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17978019 No.17978019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain what iw happening to men?

>> No.17978029

video games and porn

>> No.17978034

The rise of new athiesm and later the alt-right stopped angry losers turning into emos and getting sweet goth tiddy.

You guys missed out.

>> No.17978045

This. To paraphrase mark "they'd rather have a wank because they know what theyre after isn't real"

>> No.17978048

bowling alone
culture of narcissism

>> No.17978054

Its women's fault

>> No.17978055

We need a graph of prozzie earnings. Women are getting hurt the most by this. How are poor prostitutes meant to make money these days? Not everyone can make it on onlyfans

>> No.17978063

who's mark

>> No.17978073

Surely this is a multi-faceted issue. Digital distractions, digital culture, changes in the labor market, geographic and demographic challenges all play a part.

>> No.17978088

sex is gay and retarded

>> No.17978093

One could focus on hooking up and sex, or one could:
>Work out
>Play games (computer, board, etc.)
>Watch movies
>Learn a language
>Make something cool
>hang out with friends (of all genders)
>Post on 4channel
Maybe in the past there just wasn't much to do, but today there are so many other things more fun to do than sex and hooking up.

>> No.17978098

I think volcelling is on the rise. To me it’s just pretty obvious that men are increasingly opting out of what they feel is a rigged game and who can blame them honestly. It seems like even the “good girls” will fuck you over in the end these days.

>> No.17978116

12 Rules for Life

>> No.17978137

woman hatred and inceldom seems to be on the rise in general. same goes for women hating men, although naturally it's socially acceptable and even encouraged for women to hate and shit on men. gender relations are just awful atm in general.

>> No.17978143

Also, I just have to say. I think our parents and communities just fundamentally failed us. How many guys are there on this board right now who heard shit from their parents like “Just focus on your career. Don’t get married until you’re 35. Don’t settle down until you’re in your 30s”? The problem is that’s just really fucking bad advice. What will happen is you’ll look up at 28, 29, 30 and be extremely fucking lonely, miserable, stuck in a social rut and wonder why you’re not having sex. Well, I hate to tell you but your parents kind of fucked you. They wanted you to get a bachelor’s degree, then a master’s degree, then a doctorate degree, then they wanted you to join a corporation, then get promoted. The last thing they wanted for you was for you to be happy, not alone, having relationships and so you didn’t. You listened to your parents like any kid would. Fundamentally, Western parents, especially American parents, do not love their kids. They really don’t. They love to “love” them but they don’t actually love them. They don’t want their kids to live happy or fulfilling lives. They want them to be doctors and here’s the kicker, at the expense of everything else if necessary. I’ve lived in other countries where it’s not always what happens but parents do encourage their kids to do things like “hold on to the friends you make in high school snd university” or “find a partner early on” or “don’t move 15 times before you’re 25 because you’re chasing the corporate carrot because you’ll be lonely”. They fucked over their kids with either bad advice or no advice and it’s really that simple.

>> No.17978163

Damn I have parents who except grandkids before I’m 30.

>> No.17978167

Not quite it, rather say The Rational Male.

>> No.17978168

And the way you know all this is too look at their actions and their words. How many boomer parents feel absolutely no guilt when giving their kid relationship advice while they’re on their 3rd or 4th marriage, or maybe their 10th partner since the divorce? How many of them throw around the word “love” like it’s 50% off at Target. It means nothing to them. They’ve literally never had to think about this stuff and they don’t care to. Why? They don’t care about their kids. Their kids are emotional accessories and this is also why you see so many Western parents using their kids as political tools. It’s quite sad just how horrible parenting has gotten.

>> No.17978174

>He has female friends
>He has friends
What a gay waste of time

>> No.17978176

But you realize you are the exception and not the rule in just about every Western country right?

>> No.17978233

Gen X adopted weird anxiety from boomer parents as well as the notion that they're living at the end of history, that everything had been solved. Thus, they become simultaneously overprotective of their children due to this anxiety, while also believing everything had been solved and the correct institutions were in place, a notion they pass on to their children. Well, 20 years later this obviously isn't the case and we're seeing the slow collapse of neoliberalism and because of that people have turned more distrustful of institutions.

tl;dr - passed down latent boomer anxiety coupled with knowing that the institutions you grew up with are failing

>> No.17978236

You can't turn into an emo. It's a genre of music. The youth subculture associated with the term emo has virtually nothing to do with Indian Summer, Still Life, or Native Nod.

>> No.17978239

You can't have sex and do all that as well?

>> No.17978250

>Rightoids: Chastity and virginity before marriage is good!

>> No.17978256

Women have become more and more unattractive to men.
Look at how accepted traps are now.
Men want softness and feminine quality, even if they have male parts.

It also doesn't help that social media and 'woke' companies are set on the demonization of men and masculine traits.

>> No.17978265

I agree, anon. But now that we realize this, we have to take charge of our own lives and do what we can to find a good woman, have lots of kids, and then not fail our own children. Also, keep spreading this message to those who need to hear it. We can't save everyone but some people can be saved.

>> No.17978279

Of course you can, but it's a question of what you value more, or at least what you choose to focus on.

>> No.17978285

All of this music is fucking terrible.

>> No.17978298

Maybe so but it is real emo unlike Paramore or MCR or whatever

>> No.17978299

>he still believes in right and left
oh nonono

>> No.17978301

It's not that they value that stuff more. You think almost 30% of men don't want sex? It's more than it requires more effort than they are willing to put in.

>> No.17978305

More and more people tune out from society.

>> No.17978307

>The youth subculture associated with the term emo has virtually nothing to do with Indian Summer, Still Life, or Native Nod
There is nothing more annoying than "true emo" dweebs

>> No.17978320


>> No.17978324

Zero incentive to engage with modern western women, or to engage with modern society at all if you're an average or below-average guy. Especially considering that the state replaced the role of the husband for western women.

>> No.17978333

That shit isn't emo. Sunny Day Real Estate, American Football, Capnjazz, Sleepytime Trio, that kind of shit is emo. A fuckload of synths isn't emo. But whatever, I don't care about rock music anymore, it's just larping as a musician when you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.17978373

I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe. From a review by Mike Anton:
>William Crooke and Sir Herbert Risley, two 19th-century English social scientists, coined the term “hypergamy” to describe their observations of inter-caste marriage in India. Women, they found, married up but never down. Crooke and Risley concluded (or assumed) that hypergamy’s root (in India, at least) is the male insistence on preserving the status of the patrimonial line. A decade ago, political theorist F. Roger Devlin revived the term and gave it a new twist. Far from being unique to India, hypergamy is in Devlin’s account universal and, what’s more, driven by female, not male, desires. “[W]omen,” he wrote, “have simple tastes in the manner of Oscar Wilde: They are always satisfied with the best.”
>When properly channeled, hypergamy can be individually and socially beneficial. It encourages young ladies to become worthy of a worthy man, and vice versa. Yet off the leash, it spurs women in unhappy and self-indulgent directions.
>The sexual revolution, universally assumed to be a boon for randy men, has turned out to be in at least one respect much more conducive to satisfying women’s preferences than men’s. Men may have started it, or at least egged it on, hoping that with the old restraints gone, they would be free to indulge. But they forgot or never understood a fundamental law of nature: throughout the animal kingdom—up to and including Homo sapiens—males merely display; females choose. When a woman’s choice is completely free of all social, legal, familial, and religious boundaries, she prefers to hold out for “the best.” Hence a constrained-supply problem arises.
>Four years ago, a University of North Carolina co-ed lamented to the New York Times that the sex imbalance on college campuses (nationally, 43% male, 57% female as of fall 2014) is even worse for girls than it looks. “Out of that 40 percent, there are maybe 20 percent that we would consider, and out of those 20, 10 have girlfriends, so all the girls are fighting over that other 10 percent.”
>Probably she was being either polite or self-congratulatory by stretching her eligibility pool to fully half the males on campus. If reports of college men are to be believed, no more than 20% get all the action. Perhaps not unrelated, when the dating website OKCupid asked its female members to rate the pictures and profiles of their male counterparts, 80% were deemed “unattractive.”


>> No.17978377

What does any of that have to do with sex?

>> No.17978402 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure how it's so high. I'm 19 and haven't been a virgin for a long time; nearly everyone I know that's a dude isn't either. I'm not even an attractive man, either.

>> No.17978406
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>> No.17978409

That's odd. DC isnt in the midwest

>> No.17978427

The cheeselakes should be called the middle east, not the midwest. The midwest is the plains, not the cheeselakes.

>> No.17978464

Women have no real need for men since the state now provides for them and always favors them when it comes to judicial afairs. So they don't have to try and attract anyone and can be as unscrupulous as they wish to be. Men see this as a raw deal as they have no protection in divorce or relationship matters and no longer feel a sence of duty to serve a state that threw them overboard and guided by a feeling of indignation they simply 'fall out' of society.

>> No.17978471
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>Four years ago, a University of North Carolina co-ed lamented to the New York Times that the sex imbalance on college campuses (nationally, 43% male, 57% female as of fall 2014) is even worse for girls than it looks. “Out of that 40 percent, there are maybe 20 percent that we would consider, and out of those 20, 10 have girlfriends, so all the girls are fighting over that other 10 percent.”
Holy shit imagine going to a college like that. I live in Austria and study CS at a technical University with 90% males of 14K students and it's hell. I will die as a kissless virgin while UNC guys bang 200 girls. Maybe I can apply for their graduate school as a foreign exchange student after getting my bachelor.
I am seething right now, a 60:40 female-male ratio is heaven. Fucking shit.

>> No.17978494


>> No.17978505

How are you so sure it's men rejecting women and not the other way around?

>> No.17978509

Just convert to islam, maybe you'll be thrown some pity pussy if you make a good call and get ahead of the curve before white flight really kicks in or people start mass-converting.

>> No.17978550

The fuck is this doing on /lit/? Don'tveven answer, I'm done. The quality, or lack thereof, on this board has convinced me to finally drop this site. I may not get laid but I'll get more reading done. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!

>> No.17978559

godspeed anon

>> No.17978576

For me it was the #metoo movement. When you can potentially have your career destroyed and be socially blacklisted over misreading a situation and making the wrong comment , and this can potentially happen at any point in your life, and you see it happen to men around you and at every level of the social ladder, it makes it hard to want to go outside and hit on women.

That and the women I actually did talk to mostly seemed to use tinder and dating apps to live exciting porn lives unimaginable to 80% of men. Most women at my uni would talk openly about being sugar babies, and how much they looked down on men in their own league (ie, the men their own age who worked in the same workforce as them or went to the same school as them) and it doesn't make me want to marry them at all because my sex life is pretty bland in comparison.

When I actually did date a woman for a while, an ex-tinderella, she used to complain about how it was too bad I didn't have abs or my dick wasn't bigger. I guess she was just being honest about her preference, but I can't help that I'm not in the top percentile for looking like an athletic porn star, all I want is to blow my load and maybe smoke a joint and cuddle afterwards. Having to compete with every single guy on the internet city limits just didn't put me in the mood sexually, and at the end of the day it didn't seem like either of us were enjoying sex very much.

Combine that with some life stuff that held me back career wise, and I'm stuck in minimum wage manual labour hell without any real path towards career advancement (other than moving to the big city and spending several years at a university I can't afford), it doesn't make me an attractive partner or able to support a family or even see having a family as an option for me. Nobody in my town can afford to live in my town by working in my town, so how the hell are people going to build a community or families or anything?

We're just another lost generation it seems. Of course if we ever published anything like Hemingway or Pound published we'd be socially and economically blacklisted forever so even they had it pretty good in retrospect. I don't think that older generations realize how psychologically stressful it is having tech companies that compile and own every embarrassing moment and bit of private correspondence you've ever made, and political parties/media companies which will gladly ruin your life by publishing and distorting that information if you happen to disagree with them. Knowing that all of that will stick with you forever is a sort of psychological torture, and it takes all the lightness and good humour out of social interactions.

>> No.17978579

What you're talking about is midwest emo. American Football really doesn't have much emo influence anyways so idk why they are the posterband for the genre. They're enjoyable but basically just sad math rock. Cap'n Jazz is emo though.

Have fun during your week or two off.

>> No.17978585


>> No.17978598

See you tomorrow

>> No.17978606

Nice post. Hang in there anon.

>> No.17978607

I don't give a shit about classifying poseur 'musicians' anymore anon.

>> No.17978613

>it's just larping as a musician when you don't know what the fuck you're doing
Rock music in a nutshell. It could be said for the entirety of popular music as well.

>> No.17978624

What's up with the seesaw behavior between 1989 and 2008?

>> No.17978629

Because the incels whining about tfw no gf are all male.

>> No.17978634

Probably any major book on the sexual revolution. You can extrapolate from it.

>> No.17978658

>she used to complain about how it was too bad I didn't have abs or my dick wasn't bigger

christ, wtf. you obviously seem lucid enough, so you know that all women aren't like this. I'm going to hold onto my gf for dear life. it's fucked out there. the dating scene, that is.

>> No.17978662
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People really over estimate how much sex people are having at universities, and how much the gender gap in education actually benefits men sexually. Maybe I'm just bottom of the bucket?

The social conditions with regards to sex at universities these days resembles the Catholic church. Any attempt to initiate a relationship at all with the opposite gender is a very risky venture. The consequences can be severe so men don't do it. This isn't a bug, its a feature of the system. People engaging in relationships and potentially having families doesn't benefit the system. Most people seem to avoid relationships at uni because it takes time away from their studies and can mess up their carrier plans. How can I be a good servant for the system if I don't dedicate myself completely to it?

Universities push this sex positive narrative and the more they promote these ideas, the less sex people are having. Its awfully strange.

Meanwhile religions that are sexually repressive somehow result in large families. The "sex positive" progressive pseudo religion we are sold in universities result in the opposite.

The social conditions greatly diminish any benefit the gender gap would have for men at universities. The fixation of the culture on sex does not match up to peoples actions. Its kind if like "work life balance". The people who have the least work life balance talk about it the most.

>> No.17978738
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It's not a purely Western phenomenon.

>Women want to date above their status
>Status today is defined economically, outside of specific, local hierarchies
>As more women reach higher educational and income attainments, they retain the same desires for high status men
>This rising group of professional women are chasing a relatively shrinking group of very successful men
>These women will not consider men they see as beneath them
>Men tend to prefer women of relatively lower income, problems in relationships occur when the woman leapfrogs the mans salary
>The low-tier male with no obvious prospects will find himself completely without options romantically, and women, grown up on a steady diet of Disney, will never settle and defy their biological clock in the hope that one day the investment banker fuckboy will agree to be tied down
>The A-grade men will date the B, C and D-grade women, the B-grade men the C and D-grade women, the D-grade man has nobody.
>The D-grade women will date A,B,C men, the C-grade women the A,C men, the B-grade women the A men, and the A-women will date nobody

It's really a huge demographic mess. The men at the bottom aren't getting with anybody, nor are the women at the top. The top men are the main winners.

>> No.17978752

Sorry but you're the one at fault here. You should join a gym you're letting yourself go, women have to do a LOT of upkeep on their appearances because that's what's socially expected of them but men have obligations too.
As to the comment on you not being big enough, she's subtly telling you that you're not satisfying her in bed. You have to compensate for your size by learning how to eat pussy or fingering.

>> No.17978753

Unironically high IQ post. You should write more about your insights about modern world.

>> No.17978761

It's time for women to date down. Don't like it? Enjoy your cats and wine, spinsters.

>> No.17978781

na. surely it's good to be in shape and all that, but I've dated women when I was bigger, and I've dated women now that I'm thinner. yes, being in shape absolutely helps.. but fatties can get love to. lots of reductions and bullshit in this topic. none of us know what we're talking about. just get fit, b urself, and get off those fucking apps

>> No.17978803


>> No.17978817

>lots of reductions and bullshit in this topic
>proceeds to post reductions and bullshit

>> No.17978822

I've found this too. The biggest misconception I had about university was that it was this place to let loose, of extended adolescence and experimentation. It's filled with career-minded professionals-of-the-future who spend the bulk of their 4 years padding their resume and preening themselves to get into the best white collar jobs. It's not enough to have great grades, you need to have a portfolio of work you did in your time, you need to collect positions at ineffectual student organisations like they're Pokemons, you need to work at a startup where you delivered key results. Students are always so busy, and it's really nothing but busy-work to get their dream career as a management consultant at MegaCorp. If they don't do it, someone else will. The laws of hypercompetition.

Miserable state of affairs.

>> No.17978828
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>The top men are the main winners
>Currently getting a Masters in chemical engineering
Uff, I hope that getting a job after graduating will cure my inceldom.

>> No.17978835

Depends, most good pop artists (producers) know how to write a hook with the circle of fifths, as well as good composition. Then the studio musicians who actually play the music also know it. It's just the industry plant that doesn't.

>> No.17978847

women are too demanding. good luck getting any woman if your poor and look average.

>> No.17978846

Joining a monastery seems to become more appealing day by day. I just want to get off this ride, get away from all this silly shit and meditate on mountaintops.

>> No.17978869

Your problem goes far beyond being unathletic and having a small dick, your problem that is that you are lazy and unmotivated.
Your "live and let live" carefree attitude is immensely off-putting to women. Women don't want some bum who's content with being a two-pump chump that celebrates his pathetic sexual performance by smoking weed. You said so yourself "I just want to blow my load and smoke a joint". Have you ever considered HER sexual needs? Women want a real man, not manchildren who shirk responsibility.

>> No.17978870

Top men in terms looks and charisma. If you haven't had any luck with women this far you're more likely to be a "betabux" provider some roastie settles with.

>> No.17978877


>> No.17978879


>> No.17978885

I'm a fit guy. Before COVID I did martial arts, worked out regularly, and worked as a woodlands firefighter.
That doesn't mean I have abs. Most men don't have abs, because it takes an absurdly low bf-%.

>she's subtly telling you that you're not satisfying her in bed
What about my satisfaction in bed?
A relationship works both ways, and she was a dead fish that would act like she was too good for me. I like eating pussy but I'm not going to do it because I feel compelled to as a way to compensate for my inferior penis. That's fucked up, and if I told a woman she had to start sucking me off every time we had sex because her pussy was just too floppy to satisfy me I doubt that would work.

Anyways I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm constantly working to impress someone who never sees it as good enough (or feels like this work is something I'm required to do to compensate for my own inherent failure as a human being). That's a shitty way to waste your life, and lots of girls like my dick just fine.

>> No.17978888

unironically no, it takes way too much time

>> No.17978891

Based. You are one of maybe a half dozen men on here who is confident in himself. Keep it up anon.

>> No.17978893

how is that a cope? lmao

>> No.17978899

how big? and if a girl says its too small then she belongs to the street, no comments nothing, the second she says smth like this just go fucking nope im outtie. that anon is retarded for blaming you

>> No.17978901

decent bait

>> No.17978905

Wom*n are strictly chads property like god intended

>> No.17978907

If women can't accept anything less than a projecting her shallow fantasy version of what "real men" are like on one night stands with guys she met on the internet, she's going to have a really lonely and pathetic life.

>> No.17978911
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>anon says he doesn't enjoy constant comparisons to other men in his sexual relations
>just wants to enjoy sex in a stress-free fashion
>"your problem that is that you are lazy and unmotivated."
>"a two-pump chump that celebrates his pathetic sexual performance"
>" want a real man, not manchildren"
>"Have you ever considered HER needs"

>> No.17978927


>> No.17978938

Yeah, he should just IMPROOOOOOOVEE

>> No.17978940
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I literally can’t force myself to use tinder or date anymore. I use to try and power through conversations after a woman said something retarded, ignorant or grotesque but now I just stop responding to their texts or ghost them. I don’t have trouble getting matches but it’s too painful now to feign interest and listen to women talk about whatever retarded inane thought comes into their heads. Just can’t do it.

>> No.17978945

Yeah well if you're not going to put any work into it either then enjoy being an incel who doesn't get any
Men are supposed to be tough. What good is reading the Stoics for if you whine at the most minimal hardship in your life? Just endure it and take it like a man.

>> No.17978948

nah my med college is 2/3 women and I still didnt have sex. If you were attractive you would have regardless of what you are studying, and vice versa

>> No.17978951
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Unironically yes, we all should be obligated to. It’s fine if you don’t but don’t be bitter because someone else did. You aren’t guaranteed or are entitled anything in this life.

>> No.17978952

same, but you're dealing with the bottom of the barrel with tinder.

>> No.17978954

Just imagine how much of sexual energy is going to be sublimated to arts and philosophy in the upcoming decade because of the dating apps making hypergamy extremely harsh. That and millions of raging incels. We will have blood and culture!

>> No.17978966

except for women and men who were born tall/attractive, they are guaranteed and entitled to everything

>> No.17978968

Seven inches. I regret not getting out sooner but hey I was young and in love.
The guy she's with now is a lot smaller than me she doesn't seem like she loves him at all.
It's a shame because she was a sweet girl in a lot of ways, but too much exposure to tinder, advertising, and that cunty standoffish celebrity culture that American women like to embrace ruined her. It was like her and her friend group got their entire sexual mentality from /r9k/, but when you step back and look at it they're just parroting whatever the media feeds them.

>> No.17978969

they'll just kill themselves

>> No.17978978

Lmao what kind of turbo sloot finds seven to small

>> No.17978980

7 inches????????? small?????????

>> No.17978984

There was some feminist book that desribed how she viewed society, essentially with only Chads reproducing and 90% of men using prostitutes to stop them from raping. I can't remember the title, it's always really mind fucking me how hardcore feminists and incels have the exact same view of the world

>> No.17978985

I'm /fit/ with partially visible abs. I have a circle of male friends I've know for a decade. I have fun hobbies like surfing and spearfishing and I like going to concerts. I have a great job making more than most people my age with a good future. And with all of this I'm a 25 yo virgin. I know I'm not ugly I've had some very attractive girls into me in high school and college, but after college it's been impossible to even meet girls. I dont interact with any girls my age in my day to day life and apps didn't lead anywhere and eroded my faith in humanity. By all accounts I am a winner in our society and I have 0 opportunities to even ask a girl out. I cant even remember the last time I talked to a girl my age. Not since fall 2020 at least. Fuck this society

>> No.17978987

People who claim they have a 7 inch cock generally have a 4-4.5 inch cock; it's like 7 inches has become the gentleman's c. Size inflation. lmao.

>> No.17978999

Because they are the product of other’s good decision making. Most tall, attractive and intelligent people are the offspring of other tall, attractive and intelligent people. You can resent them all you’d like but it’s the truth.

I don’t care, be an incel and kill yourself either literally or spiritually playing video games into your late 20s. I don’t feel any pity for incels or the hordes of unfuckable men in America. It’s so easy to get pussy if you just put forth a meager effort but they can’t even asked to do that so I won’t bother trying to help.

>> No.17979001

Same except I don't have abs, circle of friends, fun hobbies and never been to a concert.
I have a cushy job with great career prospects and I think of quitting it to go back to uni just to meet some women because that was the last time I had a chance to talk to girls.

>> No.17979014

I am sure there is some nice busted 30+ year old roastie waiting for you

>> No.17979022

>It’s so easy to get pussy if you just put forth a meager effort
false, it's literelly never been harder in human history to have sex as a man

>> No.17979024

This is unironically what chivalry and monasteries were for. We need some kind of centralised outlet for men (and some women) to exhaust and discharge their creative impulses into healthy means that doesn’t result in them becoming race war alt right spree killers.

>> No.17979026

Umm sweaty I think you're lying, if you do go to concerts regularly then you should have plenty of opportunities to ask girls out.

>> No.17979036

its cope because its easier than facing actual societal problems that are obvious and are repeated in everyone of these threads.
>>17978738 is a nice example

>> No.17979045

honestly those men should just go and rape to their hearts content
women love rape and being raped,will give them tons of attention and something to masturbate to, healthy men need to relieve themselves

>> No.17979050

>posts picture of a guy who spent his life writing self-improvment books but still died an incel

>> No.17979055

I am 26 years old. I lost my virginity with little fanfare to a dutch prostitute who was constantly pressuring me for more money because i was a tourist, it was less then enjoyable. Prior to this, I was offered a blowjob once by a drunk coworker, but declined half out of politeness and half disgust for them, as they had slept with both my bosses already and there was always ongoing drama related to their situation. I've had some close relationships with women since, most of whom seemed to be vetting me, and on realizing i'm content with living my life as it is they move on promptly.

Over the course of the last 5 odd years or so I developed feelings for a long term friend(Male) online, he's a few years younger then me and whether it be the age difference or just his specific personality, he has always promoted himself as very sexually submissive, (posting trap porn, prostrating himself when possible, etc) something i've come to attribute to things at large as opposed to just him, something more common with people in their early 20's online. Him being flirty me on multiple occasions, and us jerking off together a few years ago and other weird stuff you would only do with someone virtually long distance, i slowly developed feelings for him, and when I told him as much, he had a complete change of personality, and dropped contact with me a few weeks later, even though we had been close friends for a number of years.

I'm still unsure how to process the situation and feel about it, whether it be incelic anger for being lead on for 5 some odd years of my life or pity that people even slightly younger then me have it worse off. At any rate the pursuer has never had a harder time actualizing a relationship when the other party is always hoping for someone better. At the same time, they will most likely age, not find their perfect situation, and settle. All you can hope is you have enough to offer someone when they are in that stage, not in emotion or relation, but most usually capital.

>> No.17979059

>how much of sexual energy is going to be sublimated to arts and philosophy
lol no it's all going into an entertainment black hole and not any real pursuits, video games and social media are already designed to absorb your lifeforce and pay you back in colorful icons and a fake feeling of achievement. look everyone i made life-sized overwatch characters out of legos and posted pics on instagram!

>> No.17979061

How the fuck would you ask a girl out at a concert. It's loud as shit and everyone's up moving around and focused on the band

>> No.17979066

He didn’t die an incel, he died specifically as a result of fucking a disease ridden prostitute that also drove him insane

>> No.17979068

yeah, agree.

>> No.17979086

Some women are loose as a goose. Yet if the woman's pussy is a cavern, then it's on the man for not being big enough.

>> No.17979087

This is partially true but I find that letting go and living anyway works. Both times I've been in a relationship, it was when I stopped caring. Sure someone might try and #metoo me but so what? I'm not a rapist or anything and at worst I may hit someone on who didn't want to be and back off it they aren't interested. If that's enough to make you break down you are a weak person. Go ahead cry to the media. I didn't do anything and I'm not going to stop. I'll meet someone or I'll say fuck it and bang whores out west.

>> No.17979091

I'll probably go get an MBA or something in a few years but it'll probably be even worse then. The few girls I've gone on dates with always seem super intimidated by me until they slowly realize I have 0 experience and then they lose interest.

>> No.17979092

Absolutely. I’m not saying otherwise. But still, there’s only so much you can do. There’s a real question as to whether you can fully recover when you become aware at say, 30 and even if that recovery will be worth it for you. You know, I’m 28 and single. I’m not certain if I’ll have a wife or kids. I’m not certain if I want any. You know the girls out there are just as much of fucked up products as we are, if not worse. I’m almost certain I’m not going to live to old age. I might not even live to middle age. So realistically, my role might just be done. And I’m not alone.

>> No.17979098

>Having a lot of puss is heaven

Listen to yourself. You degenerate. You realize on a lit. All the greats would be disgusted by you. Delusional.

>> No.17979120

no one with a slightest chance of having sex (90% of population) has to worry about meetoo you dubm polnpc

>> No.17979123
File: 39 KB, 300x242, thumb_apu-apustaja-know-your-meme-51596474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abloo bloo poo paa peneee.

>> No.17979124

porn is a societal issue. a lot of men are addicted to it and use it as a crutch to avoid dealing with women and getting their feelings hurt by them. on one hand i don't blame them, on the other, it's damaging in the long term. women are a pain in the ass but you can't live without them. porn will hurt you more in the long term and can lead to all sorts of perverted obsessions. video games are complete garbage too. god knows how many souls have been lost to them.

>> No.17979134

wrong. every man should worry about metoo

>> No.17979140

not really, you can only hope for happiness if you develop properly in formative years. 28, 30 its all way to late. Having sex and relationships in the 16-21 age range is the most important thing in the world. Without its impossible to have a happy or satistying life as a man.
>You know the girls out there are just as much of fucked up products as we are
not at all lol, women go their whole lives without experiencing a single negative feeling, they get more love and affection than they can stand. Most women don't even experience neutrality anymore, it's a rare occurance for them to feel anything but happiness their whole lives.

>> No.17979143

i know that meme!
you know it too, judging by the filename of your pepe image with no conherent text, did the post hit a little too close to home? im not even complaining, just explaining my situation because it seemed relevant

>> No.17979146

Dysfunctional man-woman relations are the cause, widespread porn abuse is only a major symptom.

>> No.17979147

>Hey you are really cute
Yeah, works wonders.

>> No.17979151

They're have been men accused of #metoo that have erectile dysfunction. No one is safe.

>> No.17979162

porn is effect, not the cause
men turn to porn because womens standards are so insanely high they cannot possible ever have sex in their lives, and there is nowhere to talk or meet women.
You can't live with women, because they won't let you, women don't want 90% of men, they literelly hate men except for top 10% lookswise. They only accept other men who serve as walking wallets, so an average man needs double or triple average income to have sex, which doesn't happen until you're 30-40 or something.

>> No.17979166

you are putting chicken before the egg here, those are coping mechanisms developed in response to the actual problems that were already listed in this thread.
Why shouldnt you jerk off and play vidya all day when your chance of getting decent wife and normal family is extremely low?

>> No.17979167

No, you are just a blogposter, trying to make this about yourself and not the topic at hand.

>> No.17979172

>bouncers kick you out for drunkenly harassing girls

>> No.17979177

>he doesnt know how to communicate in almost pure body language in loud concert/club settings

Lmao no wonder all of youbare virgins

>> No.17979180

How can you possibly make that claim so confidently when the enormous availability of porn to the average consumer is a freak historical occurrence that's never happened before? It's pretty clearly a contributing factor to sexual social dysfunction.

>> No.17979187

90% of the women I meet have daddy issues from an absent father and trust issues from a bad breakup. They're all anxious and paranoid to the point that they treat relationships as this explicitly transactional situation which makes them seem incredibly unfeminine

>> No.17979194

Porn was very available in the 1970s too - you just had to go to the nudie theater to see it. It wasn't even frowned up like it nominally is today.

>> No.17979197

What does this even mean

>> No.17979203

majority of women being worthless whores is freak historical occurrence as well, and its what caused porn epidemic

>> No.17979205

i guess i didnt drive home the fact that modern males(at least long term internet posters) are more driven to sexual depravity and submissiveness, at least thats what i was trying to get across

>> No.17979208

>not really, you can only hope for happiness if you develop properly in formative years. 28, 30 its all way to late. Having sex and relationships in the 16-21 age range is the most important thing in the world.
I don’t really agree with that. Yeah, I do think it’s normal and better but it’s not literally THE single most important thing in the world. Our society now gets married and has kids in their 30s, if at all. So what are you supposed to do? Be a serial monogamist dating 20 women until you’re 30 or be a serial monogamist dating a handful before you go volcel? Neither of those are normal or healthy either and will probably likewise not lead to a happy or healthy life. Also, my point isn’t really about what women feel. It’s that they’re just as defective and living in ways that are counterproductive to any normal life as we are. They just might not realize it. You think all those girls who wake up at 37 with no man and no kids are really happy? No. They are miserable and they just cover it up with nonsense. My mom is 56, divorced twice, and on her like 4th boyfriend since the last divorce. She’s fucking miserable. She runs her workplace like a tyrant, treats her kids like shit, and is generally unhappy. The chickens come home to roost sooner or later but the irony is she’s still perfectly happy to tell me, at 28, not to settle down or insist with my 24 year old brother that his 8 year girlfriend is just using him. Point being, American parents fucked us. They never loved their kids and we can recover but we’ll never fully recover.

>> No.17979209

not at all, because no one would watch porn if they had a girl they could fuck instead
porn is a cope, women just don't exist whatsoever in society anymore, only going out with Chads they met through social media and being unavailable anywhere for normal men

>> No.17979213

That's a lot less available than at your fingertips, for free, anywhere, anytime, seriously what the fuck are you thinking?
>It wasn't even frowned up like it nominally is today
You're just making shit up now.

>> No.17979214

it means youre not a chad that can just come up to a woman while dancign like a retard and catch her attention

>> No.17979218

What reason would men have to abuse porn if they could get the real thing and just coom in a hot, wet 3D pussy whenever they can?

>> No.17979219

>porn is effect, not the cause
>women's stamdards
Bullshit, most men start masturbating to porn at a very young age or at least somewhere in puberty which means that an addiction can easily manifest itself. They are drawn to the superstimuli that defies every normal girl. It's a common myth that men stop porn when they finally get a gf. Most of the time, they even choose the medium over the real thing.
Stop blaming the external when it's an internal problem.

>> No.17979223

guys im planning to buy my own place. do you think i will get a chance at scoring some 18 prime pussy as a 27 year old virgin that way?

>> No.17979227

They cant even cook or clean, like no bitch that isnt cutesy house wife shit its just part of being a human being like wtf.

>> No.17979228

I am good looking and above average height, virgin, I am trying to expose myself more and ignore shame, invited a female for a movie, she accepted but doesn't look like she is into me tqbh, she is very cold, at max we will fuck and follow our ways. Either way I want to invite more girls, not searching for love though. It's hard to get to know people during this times and I avoid Tinder. The only purpose of this exercise is to cure myself, I no longer fear rejection and it can be a good way to spend time. R8

>> No.17979233

I dont like dancing and the concerts I go to usually have mosh pits

>> No.17979237


>> No.17979241

Your value raises a lot when you have your own place.

>> No.17979244

Where do you meet this girls?

>> No.17979246

All the guys that watch porn would pick a real girl in a second, but women force men into watching porn by being unavaliable. Even young guys who would try going after girls their own age would be rejected, because they're not tall/handsome enough to get laid so they're forced to watch porn all while women fuck top 10% of Chads.
Stop blaming the internal when the external is the problem

>> No.17979247

As a married dude who can fuck my wife basically whenever I want - porn is quicker, requires less effort, and little to no prep or clean-up afterwards. I can rub one out in 5 minutes if I get the urge. Even a quickie with the wife is at least a 15-20 minute affair of undressing, getting her wet/getting me hard, fucking, getting up, cleaning ourselves off, and getting dressed again.

If I had to give up one or the other I would give up porn/masturbation, but there can be reasons to prefer a quick rub to a full blown fucking.

>> No.17979249

How do you even meet women outside of school?

>> No.17979256

Talk to them at work, or while at a bar, or at some hobbyist group, or etc.

>> No.17979257

There's an often forgotten aspect of this crisis, that is to say the fact how of how demeaning and humiliating actually, genuinely trying is for most men in this day and age.. Everyone tells you to try, everyone tells you to man up, to learn to throw caution to the wind, etc. But no one anticipates that a woman can always let you try, let you apply for the job, without any real intent of hiring you unless you absolutely blow her away. She can screen a thousand candidates like you, all throwaways, until one manages to "wow" her despite initially seeming average. And obviously, she can use this process just to feel good that so many people are interested in applying.

The problem isn't even necessarily success or failure. It's the cost of success, even when you do succeed. That's the real pain of being an average dude. These days, there is no sure road to a relationship with a woman. You are either in the upper echelons of men who can breeze right through the line, or you are in the teeming mass of men waiting for their pathetic little grovelling interview, a one-in-a-thousand shot that they're willing to wait weeks or months for.

There are only so many strategies you can use to avoid or manage this dynamic. You can obviously swear off women and stop trying, stop "taking your shot," stop lining up to take your shots, on the understanding that you will only ever take a shot if the woman says "hey, you seem neat, I'm interested in you taking a shot! Are you interested in taking one?," and the exchange is equal and reciprocal. This is the dignified choice. But for an average guy, this will realistically never, ever happen. Women are kids in candy stores. Even if they are inclined to look for a good guy, and not a basic bitch Chad with an iron jawline, they still have the mentality these days that they can look for the good guy AFTER "having fun" for 5+ years.

So your choice is essentially: Be dignified, keep your pride, but accept that you will probably be dateless and/or sexless, possibly forever, OR, keep lining up to take your pathetic little shots, you grovelling "haha that's cool :) so what do you do for fun?" little milquetoast bitch. Keep trying to match that pathetic trickle of girls on dating apps that you actually get, that small fraction of girls who just got out of bad relationships so they're just BARELY willing to tolerate a physically unremarkable guy like you for a brief window, that is, willing to permit a slew of guys like you to line up and each take their unlikely shots, in rapid succession, so that even if you do get picked in the initial match lottery, you still have to actually GET PICKED in the date lottery. And even when you get a date, hell, even when you miraculously get to a serious stage, she's so spoiled for choices that she will reveal she's still "sort of seeing" another guy or she'll ghost you for someone who impressed her more.

>> No.17979261

You don't and thats a feature not a bug. Now grt in your pod

>> No.17979269

This is my big problem. Dating apps suck the soul out of me and trying to talk to literal strangers is just fucking miserable and I'm terrible at it. Idk what to do

>> No.17979272

You become their top donator on onlyfans.

>> No.17979276

*the fact of how demeaning and humiliating

>> No.17979279

I fuck several girls regularly and still watch porn. You just don't want to fuck all the time, lol. I need time alone.

>> No.17979282

you don't, it's impossible
they straight up stop existing and only hang out with groups of friends established in school and hook up with Chads they saw on social media or dating apps
if you didn't establish a social network of people who can help you get laid in school, and aren't Chad tier looks/height wise it's impossible to have sex past education period
>at work
fired for sexual harassment
>at bar
1. no good women go to a bar 2. all of them go there with friends and hate being aproached
> at some hobbyist group
those things don't exist past school

>> No.17979284

one of the biggest lies my mother told me is that girls dont care about appearance, that as long as you're being yourself, keep working and dont drink women will come to you. now im a miserable virgin with literally no friends, hope or future

>> No.17979288

More like internetphones and too much time in mom's basement
Fucking /pol/tards shitting up everything

>> No.17979292

both existed long before 2008, and long before about 2013 when the graph goes way above previous spikes

>> No.17979297

>fired for sexual harassment
Start by talking and getting to know her without flirting. If she seems open, then *gently* flirt without being autistic so that she can brush you off without it being awkward. In short, don't be an autist and you will be fine.

>> No.17979299

The one I invited now was a flatmate. I want to know too how I will meet more girls, I am not afraid of engaging. I lost the fear after going through a lot of shame in an episode unrelated to girls.

>> No.17979303

incel+proletariat revolution when?

>> No.17979309

>All the guys that watch porn would pick a real girl in a second
No, that's a myth. Read the book "The Porn Myth". Men watching pornography is a very common reason why relationships and marriages fail. It's the same with every other addiction. An alcoholic dad will likely never quit without the right therapeutic/medical treatment, even for the sake of his family.
You are delusional if you think that normal stimuli beat superstimuli.

>> No.17979310


>> No.17979311

Stale pasta

>> No.17979312

>how demeaning and humiliating actually, genuinely trying is for most men in this day and age.
I feel it so viscerally in my fucking bones every time I work up the motivation borne of desperation and loneliness to message some girl, it fucking tears at me. I'm just one a hundred other guys in this bitch's DMs trying to worm my way in, dancing around like a monkey trying to get her attention. Fucking miserable. I hate it.
>"haha that's cool :) so what do you do for fun?" little milquetoast bitch
good post man

>> No.17979314

You don't

>> No.17979317

You guys arguing about meeting girls at a club or bar or body language, let me let you in on a little tip that took me a long time to figure out but which I promise is legit.

Meeting girls in bars or clubs is the WORST way to meet girls. Period. The only time it ever works out is if you’re meeting a girl at a bar or club through a mutual connection. If you’re incel or socially awkward, don’t even bother. You’ve got to understand how these things work, right? Who do you think gets all the girls on Tinder? The guys with the best pics, the guys with model good looks. Who do you think gets all the girls at the club? It’s the guys with tables and bottle service. That’s the Chad-Incel distinguished. Now, you can meet girls at bars and clubs but you have to do so casually. Don’t go to bars or clubs just to meet girls. Only go if you want to go and if you happen to meet a girl, cool. If not, no problem.

So you might be asking “How am I supposed to meet girls then?” It’s simple. We’re going to ignore things like discord meetups, interpals, and other stuff like that. It’s possible but I have no experience with it so I can’t speak to that. You meet girls in a few basic ways
1. Classmates/coworkers
2. School/work related club members
3. Mutual interest/hobby members
4. Daily life
5. Via any of the above.

The first one is self explanatory so I’ll skip it. The second one is also pretty obvious. Let’s say you have to participate in a club for one of your courses or maybe a group project. You can obviously meet girls that way. Let’s say you participate in a volunteering thing for your work. That’s another way. Number 3 is basically the same thing but it’s actually in something you’re interested in. That can be, I don’t know, a book club, a running club, language classes, cooking classes, whatever. Now, you might be saying “my interest is playing basketball. How tf am I going to meet girls playing basketball?” That’s where number 4 comes in. You might not meet a girl at the actual court but you could meet her at the convenience store you stop at to buy a Gatorade after the game every Thursday. Alternatively, you might meet her at the grocery store, in a clothing store, whatever. Now number 5 is the one tied it all together and that’s through other people. That guy you play basketball with every Thursday obviously isn’t going to be your girlfriend but he just might bring someone to night at the bar for the team that could be. The key to all of this guys is you can’t be afraid to talk to people. You can’t be afraid to approach them as a potential girlfriend. And you have to put yourself in environments where there are people you can actually date, not clubs, not middle of nowhere rural towns, not in your room. Hell, even the library is better than nothing. This is basically how it works.

>> No.17979316

In memevirus age? No idea, I used to talk to them at bars, music shows, and the big one mutual friends. Never even stepped foot into a university.

>> No.17979320

I gave up on dating apps like the day after i signed up. Might depend on your area i guess but me for me it was 80% fat single mums and then if you looked at the guys there was a lot of chads. So you're competing with these guys for trash? What is even the point.

>> No.17979326

Dancing. Salsa, modern, folk, standard and so on.

>> No.17979330

why would i have sex if i am circumcised? that's like going to a restaurant without a tongue

>> No.17979333

This is actually a super easy way to meet girls - take some group dance lessons. Single guys almost *never* go to these, and single girls very often do. Get even halfway decent and you will be super in demand.

>> No.17979335

>structural problem
>here my epic tipperino ;)
yeah lol

>> No.17979338

Based, salsa bars have tons of hot chicks provided you live in the south west. Line dancing at country western shitkickers also have a ton of hot chicks.

>> No.17979340

Brutal. I agree, but I am trying to be the pathetic type once to see what this is all about.

>> No.17979343
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, 5100324728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys don't be chad you can't be chad but actually just be chad
thanks dude

>> No.17979346

No, it's confusing cause and effect. Relationships and marriages fail because women love to ride the cock carousel and stop taking care of themselves once they "catch" a guy forcing men into watching porn to relieve themselves
Same goes for alcoholism, usually it's womens fault that men turn to alcohol by being abusive and self medicating with it to cope with torment
You are insane if you think people would replace genuine joy with substances/porn, 100/100 times women are to blame

>> No.17979349


>> No.17979351

bruh? are you fucking nuts? approaching women in stores, on the street, daily life w/e is a huge taboo nowadays. many women make it explicitly clear that they dont want to be approached when shopping. you cant talk to women at work cause you're gonna get in trouble HR, if you're hobbies are male-related you're fucked and if you're out of school you're fucked. we are literally fucked

>> No.17979352


that's not what the graph says bub

>> No.17979354

One of the most crushing realisations a guy has is that despite agonising over every text and thinking about her all the time, you're literally "guy im talking to #7" to her

>> No.17979356

>meeting girls at interest/hobby clubs
>google clubs for my city
>tennis club for boomers, football club all male, some martial arts shit
I live in Austria, we don't have shit like bookclubs here.

>> No.17979358

It could be even worse. I found, what I thought at the time, was a really really good girl when I was like 20. I loved her. I mean, I really loved her. We dated for about 4 years, until things got kind of tough for me since I was going through some hard times, and then one day after 4.5 years together at basically 25 years old she just says “I think we should break up. I don’t love you anymore.” and that was that. That shit killed me inside and black pilled me harder than any amount of missed shots with low quality girls could. I realized in that moment that it really didn’t matter. She could be the greatest girl in the world, a total keeper. We could go on dates and be totally convinced that we’re going to get married and be together forever, even if it was hard. But no. She was always going to get bored and leave sooner or later. Just like my mother left my father, she would’ve left me.

>> No.17979359

Yes. Dancing also forces you to get physical and close, and as the man you will have to lead which teaches you confidence and initiative.

There's a reason dancing used to be the main way of meeting partners until pair dances got replaced with the modern globohomo-stand-in-a-circle awkwardly tripping to shitty music freestyle dancing.

>> No.17979360

i remember one time i rejected a girl who asked me out in high school because she wasn't hot like the porn girls i used to look at on the internet. looking back, she was pretty cute and i fucked up bad. thank god i stopped using that shit.

>> No.17979361

I think the rise of social media further enforced the usual power dynamics at play in the sexual market place. A furthering of power to the 1%, if you will. Gone are the days of the high school nerd turning over a new leaf etc etc. Now one is always burdened by the past

>> No.17979366

Then don’t listen to me if you don’t want to but I’m right and you stand to benefit from knowing it.

>> No.17979370

this. unless she's giving you clear signals for you to approach (most of the time she won't approach), just don't fucking bother. your asking for trouble.

>> No.17979372
File: 123 KB, 1400x2125, count-down-9781982113667_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmental toxins.

>> No.17979371


relationships. not sex. I had a decent amount of sex in my teens/early 20's and no relationships- I never learned how, and now I'm slowly going crazy.

For example, I just recently started browsing 4chan at 25.

>> No.17979373

i wont listen to you because i dont want to be metoo'd and end up with a criminal record

>> No.17979375

Women see through that very easily. You'll be seen as a creep

>> No.17979377

>1. Classmates/coworkers
most people finished school, and you will be fired for sexual harasment, entire life ruined
>2. School/work related club members
those stop existing after school
>3. Mutual interest/hobby members
same as above, there's no places like that to meet women in after school
>4. Daily life
there is nowhere to meet women in daily life, women hate being approached in public places and won't respond
>5. Via any of the above.
none of the above work

You are either so attractive women throw themselves at you, or it's impossible to meet women ever in your life.

>> No.17979378

you are figuratively fucked, if you were literally fucked you wouldn't be ranting here on this taiwanese board game forum

>> No.17979379

I'm 28 and I recently got rejected for being fat in high school, she saw my old facebook pics and just that turned her off completely.

>> No.17979381

Back in my clubbing days i'd mainly go for the acts playing ( I used to go completely alone too) and the whores were secondary. Probably makes you seem way less desperate overall thus more approachable. Used to be big on observational humor and was a decent way to rope people in. If I had a bad night girl wise it was ok, not the main reason I was there so you dont get resentful.

>> No.17979387

i dont have social media so i disagree entirely. you can also always wipe your social media and reinvent yourself, tons of people do it all the time

>> No.17979391

Doesn't even matter given how few single guys there are to dance with (let alone *straight* single guys). I don't think you understand how desperate the girls who go to dance classes are to have a partner to dance with.

>> No.17979394

>she's giving you clear signals for you to approach
exactly so 90% of men will be a bother and asking themselves for trouble
and the top 10% already have a gf and don't need to hit on them in a store

>> No.17979395

>Same goes for alcoholism, usually it's womens fault that men turn to alcohol by being abusive and self medicating with it to cope with torment
You have never dealt with people who have alcoholism. Please stop speaking. You are not only disrespecting the people who suffer from addiction but also embarrassing yourself with pathetic false incel narratives.
t. whole family consists if alcoholics.

>> No.17979399

+ smartphones (iphone came out in 2007) and social media

>> No.17979403

You don't have social media? Instant red flag for a lot of women.

>> No.17979404

If you go there only to get laid, sure. You have to love the dancing and have fun. And don't just start hitting on everybody.

>> No.17979406
File: 16 KB, 236x228, 1594135522201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be a long and painful ride, huh

>> No.17979407

What's an explicitly male hobby?

>> No.17979410

I swear I was actually planning to learn dancing! For the purpose of doing something different mostly.

>> No.17979411

It doesn’t matter. You have other things. The point I’m trying to make is that neither will your Misaki-chan fall from the sky nor will you magically learn body language and pull 8s that you have fulfilling relationships with from the club. I’m trying to explain to the autists that the way you meet women is through having a life, and going about your life while being open to meeting people and I’m doing that in a systemic way. We don’t need to get into the details.

>> No.17979412

And you're not even talking to girls you feel sure about, the thought of you being just a plan B for her, of not knowing whether she's keeping you in the dark about the fact that she had her holes stretched by dozens of men will always loom in the back of your mind. Even if you do forfeit your dignity, and mircaluously manage to suceed, your reward for all of it is a cynical, used-up cunt with no personality or anything interesting to say, with a shadowy past to boot who couldn't care less about you if she were to be honest.

>> No.17979414

Hunting and fishing are pretty much dominated by men.

>> No.17979415

feeding ducks at the park

>> No.17979417
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 14247124601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do if i'm a manlet?

>> No.17979419

you are right, alcoholism is mostly caused by having shit addict genes. It is what it is

>> No.17979425

Conquer Europe.

>> No.17979427

i'm uncut but shy and ugly. will pair up with a cut chad; you woo them, i stick the dick in them and tell you how it feels

>> No.17979431

I mean, it’s not ideal dude but it’s not like it’s a death sentence. What do you expect me to say? “Well then you just give up?” No. Obviously not.

>> No.17979436

thinking of different methods of killing yourself

>> No.17979445

yeah I am sure 20-something 4chan virgin will excel at dance lessons

>> No.17979450

Do it, it's incredibly fun. It's a bit frustrating at first when you're still learning, since you have to lead which you obviously can't yet, but stick with it and its very rewarding.

>> No.17979451
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Not just thinking of them.

>> No.17979453

And like was explained, you won’t hunt and fish with a girl that becomes your girlfriend but you could meet her through your hunting and fishing buddies, could meet her at an outdoors shop, could meet her at the notary you get your tags from, could meet her at the diner you guys stop at to get breakfast after an unsuccessful hunt.

Yes, I realize that in the age of MeToo and women with cel phones at their hips, it’s a lot harder to do even this stuff but this is how it’s done. It’s what you’ve got, dude.

>> No.17979457

Except that you literally cannot meet women through life. There is nowhere to meet women in life after education period. All relationships start either during that period, or through relationships (friends) that started during education period. Only people who can meet women afterwards are top genetics 5% Chad.

>> No.17979463

Why wouldn't he? Dancing isn't some impossibly complex thing. Basic dance steps are just walking in rhythm. Group classes make things pretty simple to learn, especially if they are beginner classes.

>> No.17979468
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It doesn't have to be long at least

>> No.17979470

curb stomping my mohel

>> No.17979475

Sorry anon; I agree with you. Was just responding to the post without looking at the context.

>> No.17979477

imo weightlifting, high contact sports

>> No.17979478


>> No.17979481

I hate dancing so much.

>> No.17979485

I had dancing lessons for prom and sucked at it, not everyone can be a good dancer

>> No.17979484

festive penis adornment

>> No.17979490

That’s just objectively not true. Yes, it’s harder but the idea that it’s not possible is nonsense. I’ll agree that it would be normal and ideal to meet women through work but you largely are discouraged from it and that’s all. It still happens and it’s still possible.

>> No.17979491

>could meet her at an outdoors shop
no, you could not
Because there is nothing to say during those short moments. Women hate being aproached because they hate 95% of all men due to their genetics. They only want top 5% of men who were born tall and handsome. They hate average and below average men being near them, and won't ever accept being talked to. There is nowhere to meet or ask out women whatsoever anymore.
Think about it, how many women you meet (see) thorughout your day? Hundreads. How many are you dating? None. Because seeing women =/= meeting them. There is nowhere to meet women in modern world.

>> No.17979496

you know that isn't true

>> No.17979498

What kind of dancing? Something like East Coast Swing is simple as fuck.

>> No.17979499

if I don't have sex by 30 I'm going gay

>> No.17979507

Yeah, better to just keep wallowing in your misery on 4chan

>> No.17979510

Most 4chan dwellers didn't do a lot of sports in their youth, their neural circuits and therefore their physical sense of coordination are so fucked up that they wouldn't be able to do anything but embarrass themselves in front of women even further and make it awkward for them, too.

>> No.17979516

It's objectively true, it's impossible to meet women after education period without a large network of friends who can help you meet women. Women don't exist at all in society in places where an average guy can meet them

>> No.17979519

as opposed to picking up a hobby he doesnt like, doesn't feel confident in and forcing himself to do it just to get laid? is this really how normies operate

>> No.17979522

if these two didn't exist we'd be gang raping women on the streets

>> No.17979524

>I tried something once and wasn't immediately good at it
Of course you're going to suck when you start, the same is going to be true for any hobby you pick up

>> No.17979525

I live in central europe so it was mostly different kinds of waltz+some more modern swing dances

>> No.17979532

Feminist and obesity.

>> No.17979534

I did polevaulting, wrestling, and cross country and I hate dancing can't do it and always get stressed out when I have to

>> No.17979535

do you live in the arctic or something?

>> No.17979538

Nobody is forcing him to do it. If he doesn't like it, he can do something else.

>> No.17979550

where do you live and what do you do that you have a constant supply of single, approachable women?

>> No.17979552

Where do you live where you're constantly running into women?

>> No.17979553

why would I bother with hobby in which I was worse than 90% of my peers?. Everything I am actually good at is completly male dominated

>> No.17979556

The question is: how do I get a male friend to lift with, hike, be homoerotic, help each other to become better men, discuss Greek Tragedies?