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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 518 KB, 768x768, 1618074312624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17994205 No.17994205 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Barnes and Noble
>Buy books and a DVD
>Really cute girl working at checkout says I have good taste and talks with me for a little bit.
>Too much of a bitch to ask her for her number
>Three days later and I can't stop thinking about her.
Anyone else have similar book shopping experiences?

>> No.17994223

Rebecca, did you work at Barnes and Noble? There was a girl who looked a bit like you I think.

>> No.17994237
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>Three days later
listen here retard
don't, DON'T fuck this up
you still have a chance

I had a similar experience but when I actually gathered up the courage a few weeks later she no longer worked there.
I don't know what might have been, but even if she'd laughed me off, at least my conscious would be clean because I tried. Now I have to live with the "what-if".

>> No.17994260
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>”You disgust me. Get up and go back to the store either under false pretense of returning an item or to bluntly ask her out, and ask for her number.”
>*cocks hammer*
>”You have 3 seconds to make up your mind.”

>> No.17994264


>> No.17994307

Tbh, I need this kind of wakeup call in real life. I can't do anything because of fear of judgement. I know it's stupid, but my body and mind don't seem to work coherently. Any books for changing this kind of mental and physical state? Other than obviously fight club.

>> No.17994313

What is that face on the right supposed to convey? Guilty pleasure? On the left a buff Apu looks like he's ashamed of his sexuality because he's a big boy autist.

>> No.17994315

Go back and buy another book that's related to those and you would naturally pursue afterwards. Finish them, because she's going to ask if they were interesting or any good if she hasn't already read them. If she has, she'll likely ask your thoughts on them. Say "I liked x and it made me interested in (what i'm purchasing today)". Tell her you'd like to get to know her and ask for her number. Once the female presents, mate and produce offspring, hope this helps.

>> No.17994319

Sorry, no books can't teach you to not be a little pussy ass faggot.

>> No.17994321

If you worship Trump you're pathetic and Trump thinks so too but he won't tell it to your face.

>> No.17994326

Relax, he just posted a funny image with Trump in it. You are assuming way too much.

>> No.17994339

Women are parasites.
t.degenerate OP falls ill by a parasitic disease

>> No.17994346

Funnily enough, I probably would fuck 80% of people up, if it came to physical strength or fighting. My problem is, I'm just a mental wreckage.

>> No.17994347

What was the DVD?

>> No.17994353

I didn't find the original on my drive so I used the le orange man variation

>> No.17994355
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>> No.17994356
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fixed it.

>> No.17994371

If you swing out its no biggie at all. Every time you go there after just give her a nod.

>> No.17994375

This is probably the girl from Barnes and Nobel. Sounds like one.

>> No.17994377

>Every time you go there after just give her a nod.

Yeah do this if she says no

>> No.17994382

Trump is based. I miss that guy.

>> No.17994384

Why is there no moderation on this fucking board

>> No.17994386

it wasn't until i watched that in the 2010s that i noticed the chick is supposed to be trans

>> No.17994387

I mean she's not wrong

>> No.17994410

This is an anonymous image board. So no, fuck you if you choose the wrong image, I will judge you harshly as I'm sure you have done so as well.

>> No.17994425


>> No.17994434

In that case what was the original?

>> No.17994445

dont say that name
dont hurt me like this

>> No.17994446

It doesn't friggen matter.

>> No.17994447
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>> No.17994454

weirdo lmao

>> No.17994470

It's a nice movie to be fair

>> No.17994505

if she says no then show up there and constantly stare at her from behind a shelf until she relents and agrees to let you court her

>> No.17994549
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not necessarily definitive proof she's into you, you need to check her body language/eyes, the eyes will tell you everything. Shame you likely have autism.

The anons are right, you should go back at some point/a few times and be cool about it, then ask her out if she seems receptive. If you get shot down for whatever reason, it doesn't matter, because she's not in your immediate circle(s) (the mistake I made kek)

>> No.17994551
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Fuck off loser

>> No.17994586 [DELETED] 

>wow anon, you have great taste! perhaps you should buy more of our wares
>omg is she into me?
anon. come on. she is in the service industry, you can't do stuff like this.

>> No.17994590

Read what women want and how to give it to them. Tldr go back and take her number

>> No.17994631

>It wasn't until I chopped off my penis that I noticed that every movie ever is a trans allegory.

>> No.17994638

>the eyes will tell you everything
Tell me more

>> No.17994648
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>> No.17994650

You literally will die and it could possibly happen today. Unless you live in a small town and it could be catastrophic for you reputation just ask the girl out who fucking cares you fucking gigantic western faggot. People in the third world and Eastern Europe don’t have this problem.

>> No.17994660

Took you long enough to insult me, yeah?

>> No.17994668

The best time to ask out a woman is toward the beginning of meeting them, but not so soon that you look like a pickup artist or creep. You wait only so long as it takes to build up a noticeable rapport and then ask them out at the soonest possible opportunity. If you ask too soon, then it’s like you approached them with the pretense of asking them out, so it’s needy, but if you don’t pull the trigger then they can tell it’s just hanging in the air and they’ll think you’re a pussy or at least inexperienced and low-confidence.

That said I would just go back and buy something else, and ask for her number. Not a big deal if she says no

>> No.17994670

look at my eyes and you'll find out ;)

nah seriously though it isn't so much logical as it is intuitive, maybe described as a glimmer? if you know, you know. Like when you're sat with her, and she's looking below your eyeline, that's when you go in for the kiss. Or when you're talking to her if she's maintaining eye contact with a certain intensity, then you just know (inb4 YOU JUST KNOW, although if she did shag dogs her eyes would reveal her perverse secret)

anyone else chip in on this idea? that's the basic idea anon

>> No.17994686

Never ask a girl for her number while she's working unless there's clear chemistry. She's there to work, not to fight off /lit/ incels.

>> No.17994702

>She's there to work, not to fight off /lit/ incels.
Well her job would be too easy otherwise. She has to really earn her paycheck.

>> No.17994706
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Tokyo Ghoul

>> No.17994747

I used to have stellar eye contact with girls to the point where they commented that I was looking right into their soul, but then I got an eye infection that took some time where I couldn't hold eye contact and turned into autist mode. I literally unlearned it. How do I get back? I don't even know how to approach it anymore

>> No.17994755
File: 38 KB, 600x713, A1FB7BC5-FF7B-46FB-960C-204AED7372BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”If you engage in any kind of romantic, flirtatiously suggestive or even just basic human emotional behaviour that might impede the employer from extracting every single picosecond of labour from the female identifying worker-drone then you’re a fucking rapist mass shooting incel terrorist, you fucking bigot!! There’s nothing women hate MORE than being treated like a feminine being and not as a capitalist Empowered™ automaton. Any acknowledgment of sexuality that isn’t the LGBTQIAP+ pride decade banner hanging in the lobby is rape culture!!!”

>> No.17994779

go back and ask for her number

>> No.17994791

He won’t though. He’ll just waste away and think about what could have been like every other self pitying cowardly pussy on this site

>> No.17994818
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You're right.

>> No.17994829

Here’s what you do. You keep going to that Barnes and Noble, talking with her a little bit each time, as if you’re actually getting to know the person as a person and then finally, you ask her to do something with you.

>> No.17994894

I was lucky that I had this epiphany when I was 18 and started to change my life.

>> No.17994903

Into what? You still have to work and stuff, don’t you? Or am I just the dumbass who feels enslaved by work and career trajectory because I didn’t realize it until I was like 25.

>> No.17994945

Yes but I like the work. I wouldn't waste my life with a meaningless job in the (neo)liberal slave machine.

>> No.17994975

This I know, but people are not ment to live comfortably. Once there is no outer threat, you'll create it inside of your head. Sometimes I envy the ones living simpler lives, but then I think that they have their own problems, and it would just change suffering to another. I'm just sick of this suffering, and would like a change.
And about death, thats the thing. Once I'm gone, nothing matters. But while I'm here, I would rather not create more entrophy around me than is necessary. Or maybe I should. Though it's not that important to leave a mark behind, other than offspring.

>> No.17994994

keep on dreaming, bitch

>> No.17995055

>no movies ever had lgbt themes until tumblr
dude, if u watch it her eyebrows are bushy like a dudes, she throws a jab like a man, look at how the dad is molesting her, talking about fucking her ass, but making her do male shit like mow the lawn, it's so obvious man.

>> No.17995130

She really isnt

>> No.17995133

I'd go insane without work. I picked a career I have a passion for, so I prefer that over being unemployed/retired

>> No.17995138

>going to Barnes and voles tp flirt with woman
>not to trash the place after they don’t have a copy of the epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.17995143


>> No.17995151

It's literally just your retarded interpretation that you are trying to pass off as fact. You are the one coping.

>> No.17995156
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this is a much more interesting story OP

>> No.17995167

I almost didn't notice the change.

>> No.17995174

>terfs seething

>> No.17995177

nice purse OP :)

>> No.17995186

That comment literally made it clear how smart you really are. Larping tough, but in reality you always get what you deserve, you fucking stray dog. No civil person calls another bitch. Keep rapping little nigger.

>> No.17995189

>deranged tranny makes everything about him
>doesnt even know how to use terf correctly
you will never be a woman, dilate.

>> No.17995190

Realistically where else would a frog keep change?

>> No.17995192

It's a coin pouch. D:<

>> No.17995215

Kek, 70 replies in and it's just dissolved to people arguing about TRANNIES. as much as I loathe these demons you people need to stop replying to damn troons, seriously, it derails every fucking thread

>> No.17995222

>terfs seething

>> No.17995253

Here's a tip: when you make glimpse at a girl turn your head slowly so they will look at you and make eye contact first. Not too slow or they'll think you have Parkinson's or something.

>> No.17995390

This is good advice
Autists read carefully

>> No.17995410

And then what?

>> No.17995431

Men don't really fall in love with women cashiers just for basic courtesy, right?

>> No.17995460

>buying a DVD
you deserve loneliness OP

>> No.17995461

Suck and fuck

>> No.17995474

post tits

>> No.17995488

Just go back and ask when you need to buy more books retard

>> No.17995563

>rent free

>> No.17995610


Nice purse bro.


All the time, trannybro. I think the uniform does it's part as well.

>> No.17995659

Incels shit on PUA's nowadays, yet so much of their advice is solid rules of thumb.

The "3 Second Rule" exists for this reason. Not exactly applicable here but close enough. Once you recognize you'd like to ask her out, IMMEDIATELY do it. Do it in a friendly, non-threatening way, you psycho. But do it. She already knows if she's willing to go on one date.

And here's the best part. When she says no because you're ugly, you've still planted the seed. Make a point to see here briefly again in the near future AND DON'T HIT ON HER AGAIN. Just a few friendly words and make it clear you're not going to stalk her. She'll think you've got decent people skills and might even think "huh, he's not hitting on me again. What's wrong."

>> No.17995801

I live in Eastern Europe and almost nobody asks girls out out of nowhere like you sugest. We meet girl who are part of the same group, we will ask a girl out if we already know her and we ve seen we get along well. If you start talking with someone for no reason people will think you are weird or an asshole. The only people who act this way are gypsies who nobody respects.

>> No.17995873

nobody uses based anymore except facebook and youtube immigrants, not even redditors

>> No.17995879

based copypasta

>> No.17995896
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>2020 and 1
>trying to keep up with newfag zoomer memes or caring about "4chan culture"

>> No.17995941

based tranny

>> No.17995976

you should ask her out just to ease your mind but you do realize that her job is to be nice to clients, right? she probably does that with every person that check out, just keep that in mind

>> No.17996084

>I live in Eastern Europe and almost nobody asks girls out out of nowhere like you sugest. We meet girl who are part of the same group, we will ask a girl out if we already know her and we ve seen we get along well. If you start talking with someone for no reason people will think you are weird or an asshole. The only people who act this way are gypsies who nobody respects.
That approach makes sense in a society of violent criminals. But it's just paranoid in a civilized society. Here girls are almost always safe as long as they screen by race.

>> No.17996094

I have to return vidoetapes

>> No.17996477

Let's see Paul Allen's excuse

>> No.17996910

I live in eastern europe too and still have no idea how i'm supposed to find someone with our restrictions

>> No.17996950
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Checked and dubspilled

>> No.17996992
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>go to local bookstore downtown today
>girl behind the register has short curly blonde hair
>huge tits
>tank top
>get smitten

Hhhhhnnnnnggg. I'm going to go back and pretend to ask some inane questions and help me find something just to stare at her

>> No.17997038

It's the opposite, dude. In any normal country, talking to strangers is really weird. You have to go through your social group.

>> No.17997113
File: 147 KB, 1011x1028, 20210325_073912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did it go OP? Did you go back? Status update please!!

>> No.17997151

Do americans really

>> No.17997166

Take sneak pics and share then with us pls

>> No.17997212

Yeah right fag, post body

>> No.17997250

>Female aspie

Pure fiction. Only affects males.

>> No.17997333

Gonna save and repost the image just to piss people like you off

>> No.17997425

You will never understand if you are a woman. I don’t even mean that to be rude, it’s just the truth.

>> No.17997511
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I can't even watch videos with girls talking.

>> No.17997551
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>> No.17997865

Based and true.

>> No.17997882

>People in the third world and Eastern Europe
So wrong.

>> No.17997902

Weak bitch boy
Get fit

>> No.17997912

Women don't fuck males they find "cute"

>> No.17997920

Just because women have called you cute before and won’t fuck you doesn’t mean that it’s a universal rule.

>> No.17997922

Fucking saved.

>> No.17997942
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Bros how do I stop having dreams of what could have been, it's been 6 years and they don't stop, how do I get over a oneitis?
I though that getting her out of my life would stop it, but 6 years later it hasn't stopped, is this really going to be the rest of my existance? me suffering for not being brave enough to reach out for what was already mine?
Should I just kill myself? after all the girl I liked the most in the world liked me back and I did nothing, I'm a coward, a worthless pig wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.17997952

Most bookstores around here are staffed by middle aged women or 30-40 year old men who own the smaller businesses

>> No.17997961

I find the /lit/ fetishization of Russian novels from the 19th century somewhat strange and off-putting. I've read most of them and some of them are interesting, but the almost universal tendency to signal one's "intellectuality" with these, generally heavily existential and depressing, books, puts me off the culture entirely. I'd rather not associate with people who identify with that kind of literature, and parade it around as though it is the universal standard of "good taste." With respect to OP, I find your whole "romantic struggle" to be at best quaint, and at worst overly sentimental and effeminate. Grow up.

>> No.17997970

>me suffering for not being brave enough to reach out for what was already mine?
The weak suffer and die, the strong grow and prosper. That is the universal rule of life. The only choice you have is between defeat and death or success and life. The objects of your affections are irrelevant. The choice is necessarily made depending on what you do or do not do at every moment.

>> No.17997975

You have no idea what it's like being socially isolated for long periods of time, especially when you have sexual urges that build up.

>> No.17997983

Man he really did a number on you guys, huh?

>> No.17997997

When you spend years without talking to other people, isolated without a single friend, years of talking to yourself in your head, any social interaction with any woman can make you feel something for her.
You could never understand.

>> No.17997998

Is this picture real?

>> No.17998176
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I've spent thousands on new books over the years hoping for a manic pixie dream girl to miraculously be so impressed by my patrician taste and take all the initiative to start a relationship. I haven't even opened most of them I just read them on my kindle.

>> No.17998529

I would rather associate with someone who likes Russian literature than someone that would write a post like the one you just made. I don’t even think there is really such a thing as good taste anyway. I was just happy that she said something positive about me and wanted to talk for a little.

>> No.17998537

the more confounding question is that there is...

>> No.17998550 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know about catipalists
read marx

>> No.17998565

Lurk more

>> No.17998567

>The only people who act this way are gypsies who nobody respects.

>> No.17998587

that's not the "is this real" cat bro, he's not that fat for one thing

>> No.17998604

I had to a friend who would constantly ask out girls at different locations and it became a huge fucking chore to constantly have to avoid all the places he got rejected when we would go out. He never got a successful date out of it either

>> No.17998606

>back so soon?
>looking for a gift for someone [solicit recommendations]

>> No.17998621

the messy reality is there's truth to both of these. Women have to put up with a lot of unwanted advances no matter where they are and at work they have to put up with it without it an out but conversely if it's the right man done the right way none of that matters, just look at how many married couples met in the work place.

>> No.17998635

Have sex incel, only chad should be making sexual advances on me while I work.

>> No.17998654

(Unless you're attractive)

>> No.17998666

Even a clearly satirical picture with no further reference to Trump makes the tranny libs seethe. It's crazy.

>> No.17998667

Is it real, though?

>> No.17998907
File: 6 KB, 343x543, 1454207402502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this kind of thing really happen to people?
I don't think I've ever had a positive interaction with a girl who wasn't a family member. Either they're completely uninterested in interacting with me in any way beyond business-like, surface-level stuff or they actively try to avoid me and brush me off when possible. I've been told by one girl that she couldn't see me ever being in a relationship and that I look like a school shooter by another. I guess I set off their autism radar or something.
It feels weird to think that there are people who girls actively pursue or want to spend time with. When I try and picture it in my head it feels the same as imagining that I was a billionaire or a superhero or something.

>> No.17998917

>It feels weird to think that there are people who girls actively pursue or want to spend time with. When I try and picture it in my head it feels the same as imagining that I was a billionaire or a superhero or something.
I agree.

>> No.17998919

Don't worry, anon, IKTF.

>> No.17998927

So tard strength is real

>> No.17998938

>...the midlife crisis was not a myth: it had begun to hit people around me, and it hit them hard. Some went almost crazy in their despair. For what? For more life. At the age of forty the life you have lived so far, always pro tem, has for the first time become life itself, and this reappraisal swept away all dreams, destroyed all your notions that real life, the one that was meant to be, the great deeds you would perform, was somewhere else. When you were forty you realized it was all here, banal everyday life, fully formed, and it always would be unless you did something. Unless you took one last gamble.

>> No.17999088
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Ahhh yes anon.
The other day at Barnes and Noble too it was a bit lonely there was only one cashier and I was the only person in line. So she started being way too friendly for a cashier compared to your average one.

Lots of eye contact. Blonde yet pink-dyed hair and green eyes. I think she was being too friendly because the book was the communist manifesto.

>> No.17999100

>yeah, oh no, I just needed some tinder for my fireplace and I didn't want to put any good books to waste

>> No.17999122

Virtue up, you faggot.

>> No.17999140
File: 230 KB, 476x477, 52D2EB66-772D-4149-9EDB-4FEA25994491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did something very cringe today
>went to bookstore and everything is 50% off
>blow $100 on books I’m not going to read until I finish Plato
>some woman is on the next register
>she’s about to pay $50 for 3 Harry Potter’s
>can’t hold the disdain and make a face
>guy that was bagging my shit probably noticed
I don’t want to be like this

>> No.17999145

I guarantee you he does not give a shit about some autist making faces.

>> No.17999162


>> No.17999266

Wrong. I'm literally laying naked next to one who does that with me. Gets quite "aggressive" towards me because of my cuteness.

>> No.17999277

book sellers have no knowledge of books, at least not where I come from

>> No.17999310

I will literally kill every man in this thread and read to you in ancient Greek if you are willing to love me.

>> No.17999331

She's had several hundred other men try to fuck her, many of them successful and much superior to you in every way. It's her job to be polite so that you come back and give them more money.

>> No.17999370

>be me
>qt florist
>go there 3 times to see her
>man up and decide to ask her out (first time doing that)
>see her IG profile the day before
>she has a bf who bought her a smartwatch the same day
as a soon to be 27yo kv without friends or social interaction I think that's the final nail on the coffin. I have to accept that there are people who are able to pick up chicks and people who don't. See ya in SEA in a couple of years banging sloots.
>he doesn't believe in afterlife
as far as I don't like PUA science I've read MM and I think it might work
I feel you, I messed up 2 serious chances in high school and still think about them
>dyed hair
hard pass

>> No.17999403

The false premise of that comic is assuming everyone doesn't live meaningless lives.

>> No.17999676

post bussy if you're so cute

>> No.17999678

How cringe are these memes going to be in 5 years? Jesus christ

>> No.17999730

have these memes been relevant longer than rage comics at this point? seems like they've been around for a decade

>> No.17999736

Incredible the amount of reactionary seethe it instantly generated in you. I wonder who has the problem here?

>> No.17999760
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>> No.17999786

you wouldn't get it

>> No.17999792

this thread is a parody of a post made several days ago(?) about a girl cashier who sold some guy a shrek dvd and complained about it

>> No.17999794

They really do and it’s pathetic

>> No.17999796

sentimentality is the only thing in the world worth saving anon

>> No.17999800

>When I try and picture it in my head it feels the same as imagining that I was a billionaire or a superhero or something.
yeah, even when I kissed this drunk chick at a bar once I thought it was so alien, it didn't make sense, touching another person, haven't gotten past that, 26

>> No.17999803

>The weak suffer and die, the strong grow and prosper. That is the universal rule of life
Nice platitude. But it's wrong. Interesting how "strong" men die in war and weak men stay behind. Guess who reproduces?

>> No.17999809
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>> No.17999818

this matches reality

>> No.17999821

>gigachad will never be your tough love life coach

>> No.17999826
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>> No.18000024


As Sam Hyde says correctly, people are constantly thinking about their 'shows'

>> No.18000047

why does she have a bulge?

>> No.18000063

>he never read about dostoyevsky's opinion on women

>> No.18000098

nobody's thinking about his lol

>> No.18000644

Is that the fallout 4 monkey?

>> No.18001118

What is it?

>> No.18001155

How do they turned out like this?

>> No.18001223

Lack of embrace.

>> No.18001237

Every time I see a cute white girl (in my Midwestern city) I just check if she is overweight, or tattooed, or has piercings anywhere other than her ears, and every single fucking time, she has at least one of those. It's demoralizing. I miss being a kid and being around girls that were practically never fat and didn't have gross shit on their body.

>> No.18001262

I don't mind a girl being a bit chubby or something but I hate tattoos and abnormal piercings. It's just looks disgusting on a woman and immediately tells you she's worthless trash.

>> No.18001307

i am pretty sure they do. it’s sad but also i imagine incredibly annoying for women, who are not being paid to talk to depressed and kind of lecherous guys, but are unfortunately captive audiences because they are on-shift. one man i have known waited in a parking lot for hours until the woman’s shift ended. insane, but male sexuality is a mental illness, i think.

>> No.18001321
File: 3.13 MB, 1405x2000, Albert Lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre gay

>> No.18001328

This is quite a good descriptor of male romantic/sexual experience. I am quite a stoic, sensible, intelligent bloke, but the majority of cringe and idiocy I have committed in my life have been over women, who, more often than not, have not reciprocated.
>inb4 incel
I don't blame women whatsoever. I blame the love/lust demonic dialectic that lurks within the young man

>> No.18001335

Lies. My hoes think I'm cute as a button and it makes them cock crazy.

>> No.18001338

this wouldn't happen if people treated males with a quarter of the affection that women get, they clearly dont want it anyway

>> No.18001373

yeah and what about it?

>> No.18001383

Do you want to get a coffee this week? I'm free most mornings x

>> No.18001393


>> No.18001515

i have a bf anon i’m so sorry :(

>> No.18001647

fucking FAGGOT fucking stupid SLUT I hope you ROT you MISERABLE CUNT

>> No.18001653

>one man i have known waited in a parking lot for hours until the woman’s shift ended


>> No.18001665

gaylord experience?

>> No.18001669


>> No.18001813

Bad father figures. Honestly, boomers deserve to be publically beaten. It's a generation of criminals.

>> No.18001870

I would blame both parties desu. I’ve a friend that always shows me her Tinder and he ignores normal random guys and goes for men that write creepy shit, shit that I’ve been uncomfortable when a woman says to me. The rare occasions I dive on tinder idk wtf girls expect me to tel them besides asking to go out and then show myself as a human being, tinder is a letdown these girls portray themselves as cool but they’re so fucking boring.

>> No.18001892

>girls are boring
No shit.

>> No.18001902

Kys faggot

>> No.18001928

So... what happened? Tl;dr?

>> No.18001943

I respect women too much to try and have sex with them. If I flirt with a woman I feel like a disgusting creep that's objectifying her and am not worthy of her time so I just stick with polite friendly conversation.

>> No.18001956

Good. Remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.18001969

That's either really chad or extremely virgin. Objectifying women is cringe but so is being afraid of them. Get yourself a good wife.

>> No.18001971

Why do you respect women, who want to be treated like shit and used like fucktoys?

>> No.18001986

What did you buy?

>> No.18002034

Tell me how I know you're miserable.

>> No.18002040
File: 184 KB, 720x896, 5A18EACD-41AC-44D4-81FD-AECBAF7B2848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of seething in this one post
good lord, I don't even like Trump and you sound like a faggot

>> No.18002049


>> No.18002058

Don't confuse pessimism with realism, naive anon.

>> No.18002094
File: 72 KB, 499x409, 1614652473817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I know exactly you're type and you are cringe incarnate. Give it a few years and you are going to have an on and off relationship with a tranny/"non binary" chick who you will constantly worry about being a burden/unwantabble fuckwit too, and this will lead to a massive inferiority complex where you make every small little thing becomes a dick measuring contest with other men in your life, most of the time which you'll lose because because you are a beta retard.

Grow up and be a man for christs sakes.

>> No.18002097

Lad. You're no edgy HBO character. Grow up.

>> No.18002105
File: 100 KB, 847x1200, 1574214067691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as man is the measure of all things, so too woman. don't be jaded by the degeneracy of the socialites of today, women can be just as different from their societal norms as men, no matter the zeitgeist.

>> No.18002111 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 492x400, 9781511305259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is free on audible plus, if you have autism, listen to it. i know it looks like pua bullshit but its written by a chick in like the 90s, so it's more like a newspaper advice column but only dudes issues.

>> No.18002115

There's nothing edgy or immature about it. Women will tell you themselves that's what they want. But I guess you "respect" them too much to listen to something like that.
I don't agree. There will always be variation but I think it's clear that women are more naturally inclined to adhere to social pressures.

>> No.18002128

That's low value women and if you give in to that you are just as low in value.

>> No.18002143

The overwhelming majority of people are low value. What you say isn't a solution but an agreement to what I said.

>> No.18002158

thats bojo i think

>> No.18002177

Do 1 thing a day that you are scared of, the beginnings are hard but it feels so good and changes a lot in the long run

>> No.18002189

White knights are so delusional.

>> No.18002243
File: 430 KB, 600x800, 1611436883534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I'm not a faggot, I'm almost similar to your scenario. I don't care about 'respecting women' or whatever, but I grew up fat and cringelord-esque, thus had it programmed into me that I should have nothing to do with girls. I've since become /fit/ and changed my mindset, my whole life is pretty good really, lots going on, lots of growth, but everytime I speak to women I remember the bullying and cringe rejections and girls asking me out "for a joke". So I just havent bothered with romance, despite wanting it on some level.
It's something I'll need to overcome very soon I think

>> No.18002270

lol i had that. i was a grade ahead when i was younger so i was always smaller and weaker than everyone especially when puberty hit. of course now as an adult i'm over 6 feet and lift, but still have that weird attitude that everyone is bigger strong and older than me even when i am literally towering over them. annoying.

>> No.18002303

You think there's virtue in abusing women? Fuck's sake, don't marry a whore but don't fornicate with her either.

>> No.18002316

are you having much success dealing with that, brother? how do we escape our mind-prisons?

>> No.18002317

Women like being abused, dumbass.

>> No.18002325

i hate my parents for putting me in school early, now i have to go meditate or something. fucking triggered.

>> No.18002329
File: 94 KB, 500x500, checked3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and checked

>> No.18002374

Doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, faggot.

>> No.18002381

>your brain on industrial society
you are feeble

>> No.18002408

>got molested
>only lost virginity because a girl molested it out of me
>incapable of initiating sex
I was very happy to know Plato didn't like pederasty.

>> No.18002410 [DELETED] 

idk, i haven't had much luck. i even did combat sports where i fought at light heavyweight, which helped get me over feeling like everyone is going to kick my ass and vandalize my stuff, but it did nothing for relationships. also, the school experience lead me to act out and get in trouble, so now i can't really get a "real job" because i'm scared of the background check. so my friends and coworkers at my current comfy easy but also low compensation job are like "why do you work such a lame job? you should totally be making more money!" and i just pretend it's because i'm a slacker. my life is way better than so many kids on this site, so i try to appreciate what i have cuz it's not bad, but man when i think of all the wasted potential fml.

>> No.18002465

not much. i'm getting old now, so time basically ran out on it. as long as i don't think about it, i'm content most days.

>> No.18002587

If you worship Guy Fieri you're pathetic and Guy Fieri thinks so too but he won't tell it to your face.

>> No.18002905

that's a man

>> No.18002914

>constantly avoid all the places he got rejected when we would go out
>caring what women think

>> No.18003002

That extra addition under the hair, holy shit my sides. You sneaky bastard.

>> No.18003057

who the fuck worships Guy Fieri? the pic was just an edit like the one used in >>17994706 and >>17994237

>> No.18003083
File: 81 KB, 630x354, 4295D171-3CEF-4DBB-8384-154C0AF3E638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always a pleasure to run into a true gentleman

>> No.18003146

This is an anonymous image board. So no, fuck you if you choose the wrong image, I will judge you harshly as I'm sure you have done so as well.

>> No.18003248

lol, new pasta I guess

>> No.18003390

No you idiot, it's the other way around.

>> No.18003421

To me the allure comes from being a cute human robot with a hint of uniform fetish

>> No.18003722
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1618008138426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go online
>download books
>read books on kindle
>jack off
>read books again

>> No.18003753

read models mark manson

>> No.18003788
File: 77 KB, 1024x670, 1617341063804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to hidden vintage bookstore
>spend hours criticizing selection
>buy obscure 100+ yo book out of vacant distaste
>utterly objectify and aloofly disregard lonely 10/10 check out girl with doggish intensity
>casually remark on obvious insecurity as I leave
>discard purchase in nearest trash can as I leave

>> No.18003870

go back to ur country. SEA is full of degens already.

>> No.18003879

Who is Rebecca? Tell me more about her.

>> No.18003890

I'm gonna try this and see if she is ugly or not.

>> No.18005189

check and kek

>> No.18005422

Not all them. I’m not pretending that a lot of women don’t have more in common with eachother than they think, but even so, I’d rather just go for the girls who don’t play mind games, because I genuinely don’t have time for that shit. The paradox of women is that to get them, you have to mentally be able to live without them. Literally have a small hint of confidence in yourself and you will get pussy— This is especially true in an age where so many men are demoralised and self-loathing.

>> No.18005487


>> No.18005965


>> No.18006438


>> No.18006447

t.triggered for shitting on muh speshul books

>> No.18006451

being miserable is the only way of life

>> No.18006453

God bless natural selection

>> No.18006466


>> No.18006470

Just go back there and buy another book, as long as you actually read the books you buy it doesn’t matter

>> No.18006529

I’m sorry that you had to go through that anon. I can’t offer you much but I do wish you a good life. Stay stronk

>> No.18006541

It's ok bro I used my cat to talk to my qt neighbor today and she wants to get high with me on 4/20. Can anybody tell me if this means she wants to fuck me btw?

>> No.18006600
File: 54 KB, 640x332, 1hoqvcbv11221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250 replies and no-one has posted bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk

>> No.18006999

How do I find an autistic gf /lit/

>> No.18007146

>visit charity shop bookshop
>buy book from beautiful 20-year-old
>get chatting to her, she's a christian who moved to my city to go to theological school
>on the brink of asking her out, can't quite bring myself to
>resolve to go back and ask her next time i see her
>covid strikes, lockdown is locked down, bookshop immediately closes
>this was all over a year ago in a previous life

>> No.18007341
File: 255 KB, 326x326, 1530557254920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18007348

checked and bump, I tried twitter but I don't think it's working, most of them are just their to be popular

>> No.18008923

Closed for good? That sucks man.

>> No.18008931

It's her job to be nice to you retard.

>> No.18009771

do what I do create art to concretize your emotions, and consider it a finished chapter in your life.

>> No.18009796

I thought it was meant to be Boris

>> No.18009827

this happened with my local cinema,
I went often hoping this homely cashier girl who I only realised was flirting with me after the fact would be there,
>all this work, wasted
>town has completely changed and I barely see familiar faces anymore

>> No.18009841

it doesn't change that it's someone acting nice to you

>> No.18009897

She never said anything to the guy in front of me in line.

>> No.18009929

This. You’re socially retarded. Nothing is worse than hitting on a girl at her job where she can’t freely act.

>> No.18009942

wait are you OP still in this thread?

if so, what have you learned from these posts over the last two days?

>> No.18010013
File: 29 KB, 360x360, 507A340B-9243-4E52-A8DE-9C1AA13EED80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back again. She has a boyfriend...

>> No.18010017

Her name is Rebecca Ayala and she is here right now.

>> No.18010030
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1522262879061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming that's true and you are indeed OP, I'm proud of you for taking some kind of action. You did well man :) YGMI

>> No.18010041

I just don't enjoy manipulating women into having sex with me. It gives me zero pleasure whatsoever. If that's what I have to do to get sex, as has seemed to be the case in the past, if I have to lower myself and pretend to be someone else and sacrifice all my dignity for some pussy, then it's not worth it. It's unfair to me, it's unfair to them, it's a shitty business transaction where nobody really gets what they want. But at the same time my monkey brain tells me my highest priority in life is to get bitches, so I force myself to do it at every opportunity. I just want to settle down and have a family bros :(

>> No.18010044

If you are actually OP and you tried, good for you. You’ve tried more than me in 8 years :)

>> No.18010054

Based supporter-bros

>> No.18010061

ohh no she can't be rude to me or leave the building I'm going insane

>> No.18010063

that's why it's never worth agonizing over those kind of interactions, but at least now you're gaining the life experience to realize that, so good for you.

>> No.18010479

(She actually doesn't and just told you that so you'd leave her alone)

>> No.18010595
File: 232 KB, 2000x2000, BE259586-61CF-44C7-ACC8-BB525D7D2761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she commented on my tshirt and said she only knew what it was because of her boyfriend. I still want to die regardless of whether she was lying or not anyways.

>> No.18010599
File: 33 KB, 700x406, EF9EE513-0104-4AFA-B453-3834DE5DFCC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my advice to you Anon.

>> No.18010601

why do you want to die lad? you did well, you've grown as a person by going back and seeing what the score is. By all accounts she probably does have a bf. So what? move on with your chin up

>> No.18010605

Same way bartenders wear fake wedding rings. It’s the easiest excuse

>> No.18010629

I asked a female cashier for her number one time and she called me a freak and told me to leave her alone. wish I was joking

>> No.18010633

I’m sorry bro that’s really fucked up. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel sometimes.

>> No.18010647

one time i went to the dairy queen to buy an ice cream and these two creepy chuds of color where hitting on the cute latina cashier and she saw me walk up to the counter and goes "that's my man!" i was like oh fuck i have autism what do i do

>> No.18010656

any girl that talks that freely to dudes is going to get snapped up fast, not sure how you expected her to be single

>> No.18010684

did you play along bro?

>> No.18010687

Should the guy that’s dating her now not have tried because of what you said?

>> No.18010691

no i was just like "haha, ok umm can get a vanilla sundae thanks"

>> No.18010693

booooo! poor show anon

>> No.18010699

wow she's a pro

>> No.18010705

Why are most men totally incompetent when it comes to women, flirting and dating? Were they ill socialized as children? It’s not hard to read body language and strike up small talk that could lead to more

>> No.18010708

no, not at all, just that it was obviously going to be a long shot, so he should have just gotten it over with the first time he was there rather than wasting so much psychic energy on it.

>> No.18010709

Nice shirt, go the same one.

>> No.18010711

yeah i know dude but i just wanted some ice cream not a psycho-sexual drama.

>> No.18010719
File: 218 KB, 955x711, 1529267953908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO poor father figures (beta liberal dads + absent fathers + dominant mothers) in combo with bullying-related anxiety
throw in some autism and youth pissed away playing vidya and you have your cohort of useless pussies

>> No.18010752
File: 390 KB, 1200x1512, 4168147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad was definitely kind of useless. i mean he was masculine in the sense he worked long hours in a factory to pay our mortgage and drove a motorcycle and was kind of a hotshot skiier in his youth, but as far as guidance about anything in life he might as well have not been there. my mom was just one of these feminist types who had all kinds of art books with stuff like pic related around the house. that was cool for stimulating my intellectual and creative development, but as far as establishing healthy relationships probably harmful.

>> No.18010799

This is probably true. I think many put woman on pedestals yet resent them. This type of guy usually has entitlement issues(women do too), as he thinks that since he asked a girl out, she has to say yes. If you’re not bringing something to the table, or there is little point in asking a girl out. Why should she want to date a guy that has nothing going for him? A lot of guys here live in a fantasy land where they’ll meet a nice girl in church and ask her father for her hand. Most people want a partner that will give them something or make them better in some way

>> No.18010806

sounds like my dad. Could fix his cars and do all that shit, like footy and pints, but at the end of the day he never really imparted much of an impression of what manhood should be on me. I think maybe that's the more subtle necessity of masculinity, and in extension of that, fatherhood; a fostering, and guiding influence more actively, a man who shows by action and not by word

>> No.18010868
File: 846 KB, 640x853, 1616944703287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18010960

rent free

>> No.18010979

>It’s not hard to read body language and strike up small talk that could lead to more
Yeah it is.

>> No.18010998


>> No.18011029

Walk before you run. Get on friendly terms first. It’s not intimidating being friends with someone. Even though there are some differences, women are humans who want the same things as men. Girls love to talk about themselves. Find a common interest and they will do most of the talking. Put sex out of your mind, until you get comfortable with women. Then look for signs of interest. The biggest red pill is that women want sex as much as men but have a report protect

>> No.18011033

is there a cure for this, and no don't say go out and socialise with strangers because I've done that and it doesn't work

>> No.18011040


>> No.18011156

the social cultural brainwash that sex and women are a big deal
it's all in your head, just be normal
there's no "secret" to getting women cuz it's not a fucking puzzle you autists

>> No.18011228

alpha male enactor
good luck for next time
and there will be a next time, because your not a useless bitch who just wallows in self doubt; at the end of the day you did it

>> No.18011230

I am not sure anon
Still wrestling with it

>> No.18011236

Great advice. But only if you are 6ft+, White, Have all your hair, and have a strong jaw.

>> No.18011267

This but but be “friendly” not her “friend.” Don’t be hanging around being buddy buddy and being alone together as “just friends” while you’re plotting to get pussy. It’s disingenuous.

>> No.18011295

I dunno but about a cure but if you really want to listen to something with advice you could try the Black Phillip show by Patrice O’Neal. Your mileage may vary with the advice itself but fuck if it doesn’t get you pumped up to go out and find your masculinity.
Plus it’s funny when he shits on women. Always a nice little bonus.

>> No.18011414

Yep. This is what I was going for. You don’t want to be the creepy friend zone guy

>> No.18011429

This OP

>> No.18011559

Take your meds trannie

>> No.18011599
File: 282 KB, 568x319, ec1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18011615

Women are so cold, callous, and indifferent to men that it takes being forced by their job for the average woman to say anything nice to a guy. No wonder men fall for cashiers if this is the only situation where women are actually forbidden from being the huge bitches they are.

>> No.18011622

Dude at this point just go for a whore.
It will make sex much less important to you and boost your confidence

>> No.18011634

Cringiest thing i've read in a while

>> No.18011651


>> No.18011652

>seeing a hooker will boost your confidence

>> No.18011658

fuck fuck fuck fuck her name is Rebecca I need to just ask her out now what is wrong with me. I know she likes me but I just can't stand the risk of losing a friend
I won't let this name hurt me

>> No.18011660


>> No.18011671

Losing your virginity will

>> No.18011680

no it wont. the self esteem comes from being able to attract someone, and feeling desirable. you don't get that from a whore. anon might feel slightly better the night after but then the dread will kick in as he realizes virginity was never the issue.

>> No.18011751

Are you a schizo?

>> No.18011772

you´ll never believe this but actually there is, basically you have to find out a person (a man) whom you admire and try to emulate him, it helps if you can read everything about him so you´ll know how to act, it´s better if it´s a real person and not a fictional character

>> No.18011789

after losing it he will stop thinking that sex is everything, and will feel more conformtable with it and actually start getting pussy

>> No.18011937

brother as someone who dated a 10/10 body and personality Rebecca
you'll fuck it up because your retarded, but do it anyways

>> No.18011998
File: 365 KB, 596x335, squinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18012005

laugh all you want, it worked for me

>> No.18012058

And for most it results in being an even further detached incel
The truth is that "be yourself" is the only real advice for autists. Complicating your self perception and identity is just gonna make 90% of people sink further into asocial spergdom
"be yourself" has the silent implication of the you that isn't wrapped up with retard baggage. That includes being bitter about being a virgin and being lonely
Get over yourself and socialize and you'll end up with a gf, rather than have to pursue one
Assuming you're not actually fundamentally worthless

>> No.18012071
File: 20 KB, 354x239, 3972924391_80f733d320_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And for most it results in being an even further detached incel
The truth is that "be yourself" is the only real advice for autists. Complicating your self perception and identity is just gonna make 90% of people sink further into asocial spergdom
"be yourself" has the silent implication of the you that isn't wrapped up with retard baggage. That includes being bitter about being a virgin and being lonely
Get over yourself and socialize and you'll end up with a gf, rather than have to pursue one
Assuming you're not actually fundamentally worthless

>> No.18012109

you fucked up that >

>> No.18012117

>bro just tulpa yourself
>pretend to be an alpha warrior male it'll totally work
>what? no, that's not just incel mentality talking
OP has already completely mogged you by having a spine

>> No.18012323

Who are you emulating?

>> No.18012859


>> No.18012960

Same here. Literally no girl, or now woman at my age (27) has shown any form of interest or affection towards me.
Not irl and just barely in dating sites (8 or so in four sites in two years)
I feel like a ghost sometimes.

>> No.18013055

Bad parenting really.
My father was a vegetable most of my youth, being on depression meds and not in work.
>be 2nd grader
>go to living room at morning to say bye to dad
>"bye son, dads gonna take a little nap now ok, I have some stuff to do after that"
>head to school
>come back home 6 hours later
>dad sleeping on couch
>know very well he has done nothing but lay there on couch
Add in the divorce fights that happened twice a year and me sort of having to raise my little brother in all of that + endless bullying in school.
I did not exactly have the greatest childhoid and teenage years and due to that I am now at starting line related to anything relationships and intimacy and such.
There's 14y olds that have more experience than me.

>> No.18013128

>he liked 3.0+1.0
Kek, what a fag.
Still, good on you for getting the courage to go back. That courage will serve you far better in life than any one girl.

>> No.18013136

I bought the shirt months before the movie came out! Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.18013190

>It’s not hard to read body language and strike up small talk that could lead to more
I was perfectly able to read body language, I was just always a coward, I mean I truly believe that you have to be autistic to not realize when a girl is into you, that's why I've never gotten the "I just realized 10 years later that my crush wanted to fuck me".
I was always aware, I just was too much of a coward to do something about it and never learned the lesson, I made the same mistake 3 different times, and now I'm 21, I haven't had contact with another female in 4 years and I'm a khv.

>> No.18013194

rooting for you anon
you earned my respect by going back