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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 192 KB, 1885x1414, guillotine-instrument-for-inflicting-capital-punishment-by-decapitation-1096626924-c712b602aff44aff995c41fbbc0aff33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17983653 No.17983653 [Reply] [Original]

Second assignment >>17974945
You've been sentenced to die, the date of your execution by guillotine is a month from today, you'll spend the remainder of this month in a cell. You've been given the right to select three books that you can read before your death. Which books do you choose and why?

Personal picks
>The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
>King James V The Bible

>> No.17983797


>> No.17983800

what a meaningless question

>> No.17983815

There's no book that damn good to take my mind off from the fact that in a month they will be cutting my head off.

>> No.17983851
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Whatever the fuck this is

>> No.17983873

>Reading some dumb shit before you go out
I spent my last month with writing explicit coomer fantasy on toilet paper and a political manifest written with my shit/blood that calls for the killing of ALL political sides and figures.

>> No.17983879

that's a neat guillotine

>> No.17983925
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Cambridge KJV Reference Bible with Apocrypha and 2 journals. Nothing else matters.

>> No.17984007
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>a political manifest written with my shit/blood that calls for the killing of ALL political sides and figures.
You write it on the cell walls?

If you want to kill all political sides I think you belong here >>17983705

>> No.17984011

>what a meaningless question
>There's no book that damn good to take my mind off from the fact that in a month they will be cutting my head off.
Its not supposed to take your mind off it, but to help you comes to terms with it

>> No.17984077

>help you comes to terms with it
My post still applies. I'm not religious, so deluding myself into anything would be a very difficult task, and my survival instinct seems to be functioning a bit too well to not freak out at the slightest idea of that blade going through my neck. I guess the only book that would be nice to receive would be book on poisons with a free sample of a quick one.

>> No.17984112
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The Bible (RSV)
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
Preparation for Death - St Alphonsus Liguori

Bonus, if the Bible is granted: Divine Comedy - Dante

>> No.17984117

A quick decap isn't the worst way to go. Also maybe you're not deluding yourself but actually discovery the truth, for the first time in your life, wouldn't that be better than dying deluded.

>> No.17984128
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>the only way to come to terms with death is through religion
While I am religious, I recognize that this is simply not the case.

>> No.17984134

anon, people spend their entire lives going though books in search of truth, and even then they can't say if it really is truth or just something they want to believe in.

>> No.17984146

It was just an example, sometimes very religious people seem to be okay with anything as part of God's plan.

>> No.17984173
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>It was just an example, sometimes very religious people seem to be okay with anything as part of God's plan.

>"I see many people die because they judge that life is not worth living. I see others paradoxically getting killed for the ideas or illusions that give them a reason for living (what is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying)."

>> No.17984180

phaedo, but only without knowing who asclepius is in order to die underwhelmed

>> No.17984185

That's fair. I just mean to say that I think OP has a point that there are some things that may help you deal with this inevitability. That being said, I personally think anything other than theology or philosophy would be a colossal waste of some very limited time, save for things like reading and writing letters to loved ones.

>> No.17984208
File: 562 KB, 3840x2160, 9116-Marcus-Aurelius-Quote-Death-smiles-at-us-all-all-a-man-can-do-is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't philosophy about coming to terms with death, and how one should live ones life in the face of the inevitability of death. I think given a set point to where you know you're going to die and confining you to pick only 3 books, forces you to pick the most philosophically profound works of literature that to not beat around the bush.

That's why this guy is a retard >>17983800

>Preparation for Death - St Alphonsus Liguori
Great choice

Seneca - On the Shortness of Life
I think would be a good choice

>> No.17984232

>that to not beat around the bush.
*do not beat around the bush.

>be functioning a bit too well to not freak out at the slightest idea of that blade going through my neck.
Fact is we are all condemned to death at some point. If its in a month, or a few decades the duration of our life isn't want makes a quality life or man, but the time spent alive, and how we choose to occupy that time. I think in one month of profound mediation, prayer you can achieve what would take others several lifetimes if you get to know when and how you're going to die. Death is a religious experience that you only get to feel once, so it should be reflected upon and savored when it happens.

>> No.17984368
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>> No.17984369

48 laws of power
12 rules for life
harry potter

>> No.17984378

>The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
Is this good? QRD?

>> No.17984383
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>> No.17984388

Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver

>> No.17984436

It's meaningless because a book has no practical benefit in that situation. If I'm to be executed with a guillotine, I'd expect it to be because I was involved in politics or a revolution of some sort, and there is nothing less meaningful in a situation than a book. I lost, my side lost, everyone I know is gonna get fucked over. What exactly am would the bible or a book I read in high school do for me?

>philosophically profound
>live one's life in the face of inevitably of death

You have a month. It doesn't matter. Be proper and clean and dignified until the end or roll around in your own shit, you still lost. If you didn't know how to face death by then, a book won't change you.

>> No.17984470

IJ and a dictionary

Trying to cope is as meaningless as dumb entertainment

>> No.17984482

>It's meaningless because a book has no practical benefit in that situation.
A book may have a spiritual benefit, what does a "practical" benefit even mean.

>Be proper and clean and dignified
Why does dignity even matter?
Is dignity practical?
I agree dignity matters, in principle, just as your philosophy will, which is influenced by the things that you've read, in your last moments.

>If you didn't know how to face death by then, a book won't change you
Maybe it will, especially if you have a month to roll it over before you're killed

>> No.17984496

I wouldn't read anything philosophical. That would be a waste of a book.

Instead, I would read 3 different books that remind me of the people I loved. This is ONLY under the assumption that it is either IMPOSSIBLE or UNFAVORABLE for me to escape.

>> No.17984509

Heheh made me chuckle.