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/lit/ - Literature

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17999463 No.17999463 [Reply] [Original]

Most enriching read in a while, first time into anthropology, need more. Advice?

>> No.17999492

Keep reading NYT bestsellers in the popscience section, they are made for you.

>> No.17999493

This book made me appreciate the first half of Chesterton's Everlasting Man and how right he was about 'scientists' and their arrogant conjectures about the life of pre-historic or ancient peoples.
Try to delete this trash from your memory and read something that doesn't indulge the pop-sci bugman redditor.
Try Huizinga maybe

>> No.17999549

If you've read this you don't belong here.

>> No.17999558

lol why so mad? Recommend him better books if you know any or shut the fuck up

>> No.17999573

Well I did. Homo Ludens by Huizinga

>> No.17999574
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Based OP

>> No.17999575

Read the greeks and fuck off

>> No.17999604
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>secular buddhist

>> No.17999617

reddit tier bait

>> No.17999621
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>> No.17999623

Read Goffman, Garfinkel and Goodwin.

>> No.17999629

They think they look like a fat Indonesian boomer but they look like a beautiful painting? Hmm really makes you think

>> No.17999631

two of us did dumbass, you're the one with the most useless post

>> No.17999642

Enough with the attitude fagboy

>> No.17999661


>> No.17999667

You’re self-aware at least

>> No.17999672
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Got a present for you boys

>> No.17999712

>no primary sources until ~2000BCE
nice 1 cunt
Its fucken anthro or archaeo

>> No.17999729

>everyone shitting o OP for a book
>nobody giving one actual piece of criticism
another day on /lit/

>> No.17999882

I don't feel like drudging through the entire thing again to make very specific statements but I will say that the ratio of lame comparisons and analogies compared to actual information is atrocious. It leans way too heavily into constructing silly narratives that might sound good if you just brush past and keep reading but immediately fall apart if you actually take them seriously, some of them are just dumb right off the bat but he sneaks in a lot more garbage under the veil of actual information so someone not paying too much attention or not informed a topic will quickly be misled. He does touch on some good ideas and brings up some takes that the general reader probably never considered like some of the bits on agricultural revolution but it's muddled under the style of writing and everything else in the book. It's everything wrong with pop-sci/his where it's made to be fun to read instead of transmit factual information.
There's a lot of write-ups online from qualified sources that break the book down piece by piece, this is a good one here that goes into a lot of the retarded analogies and narratives he brings up as well as pointing out some blatant factual errors in the book

>> No.17999889

The almost complete lack of sources immediately discredits it. There is absolutely zero reason to read a non fiction work that doesn't have mountains of research behind it.

>> No.17999915

I thought it was about general history, and the first 150 pages were
Then he started with the standard globohomo propaganda so i dropped it shortly

I knew there was something wrong when the book was endorsed by Zucc, Gates, Obama and the likes

>> No.17999926
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Highly recommend pic related.

>> No.17999939

Any "history" which deals with a period longer than 200 years isn't a history.
Any "history" which isn't a magisterial summary work dealing with a period greater than 20 years in a single economic system (nation state, language church, worker-union-employer group-state conflict, people with cunts, people with cunts who suck cunts, etc.) in modernity, or the equivalent in pre-modernity is not history.

Does the title have more qualifications than an insurance contract? It is probably history, "Non-queered man-man sex as nomenklatura in group binding in white collar North East United States professional associations (non-medical), 1953-1961" is probably a history. And you're going to learn a lot about how straight acting non-doctors sucked cock in College to get ahead in the union movement.

>> No.18000364

Don't forget how this bald cunt butchers Latin in order to impress retards. Maybe not the most important thing, but no less pretentious and infuriating.

>> No.18000480

What a seething, steaming fucking fagqueer

>> No.18000491

what a drooling popsci fanboi lmao

>> No.18000493

I love this book just because it makes /lit/ seethe and scream "MIDWIT"

>> No.18000505

fair enough. I haven't read it but it's annoying as fuck to see people shit on others taste/choices in every thread with 0 explanation

>> No.18000572

It's a nice book, especially the first third or so. Sometimes later he goes a bit heavy with reddit/PC takes (maybe he had to do it, to get published). But you can ignore that and focus on the good content.

I hear people say that this or that statement in the book isn't very accurate, historically. That might very well be true, but I don't think that takes away much value from the book. Its value is that it lets you imagine different realities and it succeeds. And it's a pop book, not academic research.

>> No.18001549

Evolutionism is lies

>> No.18001922


You're retarded.

>> No.18002001


>> No.18002027

Physicalist dribble

>> No.18002050
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this fucking thread has been one of the most hilarious i've seen on this site

>> No.18002290

How did fpbp have such a stellar track record?

>> No.18003046

I thought the same thing.

>> No.18003055

Now read “Galileos Middle Finger”

>> No.18003062

That was my thought too. The first half way very interesting until it turned into bs propaganda as you said.

>> No.18003105

I'm not convinced

>> No.18003156

The most faggot tier book. I want to kill that homosexual Jew for trying to misguide me.

>> No.18003166

Idk why people call this bluepilled, the thesis is basically “Europe is the best, every other culture isn’t as good”

>> No.18003188

(((Yuval Noah Harari)))

It's propaganda.

>> No.18003203

When everything is propaganda the term loses all meaning.

>> No.18003340

Shitty take. Here's a better one. If it isn't art, it's propaganda. Books like Sapiens, White Fragility, and Guns, Germs, and Steel exist to promote a specific political narrative. It is not a coincidence that these books are promoted endlessly by major organizations and the elite class.

>> No.18003353

The Oxford Dictionary is propaganda now, ok nice chatting with you have a nice day.

>> No.18003361
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>> No.18003392
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>> No.18003403

Can you give some examples of some of the propaganda?

>> No.18003605

Read about propaganda. It’s important

Start with Bernays book called ‘Propaganda’.

>> No.18003729
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>> No.18003794

Even art can be propaganda.

>> No.18003806

I make so much money selling these on Amazon. Everyone's seems to buy these, take a picture with a gaping mouth, post it on social media and donate them unopened.

>> No.18004106

I want to drop a pallet of seed and feed on your dumb skull

>> No.18004204

You know that jew literally trojan horsed secular jewish universalism in that book by disguising at as a view of the history of humanity right?

>> No.18004586

Art is propaganda.

>> No.18004758

>first time into anthropology
You didn't take an anthropology class while you were in college/university anon?

>> No.18006099

Fine, read The Social Leap by William von Hippel

>> No.18006141

Still boggles my mind that Dawkins is a gentile.

>> No.18006156


>> No.18006158
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Forgot pic

>> No.18006405

Why do their last names all start with G?

>> No.18006412

Also, goodwin who? doris goodwin?

>> No.18006456


>> No.18006467

Don’t talk bad about NYT best sellers! Some of them are bangers

>> No.18006591

who the fk cares

>> No.18006701

Cuz they're tryhards that don't waste taking a thread's virginity.

>> No.18006725

Why? His atheism is very white.

>> No.18006731

Everyone who's not a newfag

>> No.18006844

So people here dislike this good book because muh israeli author and it's popular? Nice to know /lit/ is still absolute trash tier

>> No.18006881

Yes, and don't come back

>> No.18006886

That's right, /lit/ is terrible, you should leave.

>> No.18006935

This guy is really angry with Christ and God for some reason. I've read half of his "Homo deus" and every single page he brings up God and how God does not exist because bad things happen, it's his only argument. And the book reads like a reddit post with middle grade like writing, nothing intellectual about it

>> No.18007064

You need to lurk more or get better taste.