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17989409 No.17989409 [Reply] [Original]

Lost books, articles and lectures on Islam

The /lit/ pastebin is excellent though it's more lectures than books

A Compendium on the Soul

The Ring of the Dove, a book on love of women by Ibn Hazm

Article on how the secularization of Rumi by liberal translators desaturates him


The Mysteries of Selflessness


The novel Twilight in Delhi


Good article by a young convert

>Anomie was one thing; the ferocious renunciation of tradition I encountered at university was quite another.

>But when I entered the chapels and listened to the ministers, the regeneration I sought didn’t happen. Christian voices sounded all too agreeable and compromising. I wanted something stronger, something that didn’t bargain with secularism. I found it in Islam.


Fatima Barkatulla explains at 52 minutes why it's sexual harassment of men for women to dress immodestly


>> No.17989418

Fuck off retards.

>> No.17989431
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this instead.

>> No.17989437

Seethe. Then cope. And finally, dilate.

>> No.17989440

I've read it and the rebuttal is a lot better desu

>> No.17989442
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17989451

>then stay away from philosophy and Sufis and others and stick only to the Quran and sunnah on the methodology of the salad
Cringe salafist.
Reason is a gift from God to get closer to him.

>> No.17989452

If you want knowledge on Islam to be as close to the teachings of the prophet sallallahu Alaine wa sallam, then stay away from philosophy and Sufis and others and stick only to the Quran and sunnah on the methodology of the salaf
The Sufis and others will lead you astray

>> No.17989454
File: 2.88 MB, 1293x9789, Islam-Muhammad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17989459

No, kalam will lead you to hellfire.
The salaf were the best of Muslims, you can never be a better Muslim than them

>> No.17989460
File: 2.51 MB, 1312x8870, Islam-Quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17989467

You are confused..al Ghazali is anti reason, Ibn Taymiyyah is pro reason

>> No.17989468

If you really are curious then read books by ibne taymiah, Al albani, ibne uthaymeen and bin baz, may Allah have mercy on them.

>> No.17989481

Bin Baz issued a fatwa saying bring crusaders into the peninsula and Albani was a major reviver of ijra. Please don't place Ibn Taymiyyah into with them

>> No.17989488

No, reason is fine within limits, Sufis and others make up stuff and claim it's from Islam.
Here is an example, the deobandis from the subcontinent pray wire like maghrib, yet the prophet sallallahu Alaine wa sallam clearly forbade doing that.Yet you say this to any of them and all they can say is that you illiterate, you understand, I have had first hand experience getting this response from them.
They prefer culture over islam

>> No.17989489


>> No.17989502

Stop making pointless excuses, only the prophets may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, are infallible and don't make mistakes.
The Sufis and others don't just make mistakes, they outright have beliefs of life, they aqeedah is twisted

>> No.17989506


>> No.17989511

You are confusing bid'ah with reason,in fact putting aside reason was a bid'ah Ibn Taymiyyah accused Sufis of

I don't know what wire like means

>> No.17989515

Beliefs of kufr^

>> No.17989520

Yes certainly however state supported scholars going by the title of Salafi are not thereby an antidote if they introduce bid'ah or make halal haram and haram halal. Being critical of Sufis doesn't mean being favorable of the third Saudi state which is on something totally different from the first two

>> No.17989539

Oh I'm not, in full support of the Saudi state, they don't follow Islam when regarding governance, considering the laws mbs has brought for modernising.
I just meant that since I have seen a lot of anons here spout nonsense
Just wanted to make sure they don't overstep the bounds.

>> No.17989547

The Muslim anons I mean

>> No.17989553

The fact that Ibn Saud invited the British in then massacred his men for disobeying them means the third state was rotten long before MBS

>> No.17989562

I don't mind that they got rid of the ottomans, for crying out loud they were worshipping graves, trees and caves besides Allah, whatever the cost the ottomans needed to be thrown out of arabia

>> No.17989638

You are off your rocker if you think expelling the Ottomans justifies inviting the Christians to rule, for the Qur'an says do not take the Christians as your Awliya

>> No.17990814


>> No.17990821

chat talk speak ?.#6574

>> No.17990846

Who are you?

>> No.17990896

just anyone

>> No.17990998

So a tranny?