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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 700x701, 0ky2z00iips61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18007863 No.18007863 [Reply] [Original]

write a paragraph about this scene

>> No.18007901

"My gun, my gun.. is just out of reach" cried Behemoth, as he struggled to shake off a crazy Karenina. "Where is Faggot to help me", he thought to himself as the tightening grip caused him to spasm. "Is he, is he posting on 4chan?", green eyes growing wider "Is he OP?"

>> No.18007920
File: 154 KB, 512x378, 1585604278726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Is he OP?"

>> No.18007929


>> No.18007940


>> No.18007945


>> No.18007956

Based cat seig heil

>> No.18007960

desperate embrace crushes feline
roastie's arms are naught but benine
eyes ablaze with post wall fervor
mind is crazed: a wedding observer

cat, in fear, his paw seig heils
tongue is lolled in terminal style
eyes are squint as he compacts
by this bint whose jaw is slack

who will feed kitty when she goes
off the bridge? kitty does not know,
his lungs will freely flow once more
relieved of dried-up vapid whore

>> No.18007964


>> No.18007973

Mrkgnao, said the cat (though he clearly meant "Heil Hitler"). The girl with her arm wrapped around him seemed happy with this development; the years of training leading up to this moment were not for nothing—now she could burst onto the YouTube scene like a shining star. A cat, yes—much more symbolically appropriate than a dog. She turned on her stereo, and "Sweet Dreams" reverberated through the room. "With a Hitlerist feline, you can do anything you want," she thought.

>> No.18007993

>"With a Hitlerist feline, you can do anything you want," she thought.

>eyes are squint as he compacts
by this bint whose jaw is slack
unironically excellent

>> No.18008028
File: 171 KB, 1080x1071, 1598198277073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes are squint as he compacts
>by this bint whose jaw is slack

>> No.18008036

holy fucked based

>> No.18008041
File: 11 KB, 645x851, TvFu5XF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fascist gf

>> No.18008109

best posts I've seen on /lit/ in months

>> No.18008139


>> No.18008204

there he rode past her in his new Mercedes Benz 540K Roadster. The mighty Fuhrer steel gaze pierced the crowd as he cruised past, his service cap glistening in the summer heat and his arm firmly pointing towards that blazing sun

She was instantly overcome with emotion when her and the Fuhrer's eyes met for a fraction of a second. She instantly felt the dopamine rush of ten thousand orgasms. Her small pussy, which she had carried with her to witness this momentous occasion with, could not handle the sight of such a righteous man and, before letting out one Siege Heil in reply to the Fuhrers, was rendered catatonic

>> No.18008324


>> No.18008549

Thats pretty good

>> No.18008887
File: 342 KB, 903x761, 1595529134022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, man. But whatever it is, it should center around the word 'bosom'. I like the word 'bosom', it makes me feel nice and cozy inside.

>> No.18008888

Hitler is dead. but his soul is alive having been transferred into the body of a cat.

>> No.18008894

For sale: cat body, freshly taxidermized.

>> No.18008996

cade LOL

>> No.18009003


>> No.18009022


>> No.18009069

she is so fucking ugly

>> No.18009086

The parasite has gained full control of the human host. Now the cat body was being disposed of. The toxins had taken full control of the body, the cat began to rot, to dissolve and eventually there was no more cat, only Kathrine, who feasted upon the flesh, and slowly learned to imitate human behavior. Walking on four in the dark alleys of New York, she had grown accustomed to urinating on the homeless and eating the dissolved bodies. Nobody yet knows what is going on. Kathrine is there. Kathrine sees you. Kathrine will eat you.

>> No.18009094

holy fucking checked

>> No.18009751

The alley cats said this was the life. To live with a human is the end of all struggle, all suffering. If only they knew the truth: that humans are raving mad, and the ones who own cats are the craziest of all! Take my new mistress, for example. She is part of something called /pol/, where they worship some human painter from Austria. I am forced to earn my keep by imitating his salute 1488 times day; always in different poses for Mistress's edgy tiktok. I have everything I ever wanted, but I would give it all up to return to the sanity of the alley where I was born. Social mobility is for dogs.

>> No.18009758

*times a day

>> No.18009828
File: 77 KB, 166x162, 1532609788678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18010060

"I love you so, so much," she said as she slowly crushed the life from Ebony "Only I can love you enough to set you free of this world."
She stared unblinking into its confused, washed out emerald eyes on her phone as the life streamed out of them.

>> No.18010111
File: 53 KB, 575x609, 1607165049590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Only I can love you enough to set you free of this world."

>> No.18010165

He is always OP :D

>> No.18010387


>> No.18010438

based, fuck cats

>> No.18010471

Someone made a thread on /bant/ with this same image. He is a Swede. He must have seen this image on this board and saved it from the board, since it has a recent 4chan Unix filename instead of the R*ddit filename present here.

>> No.18010497


>> No.18010524
File: 21 KB, 592x533, 1598480060428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a paragraph about the image. What else do you want me to say? Some gay pseud shit about the vapidity of femoids or something?

>> No.18010533

>It's a paragraph about the image
Aha, now I get it.

>> No.18010537

yes faggot, contribute other than autistic board policing

>> No.18010564

How about you make quality threads first?

>> No.18010582
File: 115 KB, 593x647, tAgBSSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18010587
File: 29 KB, 290x290, 1572294757358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying these dumbass writing prompt threads are any fun and not just pseuds who are a semester into their MFA trying to flex

>> No.18010648

not the fag you're replying to but as >>18007960 this poaster I don't really write much at all outside of essays for my uni course and I had great fun trying to come up with a short poem.
I like these threads and seeing people's creativity, too often this board descends into arguments

>> No.18010660

Well at least YOU'RE getting some value out of it. When I see an image like that that I've seen posted on another board, my mind is going to jump to the time I saw it recently, especially because that's rather novel seeing the same image posted in such a close frequency.

Frankly I have little to no interest in writing outside of lorefagging for my D&D setting, I just stick to reading.

>> No.18010702
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1492810675814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a shame anon, post some of your lore! what do you write about for DnD? I've never played it and only know bits and pieces through osmosis

>> No.18010746
File: 314 KB, 1761x1718, ExnlM1ZWYAMzJrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly synopses of geographic locations. CIA World Factbook-type data, stuff about population density, economy, ethnic and religious makeup, etc. At heart, I'm a geography autist.

D&D is fun, it's a bit of a learning curve but it can be very rewarding. I prefer running the campaigns rather than playing, personally.

I have some annals of history but it's all up in my head. One of these days I'll write some of it down.

Sorry for being a dick, I just get sick of the "woman quirky XD" spam on this board but you're a real one, anon. I misjudged you and your thread.

>> No.18010761

The Cat's Paw:
In my last life I was naughty. I read a PDF of Mein Kampf every day, and saluted Adolf Hitler at my desk. I dreamt of a blonde Aryan giantess, who would clasp me tightly to her soft bosom. The sweet embrace would overwhelm me such that my tongue would hang helplessly from my mouth. Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.18010780

That's cool man, yeah I'm a bit of a map autist myself. Back years ago I used to create whole 'nations' on minecraft like a total sperg, it was great fun creating the economy of the different cities, transport, etc. D&D sounds like fun.

I get it though, there's a lot of spam on the board about women and relationships not related to /lit/ at all, good to have some pleasant interactions for once. Take care bro :)

>> No.18010789

i got this image from the front page of reddit today. that was actually why i made this post, because it adds an extra layer of irony

>> No.18010792
File: 438 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Stone_ender_Newport_RI_Memorial_Blvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back years ago I used to create whole 'nations' on minecraft
Nice. I would always insist on building this one type of historic house popular in my area 300-400 years ago called a stone ender.

Never had the patience to construct whole nations but I can respect your dedication.

>Take care bro :)
You too, and best of luck on your future endevors.

>> No.18010798


>> No.18011918

The woman crushed the cat into fascism.