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18011875 No.18011875 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the horrors of wage slavery?

>> No.18011879

das kapital

>> No.18011896

My diary senpai

>> No.18011911

congrats anon, every human has had to do this for thousands of years
>but you owned your labor in preagricultural times!
nigga who tf cares about “owning your labor”, people care about the results of their labor. “Owning” the means of production is a false desire implanted by Marxist religion just like wanting to become righteous and sinless is a false desire from Christianity

>> No.18011916
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>> No.18011921

shut the fuck up

>> No.18011926

Keeping seething slave moralist

>> No.18011931

work in industrial societies is a totally different thing from pre-industrial and it's still very much up for debate if it's dogshit or not (hint it's dogshit)

>> No.18011934

what a fag. keep your fag mouth shut.

>> No.18011947
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>> No.18011951

Is NEETdom the answer?

>> No.18011964

So you admit the problem is industrialization, not private property or the means of production?

>> No.18011988


>> No.18011992

>private property
>means of production
i'm not a communist but you should try thinking about how those things relate

>> No.18011993
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>> No.18012020

Private property starts with ownership of the body. Early societies sense of self is sublimated to the collective creating the concept of the nation. Nations have their own territory where they survive and defend it against outsider groups.

Industrialization is specifically referring to 1800s revolution. The rate of production making standards of living and population skyrocket is making the new population anxious and depressed because no amount of office work will ever be as fulfilling as hunting, farming, war, etc.

>> No.18012031

>Early societies sense of self is sublimated to the collective creating the concept of the nation
Another gay conservative liberal confusing a Western particularism with 'universal progress'.

>> No.18012038

It always makes me chuckle when anons think the past was better. Most wouldn’t be the aristocracy and would be working the fields. They are NEETs now who never leave the basement. How would they survive doing hard manual labor in the fields all day?

>> No.18012116

If you can do it, yes. It’s not an option for me.

>> No.18012136

>How would they survive doing hard manual labor in the fields all day?
By simply doing it. You can insist otherwise but it seems to me pretty indisputable that such work is more objectively human than the sort modern humans work, managing hundreds of emails per day, several meetings, multitasking coding languages, visual dashboards. Jobs today are more dehumanizing and impersonal than in the past, albeit physically much safer and less strenuous. We traded danger in the world for comfort in a cage.

>> No.18012157
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>> No.18012170

Go get a job doing nigger work then if you think it’s much better. Those jobs still exist

>> No.18012187

based insect

>> No.18012457

pale king

>> No.18012481

>Most wouldn’t be the aristocracy
Basically everyone realizes this.

>They are NEETs now who never leave the basement.
Another idiot making entirely baseless assumptions.

>> No.18012492

Inb4 the wagies.
The Right to be Lazy

>> No.18012497

Shut the fuck up cuck

>> No.18012506

These guys always think they’re making genius talking points when they bring up these two.

>> No.18012547

It's obvious that almost everyone has to be restricted or the system falls apart. I don't believe any of this shit but a lot of you nay sayers are beyond retarded.

>> No.18012588

So what’s your solution? People have worked for a living from the beginning of civilization. The only difference now is that money is a go-between linking the ruling class and the working class. With the money comes more freedom. If you don’t want that freedom, I don’t know what to tell you. You were forced to work, or be punished, for a basic living without any freedom whatsoever in the aristocratic days

>> No.18012611

god you fucking people make me want to commit suicide, absolute brain damaged vermin

>> No.18012624

>You were forced to work, or be punished, for a basic living without any freedom whatsoever in the aristocratic days

Sounds great.

>> No.18012643

When are we going to achieve a post-scarcity utopia like in star trek already?

>> No.18012681

Where we're headed is much closer to Dawn of the Dead.

>> No.18012690
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The capitalist system says I am less valuable than Instagram influencers and OnlyFans whores.

>> No.18012696


>> No.18012745

So what is the solution? Your thinking seems paradoxical, “more comfort and freedom today means we are more tightly controlled”

>> No.18012811

lmao based retard

>> No.18012817

sucks to be a neet in poor family gonna need to work to buy my crap.

>> No.18012931

Kek and based.

>> No.18012943

A thought provoking riposte, bravo.

>> No.18012991
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>> No.18013022


>> No.18013066

>people care about the results of their labor
Which they also don't own.

>> No.18013074

They do, they just don’t know it.

>> No.18013177

Have you taken the Hawaiian Chadpill yet /lit/?

>> No.18013191

Novelette but "Forlesen" by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.18013201

Christcomm bros we won't stand for this.

>> No.18013274

The capitalist system says that you're an individual person and you don't have to compare yourself to some whores. Just don't think about them.

>> No.18013283

you don't own anything, you will never own anything, now go back to work

>> No.18013298

I own you faggot. Kneel

>> No.18013301

Das Rheingold. The Nibelung's are incarcerated as slaves for work.

But Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg shows the pleasures of wageslaving.

>> No.18013329

No. Either the product or the resulting capital is not theirs, but owned by the employer, owner, etc.

>> No.18013450

Bridgit Jones's Diary

>> No.18013501

onece the world is purged of black people and other undesireables

>> No.18013521

sounds like a comfy even if hard toiling life. you were entitled to the sweat of your brow, growing healthy food for yourself and your family, and if we are talking feudalism, you were protected and didn't have to fear being fired, and didn't have to pay for all kinds of services, just your work. After work you would spend time with your family, reading the bible, having sex for the purposes of procreation with a faithful wife, and going to bed early to be woken up by the cocks's crow

>> No.18013576


The thief? The liar? The pirate? He stole it. He has no actual claims. If he gets in the way of one’s work and production and the enjoyment of this, he should be killed

>> No.18013577

Based. Down and out in paris is really good too.

>> No.18013988

>He has no actual claims.
and yet...

>> No.18014033

I "enjoy" working. I don't know what I would do otherwise, how to fill all that empty time.

>> No.18014173

>all these seething underage marxists

>> No.18014209

Get back to work wagie, my dole isn’t going to pay for itself

>> No.18014243

My ancestors were aristocrats. I have photos of them lounging around in 1890s India being fanned by servants

>> No.18014250

That's fucking sad.

>> No.18014261

Not in out lifetime.

>> No.18014263


I enjoy "working"

>> No.18014659

I'm in law school right now, when I'm done I'll have two options
>try to pass the bar and become a lawyer
>get on neetbux, which I am entitled to because I live in a welfare state
Currently learning towards the latter option, especially since I heard law as a career was horrible. Can any lawfags confirm? I don't interact with any of my classmates or professors so I don't know about the job market.

>> No.18014677

My diary desu

>> No.18014686

I don’t understand you welfare state people. Why do you pretend like it’s such a serious choice? You have NEETing to fall back on no matter what. You could just take the most laid back lackadaisical approach to work possible and it would be perfectly fine. You could be a half assed lawyer and if it bothers you, just leave. What’s there to even debate?

>> No.18014690

I already have. How do you think I know this?

>> No.18014692

Are you a NEET and do you consider NEETdom to be an authentic continuation of the aristocratic tradition?

>> No.18014711

>Hawaiian Chadpill

>> No.18014862

It'd be a bit more difficult to justify applying to neetbux if I had a JD since it's one of those degrees that pretty much guarantee employment even if you're a fucking shitter.

>> No.18014880

Also my diary sahib

>> No.18014916

Fear and Trembling is pretty good in that regard, also a very short read

>> No.18014922

good goy

>> No.18015005

Why? No one had a gun to your head right?

>> No.18015034

Even if it's a welfare state, you need to somewhat justify that you're asking for neetbux because you can't find employment, and a lawyer can always open his own practice.
At that point I might need to see a psychiatrist to get proof of mental illness in order to substantiate my claims, which would be a hassle because once you start getting into the disability check business it gets much more complicated.

>> No.18015097

I'm gonna take everyone away from slavery as a new day Moses.
Trust me. It will take effort, but by the end of 2026, at the latest, every human with access to the internet will have a way not to wageslave and still make a good living. All people that make money just sucking the lives of other people out are gonna lose this income.
Mark my fucking words, because it's true.

>> No.18015146
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>congrats anon, *every* human has had to do this for thousands of years

>> No.18015155

>How would they survive doing hard manual labor in the fields all day?
By doing it.

>> No.18015165

Amazing refutation of his point, idiot.
Gimme a high culture that didnt have a concept of self and private property and didnt have some form of organized production going on.

>> No.18015166

This but NEETs are not the ones who would work in the fields. They are the babies who would have died before they could become adults, either at birth or of illnesses.

>> No.18015459
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>> No.18015475
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>false desire to be righteous
you can only cope with waging through vice

>> No.18015484


>> No.18015499

They can do that now. Field hands are still needed. Why don’t they do it?

>> No.18015519

Lmao fukken saved

>> No.18015520
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Fine then we'd reincarnate as Chads the next time around

>> No.18015523

Reincarnation isn't real

>> No.18015536


>> No.18015547

No, I'm from western Europe.

>> No.18015561

I would like to know more about this man Willich.

>> No.18015578

Unlike you, I’ve actually worked as a field hand in manual labor jobs (agriculture and oil and gas). I’m also a nerd. So let me explain to you quickly what was so bad about about the oil and gas job in particular because the ag job isn’t even worth considering since it paid illegal immigrant wages and was totally untenable if you pay taxes. It wasn’t the physical labor, the harsh environment, working rain, sleet, or snow. It wasn’t turning wrenches or hauling pipe. It was the digital stuff. It was constantly responding to and tracking messages coming across the data or that data. It was being forced to go faster, faster, more efficient because the whole time you’re working that 16 hour shift there’s a giant LCD readout on the side of the van that tells headquarters exactly how much you’re producing and how fast you’re working. The hyper industrial nature of it was one horror but the digital information craziness of it was a whole other horror. The reality is, either way you can’t “just do manual labor in the fields” anymore. That’s not how modern industry works.

>> No.18015592



>> No.18015599

>if NEETs were born in the 1300s they'd be posting on 4chan in their mother's basements

>> No.18015604

tpbp, /lit/ BTFO

>> No.18015607

stop naturalizing your slavery to international finance you UTTER fucking subhuman fucking stain

>> No.18015621

this post was pretty retarded m8

>> No.18015627
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>every human

>> No.18015651

The Abolition of Work by Bob Black

> don’t suggest that most work is salvageable in this way. But then most work isn’t worth trying to save. Only a small and diminishing fraction of work serves any useful purpose independent of the defense and reproduction of the work-system and its political and legal appendages. Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done — presumably the figure, if accurate, is lower now — would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Theirs was only an educated guess but the main point is quite clear: directly or indirectly, most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control. Right off the bat we can liberate tens of millions of salesmen, soldiers, managers, cops, stockbrokers, clergymen, bankers, lawyers, teachers, landlords, security guards, ad-men and everyone who works for them. There is a snowball effect since every time you idle some bigshot you liberate his flunkeys and underlings also. Thus the economy implodes.

>> No.18015664

What you should do is just become a lawyer who specializes in securing NEETbux, do that for a couple of years until you inevitably burn out and realize working in the modern economy is bullshit and then use what you learned to secure NEETbux for the rest of your life.

>> No.18015674

Good slave

>> No.18015677

a little based...

>> No.18015720

Think about how many college students are educated into positions where the main function is to extract greater productivity out of labor and capital. This is what all “analysts”, “consultants” do directly and most “engineers”, “coordinators”, and “managers” indirectly. The economy is caked with 15 layers of efficiency obsessed bureaucracy.

>> No.18015781

It's the whole idea of bullshit jobs. I mean look what happened with the pandemic shutdowns. 3/4ths of the economy shut down and everyone went home except for the "critical workers" and the pillars of the economy held firm. This just underscores how completely unnecessary most jobs are.

>> No.18015798

It’s true. Mine is 90% bullshit. I spend almost all of my time doing “efficiency” and “innovation” shit that doesn’t benefit or affect anyone or anything but I have to do it because someone wanted some bureaucrat capital to throw around in a meeting. It’s probably the biggest reason I hate my job desu. It’s utter nonsense. By the way, I work for the government...

>> No.18015842

I wish I was born in a welfare state. I have cousins who are married, with kids, and haven’t worked in decades

>> No.18015850


>> No.18015996

>Officer in the Prussian Army
>fought in the 1848 revolutions
>was a devout communist and wanted to kill Marx because he was too conservative
>moved to the US and fought for the Union during the Civil War

>> No.18016008

Wanna know what’s worse? Having parents and grandparents who have money, enough that you could’ve never worked if you didn’t want to buy them buying so wholeheartedly into pull yourself up by the bootstraps economic theology that you’ve never received a time know that you won’t receive a dime when they die. Hell, my grandmother alone has already spent most of it and hasn’t worked since she was 30 ironically.

>> No.18017023

unfathomably based boomertards

>> No.18017032

holy based

>> No.18017148

I don't have a bullshit job and I still feel miserable

>> No.18017182

Based. I hope your grandparents leave all their money to a museum and your parents give all their money to your BBC loving sister.

Maybe if you finished grammar school they'd have given you a trust fund.

>> No.18017191

Yep, chapters 10, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22 all have to do with wage slavery specifically.
An absolutely BASED book.

>> No.18017232
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By the principle of labor that of fortune or competition is certainly outdone. But at the same time the laborer, in his consciousness that the essential thing in him is "the laborer", holds himself aloof from egoism and subjets himself to the supremacy of laborers, as the commoner clung with self-abandonment to the competition-State. The beautiful dream of a "social duty" still continues to be dreamed. People think again that society GIVES what we need, and we are under OBLIGATION to it on that account, owe it everything we have. They are still at the point of wanting to serve a "supreme giver of good" That society is no ego at all, which could give, bestow, or grant, but an instrument or means, a means by which we derive benefit; that we have no social duties, but solely interests for the pursuance of a society must serve us; that we owe society no sacrifice, but, if we sacrifice anything, sacrifice it to ourselves. Of this the socialists do not think, because they-as liberals- are imprisoned in the religious principle, and zealously aspire after - a sacred society, such as the State hitherto discussed.

>> No.18017242

The Metamorphosis, Kafka

>> No.18017661

Per aspera ad astra by Orwell

>> No.18017665

>tfw could have been a trust fund baby but your family cucked you

LMAOing @ your life senpai welcome to the real world

>> No.18017673

absolutely based. A communist with balls.

>> No.18017841
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Best books about Chads available in Hawaiian?

>> No.18017978
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I am filled both with contempt—a scathing disgust that would surely incapacitate a lesser man—and jubilation when I am unjustly assaulted by the raspy screech or lanky gait of whatever such servile abomination liberalism incessantly has produced over the past two centuries (be they national socialists, democrats, anarchists, or Marxists). I think: what have I done to deserve seeing or hearing such an affront to my humanity—a creature, undoubetdly in the shape of a man with the concerns of a man, that nonetheless carries himself as if he is hollow—an amalgam of rats of some such collection of rodents stuffed in human skin—and speaks with a voice that is not his, emanating from an orifice that is not his mouth. I must, I think, have been a horrible criminal in a past life; for I am struck, rendered inert, by the desire to reach out and wring the dirt out of their tainted souls yet simultaneously thrust my thumbs through their long dead eyes.

They stare at society and grapple with the forces of modernity with the grace of a deaf and dumb geriatric Roman who, as fate would have it, resides at the base of Vesuvius. Despite their service to Rome, despite their undoubedtly noble intentions, their aloof gawk as they are torched by the magma of utility and choked by the fumes of capital is simply comical. By Marx's prophecy, the were told the enemy of Rome would seige Pompeii; thus, the donned their armor and gazed across the sea, expecting another Hannibal—totally clueless as they were buried alive, scanning the horizon for a violated NAP or a factory full of exploited workers or a synagogue.

The revolution's telos is paving the path for capitalist domination; the emancipation of the serf, be it for class or race, merely shackles them with chains they can no longer see. You seek to destroy the government: YOU are the government; you seek to destroy the business: YOU are the business; you seek to end slavery; YOU are the master.

>> No.18018002

I'm in a similar boat. My grandfathers estate was worth millions my family got carved out.

>> No.18018040
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Papa ted works

>> No.18018056

Anon, if you were born as a monkey all you had to do in life is hang from treetops and eat fruit and nuts.
We go to 10000% more stress in life and for what?

>> No.18018088

That sucks. I lucked out so hard buying a bunch of GME shares last summer. Once I left NEETdom six years ago, I thought I'd never make it back, that I'd never even retire. Time enough at last, friends.

>> No.18018155


>> No.18018337
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>> No.18018346


>> No.18018421
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wagies BTFO

>> No.18018450

Tolstoyan here, agree

>> No.18018612


>> No.18018618


>> No.18018620

Uh isn’t this supposed to be about Communism? I read it a day ago, and the last scene is supposed to make the point that Communism isn’t that disimilar to Capitalism (Orwell was a Socialist).

>> No.18018736

Socialism is just a way to get from capitalism to communism/

>> No.18018900


>> No.18019364

abhorrent post

>> No.18019378

Irrefutably based. Intellectualizer will seethe and write an article about how blue jeans are symbolic of a modern malaise rather than just a comfortable chose of clothing.

>> No.18019379

land speculators and landlords should be executed

>> No.18019409
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most essential workers are too scared to do pic rel

>> No.18019478

>just like wanting to become righteous and sinless is a false desire from Christianity

>developing virtue is a pointless exercise
Somebody, I'm not going to say who, but *somebody* did not start with the Greeks.

>> No.18019514

Wage slaves are happy. Neets are unhappy.

>> No.18019680


>> No.18019684

>Wage slaves are happy
really dude?

>> No.18019689

do ho ho ho

>> No.18019702

Neets will never understand the sublime joy that wageslaves experience in their struggles.

>> No.18019843

>Wave slaves are happy
wew lad