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17972579 No.17972579 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Writer and Artist more important than the Businessman and Manufacturer?

>> No.17972583

Yes. Only people with pleb mindsets say otherwise.

>> No.17972587


>> No.17972610

Important to who?

>> No.17972615

>He posts on his computer, sitting on his chair, under the roof of his house, using internet supported by a vast infrastructure...

>> No.17972618
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Good luck eating

>> No.17972660

I’m food self reliant. Like I said only city plebs say otherwise.

>> No.17972663

So you're a farmer first and an artist second.

>> No.17972677

OP said businessman and manufacturers, not farmers.

>> No.17972685

Ya and you're talking to me now, and I think farmers are based.

>> No.17972698

As if farmers don't manufacture food and sell them to the markets - what a massive shift in goal posts.

>> No.17972706

Is this a question from the political compass test?

>> No.17972711

> he use things therefore he can’t have an opinion

>> No.17972733


>> No.17972765

Why are you seething already? I'm just saying that the artist must be very important role indeed if his contributions outweigh everything I've just described and more.

>> No.17973118

You donpt understand OP, this board only wants to discuss christianity, tradcatholicism - things of a pontificative nature.

>> No.17973259

If there is no artist, there is nothing to produce, nothing to sell. With no manufacturer, the piece is not widely spread, but it still exists.

>> No.17973267

More important for watt?

>> No.17973275

Everyone is more important than the Businessman

>> No.17973836

No. A business analyst or warehouse manager makes far more than a liberal art graduate. Shocker, I know

>> No.17973851

burgerking retard we are talking about other aspects
is your mcdonalds 100th burgr stuck in your brain mate

>> No.17973903

Nice, the Liberal Arts major is here - Yeah, I'll take a cheeseburger stunner meal with a frozen coke.

>> No.17973920

I am not a liberal arts major burger
we aren't talking about jobs or majors here if your low IQ midwit FUCKING SAME FUCKING PATTERN SEEKING LABEL MAKING MORNOIC MIND OF YOUR CAN UNDERSTAND

>> No.17973932

Yup. And I was nourished by the cow and the plants I eat and oxygen I breath were pollinized by insects. They are still below me. You want me to worship slaves?

>> No.17973939

Farming in the west is businessman and manufacturers lmfao. Its not 1926

>> No.17973947

midwit cringe
Modern world is literally tyranny of the plebs and mediocre

>> No.17973955

Are you going to take my order, or will I take this up to your employers?

>> No.17973973

you are the type of twitter nugget who turns every conversation in an american political hellhole
you don't belong here
you know what? I think you do
considering this image board is dead
go on about your day
I just hope your grandma never bakes cake for you again that is all

>> No.17974008

The Writer and Artist can also be a businessman or manufacturer.

>> No.17974020

Unfortunately, you just got fired for your disorderly conduct. To be more specific, I got you fired for your disorderly conduct. On the bright side, now you are free to make an argument anytime now.

>> No.17974042


>> No.17974071

No. They are dependent on eachother.

>> No.17974078

The businessman is a parasite

>> No.17974079

>No response
Literally all subhumans incapable of rational thought.

>> No.17974084

sad the owner of the company worked day and night to make it work but now he is rich and your entitled ass doesn't get richie rich money?
it's fair
cry more

>> No.17974123

I will answer in their stead. While the businessman and manufacturer answers the how of life, only the writer and artist can answer the why; the latter question surpassing the former in importance.

>> No.17974129

>believing in muh rags to riches bootstraps meme

lol mark

>> No.17974130

I was asleep, fuckwad

>> No.17974136

More than 10 fucking minutes to respond, you rude entitled worthless little shit.
Wrong you filthy rats construct delusions about your importance, the purpose of life is life itself. You belong in a camp.

>> No.17974140

eat shit

>> No.17974141

go to bed you gotta get up early to suck goldberg's dick in the morning

>> No.17974143

Concentration camp soon.

>> No.17974146

>the purpose of life is life itself
who wrote that?

>> No.17974203

Many people have wrote that. The originator of the idea is lost to time.

>> No.17974237

"Is the Liberal Arts graduate more important than the Harvard Economics graduate?"

No. Not even close.

>> No.17974250

So you don't disagree with me when I said that writing was concerned with the purpose of life. But why, then, did you respond to me with such vitriol and hostility?

>> No.17974331

What are you talking about?

>> No.17974384

Does this conversation seem odd to you:
>Person 1: The manufacturer is concerned with the hows of life, the artist, with the why of life.
>Person 2: Fuck you, filthy rat. the only why of life is life itself.
>Person 1: But surely, that is also a meaning to life which is written about?
>Person 2: Your right. In fact, it has been written so many times that we don't know who originally wrote about it.
As you can see, Person 2 does not even disagree with Person 1 as far as the discussion is concerned. So for what reason did he call him a filthy rat in the first place?

>> No.17974449

I have done it you parasitic moron

>> No.17974460

I don't know.

>> No.17974464

What a useless response

>> No.17974471

Nice thread accfag.

>> No.17974531

Let's be completely clear.

Your belief:
Artists + Writers > Businessmen + Manufacturers

The factually correct truth:
Businessmen + Manufacturers > Artists + Writers

Artists and writers cannot exist without businessmen and manufacturers.

Businessmen and manufactures can exist without artists and writers.

What you said:
>While the businessman and manufacturer answers the how of life
>Only the writer and artist can answer the why;
>the latter question surpassing the former in importance.

The how can exist without the why.
Hence the businessman is more important.

>> No.17974595

>Artists and writers cannot exist without businessmen and manufacturers.
>Businessmen and manufactures can exist without artists and writers.
>The how can exist without the why. Hence the businessman is more important.
All dubious assertions to say the least. After all, before Businessmen and Manufacturers were so, they first would've needed a reason to become so and to remain so. Once again, Why triumphs over How, and the Artist over the Businessman.

>> No.17974622

It doesn't the how is the foundation of why in this case.

The (why a method exists) cannot exist before the method is defined.

>> No.17974649

You misunderstand. The method does not exist and then create a reason for its existence after the fact, but to the contrary the reason exists and the method is created within view of that reason.

>> No.17974708

Absolutely based.

>> No.17974731

I do not misunderstand. I know exactly what you're saying, you're just completely wrong.

Do you think a robot can be made without metal?
Do you think the concept of a robot can be created without the prerequisite knowledge?
It's impossible.
The prerequisite conditions for the robot must be defined beforehand.
It's the same in programming. Space in memory must be allocated before the data can be stored.

>> No.17974806

Now you are merely naming causes for the things coming into being. Of course metal (or any substitute material) is required to build a robot. The prerequisite knowledge is also a necessity. While we are at it, time too is a must, for how could a robot be made without the passing of time? Nor could a robot be made without a place; a robot must be made somewhere after all. We can both name an infinite number of material conditions which make possible the construction of a robot. Nevertheless, there exists no material condition which make certain the construction of these robots.

>> No.17974843

You cannot write without a pen.
You cannot type without a keyboard.
You cannot think without a brain.

You cannot make a pen without some form of ink, some form of paper, some form of container, and accidentally applying the ink to the paper, and accidentally storing the ink in a container.

That is the how. The how comes before the why. Why does the ink apply to the paper? You do not find this out until the how is defined.

You think that: Why should a pen exist, because I said so.
you still need to find the ink, you still need the paper, you still need the container, you still need to accidentally apply the ink to the paper, you still need to accidentally store the ink inside the container.

>> No.17974859

The businessman and manufacturer keep your body alive, the writer and artist keep your soul alive.

>> No.17974876

I hope you lose it all

>> No.17974882

The why should a pen exist is a negligible requirement for the pen's creation, and even then it is still apart of the how.

>> No.17974884

Read Plato's Republic - that is all.

>> No.17974885


>> No.17974902

Why am I even conversing with idiots?
Industry is your foundation. Fuck you subhuman.

And fuck you subhuman.

>> No.17974935

You say that it is a negligible requirement
when, to the contrary, it is of the utmost importance to the pen's creation. I must say, your responses up to this point, and the arrogance which accompany them, betray a severe lack of reflection. Do you actually read books?

>> No.17974971

This. Why did it take this long for this to be mentioned? When an artist or writer puts out, manufactures, a piece are they not selling whatever it is they made for fame, change, etc...?

>> No.17974991

Did you know that industries and markets are motivated by profit? That is to say, that businessmen do not manufacture for the sake of it, unlike what you are implying, but with a view of a profit incentive? I wonder how you will reconcile with that fact (read: sidestep it entirely) .

>> No.17974999

Though a person can be both an artist and an manufacturer, it does not mean that the two roles are equivalent. That would be like saying that six and nine were equal because they shared the symbol 6

>> No.17975041

In your imagination
>I see no particular reason to invent pens, yet I am going to undergo all that arduous effort and trial and error to invent it nonetheless.

In reality
>Fuck that shit, nigga. What's the point.

>> No.17976409

You're so dumb. Muh capital is what decides how industry works. You think industries aren't smart enough to break this mindset? You're living in a globalist world.