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/lit/ - Literature

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17972842 No.17972842 [Reply] [Original]

When a protagonist is facing
Impossible odds is it better for them to give up and accept his fate or keep fighting to the end no matter how futile?

>> No.17972849

Is this what Jordan Peterson meant by Dominance Hierarchy?

>> No.17972850

Hair transplant
Eyebrow transplant
Beard trim
Problem solved

>> No.17972856

Yeah his beard is awful

What the fuck

>> No.17972857

poor dude

genes are literally everything. i reckon in 30 years, poly relationships for women are going to be a lot more common, assuming men under 5'10" don't die out before then.

>> No.17972859
File: 54 KB, 708x404, 1608447121288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another incel thread

>> No.17972868

You only have bias for threads made for genetically inferior men. You were gifted everything and you have not, and will never suffer or have anything go wrong in your entire life.
Be thankful. You're one of the chosen.

>> No.17972873
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>under 5'10
just made it

>> No.17972883

I just want to talk about literature on a literature board.

>> No.17972905

It is better to fight and not go silently into the night

>> No.17972923

I'm quite attractive but dont have any good photos of myself just a few shitty dirty mirror selfies. So I never get any matches on dating apps because I dont have an instagram with 100 photos linked to my profile.

>> No.17972933

Plus maybe because of my age range (mid 20s) women expect a bunch of social pictures etc etc

>> No.17972939
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Keep fighting

>> No.17973038

>black hand

>> No.17973109

Oh yeah it’s coming, I live in a super progressive city so it’s basically a cesspool where the latest lgbt mutations fuck, multiply and disperse, and tons of women here are “poly”. People with neon hair, garbage tattoos, chaotic clothing, fat, you know the type, this place is crawling with them. It’s as if these people make a goal for themselves to be as degenerate as possible. Why?

>> No.17973123

He should just go to Latam/Asia, desu.

>> No.17973140

Why do you feel the need to make these shitty threads?

>> No.17973163

western civilisation won’t last that long

>> No.17973175

That's why he wrote "energy".

>> No.17973188

This board has never earnestly discussed literature.

>> No.17973195

Why not just make an instagram?

>> No.17973198

America at least will definitely collapse by then, agreed.

>> No.17973204

You're better off going somewhere else. People come here for cheap, easy entertainment. They're not here to discuss literature seriously.

>> No.17973213

>You're better off going somewhere else

>> No.17973220
File: 341 KB, 1114x1536, The_Fairy_Feller's_Master_Stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the first post he says he's 22, but in the third he says he's 27. Why would anyone that young lie about their age?

>> No.17973231

Maybe it’s a troll account dragging this poor ugly looking dude through the mud

>> No.17973273

Yeah, I would like to see him without the beard.

>> No.17973281

Someone should have told him "just be yourself, bro".

>> No.17973310

Same I have a great job making tons of money, a good group of friends I do shit with regularly, interesting (but solitary/masculine) hobbies, and have been called attractive by attractive girls in my past, yet I'm a 25 yo virgin because I have 0 interaction with girls my age in my day-to-day life and I don't have any pictures for these stupid apps.

>> No.17973517

The only thing really wrong with it is the big gap on the chin

I think the main issue is that he's a conehead

>> No.17973540
File: 464 KB, 2110x1296, cheerleader teenage love incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on improvin', little guy.

>> No.17973544

He needs a Scottish accent and to become a black smith.

>> No.17973561

>Same I have a great job making tons of money, a good group of friends I do shit with regularly, interesting (but solitary/masculine) hobbies, and have been called attractive by attractive girls in my past, yet I'm a 25 yo virgin because I have 0 interaction with girls my age in my day-to-day life and I don't have any pictures for these stupid apps
It's cool to shit on PUAs these days, yet somehow they're smart enough to give advice like "fucking spend time around women" which otherwise escapes autists. My aunt worked with a famous ballet company and the butt-fuck ugliest male dancers (who, surprisingly, were mostly straight) still had women crawling over them. Not because of their status but because they showed up every day.

>> No.17973573

Yeah no shit but where do I find women to spend time around?

>> No.17973586 [DELETED] 

i think incels just focus on getting having sex too much. look at forestanon. he is probably the only short guy with a receding hairline who doesn't care that he's a short guy with a receding hairline.

>> No.17973604

incels just focus on having sex too much. take forestanon for example. he is probably the only short guy with a receding hairline who doesn't care that he's a short guy with a receding hairline.

>> No.17973613

This is an outcast's idea of what it's like for 'average' people. Complete cope, as if he's one of them--or, no doubt in his delusional mind, something even superior--and not one of what he derides. Many people he describes as 'average or above average' end up on drugs or drink, living in a hotel, an ex-wife, alimony, nominally desireable though failing career, friendless and alone etc. All while 'going with the flow,' as meaningful and insightful as that platitude is. That said, the guy in OP is a delusional oddball.

>> No.17973655
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>> No.17973662

another great literature thread

>> No.17973717

Except for the future generations

>> No.17973718

t. Retard who unironically has their entire reality defined by 90s and 2000s hollywood teen movie tropes

>> No.17973748

I was a friendless khv until 23 and by 25 I fucked so many random women I lost count and became disgusted with myself. Women are fucking idiots and thinking they are some complicated beings that takes years of experience to figure out is embarrassing. And the "normal" life is absolutely pathetic, the majority of normal people live mediocre lives with barely any sex, validation, accomplishments, in quite desperation. Imagine looking up to that
delusion. I'm pretty sure the loser who wrote that post is a virgin shut in himself, but not any more of a loser than the idiots who have repeatedly posted this image in the last 2 years

>> No.17973757

Such cope.

>> No.17973760
File: 401 KB, 1000x707, FF8DBA21-54B5-4C64-BE42-63222B3E6D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the hero continues to fight despite impossible odds is what makes him a hero.