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/lit/ - Literature

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17975597 No.17975597 [Reply] [Original]

What are some literary red flags?

I'll start -- anything to do with neoplatonism, gnosticism, the hermetic tradition, etc.. It's just astrology for incels

>> No.17975599
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A thread died for this.

>> No.17975605

Making threads about twitter posts

>> No.17975608

Tumblr poetry and trannycore

If she's got crystals and tarot cards run away.

>> No.17975624

>warning signs in a man's bookshelf
6 & 7 are statements, she didn't get far.

>> No.17975631

Not literary, but any girl whose favorite movie is Amélie is to be avoided.

>> No.17975657
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This thread again.
Lolita and Fathers and Sons are two of my favorite books, and they're on my shelf but I don't have to say it. I have Pale Fire, too, to make it look like I didn't just gravitate towards Lolita.

I have three Hemingways, is that too much? And one Ayn Rand book, but I just happen to have it and have never read it; I actually put it in the shelf upstairs in the guest room.

>> No.17975660

Only #1 is a real warning sign on a man's bookshelf. #3 is something you will see on a woman's, not on any man's.

>> No.17975665

I don't care about twitter shit but only absolute pieces of shit dislike Fathers and Sons, it isn't even my favorite Turgenev book, but you are not allowed to have that opinion

>> No.17975674

Too little Hemingway

>> No.17975675

sketches from a hunters album mogs it hard, thats what she was talking about

>> No.17975682

Who gives a shit what some checkmark thinks.

>> No.17975684

>Women, Race and Class
>Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race
>Me and White Supremacy

>> No.17975690

That is actually my favorite Turgenev book but it doesn't "mog it hard", nor do I think that's what she's referring to

>> No.17975693
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>> No.17975696

>three Hemingways

So long as you also have three Shakespeares. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85TE0K5fgJM

>> No.17975707

Warning signs in a Woman's bookshelf ?
1. Any feminist drivel
2. 'How to the happy' books
3. Esoteric Nonsense
4. Only romance novels
Any more ?

>> No.17975728

*2. 'How to be happy' books

>> No.17975734

5- Poetry
6- 'How to be a bad bitch vol. 3'
7- Some psychoanalytical bullshit to let you know she's smart and shit
8- 50 Shades (probably 30<, single)
9- "I haven't read that one yet, I just like how [author]..."

>> No.17975828

>I haven't read that one yet, I just like how [author]...
Don't see anything wrong with this if the intention is to eventually read it.

>> No.17975830

>Never read Infinite Jest
>I haven't read Hemingway
>Never read Bukowski but he seems like one of those "le based" guys who just come off as cringey to me
>I have Ayn Rand (Anthem, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, some more but I don't think I have her actual philosophical books)
>I have Goethe (The Sorrows..., Faust, Theory of Colors, Wilhelm Meister series, etc.)
How is this a problem? Who hates Goethe? How is this a red-flag? His approach to science is strange and wonderful and his literature and poetry is masterful. What is this bitch's problem?
Sorry, not a pedo. Was almost going to read it but /lit/ convinced me not too. The topic is just too cringeworthy for me and I don't see why I should force myself to look at it; there are better things I could be thinking about.
>Fathers and Sons
Never read this, might some day.

>> No.17975839

I should clarify that I unfortunately don't speak German but I am trying to learn it now.
For Goethe I've had to rely on translations unfortunately.

>> No.17975851

How is Goethe a warning sign? A warning sign for what, good taste?

>> No.17975873

You have clearly never interacted with art hoes and basic /lit/ bitches. They never read them, they just relate to the author's air of je ne sais quoi. Before going to back to reread 50 shades for the nth time and fiddling with the bookmark on some psychosexual bullshit by Foucault.

>> No.17975892

Sure, but do we need to call *that* out, as opposed to the other 90 'warning signs' / 'red flags'? Why call out one that isn't necessarily a red flag without context?

>> No.17975894
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if you start judging women by what they read, you're never gonna get any
women read more than men on average (as most people don't even read at all), but they waste their time with retarded best sellers, romantic comedies and YA
I don't particularly have a problem with any of that
one thing that pisses me off though is when they "organize" their shelves by book colour
that's the clue that they actually don't give a shit about reading, and think of books as decoration

>> No.17975903

>Sorry, not a pedo. Was almost going to read it but /lit/ convinced me not too.


>> No.17975905

>Why call out one that isn't necessarily a red flag without context?
It's implied autismo. I get that you do it too, don't take it too personal and stop looking into shitposts too much, it's unhealthy.

>> No.17975906

I need to know what’s wrong with Goethe?

>> No.17975908

It doesn't even look good either. I guess it's female autism.

>> No.17975913

he's a nazi

>> No.17975917

>that's the clue that they actually don't give a shit about reading, and think of books as decoration

Everything is decoration to women, Anon.

>> No.17975918

Rate her favorite books

>> No.17975919

lol not to worry anon I take almost nothing here personally.

Rainbow ordering of books is the biggest red flag of all. Nope.jpg Notevenonce.png.

>> No.17975924

I dont read.

>> No.17975941

10- White Fragility
11- Milk and Honey
12 - Harry Potter books (add a flag for every book)

>> No.17975957

I think she's assuming that the only way to love Fathers and Sons is to think Bazorov is based, whereas I actually thought he was a flawed misguided guy who was kind of a jerk but really connected with Arkady and loved the beautiful nuanced portrayal of generational conflict that still rings true

>> No.17975960

I actually think a grill could appreciate Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and his more cute writings on plants.

>> No.17975963

Whats wrong with goethe

>> No.17975971

The amount of Goethe-cope in this thread is staggering

>> No.17975992

Nothing. She's throwing that in there to make you uncomfortable as a power play. It could have been any other great writer (Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Dostoevsky, etc). The simp brain will go 'Oh, I'm a good guy because I don't have IJ or Ayn Rand or a Hemingway hardon' and think that he's therefore a "good guy" and a good ally to women/etc. Throwing in a random good writer is supposed to then make him think 'oh shit maybe I'm not, I'd better supplicate to this girl even more so she likes me.'

You really need to see through this shit. Read what you like; don't curate your reading or your shelves to please some pseudo-twitter-feminist.

>> No.17976001

Literary Red Flags on a Woman's Bookshelf
1. Eat, Pray, Love
2. Too much Young Adult literature
3. Any amount of Frommer's
5. Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey
6. "Harry Potter is my favorite book."
7. "Wurthering Heights is my favorite book."

>> No.17976012
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>Wurthering Heights

>> No.17976016

Whelp, that's all of them. Women, I mean.

>> No.17976017

I'm not trying to please anyone. I'm genuinely curious as to why someone would consider Goethe problematic.

>> No.17976058

Outside of people concerned about copycat suicides, nobody is concerned about Goethe. That girl only listed him for the reasons mentioned in the post you're replying to.

>> No.17976059
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Imagine living inside this person's head for a day.

>> No.17976070 [DELETED] 

>Owns a fiction book
The single red flag that disqualifies all of /lit/

>> No.17976097

>17 minutes
>22 minutes
Nah, I'll pass.

>> No.17976100 [DELETED] 

This woman is about as stupid as that butterfly tripcode fag.

>> No.17976226

also truth

/lit/ is making me hate women tb h

>> No.17976227

Was there ever a woman with a non-cringe or woke bookshelf ?

>> No.17976231
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fuck off and die cunt

>> No.17976240

I agree with her for all but 5 and 7, I would beat you up for having 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.

>> No.17976245

I suppose her problem with goethe is the age gap between Faust and Gretchen

>> No.17976255

i actually like it when people sort their bookshelf by color, it makes it very easy to spot idiots who think stacking their shitty ya romance and unread nyt besteller popnonfiction as decoration gives of an intellectual vibe. you can completely ignore every single "opinion" these people hold. it's like they're putting up a sign in their flat that says "lazily programmed npc"

>> No.17976262

But a copy of Infinite Jest that’s been handled with care and a bookmark is okay. Also what does she have against Fathers and Sons? Seems like she just picked all the classics she could think of and made them out to be The Most Dangerous White Male Literature

Also Gnosticism and hermeticism are based, get off my board

>> No.17976265
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>> No.17976270

She probably read some god awful article about how the sorrows of young werther is a proto incel novel.

>> No.17976281


>> No.17976301

It's rather garish too. Like why would you want your shelves to look like someone went over them with a paint roller.

>> No.17976306

I don't know, if she has crystals and tarot cards she probably posts on /x and I'm okay with that.

>> No.17976316

i only read goosebumps

>> No.17976330

I mean she's a dumb cunt

not you anon Xx

>> No.17976352

forgot Blood Meridian

>> No.17976353

>sorrows of young werther is a proto incel novel.
It kind of is, though. I interpreted that long before the word "incel" came about.
It actually helped me quit pining over girls like a pussy. I read it as a comedy.

>> No.17976360

>10- White Fragility
This on its own could be fine, but if she has more than one of those pop-antiracism books that all essentially say the same thing, run.

>> No.17976373

Women? Hmmm.

>Rainbow Rowell
>alternate history where the Nazis won
>Lolita, because they vastly view it as a genuine love story
>Handmaid's Tale, because it's gets every last one of them wet as fuck and they yearn for for that life yet they all lie and call it a horror

I could think of more but then I'd have to think about how relentlessly stupid women are.

>> No.17976415

I´m new here, what is YA?

>> No.17976424

Young Adult

>> No.17976427

Young Ass.

>> No.17976430

in a womens bookshelf
>rupi kaur
>anything fatso justificationesque
>unread flavor of the month virtue signalling books
>anti-racism mumbo jumbo
>prominently displayed harry potter books
>esoteric mumbo jumbo
>books written by celebrities unless they're cookbooks

>> No.17976435

Did Goethe an hero?

>> No.17976437

Yoghurt, Apricot

>> No.17976439

It's short for "Young Adult." Generally YA literature is just gussied up children's literature, but without any of the useful didacticism of traditional children's literature. YA literature also generally the maturity and complications that help make adult/real literature meaningful. People often stall out reading YA literature because it's fun and easy, and then never move on to work that would actually allow them to stretch and grow.

>> No.17976445

No, but suicide cults were a thing people got worked up about after Sorrows of Young Werther. Very similar to the reaction to that Netflix show '13 reasons why' or whatever it was called.

>> No.17976446
File: 49 KB, 353x494, 2E3731D8-A998-41BC-93E6-4E98FC610CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s wrong with goethe

>> No.17976454

she got filtered

>> No.17976455

there is nothing wrong with poetry faggot

>> No.17976459

I mean, every dog-eared book is clearly a red flag and the sign of an utterly disturbed mind, only a complete psycho with serious mental syndromes going on would do that shit, I agree

>> No.17976477

Novels written for adult children were stunted by Harry Potter.

>> No.17976487

>Some psychoanalytical bullshit to let you know she's smart and shit
What did he mean by that?

>> No.17976492

I'm about 10% into Father and Sons and have no idea what its reputation is other than a few words Gaddis said about it (apparently Turgenev was sympathetic to the younger generation but the book was misread by his peers).
What's she on about here?

>> No.17976517

>OPs image is some random checkmark twitter user (female)
>half of the replies are about how bad women are

>> No.17976523


What's wrong with Goethe?

>> No.17976534

This. Owning a book does not necessarily mean one agrees with, likes, or approves of its content. I personally own a copy of the Communist Manifesto. However, one rarely has a series of books that one disagrees with. The CM is the only Marxist book I own.

>> No.17976565

You should read more. The communist manifesto is pretty weak

>> No.17976591

>reads a manifesto meant to get barely literate industrial workers in the 19th century on the side of class struggle
>claims to understand and disagree with marxism
classic /lit/ moment

>> No.17976601 [DELETED] 

Once I get the money for it. Spent this month's book money already

>> No.17976616

Thanks, you fucking assholes.

>> No.17976622

>y-you'll agree with my ideology after you read 1000000000000 pages of theory
>no don't just read about the history of the USSR and PRC

>> No.17976634

Thank you.

>> No.17976642

No need to get so mad. Nothing wrong with reading a little more.

>> No.17976646
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Someone answer this or I'll start a thread! I swear to God I will!

>> No.17976660

>>y-you'll agree with my ideology after you read 1000000000000 pages of theory
brainlet moment
you need to understand shit to know you disagree with it
if you were required to agree with something after you understand it then you must not agree with a lot of things

>> No.17976670

why are you getting defensive and coming up with a strawman?
you simply cannot make an informed judgement about something without properly engaging with it. that would be like dismissing the entirety of conservative thought after reading the art of the deal.

>> No.17976673
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I suppose it stands for
You're Annoyed

>> No.17976677

she just didnt like it. I suppose to a bitter woman it would just read like men being men with man problems and that’s bad

>> No.17976699

>Tumblr poetry
So poetry.

>> No.17976708
File: 148 KB, 979x1589, 219f0b02654c802e36536e9fda228bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita is my favoirite book
How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a loli's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours. It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax,hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly, "You came so much inside of me", then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.

>> No.17976715

>probably reads brandon sanderson and dune
>doesn’t like poetry
why are you here? Go watch the avengers or something

>> No.17976719

>Sorry, not a pedo.
Saying this in response to Lolita is also a red flag.

>> No.17976727

Sorry, I don't read YA or genre or whatever garbage. All poetry remains trash.

>> No.17976728

>think of a book the opposite gender likes
>say it's shit

>> No.17976755

I'm happily married. I've also never met a tolerable /lit/ bitch.
>I would beat you up
You wouldn't do shit you little noodle armed dweeb.

>> No.17976767

A New York Time bestseller

All true.

>> No.17976783

true except guys don't tend to read lolita and jerk off to 9 yos after whereas girls readily admit to getting off to faux BDSM sub fiction
also the passive aggression towards individualist shit like ayn when she really should be more appealing to independent "male minded" women than the type of girl to unironically read handmaid after watching the netflix show because of the cool red hats and the sex

>> No.17976786

No, but he was such a good writer that he convinced numerous young men to kill themselves en masse.

>> No.17976807

Goethe is a German so he was a NAZI

>> No.17976809

I think about this tweet a lot. Almost all of them are super obvious basic bitch tier literary opinions, and there's just "Goethe is problematic" and I can't figure out why. Which book is she referring to? All of his books are radically different in style, so what could she possibly be complaining about? I actually can't think of anything plausible. I never saw Goethe as an author that "certain types" read because his science, Werther, Faust, elective affinities all have unrelated groups who read them. They don't even read like they were from the same author

>> No.17976810
File: 1.39 MB, 2260x2329, 789552AD-B37F-4B0C-9599-E459299C5E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a retard

>> No.17976819

The red flags depend on the person. If a girl has a bunch of YA crap, whatever. If a girl has a bunch of YA crap and is pretentious, the relationship isn't going to last.
Universal red flags would be too many political books or pseudo science nonsense.

>> No.17976824


>> No.17976830

>calling people retarded while posting all that garbage

>> No.17976831


>> No.17976839


>> No.17976847

>You wouldn't do shit you little noodle armed dweeb.
Punching power comes from the hips, fightlet.

>> No.17976849

That's a good point, maybe I should switch from german to french philosophers to be less problematic.

>> No.17976855

I’ve got only Charles “Hunky” Bukowski. He’s too based

>> No.17976860

>look for these wrong think books so you can do your duty and report that fascist male to the thought police
Enslave all women.

>> No.17976886

That type of woman hates Rand precisely for that reason. She was the best /lit/ argument for the existence of legit trannies and exposes the fake "independent" women.

>> No.17976896

Half of these are just marvel-tier fanfiction

>> No.17976921

I just find it amusing how aggressive these types get when rand is brought up because it threatens their image of petulant pseudo independence where they get their cake and eat it too and they still want you to treat them like a randian hero thus subverting the very concept
it's obscenely perverse

>> No.17976927

Infinite Jest totally shits on modern pop culture and Twitter and those racial convictions these people hold. I know most people here haven't read it and neither has she. There are parts in which DFW makes fun of radical feminism and parts in which he says black people are just as racist as white people. He also shits on the "weed and chill" mentality

>> No.17976942

For me the biggest red flag would be for a woman to have a better bookshelf than mine. I'd be too intimidated by her intellect and would have no choice but to run away.

>> No.17976985

>Enslave all women
Just proved her point

Let me guess: you like Goethe?

>> No.17976988

What a faggy fucking response lmao. Stick to beating up the everlast bag in your bedroom, bantambitch.

>> No.17977001

I know and I'm okay with that kek :)

>> No.17977005

But that's exactly the issue. I know what happens when this ideology is implemented, so why read the theory behind it if we know the results?

>> No.17977007

It's a very well written book. If nothing else crack it open for the prose.

>> No.17977022

The theory has not really been implemented desu. Sovietism and the like are cakewalks compared to true Marxism which is insane enough to be entertaining.

>> No.17977045

Do leftists unironically think liking Goethe makes you a nazi?

>> No.17977047

First four are accurate.
Who tf doesn't like Goethe? And I guess that this woman doesn't like russians either?

>> No.17977053


>> No.17977119

>I know what happens when this ideology is implemented
you do not understand the ideology, how can you tell if it is implemeted?
and what are those results? industrialising shithole countries, giving people literacy and education and greatly reducing economic inequality sounds pretty decent when the alternative barely works for a select few and comes with the same horrible atrocities.

>> No.17977142

>what happens when this ideology is implemented,
Except it was always implemented in the context of globohomo where capitalism still pervaded the sentiment. Stalinism, Maoism, Leninism etc are all mutations of Marxist philosophy and look where that pervasion left the CCP. Reading more into the theory will just help contextualize a lot of things when we suddenly realize we're all living under Xi style authoritarian capitalism in a decade or 2.

>> No.17977218


>> No.17977245

damn w*men cannot read for sure

>> No.17977291

Yeah? Which half?

>> No.17977335

Why do people have such a chip on their shoulder about Bukowski? He’s my favorite poet.

>> No.17977341

>authoritarian capitalism
I call it corporate communism where the corporate oligarchy takes the place of the CP

>> No.17977473

To those of you trying to make sense of the list in OP's picture, it's her what her ex read, any other explanation is just charitable over-thought.

>> No.17977483


Yeah I don't know how it's not exceedingly obvious to you guys that she has a specific person in mind when making this list. >>17977473 is right

>> No.17977668

I would rather peel my eyeballs with a spoon than read anything there or talk, even if it is just to say "pathetic" alone, to the person/breathing meme, who owns that stack of putrid pulp.

>> No.17977694

He's popular, which isn't so bad in itself, but he's also well read to the point of making frequent allusions to other literary titans that he eventually gets discussed in their company; which, given his persona, subject matter, dismissive attitude and simple prose, probably rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

>> No.17977751

>I have Pale Fire, too, to make it look like I didn't just gravitate towards Lolita.
based peed

>> No.17977798

Wuthering Heights is great though

>> No.17977867

It'd be very hard for Goethe to be an incel
He was a very scandalous figure and held correspondence with a lot of young princesses

>> No.17977871

So is Fathers And Sons, I think the parallel that anon was making is that a random classic was thrown in and labeled problematic

>> No.17977958

t. seething femoid

>> No.17977986

There is only one red flag when it comes to literature and it regards both genders :
>he or her reads books published after the XVIIth century

>> No.17978021

the alchemist

>> No.17978052

Didnt watch it, whats bad about it?

>> No.17978086

I don't get why people hate Rand so much

Is a man not entitled to the bread that he bakes!?

>> No.17978099

>It's just astrology for incels
It's literally astrology.

>> No.17978424

In the early days, Lenin implemented Marx's ideas fully, stateless no money etc and it fell apart within a few days.
Communisttards always make excuses that it wasn't real communism but he followed Marx's ideas exactly and it fell apart.

I hate them, I hate that they try and weasel their shit ideas everywhere, You're like a smelly turd.

>> No.17978429

It's also western gemmatria and ciphers.

>> No.17978517

False analogy. A baker actually works and produces a surplus. A rich industrialist doesn't

>> No.17978549


This was actually incredibly based UNTIL the bitch included Goethe. Retard

>> No.17978724

>I have Pale Fire, too, to make it look like I didn't just gravitate towards Lolita.

>> No.17978730

>Literally hundreds of Islamic books mostly in Arabic
What does this say about me?

>> No.17978741

Based, as long as you have at least kilogram of TNT hidden in them.

>> No.17978790

If posting from Dār al-Islam, based.
If posting from the west, physical cringe.

>> No.17978854

Of course, all the girls have a blast

>> No.17978924
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>> No.17978926

shut up kafir, all lands belong to allah and his prophet

>> No.17978998


>> No.17979016

So, have you gotten yourself circumcised yet?

>> No.17979165

>when the alternative barely works for a select few
The alternative worked wonderfully for industrializing and educating other places. And don't invoke the colonies, because every brand of dysfunction which occurred in capitalist colonies was recapitulated in the Second World countries also. Famine? look at Ethiopia. Extractive trade? look at the other Soviet republics beyond Russia. Destruction of local culture in the name of "advancement"? look at Siberia.
the only part of communism that works universally is reducing wealth inequality, because stealing is pretty easy. But on the other hand, wealth inequality is a meme argument and a literal appeal to envy.
Anyways, all industrial societies are doomed to a dehumanizing materialism and capitalism is no solution either

>> No.17979179

> Evola
> Buchanan
> Dostoevsky
> Eliade
> Campbell
> Marx
> Gramsci
> Eco
> the classics
What am I?

>> No.17979195


>> No.17979199

what the fuck?

>> No.17979204

>In a Man's Bookshelf
>two statements
Mental incoherence
The idea of anyone saying lolita is their favorite book is hilarious though

>> No.17979302

Whats wrong with Goethe? and what's wrong with any of the other books? Fucking stupid annoying judgamental bitch

>> No.17979306


>> No.17979389

Based italian /lit/ sage

>> No.17979655

I know I’m taking the bait, but what’s wrong with Gnosticism or Hermeticism? I’ve read some works (and the Kybalion), it’s decently interesting to read and I like occult books.
There aren’t amazing by any means; I prefer more schizophrenic titles. But why would they be a red flag?

>> No.17979662

this is the best one so far

>> No.17979699

Rereading the CM with Marx’s letters and notable communist personal writings shows it to be a weak and almost deceitful work. The revolution it describes would have to be engineered, Marx himself admits it, and communism/socialism simply lead to tyranny. The distinction between the two nowadays was much weaker in the past, with communism seen as a current that would lead to a socialist ideal (iirc) but in actuality was the endgoal itself.

Real communism has been tried, and it has failed beyond basic tribalistic groups. Segmenting it into groups like Stalinism just deflects blame. One can criticize Capitalism or any philosophy without automatically agreeing with the philosophy commonly seen as its opponent.

>> No.17979747

>that post
>that image
Imagine living inside yours.

>> No.17979908
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> the man who authored this poem promulgated a spiteful and deceitful ideology
you don't say?

>> No.17980574

Seems about right

>> No.17980576

jordan peterson

>> No.17980624


>> No.17980939

it discusses the incel thing very well, but Werther is just an obsessive idiot

>> No.17981035

Putting Goethe on the same list as the rest of these is an absolute crime.

>> No.17981724
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If I was to use books as decorative objects then I would rather opt for book panels like pic related. They look much more aesthetic and cheaply done.

>> No.17981764

Id rather have an anal prolapse than read that.

>> No.17982128

So, by reading books like the one in this image, I can grow as a man? Thank you very much.

>> No.17982145

women like it

>> No.17982155

This is clearly a woman who just had a bad break up with her boyfriend who liked these books

>> No.17982160


>> No.17982181
File: 18 KB, 344x342, 1617092022829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas piketty
>anything published by verso or semiotext(e)
>______ and philosophy
>the koran

>> No.17982190

>I would rather opt for book panels like pic related
I once had a wall of artificial books like this until a woman I'd been dating came over and was all excited when she saw my "library". She tried to pull out one of the books, but it obviously didn't even budge. Then she turned to me with this what-the-fuck face and I was so alarmed by her reaction that my hair piece fell off

>> No.17982193

>you need to understand shit to know you disagree with it
This is only partially true. You only need to understand the fundamental flaw of something to disregard everything else that is built on that flaw. If you saw a 300 page theorem claiming to disprove 1 + 1 = 2, one would not thoroughly immerse oneself and try to figure out every nook and cranny of said theorem, one would only look for the basic flaw which allowed them to construct an invalid argument, which allows you to simply disregard everything else.

>> No.17982195

I don’t own any David Foster Wallace although I read Oblivion and Consider the Lobster and liked both

Although Hemingway is not my favorite writer of all time, I do own a lot of his stuff. I really like A Farewell to Arms, a Moveable Feast, and the Nick Adam’s stories.

Never read any Bukowski nor found him all that appealing

I liked the Fountainhead alright when I read it as a teenager, although she’s not the best literary writer.

I don’t get what’s wrong with Goethe. I don’t own him but have read Faust and Werther and liked both.

I like Lolita a lot but it’s not my favorite book. Still, I think I’ve read it 3 times. I like The Gift and Pale Fire as well.

Fathers and Sons is awesome. Russian Literature in translation is probably what makes up the most of my personal library. Also, A Sportsman’s Sketches is awesome.

>> No.17982216

A Sportsman’s Sketches is one of my favorites. It’s disappointing that not many here mention it

>> No.17982613

>she reads cosmo

>> No.17982694

Any woman could read and enjoy 'elective affinities' seeing as its about relationships and all.

>> No.17982819

>I´m new here
go back

>> No.17982871

I guarantee you Fathers and Sons was her ex's favorite book. That's the only reason it made the list.

>> No.17982895

The whole post is one massive cope

>> No.17982904

What the hell is wrong with Goethe?

>> No.17983429

This but unironically

>> No.17983444


>> No.17983480
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>> No.17983497

>Warning signs in a man's bookshelf
>Modern classics

>> No.17983502


>> No.17983507
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>> No.17983538


>> No.17983547

I suspect that the Goethe and 'Fathers and Sons' references are aimed at a specific guy she knows who likes those books, and as >>17982871 suggests, it's probably an ex. All the other books/authors are obvious ones that you'd expect on some list like this, though I am surprised there's no mention of Fight Club or Cormac McCarthy, some of the others that blue checkmarks usually harp on about.

>> No.17983583

Not having old books

>> No.17983592

Any book on a woman's shelf is a red flag.
Letting them read was a mistake from the start.
Keep them ignorant and divided, they won't be able to do shit then.

>> No.17983604

>she's got crystals and tarot cards run away
Mostly likely means she fucks like a beast though. True story

>> No.17983626

Are you fucking retarded? Goethe was writing literature during the Enlightenment era

>> No.17983630

this, crystals and tarot cards are a good sign if you don't want to breed and just want to fuck.

>> No.17983640

Who the fuck cares about what girls have to say, straight people are so fucking dumb damn

>> No.17983751

worth it for your img. Bump.

>> No.17983880

Anything having to do with formal logic

>> No.17983890

You need to be interested in literature in order to simply know about BM. This girl isn't interested in literature

>> No.17983895

Rell's bookshelf is not cringe

>> No.17983917
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>Sorry, not a pedo. Was almost going to read it but /lit/ convinced me not too. The topic is just too cringeworthy for me and I don't see why I should force myself to look at it; there are better things I could be thinking about.

>> No.17983966

>Becoming Michelle Obama
Transition diary?

>> No.17984071

What does a pile of Elena Ferrante say about a woman? send help quick, posting this from a toilet

>> No.17984363

>Never read Bukowski
Thanks for outing yourself as a double faggot.

>> No.17984621

kek not so sutble bait

>> No.17984718
File: 35 KB, 220x211, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me guess: you like Goethe?

>> No.17984725
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>> No.17984743

On the same note, you should ask why are IJ and Hemingway lumped in there?

She genuinely doesn't understand the authors, and the only way she can make herself feel better is if she makes pathetic men feel bad for enjoying something she can't. Get a grip.

Lose weight.

>> No.17984773

there are no literary red flags. no book on a shelf, no matter how retarded it is, can ultimately say anything real about the person.

>> No.17985644

I have plenty of books I disagree with. My bookshelf looks kinda schizo desu because it's all Marxist, anarchist, and fascist (in the broad sense) books and I only agree with mayb 5% of it.

>> No.17985656

Kill yourself

>> No.17985699

Damn where can I read more stuff like this?

>> No.17985719

They read war and peace, and then think of themselves as intellectuals.

>> No.17985825

that's pathetic. Most interesting books, are cringe for the NPC's mind. You should hide them instead of show them off.
Wasn't people killed for having the legendary book of thot?

>> No.17985959

Assuming this is a real tweet I'm almost certain Goethe is shopped in considering normalfag readers and SJW twitter types wouldn't even know who he is.

>> No.17986168

my favourite book is Lolita and my gfs favourite book is Goodnight Moon

>> No.17986202
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>> No.17986208

>Father and Sons
This is the weirdest one to me. You'd think she'd go with Dostoevsky ('wash your penis' connotations) or even Tolstoy if only for being a quintessential (maybe THE quintessential) 'white male Great Novelist', as with DFW. But Turgenev? What?

>> No.17986220


>> No.17986371

what the hell is wrong with fathers and sons and goethe

>> No.17986436


Twitter posts as OP should be a perma-ban, sitewide.

>> No.17986473

Germans always do age gap relationships, to.