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/lit/ - Literature

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18003594 No.18003594 [Reply] [Original]

Why do male booktubers have women simping so hard for them in the comments?

>> No.18003609

Don't mistake simping for wanting them to be their gay best friend

>> No.18003734

This guy never passes up a chance to remind you that he's a Literature major–I see that so many times, people thinking that just because they spent several years of their life in a sterile academic environment analyzing old books to death, they are somehow more qualified and able to speak with more authority about books than a person who hasn't studied literature academically but reads just as much as they do

>> No.18003741

this man is gay


>> No.18003776

He's so goddamn stupid, he is the avatar for the decline of quality in modern literature

>> No.18003777

is there anything more shameful than a humanities degree?

>> No.18003785

Do women treat men who read differently? If so then how?

>> No.18003805


Also, no, because what's the point of going to university to study literature or philosophy or something similar? What can be gained from going to get a literature degree, outside of attending lectures and having access to professors, but even then lectures are a sub-optimal form of learning–nobody can teach you better than you can teach yourself–but having access to professors, people who are well-read in the field and can give advice and recommendations, that I understand partially. Serious question

>> No.18003840

>nobody can teach you better than you can teach yourself
absolutely retarded take

why not teach yourself how to be a doctor? we prioritize learning in academic settings because it's proven effective to learn from experts in structured settings with well-planned curricula

>> No.18003854

its just groupies git good or gain status in anything they will latch on

>> No.18003856

You're misunderstanding the quote; qualified academics can talk at you all day and you could never learn (actually learn, not memorize) a single thing. Yes it is important to have access to the information in the first place, but actually learning depends on you

>> No.18003859

Depends on the field of study, obviously with something highly specialized like surgery it's better to be taught by professionals but some degree subjects can be self-taught just as easily

>> No.18003868

You're missing the point pseud, at the end of the day it's up to you to digest that information and rephrase/restructure/compartmentalize it in a way YOU understand.

>> No.18003880

Also OP have you seen the hobbies the average male is into? Reading is probably the only high IQ and relatable hobby most women have with men.

Everything else is weeb shit, vidya game shit, and physical activity shit.

>> No.18003969

what other high IQ hobbies exist that women do but men dont?

>> No.18003976

reading is the only high IQ hobby

>> No.18003993

I haven’t spoken to a girl since my last breakup 6 years ago
What do women think about men who read? I am of course talking about reading high brow literature, philosophy, and history. No pop shit.
Is it possible to find a woman who likes the Western canon as much as I do?

>> No.18003999

>what is painting
>what sculpting
>what is composing
>what is filmmaking

>> No.18004008

All that matters is that you're goodlooking. Everything else is cherry on top

>> No.18004141

I have a philosophy degree, and work as an assistant in the phil deparment.

The job market for humanities is a shithole, if you want to get a job in academy you need a degree. Working in academia mostly involves writing, this is something that can hardly be learn alone but through practice and criticism from professionals, which is to say I would be wholly unprepared to publish philosophy papers without having writing many essays in college, and having received criticism from professors.
Lectures aren't a sub-optimal form of learning. They are designed to give you present the major idea, important elements of different topics. If we had all the time in the world, we could devote years to reading the classic philosophy books, but nowadays when you're expected to be working more early than ever, philosophy studies need to be brief and to the point, as in teaching all modern philosophy in four months — a course and its lectures is usually the best way to do this. Not the absolute best, but the best for the time given.

>> No.18004400

>women like to read books
>women like men
>Dude is good looking, fashionable, wellspoken, and has that English accent
>Dude is e-famous

hmmmm, truly a mystery.

>> No.18004519

Then why does the pop-book demographic skew female?

>> No.18004536

Another victim of the academic industrial complex, so sad, many such cases.

>> No.18004682

Look at those digits.

>> No.18004708

How many times do we have to tell you fags that woman are attracted to power. Literally does not matter what form it is. Look at e-sports youtube vidya streamers for proof. 20 years ago being a "gamer" was an instant turnoff. Bring money into the equation and suddenly they are cool with it.

>> No.18004760

God I love power so much bros

>> No.18004769

Read Baurdillard

>> No.18004777

If you're a woman you don't even understand your own body. You just do things. Like a dog.

>> No.18004784

you've answered your own question

>> No.18004805

You don't go to college like it's a vocational school. You go to have fun and socialize, make friends, and get laid
And when you say you have a humanities degree, people will know you have social skills and the ability to manage your life and social goals with having an actual job where you need to think for yourself
How pathetic is it that you need to reee about jealousy and try to compensate for something as basic as a degree?
But by all means keep telling yourself that shitposting will teach you as much about reading as doing it in a vocational setting for years of your life

>> No.18004838

shiet, if he's goodlooking then I'm fuckin casanova

>> No.18004847

Not that I have any evidence or proof, but I'd say just for the novelty of it. As in the status that comes from reading books. It infers that a well-read man is a respectable man, a just man, a man of intelligence and of righteous virtue. Even if that is not true.

It's akin to someone being a major, or well-read, in philosophy and friend saying, " oh you like philosophy? Say something philosophical."

>> No.18004894
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How saturated is the market? Do I still have an in?

>> No.18004918
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Anon, if you went to business school you'd know that every market is a bit "saturated". The real question is what value can you bring to break into it

>> No.18004962

his youtube channel is about books. it's clearly relevant and something that would shape his perspective. why would you study something for four years and NOT talk about it?

>> No.18005003
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Literature departments have been contaminated by bullshit "critical theory" nonsense that is less about developing one's skills and more about assuming ideological jargon. The broad in the video I posted below is the basic model for grad students in that department: Ideology in place of meaningful criticism; superficial reading masquerading as thoughtfulness; blind to her own tangible privilege while lamenting a contrived personal empathy towards those she posits with midwit identitarian labels. (Too bad her eating habits aren't as restricted as her thought patterns.)

No, I'm not saying it's impossible to gain value through education--I took a couple of electives in the English Department and they were great. However, at this point someone telling me they're a grad student studying Literature is going to make me more suspicious of midwittery than respectful of the knowledge base that's supposedly implied by their academic work.


>> No.18005028


>> No.18005056
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holy shit chill out bro

>> No.18005058

Lit majors have, I reckon, the least insightful commentary to offer on any book. How often do they do anything besides regurgitate their programmed critiques? They ought to get a quadruple dose of the vaxx.

>> No.18005083


>> No.18005311

Well learning literature is far far away from being the same as learning to be an actual doctor. You basically proved the other anon right with this statement because it puts things into perspective.

>> No.18005359

Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the more you try to define and categorize and explain literature, the more it loses its appeal and its impact; you reduce the emotions and feelings to a set of structures, theories, and criticisms. That's not to say that it's bad to look deeper than the surface level when it comes to literature, but explaining and examining it to hell and back really kills its purpose in the first place. Look at all the books and essays and advice about writing written by actual authors themselves–most of the time (not all the time; they do examine literature, but not to the depth that academics do), they focus on what the purpose of fiction is: the feelings, the emotions, etc. instead of the theory behind it.

Also: terrifying video. Is this what a midwit looks like? Highly, highly opinionated, often inflammatory, maybe slightly above average when it comes to intelligence but completely lacking in any self-awareness?

>> No.18005384
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Its the voice

>> No.18005600

The point of secondary education is or at least was to imbue the citizenry with virtues, to create a better citizen equipped to engage with the ideas of society with balanced and critical thinking. It was also designed to pass on higher culture and tradition to the next generation. It's no coincidence that the finest or most pertinent theoretical turns began with the university as it was (at least adjacent to it), and no coincidence that no such turns come from it now.
The fact that it has become only a means to a career, in which the material itself is fast forgotten, is merely a misguided industrialization of the process. It is now subsidiary to moneyed interests, as well as all other aspects of society. The university system was never holistically designed for all by all (wherein everyone is encouraged). It was never designed as a job training program, either. But the problem is hardly unique to it, it starts with primary education.
I think it's merely fact that the state no longer sees education as a means of cultural values. It is now purely a moneyed interest deep in the dead branches of the American pragmatist tradition. It now asks only what labor-based skills the children may imbibe. It's irrelevant if that's skilled labor. The fact that schools are now indoctrination centers is merely symptomatic, because the state just doesn't care about establishing culture so it lets petty ideologues play their power games (after all, the originators of such doctrines often see them as mere instruments over dogmas). And the state does not do this necessarily out of malevolence.
And yet, generation and generation are passing with inferior educations. Narrow minded teachers clamoring for more and more when the problem is principled rather than mere function.

>> No.18005752

From the 1:09-1:20 mark "know what I'm sayyyyn?"

I think literary criticism is important and it's enriched lit (Northrop Frye). Being familiar with it can help you take more from of a book. But it seems like the modern-day stuff involves framing everything in terms of jargon regardless of whether or not it adds anything (beyond the 'critic' reinforcing their ideology).

When criticism is done well it doesn't destroy the feelings a reader has...but this new 'critical theory' bullshit tries to marry the intellectual side of reading with prepackaged contrived reactionary emotion frames of reference. It's the worst of both worlds.

>> No.18005821

This man is obviously gay, you can tell if you watch 30 seconds of any of his videos. But he does like Christopher Isherwood, who, although also a faggot, was Flaubertian-pilled. Any true disciple of Flaubert I will give a real look see at.

>> No.18005967

>I have a philosophy degree
After this, not a single word

>> No.18005991

He’s not actually. He made a video with his girlfriend on his second channel. I was fucking shocked when I saw it, I was sure he was gay too. I still think he mist be in the closet or at the very least bisexual. No way he’s completely straight.

>> No.18006025

>nobody can teach you better than you can teach yourself
this is just wrong dude. Unless he has a genius-level IQ, there’s no way a college undergrad is going to be able to read, say, Kant’s Critique of Judgement and understand it without an experienced adult to guide him through it. Yeah, the goal of education is to get to the point where you can teach yourself, but it takes a lot of guided learning to get to that point. Even at that point and beyond, it helps to have a intelligent person read through something worth you to help you catch connections you might have missed

>> No.18006048

What is the name of the video or author?

>> No.18006053
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Why are you watching such garbage?

>> No.18006062

>seething humanities major compares his worthless degree to learning to become a doctor in a desperate attempt to pretend his life choices weren't retarded
O I am laffin

>> No.18006064

Who is he

>> No.18006203

The point of his argument was that structured curricula are a preferred and better form of learning, and this is in counter to a proposition of why not teach yourself? This may be a low quality OP, but If you want to obfuscate and strawman your way to gotcha arguments, than there's other boards for you to use.

>> No.18006883


>getting hands on practical experience carrying out medical procedures on patients with the supervision of a professional teacher
>paying someone to tell you what books to read by yourself

not the same thing you retard lmao