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File: 39 KB, 786x400, latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17992301 No.17992301 [Reply] [Original]

How do you learn Latin? I understand it is quite different from modern languages so how would you learn it?

>> No.17992310

Go live in the Roman Empire for six months, speak with the locals, you should be fluent when you come back

>> No.17992335

It is literally easy for anyone who speaks a european language

>> No.17992362

That's not helpful anyway. I want to learn Latin, not be told it's easy to learn it. I want resources, books and the like.

>> No.17992372

>quite different from modern languages
It's not. If you already know a romance language (basically bastardized Latin) learning proper Latin is ridiculously easy.

>> No.17992450

The manuscript this pic is taken from is available online and it is delightfully illustrated. See Vergilius Romanus and Vergilius Vaticanus.

You're a retard and I bet you can't actually read Latin.

>> No.17992506

Get a good textbook for grammar and vocabulary. Once you’re done with that get a Latin reader (preferably one that also has excercises).

There are a lot of great 19th century Latin readers. Orbis Pictus and Ianua Linguarum Reserata are also great books if you want something older.

Basically no different from any other language, minus listening and speaking, which makes the language a lot easier.

>> No.17992736


>> No.17992935

magno cum labore

>> No.17993039
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Virgil was such a QT

>> No.17993355

Thank you

>> No.17993369

>If you already know a romance language (basically bastardized Latin) learning proper Latin is ridiculously easy.

That's not true though. Even Standard Italian has a children's level of inflection and case structure compared to Classical Latin. Even though I obviously agree with you that it will help to have a Romance language as your mother tongue, it will help only up to the point where the grammar starts hitting you in the face with a sledgehammer.

>> No.17993394
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Caecilius will show you the way

>> No.17993425

They are fundamentally similar languages. There's nothing particularly alien in Latin if you have a European mother tongue in general. More inflection doesn't mean anything because the concepts and internal logic don't change at all. Try a language where there's not even such a thing as pronouns or one that keeps track of completely different information (inflected or not) than what you understand to be universal (through European languages).

>> No.17993449

>They are fundamentally similar languages.

Which says nothing about an individual person's capacity to learn a language. A German person might be better at learning Latin than an Italian person simply because the Italian person has zero language interest or aptitude.

>> No.17993496

Grammar doesn't really matter when learning a language for the first time. I think people take the wrong approach when they decide to learn a language's intricacies and grammatical rules before they have even a basic intuitive understanding of it.

>> No.17993551

Deep diving into the grammar of a language is really the only recourse you have when the language is dead.

>> No.17993588

Not really. You can learn a lot by translating phrases and words individually and looking at the context, especially if you use music as an aid. Latin isn't really a dead language anyway.

>> No.17993639

Honestly, I still don't agree. I would agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying if we were talking about a living language and you went to live in the country where it is spoken for an extended period of time, but we aren't talking about that in this context.

>> No.17993653

That's how I learned English you stupid nigger, and I never lived in an English-speaking country.

>> No.17993703

English is literally an omnipresent language you fucking retard. It's not comparable to something like Latin.

Of course a subhuman low-IQ South-American negroid mutt like you doesn't understand this.

>> No.17993704

Depend at which level you do study it, for example translating a wok like the Aeneid is hardcore

>> No.17993746

>English is literally an omnipresent language you fucking retard.
Irrelevant. You can learn a lot just by translating latin poetry, you're the low ig nigger if you can't do something as simple as reading a dictionary.

>> No.17993762


> t.grumio

>> No.17994342

Go on archive.org and grind through a readable grammar book. Easier said than done of course. I find learning foreign languages without a classroom setting next to impossible.

>> No.17994861

get the Orberg method "lingva latina per se illustrata"

>> No.17994891


>> No.17996120

Don't fall for memes about slogging through some dreary, dull textbook of pure grammar. Go through the Cambridge series and read Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata along the way. It will get you a solid foundation in Latin, and you'll be able to refine both your reading skills or your grammatical knowledge later.

inb4 wheelock cultists or /g/tards who saw a single Luke Smith video suggesting to buy some random textbook from the 19th century

>> No.17996155

My uni does the two books of Lingua Latina in four semesters, and then courses on Caesar and Virgil. If you're on your own you may want to supplement with a grammar textbook to have concepts laid out for you. Maybe even use something like duolingo to practice writing and, dare I say, listening.

>> No.17996168

>easy for anyone who speaks a european language
>tfw Uralic

>> No.17997183

First: Wheelock's Latin. Alternatively, LLPSI
De Bello gallico
De Bello civilli
Ab urbe condita
In catilinan

>> No.17997607

What I was thinking of was doing a really basic course on grammar and moving onto lingua Latina after so I would have some base and idea of what I was doing to develop on, as of now I have just about 0 understanding of the language.

>> No.17998563

made for BBC

>> No.17998579

lean italian

>> No.17999206

Italian is just lean Latin.

>> No.17999209

Non vogliamo

>> No.17999252

Wheelock's is a good resource.

>> No.17999261

kys you mentally ill freak

>> No.17999536

I've heard that it doesn't really inspire much fluency and makes reading Latin more like a puzzle rather than fluency.

>> No.17999554


This dude Luke Ranieri has a great focus on spoken Latin, which helps a lot. He also has lots of videos where he actually speaks Latin, for example reciting the bible in Latin. This makes things a lot easier to learn than purely written methods.

>> No.17999568

To add, the method basically comes down to this:
1. Learn the basic idea of Latin and its cases and tenses
2. memorize most grammatical paradigms (if you choose to buy his package, he provides an excel sheet with all of them and audio files for all of them as well)
3. Work through Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata

>> No.17999980

Are there much other sources were people talk in Latin, videos and general things with people talking in Latin. Any websites were I can talk to others in Latin?

>> No.18000001
File: 57 KB, 633x649, tfw too smart for politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a high iq like Caesar

>> No.18000213

Its very easy to learn when you already speak a romance language
t. portuguese and spanish speaker

>> No.18000218

Learn Chinese instead

>> No.18000220

Cool but I only speak English so that's kind of useless to me.

>> No.18000337

Dunno anything about other languages, but as a Russian I immediately realized that Latin grammar structure is exactly the same, so I only had to learn the lexicon.
Luke has a video on those, I think. He’s basically the gateway into self-learning Latin.

>> No.18000412

Latin is easy modo, learn ancient Greek you little bitch

>> No.18000424
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I've considered this. I'm doing this book and I'll follow it up with Lingua Latina per se Illustrata.

>> No.18000436

Hi OP, idk if you're still here but I learnt latin for 2 years via the Cambridge latin course. It was pretty gruelling, but effective. I reccomend it like the other anon said.

>> No.18000673

I'm thinking in between basic grammar and into Lingua Latina or that option.

>> No.18001774

>I understand it is quite different from modern languages
It's not. there are modern European languages with fully inflected grammars like German and Russian. What makes Latin hard is the ancient style of expression. You can understand the grammar and all the vocabulary of Horace or Juvenal or someone like that, and still not understand shit.

>> No.18001865

Duo lingo, Lingua Latina, and read dual language texts that have English and Latin side by side. Don't worry about learning the grammar rules. You'll figure it out naturally as you learn to read it.

>> No.18002042


>> No.18003264

This guy makes the psychopath detector in my brain go haywire. He can be anything from the sweetest to the most fucking insane as far as I can read the mind behind this grinning face.

>> No.18003284

yeah he makes me nervous too. smart guy though

>> No.18003423

my school uses the cambridge latin books. those are pretty helpful. the main thing you need to know is the conjugations though. so i would look up first, second, third declensions along with all the tenses. look at like present, imperfect, and perfect tenses first and then move on from there. there are tons of worksheets for these things so just look it up.

>> No.18003455

>cambridge latin books
based. i enjoyed the reading material from these books a lot more than LLPSI. they were a lot more funny and interesting. despite that, using both cambridge and LLPSI helped me a ton with my progression in Latin

>> No.18003586

Should I study Latin and Ancient Greek at the same time? I have some basics of Latin, but have not studied it for years

>> No.18003600

What's you latin level? I'm curious because I want to see if studying obligatory makes some sense

>> No.18003601

It's torturous enough to study one of them. Both at the same time sounds like hell

>> No.18003646

I took Latin for years in high school (I was always kinda bad at it but passed). The biggest thing with Latin is that it's much less reliant on articles to connect sentences. The verb reveals a lot more about what the sentence is (hell in Latin verbs are basically their own sentences). Tenses of verbs are conveyed within the verb itself rather than just slapping "-ed" at the end or saying "will" or "were" before it.

>> No.18004292

>fully inflected grammars like German
Does German actually count as fully inflected? Its (mere four) noun declensions affect only the article, the noun stays the same (with the exception of Genitive which is not used often anyway). Definitely simpler than Latin.

>(hell in Latin verbs are basically their own sentences)
Anglos should be forbidden to talk about languages.

>> No.18005432

I've heard duolingo is horrible for actually learning a language.

>> No.18005498

>t. Dante
Whatcha doin back in hell again?

>> No.18005529

The grammar of Latin is much more complex than the grammar of English.

>> No.18005580

>Are there much other sources were people talk in Latin, videos and general things with people talking in Latin.
Aside from Scorpio Martiano, there are a ton. Here are a few to which I'm subscribed.





>Any websites were I can talk to others in Latin?
Discord. There is a huge one for both Latin and Ancient Greek redditors started it and another one that focuses on LLPSI. Scorpio Martiano has another one too.

>> No.18005723

The woman from the first video is a babe.

>> No.18005751
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recte dicis

>> No.18006297

Why are you learning a dead language?

>> No.18006322

Read through this. You can start immediately and you don't need to know any latin to start:


While you do this, get a good traditional textbook and study grammar and syntax. Actually study the grammar tables. Memorize them. No ifs ands or buts about it, just do it, there's no getting around it if you want to actually get good. Make anki decks of each chapters vocab and practice them. Then do the reading and translation exercises. Don't skip anything, you're cheating yourself if you do. The classic choice for this is Wheelock, but Latin Made Simple is also good and I've heard Hansen and Quinn is also good (I've only used their Attic Greek textbook though, so I can't say. I preferred using Wheelock personally).

Learning Latin isn't much different than learning any other language. You don't have to be smart to do it. You only need three things: persistence, motivation, and time. Study everyday, make an actual effort at it, and don't skip anything and you'll be reading Vergil in no time.

PS: Prioritize learning classical latin rather than vulgar. If you only study vulgar latin, then when you try reading classical it will be confusing and difficult. If you study classical, when you read Vulgar Latin it will be super easy. Always aim high.

>> No.18007112

I see a lot of raving about Latin 101 from the great courses (easily torrented).

>> No.18007166

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boaHGOqWjTA watch latin movies with latin subtitles

>> No.18007238

Nice, there are Barbarians from Netflix as well: some characters speak Latin where appropriate, language was given great care, as well as sets and costumes. Battle scenes and the story are utterly retarded, however.

>> No.18007707

There's one vid where she's pregnant iirc, if that's your thing.

>> No.18008264


>> No.18008517

what if I get sick with something uncureable by modern medicine? What if I make everyone else sick...

>> No.18008550

Because I love Latin and Roman history.

>> No.18008579

Wheelock's Latin is what I learned from.
Funnily enough I had a dream about it last night.

>> No.18008678


>> No.18009039


>> No.18009128

> but as a Russian I immediately realized that Latin grammar structure is exactly the same
it really isn't
t. Russian-speaking Polak

>> No.18009189

Go to Vatican City and offer your boypussy to all the dudes there.

>> No.18009195

Id advise against this. Im sure these are good methods for those with extreme diligence but for those who cannot memorize like this Id recommend Lingua Latina and the Italian Athenaze. I took intensive Greek at Yale and we used H&Q and compared to my summer at Vivarium where we did LLPSI and Athenaze the classs moved much slower and people were much worse at Greek at the end. I would advise against all Grammar Translation methods.

>> No.18009372

Who cares, the whole point of learning Greek is to engage in philological studies of the original texts, not LARP as le renaissance man

>> No.18009689

>Thinking you can "learn" Latin without touching grammar
Thanks for the good laugh anon

>> No.18009734

Based although I suspect OP might be too old for their liking

>> No.18009743

I'd rather read plato than autistically pain over reading one paragraph over an hour.

>> No.18009852


From /t/ with love.

>> No.18009858

Learn Italian

>> No.18009895

Why learn from a dead language.

>> No.18011180


>> No.18011229

I learned from a book. Still can't speak fluently because the only practice i got it's speaking to myself like an autist but i can read clearly.

I got a little edge on it because my mother tongue is Latin based. You can learn modern Italian before trying latin, it will be much more easier.

>> No.18011240

>more easier
Next step is learning English

>> No.18011259

grammar be mutable tho

>> No.18011263

Sure. I'm here to practice.
Thanks for the correction fren. Not making that mistake again.

>> No.18011377

Look into the Dowling method. Basically, drill the major conjugations and declensions like a mad man (should only take a couple weeks if you're consistent), and then go through the LLPSI books (at least part 1). Then, start reading primary sources like De Bello Gallico, Catullus, and the Aeneid.

>> No.18011393

It's okay. English is retarded anyway

>> No.18012264
File: 36 KB, 380x499, ecce romani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i took a few latin classes in high school we followed these textbooks and i thought they were decent.

>> No.18012267

I remember these well. Makes me nostalgic af.

>> No.18012283

me too. i kind of want to buy all of them to relearn latin.

>> No.18012306

Maybe they're on libgen

>> No.18012420

It's quite different actually. The vocabulary is similar tough.

>> No.18013183

Thanks, anonkun. They actually are on LibGen. 1-2-3

>> No.18014448

based libgen

>> No.18015079

I bow to Russians

>> No.18015091

Fucking bigoted rightoid chud. African American Vernacular is a valid dialect.

>> No.18015622

Does everyone here recommend anki?

>> No.18015938

I know this is bait but why do based boys love the term "valid" so fucking much? Its meaningless.

>> No.18016411

It's basically virtual flashcards, nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe a bit more, it spaces the repetitions out in a smart way. Useful if you have some material you want to commit to memory.

>> No.18016809

What’s the easiest authentic Latin book that help me move on from being an intermediate, either Classical or Medieval?

>> No.18017408
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>my mother tongue is Latin based
>more easier

You're Mexican, we get it.

>> No.18018221

I'll give it a try

>> No.18018479

>And here at lesson 600 we introduce the genetive case

>> No.18018498
