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18008839 No.18008839 [Reply] [Original]

So I got "Models" By Mark Manson and jumped to the chapter "Men Who Only Experience Rejection" because of course I did
>My contention is that these men are severely disassociated from their true identity. They’ve got massive amounts of emotional baggage that they’re oblivious to, yet it permeates all of their interactions
>They’re typically extremely needy and desperate, seeking approval without knowing why and with a complete disregard to how they go about it.
>They never stop to consider that the woman was telling them that their intentions and neediness -- their complete inability to be vulnerable and to show their truth is what is creepy, not what they actually said
And then he goes
>They’re terrified of confronting their sexuality, their desire to be loved and to love.
But it's paradoxal. He means that you need to be honest with yourself and women to attract women, if you seek women due to desire to be loved and to love and you're honest about it and you let yourself be vulnerable, you come off as needy and desperate therefore unattractive, therefore not attracting women. How do you break this cycle? And if you somehow stop desiring to love and to be loved, then you no longer want to be with women, so you won't be with one either. It's a lose lose situation, if you want to be with women, they don't want to be with you, and if you don't you aren't with them either.
He also says
>Unfortunately, these men are usually beyond help within dating advice.
Which I guess is truth

>> No.18008884

>give a vague term that you will not define
>tell men who read your work because they’re so desperate they’ll read anything that all they need is this vague term
>take about two paragraphs to talk out of your ass without using vague term and not bother to even see if it contradicts itself
>okay next chapter: Why I’m Successful With Zero Evidence and You’re Not!
Books like Models are good for ascertaining what’s wrong with you (the need for attention part put me on a corrective path of thinking) but it becomes obvious the authors are always speaking out of their ass when it comes to solutions. Sadly you’re the only person that can be intrinsic into your situation to ascertain a corrective path to fixing yourself.

>> No.18008896

It looks like he was right about the last part for you. Just be genuine retard

>> No.18008917
File: 101 KB, 828x429, alone and unloved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this whole chapter reminded me of pic rel

>> No.18009120

99% of men make up spooks while they live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior of those women.
Women give meaning to men's lives. men seek to be valued by women at all cost.

All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women & ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard, making up retarded spooks, being a laughing stock for the men in society.

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.18009131

unironically just B urself

>> No.18009149

I wish these books would cut through the bullshit and just say that aesthetics is most important and that doesn’t just mean physical appearance. It means behaviors, demeanor, perception. Be aesthetic. Don’t be in-aesthetic. That’s half the battle. And if you think you’re some autistic sperg incel hideous freak, chances are your not and even if you are what are you gonna do? Might as well max out what you can as best you can.

Anyway, I’ve not read this book but How to Be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne seems legit and Alpha Male Strategies on YouTube is legit. The key is not caring so much and yeah, being yourself.

>> No.18009213

This but unironically.
Women will never love an unhappy, unfulfilled man unless he is tall, handsome, and rich.

>> No.18009228

He glosses over the part where the man shows his vulnerability to the woman and she is turned off by this.

>> No.18009291
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>if you seek women due to desire to be loved and to love and you're honest about it and you let yourself be vulnerable, you come off as needy and desperate
Your mistake is here, it's the opposite. If you hide your real needs from your potential romantic partner, you will seem deceptive and they will not trust you. You have a real problem if you don't really know/feel what your needs are because you never learned them. "Seeking approval without knowing why", that's what's meant by desperation and neediness, acting like want to be loved while having alexythymia about this desire will make you act incongruently and it can exude some really creepy vibes. If you have a bad case of this you can't just decide to "be honest about your need to be loved and you let yourself be vulnerable", because it's something you need to be emotionally tuned into and that takes something more than intellect.

Manson is actually pretty insightful here, he closely describes the personality consequences of childhood emotional neglect, together with being dissociated from your true identity. Get this book OP and see if this applies to you (there's a short test in the introduction). This might be just what you need to figure out what's wrong with you and how to fix it. If not, chances are that some anon will find it useful.

>inb4 food reviews

>> No.18009314

I empathize with the sentiment. Men do not have the luxury of being coddled or felt sorry for very much on this life. Women do and this is unfair.

The world is not kind to those who are unwilling to learn.

No one is coming to save us; no one is coming to make life right for us; no one is coming to solve our problems. If You don’t do something, nothing is going to get better. The dream of a rescuer who will deliver us may offer us a kind of comfort, but it leaves us passive and powerless. We may feel if only I suffered long, If only I yearn desperately enough, somehow a miracle will happen, but this is the kind of self-deception one pays for with one’s life as it drains away into the abyss of unredeemable possibilities and irretrievable days, months, and decades.

You are the primary agent in your own rescue. Nobody is coming to save you. Nobody even cares about you. You either dig yourself out of this whole or you’re buried in it.

Do you understand?

>> No.18009358

You don't need to say this, everyone who lived as a man understands this, however I don't see how it's related to the paradox I noticed.

>> No.18009381
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>And if you somehow stop desiring to love and to be loved, then you no longer want to be with women, so you won't be with one either. It's a lose lose situation, if you want to be with women, they don't want to be with you, and if you don't you aren't with them either.
Sounds like usual normie advice with no substance. Sounds "deep" to them, but it doesn't work if you consider it on a rational or a spiritual levels even for a second.

>> No.18009399
File: 35 KB, 615x615, anime heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose spooks over this wretched reality.
Embrace anime.
Reject reality.

>> No.18009418

honestly I feel like this is the correct approach

>> No.18009440


>> No.18009444
File: 3.94 MB, 1200x1698, anime hand hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only dating book you need.
Stop ignoring your waifu.

>> No.18009468

Shit's too long. Summarize that nig for me.

>> No.18009492


From what I understand he is trying to vaguely deliver the point that pretentiously trying to impress a woman is shallow and therefore unattractive? In short; women want successful and confident men that don't brag. Sounds familiar? Any human wants to be surrounded by that lol.

Anyway. I really hate literature like this because it tries in some way to forge love into something that can be explained.

Love is not logical. Love is as intuitive as a painting or some heavy art... Destiny is always prevalent in love. Love is not something scientific or something that should or can be analyzed, and should definitely not be articulated as an academic entity, or a pseudo-scientific PUA guide.

Man fuck off already with this shit. How many love songs, movies, and literature have we as a species produced? Will we continue to? yes, because it's primal. It's something that should be expressed in intuitive art forms.

>> No.18009527

"Desiring to be loved" and "being needy and desperate" are not the same thing.

>> No.18009540
File: 231 KB, 850x850, anime awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu is actually real, because of "modal reality" (all possible worlds are real, but not multiverse).

>> No.18009564

>he is trying to vaguely deliver the point that pretentiously trying to impress a woman is shallow and therefore unattractive
not really, I got the impression that he says that the act of hitting on women itself is something that's unattractive
>In short; women want successful and confident men that don't brag.
before this he mentions
>Often these guys are decent-looking, successful and smart and seem to have their lives together. But literally not a single woman they meet is interested in them.
So even successful and confident men are not attractive as long as they want to be with a girl
He also says
>These men seek to deceive women about their intentions because these men actively deceive themselves about their intentions.
>Deceiving a woman who is not interested in you to hopefully become interested in you is only setting yourself up for a more punishment and disastrous failures down the road.
So if you're not open about wanting a relationship, you're being deceitful and being needy and desperate. And by being open about wanting a relationship, you make yourself unattractive and also being needy and desperate.
I think they are, at least the way these words are usually used.

>> No.18009575


also, its normal to feel needy. the point is, if you want to remain attractive, you must at least pretend not to be. Its a cliche but fake it till you make it works with neediness because eventually you rid yourself of behavioural patterns with women that were inherently unattractive and you also become self-aware, which is an important part of maturing.

>> No.18009583

>So if you're not open about wanting a relationship, you're being deceitful and being needy and desperate. And by being open about wanting a relationship, you make yourself unattractive and also being needy and desperate.
You should be open about the fact that you want to be in a relationship, but what you can't do is make it seem like you need a relationship to be happy, together as a person. That's what I understood and he's 100% right.

>> No.18009592
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We don't need real women to be happy.

>> No.18009612

Being loved will not fix you.

>> No.18009617


I see.

what you write makes sense.

I've slept with over twenty women in my life but only loved one. She came to me when i was free of worries and loved the life i had.

I had so much power back then, so much life force. Adventure in every spring i took. It seemed to me, at that time, that i was attractive to a lot of women i got acquainted with.

And i guess that sparked love.

The reason: I had recently quit my stable, well-respected job in a state department in some country somewhere and life's possibilities were buzzing all around me, everywhere i went.

>> No.18009622

I don't need to be "fixed" there is nothing "wrong" with me except for never having gone on a date at 23. Other than that I'm perfect.

>> No.18009632
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>> No.18009648


Not trying to flex. Just trying to articulate that intellectualizing love on the internet is stupid and that you should accept the life force and mystery of love. Sitting here discussing it with strangers on an imageboard will not make you wise on the matter.

>> No.18009694

Then pretend to be happy and fulfilled until you land a girlfriend faggot. Just lie to women and tell them you love your job or whatever even if it makes you want to hang yourself. Keep faking a positive attitude and a cheerful personality until one of them falls for it if that's what it takes. Eventually some of the positivity will rub off on you anyway ater pretending so long.

>> No.18009709

But the point the book is trying to make is that this doesn't work
>They’re typically extremely needy and desperate, seeking approval without knowing why and with a complete disregard to how they go about it.
>their complete inability to be vulnerable and to show their truth is what is creepy, not what they actually said
>These men seek to deceive women about their intentions because these men actively deceive themselves about their intentions.
>Deceiving a woman who is not interested in you to hopefully become interested in you is only setting yourself up for a more punishment and disastrous failures down the road.

>> No.18009726

Own a dog or find Jesus

>> No.18009754
File: 1.46 MB, 2198x2549, anime couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reach for JOY!

>> No.18009798

We're all needy and desperate for companionship here duh, that's why we're reading this scam book I guess. If it becomes too obvious to women you're just bad at faking it. The ones that make it and find love are no less insecure than the anons here, they're just really good at hiding their own crippling fear of dying alone. Keep pretending until you're good at it or take some improv classes if you're too autistic to mimic human emotions on your own. Also if a woman is not physically attracted to you no amount of social skills will make her want to fuck you, I'll give you that. You can be as honest and vulnerable as you want with a woman when you're already in a committed relationship but you don't want to come off as a pathetic wimp during the courting phase.

>> No.18009832

>>These men seek to deceive women about their intentions because these men actively deceive themselves about their intentions.
note how the comment you ignored said a very similar thing, despite you leaving this part out
>>Often these guys are decent-looking, successful and smart and seem to have their lives together.
emotionally neglected personalities tend to strive for self-reliance and are very averse to asking for help, that's consistent too
check the concept out anon, it's typical of those who have it to not know that they have it

>> No.18009960

So what happened to the one girl you loved? You two married now or what?

>> No.18009969

It's the "just world" fallacy. They need to create some sort of reason to explain why being sexually undesirable is always the fault of the undesirable man. The possibility that it is something beyond the man's control, that there is some fundamental problem external to the man, cannot ever be entertained.

>> No.18010346

>The ones that make it and find love are no less insecure than the anons here
I have never seen a better example of projection

>> No.18010353

>it's society's fault that I can't get a gf

>> No.18010372

Not him but if people can say it’s society’s fault I’m poor why can’t incels say it’s society’s fault I can’t get a gf

>> No.18010394

>Your mistake is here, it's the opposite. If you hide your real needs from your potential romantic partner, you will seem deceptive and they will not trust you. You have a real problem if you don't really know/feel what your needs are because you never learned them.
no. what you reveal and how you act is determined by the other's feelings and their perception hang ups. typically the relationship is mostly determined by the woman's overall feeling and whatever shallow idea they get in their head, to keep the relationship you need to match yourself best to this and maintain an illusion that satisfies. being 'honest' and 'feely' is part of this. you are sating the idea of it in her head in a way suits her, not you. women who have these ideas are the worst because of it. those who know the reality of things and know what they actually like are best.

>> No.18010401

Most incel types don't accept that people are poor because of external circumstances though

>> No.18010414

>incels are an evil right-wing strawman I invented in my head and not just guys who would like to have sex but don't

>> No.18010426

Incels tend to have right-wing views, yes. You can be a virgin and want to have sex without being an "incel." It's a frame of mind more than anything.

>> No.18010435

yeah it's called fork putdowns

>> No.18010443

Your view of things is awfully one-sided anon (from what I was able to figure out). There are two people in a relationship and they both have feelings that matter and needs that need to be met. No offense, but you strike me as someone who, again, needs to bit more savvy about their own feelings and/or could benefit from exercising more empathy. That's what really gets you laid, you know.

>> No.18010519

Thanks, fren, gonna read it.

>> No.18010535

>You can be a virgin and want to have sex without being an "incel."
No you can't. Incel literally means "involuntary celibate", and if we're honest it could apply as a label to about 40% of men.
What you have in your head is a carefully manufactured and promoted strawman where right wingers are a bunch of sexless losers (and if you're a sexless loser don't feel bad, because at least you're not one of /those guys/).
Use words to describe what is actually meant, not some political bs you latch onto to feel better about yourself.
Making this a partisan issue is just an elaborate cope to ignore obvious phenomena and classify anybody who points it out as 'bad resentful virgin'. It's a double-digit IQ take that was most likely cooked up by some partisan PR company/think tank in order to weaponize shame as a way to force people into accepting certain positions on various issues. Like highschool name calling turned into a potent political force.
Ironic seeing how incels try to cope by telling themselves "at least I'm not one of those bad 4chan incels, I'm just on a several-year-long dryspell, but if I vote democrat and keep pretending everything is fine then things will turn around for me". You're all a bunch of stupid house niggers desperate to have somebody to look down on so you can feel better about your shitty life.

>> No.18010551

Unironically OP's book help me alot, truly a great book for those who have some difficult with femoids. No PUA shit or other parlor trick, just a dude with alot of experience with women talking about how to be better.

>> No.18010659

>and if we're honest it could apply as a label to about 40% of men
No fuckin way

>> No.18010704

Thank you anon fren

>> No.18010718

FoooOOoooD Re-VIEW!

>> No.18010820

>Men do not have the luxury of being coddled or felt sorry for very much on this life. Women do and this is unfair.
How is this a luxury? I would feel sick if I were babied like that. I absolutely do have a huge lack of validation but being coddled isn't the solution. I want to be competent and acknowledged for being so.

>> No.18010826

Havent seen this pasta in a long time

>> No.18011064

your pic is deliberately ignoring the dialectical relationship of being unloved and being unlovable. when the desire for love comes from a desire to ease the pain of being unloved it is a fundamentally greedy action. love must be an outpouring, not an inpouring; if you demand love for the simple fact of your lack of love your are trying to force others to pour their emotion into the bottomless pit of your desire, and no amount of love will ever be enough
>tl;dr desiring production

>> No.18011073

there's an extended discussion of the difference between vulnerability and neediness and why the latter makes vaginas clamp shut

>> No.18011105

>t.seething incel