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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 680x383, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17981525 No.17981525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>thinks himself an "intellectual"
>drinks alcohol

>> No.17981550

I don't consider myself an intellectual, nor do I drink alcohol.

>> No.17981551

Yes it's poison. But who cares?

>> No.17981643

Your disdain for alcohol is for one of two reasons:
a.) You are a maladjusted creature. Likely a recluse who bemoans his social betters and the fun they have while you lament in silence. To cope, you place yourself above a liquid.
b.) You have a bad history with alcohol. Either you've witnessed a love one succumb to the vice and allow an imaginary addiction take over, or you yourself were once the addict. In either case, you are weak-willed and likely have subpar IQ.

>> No.17981648

wine is based and actually tastes good

>> No.17981650
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Weed is the intellectual man's drug.

>> No.17981653


>> No.17981654

If it was good enough for my Saxon ancestors, it's good enough for me.

>> No.17981658

huge fucking cope

>> No.17981664

Drinking alcohol to get drunk is for party, but the true civilized man enjoys a glass of good wine for it's flavour.

>> No.17981669

Perhaps but this goes away as soon as you smoke it more than once every few months

>> No.17981699

>To cope, you place yourself above a liquid.
Jesus fucking christ, this is the best thing I've read all day. I hope your writings have the same energy as this post.

>> No.17981703

Cope, gross purple writing too

>> No.17981775

Holy based
>t. just got home from hanging out with friends and girlfriend at the bar

>> No.17981806
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I agree with this shitpost wholeheartedly. There is zero reason for anyone to ever consume alcohol and I mean that completely seriously. Alcohol is one of the worst substances you can put into your body and how easily it can be acquired makes it deadly in a way that’s incomparable to something like heroin or cocaine etc.

>> No.17981825
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Hello Based department?
Straight edge fags seething

>> No.17981835

Every proud teetotaler (non-religious, non-ex-alcholic) I've ever met has been a young, socially maladjusted incel type. It's so obvious what's happening there.

>> No.17981861

It may be one of the worst things you can put in your body, but its one of the best things you can put in your soul

>> No.17981867

Go back

>> No.17981899

I don't drink because of my intellectualism, I don't drink because I have some weird fucking condition where alcohol hits me the second it touches my tongue. I'm buzzed three sips in, regardless of the drink.
I think it slows me more too. I usually feel really fucking foggy up to two days after a good bender (and my benders aren't anything to write home about either).

>> No.17981932

yikes... get some friends. I bet you have the palet of a ten year old.
A toast to this!

>> No.17981965

You drink too rarely. Find a wine store or order a dozen online and enjoy a glass every single day. Listen to some music, some indie rock, some folk, some jazz, some classical music, even good edm, and just enjoy yourself sitting in the sacred silence of the thinking man.

It may be that it's simply not your thing, drinking wine that is, in which case try some other alcohols or pipe smoking. I personally can't enjoy smoking not for a lack of trying because my family smokes and the taste as well as the aftertaste and the coughing just hits a nerve with me. I can feel with OP in that way but this doesn't mean you have to generalize.

Drinking wine is not drinking in the sense of overindulgence in alcohol for the buzz. It's a food hobby. Going to good restaurants, trying to become a great chef etc. are similiar in that.

This is social education as much as it is just doing something different for the sake of having fun.
Being cultured is just as important as being well read.

>> No.17981968
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>there is no reason to do anything

>> No.17982015

alcohol has some bad effects on the mind lads. just limit yourself to a few drinks and you should be better off

>> No.17982120

I enjoy drinking wine much more than any other alcohol. I do feel sometimes I am lacking in some experience because of my disliking alcohol. It is just such a fine line between enjoyment and ... welll, dimness.

>> No.17982162

i do and you should too. it contributes to humanitys stupidity so then it impacts us

>> No.17982163


>> No.17982169

>>drinks alcohol
and I can get behind this.

>> No.17982174
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>> No.17982196


>> No.17982214

I enjoy reading and listening to music, but I’ve never really liked alcohol. The taste is fine I suppose, but the sensation is not enjoyable to me, and I dislike other aspects of consuming liquor.
Smoking harms the lungs and sends me into a coughing fit.
I don’t see the point in either, at least for me. I’d rather just enjoy life as is, but getting mad or viewing others as below me for drinking would be daft.

>> No.17982225
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i dont get the george face

>> No.17982230
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>> No.17982234

read tolstoy rebuking alcoholism


>> No.17982235

Anime posters are cancer.

>> No.17982240

You're on the literature section of an anime imageboard, incel

>> No.17982274

Plato basically says that wine is a character test. In drunkenness one reveals his fate, how one's character will stand before the law, as in death.
To free oneself to ecstatic intoxication is to become grounded in fate, to see how one measures up to the highest wealth. Hence why Goethe insisted on a martial order with the finest wines, and why drunkenness has lost its festival qualities where man turns against fate.

>> No.17982290

In which dialogue does Plato say that?

>> No.17982306

I have seen that people in the US when they drink, drink to get drunk. Alcoholism is like a plague, everyone has family stories about some relative who is or was an alcoholic. And there's a lot of teetotalism too, I understand that partially because of the protestant influence but some might be because of the extraordinary amount of people who cannot control themselves with alcohol. But in my country, you barely see any alcohol or teetotaler, drinking is like any other social activity. I think the root of the problem is the people, some people are just too barbaric to expect measure from them.

>> No.17982325

"Excess is not a question of substance, but of character; alcoholism can have recourse not only to wine but also to drinks of the most various kinds.

Even in ancient Greece there were commentators who deplored the custom of engaging in drinking bouts at symposia. It was prohibited in Sparta, and at other times it was viewed with disdain. Since the guests spent a long time seated at the table, some of them went home drunk if they began to drink during the “second table”, that is, after eating. And this, despite the fact that the wine was watered down at the ratio of three or four parts water to one part wine. The real meaning of the symposium consisted in the free and tranquil exercise of one’s personality, especially in conversations, such as the priceless examples that have been passed down to us and which have been part of our cultural heritage for more than two thousand years. Even music was considered to be a hindrance. Thus, in the Protagoras it is claimed that only in the homes of uneducated people was it thought necessary to have young girls playing the flute at every dinner party, because in such homes the conversations and characters of the guests themselves were not adequate company.43 Therefore, in such homes money was squandered on exotic music, in total disregard of the fact that the presence of women, lute players, dancers and actresses only interfered with the dialogue carried out between educated persons. The flute player was sent away after the paean for which she provided the musical accompaniment, that is, as soon as the real drinking began. Burckhardt thought that they preferred old women to young and beautiful women. The fact that there were at least some exceptions is proven by the image of the enchanting slave girl who played the flute at the Court of Ludovico. The symposium also became more crude under the Romans: the two extremes are represented by the Banquet of the Seven Sages or Plato’s Symposia, and Trimalchio’s Dinner Party. Trimalchio, an enormously wealthy libertine and war profiteer, treated his guests and parasites to a program that was even more excessive than the programs we can now watch on television."

>> No.17982338

"Unmixed wine was consumed in ritual libations and Dionysian festivals; in the latter case, solemn ecstatic intoxication formed part of the rite. Everywhere we look, we touch upon the distinction between the human and the religious approach, between mere social amusement and something different that supervenes to deepen or exalt, between the ordinary drinking party and the sacred ceremony, whose borders are gradually being erased. Wine, too, possesses its vulgate scriptures and its hieratic scriptures, its cheerfulness that is accessible to all and its hieroglyphic style with surprises before which one’s smile freezes on one’s face. We often encounter this expression in our primitive paintings, as if a great light was shining on a dark mirror. It illuminates the saints and their torturers and disappears with the advent of the Gothic world. Faces then acquire a personal dignity, and then an individuality that disappears again, in a kind of crystallization, while it becomes at the same time more concrete and more abstract. Van Eyck and Mabuse, Holbein and Frans Hals, Renoir and Manet, and finally photographs."

>> No.17982347

There is nothing special about drinking no matter how much you try to romanticize it or make it out as the go getter for friends. You're just another degenerate seeking validation for sucking on a bottle and killing yourself bit by bit and piece by piece, whether it be your liver, your brain, or even the corruption of your soul. Your cope is weak and unappealing

>> No.17982363

Alcoholism is actually far more prevalent in Europe

>> No.17982377

Maybe in the north, not in the south, I can ensure you that. I'm from Spain btw.

>> No.17982388

I'm white so alcohol actually makes me smarter.

>> No.17982397

Yeah Spain and Italy have very low levels of alcoholism, comparable to Africa. Scandinavians are the worst offenders.

>> No.17982422


Cool it with the casual racism, broham.

>> No.17982428

"When Americans have a feeling or idea they wish to bring to the world’s attention, they will immediately seek out others who share that feeling or idea and, if successful in finding them, join forces. From that point on, they cease to be isolated individuals and become a power to be reckoned with, whose actions serve as an example; a power that speaks, and to which people listen.
The first time I heard it said that in the United States a hundred thousand men had taken a public pledge not to consume strong liquor, the idea struck me as more amusing than serious, and at first I failed to see clearly why such temperate citizens were not content to drink water at home.
Ultimately I understood that these hundred thousand Americans, frightened by the inroads that drunkenness was making around them, wished to give their patronage to sobriety. They behaved precisely as a great noble would do in dressing very simply in order to inspire contempt for luxury in ordinary citizens. We may take it for granted that if these hundred thousand men had lived in France, each of them would have petitioned the government individually to keep an eye on taverns throughout the realm."

>> No.17982429
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>> No.17982469

I don't drink because being drunk is like being stupid.
But I smoke because I want to die.

>> No.17982470
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>not drinking Tear of a Komsomol Girl

>> No.17982491


>> No.17982498


>> No.17982510

WTF BTFO!!!! BEST POST ON /LIT/!!!!!!!!! BASED!!!!!!

>> No.17982518
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>> No.17982578

weed is probably the least intellectual drug

>> No.17982624


>> No.17982630

> Drinks alcohol
Ah yes but consider wine it tastes incredible makes you happy while drunk and minimal hangover literally god's nectar

>> No.17982643

Fucking true I literally feel dumber high and get depressed about how dumb I am

>> No.17982682

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Late Tolstoy just gets funnier and funnier.
>Be Tolstoy
>Spend entire youth and adulthood as a complete and total degenerate, fucking serfs left and right and getting obliterated non-stop
>Reach age 60 in 1888
>Dick stops working
>Hangovers are too intense for drinking
>Suddenly, as out of nowhere, realize that the grapes were actually sour all along

Tolstoy is such an marvellous case because he turned from one of the greatest and most interesting writers into one of the most insufferable bores and shitty hacks of all time, and it can be traced to the years 1888-1889, coinciding with the fin-de-siecle incel-manifesto, The Kreutzer Sonata. You can see the reasoning behind his artistic decline in his philosophy of art as well, insisting that art should be boring, moralizing and easy parables for the lowest common denominator, and serve no other purpose but to uphold the existing moral order.

>> No.17982690

The sun doesn't rise for 4 months in the winter, it doesn't set for 4 months in the summer, what the fuck do you expect me to do?

>> No.17982722

Red wine gives the worst hangover headaches. Throbbing jackhammer tier. If you're worried about hangovers, vodka or just plain beer are better.

>> No.17982724

Live somewhere else goddamnit
there are too many people

>> No.17982749

Drank a lot in my college years, and in the dating life, and it was fun, but now it's simply not as fun as the physical toll it takes the next day. I'm sociable and happy enough that it's a waste to drink in moderation, and drinking to excess, while fun, is again not worth the next day's loss.
Drinking alone is extremely cringe btw, even if you feel fine the next day. Only someone with a shitty mind wishes to escape it and dull it.

>> No.17982762

I've done enough drugs to be truly grateful to and satisfied with my sober mind. I don't want to dull it ever again.

>> No.17982770

Vodka sure but beer tastes like shit

>> No.17982772

Anyone who leaves his home is extremely cringe btw, even if you go back to it later. Only someone with a shitty home wishes to escape it.

>> No.17982778

i don't drink and apart from caffeine, rarely do drugs. I feel like a total masochist. that being said I don't think alcohol is an intellectual drug because you're more likely to watch shitty TV then pursue anything itnelecctual

>> No.17982781

It's obvious alcohol and weed are not intellectual drugs because nobody does intellectual tasks better on those substances.

>> No.17982790

I'm not an intellectual, now let me drink in peace

>> No.17983291

any plans for your 19th birthday?

>> No.17983330
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ahahahahahahhaha, well memed friend! Now describe the creatures that love alcohol.

>> No.17983335
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alcohol is the opium of the hedonists, which means it's a glorified drug in atheism

>> No.17983362

Savoring drink - whether wine, liquor, or cocktail - in all its salutary refinement is the duty of a good Epicure.

It’s complicated further by the legacy of Prohibition, and there’s less to do outside the metropolises

>> No.17983400

You write and sound like a faggot.

>> No.17983411

No one who doesn't smoke, drink coffee, and drink alcohol, will ever be an intellectual
Go hug a tree you fucking hippie

>> No.17983417 [DELETED] 

>thinks himself an "intellectual"
>doesn't know that there is nutritional value inside alcohol

>> No.17983433

>artistic decline
There is no decline. He spent his youth observing the people around him, and using his genius to portray human behavior.
He spent his maturity contemplating the people around him, and using his genius to reach the actual logical conclusions of the values they express.
He did both honestly, and without mercy, yet with humanity, and without cruelty, towards his subjects.
There has never been a greater, or more honest writer or human being.
Meanwhile you're a petty, judgmental pissant, wasting your life shitposting. Consider that.

>> No.17983434

you guys are such pussies when it comes to drugs/alcohol

we are so brainwashed when it comes to these things. look up Dr. Carl Hart

>> No.17983435

Subhuman cope. This is why you're fat and have a gut hanging out.

>> No.17983445

Only flyover beerswilling illiterates have beerbellies
A diet of vodka and cigarettes will keep you lean and productive

>> No.17983453
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>thinks himself an "intellectual"
>doesn't know that there is nutritional value inside alcohol

>> No.17983459
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and im still smarter than you, and i never even learnt english.

>> No.17983462

i drink a couple beers a few days a week and smoke weed before bed. i should cut back but its not really adversely impacting my life so i dont see a reason to

>> No.17983500
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I am case a), my mother drilled into my skull that drinking is bad, and I never got to like the taste of alcohol. I am now 30, and was never drunk. It has got to the point I see it as a social handicap, as it has literally cut me out of all social life happening after 11pm since my early adolescence. I somehow managed to get two relationships over the years due to above average looks + smooth talking. Both lasted long enouch, but after each breakup I find it extremely hard to get back out there, because despite having friends that tolerate my not drinking, I end up getting horribly bored once everyone is tipsy, because they get to have fun for things that, to a sober person (including themselves), are not fun at all. On the one hand I would really like to participate in the game a bit more, which is why this summer I plan to start at least pretend to drink. On the other hand I have been around tipsy and drunken friends for almost ten years now, and although I have unending gratitude for those who let me hang around despite me being a party pooper, I can't help but being depressed at the idea that hanging out is inherently boring for everyone, and that people need to alter their mental state or mood to be able to withstand boredom, or to find the courage to do things.

The main problem I had in these years, is that even though people accept you and love you, you are still a social outcast if everyone engages in an activity you don't want to participate in. On the one hand I want to be able to have small talk while tipsy and enjoy an evening a bit longer. On the other hand the fact that either I do this or I get bored or a lone makes me really angry. I dislike the taste of alcohol, physically, but I am tired of people asking me "you don't drink? really?" all the time. I am tired of my supervisor pretending to forget that I don't drink every time we go to a pub, and asking me if I want a beer every single time. More than anything, I am tired of trying to make small talk with tipsy girls I like. I'm just going to try drinking a bit, this summer, and see how it goes. I don't want get wasted, but time is running fast, and my options to be together with young girls and maybe finally have a laid down period of casual sex is going to get thinner and thinner in the next decade. Lockdown has also made this worse, because it's sucking away my time. Either I do this or I go full hermit and settle on watching anime on saturday evening for the rest of my life. I may just do that, in the end, but I want to see how living differently feels like, first.

>> No.17983629

You could be like me and have all your friends be fascists so you're not expected to be anything but sober

>> No.17983651
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alcohol? mmhmmmm... hmmmmmmmmm.... alcohol...
lonely. I'm so fucking lonely. I'm a lonely old man, man. man... I'm a man. And I'm lonely. I drink beer. I'm a man.

>> No.17984100

I think it tastes like shit

>> No.17984392

Do you really think smart people can't be self destructive?

>> No.17984545

We went through that phase, but we stopped once we started having sex and reading novels instead of Evola

>> No.17984970

>Your disdain for alcohol is for one of two reasons:
>Either you see the inherent idiocy of it on a intellectual level, or
>You have a wealth of evidence to the real world consequences of alcohol consumption and over consumption, all of which make alcohol indefensible
>You pussy, you fucking bitch

Lmfao@ your life

>> No.17985045

booze is writer fuel

>> No.17985520

Actually, most of them do drink. Have you never heard or read all of those drinking related anecdotes?

>> No.17985530

Actually, it's usually one of the two:
a) shit taste and a undeveloped palate
b) the epitome of your drinking experience being a shitty lager or a 2 dollar scotch

>> No.17985686


Alcohol in moderation and occasional going hard with friends is fantastic

>> No.17985879

I don't drink because I hate being dizzy

>> No.17985898

>thinks himself an "intellectual"
>doesn't have a crippling addiction to alcohol
anime posters...

>> No.17985918
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<thinks himself,an Christian
<is a chantard
> masturbates to cartoon porn

>> No.17985971

Damn Nietzsche btfo.

>> No.17986073


>> No.17986290
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>> No.17986320


>> No.17986372

What is this from?

>> No.17986403

word. what kind of person doesn't at some stage develop a substance abuse problem, gambling addiction, commit large scale fraud, engage in licentious fuckery of the most heinous order,..., something, anything. honestly, I have no idea how people can just keep it together for years at a time without having a full-on break from reality from time to time.

>> No.17986418

If dubs this poster has to apologize for their faggotry and kiss my lips
If not I’ll relapse into drinking tonight after a year.

>> No.17986431

Unlucky, pal.

>> No.17986437

absolutely based

>> No.17986445

What if I dont drink for religious reasons? (Islam, Buddhism, etc ban alcohol)