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17975116 No.17975116 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still hate on fitness or working out? People that call themselves "rational" and believe in science also should acknowledge that working out is one of the best thing you can do for your health and mental well being.

Why then do people on this board not take the /fitlit/ pill? I know why you don't do it. Because you're lazy, because you're hypocritical and resentful towards the beautiful and strong.

The only book that I had to read to understand the average /lit/izen was "on the geneology of morals".

Come out of your ivory towers and face the real world. Or are you too scared to do so?

>> No.17975146

True fitlit is just monastic agrarianism

>> No.17975182

I don't think people hate fitness, they are just lazy

>Come out of your ivory towers and face the real world. Or are you too scared to do so?
mate you are lifting weights, not killing terrorists in syria calm em lolz

I think another big factor is gym culture and the narcisistic sissies a lot of mascular beasts in the gym are.

You can literally do any sport you want, swimming, mma etc etc
just move that body man

>> No.17975229

People dislike you not because of what you do, but the way you act. /fitlit/ evangelists such as yourself always have an unwarranted sense of superiority despite having only been at the gym for 6 months and having barely read 10 books. You are, in a word, vain pseuds, and obnoxious ones at that.

>> No.17975285

>muh health and mind
You can get the same benefit doing cardio for 30 minutes. The reason you go to the gym to grow bloated muscles is for a sense of achievement and superiority. Giving it a spiritual background is just rationalization.

>> No.17975300

Working out is great but you are an enormous faggot. Anons like you make /fit/ one of the most obnoxious boards on the site

>> No.17975320

it costs a lot of money lol

>> No.17975359

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

lol physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.17975711
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Your antagonism of physical fitness suggests a rejection of masculine traits, what was your relationship with your father like?

>> No.17976009
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You obsessive pursuit of masculine traits suggests you're inherently lacking in the self-assured masculinity of true men. It's almost as if you're pursuing a lost masculine ideal, pursuing an image of your father the first time you saw him naked in the shower. Your cock still seems smaller than that dangling hog, doesn't it? You're always going to be that scared little boy, no matter how hard you try. See, me, I was a national wrestling champion and boxing coach as part of an outreach to inner city kids. I joined the Army.(infantry) as soon as I turned 18. As much time as I've spent in gyms and around "men" it's easy to recognise you: overemotional, power-starved faggots (literally, you're a childish closeted fag for even having your pic related on a device you own) who, even if they put on 30 lbs of beach muscle, never fulfill the profound deficiency at their core.

>> No.17976118

I read books and do calisthenics, I'm just too poor to afford the lifestyle that requires a gym and lots of food. The gyms in my area are also completely shit as well

>> No.17976181

Not at all. Gym membership itself is cheap, but you can get decently in shape just with body weight exercises and cardio lol. And it takes up a tiny portion of your day.

Jesus people working out should literally be part of your daily hygiene like brushing your teeth and taking a shower.

>> No.17976188

>Why do people still hate on fitness or working out
Unfit people are grumpy and often in pain. They can't regulate emotions like someone with a cardio routine.
>beyond walking
>this anon thinks he cannot dance or he will be gay
>he will never OHP dancing ladies
Nietzsche, who ate more fruit than you, and based his entire philosophy around hiking, has called you a loser on repeated occasions. Just thought I'd let you know, in case you're not into certain sorts of books either.
Get a yoga intro book/video/chart and you can pretend you're rich af. Rich bitches love yoga.

>> No.17976210

This has to be b8 right?

>> No.17976213

>it costs a lot of money lol
A shitty commercial gym is like 15 bucks a month.

>> No.17976218

I don't train for homosexual aesthetics. I'm a brown belt in Judo and lift weights to more slam people.

>> No.17976230
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>> No.17976243

$35 in my area. Still can't compete with the $0 I pay at the park :P

>> No.17976252

>shorter recovery time with greater flexibility and strength is cringe
Are you one of those anons who buys Evola to leave him collect dust on your shelf?

>> No.17976266
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You accuse me of obsessive pursuit of masculine traits, believe i've ever seen my fathers penis and consider me to be "one of them" a group of individuals you've encountered through life, all this i have not commented one.
Your post suggest a superiority complex revolving around that group, considering yourself to be "truly masculine" and them to be "deficient at the core".
What inferiorities did you feel at a young age that lead you to wanting to "be above them" and/or do you fear your simmiliarities to them?

>> No.17976300

I have never read Evola and I almost never buy paper books. Stretching and jogging with the homies is a better alternative to y*ga.

>> No.17976369

Beauty is an ideal worth striving for, my mind and body are both beautiful and substantial.
Suck my dick aestheticlets, you will never feel how it is to be mired