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17985480 No.17985480 [Reply] [Original]

>Some economists need to measure things to know if somethings true, can't ascertain truth through apodictic insight a synthetic a priori reasoning.


>> No.17985826
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>my statements are true regardless of reality

>> No.17985868

Do I need to scientifically test whether an object can be blue all over and red all over at the same time?

>> No.17985948

Economics in a nutshell

>> No.17985966

>he thinks reality is true

>> No.17986184

So you deny a priori?

>> No.17986197

This book cover is cringe

>> No.17986344


>> No.17986385

No, I'm saying such claims are abstract and don't necessarily say anything about reality since there's many possible logics.

>> No.17986546

By the same measure I could say you never have a control or laboratory for economic situations so the empiricism is always precarious.

>> No.17986559

you can count the number of a priori economists on one hand. thats how retarded rothbard is.

>> No.17986563

>millions of flies cannot be wrong

>> No.17986569

And i call it a nigeori

>> No.17986603

Off the top of my head:
Huerte de Soto

>> No.17986616

>Scholars edition
>Chess pieces as cover
Libertarian pedos are cringe brainlets

>> No.17986627

all hacks

>> No.17986651

There’s a reason nobody outside of lolberts online takes Austrian economics seriously

>> No.17986707

Just because all data is incomplete/wrong doesn't mean empiricism epistemologically is wrong. Claiming you can explain reality without reference to anything empirical by pure logic is something totally different than suffering a lack of data, there's nowhere to go beyond that and you're done.

>> No.17986765

All hacks except Hoppe

>> No.17986869

The idea isn't that empiricism is wrong. Fallbilism is valid i would say. Internalist epistemology is solid in my mind. What your having a problem with is concept acquisition, which is in all rationalism, I can gain my concepts from the world but then operate on them rationally.

The idea being that economics cannot be valid be approached like a natural science so a priorism is the best method.

How is rothbard a hack if hoppe isn't, he's like rothbard scion.

>> No.17987384
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I love this austrian microeconomics book.

Post your favorite austrian text.

>> No.17987506

>What your having a problem with is concept acquisition, which is in all rationalism, I can gain my concepts from the world but then operate on them rationally.
Whatever you mean by "operate on" and "concepts" you must be referring to something immutable you're stuck with.

>The idea being that economics cannot be valid be approached like a natural science so a priorism is the best method.
There's no justification for that claim that isn't retarded. I can equally claim biology can't be handled by normal methods and we must work from these axioms because durrr

>> No.17987660

>Whatever you mean by "operate on" and "concepts" you must be referring to something immutable you're stuck with.

I would say that some a priori constructions are immutable. An object is either P or not P. This is apodictic.

>There's no justification for that claim that isn't retarded. I can equally claim biology can't be handled by normal methods and we must work from these axioms because durrr

The idea is that in biology and the natural sciences one can create control groups and recreate scenarios. Economics it is impossible to do this. Humans never act the same or can be viewed in a vacume, see the psychology study recreation problem. So you have human action at a global scale, you cannot control it you cannot predict it because humans are always learning and changing. Particles in physics don't learn and change. So one must base the human science of economics on immutable axioms.

>> No.17987991
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Why are all of the famous economics writers Jewish??
>Karl Marx
>Murry Rothbard
>Milton Friedman
>Alan Greenspan
>Ayn Rand

>> No.17988259

You definitely cannot playout the paleontological record to prove evolution, the idea economics encounters any special epistemological issues is wrong. Explaining or predicting human behavior isn't even necessary and an issue for psychology, the only purely economic issue is structural in nature and presentable in input-output form, it'd be similar for any non-human agents (and yes a supra-AI god brain can control and guide us better perhaps).

>> No.17988467


>> No.17988511

>Alan Greenspan
Greenspan hasn't written much. Besides, other than Marx and Friedman all those you mentioned are memes. Good point though

>> No.17988761
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Are you implying that Marx and Friedman were good??

>> No.17988945

And what reason is that?

>> No.17989021

its because jews have higher IQs than the whites and asians go into tech or medicine. Economics is a complex field combining mathematics, sociology, politics, business, so having higher intelligence means you are naturally drawn towards this challenging field. Same reason there are jews in finance, normies just don't have what it takes. Maybe do some lower level analysis or data gathering, but can't really perform in terms of setting national or international economic policy.

Look at Africa and Latin America, their economies are constantly in shambles because the brightest minds they can produce are barely above average.

>> No.17989036

>jews have higher IQs than the whites
wrong desu

>> No.17989043

>sociology, politics, business
Garbage meme tier "studies"

>> No.17989055
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The studies show that Jews only have high verbal IQ. Their visuo-spatial IQ is very low, far below average.

>> No.17989058

Read Marx.

>> No.17989065

you're right, its Ashkenazi jews, not sephardic. Thanks for the correction anon!

>> No.17989075

oh no! Jews can't draw apples very good or guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. We'll let the goys have those. We prefer more objective studies like aforementioned economics, law, science, etc. Jews are also disproportionality represented in Nobel Prize winners.

>> No.17989081

/lit/ doesn't have the intelligence for Marx. Maybe start with Algebra 1 and go from there?

>> No.17989083

Hoppe and Rothbard are probably the biggest hacks among those. I swear I still have to read lousier philosophy than what I've seen from those two. There's absolutely nothing salvageable from their work.

>> No.17989084


>> No.17989091
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Econ Final Boss

>> No.17989095

>economics, law
At this point you might as well pretend that gender studies, psychiatry, and feminist theory are real, legitimate intellectual fields as well.
They are all frauds.

>> No.17989115

sure, lets just throw business, marketing, finance, uhhh argriculture, ummmm yeahhh, and uh graphic design. Since we're just boarding the retard train with everything now.

>> No.17989119
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>> No.17989132
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Jews basically have the minds of women (good with words and feelings, but bad at real, physical, visual things).
Also like women, Jews are high in anxiety and neuroticism.
Other studies conducted in Germany and many Eastern European countries before world war 2 found that Jews are shorter, have more narrow shoulders and chests, are physically weaker, and less masculine in facial appearance than the native European goyims of each host country.

>> No.17989133

>hur dur give money and people spend it!!!

yah, this man has the academic rigor of a sack of potato

>> No.17989146
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>> No.17989147
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>doesn't have the intelligence for Marx
Marx was not even intelligent. His criticisms of capitalism are very obvious and basic common sense. His theories are retard tier.

>> No.17989148

So jews have more modern, intellectual minded brains, while europeans are still out-growing their Neanderthal genes. This is what happens when you cross breed.

>> No.17989153

>"I havent read marx but PragerU says he bad man!!!"

wagie loves his cagie

>> No.17989158

kys shitposter

>> No.17989161

>Jews basically have the minds of women (good with words and feelings, but bad at real, physical, visual things).
lmao, do you have any idea how many professional mathematicians were jews?

>> No.17989162

a scarecrow did more for the economy than keynes. At least a scarecrow can protect crops. Keynes was too busy ruining our economy with socialist ideals.

>> No.17989168

Retarded strawman. I don't care about PragerU or any other classical liberal/neocon faggotry. Your assumption says more about what a retard you are.

>> No.17989171


suggest ya'll start here before commenting

>> No.17989176

you're right, keynes is a retarded strawman

>> No.17989178
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>> No.17989182


check'em tards

>> No.17989186

is folx better? sorry, I just want to be inclusive and pronoun sensitive.

>> No.17989192

Finland has the highest IQ in Europe and they barely have any Jews compared to places like UK or France or Netherlands.

>> No.17989198

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_mathematicians
> 27% for the Fields Medal, 30% for the Abel Prize, and 40% for the Wolf Prize.

>> No.17989205

They're socialists, which is jewish ideology and culture. Might as well be snow-israel

>> No.17989241

I'm a fan of Austrian economics, I've read this book, and some others by ROthbard, Mises and some other Austrian guys, but I can't for the life of me actually explain Praxeology to someone in a concrete way. It honestly sounds a little woo woo.
But I do like the Austrian school's skepticism of empiricism in Economics. There are far too many variables in Economics to make an reasonable conclusions from data, especially considering whether we're measuring GDP or whatever, that's not really what we want to measure - it's human well being or something related to do that.

>> No.17989242

>in Europe|
talking about the whole world buddy, but enjoy the little victories you can find

>> No.17989301

>There are far too many variables in Economics to make an reasonable conclusions from data, especially considering whether we're measuring GDP or whatever, that's not really what we want to measure - it's human well being or something related to do that.

So you want to go from something easily quantifiable to something totally vague. As long as you're not imputing meaning that's not there to such things there's no problem. Generally more buying and selling will correlate with people being more happy, of course things are more complex but that's obvious.

>> No.17989448

No, what I'm talking about some economist from berkley, running the number on 100s of cities until they found a case where minimum wage increases, but other economic indicators still went up.

>> No.17990284
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>Generally more buying and selling will correlate with people being more happy

>> No.17990316

Wtf... /lit/bro... I thought I was the only one who knew Block, Barnett, and Huerte de Soto