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18014141 No.18014141 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get back into reading science fiction, last book that I truly enjoyed of the genre was pic related. I got these three suggested, which one is better?
Also open to other recommendations

>> No.18015022
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If you want some military sci-fi try Armor, Starship Troopers and The Forever War.

>> No.18015441

Of those three, I enjoyed Dune the most. Solaris took a while to really grab me, but once it did, I loved it.
If I were to recommend others that are accessible but also timeless I'd recommend:
Childhoods End
The Stars My Destination

None of those are really the same type of military scifi as Enders Game, but other anon had some good recs for that. I'd also throw Old Man's War into that pile.
There are also sequels to Enders Game that people seem to really like, but I've never read them so I cant comment.

>> No.18015495

Just read Prisoners of Power by the Strugatsky brothers after a long break from sci-fi, read it in 2 days, very enjoyable, reminded me of a precursor to Iain Banks' Culture novels. Pretty sure I read the censored version unfortunately, I'm not sure if there is an uncensored english translation.

>> No.18015525

Speaker for the Dead is by far the best book in the series. It's a much more rigorous and thoughtful effort from Card. Ender's Game is really just laying the groundwork for what the author really wants to say. Card doesn't get much recognition for it, but he's extremely well read and a fairly serious theologian. Speaker for the Dead is entirely unlike its predecessor. It trades action for a slower pace, where Card can more comfortably explore the implications of the first novel in greater detail. It's much more psychological, and there are some really poignant moments I won't spoil for you. I highly recommend putting it on your list.

>> No.18015906

Methuseleh's Children is lots of fun.

>> No.18016054

For some reason, I liked Ender's shadow the best.

>> No.18016686

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18016700

He certainly has some mormon beliefs

>> No.18016742

Exhalation by Ted Chiang

>> No.18016761

Card is a right-wing religious boot-licking nutjob. Go read Octavia Butler or something. Please.

>> No.18016845

you can also use the charts in the /sffg/ OP as some Science fiction recommendations.

personally I liked the first 2 books (the sequels by Frank Herbert are fine if you like the universe), but some people may argue that the first book is a borderline YA story due to the main character being a 15 year old. I would recommend Dune if you like some worldbuilding and/or some political intrigue; though I find that Frank's writing focuses a lot on inner monologue/thought processes which could be a turn off.

decent book though it heavily relies on the reader to be invested in the character's stories within the story. Sequels from what I've heard are subpar to the first book, though I've never read them personally.

Never read it.

>> No.18017442

>a right-wing religious boot-licking nutjob
He's also a good writer, who cares what his political beliefs are.

>> No.18017448
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>> No.18017454

Any book that includes transgenderism

>> No.18017465
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For me? It’s Call of the Arcade.

>> No.18017481
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>> No.18017520


>> No.18017585
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>> No.18017598

Childhoods End by Arthur C Clarke

>> No.18017607
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Have you read any PKD OP? Also, check out pic related.

>> No.18017615

Oh shit. Nice.

>> No.18017779

Is this they type of sci fi novel that is just monologue after monologue? I liked left hand of darkness, but even that went a little long with the inner monologues but it was the only effective scifi romance ive ever read.
I read a lot of political philosophy stuff and dispossessed just seems like a thinly(barely) veiled political philosophy treatise. Am I wrong?

>> No.18017789

Ender's Game is shit, IMO.

>> No.18017799

you aren't wrong, but it is worth reading. great worldbuilding

>> No.18017831


great anthology-like read, also very scary imo

>> No.18017836
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>> No.18017837
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Solaris has been on my radar since around 2007. I researched it and found out the English translation sucked (translation of a translation) and decided to wait until it made its way to a decent one. It's been 14 years and the only thing that came out is the audible audiobook translation (that won't be published in book form for the foreseeable future because of copyright crap).

Is the translation really that bad? Am I better off listening to it instead of waiting to eventually read it (as far as I can tell the audible thing was sincere and wasn't just marketting)?

>> No.18018020

I have no idea about this audio version but I find it hard to believe one of the most celebrated sci fi novels still has a poor translation

>> No.18018286

It does. The only (English) translation in print wasn't direct; it was based on a (poor) French translation. His estate lauded the audible translation but, because of copyright issues, it couldn't be produced into book form.

>> No.18018307


Lem personally hated the English translation and it wasn't translated directly until 2011 (Audible version)


>> No.18018399

(Also, it isn't exactly "one of the most celebrated sci-fi novels." It has a history of being highly praised but it wasn't well known outside of Europe, hence the article referring to it as "cult." The audible translation put it on people's radar and it's popularity has increased significantly in the decade since (i.e. the Anglosphere is late to the game as far as being "celebrated" is concerned).

>> No.18018412

I find it weird that this is the only sci-fi book of the bunch.

>> No.18018417

Out of those 3? Solaris. Dune is good too but it's hardly sci-fi; more like high fantasy in spaaaace.

>> No.18019240

probably Dhalgren

>> No.18019546

I'm going to hijack this thread for a second.
I'm going on a week long trip and will have some reading time.
Should I bring hyperion or dangerous visions vol 1?
I haven't read either but have read many of the classics.

>> No.18019733

It is available as an ebook though.

>> No.18019788

The elusive patrician sci fi book. Does it exist litbros?

>> No.18020144

Yes, it's Foundation.

>> No.18020361

Blindsight: 50% autistic protagonist straddles the gap between "normal" post humans, and 100% autistic post-conscious tentacle hive

Quantum Thief: just look at the the glossary: https://www.karangill.com/glossary-quantum-thief-fractal-prince-jean-le-flambeur/#Biot_feed

Too like the Lightning:
the Chad J.E.D.D. Mason aka Tai-kun, aka Jagmohan, aka Xiao Hei Wang, aka Micromegas, aka Jehovah, aka The Porphyrogene, aka Epicurus Donatien D'Arouet Mason

>> No.18020621

This is a good one.

>> No.18020741

any scifi that go into depth on how everyday life in said universe works

>> No.18020844

I wouldn't put any of Cards shit even in the top 1000 Sci Fi books list.

What is with this guy? He seems to be big on incest.

>> No.18020848

Like cousin fucking?

>> No.18020884

Where can I get second hand sci fi books with good looking cover art?

>> No.18021272


>> No.18021364

I read many sci-fi books when I was younger, but Lem is the only one I could re-read any day.
Here is my favourite list from him:
The invincible
His essays are also fun

>> No.18021593

It's not some literary masterpiece, but I recently finished the first book of the Expeditionary Force series - Columbus Day. Was thoroughly enjoyable

>> No.18021719

Fiasco is shit. Didn't even bother with Solaris after that (but watched half the George Clooney movie remake before getting bored)

>> No.18021764

I really like the three stigmata of palmer eldritch by PKD but I haven't read much SF, I'm sure there's better books

>> No.18021792

you are clearly a pleb, and you were filtered. go back to watching madmen you faggot