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/lit/ - Literature

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17983958 No.17983958 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help fill the void? Nothing in this world seems worth pursusing.

>> No.17984373

how to kill yourself 101

>> No.17984472
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Sounds like the problem is you, not the world. Even just sleeping, eating, and walking down the street seem "worth pursuing" to me.
I'd say find a book that fascinates you and becomes something enjoyable for you long after you finish reading it, but you probably don't read anyway as is usually the case with these type of threads.

>> No.17984476
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Mein Kampf

>> No.17984481

Macbeth, and the Theban trilogy.

>> No.17984497

>Even just sleeping, eating, and walking down the street seem "worth pursuing" to me.

>> No.17984524 [DELETED] 

Listen to this.


There is much wisdom to be gained in this world, and at one point it is a retrospective of pure immanence, and in another through painful toil. You are not just an individual, but one cannot deny in modernity, or in any time, the single individual before an open expanse.

>> No.17984541 [DELETED] 

Listen to this:


>In every well-conditioned stripling, as I conjecture, there already blooms a certain prospective Paradise, cheered by some fairest Eve; nor, in the stately vistas, and flowerage and foliage of that Garden, is a Tree of Knowledge, beautiful and awful in the midst thereof, wanting. Perhaps too the whole is but the lovelier, if Cherubim and a Flaming Sword divide it from all footsteps of men; and grant him, the imaginative stripling, only the view, not the entrance. Happy season of virtuous youth, when shame is still an impassable celestial barrier; and the sacred air-cities of Hope have not shrunk into the mean clay-hamlets of Reality; and man, by his nature, is yet infinite and free!

>> No.17984551

just try to find things you believe to be somewhat interesting and continue working on them until you're able to reach your desired state/experienced what you tried to get out of them. if there isn't anthing that seems interesting to you, unironically consider killing yourself. living an existence not worth the effort is pointless and despite what some people might tell you live doesn't hold this intrinsic value which you must strive to recognize; if you don't see the value you shouldn't feel forced to agree that there is one.

>> No.17984567
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>he's still asking why

Wrong approach duke. Do things and proceed with what feels right I'd say. Overthinking is tiring and futile. Make use of the freedom from a definite answer on what you should do.

>> No.17984573

these things could include anything from answering a question you have to developing skills in a craft you wish to achieve proficiency in

>> No.17984582


>> No.17984585

>if there isn't anthing that seems interesting to you, unironically consider killing yourself.

Terrible advice. Unironically beyond me how one could give a struggling person they don't know nothing of such advice.

>> No.17984589

If you've got a void then throw it out

>> No.17984716
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Start with a selection of Montaigne's Essays anon. You'll be fine and on your path to greatness.