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18006564 No.18006564 [Reply] [Original]

“Nietzsche, you say there is no good and evil, but how would you feel if I time travelled back in time and raped your little Nazi sister with my crooked kike cock, I bet you wouldn’t like that, would you Friedrich!”

I can’t believe the publisher allowed him to keep this in the book.

>> No.18006581

Evil is specifically the idea that you should have an impotent and hysterical reaction according to a predefined protocol. It is a particular narcissism of evil to assert that prior to evil, there was total chaos. In other words, the creation myth of evil is totally bogus.
In fact, my understanding is that for most of human history, the go to method for dealing with problems was simply murder.
There was a point in history when the word “murderer” would have been met with laughter for the simple reason that refraining from murder would have been considered bizarre and mysterious.
In fact, my understanding is that the ordinary mode of social organization was earning honor by murder.

>> No.18006595

Your understanding is flawed.

Fuck this evil shitbag.

>> No.18006604

>jews saying that morality is a construct
>jews saying that morality is universal

>> No.18006614

Jews will claim morality is a social construct when it benefits them, and that it is objective when it harms them. This is the Way of the Jew, which you'd know if you spent any time at all on /pol/.

>> No.18006622
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>Jews will claim morality is a social construct when it benefits them, and that it is objective when it harms them. This is the Way of the Jew, which you'd know if you spent any time at all on /pol/.

>> No.18006624


>> No.18006628

This guy knows. Old fashioned enlightenment "awww think of the children! just let the poor brown man have half your taxes, don't be so heartless!" when it benefits them, avant garde rap music about raping children and doing drugs when it benefits them too.

That's what happens when you're dealing with someone who is always trying to swindle you and gain ground on you, never trying to actually deal with you as a fellow human being. It's like trying to be "friends" with a used car salesman. He sees you as a boat payment, nothing else.

>> No.18006633

Read more and go back to /pol/

>Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak." On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

>> No.18006639

Fascism does not utilize the Way of the Jew. Fascism is built on raw strength, unlike the Jew which uses cunning intellectual and philosophical tricks to deceive their enemies.

>> No.18006678

Ur-fascism is not fascism

>> No.18006699

Umberto Eco wrote so much about how Ur-fascism is gay that my only conclusion is that he is gay.

>> No.18006708

Ur-fascism is basically just a method every ideology can use.

>> No.18006709

This is exactly how the left argues against ”fascists” and capitalists as well.

Doesn’t make it untrue. You can be in a position of power and still be decadent and incompetent.

>> No.18006744

>the Jew which uses usury

>> No.18006980


>> No.18007085
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>> No.18007120
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not an argument

pic rel to this:

Also "You Gentiles":
>We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the en- mity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebel- lious factions, until disillusionment comes. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us.

>> No.18007695

bum p

>> No.18007728

the state of american "intellectuals"

>> No.18007815

>Good and evil
Rape is bad because I don't like being raped? Yet I eat meat and don't like being eaten, curious. It's almost like the mustache man was refering to Gut and Bose, and how we evolve as violent apes. 'I don't like to suffer' is not a good answer to why people like to watch boxing fights.

>> No.18007983
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>"Nietzsche, you say that good and evil is slave morality, but how would you feel if I acted like an ancient slave and violently raped members of the nobility as I pleased? Wouldn't that prove that good and evil exists (despite you not arguing that it doesn't)?

>> No.18008247
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I’m surprised all of you have read the book or know of the passage I was referring to. I’m not just posting le funny random rape joke, he actually said this.

>> No.18008323
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Yes, Pinker believes in evil.

>> No.18008375

The irony is that the Blank Slate is probably the biggest btfoing of wokism in the past two decades but /pol/ will never read it because the author is Jewish and said the Orange Man is a demagogue (which ishoulf be ostentatiously true but even if you support his policies).

>> No.18008385


>> No.18008417

I thought the Blank Slate and how the Mind Works were excellent but this is a pretty shit tier reading of Nietzsche. You get the idea that he hasn't read much of him or Kaufman's biography. Nietzsche wasn't just opposed to anti-Semites, he broke with Wagner over it which had a long term impact on his career. He had been anti-war since his experience of the Franco-Prussian war and was anti-nationalist. This is more a diatribe of how retards misread Nietzsche.

IMO, the best Nietzsche work is The Birth of Tragedy, even if it is immature and unfocused. He has an excellent prose style and could have been a master literary commentator, so his exploration of Greek drama is great.

Beyond Good and Evil is pretty good too though.

>> No.18008454

He is a coward who writes what is politically correct. It was PC to “””BTFO wokism””” (=politely question some small details) 2 decades ago, but it is not PC now, which is why he is now writing rapy reddit science stuff instead. There were still things that were not PC to say 2 decades ago so I’m sure that book is full of lies and half truths, just like his new books are all lies and half truths. If he BTFO woke people then he would not be allowed to have a job or to have freedom of speech or to make money. QED he has never BTFO anyone and never will. There are hundreds of bloggers and twitter users that BTFO wokies and could BTFO Pinker if they regarded his existence as mattering, yet you deny their existence and shill that Pinker is the only one who stands against the wokies? Curious!

Who actually BTFOs wokism:

>> No.18008469

There was a recent cancel move against Pinker over Tweets about the heritability of IQ though...

>> No.18008470

Did he actually write this? Do you have the excerpt?

>> No.18008484


>> No.18008492

what the fuck

>> No.18008565

how is that any worse than what nietzsche himself wrote?
>it's okay when we do it because we're germans who listen to wagner and walk on mountain tops

>> No.18008575

>Tells polfags to read more
>Posts Umberto Eco

>> No.18008645

It's worse because he assumes in his bizarre power fantasy that Nietzsche wouldn't have anything to say, and that this lack of imagination somehow refutes anything.

>> No.18008667

>Nietzsche wouldn't have anything to say
he's lapse into some elaborate, stilted ad hominem about english psychologists while constantly referencing the greeks.

>> No.18008685

>the artist (together with the warrior) is uniquely worthy of living
I don’t like Nietch and even I think that

>> No.18009007

Even Jews joke about their moral ambiguity. Watch the Rabbie scenes in A Serious Man

>> No.18009124


>> No.18010223

I lost

>> No.18010242


>> No.18011187

Really bizarre thought experiment. The assumption here is that if Pinker can get Nietzsche to rescind his views they would be invalidated, as if he and he alone can speak things in and out of existence.

>> No.18011311
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>hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience.
I'll never understand this interpretation of the overman... Nietzsche's intellectual elite stems from his early study on Theognis, a poet who saw the lower class as being lower specifically because it was violent, deceitful, and inartistic. His intellectual elite agrees with amor fati, a Spinozian feeling of love towards the whole universe, backwards and forwards in time. Nowhere does he depict the overman as some reptilian murder-rapist horror (not to say, of course, that the overman is incapable of committing a crime without guilt).

>> No.18011319

Not really. Much of human history is tied to mutual protection against other predators, at least within clans. Even when encountering someone out side your kin group, the risk-reward of fighting another group would often dissuade direct conflict. It would happen, but there’s not much reason to think it would be the go to.

>> No.18011372

Literally every political movement to ever exist has done this.

>> No.18011403
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Universe is molecules and atoms exchanging energy. where is evil?