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/lit/ - Literature

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18016820 No.18016820 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18016834

Ordered 5 books that are coming in 2 days. Most excited for the epistolary novel by the name of Augustus by John Williams. Been reading Plutarch and about to finish with Anthony tomorrow. Life is good when you have interesting histories to read.

>> No.18016840
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Out of all the years posting here, I wonder what the butterfly effect of my posts has been. All the arguments, insights, and book recommendations. Hundreds of posts. Have I changed anons lives like they have shaped me? I wouldn't have a library of 400 books if it wasn't for /lit/. So many insightful books I only bought on the recommendation of another anon. So many little thoughts that have shaped my entire ideological understand of the human condition because of some shitpost discussion on here.

Thanks, /lit/. I really appreciate everything you do, and I hope I have helped some of you out there too. We are all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.18016843

I am never going to make it in this world. I am socially ostrecized and people don't want new friends. I can't decide if finishing college is even worth it when I think about how likely it is that I will just spiral out of control again.

>> No.18016919
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There was an anon making a random comment on a topic recently
>hell no. never listen to a cynical guy. cynicism is just the adult form of naïvity
And it sent me into a spiral of self-reflection. I still think about this dumb comment from time so time. This does not happen on other boards.

>> No.18016920

I've gone off the goop and have decided to change my first name (it is low class and I feel like a joke introducing myself with it)
if you were to change your name, is there a literary figure or character whose name you would take?

>> No.18017033
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Sometimes you just need a little sunlight and things will start falling into place.

>> No.18017057

I was named after my great uncle who fought in world war 2 and was a mayor of a small town. It was a cool and unique name. A few years after I was born a movie came out where the main character has my name and is retarded. After nearly 30 years of mockery I’ve come to terms with my name and feel like if I were to change it I’d let society win. So I won’t.

>> No.18017060

Tell your boyfriend I am handsomer than him right now. Tell him you think about me even when you are fucking. Tell him that.

>> No.18017158

Unrequited love is a very painful thing. when will this melancholy lift?

>> No.18017160

i wanna sniff matsuri

>> No.18017236

a couple of weeks after you let go

>> No.18017304
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I'm begining to see the light

>> No.18017305

a few weeks ago I lost my wedding ring. it wasn't just mine though, it was my father's and his father's before him, and I lost it somewhere, probably down a fucking gutter drain.
I feel like one of those new parents who rolls over and crushes their infant after taking a nap with them by their side. obviously it's not nearly as horrible but in my own life I've never done something so stupid and reprehensible, it feels like I've done something evil.
my father and my wife aren't upset, and I'm trying to keep it together and tell myself how it's just a piece of metal but I know if I were in someone elses shoes I'd have no sympathy for something so disgraceful, and it's hard to stay focused on what's important.
honestly I don't even think it has fully sunk in, I keep having dreams where I find it and, fully aware I'm in a dream, try to somehow force the ring into existence in my hand when I wake up.
I don't know, this is stupid but I don't think I;m ever going to forgive myself for this and that really fucking sucks

>> No.18017310

Yeah, you're right. So it goes.

>> No.18017328

I really want to slam my head into a wall. This year and the last feels like the big fat full stop at the end of a shitty life. All I can do is dive ever deeper into reading and accept the inevitable distancing happening between me and people who might mean well but can't do anything to help. Pray for me, call me a faggot, I don't care. I'll have an answer to my questions soon.

>> No.18017343

Big fat tits and meaty pussy. Tramp-stamped and bitchy. She says my stories are pretentious, and that her ex had huge cock.

>> No.18017348

I'm going to start hiring prostitutes

>> No.18017486
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I want the complete destruction of the capitalist system.
It has metabolized the earth and its natural resources into money - the most frivolous thing in existence.
It has torn down the family structure, my ethnic blood, my civilization, for profit.
It is unsustainable, as it is based on infinite growth in a material plane of limited resources.
I am also tired of the people who shill for this system and its "Democracy Makers". On topic, I would take joy in seeing the complete annihilation of democracy; especially this liberal democracy that presupposes that people are equal. And in societies where everybody believes they're equal, the inevitable superiority of a few makes the rest feel like failures.

I might write more...

>> No.18017495
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the future of the west and tomboys

>> No.18017500

What do you think about accelerationism

>> No.18017503

Oh man aloe vera juice is so damn good

>> No.18017603

My brother!

>> No.18017605

I think it is an interesting concept, but we don't really need it
As said by Sir John Glubb in his essay "The Fate of Empires":

>(e) Decadence is marked by:
>An influx of foreigners
>The Welfare State
>A weakening of religion.
>(f) Decadence is due to:
>Too long a period of wealth and power
>Love of money
>The loss of a sense of duty.

As you can see, we are in rapid decadence.
There are also other factors who contribute to this.
Liberalism as the dominant political ideology for the last ~250 years. Any apparent "revolt" (or social degeneracy) is adopted by internacional capital.
I'll continue in the next post, wait a bit.

>> No.18017709
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For example, the sexual revolution of the 60's
Half a century later capitalism thrives.
The sexual revolution of the New Left brought about by the New Left has, in fact, aided in making capitalism more international, less constrained by social pressures and more capable of chalange than ever before.
The sexual libertaion of the left has meant declining birthrates and the complete integration of western women into the capitalist structure for exploitation.
The rejection of classical leftism has meant an end for workers solidarity and agitation for the working class, and facilitated the replacement of the industrial labor jobs with a mass of easily replaceble work in the service and manajerial sectors.
The advocacy for anti-racism and the deconstruction of nationalism, has led to an opening of borders and increasing avalibility of cheap labor for capitalists to undercut their native workers.
The social radicalism of the New Left has been accepted and integrated into the capitalist system.
A deal with the Devil was made: the Left was given its liberation, its destruction of tradition and its sexualized culture; the capitalists gained a mass of easily pacified consumers without loyalty to their kin or any belief system which is fundamentally at odds with the ruling logic of capitalism. The universalism of the left has facilitated the globalist corporatism of late capitalism.
Through the useful idiots and cynical opportunists of the New Left, the capitalists found another way to revolutionize production and expand into uncharted territory, hitherto blocked off by traditional concerns of morality or national interest. The result has been a transfer of wealth from ordinary europeans to an increasingly small number of capitalist and a complete apathy of a mass of citizens, now mere consumers who have been reduced to a bovine kind of existence, with the constant provision of cheap consumer goods, necessary material comfort and an ever increasingly sexualized culture

All sold to them in the name of liberation.

>> No.18017872

Mildly concerning to me that people aren't the least bit concerned about emotions being mere pseudo-experience, there's no true sensation - only the mental understanding of one. On the other hand, horrific drug trips are filled with intriguing mental sensation, but very little of this carries over to daily life. Either I'm merely halfway through my abilities of self-monitoring and the subtle sensation of emotion will only be found when I improve that skill (a likely scenario), or westeners are poor self-reflectors, or my mental field is just different, or I'm plain tarded, or my drug trips were right and the demiurge is out to get me
The future of the west is the next generation lusting over femboys instead of tomboys, a good thing North Korea holds steady with an appreciation of tomboys

>> No.18017916

What the fuck were the Great Ones smoking when they decided to open and stabilize a rift KNOWING it would inevitably lead the Enemy to them. This is making me lose sleep, they ALL know about the enemy, yet NO ONE questions whether it's a good idea or not. I can't get past this plothole and it's ruining the Riftwar saga for me.

>> No.18017934

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.18017946

I think I found what I'm really interested in: CBT.

>> No.18017952

So, is this something that can or should even be fixed, or is it just the natural progression of things? Maybe it's all self correcting, we'll run out of resources eventually. If the way to correct for decadence is give people a sense of duty I don't really see anything on the horizon that fits the bill. I am a part of the apathetic mass. Maybe what we need is a good old fashioned war.

>> No.18017964

It is only those who hopeless argue with the autists that are autistic themselves.

>> No.18017975 [DELETED] 

>i wanna sniff matsuri
Isn’t she that one psychotic Vtuber who’s a brocon for her younger brother? Could have sworn she would stab her brother’s girlfriend at one point if he actually had one.

>> No.18017976

something is wrong. I think I did something and my mind doesn't want to handle it yet but my feelings are letting it know that it can't run very far

>> No.18017980

I can't see (you)s anymore when I get replied to, and I've no idea why

>> No.18017993
File: 173 KB, 1000x1976, 792D14D9-7F10-493F-9B35-5AB7480231CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wanna sniff matsuri
Isn’t she that one psychotic Vtuber who’s a brocon for her younger brother? Could have sworn she would stab her brother’s girlfriend at one point if he actually had one. Or am I misremembering?

>> No.18017997

Go to your settings and check whether disable the native extension is set.

>> No.18018076
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>tfw ethnic jew but agree with national socialism on basically everything besides the anti-semitism
>Feel no connection to my Jewish heritage and have tried to convert to Catholicism but im just an atheist at heart and most Catholics are pozzed now anyway.
>Far right movements dont want me cause im a jew.

>> No.18018108
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islam my man. you can give us the blue prints to barbara streisand

>> No.18018121
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>natural progression of things
I don't believe in the concept of "progress" in History. Since the industrial revolution we have only degraded in:
Genetic quality
Economic fairness (I'm not talking about equality and such; I'm talking about the system we have which is based on usury)
Community structure
And in the last decades:
Spirituality (of any kind really)
Discipline, duty and self-control
Virtuousness, which I think ties well with its etymology, the latin Vir ("man"). 'Virtus' constituted the ideal of the true Roman male.
> all self correcting, we'll run out of resources eventually.
I believe so as well.
>If the way to correct for decadence is give people a sense of duty I don't really see anything on the horizon that fits the bill.
There is, in Geopolitics:
The Russia-Ukraine cold war intensifying (and if mainstream journalists are talking about it, it has a higher chance of happening. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iywKH60NUGg . Also no, I don't watch Tucker)
Ethiopia is building the "renaissence" dam that'll block off the Blue Nile (the biggest affluent); Egypt's population is 95% dependent on the Nile as a water suply. This would/will lead to mass migration. This would/will lead to massive unrest among the european population.
What I'm trying to show is that "Happenings" are real, and could lead to acceleration/collapse/or a retaking of power by anti-globalists.

Let us see what we have in store for us...

>> No.18018136

I tried Islam as well, but i felt nothing drawing me to it. I was hoping that i'd recognize the legalism of Judaism in Islam, but i feel like what originally pushed me away from Judaism also pushes me away from islam.
And i also feel like Islam has been intellectually hollowed out, in a Spenglerian sense. It feels too mechanical now.

>> No.18018145

well, we tried. Good luck jew-bro!

>> No.18018154
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So you want to exterminate slavs and gypsies?

>> No.18018158
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you dont?

>> No.18018181

sounds painful

>> No.18018210
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Rather hypocritical don't you think

>> No.18018217

yeah true
To tell you the truth, it's the scapegoating aspect that i dislike about any mass movements, but it seems like an integral part of them. Or most political interactions, that is. You cannot have politics without an enemy.

>> No.18018224
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Being apathetic about the future feels like the only choice. There is nothing redeeming about life. All of this sound and fury, signifying nothing. I want to go back into the matrix.

>> No.18018243

Ride the Tiger, I guess...

>> No.18018270
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Having a bad day. It's one of those, in which if I had a gun I'd kill myself without doubt. Some of these days I feel down, but others it's because there isn't anything I enjoy anymore. How I seem powerless to change what's happening, combined with the fact that I don't particularly enjoying being alive, makes me want to just stop feeling everything.

>> No.18018283

I want to be digested in the stomach of an Amazonian giantess. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.18018290
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>> No.18018291
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I want to be smothered in an amazon's huge tits. Im not one of those vore weirdos

>> No.18018314

That is why the removal of the Strasser brothers was a mistake in the development of the Nazi party. They had a more productive scapegoat and enemy in that of the economic elite, still flawed, but better than "its da jews"

>> No.18018569

Racial scapegoats are inevitable, even in movements that explicitly preach unity of races and the abolition of racism.

>> No.18018665

hope i die soon

>> No.18018701

You don't need to read, I just wanted to write down how I feel

my mind is in shambles.
I was always a shut in, a shy kid, moved to another country when I was 5 or 6, after my parents divorced and my mom married again.
I used to be able to make friends when I was little although I was very insecure and dorky, I was pretty good in school so that helped.
I never learned to stand up for myself, got bullied all throughout elementary school, refused to go out for a while. I made some friends in middle school and had a good time for a few years.
Unfortunately it didn't last because I slowly ghosted my friends around the time I got into anime and that kinda stuff.
In high school I didn't socialize at all although in the beginning I tried, after a few embarrassments and cringy moments I gave up and turned everyone away.
I just watched movies, anime, YouTube browsed 4chan and masturbated.
The latter got out of control, I was horny all the time and often made a fool of myself staring at girls, trying to get creep shots and stuff, sometimes I got caught.
I didn't participate in any social activities even when I was invited, the only times I went to some of their parties I drank too much and puked all over the place.
I was the weird kid that sat alone with his headphones and everyone pitied, or so I thought, probably they didn't give me any thought.
I was very spiteful and bitter, I romanticized being alone to an extent, teachers noticed and tried to get me to socialize but I didn't listen.
5 years of hs flew away, just before graduating I realized I had nothing to show for it other than embarrassment and regret.
I tried being more sociable the last few months but nobody wanted me. (what did I expect?)
The realization hit me like a truck, I lived like a literal bug shut in my room for years, not a single friend, no experience with women whatsoever, no life experience, nothing.
I asked myself "how did I live like this for so long?", "how do you get to this point", "I wasted my life".
My porn addiction got out of control, I was jacking off up to 5 times a day, around that same time I experienced a very intense post nut clarity moment and felt grossed out to the point were I couldn't live with myself so I forced myself to quit.
It was warping my mind and I blamed many of my bad life choices on it, I kinda lost it ngl, I wasn't sure what to do with myself, I was supposed to prepare for my uni entrance exam but I wasn't able to prepare properly so I failed the first time.
I took one year off to study and prepareand eventually succeeded.
I told myself I was gonna turn my life around in University, make friends and all that, that my life was gonna start there and then.
Unfortunately that's when the Covid Deal started and all my plans went into fumes, to this day I haven't gone out once and I don't even think I know to make friends or if it's still possible at this point.
My thoughts are killing me from within, I'm afraid I'm losing my mind.

>> No.18018722

I miss sunny days in college when I could skip class, sit out front of the library, and watch girls like that walk by. Now I'm a braindead semi-NEET who jerks off and wonders if a woman will ever touch me again.

>> No.18018770


>> No.18018779

Nice anon, some people work very hard but they still don't ever get it right

>> No.18018782
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There are days where i legitimately believe that i have the capability to dramatically change things around in my country if i really set my mind to it. Is this a fatal delusion that is fueled by narcissism or is it just a fair sense of confidence ?

>> No.18018791

That’s funny because there are days where I believe that not only would I be better off if I were to jump off a building, but the actual world around me would be better for it also.

>> No.18018790

>i have the capability to dramatically change things around in my country if i really set my mind to it.

If you have practicable plans and a solid idea of how you might go about actually changing things, then it is fair confidence. If you have nothing but the 'sense' that you can, then it is delusion.

>> No.18018804

good point
oh i have those days too. i usually feel very guilty about having these (>>18018782) thoughts so it ironically ends up being more of a suicide fuel on some occasions.

>> No.18018825

got a decent grade on my paper but expected more. teacher said I showed I understood and applied all relevant concepts to the course, but graded me down for the quality of my writing. Considering writing him to ask what he means. I thought it was a pretty good paper with a clear structure and coherent arguments that led into one another, certainly to a degree where one should not be graded down for it. I honestly think the most likely explanation is he was tired when he read it. I worry that I will get emotionally invested if I write him though, and that could become pretty pathetic pretty fast.

>> No.18018857

I didn’t develop a love of literature until I was older. As a young person, I didn’t really love it. But then when I got older, I realized it wasn’t that I didn’t love literature. It was that I don’t love American literature, which, as an American in the public school system, is pretty much all you’re exposed to.

>> No.18018859
File: 394 KB, 1960x1940, manofsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Man of Steel to see why Aristotle's superman is better than Nietzsche's. Kal-El represents Aristotle's ideal man, and General Zod represents Nietzsche's ubermensch. Also read Alasdair MacIntyre.

>> No.18018919
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Do you like these sort of pictures? I mean, not necessarily the pixelated gif but the sort of emotion it’s conveying I guess. I don’t know. I like the aesthetic of kind of being alone and introspective or just passive in a big dark city, snowing, raining, windy, or whatever. It’s somehow depressing but soothing. It’s like an aesthetic fantasy. I always wondered if it’s anyone else?

>> No.18018924

Don’t ask him to change the grade, just ask him for specific and articulate feedback on what you could have improved.

>> No.18019011
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I have to get up at 8 to 9 AM tomorrow to go to in for a routine medical visit. Four hours remain of free time if I want 8 hours sleep. Errands have been ran. I have over 80 games I want to play, but I also want to watch streamers. I also need to continue writing because these books aren't going to write themselves.
...I'm going to get wrapped up in something I'm doing or try to do all of them at once like I normally do and only going to make like 1% progress on everything.
Then tomorrow will be another day. At least I get ideas while I sleep. I try to remember everything I can which can be a smidge hard.

>> No.18019113

I am pretty ashamed at my living and career choices up to this point

>> No.18019164
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I'm in college taking a computer science degree but I don't really care about it, I merely chose it because it is a popular career choice and I'll probably need a job in the future. But I really can't envision myself in a white collar career for the next 40 years of my life. I wish that I had enough talent to live off of my creativity but I don't have any skill in writing or drawing.

>> No.18019191

Start programming for fun. Make useful tools or games or art simulations. Find joy in the life you have already set for yourself instead of having us type 8000 characters explaining why you should change majors.

>> No.18019201

Still can't type more than a sentence in these posts before realize I'm a fucking faggot pseud.
I'm going to go buy some smokes and some whiskey after work.

>> No.18019213

Get a bottle of fernet instead.

>> No.18019292
File: 139 KB, 874x914, 1600391465726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it bros. Today's the best day to make a change.
Believe in me who believes in you.

>> No.18019310

That's it? You take two years of college and your life is set in stone?

>> No.18019315

you're probably think of noel and her older brother. matsuri is just a dyke.

>> No.18019384

I'm not playing a game. Stop purposely shitting up the board and stop stalking me. My life is shit as is. Go hate someone else.

>> No.18019393

No, but the way the anon phrased it, he wasn’t willing to actually change or explore anything because of his own self doubt. He lets others make choices for him.

>> No.18019473

Am I though? I really don’t think I will.

>> No.18019501
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We all have a different definition of making it fren. Some people like piles of wealth. Some like family. In some way or another, you will make it.

>> No.18019681
File: 388 KB, 1366x768, 648832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired.
The night is grey. The wind picks up the trees bend and creek. A small home sits on the hill and its windows creek against the cracked white painted wood. Something metal slaps against the gate in the dark, just outside the illuminated gravel beneath the street lamp. From the second story window I can hear a black dog bark somewhere far off. If it wasn't for that dog somewhere in the night, barking in the wind, I would be completely alone. The moon glows faintly behind the clouds, and the grass outside bends and reflects tiny slivers of its dull silver brilliance. Through the boards of these walls, cold slips in. The tacky furniture of the house is cool to the touch and the coffee cup on my desk lost its steam many hours ago when it was still day and the birds sat on the clothesline below. I'm in a dream and a million miles from anyone and anywhere else. The wind hisses and moans and the dog howls and whines and the power cables shake violently and disappear into the darkness down the road towards the treeline. I turn away from the window and pull the folded quilt from the chair in the corner and put it over my shoulders before again sitting at the desk and gazing through the cracked portal where yellow light leans over the grey grass field in the greyer night. There's nowhere else I would want to be. I can't even think of anywhere else. The old house creeks from the floorboards to the load-baring walls, from the heavy oak stairs to fireplace not warmed in many weeks. I want to sleep but the vast melancholy of the night has me in a trance. Far off, barely lit by moonlight, coyotes dance after some prey below the weeds. The bicycle outside is perched oddly on the wood pile and leans against the fence and its front wheel spins aimlessly and quietly and the night goes on.

>> No.18019727

Why won't the people who used to be my friends read my story aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.18019728
File: 1.49 MB, 1916x1080, Rolling Girl Pages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a song from a woman who's fandom I used to be really active in. I think you'd find a lot of strength from her if you scratched that surface.
I feel like there's a lot of stories out there weighing heavy on that chest, that need a pen more than a microphone.

>> No.18019734

>you're probably think of noel and her older brother.
What's the story on her?

>> No.18019756
File: 114 KB, 1500x800, Bear-Peak-Summit-1500-200k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to hike up Bear peak in Boulder and kill myself after watching the sunset.

>> No.18019762


>> No.18019777

i've been getting a lot of headaches lately. i hope i don't have a brain tumor

>> No.18019791
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 1617624017858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my friends that I don't want to get the vaccine and they called me an antivaxxer, but when I try to actually engage them in discussion on it they just clam up. Is this because the argument for vaccination is so obvious that discussion should be unnecessary, or do they just not have a good argument? What is a good argument NOT for why populations should get vaccinated (I accept that as a proposition) but for why individuals should get vaccinated. Especially someone who is reasonably healthy, young, and will not infect other, more vulnerable, people. The argument that comes most naturally seems like it's just the precautionary principle, except that the disease you're avoiding with vaccination isn't that dangerous (at least so far in the short-term) and the vaccine itself also presents large amounts of unknowns, regarding not just safety, but even short-to-medium-term efficacy. I'm willing to accept that this is not a particularly strong argument in either direction, but lacking a better argument for the positive assertion (that you ought to get vaccinated), I fail to see why someone who is otherwise healthy and responsible should be compelled to take a vaccine. Is there some obvious thing I'm missing here? Or are my friends just brainwashed consoomers?

>> No.18019803

it could be anywhere anon. it could have down a gutter, and it could equally have fallen to the bottom of your bag or slipped under a piece of paper on your desk. It could still turn up.
Do not assume until you know.

>> No.18019817

its just buzzwords anon. they stifled all discussion with ''regular'' folks. antivaxxer is one of them.

>> No.18019842

- The Covid vaccine has existed for 6 months or less, therefore there have been 0 long term studies on its effects, and extremely few short term studies. We have no clue the possible side effects in the short or long term.
- Once vaccinated, you are still able to catch covid, you can still die from it, you still must wear a mask and obey all other social distancing protocols, you can still pass covid onto others, and those who made the vaccine are not responsible for its negative outcomes. Not only does it do essentially nothing, Pfizer are not taking responsibility for anything bad that happens.
for these reasons, the vaccine is dubious at best.

>> No.18019905

alright, maybe later.

>> No.18019924

I will quit my job tomorrow

>> No.18019945

The end is here and I'm glad.

>> No.18020153

I've fallen sick twice in the past 6 weeks and I'm somebody who very rarely gets sick. Neither time were corona btw.

>> No.18020195
File: 42 KB, 367x379, 1612380856005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will quit listening to music so much. My ears hurt like a damn twat and can't hear anything

>> No.18020210

Just say you don't want to be injected with anything that hasn't passed FDA approval, simple.

>> No.18020218

Any reason?

>> No.18020363

I don’t think I can live up to my own definition.

>> No.18020373

I just can’t take it anymore. I hate my job. I’m really unhappy with my life. I need to do something else.

>> No.18020387


>> No.18020395

At what point should you give up? Is it when you feel the chance of redemption are slim to none?

>> No.18020431

Joe who?

>> No.18020469

Millennials have ideas but no power to implement them.

>> No.18020776

Writing an article at the moment.

>> No.18020863
File: 174 KB, 1200x1200, a3969659956_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm on a downhill headed straight towards a concrete wall and am about to lose everything because i was too weak and too lazy to do what i already know is right. i deserve damnation and hatred.

>> No.18020885

fat fren keeps talking about food what do

>> No.18020976

In my 5 wasted years on 4channel every once in a while I've read posts on /lit/ that have been so profound and stick with me indefinitely. I would argue some have changed my life or at least the way I approach it internally.

>> No.18021041

Take him for food and glory in his gluttony. Egg him on to eat as much as possible and marvel at it. Turn your friend into the pig you know he is at his core, and relish your manipulation of him.

>> No.18021153

Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and tons of water friend.

Always using headphones I assume?

>> No.18021175

talk about exercise

>> No.18021179

i'd feel even worse if i did that, it's a she

>> No.18021266

Today I had a dream with this girl. In the dream she gave me a kiss and told me to wait for her. In the night.

So today I sent an email to her. Hope it reaches out. It is not about love. It is a confession of my feelings. A seeking for closure, acceptance and perhaps forgiveness. I am a sick fuck. I love her. We are so out of phase it hurts. Wish me luck. I know this is a bad decision. But I have to do it!

>> No.18021354

NEGROS jibber jabbering outside!


>> No.18021361

You know her irl?

>> No.18021368

No, she works for the TV news station.

>> No.18021377

You sent a feelings letter to a tv news worker who you don't know after you dreamed about her?

>> No.18021378

>TV news

Are you over 60, anon?

>> No.18021391

based unrequited TV news anchor lover

>> No.18021569

Real poster here. I know her in real life. She is my senior. We worked in a research lab together, she has a boyfriend, but other than that she is a perfect flawless female human being.

I read the card again, fuck me it is cringe. I don't want to send it now.

>> No.18021595

She probably doesn't give a flying fuck about me. She may as well work for a TV news station. But every time I dream about her, I feel happy, as if the dream is trying to tell me something. At this point I am not sure if I should follow my intuition or follow my rationality by keeping myself afar and avoiding her. The card was to try to express how I felt about the whole situation, but it is mostly about me me me. I don't know why the fuck she would care. Still I will try. I have to. Or so I wish to think. Believe my own lies.

>> No.18021601
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God bless you anon

>> No.18021665

did he succeed?

>> No.18021672

Fat girls are sexy in a decadent and gluttonous way. Fondle her belly and tell her you love her pigginess.

>> No.18021745


>> No.18021821

Butchering young innocent female conscripts would be hot as hell. Just imagine how helpless they would be, begging you not to slit their throats as they lay wounded in the snow, crying as they watch you approach. She'd be too badly hurt to get away, and her rifle would be out of her grasp. You could listen to her frantic begging, she just wants to live, she just wants to go back to her family, she'll do anything if it means you'll let her go. But instead you walk up and place your ice- crusted boot over her soft tender neck and push down, slightly at first, then harder, and harder. So that she can't breathe, her fingers desperately gripping at your boot, you can feel them pushing down on your toes, her body thrashing weakly, and you can look into her wide eyes, begging you please just don't do this, just stop. And all you have to do to save her is to step back and pull your foot away. She can still live. She can still go back to her family. But instead you push down harder, until her windpipe crumples like a pine cone underfoot. And her eyes grow glassy as her life, still so young and fresh and full of possibility, comes to an end.

>> No.18021827
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>> No.18021831

I can see text on the following page so no

>> No.18021861
File: 63 KB, 1920x1080, EymW-ppWQAABw6V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll socialize more, just so that I can break this schizoidal and acedia-prone attitude of mine. Church, libraries, gym, parks and book shops are where real people might exist, and not just hipsters, sub-culture crazies, or hedonists lay about.

>> No.18021879

well, good to hear that
What book is it btw?

>> No.18021894
File: 22 KB, 400x400, WOeTJvi0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like my country and there is no country I'd like to live in. I don't want to just be a wagie and that's that. I'm starting to understand why people dropped everything and went to the USSR in the hopes of building a future there. They must have felt they had a mission, even if it ultimately turned out to be a failure.
I have no mission. None of these states have any mission.
I guess I can always become Israeli and celebrate every Muslim death. It's better than what I have now but it still seems hollow.

>> No.18021905

My mother named me Albus after dumbledore from Harry Potter

>> No.18021917

>Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium
How do I get these things through food? I don't believe in vitamins.

>> No.18021921

If true, that is incredibly sad.

>> No.18021925

You get the D through optimally sunlight or fatty fish and grass-fed proper milk. Zinc and magnesium through them cruciferous veggies and animal flesh, molluscs, shrimp et.c.

>> No.18021934


>> No.18021972

thinking about dropping out (again) and going into software development after stumbling upon some guy's videos last night. it just feels like a waste in my useless humanities degree that doesn't interest me too much anyways. why did i start in the first place? ideas of grandiosity? it feels like pure forfeit though, dropping out and learning to code. some of my friends have been doing it for years, i could have aswelly but thought myself different. i still do, they're mostly unhappy in their careers but don't change a thing as the salaries are good. somehow, as i used to think i was something better by them, forgoing practical codemonkeying and studying lit, and now the thought is that i could somehow excel at the careers they're stressed with. i wonder how much of all this stems from the fact that i've been told countless times growing up i was oh so smart, how much of my identity i've built up on that. probably way too much, i wish no one had ever said it to me.

>> No.18021993

go study engineering and focus on water problems
there's going to be a fuckton of engineering to be done in the coming decades as coastal cities start getting flooded, and i doubt that every other country will just allow dutch companies to dominate this field like they do today

>> No.18022025
File: 27 KB, 598x746, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change it. Quickly. If you're an Anglo (or the sort) go for a nice germanic name. If you're a Med, go for any roman emperor name (Marcus would be my choice).

>> No.18022043

Do not watch youtube videos and do not listen to anyone who makes videos on youtube. Only retards do that. It is like listening to what your local news anchor has to say.

>> No.18022206

>listening to a guy talk about his experience working in a certain field is the same as listening to the local news anchor

>> No.18022208

>promising gifted child who ends up lost and directionless when the normal students grow up and have their lives together
Many such cases. Welcome to the club, you'll fit in well here. Yes I'm projecting. Anyways I just went for a Master's to kick my problems down the road for another two years.

>> No.18022289

Alexander warned by the angels to desist

Which reminds me of the passage from the purgatorio where Dante encounters Odysseus... that speech!

Both undone by their own greatness. How beautiful! And how far from all that we understand.


>> No.18022300

Anyone can redeem themselves in the coming white boy summer

>> No.18022371

What is it with people on the internet being so afraid of the ocean? I always see people talking about how the ocean terrifies them on a primal level. Maybe it has to do with growing up on the coast but I love the ocean indescribably. I am completely mesmerised by the sight of the wide open ocean and am always blown away by its beauty. The ocean is one of the things I miss the most of I'm travelling inland for any extended period of time. Being on the open ocean is one of the most truly sublime things one can experience. I can't imagine being afraid of it.

>> No.18022396

I've been unable to stop useless hopes.

>> No.18022401

cuz i been suckin and fuckin so long that
even my nigga sneed thinks my feed is gone

>> No.18022408

Most "normal" people are completely ruled by irrational fears and become more easy to deal with once you realise this

>> No.18022468

Can't sleep clown will eat me

>> No.18022560

I can’t really take it anymore. I can’t keep living like this. This isn’t living. I just wake up, work, loathe my life and I keep doing it so I can continue to do it. There’s no reason for this to continue.

>> No.18022575

I read a theory of pedagogy long ago that said the use of teaching was preparing students so that they are able to pursue whatever they want, which amounts to imbueing them with the norms of their society so that they will always want what is within the norms. Indoctrination as liberation.

>> No.18022612

Mostly because it is a massive force. It is asking why people are afraid of fire. It mostly signals danger. As a human you no control in the ocean, you are completely helpless and you can not hide.

>> No.18022617

Yes. Why do you care what some bozo has to say. He is trying to market himself. Unless you have a personal, direct conversation, I would pay it no mind.

>> No.18022618

Being afraid of the ocean is not normal, anon.

>> No.18022651

Feeling uneasy about oceans and open water is completely normal. This is why sailors are often considered adventurous or come from rough backgrounds. It is like being a miner.

>> No.18022652

Sincere question: do you swim in the ocean? I've swum in the ocean since I was as young as I remember and have even been caught in rips and needed rescuing a few times, but I'm still not scared of it. I fully appreciate its awesome power but that's part of what makes it beautiful. I know I sound gay for the ocean right now but I'm wondering if its due to different upbringings or if that's irrelevant.

>> No.18022669

I have no problems with swimming in the ocean but I fully comprehend the uneasiness people have. There is a certain type of dread that sinks in if you are in wide open water.

>I was as young as I remember and have even been caught in rips and needed rescuing a few times. I fully appreciate its awesome power
You just answered your own question.

>> No.18022672

I want to smell a trap's penis.

>> No.18022741

no homo, of course

>> No.18022898

interesting. so it basically makes you want in certain terms?

>> No.18022932

yea for him this was how it should be understood and employed. whether or not it was realistic I don't know

>> No.18023066

Trying to envision myself as an anime protagonist but I just hate myself and my life too much. It’s over for me.

>> No.18023135

The primary function of modern education is to remove children from their parents. Why? Parents don’t always serve the ends of civic indoctrination.

>> No.18023145

The irony here is that most commonly in places like America, students are indoctrinating into pursuing one very specific path and only that path, going so far as to financially enslave them and punish wrongthink such that to deviate from that path is an almost insurmountable task. It’s not an exaggeration to say the typical American college student is selling themselves into a corporate career, or trying to.

>> No.18023228

One other aspect is to ensure that the primary social interaction of children is other children. In the past a child would grow up with their family and would spend much more time interacting with adults. Now they get all of their social cues and social pressure from other children, causing them to grow up to be stunted semi-adults that can be more easily manipulated and controlled.

>> No.18023277

>stunted semi-adults
in what way?

>> No.18023297

You've spent your entire life learning how to fit in with children and do what other children pressure you into doing. In what sense are you a man?

>> No.18023344

I wrote him, I asked for feedback but also defended what I think he was after. He said outright that my reasoning deserved a higher grade but he found the structure to be so bad as to warrant a lowering. But clearly it was not so bad that he did not understand the text, and I am not being graded on my mastery of language. He would be right if he means that I write somewhat un-academically though, and it's possible that his job is to try to steer me into the fold, but I'm in polisci, what we say is never true no matter how much we try and it is soul-killing to try to adjust to the clearly inadequate and stuck-up norms of the academy. It's like I'm supposed to write a certain way because it feeds their egos, it proves they are relevant. In truth I am not so good at all this, it doesn't really interest me. I make the conscious choice to write my own way because otherwise I couldn't bear it. Usually it goes well, this is the first time there is any hiccup. Honestly I just want to go through the machine and get a somewhat stimulating job. But I care because afaik my grades *could* matter at some point for my ability to earn a living.

>> No.18023410

Welcome to the NHK is a thing

>> No.18023541

The protagonist in NHK was 22 years old and had not only Misaki-chan but Yamazaki along with quite the adventure. I’m a lonely loser who lives office job Groundhog Day over and over again.

>> No.18023724

That do sound like certain gender

>> No.18023728

Simenon mentioned Fantômas in Maigret's First case, which means he read it and expected his readers did the same.

>> No.18023805

I just really can’t do this anymore. I’m so unhappy. Maybe I should go NEET at my mom’s house for a while. I just want to quit my job and write.

>> No.18023876

> Boston
> New York
Which one?

>> No.18023901
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>> No.18023955

I have a hard time actually believing in something. I used to be a Christian but started reading philosophy and science, now I'm agnostic. I've been introduced to so many different philosophies, religions, ideologies, it's hard to pick and choose because most of them have merit. I say most because there are obviously ones that ard just down right retarded.

I've talked with unironic monarchists and extremely conservative, ascetic autists. My college degree requires me to take a bunch of humanities credits and I'm reading "left wing propaganda", but only a retard would deny that these texts are pointing to some truth about the world. I know what's right and what's wrong and i know so much, but it feels like i become more and more distant to the average man. Will i be alone in my own personal beliefs?


>> No.18023969

could just as well be the previous page retard

>> No.18023978


>> No.18024111

Im so ignorant about my future in general. Once i start thinking about it, i start feeling panic and i just dissociate from it.

>> No.18024260


>> No.18024654

thats what you slipped in, thats whats on your shoe, that explains the abrasion on your palm

>> No.18024672

who the fuck are you people?

>> No.18024685

if you post on 4chan you are a son of cylons

>> No.18024687

I was diagnosed with a personality disorder two days ago and today I dropped all my classes tbqh

>> No.18024705

you ever think about cell phones and social media and advanced communications devices could be used by telepaths to enhance their abilities. like a digital link is still a link.

>> No.18024716

I think I embarassed myself with this girl I really like. Why did I have to be like this

>> No.18024908

Any writers here who struggled at first to narrow down a set of influences for what you actually want to write, whether it’s genre, influential authors, whatever?

>> No.18024932

There's genuinely no reason for me to keep living. I need medication to function as a normal person and I'm not getting it. I also completely fucked up my relationships and have no desire to try create new ones. I don't think I'm going to feel joy again in time to not kill myself.

>> No.18025107

Why did you drop your classes?

>> No.18025188

I want to leave my country.

>> No.18025215

Almost finished with "Independent People" by Halldor Laxness. Despite the anti-capitalist commie gobblygook, it's a great book, would definitely recommend

>> No.18025217

I’m pretty sleepy. The weather is so nice though... I should go for a walk. The sun is out until 8:30 these days.

>> No.18025240

Idk but I'll be visiting both in a month and a half and I'm pretty stoked. Visiting my brother in Ohio then going east. I've been to Philadelphia and D.C. in the past, but not New York or New England. After this trip there will only be a small handful of states I haven't been to. Next step is to visit outside the country

>> No.18025259

Jesus loves you. Take the good and leave the bad in philosophy and literature

>> No.18025262

I’ve actually lived in both Philadelphia and DC. I did not like them.

>> No.18025285

Yeah I wouldn't know. I was only 12 when I visited those places and had never been to the east coast before so it was cool. I liked visiting Independence Hall in Philadelphia more than anything, it was cool. Seeing the monuments in D.C. wasn't that cool to me, maybe because we've already seen them so many times on money and photographs

>> No.18025361

Marrying a Jew was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.18025440

what have you done goyim

>> No.18025462

It's probably not going to be okay. There's a train coming, choo choo choo choo choo choo and you're strapped to the TRACKS ADAHAHAD DIDE DIIE DIE NIGGER DIE DE IE DIE DIE

>> No.18025482

I had to kill all the children because they wouldn't stop looking at me like they were hungry for something I couldn't give them like a thin gruel so I watch their spiderly litlere bodies wither into little plastic-wire blanched dust cages, like shredded wheat. I want to eat them and feel the splintered shards pinch lovingly into my bloodsausage gums

>> No.18025517
File: 342 KB, 1200x1526, shelley duvall thinks you're cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most estimates place the total number of /lit/ posters at around 20, with more conservative sources (Teller et al) citing 2017 usage statistics to arrive at a figure of 17.

>> No.18025538

alright, thanks for reality check.

>> No.18025540

> I used to be a Christian
Basically just atheist.

Have you considered you just don't need to believe in any higher power?

>> No.18025772

I’m just going to quit. I could tell my boss that I’m finished as of August and my job will be safe until then. I’ll figure out something in the meantime.

>> No.18025798

I am actively trying to get a girlfriend and it's proving to be a lot harder than I thought.

>> No.18025809

>wood prices increased by 20% in two days
so this is how eventual economic crisis looks like

>> No.18025834

>About to get job as an EMT
>no friends
>never had a gf , don't think I will ever get one despite getting a lot of attention from women
>still have some minor issues with PTSD which keeps me from entering into any serious relationship
>instead of self pity I want to use my thicker than average skin for good and experience death , see the reactions of people in panic
Honestly I still want to be a writer later in life but I just don't think I've experienced enough besides extreme mental trauma, psychosis, loneliness, and a few near deaths experiences. My perspective is warped and I want to be able to find the good in people again. I think working in EMS where I can work around people who have high amounts of empathy and interval with people who have etc issues and see how they deal with it will help me experience more. It will make me a better author and person I think.

>> No.18025841

You mean goy, bro? Goyim is a plural.

>> No.18025849

i think the algorithm made itself obvious to everyone so it can have some more subtle psyops going on that we don't notice.
haven't vtubers gotten so big only thru recommended videos?

>> No.18025870

Sounds like some cliche bullshit but connections with women honestly seem to come for me when I'm least interested in having one. So Idk man, do healthy, productive things to improve your life and good things and wiminz will come your way eventually

>> No.18025877

Take a word of advice and don’t put off writing. If you think you want to write, start now.

>> No.18025978

will you cut your childs penis

>> No.18025987

I’m eating myself to death.

>> No.18026004

Fuck no. I don't approve of that.

>> No.18026050

Theres worse ways to go king

>> No.18026056

Are you a man or a woman? This is important.

>> No.18026067

That's all?

>> No.18026077

I’m a man. 205lbs at 5’10

>> No.18026112

Okay. Well, you need some willpower, and to eat less. You can exercise but diet is really what makes the difference.

>> No.18026127
File: 174 KB, 770x875, 1535936774950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but unique posters? maybe like 250/day. i mean there's only 8000 posts per day on this board. even if there were only 20 posters, that's like ~17 posts/hour/person (each of the twenty people posting every 4 minutes, 24/7) which is unlikely. there are not very many people here, compared to what it feels like.

>> No.18026184

>get lonely, wish I could be socializing
>actually make plans to do so, start intensely worrying
is there a name for this kind of autism?

>> No.18026223

My childhood is crumbling in front of me after I moved out of my parent's basement, desu. All of those existencial crises and romanticizations of philosophical dread were nothing. All of the wories I had, all of my stupid lethargic addictions can't compare to simply having to live life on your own terms. I'm hungry, I'm tired, I have 2 assessments due next monday, my landlord is kicking me out at the end of the month, I'm unemployed because of my own mistakes, I have no money for a new house thanks to security deposits, and my will is weak.
To think that I spent the last two years living inside my own head, fighting internal battles while sedated by pornography, drugs and infinite-scroll time sinks, is unbelievable.

>> No.18026233

that's why everyone tells mopey dudes to move out even if it means renting a room in a bad neighborhood. nothing like having to make rent to focus the mind.

>> No.18027186
File: 176 KB, 556x534, 1612763409894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in a way we all need something to fight for. I wonder if it's unique to humans though? You never see animals having an existential crisis.

>> No.18027230

>Anti-animefag is now infecting /sffg/

>> No.18027276

A resume is just a proof of suffering

>> No.18027449

I read Plotinus while listening to lolicore.

>> No.18027465

Congratulations anon, you are an adult

>> No.18027530

You're the reason people are so fucking boring. Everybody different just medicates the shit out of themselves. Some of us actually appreciate strange people

>> No.18027557

No fucking way bro

>> No.18027571

Being mentally ill isn't a quirky fun trait

>> No.18027632
File: 114 KB, 728x544, 453536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the call. Now we'll see what's what when the time comes. HOO RAH MOTHERFUCKERS

>> No.18027670

>go zo reddit
>make a neutral question about something health related
>been on 4chan for too fucking long
>write the word faggot in my post not thinking about it at all because it's a pretty normal thing here right?
>oh shit
>reddit completely nukes me the homophobic accuse and toxic etc etc.
>no answer to my question

OP is still a faget.

>> No.18027744


>> No.18027964

hmm, looks like you're really onto something there

>> No.18027982
File: 96 KB, 640x640, leemr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright ladies and gentleman a light spiritual called nobody knows the trouble ive seen ..

>> No.18027997

My very own statistics, gathered from "post your age" threads indicate the following :

from 1398 data entries gathered, I have an average poster age of 23 years old with a median of 22, a mode of 18 and 61% of the answers being 22 years old and below.

I am actually diagnosed with autism by the way.

>> No.18028009
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butterfly single-handedly skewing the data

>> No.18028010

I was going to post something cool but then I forgot it :|
Have some French heavy metal instead


>> No.18028012

The prices are fucking insane.
In canadian loonies, an 8 foot 2x4 was 2.50$ in spring 2020.
It was then 5.50$ by mid-december and now they cost fucking 11$ each what the fuck I actually have a fucking barn to rebuild.

>> No.18028031

on a serious note, one possible thing skewing this data down is that younger posters may be more likely to spend more time on this board and so see all of these soc posts, or post in multiple of these threads, as opposed to olderfags. also oldfags are probably more insecure about their age, or at least don't want to think about it, or at least less vain or over that shit. all of these could be massively skewing the average age of this board down, i'm not sure how you would ever be able to tell by how much

>> No.18028040

Oh yes there is definitely a lot of skewing and reposts.
I assume any retard that would ever post in a thread like that would do it again in another one.
It still is the "best" data available.
I am also very sure that a lot of the 18 years old are actually 16 and 17.

>> No.18028183

Read the Bible and change your name to the person you connect with the most.

>> No.18028186

Soon I shall take up residence in the rural, hillside home of my deceased grandmother, alone. My mother will visit every weekend or so and become drunk to incoherently sob at me. I will see if this deal is better at paying rent.

>> No.18028242

>Humanity enters into a total war with a species of humanoids from Mars that looks exactly like just, except they have bright green skin.

>> No.18028263
File: 160 KB, 800x1059, angsty priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Japan. I hate it's people. I hate it's culture. I hate it's subcultures. I hate it's cities. I hate it's history. I hate it's art. I hate it's literature. I hate it's entertainment. I hate it's hyper consumerist society.

Basically kill all anime trannies.

>> No.18028277
File: 170 KB, 520x611, 1611527986948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing I find more fun and amusing on /lit/ than when I see a thread by someone claiming to have written a manifesto. This is a surefire guarantee that lulz are about to be had.

>> No.18028281

I like 70's jazz from there

>> No.18028282
File: 312 KB, 1584x2560, new JDC front cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this?

>> No.18028288

I don't know, is it funny?

>> No.18028309

I bet you do, gay boy.

>> No.18028318
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A laugh a minute.
Agonizing howls of pain the next.


>> No.18028322

but >>18028281

>> No.18028342
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>At Least Two Young Women at the Salem Witch Trials Deserved to be Burned Alive

Well fuck now I almost want to pay for it.

>> No.18028382
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>if you get the hardcopy, one of the pages in the middle is perforated pull-out blotter paper laced with lsd


>> No.18028726
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The sheer volume of words I have written of extremely degenerate erotic fiction related to my very perverse fetishes makes me ashamed. I am trying to seriously give up masturbating, or at least reduce it, but my talents as a writer, my effective imagination, and my tendency towards impure thoughts means that even if I have cut other people's porn out of my life I can still essentially generate my own. I always wind up coming up with scenarios related to my fetishes, forming stories out of them, and writing them down, only to turn those stories into fap material for myself.

As the saying goes, I am getting high off my own supply, and I need to stop.

>> No.18028887

go on...

>> No.18028988

I feel you. It's so hard to find people who feel the same way I do because the ones who hate other nations are also the same people who glorify Japan as some cultural paradise.

>> No.18029036


imagine all the days you shitposted away between that day in 2012 and today.

>> No.18029158

What sounds better, anons?

>She is like a mother who had her first child.
>She is the size of an average human mother

>> No.18029188

Post a few paragraphs of one of your scenes. It doesn't have to be the best one, just a random one.

>> No.18029202

Dafuw is the context here? If the girl in the story suddenly stopped being funny and spontaneous and now spends all her time learning health tips from yoga blogs, then #1 makes sense. If the narrator is a schizoid autist talking about a pony he saw at the zoo, then #2 is better.

>> No.18029340

>i hate it is people
>i hate it is culture
>i hate it is subcultures
God damn it anon, this is a literature board. Sort yourself out.

>> No.18029349

They're too degenerate, I'd get banned. This isn't boring vanilla stuff.

>> No.18029470

meaningful insight
straight neck; straight back
i beckon thee hither
i beckon tee tither
i vexon xi xither

one eye on the ball
the other eye on the mall
the third eye on the call
the brown eye on the shawl
forever and ever i crawl
pickle rick was underrated

cum for mexican breasts white man
you cannot resist this wave

why is everyone gay?
or was i the gay one all along
unlikely but the jury is still out

purple turns me on
probably because im blue

there is a rhythm to life
one that you cannot write
one that you cannot shake

waves currents slides liquids


milkshake nigger is nigger my nigger favourite nigger drink nigger

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. this is OCD and tourettes combined. but maybe they are the same thing. an obsession with the taboo. Oh there’s so sensitive.

Bach. I am listening to Bach. Because I am sophisticated. and a deep thinker. Hmm let me ponder upon a midnight dreary, the weather wicked and eerie, Jessica is an ugly name. Jess-i-ca. I hope it’s short for something beautiful.

The ringing won’t stop but do I really want it to? At least I have something to listen to (besides Bach).

I am a Prince. A young Prince. Perhaps one day I will be King, but is it up to me? I have to believe it is. What kind of King believes in fate?

We must destroy the association between swords and autism. Swordsmanship will be an important skill one day in the future. Thrust and parry. Slish and slash. Strike the hand to disarm. Then knick the neck for a dramatic finish. Perhaps that was too graphic. Let me disintegrate. Let me melt down. Let me fall apart. Let me decompose. Let the bonds that hold me together be released. Let my shackles be unlocked. By the hands of God. By the arms of Science. By the fingers of the State. Where does an idea begin?

My mind intentionally left blank. But I digress, your honour. The only crime I am guilty of is purity of my love.

He who smashes glass should see to it that he does not

>> No.18029489

This desu love me some katana

>> No.18029500
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>> No.18029536
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do you ever get the feeling that you literally just cannot be content and truly enjoy anything? there are moment in my life where i sit there and think about the nice things I do have in life like books and all sorts of stuff and i try to think " man, all tings considered this is pretty cozy if i could just stop and appreciate it" but then its like my mind hits a brick wall and i just cant feel content with anything.

the worst part is that i feel like almost all of the problems in my life stem from this inability to just relax and be content, so there is like a contant stress and anxiety and most importantly the feeling of chasing the dragon and being unable to reach satisfaction that absolutely destroys my ability to cement healthy functional habits and fix my life style, and then its a vicious circle because my inability to form such habits and a decent lifestyle prevent me from truly enjoying things. man I just want to be a better person.

>> No.18029560

For me its being almost regularly disassociated with everything around me. And when I do feel happy like clockwork I will remember something absolutely stupid I did, or when I hurt someone, where I have failed, etc.
The answer is unironicaly forcing yourself into, at the absolute least, nuetrality towards yourself, and to forcefuly live in the moment. The aim is to have a defendant to your inner prosecutor, so to speak, so that you are less caught up in your internal thoughts.

>> No.18029568

Yeah that happens to me too. I have this other thing too - i could pursue any career and improve my life but i run away from responsibilities by becoming old neet at parents place.

>> No.18029570

I've been praying the Rosary every single day for five years now and it has transformed my life, entirely for the better.

>> No.18029579
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all i wanted to do was to help her overcome her issues. in the end up she just felt worthless. this is one of the worst days of my life. i ruined it all once again. i hope she will forgive me.

>> No.18029611

Theology or cultural studies for uni? idk what major yet

>> No.18029635

If the latter, do you have a specific culture in mind?

>> No.18029650

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

>> No.18029657

Not really, but I might major in ethnology, sociology or film if that's the case. Parents are rich so I can afford to just fuck around for now, but I have to be occupied with something.

>> No.18029663
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>> No.18029673

wtf It worked like a charm. Thanks anons. We all gonna make it.

>> No.18029678

I have alwayr heard Egyptology is one of the most intriguing branches of cultural study, but that is also with some bias because my grandaunt was one. Good luck with deciding, anon.

>> No.18029683

Elaborate. If you're the real poster, that is.

>> No.18029702

It's good to learn early that oftentimes you should not attempt to help mentally ill wonen. They simply have a high chance of having BPD and therefore totally rejecting any reasonable attempts at helping them. Most likely they'll just drain energy from you by constantly venting their issues onto you, dictionary definition of a toxic relationship. Been there, done that, keep your chin up king - everyone has to take care of their own issues ultimately, you don't have to do it for them

>> No.18029710

I could read now, and I'm not doing anything. What to do?

>> No.18029713

do 10 pushups every time you find yourself bored

>> No.18029749

going on my first date in two years tomorrow, i've forgotten what butterflies feel like

>> No.18029760

You will do great, friend. Good luck.

>> No.18029762
File: 21 KB, 600x528, facebook_1618418681534_6788139949634072620_463760181518870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking on a conceptual unification of philosophy wherein each philosophy is framed as a half-truth born of the subjective perception of an individual or individuals in its contextual environment. The ultimate goal of which is to cultivate an ability to understand every philosophy as it becomes presented without having to spend a year studying it or subscribing to its views and hopefully derive a better understanding of life itself having taken metrics from many great minds viewing it from different angles

>> No.18029770

social distancing !

>> No.18029849
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I hate the antichrist

>> No.18029873


>> No.18029884

National Socialism with Jewish characteristics.
The ethno-state of Israel is based on labour and expansionism on muslim land to get the Jewish Living Space.
You must secure a future for the Jewish race, for the beauty of the Khazar milkers must not perish from Earth

>> No.18029890

Don't forget the majority just lurks

>> No.18029893

But what about human rights?

>> No.18029917
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>and most Catholics are pozzed now anyway.

Find an average Catholic, befriend him, gain his confidence, and get him talking, ideally over a few drinks. You will be astounded at how fast the hardcore reactionary comes out. Catholics are a lot more insulated from pozzed status than most people think, they'll ascribe to certain elements of it but if you prod them a bit it will fall away like a snake shedding its skin. Anyone who actually goes to Mass every Sunday is no fucking joke at all, even if they attend a Novus Ordo church.

>> No.18029946

I recently discovered a metal band from the late 90s/early 2000s called Dozer, and am quite pleased with how well it fits as music to do manual labor to.

>> No.18030017
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>> No.18030105

We should vaccine only over-60 people. I'm 21 yo, I haven't got sick in years and for me it's simply useless to do it

>> No.18030174

There are two things I have longsince struggled with regarding my state as a Christian.
The first, and please forgive the use of an esotaric termonology for illustration, is the resolution of Mercy, or Chesed, with Justice, or Geburah. This, being a fallen and physical world, will take mercy and kindness, the tender and gentle works of aid, as weakness and something to target as a result, which must then be defended with severity in action. But Christ spoke of the meek inheriting the earth, and that he who lives by the sword shall die from it. Where lies the line of abiding by that but not being eaten alive?
Take the modern and postmodern outlooks on morality as relative and pliable, and the things that proliferate under it as a result, like transgenderism, globalism, etc. Where lies the line of loving and blessing an enemy that surely wants you dead, and preventing that enemy from doing so?
The other one is simple in comparison, and that is most sermons and Sunday gatherings making my skin crawl for a reason I cannot put my finger on. I know I was not molested by a clergyman, atleast.

>> No.18030194

It gives the virus opportunity to further mutate with more ample hosts though, no?

>> No.18030225

Vaccines are not 100% effective and only a few prevent transmission. It will slow it down but not stop mutations. Covid is here to stay.
I'm not an antivax brainlet so I will wait a couple of years for the long term effects to be fully known to take a vaccine that actually prevents transmission.

>> No.18030259
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Your perception of the chance of redemption are bound to irrational sentiment, and therefore untrusty.
The only way to be sure about it is to never give up

>> No.18030269

Great answer

>> No.18030270

What's that /lit/ anime called? The one where she joins a book club but never actually reads books

>> No.18030276

Slowing it down is part of the goal though. A runaway mutation could be disastrous.

>> No.18030287

doki doki literature club

>> No.18030289

Isn't that actually a very self-aware horror game?

>> No.18030302

That's a visual novel. By a western guy. Not an anime

>> No.18030331

>I'm starting to understand why people dropped everything and went to the USSR in the hopes of building a future there
Never happened lol
>I have no mission
That's not the point of living

>> No.18030338

Man there's no point in humanity degrees even if you like it

>> No.18030350

Bernard-jou Iwaku

>> No.18030356

That's the one, thanks!

>> No.18030553

Sorry mate but I have to say I reckon optimism is a much closer analogue of naivety than cynicism. That just seems obvious.
>all gonna make it.
Death comes for us all.

>> No.18030716

As writers, we are trapped by the countries of our birth, aren’t we?

>> No.18030958

I feel exhausted. My marriage is ending but I kind don't feel like trying to save it. There's a new girl at work who's been making eyes at me, and it's been nice to have that attention. I tried hanging myself Wednesday night, and long story short, the cops got called and it all still feels like a dream. I've got to catch the bus to work in about an hour.

>> No.18030991

>I tried hanging myself Wednesday night, and long story short, the cops got called and it all still feels like a dream.
Can we talk about this or would you rather not talk about it?

>> No.18031196

i thought those were kangaroos at first but holy shit those are rabbits what the fuck are they doing

>> No.18031313


>> No.18031357

i was supposed to be her protector, anon. i was supposed to make her feel safe. but i did the opposite. i want to die.