebniz it was like someone tracing their fingers against my stomach. Otherwise based

>> No.18021994

>bhagavad gita 2wice

Otherwise good. also ditch the quaran, no need for it.

>> No.18022001
File: 876 KB, 812x601, Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 2.36.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you get

>> No.18022002

my thoughts exactly. the sheer cheek of owning the racist one

>> No.18022008

chance of transmission from contat with surfaces is like 1/10,000 IIRC

but good on you for having big conscientiousness

>> No.18022072
File: 2.55 MB, 4030x2568, IMG_1627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reorganised stuff a bit yesterday.

>> No.18022080
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>> No.18022095

What language is that?

>> No.18022100

Stinky Chinky

>> No.18022110


>> No.18022111


>> No.18022113

bro? why aren't you larping as a n*zi? you don't even need to speak german...

>> No.18022122

What did you think of the penguin Lu Xun edition?

>> No.18022127

It's decent. Could use more footnotes. Didn't find the prose clunky or anything.
It has basically everything you'd want unless you're a scholar. Though I enjoyed his essays more than his fiction.

>> No.18022197

Based and sinopilled. You self studying entirely or taking classes?

>> No.18022321

It's from Tuttle, can't really tell you much more as I've never read anything translated from any Asian language before. I only got it coz it's in brand new condition and it was 50 cents. The first owner paid 60 bucks. Pages are like single leaf toilet paper but that's probably true for any Chinese book.
>Tintin in the Congo
This book has been cancelled in English. You can only get it now as a cucked 'collector's edition. I'm collecting Tintins in French hardcover anyway even though I read them originally in English. Hergé toned down the blatant racism in later volumes but the Chinese and Native Americans are depicted as yellow and red respectively. I'm curious about Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, if it's as bad as in the Congo.

>> No.18022447

>not using closed shelves

>> No.18022591

>representing the inalienable right to defend oneself and community from tyranny
>"retarded shit"
lmao ok if rights and responsibilities are too difficult for you retard go move to mainland china then, cease your subversive faggotry the west is already infested by plenty of your kind

very cool anon. i like your inkwell holder figurine guy.

why turned around? nice painting birds are cool.

ngl i've been thinking about that a while. next bookshelf i build will have lockable doors.

>> No.18022623

Took classical liberal arts but have interest in religion, there was some overlap

>> No.18023038

Bro he just wants to see that dog

Let him see the dog

>> No.18023389


>> No.18024186
File: 1.11 MB, 2216x3828, Books_March2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little outdated.

>> No.18024189

i've seen these shelves before, where did you hide your evangelion manga, magyarbro?

>> No.18024203

>that nissan handbook
gets me every time

>> No.18024337

I didn't hide it. It's right next to the other Japanese books.

>> No.18024343

What books of Guenon are worth reading?
What should I read from Campbell? Also this is unbelievably based. Any esoteric recommendations? Theological?

>> No.18024557

>esoteric recommendations
Esotericism is cringe; secret knowledge is a cope propagated by seething incels. That said, purely for entertainment reasons, check out Uzdavinys' Philosophy & Theurgy in Late Antiquity. Compare with Campbell's chapters on the Egyptians and Levantines in Masks of God, and Eliade's Rites and Symbols of Initiation. This isn't properly speaking philosophy, it's anthropology and the study of myth and ritual. Demons are real, secret arts of magic are just a fancy way of communing with them. Don't bother.

Now we're talking. The truth speaks and reveals itself to man, it doesn't hide. God said to Moses: "I AM THAT I AM."

Check out Finan and Twomey's The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity, or look up anything written by Dr. Peter Kreeft for a primer. Whatever title strikes your interest. Other than the Bible of course, would recommend reading the early Church Fathers. Those on the top left shelf are mostly Cappadocian. Also, Wilken's Christians as the Romans Saw Them if you want a little more historical/mundane view of early Christianity. Goes well with St. Chrysostom's The Cult of the Saints. And of course start with the Greeks.


>DA Rifle Marksmanship
based anon, that's a good guide. nice shelf.

>> No.18024587
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>> No.18024743

>Esotericism is cringe; secret knowledge is a cope propagated by seething incels.
I have Eliade's Shamanism that looks good and read Campbell's HWATF, but those a great reccs.
>Check out Finan and Twomey's The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity, or look up anything written by Dr. Peter Kreeft for a primer. Whatever title strikes your interest. Other than the Bible of course, would recommend reading the early Church Fathers. Those on the top left shelf are mostly Cappadocian. Also, Wilken's Christians as the Romans Saw Them if you want a little more historical/mundane view of early Christianity. Goes well with St. Chrysostom's The Cult of the Saints. And of course start with the Greeks.
Can you go into the angles of the different theology on these and or why I should pick up different volumes?

>> No.18024767

I gave it to a family friend's kid to see if he would like them. Zoomers can't even read comics.

>> No.18024812

>Can you go into the angles of the different theology on these and or why I should pick up different volumes?
Well I don't know where anon is starting from, how much he knows or what his interests are. Kreeft is just an excellent guy all around and I enjoy listening to his lectures. He's written oodles of books for the general reader.

Finan and Twomey did their small book and it's a good primer as well on the title subject. Would be interesting to someone who is walking backwards from Aquinas into antiquity and Christian/pagan thought aside from religious practice. The more abstract and intellectual side, which imo is great for developing faith. It helps to *know*, for a fact, that God exists. That's where the Greeks come in as well, spesh Aristotle and Plato. They anticipated knowledge of God, but didn't expect him to come as a man.

Wilken and the Church Fathers I mentioned are more a historical/humanities look at early Christianity. Some theology, a good deal of it is Christianity as mystical practice / mystical body in the vein of the letters of Paul in the NT. But mostly they transported me back to a time and place, gave me a sense for living in (as PKD put it) "hateful Rome."

>> No.18024882

>The Easwaran Bhagavad Gita

>> No.18024890

Do you own a 300zx?

>> No.18024918

>penguin classic edition of Xenophon's Anabasis.
Is this an alright edition to read and enjoy? Kind of cringe that it's entitled The Persian Expedition on the spine though, is it marketed for American zoomers?

>> No.18024948

imagine having a retarded cup

>> No.18024982
File: 8 KB, 236x243, 90b443fbb5a042b62dc111121cc15d34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine a TV show about a retarded cup

>> No.18025009

it was based until i saw sowell and that terrible mug. kill yourself.
based guenonchad
only one of those frames are based. the rest are cringe.
yikes. try reading about something other than wwii for a change.
>tintin au congo
extremely based
virgin incel detected

>> No.18025040

>he doesn't like sowell
what have you got against genius IQ successful black men, anon?

>> No.18025121


>> No.18025233
File: 27 KB, 500x417, goebbels look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gadsen flag

>> No.18025269

Of course.

>virgin incel detected

>> No.18025341

not him, but capitalism is based on usury

>> No.18025378

Lefties and normies alike would have a seizure if they saw that bottom shelf kek. Very based.

>> No.18025532
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>> No.18025842
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>> No.18025890

Sexy. Post the rest

>> No.18025897
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>> No.18025906

>Esotericism is cringe
Seethe, theologian.

>> No.18025939
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>> No.18026022

That's all my books my dude - the shelf to the right is music

>> No.18026038

Pretty good

>> No.18026115
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 16184310876748378999414008702450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massively downgraded over the last 5 years. Some of these are Christmas presents or stuff given to me by people. I'll probably keep 75% of these. For example, haven't read any Joseph Finder and hell, I gotta keep Triggered by Don Jr. because it was a well-meaning gift. If it's paperback, it's just in my small collection temporarily. Finally building my longterm collection since things are more stable.

>> No.18026206 [SPOILER] 
File: 628 KB, 1512x2016, 1618431850234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i'll give you my dog in place of his

>> No.18026222

13/56 books are WWII related.

>> No.18026388

You don't even know what it stands for. You see an image and seethe without thinking to understand its roots.

Its just about freedom and rights.

>> No.18026457

not him, but with covid I realized most people don't deserve freedom (in the Enlightment, individualist sense).

>> No.18026525
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>> No.18026596
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>> No.18026599

Anyone have good non-pozzed books on Franco?

>> No.18026668

based ted poster

thanks anon i'm gonna be looking into some of those spain books

>> No.18026725

Could you post a few extracts from your Divine Comedy? That translation would be very cheap for me but idk if its any good

>> No.18026728
File: 2.16 MB, 2936x3742, 20210415_005710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read all of them but I read other books that aren't here, like the Reign of Quantity. Going to buy the rest when I will have money.

>> No.18026741


>> No.18026749

>Trump books

>> No.18026809

Jimmy Akin
Finally, someone with some taste.

>> No.18027016

I don't buy books

>> No.18027061

How do you like Knight's Cross?

>> No.18027470

cringe, desu

nice meme but islam is indefensible

>> No.18027482

Trumponomics is interesting. Behind the scenes on his trade policies. I'd read that about a lot of presidents. Art of the Deal is a classic, period, even before his presidency. The Little Book of Trumpisms is a collection of his tweets with context. Was meant to be making fun of him but it's awesome. Triggered I can't defend, Christmas present.

> also, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Marion, John Calhoun, and Andrew Jackson books.

>> No.18027483

and by that I mean read Luxenberg.


>> No.18027537

For Guenon it depends on what you want to learn about. Intro to Hind Doctrines gives a good intro to his thought in general. If you want more Metaphysics do Symbolism of the Cross and Man and His Becoming. For traditional critiques of the modernity do Crisis of the Modern World and then The Reign of Quantity. Then there's other stuff for symbolism and esoterism in Taoism, Christianity and Islam, but I'm less familiar with those.

>> No.18027599

Regardless of what most people deserve, "Don't Tread on ME" is a perfectly good slogan for any self-respecting individual.

>> No.18027753

What? 9000!

>> No.18027918
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>> No.18027922
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>> No.18027946

Except we've all been tread on and we've done nothing. It should be renamed "Please don't tread on me anymore."

>> No.18028073


>> No.18028724
File: 29 KB, 59x193, whatbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book is this?

>> No.18028843

Huh, I'll have to check those out then.

>> No.18028903

which volumes are those LOA Faulkner

>> No.18029182

E-readers are the ultimate pleb filter. The eternal pseud has to make it clear to everyone that he's a reader and to that end he amasses tons of unread books. with e-reader the only way you can prove to other people you've read the book is by telling them clearly about its content

>> No.18029378

Looks like His Dark Materials

>> No.18029463
File: 1020 KB, 1920x2560, KIMG0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have posted this before, but it is the only one I have on my phone.
Good selection, Godspeed in your study.

>> No.18029465
File: 122 KB, 660x1000, 61bZKIe03YL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be it, thanks, anon! I have a few friends that have been reading this series and suggesting it to me so I might pick this version up. I'm a sucker for books with cat covers.

>> No.18029491

Based occultist

>> No.18029506
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, BCC14286-EBA1-469F-BD23-70B6AE0DFA97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got more books on my desk and kindle

>> No.18030163

Thanks anon.

>spanish language shelf

>> No.18030198

Did you really read all that shit? I'm not gonna lie it looks extremely boring.

>> No.18030310

I've read a good bit of it, some of them twice. Not all. Nah it is not boring. There is no activity more proper for a man than the contemplation of the highest one.

>> No.18030330

What is the publisher of the two tan hardbacks under Sartre?

>> No.18030510

1930-1935 & 1942-1954

>> No.18030517
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>> No.18030529
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You mean this guy, or some "one" else?

>> No.18030565

He is one, yeah. His dad too. And the helper they sent. And their persons before they were recognized as persons.

>> No.18030646


>> No.18030916

You must be rich with all of those Loebies.


>> No.18031494

Based Loeb Classical Library purchaser.
What Loeb series should I get next?

>> No.18031617

back to /pol/

>> No.18031669

anon's image is pretty cringe but not actually too far from the truth: banks and corporations and political parties colluded in 2020 to use covid as an excuse to scoop up massive amounts of wealth and property and a presidency. a side effect was Catholic churches beind closed and the blessed sacrament being denied to the faithful. priests could not visit the sick and dying because of covid rules. these are great wrongs that cry out to heaven for vengeance.

>> No.18031682

whatever you like anon. the lyric poets collection you see there is good, as is the Pausanias. if you just want to get one, the Argonautica is great.

not at all. they were collected over many years, the majority of them were bought used and as sets. pretty affordable desu.

>> No.18031924
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Liked Terry Eagleton and Levi-Strauss

>> No.18031938
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Nietzsche, Camus, and Cervantes Quixote and "novelas ejemplares"

>> No.18031967
File: 536 KB, 898x1280, 20210415_120540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bible, PKD books, Lem and learned that I Ching is a cool oracle, also War dogs and more.

>> No.18032049


>> No.18032297

>stacks of Loeb editions
fuck you.

>> No.18032360

>he doesn't like classics
(You) / ngmi (not gonna make it)

did you enjoy PKD? cervantes was a hoot. nice shelf anon.

>> No.18032569

>(You) / ngmi (not gonna make it)
no I'm just jealous because they're expensive as fuck lol

>> No.18032606

Buy mismatched loebs used, and they become much less expensive. Sometimes the dust covers wont be in great condition, but the books are usually fine themselves. If you only care about reading this shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.18032777

One day I'll get Loeb Enneads. At the moment I've just got the big Cambridge edition by Gerson.

>> No.18032841

I'm saving up for Loeb Pliny's Natural history. You'll get it someday, bro

>> No.18033457

Thank you anon, yeah I really liked PKD novels, next thing i will do is to buy Valis.

>> No.18033468

I assume the based frame is the philosophy section?

>> No.18033568
File: 772 KB, 1080x1426, Roosevelts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your partially read Roosevelts

>> No.18033629

>buying a plastic cup that represents the inalienable right to defend oneself and community from tyranny

>> No.18033642

How is it? I want the Teddy Trilogy.

>> No.18033999

>Placing the Quran above all of the books

>> No.18034306
File: 1.12 MB, 1533x3072, Rossi92_357mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cup is just to broadcast to normies who don't know that they have rights. lots of seething smoothbrains itt.

desu you don't really need them unless you're studying in Greek and want to get exact meanings right and work from there for some academic reason. translation is fine for learning.

this anon knows how to do it. that's what i did.

what's that hermetica about? do you enjoy it? also ha i didn't notice the 1911 the first time. excellent choice anon.

>> No.18034364

Hermetica's a collection of Hermes Trismegistus' writings iirc.

>> No.18034508

How is it with reading and pets? does your dog support your reading habits or distract you?

>> No.18034570

>drinks out of a yellow plastic sippy cup
>calls others smoothbrain

>> No.18035011

If you aren’t reading the original Greek/Latin, you aren’t getting the intended experience or information.
Translations are fine but they aren’t optimal. Academia understood this before it got pozzed.
Also if the cup is plastic, stop drinking out of it; It will make you retarded.

>> No.18035015

>Translations are fine but they aren’t optimal.
Good I'm glad we agree.

>> No.18035030
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, 20210415_183337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read alot but here are some of the books that interest me.

>> No.18035074

As other Anons have said, the Hermetica is the compiled core texts of Hermeticism. The 4 volume Scott translation I have comes with the original Greek, which is very nice.
To answer your question I deeply love what is written there. I have had to toil for a spiritual connection with Christianity, which isnt a bad thing, but with Hermeticism it was like an immediate lightning strike.
Also, thank you. It was the first pistol I ever bought.

>> No.18035139
File: 391 KB, 1200x1480, read_cg_jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based, anon.
Dig deeper!

>> No.18035149

I don't know of if I will. But I love his ideas

>> No.18035370
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>I’ve read 60% through

>> No.18036091

Which is your first language?

>> No.18036167

The wrighting is on the wall, below the vasaline.

>> No.18036309
File: 2.94 MB, 1996x2890, Gravity's_Rainbow_(1973_1st_ed_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are copies of gr with this cover so hard to find reasonably priced and not totally fucked-up-level used
idgaf if its hardcover or paperback just want this version
any anons got links to sales / copies for sale

>> No.18036376

I don't even have a shelf I just put everything around and under my bed

>> No.18036864

My first language is Mongolian. I just happen to know a good deal of English and Russian

>> No.18036875

>I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life; therefore I demand of myself persistent, continuous action towards its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such actions - Bruce Lee

>> No.18036888

Based steppeAnon

>> No.18036891

bro just print a personal copy with that cover on lulu.com

>> No.18037422

I got one from Abebooks for about $20

>> No.18037588


>> No.18038480

why do you have security cameras to protect your books?

>> No.18039642

Thanks for your post anon.

>I have had to toil for a spiritual connection with Christianity, which isnt a bad thing, but with Hermeticism it was like an immediate lightning strike.
Not judging you, and thank you for your honesty, but I should be concerned about this if I were you. Recognizing that toil and suffering is good, then choosing what seems easy regardless of its truth.

I'm curious what the ultimate end of hermeticism is supposed to be? What is its purpose, its final cause?

>> No.18040731
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>> No.18040777

>no bends in books

>> No.18040786

Check out Hinterland by Phil A Neel, you’ll probably like it

>> No.18040791

Holy based Mongol

>> No.18040809

It's been on my list for awhile, looks really interesting

>> No.18041392

Forgive me for mispeaking. I have had to work under Hermeticism, and it is just as demanding as being a genuine Christian, but it is like taking up drawing and taking a long time to reach competency, then trying digital painting and finding you have a talent there. You still have to work for it, often in a different yet similar way and it behooves you as an artist to hone both skills, but much of it just clicks.
I was raised in a stereotypical flipflop Southern Baptist household so I had a strange relationship with the faith. I say Hermeticism struck like lightning because when I found out about it, I had already thought of half the things it touts. That being that man, being in the image of God, and being endowed with gifts physical and mental, has an explicit duty to create and hone such talents for good. That earth and the cosmos are a fallen machine of God which must be put to right, and that one of the most offensive things spirhtualy is not just hedonism, but a life which has its state of development unfulfilled due to material temptation, or even worse personal hubris.
I would even go so far as to say that Hermeticism has given me a greater perspective and deeper apreciation of Christ and the sacrifice He made for man, for it broke me out of the literalist and almost mundane shell of my spiritual life growing up. I have felt a calling to pursue Christian Hermeticism, though I am not adept enough yet to compare myself in similarity to those of old like Ficino or Tomberg.
In short, the goal of Hermeticism is regaining knowledge and station under of the supreme God, who is the heavenly father of man. Much like Adam and Eve, God created man to help him tend to the cosmos. Man, after recieving primacy and gifts from the 7 Archons, the classical celestial bodies, beheld Nature unfinished and was seduced into falling by her, where he now resides in a material existence, forgetting both what he was, what God intended for him, and of God. Man is then charged for the sake of his soul in relearning all three.
There is more, but that is the gist of things.

>> No.18041743

Capitalism is living rent free in your head

>> No.18042092
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Thanks for the well considered reply anon. Sounds like you are on the path to developing cardinal and theological virtues. I would ask you in all sincerity to go speak with a Catholic priest. I think there are many things you would appreciate about Catholicism if you cracked open the catechism (its available for free online), no doubt you could immediately conjure some questions about the faith. Especially the parts near the beginning about improving ourselves through grace to be more in concert with the image of God.

You're right the world is fallen, but it's not in our power alone to right it. Sanctifying grace acts through us to help others. Nice hearing from an actual guy with brains on lit.

>> No.18042106

>cultural marxism
wypipo bad!

>> No.18042120
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>> No.18042153

Anytime, Anon. On the flipside, I heartily reccommend Meditations On The Tarot if you want an incredible work by a Catholic Hermeticism. There are no Catholic churches that speak English where I live, sadly, but I will try to find the Catechism when I have time.
Amen to the nature of the Lord working through grace for the sake of men. God be with you, friend.

>> No.18042178

what version of the prison notebooks is that?

>> No.18042282
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>> No.18042741

your brain is dog shit

>> No.18042793
File: 477 KB, 1530x724, shelf_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very small snippet of my stuff, but I had to show off my 'fuck you'-sized, unabridged Merriam-Webster.

>> No.18042806
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Could've straightened the bottom shelf, but I don't want to be disingenuous to strangers on the internet.

>> No.18042895

thoughts on the osama book? was thinking of getting it.

>> No.18043144

it was quite disappointing i was expecting an Islamic ted and got repetition

>> No.18043620
File: 982 KB, 1019x1360, 64163455-44d2-42fb-b807-d126bc548b00..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving up for more. Thoughts?

>> No.18043749

[ handrubbing intensifies ]

>> No.18043837

A History of Central Banking and The Creature call (((them))) out on several occasions, though??

>> No.18043876


>> No.18044055

Based water like fren

>> No.18044075

Laid the brick in your very own prison with this shelf.

>> No.18044088

>Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism Paperback – June 10, 2002 by Robert Powell (Translator), Hans Urs von Balthasar (Afterword)

very interesting. von Balthasar is a fellow that is often namedropped by Bishop Barron. this is a very bad look, but desu he's already a bishop of Los fucking Angeles who claims that hell may very well be empty when Jesus Christ said sinners would be sent there.

>> No.18044131

The book was written and published sometime in the 1940s. I really have no clue why he is giving an afterword.

>> No.18044214

i like it. that's a great flatland, and pauling is excellent. based dover reader.

good taste anon, except for the rand and gaiman

>> No.18044224


>> No.18045201

Seems like you just bought a bunch of shit based off /lit/ charts, and most of the books look unread

>> No.18045212

Why is “the art of war” so thick

>> No.18045289
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x2268, 09A24508-C97A-4DDF-AB66-527E45E1C5DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of my books

>> No.18046230
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>> No.18047773
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>sir arthur conan doyle

>> No.18048278
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>> No.18048504
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This edition comes with a bunch of extra commentary and such.

>> No.18048512

what did you think of the isis reader?

>> No.18048522

Sorry for the sideways pictures, by the way. Stupid Windows 'Your Phone' app displays them properly and then downloads them sideways.

>> No.18048534

A good self help book

>> No.18048546

unironically found that to be true

>> No.18048871

why are you posting here? this board is for racist incels only

>> No.18050524


>> No.18050650

so this board is either greek and hebrew speaking theologians or science fiction readers.

>> No.18051043

Carl jung is super fascinating and I am glad more people are discovering his work. Also don't see alot of e reader posts on here

>> No.18051060

>Also allegedly Isis holding the child Horus would inform artists depicting the Madonna up to the present day. True fact.
isnt that just how mothers hold their kids?

>> No.18051075

I like how atlas shrugged is so close to watchmen.

How far have you gotten in atlas shrugged anon? Or do you just keep it as a conversation peice?

>> No.18051098

Flatland is a pretty underrated book. Have you seen the fan film?


>> No.18051111

You seem very well read anon!

>> No.18051121

I think those are lights

>> No.18051607

That I Ching

>> No.18051696

I'm jealous of all your Loebs! I only have Virgil vol i and vol ii

>> No.18051923
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>> No.18051948
File: 1.00 MB, 2560x1440, 20210417_222719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate reading and writing with a passion because of ADHD and epilepsy
>only ever read 3 books (one was the Bible and one was for a date) by the age of 26
>quit my job of 7 years
>need something to do as this is the first summer I haven't been working or busy in 15 years
>be browsing /k/ and see a book thread
>see On Guerrilla Warfare by Mao and the IRA's Greenbook
>am fascinated
>find a new passion
>write nearly every college research paper I can on guerrilla warfare
>have a favorite author
>pre-order a book
>buy hundreds of dollars of hard copies of books that I already have digitally
>wake up early on a Saturday morning to read for fun
>am about to become a high school teacher
>hope to help my students find their passion and motivate them to read and write in the same way that I found my passion

And I couldn't have done it without you cunts.

>> No.18052152
File: 1.50 MB, 3520x1850, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of messed up the top right but I'm not doing it again. The Readers Digest Condensed Book is the last one left from Grandpa's extensive set, so I'm keeping it just as a memento.

>> No.18052199

The I ching next to the big bible WTF???
Atlas shrugged extended version?

>> No.18052221

Awesome story, good to hear anon.

>> No.18052267

When I was young, Greg Bear was one of my favorite sci-fi writers and I think his older stuff, like Eon holds up.

>> No.18052275

based anon. thanks for the stack pic, i'll definitely be checking some of these out. I've been recommended War of the Flea before this is a good reminder. see if you can find a copy of Green Cognac: The Education of a Mountain Fighter

Virgil is great anon! Thanks, they took a while to collect.

thanks anon I'll be sure to find a copy.

>> No.18052283

penguinchad, got his roman histories started off right with livy.

nice shelf anon

>> No.18052476

I like this idea let’s sell it for millions

>> No.18053818
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>makes /lit/ seethe by actually reading theory
dangerously based
replace chomsky with parenti though

>> No.18054144

>Green Cognac: The Education of a Mountain Fighter

>> No.18054377

are you Swiss anon?

>> No.18055314

I am but how did you guess?

>> No.18055594

>reads the theory of economically-illiterate retards

>> No.18056278
File: 39 KB, 178x282, cityofgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based shelf, OP. But I don't see pic related.

>> No.18056475

thanks anon but real talk the penguin edition of City of God is behind the dont tread on me cup

tfw wherein St. Augustine describes the crisis of the third century and one cannot help but notice the extreme similarities to the early 21st century, among other things

>> No.18056767


Nice. And what I point out for others on /lit is how Augustine has these moments where you can see Descartes, Hume, Kant and others just bubbling below the surface. That is kind of true for Plato and the Platonists, and Aristotle, but Augustine has a very nice thread of moral psychology that I haven't seen developed so well prior to him.

>> No.18057160

Nice copy of Mein Kampf there

>> No.18057564
File: 41 KB, 336x500, 9780062366962-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a sucker for books with cat covers.

Boy, do I have a series for you

>> No.18057807

That cover always made me think of Looney Toons

>> No.18058712

agreed. desu i think that's what people need these days. retards are walking around thinking natural law does not exist, aborting babies left and right because a retard judge said they could.

lots of people going to hell is my point. there's room for apologists and philosophers and publications here.

>> No.18058751

learn to think for yourself
good shit
how do you explain this when people come over?
mostly good

>> No.18058839


>> No.18058844

no bully dumb retard

>> No.18059470
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>> No.18059534

>not a single book of Catholic education among them
nice memes, read them and figure out they aren't going to satisfy you

>> No.18059574
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I confess I was obsessed with that series growing up. Still buy the books occasionally though I haven't read them in a long time. It's pretty obvious which ones I bought just to have and which ones I read religiously.

>> No.18059603

Good thing everything is blurry so we can't make anything out of it

>> No.18059612

Yeah I've got a shit phone. Don't really need a good one.

>> No.18059660

>worshiping a priest who kisses muslim feet and holds meetings on how to help gays

>> No.18059846

silence bigot

>> No.18059885

>pretending capitalism is catholicism

>> No.18059888

>old penguin
>eternal sonata
>cheapest Lovecraft anthology

>> No.18059910
File: 1.32 MB, 3960x2288, P_20210419_121157_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my Oxford bros at?