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File: 181 KB, 503x728, AKG110151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17988165 No.17988165 [Reply] [Original]

>I continue to study people on the street, which again reinforces my impression of the Orient as a place of disenchantment. The eye has to grow accustomed to the most unpleasant sights imaginable—there is no oasis, no respite. Technology is the only thing that functions in good order: the railroad, the cars, the airplanes, loudspeakers, and naturally everything belonging to the world of weaponry. Otherwise, there is a complete absence of everything organic, of nourishment, clothing, warmth, light. This is even more pronounced for the higher aspects of life—for joy, happiness, and cheer, and for any benevolent power of art. And all this on some of the richest soil on the globe.
From his diary - Rostov, 23 November 1942

>> No.17988180

A write who isn't a fucking mindless weaboo?? Bring it on. Will read his work.

>> No.17988194
File: 38 KB, 848x480, 723A6FC1-F7CB-434E-AA22-173DD23E0DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do white men think their opinion on shit they have no grasp of matters?

Side note: This is liferally why I don’t fuck or date white boys lmfao...

>> No.17988220

Junger is eternally based.

I imagine they aren't big fans of trannies like you.

>> No.17988232

>Why do white men think their opinion on shit they have no grasp of matters?
It matters just as much as anyone else's :)

>> No.17988336

Other Jünger thread with an update on The Failure of Technology.
Also, Maxima - Minima is just about finished. Still going through it looking for issues.

>> No.17988348

Oh look another white man expressing boring redundant imperialistic views on everything that isn’t suited to him.

Fucking yawn. What a bore.

>> No.17988353

No faggots allowed.

>> No.17988360

what does that have to do with anything? his observation is mostly aesthetic and spiritual

>> No.17988383

Shut up dork.
From an imperialistic viewpoint.

>> No.17988394

>From an imperialistic viewpoint.

>> No.17988410

Didn't he flee from Germany to North Africa at like 17 years old to learn the French Foreign Legion? I would have thought he would be more fond of the Orient.

>> No.17988422
File: 448 KB, 629x404, hotepemperor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Orient
>literally just in a city in European Russia, treats it like he's in deepest rural China
This is the power of the Mitteleuropäisch mind…

>> No.17988455

wtf does North Africa have to do with the Orient?

>> No.17988510


In German "Orient" includes the Arab world. Are you British?

>> No.17988539

There is more warmth and personality in an obscure Japanese poet's haiku than in Junger's entire bibliography

>> No.17988567

That's true for the British as well, orientalism was an originally British trend focused on romanticizing arabs and turks

>> No.17988573

We dont care what you think.

>> No.17988585


The left doesnt matter.

>> No.17988603

You dont really belief this, you are just protecting your pets.

>> No.17988606

Maybe warmth but not personality.

>> No.17988639
File: 60 KB, 459x604, 251d9466e5eff7fc2039ca51cb6771d0--ernst-jünger-world-war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not even sure he would see that as criticism.

>> No.17988646

looks like Ryan Gosling

>> No.17988648


He could describe the color shades of a flower or a fucking bug with utmost warmth.

>> No.17988704


>> No.17988710

Gentemen, it does not matter what leftists have to say. Just tell them they are liars and their opinions dont matter.

>> No.17988735

Nice bait

>> No.17988766

No lmao

>> No.17988894


>> No.17988905

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17988921


There are a ton of based Leftists though. These labels don't do people justice, we should do away with them.

>> No.17988983

It’s clearly shown ITT that any mention of Jünger sends leftists into an uncontrollable rage

>> No.17988988

>These labels don't do people justice, we should do away with them.
Kill yourself commie

>> No.17989067
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There have always been leftists reading Jünger. A prominent contemporary example would be German ex chancelor candidate and social democrat Martin Schulz.

>> No.17989072


>> No.17989076

Only gay men date trannies and we are straight. Sorry, tranny.

>> No.17989105

What a shitty Junger thread

>> No.17989719


>> No.17989753


>> No.17989779
File: 69 KB, 810x445, ivan-the-terrible-eisenstein-42343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asia isn't like my Orientalist paintings so now I'm disappointed
>no art
It's still an extremely fascinating continent. Did this G*rm ever hear of things like the Peking opera or ukiyo-e paintings?
This kino came out only two years after he made this entry.

>> No.17989804

"The Orient" especially in traditional studies refers primarily to the Middle East, India, and China, rather than Japan

>> No.17990414
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>> No.17991863

and me

>> No.17991979

>writer warm mean writer good cuz feel comfy :)

>> No.17991987
File: 122 KB, 1024x1001, Heiner-Mueller-Heiner-Mueller-1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and this chad

>> No.17991998

Lmao at seething aznpriders.

>> No.17992163
File: 108 KB, 855x576, debordboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw avid Situationism and Jünger reader

>> No.17992300

Hes talking about Rudsia?

>> No.17993239
File: 160 KB, 800x1059, 1607145296947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Rostov is in Russia.
It's one thing to not like a city, but this ignorant German pretends that there is a lack of art in Asia. Just goes to show that he's either ignorant or a cultural chauvinist.