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File: 350 KB, 2000x1333, JordanPeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17974420 No.17974420 [Reply] [Original]

>read 12 Rules for Life
realised i need to stand up straight
>read 12 More Rules for Life
realised i don't need to do things i don't like to do
It seems that Petersonism is the endgame of right wing philosophy and that postmodernism is dead + Jung's books are top tier literature. Do not weep for me as I have chosen the same glorious path of wisdom, as Peterson did. Good luck in hell retards

>> No.17974533

Peterson has no fucking clue what he's talking about but whatever the fuck fits your narrative

>> No.17974549

Okay, have fun telling others to clean up their act while being addicted to benzos, and having mental breakdowns from eating a banana

>> No.17974558


>> No.17974566

based benzoman petersonposter DESTROYS /lit/ with one (1) thread

>> No.17974569


>> No.17974579

Sorry but that channel is just as bad as JBP.

>> No.17974590

>Cuck philosophy guy
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.17974593

Well it isn't a bad set of rules for not being a mopey bastard.

But I don't really see what is so right wing about it -

>> No.17974597

Anything that promotes masculine behaviour in men is inherently right wing. Right and left are political analogues of male and female.

>> No.17974600

No!!!!!!!!!! I just shat myself

>> No.17974606

>Shrek (2001) - A Marxist analysis
And into the trash it goes.

>> No.17974608

Honestly I can fully accept Peterson is completely out of his depth when talking about postmodern philosophy and a bunch of other things, but when he's in his element (psychology) he can pretty interesting. Plus now I can talk about Jung with normie friends

>> No.17974625

>abandon ideology bucko! Except for mine, because Jungian Conservative Christianity and worshipping free market capitalism is the default state of man, and definitely not an ideology!
>also, if that doesn’t give you meaning or purpose, just clean your room, bucko! If your room is crystal clean, and you still feel an overwhelming sense of meaninglessness, just keep cleaning your room until meaning falls from the sky somehow!
>now, if you’ll excuse, I have a drug habit to attend to, a pantry filled with beef, salt and water with my name on it. Keep avoiding those greens, bucko, greens unactualize your physiological proclivities, which gives you a seizure!

>> No.17974633

>gets completely debunked
I thought you cucks loved FACTS AND LOGIC

>> No.17974635

I know you did but what am I?

>> No.17974636

Based. Sick of these hyper academized sophist faggots.

>> No.17974638


>> No.17974639

I mean, I guess, but a lot of his Jungian stuff is fully imbued with his nonsensical boomer ramblings about postmodernism and marxism which have no factual or analytical or any sort of other basis

>> No.17974643

>le epic YouTube intellectual is better than a well established and well renown doctor
Okay retard, want me to explain why a youtuber cherry picking clips and editing things out of context is bad or are you simply an identitarian that's not receptive to contrary ideas

>> No.17974644
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>> No.17974657

>a well established and well renown doctor
That’s everything JP isn’t, and never will be

>> No.17974665


>> No.17974680

>calling a man who wrote a book on meaning with various different definition of the word ‘meaning’ a con artist is cope
>clinging on to his fantasies that his schizo tier ramblings on how Frozen is neo-modern post-Marxist mind control will somehow revitalize Western civilization somehow isn’t

>> No.17974682

more cope from the copemeister

>> No.17974689

You dont need to know that much about postmodern philosophy to know its all garbage

>> No.17974691

What do you even mean by cope at this point? Any opinion you don’t like? I thought all you conservative logiclords had the facts on your side

>> No.17974693

Does this mean your entire diet is now lobsters?

>> No.17974698

Cope is spazzing out about things that aren't even relevant or true in order to appear victorious

>> No.17974726

It’s not relevant to you that in Maps of Meaning, its main subject, the concept of meaning, has at least six different definitions, which are all different from each other and don’t actually explain the concept, but just obfuscate it?

It’s also not relevant that Lobster Messiah promoted a book with groundbreaking tips, such as ‘don’t give advice on how to improve other people’s lives’ and ‘tell the truth, or at least don’t lie’, while being addicted to drugs himself?

Is this serious, or are you doing a bit right now, of the typical mindless Petersonian zealot?

>> No.17974732

Neither of those are relevant, and you have misrepresented both, correct. Continue to cope.

>> No.17974745

How are they not relevant? It’s not relevant that JP never explains any of the stuff he claims he can explain, or that he demonstrably doesn’t follow the rules for life he commands the whole world to follow?

>> No.17974807

Why are you arguing with a guy who's just saying "cope"?

>> No.17974813

I’m an incurable optimist I guess

>> No.17975770

The philosopher isn't necessarily a consequencial man. Just a guy who philosophizes.

>> No.17975847

Maybe not to you, but he is to me. Any philosopher that can’t explain what he believes to be true in a clear, concise and consistent fashion is to me indistinguishable from a conman. This effect is increased when I look at some of Peterson’s own actions, which seem to be concerned almost entirely with money and influence, and his followers, who seem to view him in roughly the same way as Scientologists view L. Ron Hubbard

>> No.17976479

First and third point is painfully reductive and out of context
Second point somewhat reasonable

>> No.17976498

That post only has two points, retard

>> No.17976520

Peterson is the main force behind the modern clinical standard for measuring the personality of humans

>> No.17976561

I skimmed through his books and I think he's kinda right young people need to take on more responsibility. On the other hand young people in the Anglosphere right now have insane, bigoted politics against people like me, so maybe they shouldn't take on responsibility.

>> No.17976562

>i dont know anything about it
>but i know its bad
peterson has the same attitute towards anything he deems bad and its why hes wrong about almost everything he deems bad, just like his braindead admirers

>> No.17976575

And ‘measuring personality’ sounds like utter woo-woo bullshit.

>> No.17976584
File: 388 KB, 1190x1564, 1606443786081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed Peterson's 12 rules and look how I turned out

>> No.17976589

Good luck with that

>> No.17976602

>measuring unquantifiable and hard-to-define qualities
Psychology really is a meme.

>> No.17976606

Good luck with what? In this case, I’ll just wait until ‘measuring personality’ is demonstrated to be total bullshit and just withers away like the scam it is

>> No.17977784 [DELETED] 

Ironically the goal was to create the Ubermensch but here is JP, creating sheep. If you tell men they're somehow superior than a woman because testosterone, they will kiss your feet for seeing worth in them.

>> No.17978621

Why does /lit/ always make fun of 12 Rules when Maps of Meaning contains Peterson's actual theory?

>> No.17978747

My epiphany today is that daily Peterson posts are like my daily toilet routine. A healthy and regular way of purging waste, although in this case it is his dumb ideas.

>> No.17978843
File: 4 KB, 205x246, F6E90404-73A4-4EBD-AA71-D1644E2D923A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dirtbag communist types on Reddit and Twitter were really too hard on this guy. I didn’t speak up when everyone was being ganging up on him and being cruel toward him but I did a cursory look over his stuff and a lot of it wasn’t that radically reactionary. He just seems like kind of a normie boomer who caught up in a moment of heightened culture war tension around a topic he didn’t really understand and was unwittingly thrust into the public consciousness. It seems like he’s suffered a lot of unjustified hate and cruelty.

I also hope his wife is okay.

>t. Never read a Peterson book or watched any of his lectures

>> No.17978862

> On the other hand young people in the Anglosphere right now have insane, bigoted politics against people like me, so maybe they shouldn't take on responsibility.

Asian incel detected

>> No.17979089

>He just seems like kind of a normie boomer who caught up in a moment of heightened culture war tension
That's how his stuff looks on the surface, but if you dig a bit deeper you find videos of him wearing a fedora and talking like an incel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeL-Fn0V8iU
Or videos where he argues that art should never be subversive and artists should never know what they're doing because he got angry about Frozen having a positive message for girls (not boys).

>> No.17979621
File: 48 KB, 456x740, 80a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says women shouldn't choose men with low test
>"some even stooped so low to date men who are short"
>talking like an incel
choose your buzzwords carefully, my guy.

>> No.17979644

>hating on jordan peterson (pbuh)
go back

>> No.17979664

I will never take anyone who uses phrases like:
> talking like an incel

>> No.17979685

hating on this pseud is a time-honored tradition on /lit/.

>> No.17980062

One can be certain that any book titled: "*insert numerical* Rules/Laws for/of Life/Power/et alii], can be justly enclosed with: "[...] for the Superfluous Human".

>> No.17980107

Wash your filthy penis.

>> No.17980140

Source? Retard.

>> No.17980357

>he got angry frozen had a positive message for girls
This sentence is so ridiculous. You’re a fucking retard. He talked about Peter Pan and Pinocchio that actually have lessons in them, enlighten yourself