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18017842 No.18017842 [Reply] [Original]

are there any books that explain the different "types" of homosexuals? some people, such as yukio mishima, seem to be "gay" due to a fragile inner self and detachment from their own masculinity resulting from some sort of trauma and are closer to asexuality, while others seem to be trans-analogues.

>> No.18017865
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I just like kissing cute boys...

>> No.18017885

Do all americans need categories to everything or it's just the challenged internet reactionary kind?

>> No.18017897
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Same but also cute girls and as a girl with a dick.

>> No.18018120

theres no real book
just old unindexed for not being (((woke))) medical journal articles or edited out of the new publishers edition (reprint the same exact text book besides the cover and font, and no-no wrong think topics, down to the typos and unedited indexes with sources to the topics that were edited out left in) psych texts past certain years
faggotry (and a lot of paraphillia sexual behavior as well) falls into the behavior observed as:
legit fem/male-like brained fags/dykes, social role imprint fag/dykes (raised by wolves) socialized completely by the opposite sex, Narcissistic people who want to bang their idea of their younger selves, socially anxious OCD people that literally spooked themselves into liking the same sex, ASPD with a crossed wire where sexual arousal in the brain is triggered by physical aggression over others, abnormally horny people with poor sex satisfaction that will hump anything curvy with a moist warm hole to chase the dragon, lonely ASPD people who just want to nut in someone (same sex relationships arent as demanding socially due to the social ostracization, lack of choice and general lack of standards) transgressive sex behavior as a form of externalized self harm (former child abuse victims, analagous to female rape victim behavior) and self destructive ASPD, just a general ASPD thats biased at sex (hatred of social norms that caused internalized shame IE fags that hate that "normies" go to pride now and normify it bringing kids and corporate sponsors and not allowing folsom st degeneracy and the like even though its literally a parade about irregular sexuality)
most homosexuals actually tend to be unconsciously aware of some of these constructs through their personal experiences, however they dont like normies and their judgemental nature so its usually unspoken
>t. psych counselor

>> No.18018170

Stop watching porn. Stop watching your degenerated cartoons. Actually start socializing instead of being a schizo autist who is in your room all day, otherwise you get two incel faggots online giving eachother sexual attention on Discord as a form of cope, comfort and company. How old are you retards? Like 20? ngmi.

>> No.18018199

this is incredibly detailed, thanks

>> No.18018225

I know gay guys who don't fall into any of those though. If you're a counsellor then you're only meeting the screwed-up ones.

>> No.18018240

>Actually start socializing
I tried this and it's not worth it.

>> No.18018292

>I know gay guys who don't fall into any of those though
suuuuure you do

>> No.18018336

Ask Freud, the Austrian.

>> No.18018350

You're cute when you're worked up like that

>> No.18018358
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I'm married and have several friends I chill with on the reg dawg

>> No.18018368

Homos are just fucked up in the head. Lesbians are just trying to piss their dads off.

>> No.18018382 [DELETED] 
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I just want bussy desu

>> No.18018429

most lesbians dont talk to their dads

>> No.18018436

Very interesting. How do you help fags and trannies when being an fag or tranny is """""""""officially""""""""" normal? What are your thoughts on the future of psych and your career, especially when """""""""advances""""""""" in the field is capitulation to political pressure?

>> No.18018455
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Controversial opinion, but American Psycho.

>> No.18018478
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>> No.18018490


>> No.18018514
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>Narcissistic people who want to bang their idea of their younger selves
>horny people with poor sex satisfaction
>lonely ASPD people who just want to nut in someone
>ASPD with a crossed wire where sexual arousal in the brain is triggered by physical aggression over others

Wow, actually literally me

>> No.18018518

Loving girlish looking guys with round asses isnt gay

>> No.18018523

Only cisheteronormative bigots like you attempt to want to explain homosexual attractions in terms of personality traits on which they supposedly supervene. Yet breeders don't have their sexualities implicate their personality. So stop being a cis-normative transfaggotphone you fucking chud.

>> No.18018530

>ASPD with a crossed wire where sexual arousal in the brain is triggered by physical aggression over others
Hey it's literally me.

>> No.18018586

I mean yeah, but because of this I literally cannot be romantically attracted to females. Am I really supposed to spend my life miserable and alone just because my attraction might be coming from my brain instead of, what even, where is correct attraction supposed to come from? If the brain is so easily changed just like than it literally destroys any possibility that being homosexuality is morally wrong.

>> No.18018591

faggotry is mostly an issue to quality of life caused by other people
the ramifications of being a fag the past 20 or so years are little different than being a casual sex normalfag (sometimes even less so)
trendy trannies are in the socialized/socially anxious ocd category (which social anxiety disorders have been on the rise) as opposed to people that would be some sort of tranny no matter where they were born, take for example bailey jay vs jazz, bailey whos from backwater west virginia, an area hostile to faggotry, raised by a caregiver hostile to faggotry who still has their dick and opinion is "ehh, itd be nice to have a vag, but I kinda like my dick" vs raised by a nanny helicopter parent in a self congratulating liberal wasp area and starring in a reality tv show, and has constant anxiety as to their perceived presentation despite not a single nay sayer in their presence

>> No.18018601

yas queen, preach!

>> No.18018614


Also why i like pregnant stuff.

>> No.18018632

This post stands a a testiment to the fact that psychologists are deranged pathologising jack asses seeking after an the platonic form equivalent of an illusion known as normalcy. All individuals are unique you fucker. Your practice is the modern version of Christian mind slavery which shifts the onis onto the individual to divert attention from the nasty ass egregores that direct society. Stop propogating cancerous mind virus mutations of the initial fruedian inception. You dipnuts aren't even a tragedy anymore, you're even beyond farce. A mechanistic social instrument that can't access its own mind but prescribed as if it can access others. Eat a shit flavored dohnut and burn in hell turing cop.

>> No.18018635
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Op it’s unhealthy to project yourself on others.

>> No.18018639

That's interesting and all, but that doesn't answer my question.

>> No.18018642

Yes. You should be miserable and alone like the rest of us on /lit/ are. You don't get to be happy.

>> No.18018673

holy seethe

>> No.18018735

stop contaminating the board pls

>> No.18018746
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I find it funny when smug shrinkoids hold shit like this up like it's some revelation. I'll straight up tell you that I'm an extreme sadist and also tell you exactly why and how it happened.

>> No.18018755

fallacy of declaring whats normal is both taught and evident to everyone in neuroscience that isnt a braindead undergrad you pseud college dropout
these are all empirically identified behaviors consistent across cultures and time, from NYC to sierra leone, to southern france to east china, to tokyo

>> No.18018821

is it true that shrinks tend to be smug insufferable normies?

>> No.18018832

you seem to imply psychology actually helps anyone
its to stick people who are generally being a huge pain in the ass for normalfags and people around them, whose real solutions would involve people or society changing, people dont change, so most of the time its take some pills and think happy thoughts
also read any faggotry in literature from any pre modern time, half that shit is glaringly obvious

>literally destroys any possibility that being homosexuality is morally wrong.
lol, it "literally" does no such thing as morality is "literally" whatever normalfags declare bad
internal driven virtue/morality can still conflict with someones urges as well, it usually drives them into a hospital

>> No.18018849

>its to stick people who are generally being a huge pain in the ass for normalfags and people around them, whose real solutions would involve people or society changing, people dont change, so most of the time its take some pills and think happy thoughts
I guess being a counselor is its own kind of hell.

>> No.18018888

we can tell black men fuck your gf.

>> No.18018892
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I don't think it has been written yet, OP.
Gender studies departments refuse to make a full textbook on sexuality since they say the same excuse of "muh we can't define sexuality, man."

>> No.18018939

you think knowing about it somehow absolves you of making those kinds of errors you credential humping ninny? Your justification that this taxonomy appears across cultures is obviously an appeal to the normalcy you so deny, and hardly negates the human error that is categorization.

>> No.18018945

genuinely angry post lmao

>> No.18018953

>fallacy of declaring whats normal is both taught and evident to everyone in neuroscience that isnt a braindead undergrad you pseud college dropout
There is no rhyme or cause to strive to be "normal" you Satanic Jew shrink.

>> No.18018979

t. weed smoking loser that believes in nothing

>> No.18019040

it's not just americans, it's the modern way of understanding the world

>> No.18019248

Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae documents and analyzes a number of types of homosexuality through history (Greek sociopolitical systems, genius creative homosexuals like Da Vinci, witty intellectual aesthetes like Oscar Wilde, feminine/artist types, etc) but it's a big read and is more broadly about androgyny in art than homosexuality itself, and mostly confined to Western art history.

>> No.18019265

it's hard to do this because of the complexity of the culture surrounding it and its own typifying. as well as the origin (for example in the past it's often economic or social expectation or need). clearly each 'lineage' of it is different. i'm not convinced of a neither a modern or contemporary western view giving much universality at all. the contemporary one even often seems more like a ground and tool for american imperialism kek. it's not very coherent, more focused on subculture and identity. and plenty 'sexual deviants' have been colonised by this from america or have developed out from it and very in tune with 'new developments' in social and political opinion.

given that we don't act through raw biology but conscious and unconscious social concepts and frames, which are recursive and many-layered, running on biology. at most define passive-active sexual role which closely aligns with feminine-masculine mentality/social role or is a component of it. this is the only thing that seems universal and fundamental, and it has nothing to do with homosex in particular. although its expression may be quite different, it's possible that a man taking dick could be rendered as an active role in his mind and the giver's, but this takes considerable cultural creation/investment and novelty spiralling. we might assume that it didn't even exist until recently given the form that acceptable homosexuality always took in historical traditions- which are the only places where more complicated developments could occur (indeed from 'contemporary western' perspective sometimes more tranny than gay because of feminising appearance, apparently identity doctrine goes out the window when you can just assume they're trannies based on your own prejudices). so homosex usually requires deviation in at least one party. and for the active, they must have some motive that would make them prefer or tolerate the same sex. this can take so many forms. simply being lonely is one too but not all will follow through obviously which is not a difference in some dubious concept of sexual orientation but a psychological one in relation to the state of their life (its pressures) and prior experiences and personality, self-perception, etc. clearly if you identify as heterosexual there is a huge cultural block that just isn't present for the majority of history in all places (because no one had such an identity). not to say everyone would do homosex but that that significant factor would not be in play because it didn't exist. it's not that people were bisexual because that didn't exist as an identity or notion either. it's rather that they didn't think in terms of or define themselves and others by sexuality. just the normally perceived role of a sex act (which those doing the act are also bound by) and presentation in clothing, behaviour, activities, etc. as feminine or masculine. male prostitutes servicing male customers are necessarily feminine and why they present as women.

>> No.18019271

its a pynchon/brazil like hell
>wallmart cashier who contemplates dying at every mistake at work
>general depressive symptoms, crying in breakroom
>understaffed wallmart bumps her to full time to give her medical insurance, dumps her in insurance max paid sessions
>fuck all to do in 10 weeks
>prior history with evaluations for disabilities
>write referral to doctors office (for antidepressants)
>store refuses to transfer her from cashiering (or she just lied about asking for one)
>grew up with alcoholic parents who would stand over her and her brother and hit/beat them for mistakes
>remembers being left in car for hours while her dad was cheating on mother
>father would regularly scare her awake berating her older brother for peeing the bed and hit her for crying
>didnt celebrate birthdays and would be told she was a burden
>father was sent to court and given community service for putting brother in hospital
>behavioral problems all through school
>was evaluated for learning disabilities due to her constantly telling the school she fell and ran into things to explain injuries
>brother started smoking meth and sold her for sex to his dealer for drugs
>parents and brother now all dead
>last session she said she was being taken back to part time and off employers insurance
>most of tiny window of "learn to lower the bar for yourself," "dont distance yourself from others" "you shouldnt have been treated like that" and a referral to basically no one essentially

>complete normalfag (besides imaginary friends in late gradeschool) who would otherwise be coasting in life
>paranoid schizophrenia
>football player on full ride scholarship to state college
>fades in out of loose stilted tangential talking about march madness, new shitty sportsbars and twilight movies and into random alex jones-tier nonsense and former manager at prior work plotting to kick them out of college which they were already kicked out of
>attempted to castrate himself because he thought a swirl in his wallpaper that looks like a demon was possessing him with sexual thoughts
>too surface level "normal threshold" for assisted/ssi
>parents kicked him out into the street for talking to himself outloud at all hours
>had tried locking himself in the bathroom running the sink shower and fan as not to bother his parents with his rambling
>too paranoid to take any drugs prescribed
>said antipsychotics would put him in a lumpen stupor and get him fired from his warehouse job and his moment of clarity would just increase likelyhood of suicide
>only potential relief is from neural researchers salivating at a fresh rare unmedicated schizophrenic subject

>> No.18019277

>we don't act through raw biology
shut up sociologist

>> No.18019281

your post is incoherent, simplify more

>> No.18019297

no. i don't think i will. take my blog or leave it, mr.

am not. i think it's pretty much self-evident. even if something is universal (which it can very well be). of course, the application of this idea is almost universally retarded (see sociology) if not outright self-serving so maybe it is best denying.

>> No.18019308

this is true, phycology (and social "sciences" in general) are just a bunch of made up garbage

>> No.18019312

Did these people also develop homosexual urges later in life?

>> No.18019317

>emotional pain isnt biology

>> No.18019338

no, this is unrelated to that

>> No.18019350

relax, poofter

>> No.18019353

what the fuck

>> No.18019365

I want to pump his boy ass full of cum

>> No.18019381

are you one of those midwit reddit normies that think everything is determined by chemicals in the brain

>> No.18019382

the quads don't lie

>> No.18019388

the perception and feeling of emotions is mediated through the social, yes. but i said actions. what was that book about braindead psychologists assuming a single static facial expression exactly aligns to whatever emotion they define and in that all emotions are universal and emotion-words 1:1. not that the emotions can't the same, underlying, they probably are, but that perception, thoughts, conclusions, actions, language, discretisations, perception of emotions, associations, social functions, etc. related to this underlying thing are not. for pain, consider the expression of this pain and cultural variance in tolerance and expectation.

>> No.18019399

Someone else called this incoherent but I followed it pretty well. I think you have a good analysis here

>> No.18019410

i meant self-perception. most importantly all of these things are not just about the perception of others but of yourself (and yourself related to others) and the effect that has. no one has 'pure emotion' independent of this even though they share biology.

>> No.18019425

>said antipsychotics would put him in a lumpen stupor
At least he was right about something. Taking antipsychotics that change my personality and who I am is something I find to be existentially terrifying.

>> No.18019472

research on human behavior structures are deliberately tested across cultures to find objectivity
all mental pathology can reduced to "human doing normal human thing, but at the improper time society imposes and its rustling the jimmies of normalfags"
>cultural variance in tolerance and expectation.
all cultures have little tolerance for mental illness

>> No.18019474

source for this?

>> No.18019532

Gays are built into our genetic code.

After the first child, the rate of the next child being gay goes up exponentially. To protect your genetic material it makes much more sense to have 5 of your children helping to raising the same set of grandchildren rather than all 5 competing for resources to support their own separate sets grandchildren.

I don't know or care about the psychological manifestation but the shit's genetic.

>> No.18019575

>socially anxious OCD people that literally spooked themselves into liking the same sex

>> No.18019631

>After the first child, the rate of the next child being gay goes up exponentially. To protect your genetic material it makes much more sense to have 5 of your children helping to raising the same set of grandchildren rather than all 5 competing for resources to support their own separate sets grandchildren.
>presumptious baseless claims
fags hover between 3-5% of the population

>> No.18019669

Pick one and get the rope stupid tranny

>> No.18019688

>In 2015, a group of 271 researchers published the results of their five-year effort to replicate 100 different experimental studies previously published in three top psychology journals.2 The replicators worked closely with the original researchers of each study in order to replicate the experiments as closely as possible.
The results were less than stellar. Of the 100 experiments in question, 61% could not be replicated with the original results. Of the original studies, 97% of the findings were deemed statistically significant. Only 36% of the replicated studies were able to obtain statistically significant results.

>The world of social science got a rude awakening a few years ago, when researchers concluded that many studies in this area appeared to be deeply flawed. Two-thirds could not be replicated in other labs.
>Some of those same researchers now report those problems still frequently crop up, even in the most prestigious scientific journals.

>> No.18019751

Picture of Dorian Grey explains it perfectly, there are only the groomers and the groomed.

>> No.18019856

>midwit thinks this is some ace in the hole
its literally how empiricism works
a scientists has million variables to measure and a limited amount to afford to measure with his rent seeking
a good scientist cherry picks things he can afford to measure that he thinks will prove his hypothesis and get published
by the time better measuring is affordable that disproves it or someone discovers your doctoral thesis is plagarized word for word from a text 50 years old in a different language, you'll either be a proffessor with tenure or have retired by then

>> No.18020539

I always find these stories interesting probably because I am fucked up too
Thanks anon

>> No.18020589

If this were such a nonissue it wouldn't be such a wide concern in scientific circles.
The current culture in many fields promotes the proliferation of that kind of stuff, and instead of a limited numbers of quality results we get an endless stream of shitty results that we don't even have time to correct anymore. Mind that getting better, more reliable results was the whole point of the empiricist enterprise in the first place. If we're only interested in fast-spreading, quickly produced bullshit we can just turn to hearsay and common discourse as people have been doing for millenia.
You'd know that if you had talked with an honest scientist in a professional setting in the past 3 years. In statistics community people bring this up all the time, including tenured faculty.

>a scientists has million variables to measure and a limited amount to afford to measure with his rent seeking
Kind of the issue (and it's not nearly as serious in others discipline like chemistry or physics, although they have their own problems).

>> No.18020795

how did this thread go from homosex to criticism of modern scientific communities

>> No.18020810

I've literally seen this particular sequence multiple times and i will see it again.

>> No.18020829

Where do I find a boyfriend like that?

>> No.18020862

In the 2d world

>> No.18020880

There's only one "type" of homosexual

>> No.18021352
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South America

>> No.18021646

because theres several neuroscience studies that can predictively measure faggotry
neuroscience hasnt focused on homosex/trannies since it was magically taken out of psychopathology
amygdala/hypothalamus pathways with sexual dimorphism are repeatable and spot on for the predictability of people with transexual dysphoria but only kind of predictive of homosexual behavior

>> No.18022116

further elaboration
"social upbringing" has never been proven to be of any relevance, bullshit about lack of father figures and neurotic mothers, fags are inherently just fags, they have varying set behavior constructs/personalities but theyre still fags, early childhood experiences only determine social context of sex behavior, sex behavior is innate to the person and not learned, fags have no socialization besides "you should feel bad for existing" hence homosexual sex behaviors are all inherently antisocial and drive normalfags up the wall because their completely outside human societal context, meeting and fucking at random public places, irregular dating behavior, cruising/dogging, bdsm clubs, public sex in gay clubs and public bathrooms and in general "hey, theres no straights around, lets bang" interwoven sex networks make sense when ostracized by society and threat of livelyhood to being outright murdered for personal preferences, however really shitty contraindications for spreading STDs
"gay genes" are all non-sense political science papers that both have never been replicated and never actually found an individual gene, but genetic markers that dont even repeat across subjects and thus is just fucking non-sense
sexual dimorphic biological responses in the parasympathetic nervous systems are observable in both humans and appear in statistical anomalies observed in other mammal species being gay outside normal mating behavior
everything from pigs of the wrong sex having reactions to boar mate and truffles, to gay people being able to differentiate the smell of people by both sex and sexual preference, feminized genetic males (intersex XY females with testes as ovaries) having dysmorphic sized brains, dykes having disgust responses to female perfumes with male androgens but have the same response as male brains to perfumes popular with strippers laden with female pheromones, sadism measured higher in females with preferences for females, lesbians experiencing "phantom crouch" and psychosomatic complaints of experiencing clitoral inflammation to phantom blue balls and trannies with SRS 0% not experiencing phantom penis vs the 60% occurence of heterosexual males (probably not as repeatable in current clown world, but watever)

>> No.18022181

this is whyi come here

>> No.18022308

some things elude categorisation, you positivist fool!

>> No.18022328

idk, i just want a femboy gf(male)

>> No.18022361

My English is not great. What does OP mean? Being manlet turns you into homo?

>> No.18022514

And Chad bisexuals like Lord Henry who get the maximum amount of enjoyment out of both groomer and groomed, and then leave them both seething and suicidal.

>> No.18022534

I'm a 6 foot 6 inch male and I used to crossdress and trap but then I got old and stopped being cute lol. Meme is correct.

>> No.18022699

>>t. psych counselor
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.18023319

I see, so you identify with one of the particularly distasteful subtypes and now you're asspained when somebody describes your inner neuroses
many such cases

>> No.18023492

Psychology is not a real science. I'm not sure why everyone is falling for this.

>> No.18023499

I bet that pisses their dad off

>> No.18023508

If you're a short "man" you're better off transitioning and finding a boyfriend

>> No.18023564

based on the men i've fucked here's my classifcation system
>faggy gays
are actually born gay, act effeminately in a traditionally faggy way and do traditionally gay things
>born gay but normal
these guys are born gay but you wouldn't easily tell unless you already knew, there are a lot more of these than you think
any sort of "genderqueer" stuff is generally accurate to autist sexuality so long as you understand that autists can go either way and tend to be gayer as they become less successful in life, all the autogynophiliacs and trannies fall under this category too
>desperate men
are not gay but desperate for sex